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NUR 115 - Nursing Informatics P1 Exam - LECTURE

Multiple Choice

1. What is the primary disadvantage of using computer information system? *

a. Requires extensive planning, designing and commercial implementation

b. Data can be easily corrupted
c. Special storage is necessary
d. Data communication system will have an additional cost

2, Advantages of Computer Information System (Select all that apply) *

a. Data maintenance
b. Cannot be expanded
c. High maintenance cost
d. Data integrity is preserved

3. The SCHWIRIAN’s MODEL contains for primary elements, except *

er as
a. Users

eH w
b. Nursing related information
c. Goal

d. Panels
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4. According to Benner's level of expertise model, the enhanced mastery and the ability to cope with many
contingencies *

a. Expert
b. Novice
aC s
vi y re

c. Advanced Beginner
d. Competent

5. Which of the following are components of healthcare informatics? (Select all that apply) *
ed d

a. Radiology science
ar stu

b. Healthcare science
c. Cognitive science
d. Computer science

6. Nursing interventions can be reasonably explained through evidence-based research studies and work

experience. *

a. Nursing process
b. Critical thinking

c. Nursing information system

d. Healthcare information system

7. Involves proper comprehension of the patient's condition and responses *

a. Implementation
b. Diagnosis
c. Assessment

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d. Evaluation

8. Nursing informatics is a specialty that integrates the following, except? *

a. Nursing science
b. Computer science
c. Information science
d. Health-based science

9. It is a specialist responsible for providing clinical information and data analysis for effective patient care
and monitoring. *

a. Nursing Informatics Specialist

b. Nursing Aid Assistant
c. Head Nurse
d. Nursing Care Manager

10. It is defined as any computing process that transforms patient and healthcare data into information or

knowledge necessary for the medication use process. *

er as
a. Nursing Information Data

eH w
b. Nursing Monitoring Management System
c. Nursing-Patient Data Management

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Nursing Information System
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11. Broadened this definition to address the actual science and inherent theories of information and
information processing. *

a. Information System
aC s

b. Computer- Assisted Learning

vi y re

c. Informatics
d. Distance Learning

12. Nursing Informatics became an accepted specialty and many nursing experts entered the field *
ed d

a. 1990s
ar stu

b. 1960s
c. 1970s
d. 1980s

13. They developed the machines to perform arithmetic calculations. (Select all that apply) *

a. Blaise Pascal
b. Charles Babbage
c. Gottfried Leibnitz

d. Herman Hollerith

14. This model is the most helpful to informatics nurse specialists concentrating on informatics issues
related to users, such as decision making and the construction of computer interfaces for nurses. *



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15. If the hospital computerization is programmed properly it will provide direct and instant data and
information. Which of the following support the information system? (Select all that apply) *

a. medication process
b. list of medication
c. drugs to be administered
d. availability of the drug in the pharmaceutical company

16. A carefully designed computer-based system has a key benefits. (Select all that apply) *

a. increase the effectiveness and productivity of health professionals

b. improve the quality and reduce the costs of health services
c. increase productivity cost of the hospitals
d. improve levels of science and of patient satisfaction

17. A shared online journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and

hobbies *

er as
a. Captcha

eH w
b. Social bookmarking
c. Folksonomy

d. Blog
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18. These are the advantages of Web 2.0, except? *

a. learners cannot be involved in knowledge building


b. ease of usage
aC s

c. can create dynamic learning communities

vi y re

d. every edit that has been made can be tracked

19. An act prescribing the intellectual property code and establishing the intellectual property office,
providing for its powers and functions, and for other purposes. *
ed d

