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National Parks and Preservation of Natural and Historical Beauty Bill, by Representative Doc.

1. Land Preservation.
a. To conserve the natural ecosystem of the territories and protecting them from human
exploitation, lands under the hands of the state can be designated as National Parks.
b. Lands designated as National Parks are exempt from the exploitation of the state and any
company, group, or citizen.
c. Creation of a Commission for the Protection of National Parks, that would ensure the
correct maintenance and location of resources, and determine which land is suitable for
national parks, under the Ministry of Interior. This commission will also have work as a
consultative committee for matters regarding this law.
d. Create on-the-job training for future park rangers. These rangers would maintain the
security and the stability in the ecosystem, also ensuring that the visitors to the National Parks
abide the rules set by the Commission for the Protection of National Parks.
2. Historical Site Preservation.
a. Preserve the monuments and historical buildings of our cities and towns, investing to
maintain them in good shape. Culturally important buildings will also be protected under this
b. Creation of a Commission for Preservation of Historical Sites, that would preserve and also
determine which buildings/sites, if any, are classified as historical sites. It would also determine
which buildings/sites, if any, are classified as culturally important.
3. Tourism Agency.
a. Create a tourism agency to draw income from visitors, with the goal of maintaining the
aforementioned commission and parks. It would also advertise our parks and historical sites to
tourists and the general public.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 01/08/2021
Worker Rights Act, by Representative Naro.
1) Minimum wage of 2,5 Sordish Ren per hour.
2) Weekly maximum of 55 hours of labor and five days of work.
3) After working forty hours, the employer must pay double (5 Sordish Ren per hour) per each
overtime hour. The employer will decide if the worker should or should not do overtime work,
but the laborer is the one that chooses to work or to not work the overtime hours.
4) Workers are to be protected of environmental and occupational hazards by their employees,
and humane working conditions must be preserved.
5) Undocumented immigrants are still part of the Sordish population, and must therefore be
protected by this same law.
6) The "Commission for Protection of Worker Rights" will be established to protect worker
rights and the measures proposed by this legislation. Any anomalies or refusal to abide this bill
by private or public entities will be punished, from heavy fines to legal action. The commission
shall be granted extensive powers to examine each case presented to it individually, with the
power to take ask for counsel from the Ministry of Justice.
7) If a worker is injured while performing his labor and of no fault of his own, the employer
would be forced to pay a sum up to six months of work, depending the injury to ensure the
worker can find adequate medical services and be able to maintain himself until being able to
go back to work, if ever. If the injury was not caused by working but by external causes, such as
robbery, the state will pay half of the wages up to six months, while the employer must take
care of the other half.
8) Unjustified dismissals will be made illegal. Workers can only be laid off once their contract
ends or if they are found in the breach of it.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 01/08/2021
Women Rights Bill, by Representative Katarina.
1) Men and women shall be equal under the law.
2) Women will receive equal base pay and benefits to their male counter parts in all positions,
failure to comply with this shall result in fines and legal action.
3) Domestic Violence, physical abuse and sexual abuse shall be made a federal offense.
4) Girls shall receive the same academic instruction as their male counterparts in schools.
Failure to comply with this shall be penalized with fines.
5) Women's Auxiliary Forces will be formed and staffed in all branches of the Armed Forces.
6) All rights provided by the Worker Rights Bill shall also be extended to women.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 01/08/2021
"Bill to Affirm the Rights of Sordish Citizens", by Representative Melik.
The Assembly reaffirms the rights of all loyal citizens of Sordland to practice their faith, culture,
and traditions, and be free from discrimination, unless said practice would harm the rights of
other loyal citizens. These are protected traits denoted in the Constitution of Sordland, and the
Assembly recognizes the need for clarity to protect the rights of all citizens in a way compatible
with the Constitution of Sordland, which include:

1. The protection of language

a. Citizens of Sordland will not be discriminated against for access to government services
based on language.
b. Minority languages in Sordland will receive funding in matters relating to media and
education, proportional to the number of speakers. The calculations required for this will be
reviewed as part of a one-per-decade census.
c. No private businesses may discriminate against workers on the grounds of any protected
d. No literature may be banned on the sole basis of its written language.

2. The right to opportunity

a. All citizens of Sordland will be given equal treatment under civil and criminal law.
b. No citizen of Sordland will be deprived of their economic or opportunity rights based on any
constitutionally protected trait, or on grounds of language or place of birth.

3. The right of movement

a. The Assembly reaffirms that all law-abiding citizens of Sordland may live and travel within
Sordland without government restriction on their movement, except in cases of national
emergency, or when doing so would be against the national interest.
4. The right to representation
a. No Citizen of Sordland shall be detained based on protected traits alone.
b. In all future elections to the Grand National Assembly, ballots in regions with substantial
minority populations will be issued in a dual-language format
c. An Equality Commission will be established within the Assembly, to investigate whether the
legal rights of Citizens of Sordland of all backgrounds are being fairly and equitably met, and
propose new solutions not listed in this act where necessary, subject to review and majority-
approval by the National Assembly.
I. Members of the Equality Commission will be appointed in a manner that is proportional to
the general population, and representative of all citizens of Sordland insofar as reasonably
II. At least one member from each region shall be present on the commission.
III. The Equality Commission shall compose of a 9 person board, which must contain at least
one member from each party, or one member from the 9 parties with the highest number of
representatives. Each member will be nominated by the president, and subject to a confidence
vote (simple majority) in the National Assembly. Members shall serve for a 3 year period
(where ⅓ of the commission is rotated every year).
IV. The Equality Commision may, at their discretion, hire clerks and assistants as needed in the
enforcement of their duties, subject to budgetary approval by the National Assembly
d. The Assembly shall mandate the creation of a Public Petition of Redress system, overseen by
the Equality Commission, with regards to peacekeeping forces in regions with substantial
minority populations. This would allow citizens in those areas to bring concerns about any given
police peacekeeping action directly to the Assembly. The threshold for such a petition will be
determined by the Equality Commission at a future date.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 01/18/2021
"Tax Reform, Anti-Corruption and Tax Evasion Bill" by Representative Josiah.
- This Assembly declares the following changes to the Tax Code of Sordland:
-- Income Tax bands shall be adjusted as follows:
--- The Lower band shall decrease from 10% to 7.5% [-2.5]
--- The Middle band shall increase from 17.5% to 22.5% [+10]
--- The Upper band shall increase from 22% to 28% [+9]
--- The Corporate Tax shall decrease from 35% to 33.5% [-1.5]
--- The Small Business Tax shall decrease from 35% to 30% [-5]

- This Assembly authorizes the implementation of the following new taxes:

-- An Alcohol Tax, a surcharge levied on all sales of alcoholic products intended for human
consumption, with the proceeds directed to the Department of Health. This is set at 7.5% for
domestic products and 15% for imported products. [+2]
-- A Tobacco Tax, a 10% surcharge levied on all tobacco products, with the proceeds directed to
the Department of Health. [+2]
-- A 1% Wealth Tax on the top 0.1% of net-wealth persons. Shares in wholly-domestic
businesses or export-facing businesses are exempt. [+2.5]

- This Assembly authorizes the creation of an independent Anti-Corruption Bureau [-0.5],

supervised by the Department of Justice. It shall be granted such resources, powers and
authorities as necessary to investigate and disrupt illegal activities pertaining to corruption and
abuses of power.

- This Assembly authorizes the creation of a Tax Inspection Bureau [-0.5], reporting to the
Department of Justice. It shall be granted such resources, powers and authorities as necessary
to investigate and disrupt illegal activities pertaining to all forms of tax evasion and unlawful tax

"Economic Security and Relief Act" by Representative Naro.

The Assembly, with the goal of achieving economic recovery in Sordland and preventing a
depression, approves the following bill and allocation of government funds:
1) In the intent of raising consumer power and providing the poorer population the ability to
fulfill their basic necessities, along with giving business struggling with the recession the
capacity to resist the economic downturn and prevent layoffs:
a. Providing significant relief in the form of welfare checks to those struggling the most in
Sordland. [-5 budget]
b. Issuing a substantial bailout for small businesses in need of relief, preventing a rise of
unemployment and giving the middle class the chance to resist the crisis. [-3 budget]
c. The creation of a voluntary unemployment agency ran by the government, which would help
both business owners looking for workers and unemployed citizens finding a suitable work
offer. [-0,5 budget, +0,5 administrative spending]
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 01/24/2021
"Regional Empowerment Act" by the People's Freedom and Justice Party.
1. Provincial Councils [+0,5 administrative spending]
a. For the purpose of increasing democratic representation and civil participation, as well as
establishing more responsive, transparent governance, a Provincial Council shall be established
in every province of the Republic of Sordland.
b. The Provincial Council shall be granted legislative authority over civilian municipal matters for
their respective constituency, such as town planning, public housing, local infrastructure,
distribution of welfare, utilities and development grants.
c. Members of the Provincial Council will be elected by citizens of their respective provinces.
They shall serve a term of four years, and a term limit of four will be established.
d. The "Commission for the Formation of Provincial Empowerment" will be formed to assist and
expedite the creation of Provincial Councils.
e. The office of Provincial Governor will be retained but the role of the Governor will now be to
lead communication between their province and the state, advising councils on their decisions,
with a mind to representing the wishes of the national government. The Governor will report
Council decisions to the Ministry for the Interior, and on the other end, express the wishes of
the Ministry of the Interior to the Councils.
f. The Governor will have the sole provincial civilian input in local policing and military matters,
if any.
g. Provincial Governors will be appointed and/or dismissed by the Minister of the Interior.
Terms are to last no more than five years, with a term limit of four.
h. In summary, The Councils will handle the day-to-day minutia of the province while Governors
will be tasked with keeping their province in step with the direction the entire country is going,
while looking at the macro rather than the micro.
2. Suspension of Powers
a. In times of immediate threat or emergency, the State through the President retains the
power to temporarily suspend the authority of the Provincial Councils. The temporary
suspension of powers shall last as long as the immediate danger remains, as viewed by the
President, however the Assembly may overrule this. If the Assembly wishes to overrule within
the first 90 days, they must achieve a super-majority on that decision. After 90 days, a simple
majority will suffice.
b. During the period of temporary suspension, the President shall be granted powers to
temporarily suspend any legislative acts enacted by the Provincial Council.
c. During the period of temporary suspension, the Grand National Assembly shall be granted
powers to review and repeal legislative acts enacted by the Provincial Council through a 2/3
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 01/31/2021
"The Protection of the Shores Act" by Representatives Natsuri and Naro.
Fellow Members of the Assembly, the NFP and CPS would like to present a bill aimed to protect
our shores from the pirate attackers.

1) Specialized Coast Protection Force (SCPF) [-1 budget]

1a) With the goal of defeating the pirates, the Sordish Armed Forces will use veterans from the
navy and the air force to form a new anti piracy task force led by the Sordish Naval Command.
1b) This task force will conduct commando-like raids on piracy and aid Sordish shipping by
sending routine patrols across the Markian Sea.
1c) The task force will have 10,000 men and will be formed as soon as possible.
1d) Retrofitting of 2 light ships, when feasible, to carry a helipad and plane holding areas, with
at least thirty planes each.
1e) The SCPF will be composed of two retrofitted light ships, eight light ships, an air wing
composed of sixty planes and sixty five pilots trained in naval operations and landing.
1f) Pirate vessels, cargo, and other property (‘goods’), upon seizure, will be returned to their
original owner(s) where possible. If this is not possible, illegal goods will be destroyed, and legal
goods will be sold at auction, with the funds directed to the treasury for reinvestment in the
general budget.
2) Funding for the Naval Branch [-1 budget]
2a) The Naval Branch of the Armed Forces will receive extra funding to develop new technology
and move to refit destroyers to carry helicopters and seaplanes to permit faster aircraft to hunt
pirate vessels down. Ten new light ships will be built and be manned with the new models.

