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Dear Colleague,

It gives me immense pleasure to share the Reliance Retail Employee Handbook which is a ready

reference of our policies and processes.

We at Reliance Retail intend to:

 Source & Select the best and brightest talent based on capabilities, Role-fit and culture-

 Develop & Counsel the acquired talent through induction, talent transformation,
ongoing talent engagement & career management, coaching / counseling and
Employee Assistance programs.

 Reward & Retain the best performers through early leadership & training

opportunities, career growth programs and reward and recognition programs.

 Redeploy as per business needs.

As we go along, we will keep reengineering and improving all our policies and processes

keeping employees' and company's interest in mind. We will build a responsive, respectful and

delightful work environment.

GR Venkatesh
Reliance Retail
The Reliance Retail Employee Handbook is designed to be easy to use,
whether you read it cover to cover or simply use it as a reference when you
have specific questions.

This Handbook is applicable to all supervisory (managerial) employees and

all associate level employees working in offices.

It provides a good understanding about Reliance Retail Policies &


It ensures that employees are aware of all benefits and services provided
by the organization.

The company reserves the right to interpret, modify, revise, supplement, or

rescind any policies or portion of the Reliance Retail Employee Handbook
from time to time as it deems appropriate. Such revisions may be made at the
Company's sole discretion and may be made with or without prior notice.
Employees are therefore, requested to get in touch with the HR or refer R-
Connect for updated policies.
General Information

Compensation & Benefits

Non – CTC Benefits

Leave Policy

Grievance Redressal

Employee Code (E.C.)

On joining, all personal details provided by an employee through the Employment Application
Form are keyed into SAP-HR system and every employee is allotted with an Employee Code
number (8 digit code) which should be retained, used and referred for all official purposes. The
E.C. No. is a pre-requisite for Identity Card, R-Connect & all other facilities.

Identity Card /Access Card

On joining, you will be issued an Identity Card, with your photograph on it. Loss of Identity
card/Access Card should be immediately reported to the issuing authority. In case of loss of
Identity card/Access Card, an amount of Rs.100/- is charged for the issuance of a duplicate
identity card. The amount so charged will be deducted from the employee’s salary.

After completion of every 3 years of service with the Company, employee may request for a
replacement of the Identity card/Access Card (in case the old card is defaced/damaged) at no
charge, provided the old card is returned by the employee to the HR.

Prior to completion of 3 years of service with the Company, in case the employee requires
replacement of the Identity Card/Access card (in case the old card is defaced/ damaged), Rs.
100/- will be charged for the issue of a new identity card, subject to the old card being returned
by the employee to the HR. The amount so charged will be deducted from the employee’s

Work Space Allocation

Allocation of workspace is done by workplace services / Admin department based on the

availability of space and the role of the employee.

Desktop PC / Laptop Allotment

This allotment is done based on the nature of the job of an employee.

E-mail Facility

On joining, you will be issued an email ID configured as

Telephone Extension

On joining, you will need to contact the IT helpdesk to receive the telephone extension at your
workplace. Cubicles or cabins are provided with an individual phone. For use of phones for
STD / ISD, you will require an authorization code, which will be issued on approval of the
departmental head.

Work Week & Office Timings

 Five Days Working: Monday to Friday from 09:30 am to 6:30 pm

 Six Days Working: Monday to Saturday from 10:30 am to 6:00 pm
 Store/ DC/ CPC/ PC/ CPS/CC Location: As per store/ Shift timings

Attendance Cycle

The attendance cycle starts from the 21st of last month to the 20th of the current month. The
same is communicated to all employees via SMS and email.


All employees joining Reliance Retail at level C3 and below shall be on Probation for a period
of 6 months (unless otherwise specified in the appointment letter) from the date of joining.
However, employees joining as trainees will be on a training period as specified in their
appointment letter.


On completion of initial probation period, till such time that you are intimated in writing
regarding your probation extension, you shall be deemed to be confirmed.
In case an employee is not able to meet the expectations & demonstrate the required
performance / behaviours during the 6 months of probation, organization might:
 Extend the probation
 Discontinue services
Extension of probation shall be for a maximum duration of 3 to 6 months.

Goal Setting Assignment Session

On joining the employee is given a copy of his / her Job description with clear reporting
relationships, roles and responsibilities, KRA's & KPI's. All the new joinees would need to set
their goals & objectives along with their supervisor within 30 days of joining, report activities
aligned to their goals and objectives weekly & monthly along with a quarterly review. The
appraisal is done half yearly and at the end of the year through Performance Management
System in Rconnect  G&O/PMS.
Dress Code

Employees are expected to dress in business casual, smart casual, business formal] attire. Employees
must always present a clean, professional appearance. Everyone is expected to be well-groomed.

Non CTC Claims deadline

All claims are generated through R-Connect. All Non CTC claims will be reimbursed twice every
month on 10th & with salary respectively. Hence all Non CTC claims should reach the payroll
on or before the 10th and 20th of every month.

Personal Information Changes

It is the responsibility of each employee to promptly notify the company of any changes in
personal data. Personal mailing addresses, telephone numbers, number and names of
dependents, educational accomplishments, and other such status reports should always be
accurate and current. If any personal data is changed, you must update such details in the
personal information section in Rconnect. Your accurate personal information would facilitate
organizational decision making. Kindly ensure 100% data certification in the Rconnect.

Importance of Accurate Data

The company relies upon the accuracy of the information contained in the Employment
Application Form, as well as the accuracy of other data presented throughout the hiring
process and employment. Any misrepresentations, falsifications, or material omissions in any
of this information or data may result in the exclusion of the individual from further
consideration for employment or, if the person has been hired, may result in termination of

Political Contributions and Activities

As an individual, you have the right to personally participate in the political process. However,
you need to make it clear that your personal views and actions are not those of Reliance Retail.
You should not use Company funds or resource to support any political candidate or party.
Holding or contesting an election for any political post by any employee is discouraged as it
could interfere with the performance and discharge of responsibilities towards the Company.
If, you are already an active member of any political party you should declare the information
and the capacity at which you are operating to the State/Business/Function HR representative.
Outside Employment / Personal Business

You are refrained from undertaking any employment / personal business activity other than
the work of the company. If, any employee has undertaken employment other than that of the
company and/or involved in personal business the same should be informed to the
State/Business/Function HR representative. You are responsible to ensure that the company
facilities such as telephone, fax, internet, mail are not used for personal business.

