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A. Kind and Design of Research

This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative research is

the research try to serve with systematic and accurate the actual facts and

specific population and using no the calculation.21 In rather specific, this

qualitative research have the system in case study or the research that result the

data of descriptive like written words or oral from persons and the behavior that

capable of control the directed to individual or organization in variable and

hypothesis, but then look on as a part of some totality. The kind of research

target is research how is student Speaking ability in English by self-directed


B. Setting of Research

a. The Location of Research

The researcher was conducted this research at Non English Department

2nd semester Perbankan Syariah students in IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo.

b. The Time of Research

According Susan Stainback, there is no way to give easy to how long it

takes to do a qualitative research study. The “typical” study probably last about

a year. But the actual length or duration depends on the resources, interest, and

Lexy J. Moleong.Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya,
2000), p. 184.


purposes of the investigator. It also depends on the size of the study and how

much time the researcher puts into the study each day or week. 22

Generally, qualitative research uses a long time but if all the data can be

found in one week or more and has proven its credibility, qualitative research

was complete, so it does not take a long time. Furthermore, the time of this

research will conducted in three month.

C. The Subject of Research

This is done at each meeting when the researcher conducts observation,

structured interviews and documentation.23 The researcher conducted this

research at the non-English department 2nd semester at Perbankan Syariah in

IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo with the number of 5 students, the researcher only

focus on 5 students because they are the active students when the learning

process English language takes place in the classroom.

D. The Instrument of Research

Instrument in this research are interview structured and the


E. The Technique of the Data Collecting

Technique of the data collecting is the important strategy in the

research. Because of the main purpose from this research for getting the data

the methods will be used to get the data in this research as follows:

Sugiyono, Memahami Peneletian Kualitatif , (Bandung, Alfabeta, 2014), Cet. 10, p. 24
Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Statistik, (Jakarta: Rineke
Cipta, 2013), p.183

a) Interview

Interview, in broad outline there are two kinds of interview are:

1. Interview unstructured is the interview manual that only loading broad

outline would ask. Sure that creative of interviewer is very important, in

fact the result of interview with the kind of this research more of depend

from interviewer itself. Interviewer as director the informant answer.

Then, in this interview come true for case study.

2. Interview structured is the interview manual that structured in details like

check list. Furthermore, Interviewer only punctuated √ (check) in suitably

of number.24

Interview in this research, researcher implemented the collections

data by interview structured technique. The manual interview based on

essential element of Self-Directed Learning, which that 20 numeral by

delineative in the table:

Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan Praktek,p. 202.

Table 1.2 Blueprint of Topic Trigger Question

The Essential Elements of Self Directed Learning

Indicators Number of Question

1. Student Control Over 1 2 3 4

2. Skill Development 5 6 7 8 9

3. Student Challenge Themselves 10 11

4. Self-Motivation And Assessment 12 13 14 15 16

5. Student Self-Management 17 18 19 20

1. Interview Unstructured

a. Student Control Over

1. What is your decision on the learning you want to achieve?

2. Do you have English material to be learned in a day?


• Today learning to speak

• Tomorrow learns reading and so on

3. How do you train yourself to learn English speaking?

4. Does the lecturer give the task to improve your learning towards

speaking English?

b. Skill Development

5. What will you do when developing your knowledge of English,

especially in speaking?

6. How do you develop skills in speaking English?

7. Is using the method of Self-Directed Learning can think freely without

being burdened?

8. Do you often negotiate with lecturers about materials you do not know


9. Does the English lecturer give the task; can draw your study's attention

to do it?

c. Student Challenge Themselves

10. Do you like to challenge yourself when learning English speaking?

11. Is it in the challenge that you expect an achievement with good results?

d. Self-Motivation and Assessment

12. Do you have the principle of speaking English?

13. What motivates you to learn speaking English?

14. Do you learn English to be inspired by yourself or others?

15. After learning, do you often evaluate yourself to see your progress?

16. How do you respond to people who criticize or advise you on your

learning activities?

e. Student Self-Management

17. How do you manage when learning English?

18. Do you learn English speaking, do you need confidence?


19. Do you like to do something that is difficult for yourself and finish it to


20. Can you manage the time when learning English?

b) Documentation

Documentation is the past event note. Usually document written

note, picture, or monumental creation from someone. In this research,

would use the documentation like Recording Voice. Talking about the

document, Bogdan argued in most tradition of qualitative research, the

phrase personal document is used broadly to refer to any first person

narrative produced by an individual who describes his or her own actions,

experience and belief.25

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data

Data analysis can be defined as the process of bringing the order,

structure, and interpretation to the mass of collected data.26 There are some

processes in data analysis; the first is analyzing their self-directed learning to

know and find the speaking ability of learner. Data analysis on the field was

done collecting and after collecting the data. The activities on the qualitative

data were interactively and continue until complete.

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D),
(Bandung, Alfabeta, 2015), Cet. Ke-21, p. 328.
Qowimul Abid, Grammatical Error Analysis of Speaking of English Department
Students, (Semarang, Education Faculty Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies, 2012), p. 38.

Therefore, there are three activities on data analysis; data reduction,

data display, and conclusion drawing/verification.27

Picture 1: component on the data analysis (interactive model)

a. Data Reduction

Data reduction is one of the important parts on analyzing the data.

Besides it is the beginning step to do analysis the data. Data reduction refers

to resume the data, choosing main things, focusing on the important things,

look for the form and the theme. Therefore, data that was reduced will give

clearer drawing. The researcher will easy to collect the next data.28 The data

reduction probably statistically by omitting the irrelevant things with our


Sugiyono, Metode Pelitian Pendidikan (Pendidikan Kuantitatif Kualitatif), dan R&D
(Bandung, Alfabeta, 2015), Cet. Ke-21, p. 245-246.
Henry Guntur Tarigan dan Djago Tarigan, Pengajaran Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa,
(Bandung, Angksa, 1984), p. 92.
Darmiyati Zuchdi, Panduan Penelitian Analisis Kontent, (Yogyakarta: IKIP, 1993), p.

In this step, there are activities such as selecting, focusing, and make

simpler the data, abstracting, and transforming raw the data that were

written on the note.30 Reduction steps in this research are:

1. Resume the result of documentation

2. Classify the result of documentation about the errors.

b. Data Display

After reduction the data, the next step is display the data. Display

the data is the collection of information that arranged and gives possibility

to get the conclusion and take the action.31 By displaying the data, the data

will be organized, arranged.32 In order the data easy to understand.

According to Miles and Huberman, looking at displays help us to

understand what is happening and to do something-further analysis or

caution on that understanding. Therefore, it will make easier to be

understand. On the qualitative research, displaying data can be done on the

short description, draft, category, flowchart and etc.

Qowimul Abid, Grammatical Error Analysis of Speaking of English Department
Students (Semarang, 2012), p. 39.
Sugiyono, Memahami Peneletian Kualitatif , (Bandung, Alfabeta, 2014), Cet. 10,p. 95.

Some activities of display the data on this research are:

1. Display the documentation of data was done and has been arranged into

written text.

2. Display the data from the observation about the description of self-

directed learning in learning English on student speaking ability on Non

English department major.

From the display the data, the researcher can get the conclusion or

inference in order for answering all about the research questions in this


c. Conclusion Drawing

The last step after displaying data is the conclusion

drawing/verification. The conclusion refers to answer the research question

and the research objectives. The beginning conclusion is still temporary,

and will change if there is not strong proof that support on the next step in

collecting data. But, if the beginning conclusion or inference is supported

by valid proof and consistent, when the researcher backs to collect the data,

so the conclusion of the data is the credible conclusion.

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