3) Funding for the Aerial Branch [-1 budget]

3c) Development of a modern jet fighter capable of land and sea operations. Production of sixty
3d) Development of helicopters for recon and light transport purposes. Production of twenty

4) Regional Fight Against Piracy

4a) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade will begin negotiations with Valgsland in order to
facilitate an anti piracy naval treaty.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 01/31/2021
Bludish Rights and Autonomy Act (BRAA) by the Communist Party of Sordland. [+0,5
administrative spending]
1. The region of Bergia shall be granted a local Assembly, to be named as the “Bergia Regional
Assembly”. This new Assembly will replace the provincial council and be composed of fifty
members, with the task of advising the national Assembly on matters relating to Bergia, but
also having the power to pass local statutes provided they are constitutional. The BRA will have
the power to pass local legislation regarding local spending, infrastructure, welfare distribution
and utilities.
a. The position of governor will be abolished and all its powers granted to the Bergia Regional
b. The assembly shall be elected by proportional representation of the entire population, both
Bludish and Sordish citizens.
c. The National Assembly may preempt or overrule the Bergia regional Assembly on any matter
that is deemed as necessary in Bergia, with a 3/5 majority.
2. Bergia will officially adopt Bludish as an official language, along with Sordish.
3. State employees in Bergia are to be recruited from the communities that they work in, and
shall be representative of those communities insofar as possible. Public-facing state employees
will also be tested annually to ensure they continue to maintain an adequate ability in the
Bludish and Sordish languages in districts with a 20% or more speaking population for any of
the languages. An officer who fails either will be suspended until they are able to demonstrate
an adequate ability in both languages, but will have free language classes at their disposal. The
Commission for Bergia Public Servant Reform shall be formed to enforce the preceding passage.
4. All Bergian governments (regional, municipal, etcetera) must operate with both the Bludish
and Sordish languages. this means all government statements and publications must be written
in both languages, all local laws written in both, etcetera.
5. Aware that there exist factual complaints from the Bludish population that systemic
discrimination exists towards their ethnicity, culture and language, this section prescribes
practices to counteract the effect of said discrimination.
a. In order to prevent discrimination against Bluds within the Sordish Legal system, the BRA
mandates that Sordish police officers nationwide must amend their practices to exclude racial
profiling of Bluds as a method for identifying suspects.
b. Acknowledging that racial violence between Sords and Bluds has been a moral stain upon
Sordland, the BRA seeks to define the deliberate targeting, with regards to violent crimes such
as harassment, assault, murder, etcetera of a citizen of Sordland on the basis of their Sordish or
Bludish ancestry to be a hate crime.
c. The BRA authorizes and commands the Ministry of Defense to open an investigation headed
by the Gendarmerie to investigate hate crimes committed by political groups within Sordland
responsible for the escalation of ethnic tensions, such as the Bludish Freedom Front and the
Young Sords.
6. A Bludish Equality Commission will be established to enforce the rights of the Bluds in Bergia,
and propose new remedies not listed in this act as needed, subject to approval and funding by
the National Assembly. At least half of the commission must come from a Bludish background.
This commission will be composed by twenty non partisan members, and half of these will
rotate every five years.
7. The BRAA will take a one year transitional process to give the opportunity for the entirety of
its contents to be made effective, and the laws will start being enforced after the transitional
period has ended.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 02/07/2021
The “Markian Sea Tripartite Accord”, by Representative Rydiculous. [-1.5 Other Taxes]
In order to foster more prosperous relations across the Markian Sea, Sordland will offer to be
the broker of a deal between both Agnolia and Valgsland, independent of any extant military or
economic alliance. The terms of this agreement will be as follows:

1. On the subject of Heljiland

1a. Valgsland will offer Agnolia a onetime payment to purchase the island in order to avoid
further diplomatic incidents, negotiation will be facilitated by Sordland and all meetings will
take place on Sordish soil in order to provide a neutral ground for both parties.
1b. Agnolia will retain 40% rights to resources found in the island.
1c. Agnolia will have the option to lease a single trade port on Heljiland for a period of no more
than 100 years, adjusting with global inflation, at 25% less price than the port’s worth.
1d. Upon repatriation of Heljiland, Valgsland will not build any ballistic or nuclear missile
emplacements on the island.

2. On the subject of Rumburg

2a. Valgsland and Sordland will both diplomatically recognize Dome as Agnolian territory under
illegal occupation by Rumburg.
2b. Valgsland, Agnolia, and Sordland will form a defensive pact in the case of Rumburg
aggression, and on this case only.
2c. Any and all peace deals secured after said aggression will transfer complete and total
control of Dome to Agnolia, or will not happen at all.
3. On the Subject of Commerce
3a. Agnolia will receive privileged access to the agricultural exports of Sordland, with fifty
percent less tariffs. [-0.5 Other Taxes]
3b. Tariffs between the three nations will be halved across the board, in order to encourage
economic cooperation and improve the economies of the three countries involved. [-1 Other
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 02/07/2021
"Sordish Opportunity, Accessibility and Recovery Act" (SOAR) by Representatives Naro and
Melik. [+15 budget, +5.5 taxes, +3 spending]
The Assembly, with the aim of accomplishing a full recuperation of the economy and fighting
unemployment approves the following bill and allocation of government funds, along with
eradicating corruption and tax evasion:
1) Stimulus Package
a. Delivering a second check for all Sords earning below the minimum wage, continuing the
reactivation of internal markets and avoiding the rise of homelessness and poverty. [-2.5
b. Providing a second bailout package, now including big businesses, with the goal of improving
the overall situation of the nation and giving companies the possibility of hiring workers back in
their enterprises. Companies will be required to make accounting on everything they spent with
the money provided. [-7.5 budget]

2) Budget Balancing, Anti Corruption and Anti Tax Evasion Efforts

a. Transforming the Anti Corruption Bureau into the Anti Corruption Secretary, with expanded
powers, employees and budget. It will also have powers over the Sordish Armed Forces. [+0.5
administrative spending]
b. Forming the Commission for a Fair and Honest Budget, which will inspect how taxes are
spent across the entire government and will at the same time supervise the Tax Evasion Bureau
to prevent overstepping and enforcing Sordish law and regulations. All reports from the
commission and the bureaus will released in full to the public, once investigations have been
concluded and evidence of criminality proven, if any. The commission and the bureaus are by
law required to shelter and aid whistleblowers, be they anonymous or publically known, from
all forms of danger or negative influence. Encrypted hotlines and drop boxes for anonymous
tips and evidence will also be installed at secure public facilities.
c. Reforming the Sordish Tax Agency, with the goal of fighting government corruption.
Requirement exams for all members will be enacted, along with a mandatory oath to uphold
Sordish law and the removal of political appointees from the agency.
d. Establishment of an Inheritance Tax, taxing 10% of all inherited assets, in order to establish a
fairer economic system for the entirety of the population. [+2 Other Taxes]
e. Establishment of a 5% Sales Tax on all goods and services, with the goal of achieving a secure
budget surplus. [+2.5 Other Taxes]
f. Establishing a bond system within Sordland, with a maximum of 25 budget's worth of bonds
available for sale this year. The yield on each bond will be 10%, with the bond expiry 5 years
from the sale of the bond. If all bonds are sold, the government will gain 25 budget, but will
have to payout 2.5 budget per year on yields. Additionally, in 5 years time a 25 budget payout
will have to be made. [+25 budget, +2.5 debt/bond interest, -25 budget 5 years from this bill's
3) Fairness in Regulation
a. Monopolies should and must be discouraged in any sector of the economy. An Anti
Monopoly Tax will be established, mandating that any companies or conglomerates with over
50% of control over a sector will suffer a 12.5% raise on taxes, and if control extends to over
75%, the tax increase will raise to 25%. After reaching the line of monopoly, no more assets in
that sector will be able to be acquired, at the risk of nationalization of those named assets.
[+0.5 Other Taxes]
b. A restriction on capital movement outside the country will be established, with a 5% capital
outflow tax implemented on all assets. [+0.5 Other Taxes]
c. The Sordish government will introduce regulation to require companies to maintain
standards into law whereby their end product must be repairable at minimal cost to the
consumer and should not be designed to degrade rapidly. This trick has been used both by prior
administrations and corporations to damage the standards of the average Sords living and to
artificially inflate Sordland’s GDP.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 02/15/2021
"Resolution on the Situation of Wehzek Bludish Refugees", by Representative Melik.
With a massive catastrophe in Sordland’s close neighbor Wehlen in the form of it’s current
insurgency, Sordland must now prepare a proper response in order to properly accommodate
the rising flood of refugees and immigrants into Sordland. In this regard, many solutions have
been proposed which all fail to address the full calamity of this crisis. As such it has been with
the general consensus of the assembly that this resolution be drawn forth to address this issue
in the context of the civil war and rising tide of refugees simply wishing to escape with their
lives and family.

Description of the Safe Zone

In regards to this rising tension and the general confusion around the concept of the safe zone.
This section is reserved for the actual description of what the Safe Zone is and the dimensions
of this SZ.
The Safe Zone is a demilitarized zone with the goal of reducing conflict within a nation, ensuring
refugees remain within their own nation rather than going abroad as well as preserving a
portion of that nation from the rising conflict.
The proposed SZ would span a three mile radius from the Sordish border, allowing us to avoid
the worst of the refugee crisis while giving us the ability to control the flow of them as well.
The Zone will be manned by Alliance of Nations peacekeepers.

Implementation of the Safe Zone

The Motion would be proposed by the Sordish delegation to the Alliance of Nations as soon as
possible, with it being presented as Sordish concern over the rising violence and fear that it may
spread across the border, as well as the need to provide protection for Wehlen’s population
from the violence currently consuming the nation.
The Operation would see the AN demand that both sides pull troops from the region and then
begin deployment of AN peacekeepers, which would gradually push out the remaining militants
with the assistance of Sordland.
It is recommended by this resolution as well to introduce an arms embargo on Wehlen to
reduce the scope and potential scale of this conflict.

International Response
The Sordish Government shall issue a statement decrying the violence engulfing Wehlen and
call for peace talks while offering Sordland as a neutral Intermediary. We should also make
preparations to secure the Sordish consulates and embassy in Wehlen ahead of any of these
actions as it may be a target by pro-Smolak or Bludish Freedom Front militants who have
interpreted our actions as a betrayal. This action is being taken to prevent any hostage crisis
and to deter an armed attack on the consulate.

Backup Plan
In any case, we will prepare the framework and logistics for a series of refugee camps along our
border with Wehlen, in the case the AN refuses the request, to house these refugees and
ensure they have access to basic utilities and healthcare to avoid a humanitarian crisis. The
current body of refugees in Sordland would be directed to these camps to be housed until the
insurgency in Wehlen is brought under control or a responsible government emerges. Those
who wish to work from amongst the refugees would be screened before being allowed to work
and live within Sordland. These camps will also make reparation efforts after the civil war far
more easier to handle.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 02/16/2021
"Military Reform, Expansion and Modernization Bill" (MREMB), by Representative Faelc. [-11
budget, +2 military spending]
With Sordland directly under threat by Rumburg with our admittedly lackluster display of
recently against piracy, as well as our decades outdated equipment, it has come to the
understanding of the Assembly that the military must be modernized as soon as possible. An
effort that in any other period would be a negligible affair, but due to the Sordish economic
recession such a refurbishment would seem costly. However, we believe it to be capable of
both revitalizing the Sordish military autarky, army and economy as a whole.

1. Diplomatic Handling
Rumburg is a rogue nation, and their militarist and expansionist foreign policy is a danger to
every state in eastern Merkopa. Therefore, they must be treated as such. The Sordish
government shall issue a condemnation of the Rumburg military buildup and aggression as little
more than a clear crime against peace and a loss of trust in the Alliance of Nations, as they
continue to invade nations around them. We would implore them to demobilize for peace in
Merkopa, and attempt the AN to sanction the economy of Rumburg.