Violence at Workplace

The company supports the philosophy that violence has no place in the workplace and that
prevention of potential workplace violence is a responsibility shared by all employees. You are
responsible to meet company standards of professionalism and demonstrate courtesy to the
clients, colleagues and members of public.

Gambling / Smoking / Alcohol and Drug Abuse at Workplace

Keeping in mind the safety of the office premises and comfort of the colleagues, you must
abstain from smoking in office premises other than the places designated for smoking.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages or drugs and/or any form of gambling like playing cards
or betting pools inside company premises are strictly prohibited. Employees found to have
violated these policies will be subjected to appropriate disciplinary action.

Communicating with Press & Media

As a rule, no employee is authorized to convene any press conferences or communicate with

the press & media about company's information. Reliance Retail has specifically assigned a
competent authority to share the information with the press & media as may be suitable.
Wherever some employees feel that they are being pressurized to respond to the queries of
press & media, employees should direct their queries to the designated authority. Wherever
employees come across certain mis- quoted information about the company in press & media
the same can be clarified from the designated authority.
Speeches & Presentations in Public Seminars / Conferences

Prior approval for making speeches & presentations in public seminars / conferences should
be taken. Authority matrix for the same is given below:


Employees in State/Business Locations State/Business Head State/ Business /
(Other than the State/Business Head) Functional Head /Central Leadership Team
If you are desirous of making speeches in conferences / seminars, then you should send an
application to State/Business/Function HR representative clearly mentioning the following
 Date & Venue of the Seminar / Conference
 Overall purpose and Theme of the Seminar / Conference
 Brief Outline of the proposed Presentation
 Likely Audience
 Reason for Participation

State/Business/Function HR representative will review the same along with the concerned
decision-making authority. The decision-making authority can reject the application of the
employee and/or suggest modifications to the speech / presentation. Employees should strictly
comply with the suggestions / guidelines given by the decision-making authority while making
speeches/ presentations. Once the presentation / speech is made, employee should provide
feedback to the decision-making authority vis-à-vis the usefulness of the speech /

Activities based on geographical spread

The company strongly believes that the employees of Reliance Retail should take part in
constructive community development / social welfare work in the locations where Reliance
Retail has its presence. Every State Head together with the State HR Head will ensure that such
activities are undertaken in each area within their state. All welfare activities / community
development activities undertaken at States are monitored by a central department.

Visitors in the Workplace

To provide for the safety and security of employees and the facilities at the company, only
authorized visitors are allowed in the workplace. Restricting unauthorized visitors helps to
maintain safety standards, ensures security of equipment, protects confidential information,
safeguards employee welfare, and avoids potential distractions and disturbances. Visitors must
be met in the visitor's lounges, business centre and other specified areas. All visitors should
enter the Reliance Retail office premises from the main/specified entrance. Authorized visitors
will receive directions or be escorted to their destination. Employees are responsible for the
conduct and safety of their visitors
Grade Structure at Reliance Retail

Career Group Designation

G President
F2 Executive VP / Chief Executive
F1 Sr. Vice President
E2 Vice President
E1 Asst. Vice President
D2 General Manager

D1 Deputy General Manager

C3 Asst. General Manager

C2 Chief Manager

C1 Senior Manager

B3 Manager

B2 Deputy Manager

B1 Asst. Manager
A3 Senior Executive
A2 Executive
A1 Officer

Base Pay, Choice Pay & PLI

Employee's salary will be structured under the following broad categories:

Base Pay: Basic Salary + PF + Gratuity.
Choice Pay: Choice pay includes a menu of options for an employee to choose therein
Performance Linked Incentive (PLI): As mentioned in the appointment letter or as per the
company PLI policy.

The term "Reimbursement" is used in some choice pay components. Reimbursement is paid
only in the month when supporting / claims for the same are submitted by the employee.
Reimbursements in choice pay are: Fuel & Maintenance Reimbursement & Medical

Choice Pay Components

House Rent Allowance

Permissible Limit : 50% of Basic (Metro Cities) ; 40% of Basic (Non-Metro Cities)
 It should be a rented Accommodation
 Lease agreement should be in the name of employee
 Following documents should be submitted in Rconnect: Rent receipts, Lease

Leave Travel Allowance

 Permissible Limit – 2 months Basic Pay Pre-conditions

 Minimum 5 days of Privilege Leave to be availed.
 Exemption allowed for travel undertaken within India for Self, Spouse, Children,
dependent parents and dependent brother & sisters.
 LTA bills shall be supported by original tickets / receipts / Boarding Passes.
 In case of travel by Taxi –First class a/c train fare for the distance of the journey by the
shortest route will be considered.
 Income Tax benefit shall be applicable if the LTA is claimed once in 2 years. As per the
current Income tax rules, the LTA can be availed twice in a block of 4 calendar years,
without attracting tax, subject to employee providing a declaration and production of
proof of journey.
 For the purpose of tax computation, the current applicable 4-year block is from
January 2018 to December 2021.
Conveyance Allowance/ Fuel & Maintenance Reimbursement

An employee can either opt for Conveyance Allowance or Fuel & Maintenance
Reimbursement. The limit for Conveyance Allowance is up to Rs. 19,200/- p.a. or Rs. 1600/-
 Pre-conditions for Fuel & Maintenance Reimbursement: Employee should be a
registered owner of a 4 wheeler or 2 wheeler vehicle.
 Copies of RC book & Vehicle Insurance to be submitted to HR Dept.
 Reimbursements Expenses include Petrol/Diesel bills, Repair & Maintenance bills,
Insurance Premium, Toll Tax.