a. Republic Act No. 8293

ar stu

b. Republic Act No. 8020

c. Republic Act No. 8029
d. Republic Act No. 8990

20. What provides a generalized method of attaching patient monitoring devices to a common interface? *

a. MIB
b. GUI
c. ECG

d. MIS

21. What are the basic types of software? (Select all that apply) *

a. Commercial
b. Open source software
c. Shareware
d. Personal ware

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e. Free ware

22. It is a network that spans a large area, such as a town or city. *

a. LAN
b. WAN
c. MAN
d. PAN

23. Examples of a browser. (Select all that apply) *

a. Firewall
b. Internet explorer
c. Chrome
d. Interweb
e. Firefox

24. These are the functions of computer system, except? *

er as
a. Communication and integration of information

b. Data warehousing and remote accessing

eH w
c. Statistical Information System
d. None of the above

rs e
25. Examples of Web 2.0 applications (Select all that apply) *
ou urc
a. Syndication
b. Cost per click

c. Microblogging
aC s

d. Waikiki
vi y re

e. Flickr

26. Which of the following describes Video sharing sites? *

a. Posting brief and often frequent updates online

ed d

b. Virtual community or profile site, a social network is a website that brings people together to talk
ar stu

c. Lets people upload and share their video clips with the public at large or to invited guests.
d. None of the above

27. Key characteristics of web 2.0? *


a. Better sound
b. Sharing and openness
c. Better design
d. user generated content

28. Web Conference describes as? *

a. Can manage documents, audio and video files as categories, attributes, or nodes in visual
b. Displays that show the structure and properties of the document.
c. Allows two or more people from different locations to hold a live conference over the Internet
d. Conduct a conference between two or more participants at different sites by using computer networks
to transmit audio and video data.

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29. Available software for nurses? (Select all that apply) *

a. Tettito
b. Tarasion
c. PDA Cortex
d. Netdoc
e. Nursing Central

30. Which of the following that describes PDA Cortex? *

a. It contains trusted medical information ordered by specialty

b. A virus checker to increase security for Internet connections
c. An informative Web site that features information on health care information
d. It minimize the chance of interception of data transmission


er as
Write A if it is true and write B if it is false. Your answer must be in capital letter.

1. Evidence-based practice helps nurses to improve the patient care. * T

eH w
rs e
2. The nursing processes and practice can further damage the implementation of electronic
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documentation effectively. * T

3. RA 10178 protects individuals from unauthorized processing of personal information. * T

aC s
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4. When communicating electronically, you are free to say whatever you want because you are not in a
face-to-face conversation. * F
ed d
ar stu

5. When forwarding electronic messages, all previous e-mail addresses should never delete to protect
the privacy of others or ask the original sender of forwarding is appropriate. * F

6. Critical care nurses will need to keep pace with the latest information and develop skills to manage
new treatment methods and technologies. * T

7. Computer viruses and other potential computer threats that will manifest sabotage and destruction
of data can be properly address by computer firewalls. * T

8. Nurses who use the Electronic Health Records will spend less time updating data, statistical
calculation can be performed with hard math equations. * T

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9. Vocabularies play a strategic role in providing access to computerized health information because
clinicians use a variety of terms for the same concept. * T

10. Documentation requirements such as maintenance of records accreditation and legal records. * T

11. Application software focuses on how the computer operates. * T

12. Nursing informatics is a specialty of healthcare informatics which deals with the support of nursing
by information systems in delivery. * T

13. Do not send chain letters via email. * T

er as
eH w
14. Web 2.0 do not offer sources for researchers. * F

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15. Major features of Web 2.0 allow users to collectively classify and find dynamic information that
flows two ways between site owner and site user by means of evaluation, comments, and reviews. *

aC s
vi y re

16. Nurses and other healthcare professionals does not use the internet to establish communications
since the internet has a collection of vast information. * F
ed d
ar stu

17. Size and weight determine to what extent a computer is considered portable. * T

18. It is possible to set-up a desktop computer to connect wirelessly to a network and does not involves
special hardware to use it. * T

19. Portable or laptop computers can be connected to networks or peripheral devices through the use of

a motherboard. * F

20. A PDA can hold up to rough use and has a small screen size. * F

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