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A Qualitative Research Presented to the

Faculty of Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements in the Subject

Practical Research 1


Agripa, Giselle H.
Cerreno, Maecy
Colibao, Charles Bryant
Dulay, Rhoda
Madelo, Kimberly M.
Ocsina, Charise L.
Serdan, Jonalyn Cayampat

July 2021


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research 1, this research


19, PANDEMIC AS PERCEIVED BY PARENTS has been prepared and submitted by



SERDAN are hereby recommended for research presentation.


Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research 1 by the

Research Committee on Research Paper Presentation




Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research 1

Assistant Principal, SHS

July 2021


First of all, the researchers would like to thank the almighty God for giving them

enough strength, knowledge, and for protecting them from any harm or incidents that

might have happened all throughout the study.

A heart-felt gratitude to their families who were always there to support and

sustain their financial needs was also extended and expressed.

The researchers would also like to thank the participants for making their schedule

possible for the study and allowing themselves to get involved in the data gathering


Lastly, the researchers would like to appreciate and give their debt of gratitude to

their Practical Research 1 teacher Mrs. Jovalyn P. Emano for patiently guiding them

throughout their research.

- The Researchers


Due to the recent upsurge to issues about the problem on coping the behaviors

in psychological effects of the parents in the current situation, it affects the situation of

their relatives. The reason why they are experiencing it is because of the stress and

problem they facing in the current situation with Covid-19, pandemic. However, due to

its noticeable behaviors of the parents, it has gotten the attention of the researchers.

Thus, they had started their journey on finding the different effects to the psychology,

social principles and behavioral aspects of the parents who is easily got angry in many

things. The researchers used a qualitative approach to further understand its behaviors

as well as using a phenomenological approach so that the researchers would not only

be able to understand the experiences of the parents but also to know how the

researchers’ parent could relate it to their own situation.

To ensure the quality and validity of the data that will be collected, the

researchers used an unstructured interview as well as purposive sampling technique in

selecting for the participants. Furthermore, this study aimed not only to know the effects

of the psychological behaviors of the parents but also to give awareness and solution on

how to control and solve it as soon as possible so that it will not get worse. The

researchers suggested that it would be better if the parents will be treated well and

manage their anger in every situation that they encounter, especially in this situation

with the Covid- 19, pandemic. There are parents that can’t control their anger and in

that case, it causes them to have a difficult situation.




APPROVAL SHEET ………………………………………...…... i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………...…...ii

ABSTRACT ……………………………………………….………iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………... iv

LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………. vi

LIST OF APPENDICES ……………………………………. ….. vii



Introduction ………………………………………………..... 1

Statement of the Problem ……………………………………6

Significance of the Study ……………………………….……7

Scope and Delimitations of the Study ………………….……6

Definition of Terms ……………………………………..….. 8


Related Literature …………………………………...………10

Related Studies ………………………………...………….....15

Assumptions ……………………………………………...….22


Research Design …………………………………….……..23

Population and Sample of the Study ………………………24

Research Instrument ……………………………………….25

Data-Gathering Procedure …………………………...…….26

Data Processing …………………………………..………..26



I. Parents’ Descriptions of their Present Situation………………33

II. Difficulties Experience by Parents……………………………37
III. Psychological Effects of the Present Situation …………….…42
IV. Parents’ Ways in Facing Present Situation……………………46
V. Suggestions which Help Avoid Psychological
Effects of COVID – 19…. …………………………………..50



Summary of Findings ……………………………………55

Conclusion …………………………………………………57

Recommendations …………………………………………58

BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………...……..……..59

APPENDICES ……………………………………..…...61


Page No.

Table 4.1: Interview Transcripts…………………………...............… 27

Table 4.2: Parents’ Descriptions of their Present Situation………….. 33

Table 4.3: Difficulties Experienced by Parents…………………….... 37

Table 4.4: Psychological Effects of the Present Situation...............… 42

Table 4.5: Parents’ Ways of Facing the Present Situation………...….46

Table 4.6: Suggestions that can be Done to Help Avoid

Psychological Effects of COVID-19………………………....50



Page No.

Appendix A: Consent Form of the Respondents………….……………61

Appendix B: Profile of the Respondents……………………………….62



When the year 2019 came, lives of the people change. Based on the

study of World Health Organization (2020) there is a disease caused by a new

strain of coronavirus which is called as "Covid-19". They also stated that this

disease is a new virus that was linked to the same family of viruses as Severe

Acute Respiratory Syndrome or also called as SARS. The global spread of

Coronavirus Disease-19 (Covid-19), has prompted the entire world to

implement new safety standards and reorganize social reality. Cohut (2020)

stated that, many countries is affected in this virus including the Philippines.

Since Covid-19 is not a simple sick that people could cure within a day,

government of different countries decided to make rules and regulations and

that’s the reason why the lives of the people change. Furthermore, food

systems, businesses, income of each employee, their works, and celebrating

events, in short the normal way of people to lived was affected due to the

Covid-19. (World Health Organization,2020).

Aside from that, psychological behavior of the people is also affected

specifically the parents. For instance, Nelson et al. (2013) found that the

parental psychological control can predicts the aggression or physical

behaviors and adolescent relational. Based on the psychological studies, the


aggressive behavior is defined as any behavior that has intention of causing

harm to others and someone who want to avoid of being harmed by their

relatives specially their parents (Cabello et al., 2017). Hence, many parents

have a problem on their own psychological behaviors. Cancer (2011) stated

that the everyday changes in our physical appearance nor behaviors can

obviously increase the dependence on parents, the disruptions in social life

and also the school/employments can loss of reproductive capacity, and

health-related concerns about the future that may be particularly distressing

for adolescents and young adults. Today's crisis, many people are

experiencing or happening specially the parents about the psychological

behavior. The life of many families are deeply changed. In the home

environment, the educational role of them as a parents for their children has

become even much danger than before. Children have only their parents

around them, to provide and support with their homework when necessary and

promote a positive development and new learning experiences for toddlers

and preschoolers (Wang et al., 2020). As stated by Pinto (2019) it’s more

often when you studying psychology because it is associated with the

experience inside the four walls of a therapist’s office and the common image

of someone sitting on a couch. He also mentioned that you can connect it to

the research and statistics found inside academic textbooks. Although each of

those examples are exactly part of it, the truth behind this is that psychology is

all around us. In addition, we can’t predict when we experience many


behaviors that we do not know are already happening to us. Many things can

trigger a parents for having a bad behaviors. As indicated by Sibonney (2021), it

can affect your mood or behaviors in your past visceral feelings, this is also make

you more irritable and resentful, and stop you from connecting with your child

because when they trigger these angry feelings, they can possibly think to harm

those people around them, those examples are being disrespectful, whining then

you see your kid as the enemy and also parents can find their kid’s behavior can

really triggering without it necessarily touching these deep issues. Nobody likes

not being listened to. Nobody likes doing something for somebody and then never

getting a thank you. There are universal behaviors that would drive everyone

crazy. “Depending on your childhood and who you are as a person the trigger may

make you feel angry, shut down, get upset, feel out of control or feel like you

want to punish your child. These triggers can feel almost automatic. Sometimes

they’re really out of proportion too and hard to understand your own reaction.