Type Grade Eligibility

4 wheeler A to G 1,80,000/-
2 wheeler A to G 36,000/-

Food Voucher

 Permissible Limit for food voucher – Rs.33000/- p.a. or Rs.2750/- p. m.

 Can be exchanged for food and beverages in Food Courts and Selected Retail Outlets
& Restaurants across India.
 Cannot be redeemed for Cash.
 Coupons are provided to the Employee from the Second month of DOJ.

Child Education & Hostel Allowance

Education Allowance:

 Permissible Limit – Rs.200 p.m. per child up to 2 children.

 Tuition Fee Receipts amount to be entered in R-Connect under 80C in Income Tax
 Tuition fee receipts to be uploaded in Rconnect under 80C (RCP office) as per the dates
communicated by the Payroll Department.

Hostel Allowance:

 Permissible Limit – Rs.300/- p.m. per child up to 2 children.

 Hostel Fee Receipts amount should be entered in R-Connect.
 Hostel Fee receipt to be uploaded in Rconnect as per the dates communicated by the
Payroll Dept.
Medical Reimbursement

 Permissible Limit: Rs.15000/- p.a. or Rs.1250/- p.m. (Taxable)

 Amount of Rs.1250/- p.m. (taxable) will be paid on a monthly basis only if the claim is
made through R-Connect and the supporting documents are uploaded in Rconnect
before 15th of every month.
 Only Expenses towards Medicines & Doctor's Fees are covered.
 Employee can claim medical expenses for self, spouse, dependent parents and
dependent children.
 If employee is unable to claim the Medical Reimbursement throughout the year, then
employee will get full Medical Reimbursement amount at the end of the financial year
after deduction of taxes, as applicable.

Gift Voucher

 Permissible Limit for gift voucher – Rs.5000/- p.a.

 Amount is credited to employee's registered JIO corporate number once in a year
during Diwali festival season between 1st of September till 30th November.
 It can be used in any of the Reliance outlets across India.
 It cannot be redeemed against Cash.

Special Personal Allowance (SPA)/Residual Choice Pay:

 If the selection of choice pay components e.g. HRA, Conveyance etc. is less than the
total choice pay then the difference is paid under Special Personal Allowance/ Residual
Choice Pay.
 In case the employee does not wish to avail any of the options available under the
choice pay, then the entire amount shall be paid as SPA/Residual Choice Pay. Special
Personal Allowance /Residual Choice Pay is fully taxable.


 Every Employee needs to declare his Investments through R-Connect upon receipt of
his/her second month salary to avail tax benefit.
 Log on to R-Connect., Go to investment declaration and update the amounts.

Note: Employee claiming deductions u/s 24(b) & 80(c) for Housing Loan Need to upload the
copy of the Provisional Income Tax Statement in RConnect.
Compulsory Debits

These are the debits for Group Personal Accident Insurance, Group Hospitalisation Insurance
& Group Term Life Insurance.

Group Personal Accident Insurance

Mandatory Debit
Grade Sum Assured
B1 and above
INR 25 Lacs INR 679

A1/A2/A3 INR 5.5 Lacs INR 150

K,W,P,T INR 5.5 Lacs NA

Group Term Life Insurance Policy

Mandatory Debit w.e.f. 1st April

Fixed pay 2019
Grade Sum Assured
Base pay + Choice pay New Premium P.A. New Premium P.M.
(Rs.) (Rs.)
A/K/P/W NA 5 Lakhs 363 30
Up to INR 4,99,999/- 5 Lakhs 363 30
UP to INR 9,99,999/- 10 lakhs 726 60
C1 to B1
Up to INR 19,99,999/- 20 Lakhs 1,451 121
Above INR 20,00,000 25 Lakhs 1,814 151
Below INR 25 Lakhs 1,814 151
INR 24,99,975/- to
50 Lakhs 3,629 302
INR 49,99,975/-
C2 and above INR 49,99,975/- to
75 Lakhs 5,443 454
INR 74,99,975/-
INR 74,99,975/- and
100 Lakhs 7,257 605

The employees in company code 5171, NP01 & FCPL will continue to be covered under RIL policy with
the below mentioned debits.
Fixed pay Sum Assured Premium P.A Premium P.M.
(Base pay+choice pay) (INR) (INR) (INR)
Below INR 24,99,975/- 25 Lakhs 3,688 307
From INR 24,99,975/-to
50 Lakhs 7,375 615
INR 49,99,975/-
All Grades From INR 49,99975/-to
75 Lakhs 11,063 922
INR 74,99,975/-
INR 74,99,975/-and
100 Lakhs 14,750 1229

Group Hospitalisation Insurance Policy

Grade E & Above
Family Self, Spouse, 3 dependent children
Dependent parents
Definition (upto 25 years of age)
Scheme Management Medical Scheme Floater Mediclaim Policy
Self – INR 30,259 p.a.
Premium for Spouse – INR 30,259 p.a. INR 29,154 p.a.
Base Cover Per Child – INR 15,631 p.a.
Choice Mandatory Mandatory
Base Cover 5 Lakhs 5 Lakhs
Premium for
INR 12,036 p.a. INR 12,036 p.a.
Mandatory if opted for Base
Choice Mandatory
Top Up At Actuals 5 Lakhs

D (Not B & C (Not K & A (Not

covered covered under covered under
Grade covered under
under ESIC ESIC by ESIC by
ESIC by statute
by statute) statute) statute)
Family 7 members - Self, spouse, 3 dependent children (upto 25 years),
Definition dependent parents
Scheme Floater Mediclaim Policy
Premium for INR 29,154
INR 29,154 p.a. INR 15,249 p.a. INR 15,249 p.a.
Base Cover p.a.
Choice Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory **Optional
Base Cover 5 Lakhs 5 Lakhs 2.5 Lakhs 2.5 Lakhs

Premium for INR 12,036

INR 12,036 p.a. INR 6,289 p.a.
Top-up Cover p.a.
Not Applicable
Choice Mandatory *Optional **Optional
Top Up 5 Lakhs 5 Lakhs 2.5 Lakhs
* Applicable to:
 Employees who opted for GHI top-up cover for Calendar Year 2021
 Employees who were covered in GHI top-up for CY 2020 (Mandatory)
 Date of Joining is post 1st April, 2019 (Mandatory)

**Applicable to:
 Employees who opted for GHI top-up for Calendar Year 2021
 New Joinees can opt for GHI top-up cover/ base cover for Calendar Year 2020 till 10th
of the month succeeding the month of Joining
 Once opted in for Calendar Year 2020, employee will not have a choice to opt out.

