夢幻. James Dela Cruz Answer Sheets 3

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Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer that best describes the idea.
_B__1. Which of the following is a man-made hazard that could lead to disaster?
A. Earthquake B. Nuclear Plant melt down
C. Volcanic eruption D. Typhoon
_E__2. Which factor intensifies the impact of disaster?
A. Vulnerability C. Nature of hazard E. Both A and B
B. Exposure D. Coping Capacity F. A, B, and C
_A__3. The extent to which a structure, community, geographic area or services are likely to be damaged or
disrupted by the impact of particular hazard is termed as1
A. Coping capacity C. Risk
B. Vulnerability D. Hazard assessment
_C__4. Which of the following groups of people is more vulnerable in the event of disaster?1
A. Men, boys, old people C. Women, children, old people
B. Men, Women, Boys D. none of the above
_D__5. Which of the following is seasonally related hazard that causes disaster to one’s life?1
A. Earthquake C. Terrorist attack
B. Volcanic Eruption D. None of the above

Tell me something!

Directions: Examine the figure below. Could you provide some examples for each risk factor underlying
disasters? You may start now.

Hazard Vulnerability Exposure

1. Typhoon 1. People living near the sea 1. Flood

2. Earthquake 2. Major population 2. Tsunami

3. Wildfire 3. Animals and trees 3. Inhalation irritants

What could be the concept at the middle of the three overlapping circles? Answer: Risk
Situation: Supposed there is a typhoon signal number three that will strike two types of house as pictured below.
Fill in the necessary data and answer the question that follows.

Compare how vulnerable the two structures are with the given hazard.

During Typhoon (Hut) After Typhoon (Hut)

Different parts of the house will be blown away due The hut will either be destroyed or completely blown
to the materials that are used in it. away.

During Typhoon (Modern House) After Typhoon (Modern House)

Modern houses are able to withstand the typhoon but It will suffer some minor damage and the worst case
depending on how it is built and constructing it using is replacing the destroyed areas of the house instead
low quality materials can be its vulnerability.. of repairing it.

Answer: The hut is completely vulnerable and won’t be able to withstand the typhoon while the modern house
will only suffer minor damage and is still repairable due to the materials used.
Explain how people could have experienced disaster based on the type of house they reside in.
Answer: The ones that live in small houses will most likely lose their homes and can possibly be injured during
the typhoon while the ones living in modern houses won’t experience anything serious as long as they are aware
and prepared.


Situation: There was a strong earthquake in your community where there are many families living in your area.
Describe the fear reactions of each person described below by rating it from 1 to 3 and noting 3 being the most
fearsome feeling. Be able to answer the questions that follow.

People’s Ages Reaction

Children ages 3-9 3

Teenagers 2

Women 2

Men 1

Elder 3

In an extreme situation after an earthquake, how would you describe the feeling among the people’s ages?
Answer: Children still doesn’t know what to do in these situations thus making them the ones who fear it most,
teenagers already knows how to handle this situations such as this and same with the women, as for men they
will take safety precautions and stay composed, and for the elders they will be the most vulnerable in this

Would you think that among people’s ages or genders have the same degree of reactions toward hazard? Why
do you think so?
Answer: No. Some are not able to stay composed during these situations thus making them unable to decide
and have a clear decision about how they will act when facing these kinds of hazards.


Directions: Describe briefly how disaster would affect people’s life in terms of the given factor below. Use the
following letter to describe your answer:

A- Greatly affected D- it depends

B- Slightly affected
C- Little to no effect

People in Society Psychological Economic Status Coping Capacity

Children A D B

Women B D B

Men C D B

Senior Citizen B B A

Describe the effects of disaster in one’s life.

Answer: Disaster can affect different aspects in a person’s life, it can be physically, mentally, financially, etc.
Care and concern for others: In your own little way, how can you be able to help someone who experienced a
disaster in their life?
Answer: By donating things that will be able to help them and also some words of encouragement that can
muster up their strength to move forward.

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer that best describes the idea.

_A___1. The degree of disaster in one’s life is influenced by the following factors except__
A. Capacity to cope C. exposure to hazard E. Only A and C
B. Vulnerability D. All of the above

_A___2. The nature of risk is lessened when the capacity to cope is higher.

A. True B. False C. it depends D. Sometimes

_E___3. People’s life in a society is affected during and after disaster. Which is not a factor of the effect of
A. Physical C. Socio-cultural E. none of the above
B. Psychological D. Economic factors

_B___4. During a disaster, which group of people is the least vulnerable?

A. Men, women, old people C. Women, children, old people

B. Men and Women D. none of the above

_D___5. How would you generally describe the effects of disaster in one’s life?

A. Older people are more vulnerable

B. Children’s capacity to cope depends on their parents
C. Psychologically; men, women, children, and older people have their own degree of fear towards disaster.
D. D. The degree of impact of disaster varies from one person to another.

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