2. Economic Revitalization and Expansion of the National Defense Industry

A National Defense Industry is paramount to defend our territorial integrity from foreign
threats. It is only with the expansion of our National Defense Industry that we can hope to
supply all our troops in the front, and we must act accordingly. Along with this, we must ensure
that our soldiers receive the best equipment possible, and a commission will be set to secure
that goal.
2a. Formation of Anrica Industries [-4 budget, +0.5 military spending]
Anrica Industries will be located in the town of Anrica, in the province of Gelsland. It will be a
state owned defense corporation specializing in medium and heavy industry. Its purpose is to
provide heavy weaponry to the Sordish Armed Forces at minimal cost, which will be used to
force other defense competitors to lower their bids, in turn reducing overall costs to the
Sordish state. It will also reduced unemployment in the city, which could then be taxed.
Furthermore, Gelsland has key access to both the raw resources of Bergia and the capital of
Holsord, serving as a supply connection between Camp Strongarm and the steel of Bergia. This
massive industrial center will employ seventy thousand Sords and supply tanks, heavy trucks
and other equipment to our military.
2b. Formation of Erlory Aeronautics [-3 budget, +0.5 military spending]
Erlory Aeronautics will be a state owned military industrial complex, focused on plane
production, located in the city of Erlory, Holsord. Working in combination with the Mark Air
Force and the Sordish Airforce Academy, it will develop, produce and deliver the new plane
models the Air Force needs to outcompete our enemies. It will employ fifty thousand Sords,
many of which will emigrate into the city from the rest of Holsord.
2c. Sordish Defense Commission
This commission will function as a quality control commission, setting the baseline for the
standards of products the military would potentially purchase, encouraging the domestic
defense industry to improve their quality by purchasing better machinery and employing more
skilled workers, while also helping the modernization efforts by providing the army with better
equipment overall.
3. Army Reform
While the Sordish military has long seen steady strives towards a fully professionalized and
effective combat force able to take on a great power, we are not yet there. We believe that in
order to combat inefficiencies in regards to issues within the armed forces, we should reform
the peacetime standards by which we are recruiting volunteers, eliminating the need of
conscription and increasing the morale and quality of the soldiers. A military youth program will
also be established to encourage recruiting into the army and better preparation for soldiers
3a. Abolition of Conscription [-1 military spending]
The conscription of young Sords is effective only on lowering the overall morale of the Sordish
Armed Forces and forcing untrained men into the frontlines, and we must look to counterattack
this. By abolishing conscription and establishing a volunteer encouragement program, we can
ensure every soldier is a willing member of the army, and is truly eager to defend our territorial
integrity. While this may lower our full numbers, it will be mostly covered by new volunteers,
and will also help us continue on the road of military modernization.
3b. Volunteer Expansion [+0.5 military spending]
Volunteer offices will be built alongside existing government offices in every city, where Sords
can enlist into the army at no cost. Volunteer campaigns will also be carried across major cities,
with patriotic slogans and leaflets. Along with this, the wage of privates in the army will be
raised, to encourage that volunteers enlist while being able to maintain their families, if any, at
3c. Sordish Civil Guard [-0.5 budget]
The Sordish Civil Guard will be staffed by retired military personnel, interested civilians and
training related officials. Its main goal will be to provide small scale military apprenticeship
training to volunteer cadets from fifteen to eighteen, with replicated weapons until the age of
seventeen, where real weapons will be provided from the army stockpile. The SCG will receive
minimal government funding outside of donations of surplus outdated uniforms and
equipment, and starting funding. The rest of the funding will be from membership fees and
donations, albeit the state will pay and set the initial locations for training in the outskirts of
cities. SCG cadets will be able to join the military between the rank of private first class and
corporal, depending on their performance as a cadet. All SCG members will be subordinate to
the Sordish Army as an auxiliary branch. The Women’s Auxiliary will handle the female branch
of the organization, to take care of future medical and garrison female volunteers. In case of
war, seventeen years old SCG members will be given the possibility to become temporary
personnel of non dangerous military bases and other emplacements that may require manning.
3d. National Emergency Recall and Emergency Volunteer Registration
All non conscripted military personnel that has been honorably discharged in the past five
years, that also passes entrance standards for physical medical and psychological tests, will be
placed on active duty in case of a National Emergency Recall. Along with this, all Sordish citizens
that would like to voluntarily enlist in the case of a defensive war will be able to register
themselves in government offices, with the hopes of lowering the wave of volunteers once
conflict starts and preparing a more cohesive plan for manpower during the war.
4. Military Efficiency and Anti Corruption [+0.5 military spending]
4a. Department of the Military Inspectorate
Recent reports have highlighted unexplained discrepancies between appropriated funding and
military expenditure, which need to be addressed to ensure an efficient and well budgeted
army. To achieve this effort, the new Department of the Military Inspectorate will coordinate
efforts with the Anti-Corruption Secretary and the Sordish Defense Commission, and be
supervised by, but independent from, the Department of Justice. This will improve how the
money directed to the military is effectively spent, helping to arm our professional military and
volunteer forces better. The department will be composed by both civilian and military anti
corruption veterans from other offices.
4b. Department for Fair Military Contracting
The Department for Fair Military Contracting will work alongside the Department of the Military
Inspectorate to ensure military contracting is done through a fair and scrutable tendering
process, in addition to helping the Secretary of Military Acquisitions choose the best offers for
private sector contracting. It will be independent but supervised by the Ministry of Justice, and
be composed of civilian and military experts equally.

5. Support Enlargement Efforts

In order to have a well functioning army, strong levels of support are required. Along with
modernization, this will help the Sordish Armed Forces greatly in defending our territorial
integrity and our national interests.
5a. Support Corps Expansion [-0.5 budget, +0.5 military spending]
Every soldier in the army deserves proper support from the state. The Military Nurse Corps,
under the Women’s Auxiliary, will be expanded across the board, along with the Medical Corps,
which will work in combination to prevent as many casualties and save as many lives as
possible. Finally, the new Women’s Logistic Corps will take care of the proper distribution of
supplies in both the battlefield and grand strategy, under the combined command of the
Women’s Auxiliary and the Military Logistics Secretary.

6. Military Modernization [+0.5 military spending]

In order to continue with the modernization doctrine already started on this bill, new models of
heavy equipment will be developed and produced, specifically in the new Anrica Industries. This
will empower our defensive capabilities and cause heavy damage to any attackers attempting
an offensive in our territory. Furthermore, the command of the army will be modernized, along
with how divisions, brigades and battalions are organized.
6a. Modernization of the Army Organization
Modernization efforts of equipment would not be fully effective without a modernization of
how the army operates on its own. With this in mind, divisions will be reformed to comprise of
ten thousand troops, with five brigades inside it. These will be three infantry brigades of three
thousand men, and the rest would compose the artillery and support brigades, then subdivided
on the medic, logistic, engineer and intelligence corps, among others. Finally, each infantry
brigade will have three battalions of one thousand men each. Combined arms divisions have
proven to be the best option for standing armies, and we must therefore implement them if we
wish to truly stand against our foes in Eastern Merkopa.
6b. Artillery Modernization [-1.5 budget]
Strong and modern artillery is vital for any defensive or offensive efforts in the current day and
age. To achieve this, Sordland will produce a new model of artillery, the Sordveist M1, capable
of firing at 20km of distance and with 150mm shells. Two thousand and five hundred units will
be produced, to be distributed among the entire army. Each brigade will have an artillery
battalion, containing six pieces of the Sordveist N1, while the Artillery Brigade will concentrate
thirty two pieces of artillery, meaning that every division will have fifty pieces of artillery.
6c. Small Arms Modernization [-1 budget]
Bolt action rifles are weapons of the past. Militaries around the world are slowly changing to
battle rifles as their main weapons, and we must not fall behind. The Anviric M1 7.6×50mm
battle rifle will be mass produced for all the soldiers in the Sordish Army, and seven hundred
thousand units will be contracted to the private sector for production. Ten thousand of these
units will be refitted as light machine guns, with a bipod and a heavy barrel. Finally, our five
thousand most modern bolt action rifles will be refitted for the 7.6×50mm caliber and a scope,
to be used for marksmanship at an insignificant cost.
6d. Tank Modernization [-1 budget]
The state of tanks in Sordland is laughable at best, and counterproductive at worst. Tanks on
their own are a very powerful force, capable of providing both moderate speed and destructive
firepower, along with very strong defenses, making them vital for any ground army. However,
our current tanks don’t combine even half of these aspects, and must therefore be modernized
in order for them to be useful. Three hundred Holdeir M1 will be built, medium tanks that
combine firepower, armor, speed and autonomy, with four crewmembers operating it.
6e. Advanced Military Readiness Alert System (AMRAS)
An appropriate response to enemy attacks can only be achieved through a focused readiness
system, that instead of putting in high mobilization the entire front at once will work in each
region independently to deliver the best response possible.
-Annim: war imminent, full scale mobilization, all units at combat readiness and deployed in the
-Beriat: probable hostilities, all units reporting and at full readiness levels, partial deployment of
some forces.
-Conia: military buildup, partial mobilization and readiness of some units.
-Derten: peace time, no extra mobilization or increased deployment of any forces. Normal
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 02/22/2021
Sordish Economic Expansion Act (SEEA) by Representatives Katarina & Revo. [-10.5 budget]

The SEEA is presented to the Grand National Assembly with the goal of building up the Sordish
rural economy and allowing our country to become a major exporter of agricultural goods. To
this end, Bergia and Nargis will be heavily invested in and hundreds of thousands of previously
unemployed Sords will be put to work. All of the construction efforts will be managed by the
Sordish State Corporation.

1. Railway Construction [-3.5 budget]

1a. The construction of a new railway from Deyr through Passae and reaching Sarna, turning to
Ribel and Loca Benolia to then go to Arnut and finally return to Deyr. A second railway,
connecting with the previous one, will be built from Arnut to Uziren, stopping in Vernica, and
then turning to Zensehir, Derten and ending in Ribel. A final one will be built from Deyr to
1b. The construction of a new railway from Estord with stops in Terely, Rengerin, Narbel, Ililat,
Lotherg and ending in Lachaven.
1c. The construction of a new railway from Deyr to Erzaren, stopping on Nehir, to then turn to
Narbel, making stops on Gelre, Locet and Lem.
1d. The construction of a shorter railway from Uziren to Erzaren, stopping on Narel.

2. Development of the Sordish Roadworks [-2 budget]

2a.The renovation and expansion of main roads in Bergia and Nargis.
2b. Roads connecting minor cities with the National Road will be paved and expanded for better
travel in Nargis and Bergia. Very minor cities will also be connected to the rest of the country
through new roads.
3. Grants for the Development and Mechanization of Agriculture
3a. Grants will be given to local farmers in Bergia and Nargis for the mechanization of
agriculture in their respective land. [-2 budget]
3b. Grants will be given to interested unemployed citizens to develop the territory of Nargis and
expand agriculture in the region. [-2 budget]

4. Expansion of the Sordish Energy and Mining Sector [-0.5 budget]

4a. Local engineers in Bergia will be employed to oversee the renovation of key parts of the
dam in Erzaren.
4b. A Commission of Citizens of Erzaren will be formed to ensure the needs of Erzaren are taken
into account during renovations.
4c. GASOM will be allocated funding for major surveys in the region of Nargis to discover and
exploit natural gas deposits, focused specially in the east of the region, as will Sordish
Petroleum with oil.
5a. The Nedam Mining Group will be hired to survey the area around Ribel to find new ore
deposits and exploit them.

6. Sale of Unused Land for Economic Development [+0.5 budget]

6a. Two thirds of all unused land belonging to the state in Bergia will be surveyed and auctioned
off at a reduced price to farmers to expand agriculture production. However, from the auctions,
no more than 3 people in the same close family can buy land. If such activity is observed, those
families will be fined and their land be taken back from them by the government.
6b. Two thirds of all undeveloped land belonging to the state in eastern Nargis will be sold at
reduced amounts to anyone interested in moving to the area and setting up agricultural
7. Development of Defensive Infrastructure in Nargis and Bergia [-1 budget]
7a. Construction of camouflage artillery, anti tank, anti air and machine gun bunkers will be
started at key locations in the mountains of Nargis near the Rumburg border.
7b. Camouflaged AT and MG bunkers will be constructed in key locations in Bergia along the
Rumburg border. These bunkers will be connected in the underground to form an integrated
bunker network for increased communication and support between bunkers in order halt the
enemy's advance.
7c. Forward outposts will be constructed to observe enemy movement and give information to
the main army in advance.
7d. Construction of extra supply depots along fallback lines to provide for our soldiers in the
time of need. These new supply depots will give our troops supply security, and knowing that
they won't run out of supplies easily will elevate the will of our soldiers to fight.
7e. Anti-tank, anti-air artillery and machine gun positions will be created to shell the advancing
enemy forces. A copy of those gun positions will be created in the fallback lines as well if the
enemy advances, making our main forces fall back so that our defensive fortifications don't lose
their effects easily.
7f. Oil is definitely an important resource in conventional war tactics. Additional oil terminals in
fallback lines will be established to prevent our forces from running out of oil and remain
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 03/01/2021
The “Growth of Rural and Agricultural Sectors in Sordland Act” (GRASS), proposed by
Representative Ryd. [-4.5 budget, 2.5 Agriculture Spending, 1 Education Spending]
Agricultural autarky is one of the most important cornerstones of Sordland's pursuit of
independence. As such, maintaining and expanding upon it is paramount. However, Sordland
has plenty of untapped potential yet in the agricultural market both domestically and abroad.
This bill seeks to expand our trade and production of agriculture and give meaning and pride to
those Sords, Bluds, Agnosords and others living in Sordland's rural areas.

1. Establishment of the Sordish Agricultural Institute [-3 budget, +1 Education Spending, +1.5
Agriculture Spending]
Under the direction of the Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development, Sordland will establish
in its rural municipalities a series of Rural Technical Institutes and Agricultural Institutes with a
number of goals for the short & long term of agricultural development.
1a. The first goal is the education and training of Sordish agricultural workers, including but not
limited to farmers, harvesters, vintners (from now on mentioned solely as farmers as a catchall
phrase for all agricultural industry workers in Sordland). Additionally, to be eligible for subsidies
from the state of Sordland, all farmers must first begin the Agricultural schooling, with the goal
of finishing their program. This rule exists to encourage farmers to pursue a trade integral for
Sordish self-reliance and to pursue a greater level of education in this field; giving them the
capability to understand modern agricultural techniques and more complex interbreeding
techniques as well. Upon completion of their studies, farmers will receive the new title of
Agricultural Engineer, to exemplify their commitment to Sordland's Agricultural industry. Rural
institutes will be under the Ministry of Education, and agricultural institutes under the Ministry
of Agriculture.
1b. The second goal is to streamline the process of fund allocation for the Minister of
Agriculture & Rural Development. Rural Institutes will be responsible for analyzing local trends
and conditions and report them to the Ministry of Agriculture along with developmental
recommendations, considering foremost the welfare of rural citizens, secondly the economic
balance of a region, and thirdly the welfare of the land itself.