Provident Fund

 Company deducts 12% of the employee's basic salary and makes an equal contribution
towards the Employee Provident Fund. This is as per the applicable PF rules.
 Both the contributions are remitted on a monthly basis to the Employee's Provident
Fund account in the company's PF trust/RPFC Office as applicable.
 8.33% of the company's PF contribution is deposited to the Employee’s Pension
Scheme to provide the employee with pension on his retirement or after completing
a specified period of service.
 Kindly connect with HR department for more details on the PF rules. All PF related
forms are available in R-Connect.
 Contribution to voluntary PF has no upper limit.


An amount equivalent to 4.81% of the basic salary is kept aside towards Gratuity out of the
total CTC. Employee is eligible to receive Gratuity, only if he has completed the elibility criteria
as per the Gratuity rules of company upon his resignation, termination, dismissal or death. The
Gratuity amount due to an employee can be forfeited, if the services of the employee are
terminated on the grounds of fraud and integrity.:

 Gratuity is calculated as under:

(Last drawn Basic Salary / 26 days) * 15days * No. of completed years of service

 For the purpose of calculating gratuity, period of service greater than 6 months shall
be considered as equivalent to 1 year and less than 6 months shall not be considered.

 If an employee separates before the period of 5 years, the contribution to his gratuity
fund will be paid as ex-gratia and will be taxable as per the Income Tax rules.
New Pension Scheme (NPS)

An amount equivalent to maximum upto 10% of the basic salary can be contributed under the
head of NPS. The New Pension System (NPS) introduced by the Government of India is South
Asia's first Direct Contribution pension scheme with individual retirement accounts, product
choices, professional fund management by competing private fund managers and portability
through centralized recordkeeping administration

Employee must open a PRAN account with any of the authorized age contribution guidelines:
 Minimum amount per contribution: Rs. 500 per month
 Minimum annual contribution: Rs 6,000 in each subscriber account
 This amount will be deposited as employer contribution for NPS to be adjusted against
taxable component called Special Personal Allowance (SPA).

NPS amount will be added as a perquisite and chargeable for tax under Income tax Act. U/S
80CCD(2) employee will get additional benefit of the contribution amount and nullify the
impact of perquisite charges to him.

As the amount is reduced from SPA, employee will get additional tax benefit, as per the tax
slab applicable to the employee (10% - 30 %, plus cess)
Non – CTC
Domestic Relocation Policy

Grade: Managerial cadre (A Grade and above)

Exclusion: FTE/Consultants/Part timers and trainees/employees on short term assignments


 Applicable only when employee is transferred/joining from the location that is beyond
100 KMs of his/her permanent Work Location.
 Applicable to relocate the retired employee (post 5 years of continuous service) and to
relocate family of deceased employees.
 One-way trip for self, his/her spouse, dependent children and dependent parents.


 Employee shall make accommodation arrangements on his/her own.

 Exception: Only employee shall be given accommodation up to 15 days primarily in
company guest house with approval from Business Head.
 Accommodation beyond 15 days in guest house:
– Will be treated as personal use
– Will be on chargeable basis subject to availability
– May have perquisite tax implications

Daily Allowance (only in case of transfer)

 No daily allowance (DA) is payable in case the accommodation is provided in Company

Guest House.

 In case of company provided accommodation, DA shall be based on actual expenses

supported by bills subject to a ceiling mentioned in entitlement schedule (refer to
Domestic Travel policy for details).

– 100% of applicable Daily Allowance for adult member (self /spouse & dependent
– 50% of applicable Daily Allowance for children

Relocation Allowance (only in case of transfer)

This allowance covers expenses related to movement such as school admissions, cost of
repairs of personal effects due to damage in transit, monetary loss due to non- refunds of
deposit in case of clubs etc.

Entitlement limits are as below (Tax implications if any to be borne by the employee): -
 B3 and above: Rs. 1.00 lac
 B2 to A1: Rs. 50 K
If an employee leaves the organization within one year from the date of joining/transfer, the
entire relocation allowance will be recovered from him/her.

Relocation Leave (only in case of transfer/joining)

 Up to a maximum of 5 working days on full pay, to be availed within 90 days from date
of transfer/ joining.
 Will exclude any intervening holidays/weekly offs & travel to and fro to the work
 Such leave shall be a one-time measure and may be utilized within 3 months from the

Relocation Expenses

Relocation expenses include: transportation of household goods, transportation of vehicle,

packing/ unpacking/ loading/ unloading, transit insurance/octroi expenses and shall be
claimed as per the below table:

Activity Limit

Transportation of goods At actuals

Transportation of car/2 wheeler At actuals

Packing/ forwarding/ unloading Max. 1 month basic salary

At actuals subject to production of insurer’s
Transit insurance/ Octroi
certificate /premium/octroi receipt
This Relocation expenses may be claimed within 3 months from the date of
joining/transfer/superannuation post 5 years of continuous service. In case of demise of
the employee, the family shall be eligible for Travel claim – One way trip to their place of
residence in India.
Out of Daily
Mode / Class Pocket Allowance
Level Hotel Eligibility Expense (DA):
of Travel s Amount in
per day per day
Business Class
F1 &
by Air* / I AC At actuals INR 200 Actuals
by Train
D2 to ‘Y’ Class by Air
At actuals INR 200 Actuals
E2 / I AC by Train
‘Y’ Class by Air At Actuals - Subject to a max. of
B1 to INR 200 INR 1500
/ II AC by Train INR 5000 per day (inclusive of all
At Actuals subject to a max. of INR
A1 to INR 100 INR 1000
A3 4000 per day (inclusive of all taxes)

K1 to
III AC by Train/
K3 & INR 1000 INR 100 INR 250
AC Bus

Domestic Travel Policy

The policy defines travel, boarding and accommodation limits for a various official purpose
such as domestic tour, transfer and travel at the time of joining.


