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Question: What do we mean by enrolment?

Ans. : Enrolment is the process of selecting the type of insurance plan and providing
demographic details related to the members for whom we wish to avail the policy benefit.

Question: When can enrolment process be started?

Ans. : Enrolment process can be done during window period only.

Question: What is the duration of window period?

Ans. : The window period is for 15 days.

Question: How do we start the enrollment process ?

Ans. : The process starts with logging on to the Genins website:

Details for logging on to the Genins website (

Log-in type: Corporate login
User name: Tech Mahindra Limited (select from the drop down menu)
Password: techmin
After logging in the employee will reach the Employee / HR Log-In Interphase.

Details for logging on to the Employee / HR Log-In Interphase:

Log-in Type: Employees
User Name: Employee Code
Password: Employee Date of Birth Date (ddmmyyyy format)
The first Login will direct the employee to compulsorily change the password and re-login.

Question: I have problem in logging in. Where do I get assistance?

Ans. : For assistance in log in , please mail at with the following

Details required
Date of Birth
Mobile No.

Question: Is OPD benefit available under this policy?

Ans. : No.
Question: Can I change my plan when I want to ?

Ans. : Option to change the plan more than once is available during your window period only.

Question: Are there any restrictions in changing the plan type?

Ans. : In case a claim has already been submitted during the FY 2014-2015, the plan change
will be restricted irrespective of the window period.

Question: What are the available plans and premium payable for the same?

Ans. : Kindly find the details of various plan types and premium details as given below,


Base Plan Members Premium U1 To U3 U4 & P1 A To P1B P2A To P2B & E1 To E2
Covered payable
by Sum Annual Sum Annual Sum Annual
associate Insured Premium Insured Premium Insured Premium
s towards Hospitaliz payable by Hospitalizat payable by Hospitaliz payable by
ation the ion the ation the
associate associate associate
Plan A Self+ Spouse+2 2 Lakhs 0 3 Lakhs 0 4 Lakhs 0
Plan B Self+Spouse+2 Parent/In- 3 Lakhs 7,255 4 Lakhs 11,081 6 Lakhs 13,868
children+ Parents Laws
Plan C- One set of Parent/In- 1 Lakh 7,070 1 Lakh 7,070 1 Lakh 7,070
(For Parents/In-Laws Laws
associates Only Cover 2 Lakhs 13,195 2 Lakhs 13,195 2 Lakhs 13,195
at overseas 3 Lakhs 19,792 3 Lakhs 19,792 3 Lakhs 19,792

Question: I am presently working in Tech Mahindra Ltd and presently posted in Pune.
What plan options do I have?

Ans. : Employees working in Indian locations have option to select either Plan A or Plan B.

Question: I am working in Tech Mahindra Ltd and presently posted at Singapore. What
plan options do I have?

Ans. : You have the option to either opt out of health insurance coverage or select one of the
three plans as mentioned above namely, Plan A ,B & C .

Under Plan C, there is option to select sum insured from 1 lakh, 2 lakhs or 3 lakhs
irrespective of grade of the employee.

Question: I have selected Plan A. Can I enrol my parents?

Ans. : Please enrol dependent as per your plan. In case you have selected plan A then you will
not be able to add your parents.
Question: Can I add /delete/edit dependent details any time?

Ans. : Option to add /delete / edit dependent detail is possible only during the window

Question: I have selected my Plan but not enrolled my dependents. Will they get
automatic health insurance coverage?

Ans. : No.Benefit under this policy will be extended only to enrolled members.

Question: Can some modification be done after closure of window period?

Ans. : Modifications in dependent data will not be possible post the closure of the window period.
The plan selected and enrolments done will be valid till next policy renewal. Hence please ensure
correctness of the plan of your choice and enrolment data.

Question: I forgot to add my dependents. Can I add my dependents now?

Ans. : Mid-term inclusion of dependents is not allowed except for spouse after marriage and child
by birth where the date of marriage and date of birth is on or after 30th March’2014.

Question: What are the basic steps involved in the Enrollment Process ?

Ans. : There are six basic steps involved in the Enrollment process as enumerated below,

Step 1 : Logging on Genins website

Step 2: Selection of Health Insurance Plan

Step 3: Self Profile updation

Step 4: Dependent Enrollment

Step 5: Enrollment Data Check

Step 6: Final CRM Screen

Question: What information will be required to update Self Profile ?

Ans. : Keep the following information handy for updating of the same,

E –Mail ID
Mobile No.
Residential Address including State and City
Name of one most preferred hospital along with address

Question: What information will be required for dependent enrolment

Ans. : Keep the following information handy for updating of the same,
Date of Birth
Name of one most preferred hospital along with address .
Question: What is the purpose of Enrollment Check Screen?

Ans. : This page will show details of enrolment data as available related to your health insurance

for rechecking before submission.

In case you wish to edit / add / delete any previous enrolment details, you may click on

the ‘PREVIOUS’ button for the same.

After the data is checked please click on ‘SUBMIT’ button for final updation.

In case you log out at any stage prior to this, the data will not be saved.

Question: What is Onsite Declaration form?

Ans. : Onsite Declaration form is a declaration required to be submitted by Onsite employees

only. Plan selection process would be according to the option selected in the declaration
form. There are four options available. Details are as under,

Option No.1 – My family & I are permanently located at Onsite and I/we don’t require
India Medical Insurance coverage in India.

The member would not be allowed to continue the enrolment process further.

Option No.2 – I am working at Onsite, however, my dependents (Spouse, children &

parents /parents-in-laws) are staying in India.

The member would have Plan A and Plan B option in drop down menu.

Option No.3 – My immediate dependents (Spouse & children) & I are staying at Onsite.
However, my parents /parents-in-laws are in India. (Plan C)

The member would have only Plan C option in drop down menu.

Option No.4 – My immediate dependents (Spouse & children) & I are currently at Onsite.
In the course of this year, my dependents will relocate to India permanently.

The member would have Plan A option only in drop down menu.

Question: What options are available after the enrolment process has been

Ans. : After successful completion of enrolment , you will be able to view the CRM Screen.
Besides showing the enrolment data, this screen provides the following options,


1. Upload photograph Till policy expiry
2. Download card Till policy expiry
3. Add dependent Only for spouse after marriage and child by birth for
employees who have selected either Plan A or plan B
4. Change plan Only during window period except in case of onsite
employees opting for Option 4 (Plan C) in the declaration.
Question: What is Top-Up Cover ?

Ans. : An optional Top-Up cover of additional sum insured is also available in addition to any of
the above mentioned base plans on payment of additional premium.
Coverage will be available for you and your family members enrolled under the base plan opted

Question: What is the premium to be paid for Top-Up Cover ?

Ans. : The additional premium payable for the same is as per details mentioned below,


200000 6067
300000 6876
400000 7280

Question: What are the salient features applicable for Top-Up Cover ?

Ans. : The terms and conditions would be exactly as applicable for the basic policy which also
comprise of Co-Pay and major diseases capping except for expenses related to Maternity benefit
which are excluded from the scope of the Top-Up Cover.

Question: What will happen if I don’t log in?

Ans. : If you are an offsite employee and do not login or change any of the existing
data, than the members covered under the expiring policy will be by default covered for
the renewal policy (2014-15).
If you are an onsite employee and do not login, you will not be included in the insurance
cover for the current year.

Question: I have selected Plan B and enrolled my parents this year. Can I replace
them with my parents-in-laws next year ?

Ans. : Any one set of parents selected this year cannot be changed for the next two

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