2. Production Goals [+0.5 Agriculture Spending]

2a. With the goal of preventing the underproduction of any given agricultural product, yearly
goals will be instituted for all cereals and other agricultural production done for human
consumption. In case the difference between the goal and production is significant, subsidies
will be implemented in that specific subsection of agriculture.
2b. Along with this, in order to work to achieve an eventual pharmaceutical autarky within
Sordland, the Ministry of Health and local farmers will institute yearly goals for all plants, herbs,
and other products grown for the pharmaceutical and medical industry. the same subsidies
would apply in case of the results lacking.

2c. The final goal is to establish a clear industrial demarcation among the different agricultural
sectors in Sordland, such as:
- Essential Nutritional Agriculture deemed necessary for local consumption.
- Overflow nutritional agriculture marked for export.
- Essential Pharmaceutical Agriculture deemed necessary for local use.
- Overflow Pharmaceutical Agriculture marked for export.
- Luxury Agriculture for domestic usage or export.
3. Separation of Agricultural Sectors
In order to streamline the agricultural industry in Sordland, the following demarcations of
production will be made and instituted by the Sordish Agricultural Institute with the
accompanying guidelines:
3a. Farmers whose growing operations have been deemed as Essential Nutritional Agriculture
or Essential Pharmaceutical Agriculture will have their operations subsidized by the state. All
operations in this field must be wholly owned by Sordish state companies or private Sordish
citizens. Absolutely no foreign investment in the form of capital, ownership, and management
is allowed in the aforementioned sector except with the express permission of the associated
Ministry and even then, solely on an advisory basis.

3b. Farmers whose growing operations have been deemed as Overflow Nutritional Agriculture
or Overflow Pharmaceutical Agriculture marked for export will receive no standard
subsidization from the state, except in the case of catastrophic crop failure. However, Sordland
will provide all logistical needs for members of this sector. Foreign investment in the form of
capital, ownership, and management is allowed in this sector on a strictly mixed basis. All land
containing these growing operations must be wholly owned by the state of Sordland, private
Sordish citizens, or a company with its headquarters and basis in Sordland, whereas operations
themselves may be owned anywhere from 1% to 50% by foreign interests, and all costs and
profits must be accounted for accordingly.
3d. Farmers whose growing operations have been deemed as Luxury Agriculture will receive
the widest available opportunity for foreign investment, with incentives to Sordish majority
owned operations in the form of logistical assistance and all trend analyses done by the Sordish
Agricultural Institutes. Foreign investment in the form of capital, ownership, land ownership,
and management is allowed in this sector on any basis with preference given to entities hailing
from Countries with established positive relations with Sordland.

4. Targeted Rural Investments

In order to stimulate growth within the agricultural industry in Sordland, the following
investments will be made, as directed by the Sordish Agricultural Institute:
4a. Leiren Pharmaceutical Zone [-1.5 budget]
A wide range of co-operative and collectivized based agricultural operations will be funded in
the region around Leiren. Additionally, some tracts of land will be set aside for sale and foreign
investment to offset the cost of this project. The unique climate conditions found in the
shrubby, hilly land around Leiren offers advantages for the growing of pharmaceutical
agricultural products not found as easily in other areas around Sordland.
4b. Erlory-Borin Co-Development Project [+0.5 budget]
Tracts of unused land between Erlory and Borin will be prepared for sale to both domestic and
foreign purchasers in order to expand the Luxury Agricultural sectors found in both regions.
These will be focused in wine, coffee and cotton production.
4c. Agnland Fisheries [-0.5 budget]
In order to produce aquatic nutrition more efficiently and reliably, a number of fisheries will be
established in the Agnland region, specifically in the inland towns of Vale, Verhol and Margni,
all of which are along the migratory routes of salmon and other fish found in that region and
the bays found there.

5. Safeguarding Sordish Agriculture

A number of safeguards will be implemented, to ensure the primacy of Sordish agriculture and
the maintenance of autarky:
5b. The establishment of the Deyr Seed Bank, managed by the Sordish Agricultural Institute.
Maintenance of the seed bank will be done by the institution of a Seed Tax levied on all farming
operations. 3% of all harvested seeds will be assayed and maintained in the Deyr Seed Bank in
case of crop failure or blight. In which case, the Sordland will provide replacement seed to any
and all affected operations, prioritized by Essential, Export and Luxury.
5c. Sordish Agricultural Research Fund [+0.5 Agricultural Spending]
The establishment of the Sordish Agricultural Research Fund, wherein crossbreeding and
modifications will be done to ensure the hardiness of Sordish agriculture for generations to
come, in addition to the study of different plants to adapt them to the climate and soil of
Sordland in an attempt to expand potential agricultural Interests.
5d. Cereal Fund [+0.5 Other Taxes]
The establishment of a Cereal Fund, created by the assailment and levying of a 5% tax on all
nonessential agricultural sectors. This fund will be used to control the local price of all cereals
produced for human consumption, including but not limited to: rice, lentils, beans, legumes and
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 03/02/2021
“Conservation Act” (CA) by Representatives Alexander and Stronge. [-6 budget, +3 Interior
This will has the goal of providing resources for the conservation and development of natural
resources and infrastructure in rural lands owned by state and regional governments, along
with combating excessive unemployment within Sordland, through the formation of the Civilian
Conservation Corps (CCC), under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Interior.

1. Reasons
1a. The Assembly finds that, due to the Recession of 1953 and subsequent structural economic
problems, Sordland is suffering from excessive amounts of unemployment. This circumstance is
impeding economic growth, through the underutilization of labor resources, and socio-cultural
progress, through increases in criminal activities and tendencies, alongside significant deflation
in national morale. As such, a coordinated, national work program is required to mobilize the
vast labor potential of the Republic of Sordland in foremostly improving the economic situation.
The Conservation Act seeks to afford individuals the opportunity to improve Sordland’s public
lands, forests, parks and rural infrastructure.

2. Organization of the CCC

2a. The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and Ministry of the Interior will cooperate in
recruiting men and women for the CCC, while the Ministry of the Interior will operate the
Conservation Camps (CCs); the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development alongside the
Ministry of the Interior will organize and supervise work projects.
2b. The Sordish State Corporation (SSC) will assist in the construction of the 'Conservation
Camps' and rural infrastructure through the provision of specialists (machinists, engineers etc.),
machinery (drills etc.) and tools (hammers, axes etc.). The SSC will work alongside the Ministry
of the Interior and/or Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development depending upon the
designated project. This will involve the use of excess machinery and equipment from the
Sordish State Corporation to accelerate work projects and equip the labor force.
2c. A CCC Advisory Council will be composed of representatives from each of the supervising
departments (Health, Agriculture and Interior) to ensure transparent and efficient

3. Recruitment of CCC members

3a. To enroll, volunteers must pass a physical and medical examination organized by the
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. If deemed ‘fit and able’, enrollees will undergo a brief
period of two weeks of training, overseen by the Ministry of the Interior, after which they will
serve a period of conditioning of six months, with the option to serve three more periods of 18
months in total.
3b. Both men and women will be eligible to join. However, there will be no mixed camps or
sections, to prevent any conflicts arising from the formation of relationships between
individuals or groups of individuals.
3c. Only individuals between the ages of 18 and 55 are eligible to join the CCC.

4. Remuneration and Facilities Provided to Enrollees of the CCC [-3 budget, +1 Interior
4a. Enrollees within the CCC shall be provided with shelter, clothing (which will be durable and
cheap to manufacture and repair, primarily made from a combination of wool and cotton),
medical care, food and a wage over the duration of their enrollment.
4b. Buildings and facilities will mainly be constructed using readily available raw materials
(wood, stone etc.) that can be easily harvested and fashioned with minimal experience. This
will be done with the experience and assistance of the SSC.
4c. Food will be sourced from local markets and farms to ensure freshness and to minimize
logistical costs. This situation will also be improved through the addition of basic husbandry
pens (primarily poultry) and vegetable gardens within the CCs. The CC’s shall also be
encouraged to build vegetable patches and small chicken coops to provide fresh food.
4d. Members will work 40 hours per-week over five days, with weekends acting as rest days.
4e. Payment will be provided in accordance with the Workers Rights Act, with wages of 2,5 SR
per hour. 35% of their wage will be subtracted to cover for the living costs provided to each CCC
member every month.

5. Organization of the Conservation Camps

5a. Enrollees within the CCC will be housed in ‘Conservation Camps’ (CC’s), located in particular
areas where conservation work is to be performed and organized around a complement of 200
civilians enrolled in a ‘company’ unit.
5b. The CC’s will maintain four barracks' (housing fifty enrollees each), officer and technical
quarters, administrative and technical offices, medical dispensary, recreation and food halls,
sanitation (lavatory, shower, laundry) buildings, educational buildings and an equipment
5c. The Company Organization of each camp shall be constituted of dual-authority supervisory
staff. Firstly, a designated Company Commander and designated Junior Officer shall be
assigned by the Ministry of Interior in each camp. They will be responsible for camp education,
training, operation and logistics. Secondly, a contingent of appointed technical service civilians,
including a Superintendent and Foreman, employed through the SSC and the Ministry of
Agriculture and or the Ministry of the Interior, will be appointed to oversee assigned fieldwork.
Included in these camp operations will be several non-technical supervisors who will provide
paternal guidance to ‘inexperienced enrollees’ and knowledge of the work at hand. Thirdly,
enrollees will be organized into Sections of 25 men or women, according to the barracks they
reside in. Each section will have a designated Senior Leader and Assistant Leader who would act
account for their section.

6. Duties of the CCC [-3 budget, +2 Interior spending]

The CCC will perform over three hundred types of work in ten approved classifications:
a. Structural Improvements: repair, maintenance, improvement and expansion of existing rural
infrastructure such as service buildings and logistical centers.
b. Transportation: repair, maintenance and improvement of existing rural infrastructure, such
as rural roads, bridges, airfields, railways, etc.
c. Erosion and Flood Control: repair, maintenance and improvement of existing systems, such as
check dams, terracing and erosion-retardant crop coverings, drainage, irrigation, ditching, rip
rapping, etc.
d. Forest Culture: repair, maintenance and improvement of existing systems, such as tree
planting, fire prevention, fire pre-suppression, firefighting, insect and disease control.
e. Landscape and Recreation: repair, maintenance and improvement of existing amenities, such
as public land development (national and regional parks, etc.) and reforestation.
f. Rangelands: repair, maintenance and improvement of existing systems, through the
elimination of pests and predatory animals (in controlled numbers).
g. Wildlife: repair, maintenance and improvement of existing systems, such as stream
improvement, fish stock and food and cover planting.
h. Miscellaneous: in the form of emergency work (if required), land surveying, etc.
7. Initial Mobilization of the CCC
7a. Recognizing the problems faced by the regions of Nargis, Lorren and Agnland, CCC efforts
will be only conducted in those areas. To test the CA’s nationwide feasibility, the program shall
be opened for 300,000 enrollees across the aforementioned regions. It shall be expanded if
deemed feasible and affordable by the Grand National Assembly.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 03/08/2021
Transnational Sordish Railway Bill (TSRB) by Representative Pipo and Naro [-8 budget, +1.5
Transportation Spending]
With the Sordish economy in shambles, it is the duty of the Grand National Assembly to defend
the financial interests of every Sord within its borders. To achieve this, the Assembly believes
that strengthening transportation links will be an overall improvement on the situation not only
in logistics but the economy in general, and hereby presents this piece of legislation.

1. Sordish Transnational Railroad [-5 budget]

Railways are paramount for any type of transportation links in this day and age, and we must
modernize in order to reactivate the economy.
1a. Line 1 Of the STR [-1.2 budget]
The construction of a new railroad beginning in Holsord and going through Jen, Erlory, Vissimar,
Ribery, Moular, Selvin, Bronia, Antel, Anri and Conriat, connecting with the existing railway
between Conriat and Holsord. A connection will be made on the existing railway between
Holsord and Anrica, connecting it with Erlory for both entering and leaving the city with cargo
or commuters.
1b. Line 2 Of the STR [-0.7 budget]
The second line of the railroad begins in Lachaven, goes through Manoly, Lenkurg, Rizen,
Tarantim, Arvory, Tolrin, Margni, Torreic and finally ending in the border, strengthening the
cooperation and economic integration between our nations. Agnolia will be notified once this
bill passes so they can start building their side of the railway accordingly.
1c. Line 3 Oh the STR [-1.5 budget]
The third and final line of the railroad begins in Morna, connecting with the previous existing
railways between Holsord, Morbel and Morna, and continuing to Olben, Morrain, Vesord,
Silcen, Tactern and Borin. It will then follow to Norin, Benfi, Leiren and ending in Valgen,
connecting with the existing railway between Valgen and Holsord.
1d. Independent Railways [-1.6 budget]
The construction of a railway between Gelsord and Ribery, to connect the Line 1 with the
existing railways. Another one will be built between Estord and Lenkurg, passing on the cities of
Vasqel and Rivol, with two other ones connecting Lenkurg and Laren, passing on Soulery and
Vale, along with connecting Arvory, Verhol and Laren. Furthermore, another one will connect
Sarna, Marisat and Anrica. Two others will connect Conriat, Boll and Morna, and Morbel,
Morger, Selmec, Allten and Borin, and a final one between Deyr, Perzi and Gelsord.