Grade: Managerial cadre (A Grade and above) & Associate (K3 & below)

Exclusion: Part timers and trainees

Travel: For travel beyond 100 KMs of ‘Locational Head Quarters’ (scheduled place of work)

Out of Daily Allowance (DA):

Hotel Eligibility Amount in per day
Mode / Class Pocket Local
Level (inclusive of all Expense Hotel/ Own
of Travel s Conveyance
taxes) Guest Arrangemen
per day
House t
Business Class
F1 &
by Air / I AC At actuals INR 200 Actuals INR 1750
by Train

D2 to ‘Y’ Class by Air Taxi – AC

At actuals INR 200 Actuals INR 1750
E2 / I AC by Train
At Actuals subject
B1 to to a max. of INR INR 200 INR 1500 INR 1500
D1 ‘Y’ Class by Air
5000 per day
/ II AC by Train At Actuals subject
A1 to to a max. of INR INR 100 INR 1000 INR 1000
A3 Public
4000 per day
K1 to Transport
III AC by Train/
K3 & INR 1000 INR 100 INR 250 INR 320
AC Bus


 Wherever Guest House facilities are available, employees shall avail facilities of the
 Only when Guest House facility is not available, Hotel accommodation is permitted,
after confirmation of non-availability of Guest house by Work Place Services
Daily Allowance

For tours beyond 100 km radius, daily allowance applicable shall be calculated for period of
absence from Locational Head Quarters, on the basis of calendar day beginning and ending
at midnight.

Out of Pocket Expenses

Out of pocket expenses shall cover sundry expenses like reading materials, postage, tips and
other personal expenses while on tour. These expenses need not be supported by any bills.

Local Conveyance Policy


Grade: Managerial cadre (A Grade and above)

Exclusion: Part timers and trainees

Travel upto 100 km (to & fro) within the city.

 Reimbursement for travel through public transport at actuals

 Local Conveyance through Own Vehicle:

– 4 wheeler – Rs. 11 / km for petrol engine cars, Rs. 9/km for diesel and CNG engine
– 2 wheeler – Rs. 4 / km

Toll expenses shall be reimbursed, subject to submission of original toll receipts. This is
applicable when the employee is using his/ her own vehicle.

Local Conveyance Entitlements Matrix

Level Local Conveyance

F1 & Above Taxi – AC
D2 to E2 Taxi – AC
B1 to D1 Taxi – AC
A1 to A3 Taxi Non- AC
K1 to K3 Public Transport / Two wheeler

Deputation Policy
To provide financial support to employee to defray any incidental cost due to temporary
movement from his/her permanent place of posting for temporary movement.

Applicability: All employees in managerial category (A Grade and above)

Period: Period of posting at a particular place is going to exceed 29 days maximum upto 6

Condition Free Lodging & No Lodging &

Free Lodging & no Catering
Catering Catering
Employee With Bills Without Bills Without Bills Without Bills
Classification (p.m.) (p.m.) (p.m.) (p.m.)
E & Above 4000 1000 1000 30000
D 3625 875 875 20000
C 3625 875 875 15000
B 3250 750 750 10000
A 3250 750 750 5000

Overseas / International Travel

The purpose of this policy is to acquaint all employees with the travel entitlements and details in order
to facilitate convenient business travel and also manage travel related expenses.

Travel Class Eligibility

Career Group Class of Travel

F1 & Above Business Class (J)
>6 hours – Business (J)
E2 & Below <6 hours – Economy
Reimbursement Limits (Per day amount in US $)

Daily Allowance Lodging

Grade Countr Country Countr Countr
y Group II y y
D2 & Above Group
150 I 100 Group
250 Group
B1 & D1 150 100 200 100
A1 – A3 125 60 150 90

 Daily Allowance covers food, laundry, reading materials, local conveyance [within the
city] & other sundry expenses.
 All expenses are to be supported by bills.
 In case Company / Collaborators / Training Organisation making Lodging / Boarding /
Transport arrangements, DA will be 50% of the applicable limit as mentioned in the table
 Employee must submit “Overseas Tour Report Form” to HRBP along with unutilized
foreign exchange, if any, within 7 days of return.
 Self-approval of the employee shall suffice for travel requests and foreign exchange
entitlements as per the above table.
 Kit Allowance of Rs 10,000 is an one -time payment which will be made in a block of 4
years, only applicable for Level B3 and below.

Group “A” Countries

Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, European Union Countries, United Kingdom,
Bahrain, Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, Canada, Singapore, United States* (Grade A & Grade B
Cities), UAE, New Zealand
Group “B” Countries
Malaysia, Croatia, Poland, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, United States*(Grade C & Grade D
Cities), Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Oman
Group “C” Countries
All other Countries except SAARC
Group “D” Countries
SAARC Countries - Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan, Maldives

Mobile Phone Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide employees with access to appropriate technologies
such as mobile phone for work purpose within and outside office location in order to support
them to perform their work in an efficient manner irrespective of their location

Eligibility: Employees in A1 and above grade, working for Reliance Retail Business
Exclusions: Employees on Fixed Term, Contract/ Store Associate Staff/ Consultants

Grade Maximum Entitlement

D2 and above 20,000
B1 – D1 15,000
A1 – A3 3,000

 An employee shall be eligible to apply for a new handset (within then prevailing limits) six
months before completion of 3 years’ timeline. However, the handset amount will be
reimbursed only 3 years from the date of purchase.
 An employee can purchase any model of Volte handset ONLY from Reliance Digital offline
an online store. The above limits are inclusive of cost of all accessories.
 In the event of resignation / retirement/ any other exit from services, the employee shall
be required to refund to the Company, a part of mobile handset amount reimbursed

SIM Card

 All Official connections/ SIM Cards should be obtained from the company under corporate
connection. Transfer of personal connection to company corporate connection is
 Additional services such as ISD, International Roaming shall be provided based on the
requirement of the job, the same shall need to be approved by the L1 and HOD.