Triggers are those things that when your child does/says/feels them, you have an

involuntary negative response (Racheous, 2017). These are the reasons why

parents are creating or thinking solutions to those difficulties that they experience

towards on their psychological behaviors. In addition, this would help them to

overcome those hindrances.

However, we conduct this research because we want give awareness

specially to those single parents who are the only one provided the needs and

wants of their children, we want to give another solution and cure in this kind of

issue because we all know that many studies have shown that people have good

stress responses in natural disasters or emergencies in the past. Furthermore,

anxiety and depression are common symptoms of the stress response triggered by

such public health events, and studies have shown that when people are under

long-term stress, their risk of depression and anxiety rises. After being cured,

confirmed and suspected patients can experience long-term psychological issues.

Individuals' mental wellbeing is affected by social support, which is a positive

resource received by someone or community, and it may benefit individuals.

Besides, we are also motivated to conduct this research because we know that

nowadays many parents are living alone with their children and in that way they

are already experiencing bad behaviors such as stress and problems with life that

can triggers their psychological behaviors.

Since COVID-19 is highly contagious and there are currently no viable

treatment options, the most effective method of prevention is to eliminate

crowding. People started a long period of home quarantine under the leadership of

the central policy, with parents and children required to work and study at home.

Parents and children are separated from one another in limited space. During the

COVID-19 pandemic, parents pleaded for help with a variety of practical issues,

including how to get along with their children and how to handle disputes with

them. Aside from that, many parents attend related network lectures to enhance

communication with their children, resolve parent-child disputes, and improve the

parent-child relationship's consistency. In addition to the stress brought about by

the pandemic, the parent-child relationship and the relationship between parents

have an impact on parents' mental health during this difficult time, and parents’

mental health can have an impact on their children's mental, physical health and

creating a vicious cycle. As a result, it is important to pay close attention to

parents' mental wellbeing during the pandemic.

Hence, this research purpose is to give solutions about the psychological

behaviors specially to the parents, we will find a solution for this to live efficiently

and effectively while they are experiencing crisis. This research aims to know the

different effective solutions that the parents use to overcome those challenges that

they experience towards their problem. By conducting our research on the

psychological behaviors of parents, we can find out a lot about what really

triggers them. Examples of this are the lack of money, divorce and so on. Besides,

there a lot of parents facing difficulties in this time of Covid-19 crisis, whether

what kind of behaviors they have in their house or in the community, they still

need to handle that in their own. To live peacefully, parents needs to think of ways

on how they can have managed their psychological behaviors, especially to those

single parent who are providing the needs and wants of their child without

experiencing any bad behaviors.


Statement of the Problem

The general problem of this study is: What may the coping mechanism to the
psychological effects of COVID – 19, pandemic as perceived by parents?

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. How do parents describe their present situation?

2. What are the difficulties experience by parents at this time of pandemic?
3. What are the psychological effects of the present situation to the parents?
4. What are the ways the parents do to face the present situation?
5. What can be suggested to help avoid the psychological effects of COVID – 19,

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to determined how the parents managed the difficulties that

they encounter towards on their psychological behavior during pandemic. The

researchers used interview questionnaire as their research instrument in order to

gather data from the participants. The chosen respondents of this study are seven

(7) parents from Brgy. Gen. T. De Leon, Valenzuela City who encounter

hindrances on their psychological behavior during covid-19 crisis. The researchers

used non probability purposive sampling technique, for the reason that this study

needs participants who have experience and in-depth insights about the study and

also to provide a detailed information. This study lasted until July 2021.

Significance of the Study

Students. This study helps the students to know what would happen in their

surroundings during pandemic, they get the chance to know what they need to do

while this pandemic happen. It also encourages and be more aware for them to be

more careful for their words and actions because now they know what makes their

parents get angry to them.

Parents. This research gives an awareness for the parents on their everyday

experiences during this pandemic and also to get them some knowledge about this

study. It can help to those parents to control their bad behaviors against their


Teachers. This research helps the teachers to be inform on their everyday

lives as a parent or single parent teachers. Besides, it can help them for their

psychological behaviors to be more clear and be less experience this, they can live

peacefully without a problem about their tantrums nor bad behaviors can be more


Future researchers. This study will help to future researchers to guide

them and to get an idea about this study, it also gives them a courage and

motivation to make an successful research. They can also get more lesson about

the topic than be they be tackle in the near future.


Definition of Terms
To better understand the present study being created, the researchers come

up with this terms based to how the readers understand the study.

Covid-19 - A mild to serve respiratory illness that is caused by a coronavirus

severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus of the genus bet a corona virus.

The Covid-19 is acquired by interacting with people and by not wearing a mask

and talking to a sick person. It is also an example of virus than can easily transmit

or infect in one person to another.

Global Pandemic - It is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread

across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide affecting a

substantial number of people. These pathogens have caused global economic

disruptions and strained public health resources. The global pandemic is

happening to us now where people are having a hard time getting a job due to the

spread of the virus in our country and other people are experiencing serious


Global Threats - These are the range of threats; among them, regional coercion

and meddling, transnational terrorism, health insecurity, use of chemical and other

unconventional weapons, massive displacement of populations, and


overwhelming humanitarian crises- creates a complex operating environment.

This are those example that threatened and feared us to live in a peaceful life.

Psychological Behavior - Consists of an organism’s external reactions to its

environment. Other aspects of psychology are such as emotions, thoughts and

other internal mental processes. A psychological behavior may be modified

according to positive or negative reinforcement from me organism’s environment

or according to self-directed intensions.