2. Sordish Railroad Corporation [-3 budget, +1.5 Transportation Spending]

2a. To administrate and maintain the National Railroad Grid, the Sordish Railroad Corporation
(SRC) will control and regulate the usage of said network. The company will be exclusively
controlled by the state.
2b. In order to revitalize internal production and optimize travel times, both passengers and
goods will be allowed on the STR. Although the state will aim to ensure quality in travel for the
entirety of the population, the TSR, when used for transporting civilians, will be composed of
two classes. A better equipped and more luxurious first class and a cheaper, but still
comfortable, second class.
2c. To strengthen the Armed Forces and the enforcers of order’s logistics, the police, army and
Gendarmerie will be allowed to use the railroad network to transport personnel and
equipment. However, the directive of the SRC will have to be informed beforehand of said use.

3. Transportation Safety Bureau

3a. To ensure the adequate functioning and safety of Sordland’s transportation links and
infrastructure, the government will create the Transportation Security Bureau (TSB) to
investigate suspicious activities during and after the expansion of Sordland’s infrastructure
network and help ensure a well functioning quality service for al Sords. In case of discovering
irregular behavior, it will immediately report it to the state security apparatus tasked with
dealing with these cases. It’ll have four branches, the Aeronautic Safety Agency, Roads and
Highways Safety Agency, Maritime Safety Agency and Railroads Safety Agency.

4. Structure of the SRC

To ensure efficiency on the transportation service, the SRC will have the following branches:
4a. Audit Department: tasked with ensuring financial transparency in the running of the
company. In case of encountering irregularities in the financial records, it will report it to the
pertinent authorities.
4b. Infrastructure Development and Maintenance Department: tasked with expansion and
maintenance of the existing network.
4c. Worker Protection Department: tasked with investigating abuses of power during projects.
In case of encountering irregularities in the expansion or maintenance procedures, it will report
it to the pertinent authorities.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 03/08/2021
“Sordish Educational Reform Bill” (SERB) by Representatives Tommy and Melik. [-1.9 budget,
+1.2 Education Spending]
Education for the nation is a legacy, a challenge, a passion, a harvest you will not reap. Benefits
from education are not felt by the generation enacting reform, but by the world left to their
children and grandchildren. In this reform, Sordland seeks to encourage the growth of future
generations, investing in the youth of today, so that the nation of tomorrow may flourish.

1. Expanding Educational Capacity [-1.1 budget, +0.7 Education Spending]

1a. Addressing the Shortcomings of Education Finances [+0.3 Education Spending]
Teachers lead the next generation to prosperity, and must be given the proper compensation in
regards to their commitment to success. A just increase in pay to raise the base salary for
teachers to SR 4.0 will fairly compensate existing teachers while giving incentive to other to
enter the profession. Likewise, teachers and schools are hampered in their endeavors without
adequate tools. School equipment and textbooks must be updated and maintained as part of
the school board's responsibilities in order to maintain efficiency of use.
1b. Addressing the Lack of Personnel [-0.1 budget]
Proper education for the rural sector is not possible without the adequate quantity of teachers
and staff. While Sordland boasts a quality of teaching well noted in the region, teachers are
concentrated in urban areas. Lack of incentive prevents teachers moving to rural areas to
improve access for all. An incentive program for rural educators will aid in the expansion of
teacher quality to areas in need. This incentive will consist of an extra amount of 2.500 SR over
the existing wages of the teachers every year. It will be offered to all interested teachers, with a
goal of fulfilling ten thousand spots.
1c. Addressing Improvement to Education-based Facilities [-0.3 budget, +0.1 Education
Teaching is not a normal profession, as the teacher must master the course material as well as
the skills needed to impart that knowledge on the student body. Recognizing that distinction,
new campuses will be instituted to appropriately prepare our new teachers for the important
profession they pursue. With these additional schools devoted to teachers, the dividends of our
Education investment will be paid sooner to the youth of Sordland.
1d. Addressing the Lack of Schools [-0.5 budget, +0.2 Education Spending]
Overcrowded large classrooms prevent students from taking full advantage of their education,
and teachers to provide students the attention they need. Rather than renovating existing
schools, additional schools should be built in rural towns to increase local attendance for
schools. Smaller, localized schools also allow communities to give each school a “local flavor”
within the limited freedoms given in the curriculum.
1e. Addressing the Lack of Attendance [-0.2 budget, +0.1 Education Spending]
The school bus system allows even the most remote communities the opportunity to fully
participate in the education system. Establishing the Educational Transportation System will
lead to an increase in school attendance, and thus education and literacy.
1f. Improving the Curriculum
In addition to bolstering the teaching staff in rural areas, special emphasis will be placed on
teaching the skilled trades and agricultural science where appropriate. Application and content
of these emphases shall be determined by the local school board to best suit the needs of their
students and the community.
2. Quality and Equality in Education [-0.7 budget, +0.1 Education Spending]
2a. Expansion of STEM [-0.2 budget]
Science and Technology are the ladder on which Sordland climbs into the future. In order to
bring our students to the forefront of the global community, we must invest in programs of
science. Refurbishing rooms in existing and new schools to house science and technology labs
will give our students the arena to excel in their studies.
2b. Equality For All [-0.2 budget, +0.1 Education Spending]
Traditional gender roles find themselves less and less commonplace in the world today. By
holding onto the segregated education of gender, Sordland risks falling behind on the world
stage. Allowing class and lesson participation regardless of gender will empower students to
seek their strengths and passions. Examples are numerous where students have met, if not
exceeded, standards of education for opposite genders.
2c. Sex Education [-0.1 budget]
Sex Education is a key component of modern health, and should be taught as such. Studies
have shown abstinence-only education does not lower pregnancy rates, but rather increases
unsafe abortive procedures and sexual practices.
2d. Student Counseling [-0.2 budget]
Student counseling is a key component of addressing social problems within the school before
they become tragic. By expanding counseling capabilities, Sordish educators will be more apt to
nurture the next generation into strong personal growth.
3. New Options for Students [-0.1 budget, +0.1 Education Spending]
3a. National Athletic Educational Organization (NAEO) [-0.1 budget]
Creating a national organization to promote athletic extracurriculars at local schools will
encourage students to pursue personal wellness, thus contributing to a healthier community
and reducing unnecessary strain on the Ministry of Healthcare. By organizing a national body
for competitive athletics at the high school level and higher, examples can be given to younger
students to encourage them to pursue their own athletic passions. Competitive athletics also
allow for an added stream of revenue into the schools through ticket sales to events,
merchandise, donations, etc. in order to inject financial stimulus into the education system.
3b. National Open Classroom [+0.1 Education Spending]
The Open Classroom Concept (OCC) allows students to explore other pursuits by giving students
the freedom to enter a variety of elective classes while covering their core education
requirements. Students are to be given 3 class slots to fill with NOC, and the ability to explore
any class they choose. At the end of the term, the student must pass the final exams for any 3
classes they choose in order to progress to the next grade. By giving students this open
freedom, we encourage the students to challenge themselves and expand their horizons. By
encouraging this exploration, we hope to further intellectual advancement in Sordland through
the next generations.
4. No Student Left Behind [+0.3 Education Spending]
4a. School Lunch Assistance Program [+0.2 Education Spending]
No student should be denied their opportunity to excel due to financial need. The School Lunch
Assistance Program (SLAP) will assist students from impoverished families in order to maintain
students’ nutrition while at school.
4b. Textbook Subsidies [+0.1 Education Spending]
Textbooks shall be reviewed by the National School Board yearly to determine validity and
necessity of each edition of textbooks. New editions shall only be released with significant
changes, to avoid unnecessary costs for families with children. However, the latest editions will
be subsidized for families below the poverty line, in order to allow all children to perform
properly in schools.
5. Updating Historical Curriculum
5a. Fair Representation in History
Colonel Tarquin Soll gave the Sordish people the Republic as it exists today, and stabilized a
nation in the midst of overwhelming strife. However, idolizing him in education leads to
fanaticism and the perpetuation of outdated values. Future generations must understand that
while Soll played a pivotal role in history, he is one man in the long history of Sordland. Other
notable figures, such as Artor Wisci, should be recognized in history as similarly key figures and
their contributions to our great country lauded in lessons.
5b. The Merit in our Faults
Likewise, extolling Soll’s virtues without addressing his shortcomings only serves to deify him
further. No man can be impervious of faults, and Soll is no exception. History must teach his
virtues and vices, so as to teach how to properly recognize faults and the lessons held within.

6. Valuing Science
Scientific truth must be upheld in education. Therefore, Evolutionist Theory must be taught in
public education. Denying scientific truth only encourages stagnation and undue disagreement.
Creationist Theory may be taught alongside evolution, under the discretion of the local school
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 03/15/2021
"Foreign Banking Services Restriction Bill" by the Communist Party of Sordland.
Recognizing the risk of financial crime that is posed by the usage of foreign banking services,
this bill seeks to restrict the ability of Sordish citizens to evade prosecution by using foreign
banking services in states which refuse to cooperate with the Sordish Ministry of Justice on
these matters.

1. Banking Reporting Changes

1a. Mandates that all banks which wish to operate in Sordland require customers to provide
documents demonstrating that any deposits over 10,000 Sordish Ren come from legitimate
1b. Aforementioned banks must require a name and ID number to be attached to any existing
bank accounts and all bank accounts created after the passing of the bill. A period of 2 weeks
for customers to provide details to their banks will be allowed for, after which all banks will be
expected to freeze any accounts with missing details. Banks will be considered criminally
responsible if they maintain accounts that do not have accurate information about their
1c. Expects that banks to conduct background checks and investigations with regards to
information provided about account owners. Banks will be considered criminally responsible if
they are found to be maintaining accounts with incorrect or fabricated information.
1d. Banks will be required to share all information about account transactions and all personal
information about account owners with the Sordish Ministry of Justice if requested. Banks will
be considered criminally responsible if their clients are made aware of the investigation without
the consent of the Ministry of Justice.
1f. Sordish banks will be able to claim expenses related to the enforcement of this bill against
their tax liabilities.
2. Foreign Banking Changes
2a. Authorizes Sordish banks to release private information about account holders with any
country that also has laws requiring domestic banks to share information with the Sordish
Ministry of Justice. This clause is intended to allow states such as Agnolia, Valgsland and
Wehlen to create reciprocal banking information sharing agreements without having to directly
negotiate with the Sordish government.
2b. Because of the overly stringent privacy laws in regards to Kyrutian, Arcasian and Lespian
banking, Sordish banks are forbidden from making any transaction worth over 100,000 Sordish
Ren to Kyrutian, Arcasian or Lespian banks.
2c. Transfers made within 1 month of another should be added together and treated as a single
transaction, meaning that Sordish banks should freeze funds once transfers total over 100,000
Sordish Ren. To clarify, “within one month of another” implies that in any given succession of
transactions if there is less than 30 days between individual transactions then they should be
considered a single transaction. For example, if a transaction of 5,000 SR was made on the 1st
of January, a transaction of 10,000 SR made on the 1st of February and a transaction of 15,000
SR was made on the 1st of March, it would be treated as a single transaction of 30,000 SR. For
any Sord who is a non resident for tax purposes and has the equivalent of a Sordish worker's
visa in these countries, a simple 30 day non stacking limit will instead be applied.
2d. Any currency exchanges made in Sordish borders worth over 10,000 Sordish Ren must be
reported to the Ministry of Interior, regardless of the two currencies exchanged. If a paper trail
demonstrating the legitimacy of the money used in the exchange cannot be produced, all funds
involved in the transaction will be seized by the Ministry of Justice. Furthermore, any individual
who enters Sordland with 10,000 SR or more of any currency must declare it to the Ministry of
Justice or may be subject to criminal charges.
2e. Foreign employees of banking firms in Sordland suspected of being involved in financial
crimes will be detained until trial and have their passport seized. In the event of charges being
brought forward, they will be tried in Sordland rather than deported or extradited.

3. Changes to the Banking Privileges of State Employees and Sordish Citizens

3a. All Sordish citizens will have their tax returns automatically released at the end of every
financial year in order to ensure their honesty and enable the Sordish population and media to
effectively scrutinize their finances.
3b. If any state employee’s yearly earnings are equivalent to more than 125% of their official
salary the Ministry of Justice will be required to audit them.
3c. This clause creates a special class of audit whereby the Ministry of Justice is authorized to
seize through the Minister of Interior any funds that have no paper trail proving that they were
earned legitimately, without having to charge the employee in question with any crime.
3d. Employees of the Sordish government will be required to declare any gifts of cash or objects
valued at 500 SR or higher. Declarations must be public and also sent directly to the Ministry of
Justice. If the employee rejects the gift they will not have to make a public declaration, but
instead must provide the Ministry of Justice proof that the gift never entered their position.
3e. All state employees are barred from visiting banking services while on officially sanctioned
trips to foreign states.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 03/22/2021
“Successive Military Modernization Act” (SMMA) by Representatives Naro, Rydiculous and Revo
[-7 Budget, +0.7 military spending]
This piece of legislation is presented with the goal of continuing and expanding the measures
established in the “Military Reform, Expansion and Modernization Bill”, by same author, along
with implementing a new set of policies to further improve the current status of the Sordish
Armed Forces.