Emergency Medical Loan

 This loan is applicable for all employees of Reliance Retail across the country.
 Emergency would primarily mean an unforeseen and immediate requirement of a large
amount for hospitalization & medical treatment for self, spouse, dependent children and
dependent parents.
 Maximum amount of the loan shall be equivalent to 3 months basic salary of employee
or Rs. 25,000/- whichever is higher.
 Employees are entitled for emergency medical Loan only once in a calendar year (Jan-
 Employee shall be required to pay back the loan through salary recovery within 12 months
of taking the loan (12 equal monthly instalments -EMIs).
 In case the treatment is eligible for coverage under Mediclaim insurance, employee shall
pay back the loan amount against the amount sanctioned & paid by the Insurance
Company as soon as the claim is passed.
 If the emergency loan amount exceeds the claim settled by the Insurance Company, the
balance amount shall be recovered in equal monthly instalments as mentioned above.
 If the employee leaves the company before repayment of loan, employee shall be required
to pay back the outstanding loan amount.
 In case the employee does not pay back the balance outstanding loan amount, employee
shall not be given relieving letter, experience certificate and the full and final settlement.

Marriage Assistance Policy

The Company fully appreciates and recognizes the fact that Marriage is one of the most
significant events in a person’s life. The purpose of this policy is to provide financial support
to the employees for making marriage arrangements, either for themselves or for their

Applicability: All permanent employees & Fixed Term Employees working for Reliance Retail
Exclusions for Loan: Employees on Probation, Fixed Term Employees, Part timers, Apprentices
& Trainees, Consultants.
Exclusion for Leave: Associates (K Grade), Part timers, Apprentices& Trainees, Consultants.
Exclusion for Gift: Part Timers & Trainees, Consultants.
Marriage Loan

 Employees are eligible for interest free marriage loan up-to a maximum amount
equivalent to 3 (Three) times of their Monthly Committed CTC.
 An employee can avail marriage loan four (4) months before and two (2) months after
the scheduled marriage date.
 The loan amount shall be recovered in maximum 36 equal monthly instalments (EMIs)
from the employee’s salary and the recovery shall start from the salary following the
month of marriage.
 If the employee separates from the Company before repayment of Marriage loan, the
outstanding loan amount shall be recovered from final dues.
 A fresh marriage loan can be availed only after the outstanding balance of previous
marriage loan if any is fully repaid / settled.

Marriage Leave

 Employee shall be eligible for 5 days leave.

 Employee can avail marriage leave 30 days before or after the date of the marriage.
 Marriage leave is provided only to the employee on the occasion of his/her marriage.

Marriage Gift

An employee shall be eligible for Marriage Gift on the occasion of his/her marriage as per the
Grade entitlement specified below:
Grade Gift Amount
D2 to G 20,000
B1 to D1 12,000
K1 to K3 4,000

 Income tax as per the prevalent laws as per the Income Tax Act or any other statute shall
be borne by the employee.
 Marriage gift is provided only to the employee on the occasion of his/her marriage.
Leave Policy

The purpose of this policy is to specify the nature, extent and entitlement of various types of
leaves available to employees.


All employees working for Reliance Retail Business in Managerial and Associate Cadre
including Full Time Consultants/Retainers.


Apprentice trainees, any other staff as determined by the management from time to time, as
stated in the employment contract, trainees.

Paid Holiday Details as per the existing practices at respective locations/sites.

Leave Type 5 Day Working 6 Day Working
24 days per calendar year
Privilege 24 days per calendar year (January to
(January to December) on full
Leave December) on full pay
6 days per calendar year
Contingency/ 8 days per calendar year (January to
(January to December) on full
Casual Leave December) on full pay
10 days per calendar year (January to
Sick Leave NA
December) on full pay
3 days per calendar year
Optional 3 days per calendar year (January to
(January to December) on full
Paid Holiday December) on full pay.
Special 1. Joining/Relocation leave:
1. Joining/Relocation leave: Up to a
Purpose Up to a maximum of 5 working
maximum of 5 working days on full
Leave days on full pay within first 3
pay within first 3 months of joining
(Applicable months of joining
to A Grade &
2. Marriage Leave: Upto 5 2. Marriage Leave: Upto 5 working
working days on full pay. (Not days on full pay.(Not applicable to
applicable to store associates) store associates)
Leave for
As per Apprenticeship Act. As per Apprenticeship Act.
Extra Case to case basis (After
Case to case basis (After exhaustion
ordinary exhaustion of all leaves
of all leaves including advance &
medical including advance &
accumulated leaves)
leave accumulated leaves)
As per the provisions of Shops &
Leave for
Establishment Act applicable to the
Store/Site NA
respective State. No other leave shall
be admissible.
Leave for
NA 18 Days per annum.

Paid Holiday Details as per the existing practices at respective locations/sites.

Maternity Leave: (Not applicable to trainees)

a. Not exceeding 182 calendar days on full pay (26 weeks)
b. Leave not exceeding 84 calendar days from third child onwards (12 weeks)
Paternity leave : (Not applicable to fixed term employees, store associates
and trainees)
Up to 5 working days on full pay during first 12 weeks of child’s birth
Surrogacy Leave: Commissioning mother will be provided 12 weeks leave.
Parental Leave
Miscarriage Leave or medical termination leave: As per Maternity Benefit
Act. 6 weeks will be provided as leave. (Not exceeding 42 calendar days).
Child adoption Leave:
a. Up to 28 calendar days (4 weeks) on full pay during the first 12 weeks of
Child’s adoption.
b. Incase child is less than 3 months of age, leave not exceeding 84 calendar
days on full pay.