Safety Health Protocols - Safety health protocols help to prevent disease and to

take care of our body so that it is not easily infected with the disease or the virus

that is spreading in our country today. It is also a guide for our community or

country to be safe all the time.




This review of literature focuses on procedures used to identify the solution

for the problem about the psychological behavior of the parents during pandemic.

The chapter begins with a definition of a psychological behavior’s of the parents,

solutions to control the anger managements then followed by the findings of

researchers using various instruments to measure how it can be handle by the

parents and finding new strategies.

Related Literature

The reviews of related literature are presented to give a dear overview and

understanding of this topic under the study:

There are many instances that the parents can possibly make a wrong move

with the people around them, especially with their child's. According to Weaver

and Swank (2020), because of Covid-19 pandemic many people across of the

globe are affected. There are 11 parent's experiences with the pandemic and

identified eight themes such as; educational experience, navigating roles and

responsibilities, recognizing privilege, routine, monitoring and communication

about Covid-19, vacillating emotions, connection, and meaningful experiences.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, parent's had to establish new rules like school

works, completions, social distancing and actually families experienced

challenges requiring modifications in family engagement and researchers have

started investigating the effects of the pandemic on parents (Craig and Churchill,

2020). In contrast to Lee (2020), the covid-19 pandemic presented parents with

new challenges on how best to prepare and support their children for a different

school experience in the early days of the pandemic nearly 80% of parents were

educating their child at home because of this crisis.

According to Rocio et., al (2020) the outbreak of COVID-19 in Spain

started at the end of February. By 9th April 2020 Spain was the second country in

confirmed cases and in deaths. On March 14, 2020, the Spanish Government

declared the state of alarm to limit viral transmission. During such state, citizens

must stay confined at home with few justified exceptions. This whole situation

drastically changed the life of the population, which can cause a wide range of

psychosocial impacts. These tools present benefits that could improve

psychological treatment of patients online, such as the possibility to meet from

home or from the workplace, saving money and time and maintaining the

relationship between therapists and patients. The aim of this paper is to show

empirical data from recent studies on the effect of the pandemic and reflect on

possible interventions based on technological tools. The social distance and the

security measures have affected the relationship among people and their

perception of empathy toward others. From this perspective, telepsychology and


technological devices assume important roles to decrease the negative effects of

the pandemic.

Lubis (2020) stated that the Covid-19 Pandemic can damage the learning of

students to forced and conduct nonphysical education progress and he said that it

is the only way to runs the learning progress. However, parents are responsible to

the influential support of their students that are resistant to technology due to

certain reasons.

As mentioned by Ahmed, (2020), the cause of widespread prevalence

of Covid-19 pandemic has affected academia and parent alike, due to the sudden

closure of the school’s students are missing social interaction which is vital for

better learning and grooming and while it most schools have started online

classes. The causes of the Global spread of the SARS COV-2 and the related

corona virus Disease-19 (covid-19) has forced by entire planet to suddenly adopt

important safety standards and reorganize to social reality and the present research

investigates the perception of psychological, relational and pedagogical risks and

needs in the developmental age of (3-18 years) by the parents of different Italian

regions during the quarantine period (Coppola ,2020).In the public health

emergency response that the covid-19 virus has involved physical distancing

strategies and also to reduce person- to person transmissions. Pandemics affects

changes to the physical activity and sedentary behavior’s among children. Hence,

the role of parent anxiety related to covid-19 on children’s physical activity and

sedentary behaviors has get to be explored (McCormack and Ghoneim,2020).

According to Lee Ward and Chang (2020), the causes of the corona-virus

pandemic presented American parents with new challenges on how best to prepare

and support their children for a very different beginning to the academic year and

many schools across the country suspending in person education, parents are

pounding more direct care for their children. Furthermore, many families were

experiencing economic hardship resulting from the pandemic. This research brief

examines parenting and factors related to the transition to online learning

experienced early in the pandemic. Ani, (2021) analyzed that the parents

have forced to deal with a challenging crisis because of the outbreak of covid-19,

which many have increased their stress level and negatively affecting their infants

at risk of abuse. When you are a parent, you want to do everything you can protect

your child and actually your family. The corona-virus disease (covid-19)

pandemic has bought with new challenges for families across the globe. (Unicef,


The Effects of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic to the Parents

Psychological Behavior

With a few exceptions, the majority of studies undertaken during earlier

pandemics and from the start of the COVID-19 outbreak focused on psychological

impacts on the broader public, leaving the research of effects on parents and

children mostly untouched (Brooks et al., 2020). According to Sprang and Silman

(2013), levels of post-traumatic stress were four times higher in children who

were isolated than in those who were not. Jiao et al., (2020) analyzed that fear,

clutching, inattention, and irritability were the most severe symptoms for younger

children in a preliminary study conducted in China during the COVID-19

epidemic, with fear, clutching, inattention, and irritability being the most severe

symptoms for younger children.

Still, processes that could explain which COVID-19 related risk factors put

children at higher risk of unfavorable outcomes, as well as the interplay between

COVID-19 lockdown and parental well-being on children's adjustment, have still

to be studied. If the wellness of the family is to be improved, a better

understanding of family processes, protective factors, and risk factors in the home

environment may be necessary (Wang et al., 2020). As stated by Dalton et al.,

(2020) the COVID-19 outbreak would exacerbate parents' psychological

problems, notably stress, on an individual and dyadic level, with detrimental

consequences for children's emotional and behavioral well-being.

This situation has raised the likelihood of parents experiencing stress and

bad emotions, potentially having a cascading effect on their children's well-being

(Sprang & Silman, 2013). In general, little is known about the elements that may

be linked to a child's ability to avoid behavioral and emotional difficulties during a

health emergency.

The main goal of this study was to see how pandemic-related

characteristics, structural characteristics of the home and family environment, and

parental subjective experience of stress and adjustment to the quarantine affect the

wellbeing of parents and children, and how these two factors are linked. We

looked into both individual parent stress and dyadic stress perception because it is

generally known that both types of stress can harm children's development

(Madigan et al., 2018; Martin et al., 2019). As mentioned by Liu et al., (2020), it

is becoming increasingly common to know at least one person who has tested

positive for COVID-19, has been hospitalized as a result of COVID-19, or has lost

a loved one as a result of COVID-19. Even for families who do not have to deal

with health issues, this could cause anxiety and worry among parents and


Related Studies

When a school has a strong reputation for success, parents are more likely

to participate” (Peters, 2012). In his qualitative study on Parent Involvement in

Kenyan Public Primary Schools, Mwai Kimu (2012) believes that a society needs

to raise its degree of educational involvement, which begins with parental support.