1. Diplomatic Handling and Joint Exercises [-0.1 Budget]

1a. Measures against Rumburg
The threat Rumburg poses to Sordland and Southeastern Merkopa in general can no longer be
underestimated. We must take any and all steps in our disposals to harm their rogue state
before the eventual, but inevitable conflict erupts. To achieve this, Sordland will issue an official
embargo to the Kingdom of Rumburg on all trade, and push for the rest of the members of the
Markian Sea Tripartite Accord to do the same, also including Wehlen. As products currently
being imported from Rumburg will stop flowing into Sordland, their Sordish counterparts will
receive a subsidy to expand their production efforts Furthermore, the “Foreign Banking Services
Restriction Bill” will be amended to include all their measures that affect foreign banking also
taking effect against the Kingdom of Rumburg.
1b. Joint Military Exercises
With its allies, Sordland has the full capacity to repel any threats. However, we must achieve
true cooperation between the Sordish, Valgslandian and Agnolian Armed Forces if we wish to
fight together as one. Naval and ground military exercises will be performed between all the
ground and naval branches of the three armies. All costs will be covered by Sordland, with the
hopes of convincing our neighbors of this initiative.
2. National Defense Industry [-5 Budget, +0.6 Military Spending]
Our two existing state-owned military industrial complexes, Anrica Industries and Erlory
Aeronautics, have proven to be a great asset to the National Defense Industry. However, they
are not enough to fill all the needs of our army.
2a. Valgen and Morna Industries [-5 Budget, +0.6 Military Spending]
Instead of one major industrial center, two will be approved and funding will be allocated
towards them, significantly farther away from the Rummish border than Anrica. This measure
will prevent catastrophic shortages in case any other center was targeted, and will also ensure
weapons are produced in time and when needed. The two industries will employ forty
thousand people each, albeit Valgen will be focused on small arms production and Morna in
support and logistical equipment. The Valgish Construction Union will be given the contract for
these two projects.

3. Military Preparation and Restructuration [-0.1 Budget]

3a. Officer Academies [-0.1 Budget]
While the capabilities of our high command are beyond proved and well respected in the entire
region, the same cannot be said for our lower rank officers. Solving this will be paramount for
our ground forces if we wish for them to perform at full capacity. With this in mind, a set of
Ministry of Education and Ministry of Defense led Military Officer Academies will be
established. A hundred installations will be established across the country, without counting
Bergia, Nargis and Agnland, to each house three hundred future officers. A secondary goal,
besides the greater level of capacity on our lower ranks, is achieving enough level of training so
officers are able to be autonomous from the central command or the rest of their division if
they get encircled or forced into a pocket.
3b. Rank Restructuration
The current system for ranking officers is mostly left for each army to decide, which causes
great disorder and confusion between the Sordish Armed Forces. To correct this, a clear and
centralized Military Ranking System will be established:
- Private: the backbone of every army. They will compose around 85% of the total force.
- Sergeant: controls a Squad of ten soldiers. Does not have a commission nor requires officer
academic training, ascending through the military ranks normally. They will compose about
8,5% of the total force.
- Lieutenant: controls a Platoon of five Squads, in total fifty soldiers. From this rank onwards, all
officers are commissioned.
- Captain: controls a Company of five Platoons, in total two hundred and fifty soldiers.
- Colonel: controls a Battalion of four Companies, in total a thousand soldiers.
- Brigadier: controls a Brigade of three Battalions, in total three thousand soldiers.
- General: controls a Division of five Brigades, three of them the Infantry Brigades and the two
others the Artillery and Support Brigades, composing in total nine thousand soldiers and a
thousand other personnel.
- Field Marshal: controls an entire Army, composed of a varying number of divisions, between a
few dozen thousand to hundreds of thousands of troops.

4. Strengthening of the Armed Forces [-0.8 Budget, +0.1 Military Spending]

4a. Heavy Equipment [-0.1 Budget]
While the models for the Holdeir M1 are still under development, it has become clear that
three hundred modern tanks are far from what the Army requires to defend our territorial
integrity. Another two hundred tanks will be built with the same structure.
4b. Superior Firepower [-0.1 Budget]
While we cannot surpass Rumburg in other sectors of warfare, the still in development
Sordveist M1 is in its early phases already proven to have far superior capabilities to the
artillery of rest of the region. Therefore, we must strengthen ourselves in this sector by
producing even more of them. Each brigade will now have ten pieces of artillery, and the
Artillery Brigade of each division will now have seventy concentrated pieces. This means that, at
its current size, the Sordish Army will use of about three thousand and three hundred pieces.
With the goal of also supplying our allies against the enemy, another two thousand and five
hundred units will be placed for production.
4c. Machine Guns [-0.3 Budget]
Each Squad should have one light machine gun, capable of being manned by one individual
soldier, to properly perform their duties. To achieve this, the Haelia M3 light machine gun
model will be requested from Valgsland, to be paid immediately, and fifty thousand units will
be produced in case their response is positive. However, Platoons also necessitate mounted
heavy machine guns to hold defensive positions, requiring two individuals to man them. The
Valgslandian Felksen M2 stationary machine gun model will be requested to arm our Platoons,
and seven thousand five hundred units will be produced in case their response is positive.
4d. Half-tracks [-0.3 Budget]
Quick troop, equipment and supply movement during war is vital if we wish to form a coherent
defensive plan and quickly deliver our troops the materials they need. With this goal in mind,
Sordish military scientists will develop a new model, the Gelsivk M1, and fifty thousand units
will be produced for military use.
4e. Military Research Expansion [+0.1 Military Spending]
With the quantity of research and development projects the Secretary of Military Research and
Development has been tasked, it is clear that our current military research capabilities are far
from optimal. To solve this underlying issue, funds will be allocated for the expansion of these
facilities. Along with this, military research institutes will be expanded, with five new ones being
built at secret locations in the center and east of Sordland.

5. Air and Land Defense [-0.2 Budget]

Holding our core territory will not be possible without proper defensive emplacements to retain
the enemy, and to achieve this Anti Tank and Anti Air defenses must be developed.
5a. Anti Air Defenses [-0.1 Budget]
For the purposes of diminishing enemy air superiority in Sordland’s western reaches, a
dispersed system of Anti Aircraft Armaments will be produced and deployed primarily into the
Agnland, Nargis, and Bergia regions, with some dispersal around locations of strategic value
deeper into the Sordish Heartland. Models of the fast firing quad-barrel Hevel M1 and the
heavy one barrel Wilben M1 will be asked from Valgsland. If their response is affirmative, six
thousand Hevel units and two thousand Wilben units will be produced.
5b. Anti Tank Defenses [-0.1 Budget]
While we cannot ask for more models of Valgsland or request more development from our
military scientists, we can use what Sordland already has to defend itself. Production of five
hundred thousand of the modern Soll M3 shaped-charge anti tank hand grenade will
commence in order to provide one to every soldier as part of their standard kit.

6. Defensive Preparations [-0.8 Budget]

Throughout history, defensive fortifications have enabled an outnumbered force to defeat a
bigger one. To defend Southeastern Merkopa against the Rumburg threat, Sordland has given a
budget to Agnolia to create the “Willard Line”. Now it is time for Sords to create their own
defensive fortifications to halt Rummish advance and force them to suffer delays and losses
while doing so.
6a. Establishment of Minefields [-0.1 Budget]
Rumburg will employ a great number of tanks and infantry. To halt their charge, we shall create
a minefield along the Rumburg border to slow them down. This minefield will also stop their
infantry from advancing quickly, forcing combat engineers to be at the vanguard of any enemy
6b. National Defense Line [-0.5 Budget]
A trench line against the Rumburg war machine would be mostly ineffective. But a system of
underground-connected steel bunkers can hold their troops by drowning Rummish infantry in
machinegun fire. These bunkers will also be a sturdy defense against their artillery and any air
bombardments they can make. These bunkers will be distributed between our defensive lines,
along with the ones constructed in the Sordish Economic Expansion Act.
6c. National Redoubt [-0.2 Budget]
While undesirable, it is possible our defensive lines are breached and Rumburg manages to take
a hold in Sordish territory. To prevent a spearhead advancing towards our capital in a matter of
weeks, a National Redoubt will be created between Lachaven, Deyr and Ribel, with basic
fortifications and defensive lines being created to hold the line.

7. Improvements in Military Communication [-0.1 Budget]

A tightly-knit communication network is essential in modern warfare. An army which cannot
communicate efficiently is also not be able to use the full extent of its power. For this reason,
improvements in military communication is essential.
7a. Manufacture of Military Radios
To achieve our goals of efficient communication, military radios are of paramount importance.
We cannot speak of fast and efficient military communication without them. Therefore, military
radios will be provided for all platoons of Sordish Army.
7b. Establishment of Military Communication Centers
In order to efficiently use the military radios described in the above clause, military
communication centers shall be established to receive and distribute information. These
military centers will also have equipment, ammunition and supplies. The combined effect of the
military radio and these military communication centers will certainly increase our military
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 03/23/2021
Healthcare Reform and Council Establishment Act (HRCEA) by Representative Sursov. [-1.1
budget, +1.5 Health Spending, +0.8 Upper Income Tax, +1 Other Taxes]

The Healthcare Reform and Council Establishment Act (HRCEA) is presented to the Grand
National Assembly with the goal of reforming the current healthcare system to better suit the
needs of the long neglected Sordish population. In addition to this, future healthcare concerns
and major decisions will be addressed by the Council of Medical Overview (CMO) and brought
to the attention of the Assembly as necessary. This bill also suggests an amendment to taxes to
help mitigate the cost of the legislation.

1. Establishment and Duties of the CMO [-0.1 Budget]

1a. The Council of Medical Overview will have fifteen seats. Fourteen of these seats will be
given to two nominated representatives from each region, with a write in vote every three
years. The last seat will be held by the current holder of the position of Rector in the Gelsord
Medical Institute as elected by the GRC in that time.
1b. Every two years, the CMO will meet to discuss and standardize all procedures and best
practices that hospitals and clinics across Sordland will have to uphold, based on consideration
of the current state of living and the economic climate.
1c. The CMO will be responsible for tracking the health reports of all clinics and hospitals, to
establish an early response to potential outbreaks or to otherwise health trends that might
negatively impact Sordish citizens if left unaddressed.
1d. In the event of an emergency to public health at a grand scale, such as an epidemic, the
CMO has the power to directly petition for action.
1e. The CMO will also be responsible for devising a first aid course that will become part of
mandatory health education for high school students.
1f. The CMO will oversee the retrofitting of a ship between 250 to 300 meters in length into an
oceanic hospital with a maximum capacity of 1200 patients. During peacetime, this vessel will
travel the Markian sea to provide aid and strengthen diplomatic relations while also giving
Sordish doctors a more direct view of any potential epidemics or negative health trends in
neighboring countries. At times of war, this vessel will join the Sordish Navy as a hospital
marked as a non-combatant vessel.
1h. The CMO will create the Agricultural Medicine Commission (AMC) as a sub-council, which
focuses on improving and standardizing both the living standards and medical practices used
across Sordland for home kept domestic animals and livestock to help prevent the risk of
interspecies disease transmission.

2. Narcotics
2a. The CMO will oversee the classification of narcotics into tiered lists based on their effects to
the body and their value for medical purposes. Class 1 Narcotics, such as Tobacco and
Marihuana, have limited physical effects and repercussions, and will therefore be legal and
available to all the adult population. Class 2 Narcotics, such as opium and its derivatives, are
considered to be medically indispensable despite physical repercussions, and only allowed for
medical use. Class 3 Narcotics, such as heroin, have great physical repercussions and are
considered of low medical value due to lack of effect or because of the availability of
alternatives, and will stand a full ban.
2b. While the sale of Class 2 and 3 Narcotics from non approved sources is illegal and criminally
liable, consumption of drugs will be decriminalized fully. Those previously arrested for use of
narcotics will have their sentences overturned and criminal records related to this act

3. Community Health Centers [-0.2 Budget, +0.3 Health Spending]

3a. A fund will be established for the construction of community health centers in all towns.
These centers will operate as emergency clinics and will be required to have a minimum
capacity of 5 isolated patient rooms and 10 examination rooms for long term care, specially
focused in regions that struggle to get timely healthcare. One Community Health Center will be
built per town, with an additional center per every thousand citizens.
3b. These centers will hold two daily free exercise classes for both youths and adults. Along
with this, they will hold a thrice weekly health class. This class will cover best practices,
preventative measures, and rudimentary first aid lessons. In addition to these services, these
clinics will provide a free eye examination every four months upon request.
3c. These centers will be designated as emergency facilities in the case of natural disaster, and
provided with a supply of non-perishable rations and necessary equipment.
3d. These clinics shall also operate as a facility which oversees injection or consumption of Class
2 and 3 Narcotics to ensure no life threatening outcomes occur while also fostering a
rehabilitation initiative.