General Guidelines

 There will be no restriction on the Leave combination

 A holiday occurring either at the beginning of or at the end of the leave period will not be
treated as part of leave.
 Weekly Offs / Sundays / Holidays falling within Leave Without Pay (LWP) and/or Absence
Without Leave (AWL) is considered as absent from work & will be considered as LWP or AWL
as the case may be.
 In the event of an employee applying of leave, and such leave not being granted due to service
exigencies, the approving authority will need to record reasons for not sanctioning the leave.

Recall from Leave

An employee who is recalled from leave due to exigencies of work and if the employee was
not at the Headquarter while on leave; he will be entitled to draw TA/DA as per rules for the
period from date he/she starts from the station of leave till he/she arrives at Headquarter and
resumes duty.
The employee shall also be considered on duty during this travel period. Consequently, leave

remained un-availed will stand cancelled and credited to his account

Unauthorised Leave

If an employee remains absent unauthorized from duty or overstays the period of leave
originally granted or subsequently extended, for a period of 8 consecutive days or more, he
shall lose lien in his appointment and would be deemed to have voluntarily abandoned his
services and his name will be struck off from the rolls of the company.

Late Coming

 Five Days Working: If an employee Swipes In after 11:00 am for more than one time in
a week then his/her One PL is deducted.
 Six Days Working: If an employee Swipes In after 11:40 am for more than three times
in a month then his/her One PL is deducted.

Resignation Subsequent to Leave:

An employee, who proceeds on leave (CL/SL/PL) and does not resume duties thereafter or
submits his resignation or is treated as having voluntarily abandoned the service, will forfeit
his right to leave and will lose lien on the job and the resignation may, at the Company’s sole
discretion, be accepted from his last working day in the Company, notwithstanding the leave
granted earlier.

Leave during Notice Period

 No leave, whatsoever, shall be allowed / availed during the notice period. However,
R1/R2 may grant leave at the rate of two days per month of notice period but in any
case, not exceeding a total of five days at his discretion.
 Availing of Sick Leave will strictly be on the basis of a Medical Certificate from
Company’s Medical Officer.
 If an employee who has resigned avails of any leave in addition to leave up-to 5 days,
sanctioned or not sanctioned by the R1/R2, the same will be treated as shortfall in
notice period and the employee will have to pay compensation for such shortfall.
 Any shortfall in notice period will be adjusted against PL to the credit of the employee.
Grievances are but natural in any organization. However, like disciplinary problems, grievances also
benefit none. The roots of grievances can be real or imaginary. Retail business is a customer facing
business & will be successful, if the customer is satisfied. This is possible only with happily committed

Grievance handling is preventive rather than curative. It alerts the company about an issue or concern
before it becomes a problem. Therefore, there is a need for handling or redressing grievances.

Retail introduces formal grievance handling procedure which enable company to handle grievances.


Reliance Retail limited is committed to provide a workplace that is free of harassment, discrimination,
and victimization, regardless of gender, race, caste, religion, medical conditions, disability or economic
status of the person employed. All employees have the right to work in an environment free from any
form of discrimination and conduct, which can be considered harassing, coercive, or disruptive as
defined in this policy.


This policy will apply to all employees, regardless of their position and place of employment or
engagement. It will apply to all regular employees, workmen, temporary employees, trainees,
consultants, probationers, and apprentices, at their workplace or during visit to partner organizations.

Definition of Grievance
A grievance is defined any dissatisfaction, which needs to be redressed in order to bring about the
smooth functioning of the individual in the organization.

A grievance can be defined as any discontent or dissatisfaction with any aspect of work environment.
It can be real or imaginary, raised or unvoiced, written or oral, it must be however, find expression in
some form or the other.

Discontent /
Complaint If unattended Greviance

Types of Grievances
Grievances can be classified into two categories:

 Collective Grievances

Complaints affecting two or more individual workers in respect of their work environment, working
conditions, issues relating to interpersonal relationship, discrimination, harassment, infrastructure
related matters, deprivation of eligibilities enlisted in company policies would constitute grievances.

 Individual Grievances

Complaint by individual, on his grievance.

Stages in Grievance Redressal Process
Step 1: Mail to Assigned Email id of State Level Grievance Redressal Committee

An aggrieved employee can send an email on Employee must fill in the
details of the complaint in Grievance Reporting Form for registering as a grievance.

The state level committee comprises of:

i. State ER lead
ii. Format HR lead for the concerned employee
iii. Operations head of the state for the concerned employee

 State ER lead being the Permanent/constant member of the committee, other two members
viz., Format HR Head and Operations Head would be considered as context specific members.
 The committee in co-ordination with respective Manager or HOD shall redress the grievance.
If the grievance is about manager, the same shall be redressed in consultation with the HOD
or R2.
 If the grievance is not redressed within seven (7) working days of filing of the complaint, the
employee should proceed to step two.

Step 2: Escalation to Employee Disciplinary and Grievance Redressal Committee at NHQ

In absence of resolution from step one the employee should forward the grievance to the national
committee as an email to Once the complaint is received on the email id,
depending on the nature of complaint, the same is dealt in consultation with National HRBP, National
Employee Relations Head and Functional department Head at NHQ. The national committee must see
that that the grievance has been raised at appropriate forum.

It is only after non resolution of grievance at the earlier stage, that the employee has approached
the national committee. The
 Email to, National level Grievance Redressal committee
 Email to, State level Grievance Redressal Committee
 grievance reporting format together with the mail sent to state committee shall help the
 committee to judge the merits for admission of the grievance for resolution.