He believes that parent-school relationships can be strengthened. He claims that

parent-school linkages can be enhanced through the teacher/parent relationship

because teachers are the main linkage of parents to the school, the teacher/parent

relationship is critical to pupils’ success and parent involvement. Parents must be

considered a constant and principle component of curriculum.

According to Meera & Hannah (2020), the crisis changed the life of

families all around the world because of the government rules on social distancing

and isolation, parents, caregivers and children spend the most of their time together

in private locations. Xiaole & Xingchao (2021) mentioned that the worldwide

spread of coronavirus illness (COVID-19) has caused economic, societal, and

personal stress. Personal suffering is also a way of creating negative emotional

reactivities through parental psychological control. Despite of lack of a direct link

between parental psychological control and positive emotional response, personal

discomfort and perspective taking modulate the relationship in the other direction.

Findings have implications for predicting and intervening mental health problems

in COVID-19 pandemic and future public health emergency. The results can help

predict and manage in psychological issues in the COVID-19 outbreak as well as

other public health emergencies.

Nihat (2013), stated that success at school is guaranteed if school-based

instruction is supported by parents’ involvement at home. Increased student


attendance and contentment with school, greater academic achievement,

motivation, school attachment, responsibility and confidence, greater social

adaption, and fewer discipline problems have all been described as benefits of

involving parents in education. According to Nihat (2013), school achievement is

guaranteed when school-based education is accompanied by parental involvement

at home. The benefits of incorporating parents in education have been stated as

increased student attendance and contentment with school, improved academic

achievement, motivation, school attachment, responsibility and confidence,

improved social adaptability, and less discipline problems. In the Philippines,

family is seen as a vital component of society. It has been formed by the Filipino

people's and culture's distinct history, values, experiences, adaptations, and ways of

being (Alampay, n.d.). With a lengthy history of political and social struggle, it

appears that Filipino parents face insurmountable obstacles when it comes to

raising their children. Meanwhile, according to the NSO Census of Population and

Housing (CPH), 97.5 percent or 69.8 million of the 71.5 million people aged 10

and over are literate or can read and write, as of December 2013. (Selangan, 2015).

As a result, the current study is likely to add to the existing research on the

impact of expectancies on Filipinos, if any exists. This research can help us better

grasp the effects of local culture, which is difficult to explain using foreign

frameworks. Attempting to explore a global phenomenon through indigenous

analysis, that is, from the point of view of the local culture had already been done

by other authors (Calaguas & Dizon, 2011; Hakim et al.,2012).

Parental participation, according to some sociologists, can be seen of as a

sort of social capital. According to Coleman's theory, family participation is

important can be defined as "imbued

social relationships" with trust, obligation, or reciprocity norms” (McNeal, the year

2014). Families that fulfill fundamental physiological needs and social capital,

according to Lyman (2014), assist their children attain academic success. These

research looked at parental articipation practices and their impacts on learning

outcomes (Orillosa & Magno, 2013) and behavior (Braza et al., 2014) in early

children. Parental participation strategies in schools, notably offering outlets for

parents to coordinate with school administration, helped improve learning

outcomes in the case studies reported by San Antonio et al. (2008).


The Parental involvement in the classroom has long been hailed as a

critical and positive factor in children's academic and socioemotional development.

Positive reciprocal relationships between these two important socializing

environments – families and schools – contribute significantly to a child's

socioemotional and cognitive development from an ecological perspective

(Bronfenbrenner, 1987). Research has also evidenced that programs focused on

increasing parental involvement in education have positive impacts on children,

families, and school communities (Jeynes, 2012; Catalano, 2014). Parent-school

partnership allows for the conceptualization of roles and relationships and the

impact on the development of children in a broader way (Christenson & Reschly,

2010). Families and schools are the major actors in the formation of their roles and

forms of involvement in this method, resulting in new and varied activities to relate

to one another based on the individual educational situation. The key studies in the

family-school field suggest that this collaboration has a good impact on academic

attainment and performance, among other things (Epstein & Sander, 2000; Hotz &

Pantano, 2015; Sebastian et al., 2017).


The majority of studies on parental involvement in education, however, are

based on cross-sectional and correlational designs and are from Anglophone

countries (Garbacz et al., 2017). Only one Mexican research from 1998 was found

in a recent systematic assessment of the literature on parental involvement in

education in Latin America, and it was substantially impacted by US activities

(Roth Eichin and Volante Beach, 2018). Since the publication of this policy, a slew

of local initiatives has sprung up around the country in an attempt to improve

school-family connections (Saracostti-Schwartzman, 2013).

Foreign Studies the Parental involvement in the classroom has long been

hailed as a critical and positive factor in children's academic and socioemotional

development. Positive reciprocal relationships between these two important

socializing environments – families and schools – contribute significantly to a

child's socioemotional and cognitive development from an ecological perspective

(Bronfenbrenner, 1987). Research has also evidenced that programs focused on

increasing parental involvement in education have positive impacts on children,

families, and school communities (Jeynes, 2012; Catalano, 2014). Parent-school

partnership allows for the conceptualization of roles and relationships and the

impact on the development of children in a broader way (Christenson and Reschly,

2010). Families and schools are the major actors in the formation of their roles and

forms of involvement in this method, resulting in new and varied activities to relate

to one another based on the individual educational situation.

The key studies in the family-school field suggest that this collaboration

has a good impact on academic attainment and performance, among other things

(Epstein and Sander, 2000; Hotz and Pantano, 2015; Sebastian et al., 2017). The

majority of studies on parental involvement in education, however, are based on

cross-sectional and correlational designs and are from Anglophone countries

(Garbacz et al., 2017). Only one Mexican research from 1998 was found in a

recent systematic assessment of the literature on parental involvement in education

in Latin America, and it was substantially impacted by US activities (Roth Eichin

and Volante Beach, 2018). Since the publication of this policy, a slew of local

initiatives has sprung up around the country in an attempt to improve school-

family connections (Saracostti-Schwartzman, 2013).