4. General Improvements [-0.8 Budget, +0.4 Health Spending]

4a. Every region will be given a budgetary allotment for the establishment of ten hospitals per
region, each with a 200 patient capacity.
4b. To compensate for the increased workload and reach of the healthcare staff, doctors and
nurses will receive a proportional salary increase. Nurses across Sordland will be given an
hourly increase of 1 Sordish Ren, and Doctors 1.5 SR increase. Additionally, a 2500SR and
4000SR annual bonus will be granted to five thousand nurses and three thousand doctors who
move into rural areas to staff these clinics.
4c. To promote the advancement of Sordish agricultural output and practices, the Institute of
Animal Husbandry will be founded for the training of veterinarians and veterinary surgeons.
4d. A fund will be established for the construction of Veterinary Clinics in all towns. One
Veterinary Clinic will be constructed per town, with an additional one per every two thousand
citizens, or every five hundred heads of cattle. In areas of commercial agriculture, these clinics
will feature specific accommodations for the treatment and lodging of livestock.
4e. A fund will be set aside for the production or import, and distribution of pharmaceuticals,
medical equipment, surgical tools, and emergency service vehicles.
4f. To better achieve unified medical practices and the advancement of Sordish healthcare
understanding and accessibility, each region will be given a grant to establish two medical

5. Economic Restructuring [+0.8 Upper Income Tax, +1 Other Taxes]

5a. Income Tax Adjustment [+0.8 Upper Income Tax]
In order to fund these measures alleviating and expanding our healthcare system, the Income
Tax existing on the upper class will be raised from 27% to 28%.
5b. Narcotic Tax [+1 Other Taxes]
Following the establishment and classification of Narcotics, Class 1 Narcotics will become
eligible for legal purchase at a 20% tax. Tobacco will be retroactively affected by this clause.

6. Free Prescriptions [+0.8 Healthcare Spending]

Prescription medications will be made free to ensure Sordish public health and resilience
against potential disasters. While the state does currently pay between a fifth and a third of all
prescriptions issued to the population, it is necessary to subsidize these costs fully in order to
achieve a healthier Sordland.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 03/29/2021
“National Policing Standards Reform” (NPSR) by Representative Sursov. [-1 Budget, +0.3 Interior

In the two years since the start of the new presidential administration, Sordland has seen an
increase of police induced incidents of violence by 21% and of incidents resulting in death from
this violence by 16%. This is unacceptable, and puts into question the safety of the citizens
under the eye of the national protectorate. Sordland must modernize not only the equipment
of the police, but their training, if we wish to solve this increasingly worrying issue.

1. Establishment of New Training Standards [-0.1 Budget]

1a. All new police recruits will be required to undergo a year of standardized training. This will
be broken up as: four months of speech, de-escalation, culture, and psychology classes. Three
months of legal studies. Two months of handgun training, with a licensing exam and additional
exams required every four months after earning a badge. Two months of physical training that
will also include first aid courses. Finally, one month of community outreach and patrol.
1b. After the one year training period, officers will undergo examination covering each of the
aspects for which they have been trained, including an essay about their month of community
outreach and things they believe can be improved in the area of which they serve.
1c. For officers who already serve, they will be required to undergo a first aid course, as well as
a semester each of speech classes, deescalation tactics, and legal studies. A competency
examination for firearm use must also be undergone, and those who fail will have to take a 30
day remedial training class.
1d. Based on exceptional exam results, or distinguished military service, recruits may be asked
to opt into the Tactical Armed Response Unit (TARU). Those who accept will be given an
additional 6 months of training. The first three months will focus on additional de-escalation
classes, emergency response protocols, and explosives. Two months of training will be devoted
to expanded firearm proficiency and licensing, still following the three yearly follow up exams.
The final month will focus on urban environment maneuvering. The TARU initiative supersedes
any already extant similar regional programs, absorbing them, surplus officers in these
programs will be returned to standard duty.

2. Establishment of New Initiatives and Precinct Improvements [-0.3 Budget, +0.1 Interior
2a. Every precinct will be required to provide an office for counselors and psychologists,
requiring two licensed practitioners of therapy and psychological evaluations per shift. Officers
must undergo an evaluation every month for fitness of duty, with an emergency evaluation
following experience of trauma in the line of duty. Beyond this, officers will be free to schedule
appointments with these professionals.
2b. A fund will be established for research into less than lethal equipment for officers. This
initiative will include research into alternative munitions, the development of grenades meant
to incapacitate without lasting harm, and replacement side arms focused on chemical or
electrical incapacitation.
2c. Every precinct will be required to create a civilian outreach division, which will allow
volunteer able-bodied citizens from eighteen to fifty to establish neighborhood watch patrols
that integrate with street officers. A city's volunteer watch may not exceed 0.1% of its
2d. Precincts will, where possible, ensure that neighborhoods or larger communities are staffed
by patrol officers who reside in the area. At least one in every three officers on a patrol route
must be local.
2e. Every city will be required to create an Internal Officer Review board (IOR), responsible for
investigating allegations of police misconduct and corruption, along with turning copies of
completed investigations and relevant evidence to the Ministry of Justice for processing. This
board has the capacity to suspend an officer’s badge or strip it entirely. Each of these facilities
will have their own holding cells for officers who have committed offenses until they can be
brought to a proper prison facility, rather than being kept at local precincts.
2f. Every precinct will be given the budget to form a TARU program. TARU officers will be given
an armory separate from the main officers, with modern rifles and shotguns provided as well as
two armored police vehicles. The precinct’s TARU program cannot be larger than 10% of the
standard officer pool, meaning that a city with a thousand officers cannot have more than a
hundred TARU officers. The focus of the TARU program is to handle or assist against armed
threats, hostage situations, or crisis situations such as bomb threats. TARU officers are cleared
for live ammunition when deployed, rather than alternative munitions.

3. Budgetary Restructuring [-0.6 Budget, +0.3 Interior Spending]

3a. New officers will be given a salary of 3.5SR after they complete all of their training, earning
minimum wage while undergoing this training. Existing officers will be given a raise to match
this salary, after completion of their new education requirements. TARU officers will be given
an additional .5SR, bringing their salary to 4SR. These raises will be entirely covered by the
3b. All cities and towns will be given a minimum recruitment ratio goal of 0.35%, meaning thirty
five officers per one thousand citizens. After two years, 10% of the total officers will be chosen
at random from the area’s precincts and tested on the new training standards. Cities who
achieve less than 70% in these review exams will be given a fine and a remedial examination
one year later.
3c. A five hundred million SR subsidy will be established for the construction of new precincts
and outfitting of officers in towns and cities significantly expanding their police force due to the
new hiring quota. In addition to this, a complete overhaul of police equipment will be funded,
modernizing body armor and available firearms.
3d. Police officers will be held responsible for violations of the proper procedures established
for them. A fine of 50SR will be levied for examples of misconduct, 300SR for falsified
testimonies or reports, and 500SR for the falsifying or planting of evidence. Half of the money
fined will be returned to the city treasury, while the other half will be put into a community
fund for events or local improvements. These fines are cumulative, meaning an officer who
completely falsifies an arrest with evidence and thus subsequently makes a false testimonial
will receive a total fine of 850SR.
3e. Any officer who receives three fines for misconduct or a fine for insincere reports will face
two weeks of unpaid suspension on top of his monetary penalty. If an officer receives two such
suspensions within a year, he will be made to undergo four months of reeducation in legal
studies. A third suspension will result in termination of employment. A single 300SR fine results
in an immediate suspension, still following the three suspension policy. If an officer receives a
500SR fine, he will immediately be suspended and required to undergo reeducation, a second
fine of this type within 3 years results in immediate termination of employment. If any of these
fines result in a criminal investigation and guilty verdict, even if not resulting in prison
sentencing, employment will be terminated.

4. Encouragement of Exemplary Behavior

4a. Precincts will develop an “Officer of the Month” program, where an officer will be
acknowledged for exemplary behavior and community support, based on his career record for
that period. An officer who has received suspensions is ineligible to qualify as an Officer of the
Month for a 6 month period following the suspension. The recipient of the monthly award will
be given 200SR.
4b. Officers can anonymously report another for fineable behavior, and if the report is proven
to be valid and result in a fine, a 50SR reward will be granted.
4c. At the end of the year, precincts will conduct a vote for the title of “Exemplary Officer”, this
will be a write in ballot for the community the precinct serves. The officer who is voted for will
be given a 1000SR bonus.

5. Equipment Standards and Emergency Policing Declaration

5a. After the development of alternative munitions and less than lethal sidearms, officers will
be required to carry the newly developed sidearm and load their primary firearms with the less-
than-lethal munitions. Live ammunition will be kept secured in a locked box within the trunk or
center console of the patrol car.
5b. The Mayor of a city has the ability to activate an “Emergency Policing Declaration” under
which, for a period of four weeks, officers will be allowed to carry two magazines of live
ammunition on their belt rather than strictly leaving it within a vehicle. Their primary load will
still be less-than-lethal, though they may now switch if they believe the situation warrants such
a response.
5c. After the four weeks expire, the Mayor may request an extension of the Emergency
Declaration from the IOR. The IOR must then review the state of the city, and determine
whether or not the extension may be granted. If the extension is granted, another Emergency
Declaration may not be made for four months. If the extension is denied, the cool down period
instead is six months.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 03/29/2021
“Sordish Strategic Energy Bill” (SSEB) by Representative Stefan. [-1.9 Budget]
Recognizing the strategic and economic importance of oil in modern economies and the
military specifically, diplomatic and infrastructural efforts must be undertaken to secure
favorable oil prices and to ensure the maximum efficiency of the Sordish energy industry.
Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge the strategic importance of the vast Wehzek oil
fields, and therefore special provisions must be made to secure the stability of the region to
ensure oil extraction continues. Wehlen, Agnolia, Sordland, and Valgsland combined will
comprise the second largest oil reserves in the world, and cooperation consisting a unified
energy policy will allow Southeastern Merkopa to seize the full economic potential of its
1. Infrastructures for Energy Refining [-0.4 Budget]
1a. Lachaven Energy Complex [-0.2 Budget]
An area in the outskirts of Lachaven will be selected as the center of Sordland’s energy refining
industries, due to its central location between oil fields in Wehlen and natural gas in Nargis, and
also due to being the only major port close to Wehzek oil fields in Sordland. An oil refinery and
a Liquefied Natural Gas terminal will be constructed here to allow the import and export of
massive amounts of oil and natural gas overseas.
1b. Deyr Biofuel Plant [-0.2 Budget]
A modern military and economy relies on fuel, and as of now, Sordland is mostly reliant on
Wehzek oil. Given the instability of Wehlen, the majority of our supply of fuel may be cut off,
which would be disastrous in time of war. Investments in biofuel technology and infrastructure
would secure a reliable source of fuel in the event that our supply be cut off. Biofuel will be
researched, and if successful a biofuel refinery will be constructed in Deyr, Sordland's main
center of food production.

2. Infrastructures for Energy Transport [-0.8 Budget]

2a. SAK Trilateral Investments Agreement [-0.5 Budget]
Diplomatic talks with the Kervel and Agnolian governments will begin with the goal of starting
the construction of the SAK, Sordish-Agnolian-Kervelian, natural gas pipeline. It will connect the
natural gas fields of Kervel and transport them to Agnolia and Sordland, going through Agnland,
and ending at Lachaven.
2b. SordStream Natural Gas Pipeline [-0.3 Budget]
The construction of “SordStream”, a natural gas pipeline from the natural gas extraction in
Western Nargis to Lachaven will commence, creating thousands of jobs and allowing for the
cheap transport of natural gas for foreign export through the Lachaven port, in synergy with the
Lachaven Energy Complex.
2c. Fast Response Pipeline Repair
As leaks inevitably occur, a rapid response group of engineers will be created to respond to
these leaks or other pipeline damage, and repair them in as little time as possible.

3. Formation of the Eastern Merkopan Strategic Energy Committee (EMSEC)

3a. EMSEC Formation Negotiations
EMSEC will allow the oil and natural gas exporting nations of Eastern Merkopa to coordinate
energy export policies to ensure beneficial prices for natural gas, oil and its derivatives.
Diplomatic talks will begin with Wehlen, Agnolia, Kervel, and Valgsland for these countries to
join the EMSEC. If formed, the EMSEC will in total hold the second largest proven oil reserves in
the world, granting much diplomatic influence to Sordland, and also significant influence over
world natural gas and oil prices. All nations in EMSEC will benefit greatly, as oil and natural gas
prices will be adjusted accordingly to ensure fairness in the industry. EMSEC will not involve any
form of cooperation outside of a unified energy policy.

