Elements of Visual Art &design

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Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021

 Elements of art are stylistic
features that are included within
an art piece to help the artist
The seven most common elements
include :
 line,
 shape,
 texture,
 form,
 space,
 colour and value,
with the additions of mark
making, and materiality

Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021

 Lines are the basic elements used to organize a visual
 They can exist independently or on their own, but are
usually joined together to create shape and forms and
to organize space and texture.
 Lines can also be used to apply decorations, provide
information and evoke a feeling.

Decorative lines

Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021


 A shape is an area enclosed by lines .

 Shape s are two dimensional (2D) they have length
and width and no depth.
 We can imagine about numerous different shapes,
that we can see and are possible.

Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021


 Forms are described as 3

dimensional(3D), because they have
depth , length and Width.
 Many designs are built from number
different components part which
makes up whole, the combination,
arrangement and propotions of these
parts creates the form of the overall
 Geometry shapes and forms are
regular and precise and usually arises
out of the purpose in which it is
designed for.
 Geometry shapes are fundamental to
the appearances of the manufactured
products .
Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021
Free Shapes & Forms

 They are less precise and

have greater applications in
the decorative aspects of
design and in craft based
 Their variety is numerous
and can be derived from
natural objects.

Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021


 Texture is the surface finish on a

material, this can described as the
roughness and the smoothness of
the surfaces/hardness or softness
of the material.
 Texture is both visual and tactile
,because we can see and feel
 Different materials have different
textures of their own , which can
help us to identify them.
 Texture vary depending on the
way the material was worked or
Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021
 The colour of something is the appearance
that it has as a result of the way in which it
reflects light. Red, blue, and green are
 Just a moment look around and study the
objects or things which surrounds you.
 Do you notice how attention switches
from one part of an object to another? And
how certain detail stand out or attract
 Can you imagine how dreadfully ,dull and
uninteresting the same objects would be if
you saw them in just one color and again
in the same colored background.
 Through color we can see the details and
variations in this features as our attention
is drawn from one part of the design to

Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021

Color Wheel

 Color wheel is - a circular diagram of the spectrum used to show the relationships
between the colors.
 In the mixing of ink, dye and paints there are three basics colors, from which all
other colors can be made.
>>Red . >> Blue >> Yellow
 These colors are called Primary colors.
 When two primary colors are mixed in equal amounts we get or produce
Secondary Color
 There are three secondary colors namely
>> Green >> Violet >> Orange
 When you mix yellow and blue you get Green.
 When you mix blue and red you get Violet.
 When you mix red and yellow you get orange.
 When primary colors and secondary color are mixed we get Tertiary Color

Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021

Diagrams :1-4

Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021

Shades .Tints and Tones

You can create shades, tints and tones of a color by adding

black, grey and white to a base hue.

 A shade is created by adding black to a base hue,
darkening the color. This creates a deeper, richer color.
Shades can be quite dramatic and can be overpowering.

 A tint is created by adding white to a base hue,
lightening the color. This can make a color less intense,
and is useful when balancing more vivid color

 A tone is created by combining black and white—or
grey—with a base hue. Like tints, tones are subtler
versions of the original color. Tones are less likely to
look pastel, and can reveal complexities not apparent in
the base color.

Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021

How Color Can be Used In Design

 Colors can be used to create sense of harmony and Contrast.

> Colors which are closest on the color wheel relates harmoniously.
>The color on the color wheel with greatest contrast are known as
Complementary colors.
 Colors can be used to create illusions which can affect our feelings about
> For example : It can be used to show size and weight of an object.
Ie: Dark color can be used to make things look heavier or stronger
and light color to make them look light in weight.
 Colors also can be used to show or to express emotions.
>For example : Yellow color is believed to have soothing effect while red to
have oppressive effect.
> Colors can give a sense of warmth and coldness.
Eg: Warm colors are ; Red , Orange, and Yellow.
Cool Colors are; Violet ,Blue and Green.
> Colors also make things look dull or brighter : Exciting or boring

Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021

Look at the pictures below

 Write down some of your feeling and thoughts

about the room in the picture below.

Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021

Color association

 Through our experience as we grew up we com e to associate different

color with particular situation , Product or design
 Example
>> Red----------------Danger
>> White--------------Purity/ Peace
>>Yellow --------------Happiness
>> Blue -----------------Sadness
>>Black ----------------Grieving moment.
 Do you think that people can buy your product example Brown
nappies , Black washing powder.

Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021


 Space is the illusion of distance on a two dimensional surface such as

canvas, paper, and board.
 Artist employs the tone and perspectives to achieve sense of space in
their art work.
 The following are elements of space:
>>The background
>>The Middle ground
>> The foreground
 This are referred to distances or areas around, between and within
things ,
 Artist can use both negative space and positive space.
 We live in a three dimensional world of depth, we can tell that some
objects appear to be closer or further away.

Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021

Theories of Space

The theory of space includes the following concepts

 Size: Larger objects appear closer while smaller
object seem further away. Vanishing Point
 Overlap: Partially covering one shape or object
with another makes the one in front appear closer
 Placement : The creation of depth In painting
depends on where the shape or object is in relation
with the horizon line, things closer to the horizon
line appear further away , objects nearer to the top
or bottom of the canvas appear closer in image.
 Atmospheric perspective : As object recede in to
the distance they begin to loose color, brightness ,
and details.
 Shading: Shapes mimic the way real objects would
appear under the same lighting.
 Linear Perspective: Drawn lines converge on a
vanishing point to achieve a more realistic illusion
of space, linear perspective is described by the
number of vanishing point lines used.
Horizon line

Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021

Created by: Mr Hussain.K. 11/5/2021

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