Researchers assumed to provide and give another solution to the problem that

experiencing by the parents in the current situation. The participants mentioned

that it helps to lessen and ease to experience these behaviors when you will be

treated well and manage your anger every time you’re in a difficult situation. This

study is based on a finding out how parents actually coped with their problem in

the behaviors during Covid- 19 pandemic. Based on the information we gathered,

many of our respondents whose parents were not able to control their behavior in

their home so they suddenly get upset in everything. Other parents avoid getting

angry over small things. Moffatt (2018) mentioned that two more important

characteristics of human under the behavioral assumption are rationality and self-

interest (Moffatt, 2018).



Research Methodology

This chapter presents the description of a research design, population and sample of the

study, research instruments, data gathering procedure, and data processing.

Research Design

The researcher design used by the researcher is phenomenology. Neubauer (2019) stated

that phenomenology is a type of qualitative research that focuses on the investigation of a

person's lived experiences in the world. The nature of this methodology is frequently scary to

HPE researchers, even though it is a powerful way of inquiry. This article seeks to explain

phenomenology by comparing and contrasting two prominent approaches to phenomenology in

terms of philosophical and methodological differences. The purpose of this research was to find

cope for the problem about the psychological behavior that the parents' they facing right now

during a pandemic. This study also wants to give awareness to all the parents that experiencing

this kind of situation. The researchers used an interview questionnaire to know the answers that

we give to them.

Population and Sample of the Study

To attain stated objective, the parents who experience those problem about their

psychological aggression in Gen. Tiburcio De Leon National High School in Senior High is our

chosen participants. The researchers gathered their own perspective and opinion from the

participants. In this study, the numbers of respondents are ten (10) parents who were selected in

Senior High school guardian. Some researchers believe it is desirable to have at least 10

respondents for each item being tested in a factor analysis (Research gate, 2017). The researchers

decided to select a student who have parents that experiencing this kind of situation in strand of

Humms in Gen T. Deleon National High school, 10 parents would be interview by sending the

survey questionnaire via messenger, parents of GRADE 11 HUMSS (5), parents of GRADE 12

HUMMS (5), these 10 participants from grade 11 and grade 12 students of their parents from

Humms strand would answer our survey questionnaire based on their experience and own

perspective. In the interview, 10 respondents were selected.

The researchers believed that the number of respondents had achieved saturation as it is

suggested that qualitative analyses typically require smaller sample size than the quantitative

analyses. The method used in the research was purposive sampling. Alchemer (2021) stated that

the purposive sampling is a form of non-probability sampling in which researchers rely on their

own judgment when choosing members of the population to participate in their research. In the

ongoing study the respondents who were selected had an experience about their psychological

behavior during pandemic and it is related to our study.

Research Instrument

The researcher collected data utilizing an unstructured interview, observation, and a

survey questionnaire with a research entitled "Parents’ Perception to the Psychological Problems

of during Covid-19 Pandemic that is qualitative research. As Patton (2002), referenced in Fall

(2016), stated, using different data sources strengthens a study. When several data sources are

accessible, data triangulation is possible. The research instrument of this study is based on the

research problem.

The researchers used a survey questionnaire using Google form and they came up with

the seven questions to know the effects of the covid-19 pandemic on the psychological behavior

of the parents. The researcher observed and recorded the outcome of interactions between the

researcher and their respondents as a participant, concentrating on the types of feedback we

collect and how it was answered; an explanation for answers, thinking for the right answer, as

well as the students' response to the questions that ask by a respondent. This questionnaire was

validated by Jovalyn Pagapong Emano from Gen. T. De Leon National High School.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers had allotted vigorous time, effort, and cooperation in developing their

questionnaire to serve as intended respondents. The first step used was to ask permission from

the Parents to conduct the survey. The survey was created using suitable questions modified

from related researchers and individual questions formed by the researcher. Then whatever

how we will collect the data, we have to assure it is reliable, consistent, and accurate and we

can trust the info. Finally, the instrument to collect the data must suit the research goal.

Data Processing

The researcher provides a letter of consent to the participants and make survey

questionnaires with 5 (five) questions via a google form. Researchers distribute it to the 10

respondents whose parent and after that we are able to make a table to collect and gathered their

answers. The participants are requested to answer the questions with outmost honesty. After the

survey, the researcher will interpret the data gathered from respondents and view all the

perspectives about their situation.



This chapter focuses on the collected data of the participants which is the parent. This

chapter answers the problem about, “Coping Mechanism to the Psychological Effects of Covid-

19, Pandemic as Perceived by Parents “.

Table 4.1 shows the responses of participants on how can they describe their present

situation with the Covid- 19, pandemic, what are the difficulties they experiencing and what are

the psychological effects they experiencing in the present situation.

TABLE 4. 1
Interview Transcripts

Question 1: How do you describe your present situation?

Respondent 1: Maraming asikasuhin dahil house wife ako, medyo nakaka stress at nakaka high
blood kapag ang mga anak ko ay hindi sumusunod sa mga inuutos ko tapos pagod pa.

Respondent 2: Stressful and its hard.


Respondent 4: bilang isang magulang ay napakahirap ng sitwasyon ngayon dahil andaming

problemang kinakaharap at obligasyon na nakasalalay sa amin bilang isang magulang.

Respondent 5: It is very hard to be a parent now a day, especially because of our current
situation. As a mother, I'm the who have to look for my children and make sure that they are
focusing on their studies.

Respondent 6: Since the broke out of the pandemic, a lot of health regulations became need
strictly to follow that directly affects my job and everyday life.

Respondent 7: Worried for our family but there's a God to help us to protect us keep calm
because God is the answer of all of this situation.

Respondent 8: Find it difficult because of the current situation of pandemic.

Respondent 9: Having difficulties in life.

Respondents 10: DIFFICULT

Question 2: What difficulties are you experiencing at this time of pandemic?

Respondent 1: Kapag nagkakaroon ng sakit ang mga anak ko at kapag nag aaway kaming mag
asawa, magulo sa bahay.

Respondent 2: Lacks of money and overcoming stress when it comes to financial problems.