The committee will consist of:

 ER Head- NHQ
 Format HR Head the concerned employee
 Operations head of the state the concerned employee

Again, the ER Head NHQ being the Permanent/constant member of the committee, other two
members viz., Format HR Head and Operations Head would be considered as context specific
members. The committee will arrive at the decision within fifteen (15) working days and shall
communicate its decision to the management for taking final decision. Management’s decision
reached after the consideration of the recommendation of the Employee Disciplinary and Grievance
Redressal Committee at NHQ shall be final and binding. The same shall be communicated to the
concerned employee on the grievance form, through the proper channel i.e., letter or email.
Available Remedies
Currently, there are following three platforms that are available to the employees for lodging the
specific complaints with respect to the concerns they are facing.

 Just ASQ- For any HR related queries.

 for escalation of any unethical actions including fraudulent activities.
 Toll free number- 18001037777- for the complaints related to sexual harassment at

Malafide complaints

Wrongful allegations/complaints, forging or provided misleading documentary proof and

publicizing of an incident of harassment or misconduct will be viewed seriously by the
organization. If after inquiry proceedings by Grievance Redressal Committee, it is found that
the complaint was raised with malafide intent, it can consider this to be misconduct and
appropriate disciplinary action will be initiated against the person found guilty of such
malafide complaint in line with the law.

Interpretations, Exceptions & Execution

The interpretation of this policy rests exclusively with the Company. The decision of the
Company shall be final and binding. The management reserves the right to add or delete any
or all of the above provisions at any time without notice and without assigning any reasons
thereof. Such changes shall become effective immediately upon being notified to the
employees concerned.
Reliance Retail believes in treating all employees separating from the company with utmost dignity.

Superannuation / Resignation
An employee on attaining the age of 58 years will superannuate from the service of the
company. Resignation means that an employee is voluntarily leaving the service of the
company for professional or personal reasons. Confirmed employees are required to give 90
days’ notice in advance and employees on probation are required to provide 30 days’ notice
in advance. Retainers are required to give 30 days’ notice period.

Expiry of Training / Contract

Employee under training/contract for a specific, time-bound job will be reviewed for
conclusion /extension at the end of the prescribed time period. The departmental head will
evaluate the performance of the employee and the requirement of the employee to further
undertake the prescribed activities/job.

Job Abandonment
If an employee remains absent without leave or remains absent beyond the period of leave originally
granted or subsequently extended, he/she shall be considered as having voluntarily terminated
his/her employment without giving any notice unless he/she:
 Returns to work within 8 days from the commencement of such absence and
 Gives an explanation to the satisfaction of the Management regarding such absence

Termination is an undesirable outcome for both the employee and the company, but may be
necessary if the employee:
 Violates the company’s code of conduct or any of the policies
 Is unable to meet the company's performance standards.

Exit Interview
Prior to leaving, an exit interview is conducted to gather feedback and recommendations of
the outgoing employee. Exit interview is a one-to-one discussion where voluntary view and
suggestions are taken from the outgoing employee on what his/her expectations had been at
the time of joining the company, experience while working with the company and reasons for
leaving the company. The HR facilitates and arranges for the exit interview.

Death While in Service

In case of death of an employee due to accident while on service of the company, HR will
facilitate the claims of personal accident insurance/ hospitalization and medical expenses
insurance claim. The immediate relatives of the deceased are contacted for the settlement of
Guidelines for PLI Payment
PLI will be paid only to those eligible employees who are actually on the rolls of the Company on the
date of disbursement and are not servicing notice period, pending release from service. In case of
Retirement or Demise before the completion of the appraisal process, the performance rating and the
PLI payable of the previous appraisal will be used for the processing the PLI. Accordingly, Pro rata PLI
amount will be calculated and included in the full and final settlement as a “Special Award”.

Full & Final Settlement

On receiving the separation checklist from HR, the employee must obtain the signatures of all
concerned and return it to the HR. The employee is required to settle all financial obligations like:
 Compliance with clearance formalities
 Loan Repayment
 Repayment of dues from the employee to the organization
 Abiding by any bond/undertakings with the organization
 Cost towards upgraded mobile phone/Cost of mobile as per company policy
 Company Leased Car

 Payments towards recovery of Notice Period of Previous Employer will be recovered in full in
the event of separation from the company before completion of one year from date of joining.
 House Shifting Expenses, Joining Expenses paid to the employee as reimbursement at the time
of joining will be recovered in full in the event of separation from the company before
completion of one year from date of joining.
 Transfer & House Shifting Expenses are also recoverable in case of leaving before completion
of one year from the date of transfer.
 Joining Bonus paid to the employee as reimbursement at the time of joining will be recovered
in full in the event of separation from the company before completion of one year from date
of joining, along with 12% interest.
 Handset Reimbursement: In the event of separation the employee will be required to refund
to the Company, a part or whole of the earlier amount reimbursed, as mentioned below:

Separation Period Recovery Quantum
Within 12 months from the date of 100% of amount
reimbursement reimbursed
After the 12th month but before the
60% of amount
2 completion of 24 months from date of
After the 24th month before completion of 36 30% of amount
months from the date of reimbursement reimbursed
After 36 months from the date of
4 Nil

 A handset reimbursed by the Company, will not be taken back under any circumstances. In
case of the unfortunate demise of an employee, the applicable Refund Charges towards the
cost of the handset will be waived off.
 SIM Card will be deactivated with effect from the last working day of the employee or
the date of refund, whichever is earlier.
 The employee shall be allowed to retain the mobile number after separation.
 In case of the unfortunate demise of an employee, the applicable Refund Charges
towards the cost of the handset will be waived off.

The full and final amount is paid to the employee after recovering all advances / outstanding
dues, if any, on the last working day of the employee concerned together with a relieving
letter. This will be subject to the employee concerned having completed handing over
formalities to the satisfaction of his immediate reporting superior and having obtained
clearances from all concerned departments as given in the clearance form.

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