Write in Present Tense Essay On Themes Opening Paragraph

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Essay on Themes

Opening paragraph

Speak a little on topic chosen, however in the book…., it is evident that …..

State points that will be discussed, develop point and link points. No storytelling, only direct quotes,
linkage will be the Spanish quotations.

Three points, one counter argument, conclusion- in conclusion… however….

Tradition and societal expectations, conformity to society- como agua para chocolate

People who conform to society are miserable, unhappy

It is expected that those who follow expectations, will have a easy time, but however in como agua, it is
evident that conformity to society does not guarantee a better life. Tita, youngest daughter in the
delagarca family has to fullfil the family tradition of taking care of her mother until she dies. However,
she is denied love, freedom, happiness and autonomy to pedro and because of this, she becomes
frustrated and distraught when this tradition is imposed on her and therefore, the possibility of her
improving her quality of life is limited since she cannot marry her true love pedro and she is denied
freedom and autonomy

Secondly, rosaura adheres to traditions because she marries pedro and she was unhappy in her
marriage but still endures it.

Thirdly, pedro agrees to marry rosaura in order to be closer to tita, because of this, his plan is dashed or
foiled because he lives in a loveless marriage to rosaura, who is an inept wife and mother and endures a
domineering or tyrannical mother in law (mama elena).

Mama elena raises her daughters to be decent in accordance with the carreno (tilde) manual of
etiquette. However, these social rules that these young women were taught did not seem to help them.
Because rosaura is socially inept and she is not happy in her marriage, while Gertrudis runs off with a
revolutunary soldier. Tita uses the tradition of cooking as a way out (avenue) to express her culinary

Mama elena is not allowed to be with the love of her life, jose trevenio (tilde) because her parents were
racial. Although mama elena agrees to an arranged marriage to juan delagarza, she keeps up
appaerances (decent in the eyes of society) although she is suffering from frustrated (riqueted) love. She
further becomes bitter by the sudden or untimely death of her lover and has to deal with concealing
that Gertrudis is the child of her affair with the mulatto. Although mama elena is financially stable, she
does not enjoy a better quality of life emotionally as she remains bitter and tyrannical.

The ranch cook faithfully serves the delagarza family and is victim to unrequited love.
Counter argument

They find avenues to find happiness. Some characters do not allow society to influence them, such as
getrudis, she breaks free from tradition when she runs off naked with her revolutionary lover and seems
to enjoy a good life. She holds the position of a general in the revolutionary army and experiences a
more fulfilling life as she breaks the barriers that limit her possibilities. When she comes back, she holds
an esteemed position and everyone respects her.

Tita uses cooking to express herself creativity and experiment with various culinary dishes.

Youthful experiences are always worth cherishing

Esperanza experiences happiness with her new friends, lucy and Rachel and their new bicycle-nuestra
dia Bueno. They rode around the neighbourhood where they got a better view ‘arriba arriba, abajo,

In chanclas, where esperanze is intilaly ashamed in her new shoes but she gains confidence when her
uncle asks her to dance with him, and when she starts to dance, she starts to become the centre of
attraction and becomes aware of her body sexuality, whn the young man stares at her and she notices.

Counter arguments

When esperanca experiences and deals with the danger and emotional trauma of her blossoming
sexuality. When men started to harass she and her friend when they were prancing around in high heels

Sexual exploitation by the oriental man

Sexual assault- payasos rojos

Esperanza longs for sense of identity, she wants a new name- mi nombre

Ninos y ninas- she longs to have a best friend to talk to and forges her identity to have friends

Sandwich de arroz- when she experiences humiliation when she tries to fit in with the majority at school
who eats at the school.

Sally- experiences phycial abuse, falls into an abusive cycle with an insecure abusive husband who beats
her to prevent her from going anywhere.

When minerva’s husband physically abuses her- marriage at a young age

Death of a loved one where Esperanza has to cope with the death of her aunt lupe.

Vargas children caused chaos in the neighbourhood since they were left unsupervised. They liked to be a
nuisance to people and this resulted in the death of angel vargas when he tried to fly

Family instability of moving all the times and she was ashamed when she saw her state of her house and
she is embarrassed whenever she has to point out her home- first chapter.
Alicia loses her mom at a very young age and is forced to inherit a lead role in the family (maternal).
While youth is supposed to be carefree, Alicia has to be responsible, sleep and do housework and she
wanted to go to school. she had to make many sacrifices.

Many life lessons are learnt during adolescence

Alicia learns that life is not a bed of roses and she has to work hard to break the stereotypical barrier her
father wants her to upkeep. Education is her escape.

Delinquent behaviour of the vargas children will cause problems for them and lead to destruction

Esperanza has to come to terms with death and come to term with the stark reality of death of her aunt
lupe and her grandfather.

Minerva and rafeala learn that marriage at an early age can be detrimental

Sally learns that marriage at an early age does not result in a better life

Sexual harassment by men, sexual assault by the boys, exploitation by the oriental man

The life lessons are learnt because espe learns that she has to be different from her parents and not be
like them. She also represents her roots and will not forget the opeople who cannot escape poverty in
mango street.

La narradora es protagonista, es unna narativa sujectiva, dado que la naradora solo puede comuicarnos
una perspectiva limitida de la realidad.

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