Respondent 4: ito po ang napakahirap na dumating sa buhay ko bilang isang driver ng taxi
kami ay na tigil sa aming hanap buhay, bumalik man ang operasyon sa pagbyahe ay
napakalaki parin ang pagkakaiba sa aming byahe noon at ngayon matumal na ang aming byahe
ngayon kaya malaki ang pwerhisyong dinulot ng pandemya na ito at nagbigay pa ang ating
pamahalaan ng libreng sakay kaya naman mas lalong humina ang hanap buhay yun lang po
ang masasabi ko sa pandemyang ito lalong humina at lumiit ang aming naiuuwi at kita sa
aming hanap buhay.

Respondent 5: Having a business and being a parent at the same time was very hard, because
you need to focus on the business and the children’s as well. I have to multi task to be able to
provide the needs of my family, and to take care of my children as well, and that I think is one
the difficulties that I face right now as a parent.

Respondent 6: Having too much protocols needed to follow to prevent the spread of the
covid-19 virus.

Respondent 7: They have to follow the rules of the govt.

Respondent 8: It is difficult to adjust especially since children have many needs during the

Respondent 9: Financial

Respondent 10: JOBLESS

Question 3: What do you think are the psychological effects of the current situation on

Respondent 1: Mabilis akong magalit o ma high blood sa kadahalinan ngang hindi sumusunod
sakin ang mga anak ko kapag may iuutos ako sakanila.

Respondent 2: Stress



Respondent 4: malaki po ang sikohilokal at epekto sa amin bilang magulang kasi natatamaan
ang aming mga hanap buhay.

Respondent 5: Sometimes I get paranoid whenever I see my children struggling with their
studies but I'm still here ready to give them a hand whenever I could.

Respondent 6: It makes you more determine, because many people lose their jobs during the
current pandemic.

Respondent 7: Many things all I need to handle the situation of this pandemic always pray.
Respondent 8: It's just sad that nowadays you really have to adjust to many things especially
since I should be the one to guide my children.

Respondent 9: Mental health problems

Respondent 10: MENTAL ILLNESS

Question 4: What are the ways you do to deal with the current situation?

Respondent 1: Nagiging positibo ako sa lahat ng bagay, pinapalipas ko muna ang galit ko
upang hindi din maka apekto sa kalusugan ko.

Respondent 2: Do some balance and easy way to cope up on this situation.


Respondent 4: Kaunting tiis lang po at wag mawalan ng pag asa basta positibo palagi ang isip
natin lahat at di naman tayo pabayaan ng nasa itaas kaya gawin parin po ang dapat at ang
obligasyon bilang isang magulang.

Respondent 5: Do things that I love like cooking. Cooking makes me relax and seeing my kids
enjoying the foods that I made is one of the things that relieves my stress.

Respondent 6: Make sure to follow the protocols and be more careful on interacting on

Respondent 7: You need to accept the new normal.

Respondent 8: Be patient with everything and abide by the policies implemented by our
government in this pandemic.

Respondent 9: Online business


Question 5: What do you think can be suggested to help prevent the psychological effects
of COVID - 19, pandemic?

Respondent 1: Iwasan lang ang magalit sa maliliit na bagay at huwag agad magsisisigaw
kapag may problema, isa kasi yun sa makaka apekto sa pag iisip natin lalo na't may pandemic


Respondent 2: Just make yourself busy to avoid overthinking of problems.



Respondent 4: Dapat lahat tayo ay sumunod sa protokol ng ating gobyerno mass distancing at
maglinis palagi ng ating kapaligiran para covid ay maiwasan at mag stay sa bahay para
maiwasan natin ang pandemyang ito.

Respondent 5: To those parents who are experiencing this kind of struggle, I suggest to them
that they need to things that helps them to relax, and for the family, especially for their
children, they should talk to their parents and help them with some household chores, because
as a child it is also their responsibility to do household activities and it would really help their

Respondent 6: Follow the regulations and protocols to help in prevention of the spread of
covid-19 virus.

Respondent 7: Stay at home and follow health protocol.

Respondent 8: Don't ignore feelings especially since this is what should always be the concern.

Respondent 9: Follow the protocols.



Table 4.1 shows the answers of the participants to the survey questions presented by the
researchers. A closer look on the table, it reveals on how the parents are struggling on how to
cope their problem on the psychological behavior during Covid- 19, pandemic.

Table 4.2 shows on how the parent describe their current situation with the Covid- 19, pandemic
and what are difficulties they experiencing. Table 4.2 includes the verbatim responses and the
codes that emerge during the interview with the participants gathered by the researchers.

Table 4.2
Parents’ Descriptions of their Present Situation
Area of Focus (Questions) Verbatim Response Themes

Question 1: How do you Respondent 1: Maraming Physically and Mentally

describe your present asikasuhin dahil house wife
Positive Mind
situation? ako, medyo nakaka stress at
nakaka high blood kapag ang
Trusting in God
mga anak ko ay hindi

sumusunod sa mga inuutos ko

tapos pagod pa.

Respondent 2: Stressful and

its hard.

Respondent 3: SURVIVING



Respondent 4: bilang isang

magulang ay napakahirap ng

sitwasyon ngayon dahil

andaming problemang

kinakaharap at obligasyon na

nakasalalay sa amin bilang

isang magulang.

Respondent 5: It is very hard

to be a parent now a day,

especially because of our

current situation. As a

mother, I'm the who have to

look for my children and

make sure that they are

focusing on their studies.

Respondent 6: Since the


broke out of the pandemic, a

lot of health regulations

became need strictly to

follow that directly affects

my job and everyday life.

Respondent 7: Worried for

our family but there's a God

to help us to protect us keep

calm because God is the

answer of all of this situation.

Respondent 8: Find it

difficult because of the

current situation of pandemic.

Respondent 9: Having

difficulties in life.

Respondents 10:


Physically and Mentally Tired

Many of the respondents stated that they are easily got angry on the things. They also
said that they are more fragile because of the tiredness they experiencing in the current situation
with Covid- 19, pandemic.

Positivity of Mind
One of the respondents stated that they just being positive even if there are many
problems they encounter in the current situation.

Most of the respondents said that it is hard to overcome the stress specially there are
many responsibilities they need to do; with their children and family they belong to. They
struggling to cope their problem with their behavior.

According to the Staff Reporter (2015), parent must provide their children with their
food, clothing, shelter and the medical care. Parent also needs to protect and love their children

Trusting in God
One of the respondents stated that one thing he trusted is God. He said that trusting all
your worries and problem to him don’t make you feel stress and it helps you to lessen your

Table 4.3 shows and explain the participants about the difficulties of the parents that they
experiencing in the current situation with the Covid- 19, pandemic.

Table 4.3
Difficulties Experienced by Parents
Area of Focus (Questions) Verbatim Response Themes
Respondent 1: Kapag
Question 2: What Financial Problem
nagkakaroon ng sakit ang
difficulties are you Thinking well
mga anak ko at kapag nag
experiencing in this time of Time Management
aaway kaming mag asawa,
pandemic? Jobless
magulo sa bahay.

Respondent 2: Lacks of

money and overcoming stress

when it comes to financial


Respondent 3: HAVING









Respondent 4: ito po ang

napakahirap na dumating sa

buhay ko bilang isang driver

ng taxi kami ay na tigil sa

aming hanap buhay, bumalik

man ang operasyon sa

pagbyahe ay napakalaki parin

ang pagkakaiba sa aming

byahe noon at ngayon

matumal na ang aming byahe

ngayon kaya malaki ang

pwerhisyong dinulot ng

pandemya na ito at nagbigay

pa ang ating pamahalaan ng

libreng sakay kaya naman

mas lalong humina ang hanap


buhay yun lang po ang

masasabi ko sa pandemyang

ito lalong humina at lumiit

ang aming naiuuwi at kita sa

aming hanap buhay.

Respondent 5: Having a

business and being a parent at

the same time was very hard,

because you need to focus on

the business and the

children’s as well. I have to

multi task to be able to

provide the needs of my

family, and to take care of my

children as well, and that I

think is one the difficulties

that I face right now as a


Respondent 6: Having too

much protocols needed to


follow to prevent the spread

of the covid-19 virus.

Respondent 7: They have to

follow the rules of the govt.

Respondent 8: It is difficult

to adjust especially since

children have many needs

during the pandemic.

Respondent 9: Financial

Respondent 10: JOBLESS

Financial Problem
Many of the respondents are facing about financial problem. They are suffering to
survive the day without income with their family so they think another way to survive in the

Thinking Well
One of the respondent said that she thinking twice in every problem they facing because
it helps to survive in the daily basis. In the way they thinking well, there’s no time to repeat a
wrong decision they make.

Time Management
Many of the respondents stated that it’s hard to multi task with all the house chores. Time
management is the one solution to make all the responsibility and the chores specially when it is
rush and needs to be done as soon as possible.

Lee (2020) mentioned that the time management for the parents is a must because it helps
them to finish all the house chores and also to have a time for them to relax.

Many of them stated that one of the most difficulties they experiencing in the current
situation is being a jobless because there are many responsibilities they need to face specially
with their family. It causes stress and problem in the behaviors specially in this kind of situation
with Covid- 19, pandemic.

Table 4.4 shows the psychological effects of the present situation. It also includes the
effects they experiencing with the Covid-19, pandemic

Table 4.4

Psychological Effects of the Present Situation

Area of Focus (Questions) Verbatim Response Themes

Question 3: What do you Respondent 1: Mabilis akong Stress

think are the psychological Being Impatient
magalit o ma high blood sa
effects of the current
kadahalinan ngang hindi
situation on you?
sumusunod sakin ang mga

anak ko kapag may iuutos

ako sakanila.

Respondent 2: Stress

Respondent 3: IT GIVES










Respondent 4: malaki po ang

sikohilokal at epekto sa amin

bilang magulang kasi

natatamaan ang aming mga

hanap buhay.

Respondent 5: Sometimes I

get paranoid whenever I see

my children struggling with

their studies but I'm still here

ready to give them a hand

whenever I could.

Respondent 6: It makes you

more determine, because

many people lose their jobs

during the current pandemic.

Respondent 7: Many things


all I need to handle the

situation of this pandemic

always pray.

Respondent 8: It's just sad

that nowadays you really

have to adjust to many things

especially since I should be

the one to guide my children.

Respondent 9: Mental health


Respondent 10: MENTAL



Most respondents said they were stressed. The reason for their stressed is the loss of their
jobs due to the situation facing our world, which many have stressed because they are losing
what will be the budget for their family and for necessities.

According to Scott (2020), Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes
physical, emotional, or psychological strain. Stress is your body's response to anything that
requires attention or action.

Being Impatient
Most respondents said they impatient. This makes them easily irritated, easily mad with
their families because there is no source of cost for their family, they lose patience due to the
situation and at the same time concern for their family.

According to Lueck (2018), impatience are linked because being anxious makes it hard to
wait for something to happen, impatience by itself is normal but when impatience starts to affect
our actions, it can take over our lives.

Table 45. shows the ways of the parents on how to cope and overcome their
psychological behavior in the current situation.

Table 4.5
Parents’ Ways of Facing the Present Situation

Area of Focus (Questions) Verbatim Response Themes

Question 4: What are your Respondent 1: Nagiging Positive Thinking

ways to deal with the positibo ako sa lahat ng Time & Stress Management

current situation? bagay, pinapalipas ko muna

ang galit ko upang hindi din

maka apekto sa kalusugan ko.

Respondent 2: Do some

balance and easy way to cope

up on this situation.

Respondent 3: JUST






Respondent 4: Kaunting tiis

lang po at wag mawalan ng

pag asa basta positibo palagi

ang isip natin lahat at di

naman tayo pabayaan ng nasa


itaas kaya gawin parin po ang

dapat at ang obligasyon

bilang isang magulang.

Respondent 5: Do things that

I love like cooking. Cooking

makes me relax and seeing

my kids enjoying the foods

that I made is one of the

things that relieves my stress.

Respondent 6: Make sure to

follow the protocols and be

more careful on interacting

on customers.

Respondent 7: You need to

accept the new normal.

Respondent 8: Be patient

with everything and abide by

the policies implemented by


our government in this


Respondent 9: Online


Respondent 10: INTERACT



Positive Thinking

Most respondents said they think positively. As they observe themselves they find a way
to find other allocations of time and find other sources of need for their families as a parent.

According to Bhandari (2020), Positive thinking, or an optimistic attitude, is the practice

of focusing on the good in any given situation. It can have a big impact on your physical and
mental health.

Time & Stress Management


Most respondents said they were a stress manager. Because they are able to manage their
stress even in such a situation and even when they are faced with problems they are able to deal
with the problems they are experiencing.

Smith (2020) mentioned that stress management is part of being human, and it can help
motivate you to get things done. Even high stress from serious illness, job loss, a death in the
family, or a painful life event can be a natural part of life.

Table 4.6 presents the response of the participants about the prevention to lessen and avoid their
problem about the psychological behavior during crisis.

Table 4.6
Suggestions that can be Done to Help Avoid Psychological Effects of COVID-19
Area of Focus (Questions) Verbatim Response Themes

Question 5: What do you Respondent 1: Iwasan lang Calmness of mind

Spending time

think can be suggested to ang magalit sa maliliit na Positive thoughts

Expressing feelings
help avoid the psychological bagay at huwag agad

effects of COVID - 19, magsisisigaw kapag may

pandemic? problema, isa kasi yun sa

makaka apekto sa pag iisip

natin lalo na't may pandemic


Respondent 2: Just make

yourself busy to avoid

overthinking of problems.

Respondent 3: ALWAYS











Respondent 4: Dapat lahat

tayo ay sumunod sa protokol

ng ating gobyerno mass

distancing at maglinis palagi

ng ating kapaligiran para

covid ay maiwasan at mag

stay sa bahay para maiwasan

natin ang pandemyang ito.

Respondent 5: To those

parents who are experiencing

this kind of struggle, I

suggest to them that they

need to things that helps them

to relax, and for the family,

especially for their children,

they should talk to their

parents and help them with

some household chores,

because as a child it is also

their responsibility to do

household activities and it

would really help their


Respondent 6: Follow the

regulations and protocols to

help in prevention of the

spread of covid-19 virus.

Respondent 7: Stay at home

and follow health protocol.

Respondent 8: Don't ignore

feelings especially since this

is what should always be the


Respondent 9: Follow the


Respondent 10: ACCEPT




Calmness of Mind

One of the respondents said that being calm in every situation helps you to ease the
problem. Just think about the problem and be positive so in that way, you can solve the problem
without getting angry and not affecting your behavior.

Spending Time

Many of the respondents stated that spending time with the family, relatives and best
friend helps to prevent experiencing the psychological affects with the current situation,
especially in this kind of crisis.

Positive Thoughts

Being positive always gives you a better life. One of the respondents also stated that it
helps to solve their problem when they have a positive mind and thoughts.

Santos & Legg (2019) mentioned that having a positive thought in every situations makes
your life better, longer life span, lower rates of depression and better psychological and psychical

Expressing Feelings
One of the respondents stated that expressing your feeling to someone helps you to avoid
of having bad behaviors or avoiding experiencing any other psychological effects. It also helps to
ease your stress, specially to the parents in the current situation.



This chapter provides the summary of the previous chapter that provides by the
researchers. This would be used in the conclusion & recommendations.

Summary of Findings

The following answers are provided by the respondents’ cooperation and willingness to
participate on the topic tackled by the researchers. The given questions below are the given
corresponding responds to the survey questionnaires.

1. How do parents describe your present situation?

The participants who are parent stated that they experiencing many problems and stress
because of the Covid- 19 pandemic. Many of them mentioned that as a parent, they need to cope
and overcome it for their family and for themselves. In the current situation, many of the
participants are struggling, a lot them are jobless because they need to follow the rules and
regulations given by the government.

2. What are the difficulties experience by parents at this time of pandemic?

Many of the participants mentioned that the difficulties they experiencing in the current
situation with the Covid- 19 pandemic is the lack of money and being a jobless parent. They also
stated that it is difficult to overcome the stress when it comes to financial problem in the family
and then they also need to adjust for their children because most of them have many needs in the
current situation.

3. What are the psychological effects of the present situation to the parents?

Parents stated that the psychological effects they experiencing in the current situation is
they get easily irritated and angry with the people around them, especially to their children that
didn’t obey the rules and when someone shouted at them. Parents are easily get hurt and it cause
to being worse on how they think. When their illness in the psychological behaviors get worse, it
is possible that they can hurt the people around them.

4. What are your ways the parents do to face the present situation?

Parents stated that their ways on how to deal with the stress in the current situation they
experiencing is to think of the things that they love to do, things than can relieve and can calm

their problem. They also stated that be positive and patient in every situation whether it is good
or bad because when you are positive in every situation, there are many ways that you can
resolve the problem, just think and relax your mind.

5. What can be suggested to help avoid the psychological effects of COVID - 19, pandemic?

Many parents suggested that don’t get easily irritated and angry in every problem they

encounter in every day of their lives, just make yourself busy to avoid overthink the problems

and think of the things that can make your mind relax. Parents also mentioned that you need to

surrender all your worries to God, he has plans to us just trust him.


Since the Covid- 19 brought us in a difficult situation, many of us finding a solution to

overcome every day of our lives. Researchers also mentioned that a virus called Covid- 19

pandemic is very hard to solve because it is a long process we need to do. People are starting to

worry specially the parents and because of that, many of them are experiencing psychological


The following conclusions were drawn:

1. Parents are more stress in struggling their problem in psychological behavior in the current
situation with the Covid-19, pandemic.

2. Parents are easily get hurt and irritated when someone shouted at them.

3. Most of the parents are suffering with the financial problem in the Covid- 19, pandemic.

4. It is possible that the parent can be dangerous when their psychological behavior will get
worse and didn’t treated immediately.

5. Parents do a multi- tasking works because there are many works they need to accomplish
specially with their children.


To highlight the findings and conclusions, the following recommendation were drawn:

1. Parents need to be treated well especially by the people around them and their family they
belong to.

2. Parents and guardians need to train their mind in every problem they encounter in everyday

3. Children must obey the rules given by their parents.

4. Parents and guardians need to limit their time in their work so that they have time to rest and
give a time for their family.

5. Parents need to communicate with their family so they have a time to resolve their problem.


Ahmed et. al, (2020)'S_PERCEPTIONS_ON_E-

Bhandari, (2020)

Calaguas & Dizon, (2011)

Katelyn & Aaron, (2018)

Lee, (2020)

Lubis, (2020)

Melissa & Ian, (2018)

Santos & Legg (2019)

Saracostti-Schwartzman, (2013)

Scott, (2020)

Smith, (2020)

Sprang & Silman, (2020)

Weaver & Swank, (2020)


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