4. Research and Industrial Investments [-0.7 Budget]

4a. Sordland Innovation Grants [-0.3 Budget]
Sordland must become a hub of innovation to remain competitive on the global stage. The
Sordish Innovation Program would select and grant funding to entrepreneurs and researchers
developing new technologies to encourage innovation nationwide. Tax breaks will also be
granted to foreign entrepreneurs to encourage their relocation to Sordland.
4b. Valgen Industrial Park [-0.2 Budget]
Valgen has been a long neglected city, due to its distant location from the economic centers of
Sordland. As such, an industrial park will be created here, and low-interest government loans
will be given to businesses willing to build and invest in this industrial park to stimulate the local
economy and rebuild Sordland's manufacturing capabilities.
4c. Morna Industrial Park [-0.2 budget]
To rebuild Sordland's industrial capacity in the east, loans will be given to companies to build
factories in the city. It is imperative that the Lorren Rust Belt return to a center of
manufacturing, as it is a strategic region hopefully out of range for most enemy bombers, and
out of the theatre of war.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 04/05/2021
“Dynamization, Optimization, and Operational Modernization Act” (DOOM) by Representative
Ryd I'Culous. [4 Budget Spent, 0.8 Welfare Spending, 1.5 SOE Spending and 1.2 SOE Income, 4.4
Income Tax, 1 Small Business Tax. 3.1 Losses & 4.4 Income]
In order to ensure Sordland not only retains and maintains its own enterprises, but uses them
to great efficiency now and in the future, we must modernize and dynamize our enterprises,
while maintaining a healthy private sector with the management of labor laws and Fair Trade
with the enforcement of competition laws.

1. Establishment of the FTCC

In order to maintain a healthy and competitive private sector, a Fair Trade and Competition
Committee will be established to oversee competition, fair trade, consumer protection, and
labor laws in Sordland.
1a. The Council of Labour
In the interest of not straining our judicial service even further, labor laws and disputes shall
henceforth be adjudicated by an elected representative council of laborers and business
owners, five per industry or sector in Sordland. One representative will be allocated to private
workers, one to public workers, two to small and medium business owners and one to the self
employed and worker cooperatives. The election of the labor representatives will be done by
ballot once every three years with three representatives elected from each of the following
industries (including private, public, state owned, and mixed ownership operations):
agricultural and food industry, chemical industry, machine and equipment industry,
pharmaceutical and medical industry, textile, clothing and leather industry, electronics and
communications industry, education industry, automotive, train and boat transportation
industry and aerospace and defense industry. This council will hear cases and testimony from
both sides and determine if a case has merit and make punitive rulings on each case. The
rulings are then reviewed by the FTCC who has the power to modify, dismiss, or agree with said
rulings. Should they disagree with the ability of the CoL to adjudicate a particular case, the case
will then be heard by them directly, surpassing the CoL and if necessary, take the cases to the
Supreme Court using their own attorneys.
1b. Fair Trade and Competition Committee
A committee of nine labor law attorneys will be established whose purpose will be the
judgment of labor rulings throughout Sordland, while expanding and cementing the legal
interpretation of labor laws. The committee members will have the legal authority of judges,
but with a tenure of only seven years.
Additionally, to ensure proper representation, the committee must be made up of members of
whom no more than three can be from the same political party due to Sordland's current
political plurality. The assembly shall decide on the candidates, each put forth by their
respective party along with the independents, whose placement on the committee will be
approved with a simple majority vote.
1c. FTCC Subcommittees
In addition, two subcommittees will be formed subordinate to the FTCC. First, the
Subcommittee of Consumer Protection, whose mandate is to protect consumers against unfair
or deceptive acts or practices in commerce. With the written consent of the Committee,
subcommittee attorneys enforce laws related to consumer affairs and rules overseen by the
FTCC. Its functions include investigations, enforcement actions, and consumer and business
education. Second, the Subcommittee of Competition, which is charged with the elimination
and prevention of anti-competitive business practices. It accomplishes this through the
enforcement of anti-trust laws, the review of proposed mergers and investigation into other
non-merger business practices that may impair competition. Such non-merger practices include
horizontal restraints, involving agreements between direct competitors, and vertical restraints,
involving agreements among businesses at different levels in the same industry, such as
suppliers and commercial buyers.
1d. Maintenance of Competition, Labor, and Trade laws
The FTCC, together with its Subcommittees and the Council of Labour, are finally tasked with
the maintaining and expansion of fair competition and trade laws through a concerted effort
between the aforementioned groups. The formation of draft law will then be presented during
a once yearly meeting of the GNA, unless such legislation is deemed urgent by unanimous
consent, in which case it will be presented during the first upcoming meeting of the GNA.

2. State Owned Enterprise Dynamization [-0.2 Budget]

In order to bring Sordland's state companies into an era of efficiency and profitability, a
dynamic management system, profit sharing, and bonuses programs will be implemented.
2a. Dynamic Management
A new, more internally democratic management system will be adopted in all State Owned
Enterprises (SOEs), wherein a cadre system will be instituted in all companies. Cadres will be
made up of the workers needed to complete any given job being worked on by the SOE at any
given time, whether it be a long term maintenance, extraction, production, or logistical job or a
short term building, extraction, production, or logistical job. Each cadre will internally
determine their leadership structure, answerable to a supervisor chosen by themselves from
the higher management structure within the enterprise, which itself is hired by the acting Chief
Executive Officer and the majority consent of the existing management team. Additionally, an
investigation into management individuals highly suspected of corruption will be immediately
undertaken by the FTCC and, if such individuals are found guilty of corruption, they will be
immediately terminated and fined for the suspected amount stolen from the people of
2b. Efficiency Insurances
Each quarter a review of efficiency and ability will be done on each individual in each cadre and
on each supervisor in each cadre as well. Individual reviews will be administered by supervisors
and managerial reviews will be administered by the cadre itself based on both personal opinion
and performance. Furthermore, in order to ensure an efficient job being done by each cadre, a
profit sharing and bonus system will be put in place for each cadre, provided they meet
quarterly goals and achieve a majority of positive reviews throughout the cadre. Profit sharing
will be a quarterly dispersal of a 5% apportionment of each individual's personal profit
contribution to each profitable job they participated in. Bonuses will be a 10% higher final
paycheck of the quarter, or a 20% in case of reaching over the productivity quotas by a
considerable margin.

3. State Owned Enterprise Modernization [-3.9 Budget, +1.2 SOE Spending, +1.2 SOE Income]
In order to bring Sordland's SOEs into the modern era with all production, extraction, building,
maintenance, and logistics, a modernization program will be undertaken with the ultimate goal
of a net positive profitability in most SOEs.
3a. Sordish State Corporation [-1.5 Budget, +1 SOE Spending, +1 SOE Income]
First and foremost, the SSC will take on advisors from Taurus Holding in order to instruct them
on modern construction techniques they are well known for, educating both management and
workers. Secondly, a modernization of equipment will be undertaken, phasing out older tools,
machines, and materials, which will then be sold to Sordish citizens with first priority, and then
sold abroad once the modernization is complete in order to partially subsidize the cost. The
workforce of the SSC will also be expanded by a hundred thousand, with new laborers,
professionals, experts and architects being recruited, bringing the company to over four
hundred thousand employees.
3b. Nedam Group [-0.5 Budget]
The modernization and partial automation of mining projects will be undertaken to both
increase efficiency and worker safety, with seismometers and mononoxide detection
equipment as a standard on each location. Manual tools will be upgraded to drills and machine
diggers where possible. Conveyor belts and feeder systems will be installed in each location as
well to speed up and safely facilitate the transfer of minerals to logistics workers.
3c. Sordish Petroleum [-0.8 Budget, +0.2 SOE Spending, +0.2 SOE Income]
The more efficient cracking, processing, pipelining, and distillation processes used by the
superpowers are the way forward for the energy sector in Sordland and as such both Arcasia
and Contana will be contacted separately to field offers on the availability of said technology for
licensing, accepting the lower offer of the two, unless the higher shows a substantially higher
efficiency rating. All equipment used by workers in this field will be modernized and then sold
off in a similar manner to SSC. And once the licensing is attained, deeper wells can be drilled to
reach deposits previously untouched. Finally, a deal will also be signed with Agnolia, with the
hopes of them allowing us to drill in Heljiland and their side of the Markian Sea for oil, with
each side covering half of the costs and getting half of the extracted resources. The manpower
of Sordish Petroleum will also be expanded from thirty to fifty thousand employees.
3d. Gasom [-0.7 Budget]
In order to fully utilize the modernization program presented further in this section, Gasom will
firstly be brought entirely under state control. Once this has passed, Arcasia and Contana will
similarly be fielded for offers like with Sordish Petroleum, accepting the better offer once more
and for the same processes. All equipment will be modernized, with the old equipment sold off.
3e. Sordish Grid Company [-0.2 Budget]
The Sordish power grid is absolutely essential to all facets of Sordland's daily life, and as such,
efforts will be made to establish underground power and phone line encasements so that
millions of Sordish Ren aren't spent during disaster services to regions with downed lines, also
ensuring the flow of power. All equipment will be modernized, with the old sold off similarly as
the previous enterprises. Once, this is done, refurbishment of older power plants will begin,
starting with the Erzaren dam.
3f. Sordish State Enterprises HQ
An office park will be created in the city of Morbel to centralize all accountancy and information
on spending and incomes, as well as provide a centrally located storage for all files relating to
operations, which will be categorized appropriately. The firm's purpose will be to ensure the
proper expenditure of all funds incoming and outgoing and to audit all SOEs, including those
not listed above, once yearly in order to ensure all funds are going to their proper locations. An
audit failure of more than 5% will automatically trigger a FTCC investigation.

4. Taxation, Welfare and Labor Laws Reform [+0.8 Welfare Spending, +0.3 SOE Spending, +4.4
Income Tax, -1 Small Business Tax]
The following provisions to existing labor laws will be made:
- Minimum wage to increase to three Sordish Ren per hour. Overtime will also be adjusted to be
a minimum of six Sordish Ren per hour.
- Maximum working hours of 50 per week.
- Retirement stipend increased to five thousand Sordish Ren per year.
- Taxes on the lower class raised to 15%.
- Taxes on the middle class raised to 25%.
- Taxes on Small Businesses lowered to 27%.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 04/05/2021
“Military Empowerment Act” (MEA) by Representatives Naro and Rusvolt. [-2.5 Budget, +0.1
Interior Spending, +2.4 Income Tax, +0.2 Corporate Tax]
The Grand National Assembly, deeming it proper and necessary for the defense of Sordland,
proposes a third bill to modernize the Armed Forces of Sordland. In order to combat foreign
threats, the Sordish military must be able to provide defense on land, air and at sea. Our
current capacity as a nation does not meet the requirements for an ever expanding battlefield,
and therefore new technology must be acquired and more resources devoted to the defense of
our territorial integrity. This bill proposes the modernization of our air and ground forces to
prepare for the threat. Furthermore, in order to meet the needs of our armed forces, we will
work with our allies to share tech and produce weapons for all to prosper. The Grand National
Assembly is pleased to introduce this bill to preserve and protect the people of Sordland.

1. Diplomatic Measures
1a. Joint Military Research and Development Program
The Joint Military Research and Development Program (JMRDP) will include the republics of
Sordland, Valgsland and Agnolia in an united military technology sharing initiative, granting the
three nations the ability to research and develop new weapons together, alongside with sharing
existing models and selling weapons at production cost when necessary.

2. Preparations Against Possible Enemy Tactics [-0.1 Budget]

2a. Protections Against Chemical Warfare
While the use of chemical weapons in war has been prohibited by the Alliance of Nations, it is
preferable to be prepared for the eventuality all the same. A million gas masks will be put in
production and dispensed to each soldier as their basic kit in the army.
2b. Defenses in the Agnland Forest
The famous Laren Forest occupies over a third of the total border between the region and
Rumburg, and therefore it is paramount to protect it against any enemy infantry or armored
spearheads. Numerous and well prepared hidden defenses will be ordered into preparation, to
start being deployed in a year. These will include a few hundred anti tank and anti air defenses,
alongside with machine guns. At least a thousand “Agnolian Hedgehogs” will be constructed
and deployed in the main paths inside the forest as well.
2c. On the Question of Minefields
In the previous military bill, it was specified that minefields would be established across the
Rummish border with Sordland. However, that section will now be amended to mandate that
only anti-tank mines are deployed, to avoid unnecessary civilian casualties and issues after the

3. Air Force Modernization [-1 Budget]

In war, air domination will be the key to success on the ground. Our current air force condition
is not sufficient to dominate the skies and clear the path for the Sordish Armed Forces to
3a. Fighters [-0.4 Budget]
The existing one hundred eighty S-13 fighters will be upgraded to the S-16 modern fighter jet
model ordered into development by the “Protection of the Shores Act”. The one hundred forty
S-10 outdated fighters will be gifted to Agnolia. In addition, Sordland will purchase three
hundred twenty S-16 from private military contractors. The new S-16 increases maximum
speed, more resilience and will be equipped with six 20mm cannons, two more than its
antecessor. These new jets will accompany bomber squadrons, fight for air supremacy and
occasionally give ground support.
3b. Dive Bombers [-0.2 Budget]
A new classification of bomber will be commissioned for the Sordish Air Force. Dive bombers
will be mobile and carry anti-tank or anti-ship payloads. They will also act as close air support
for the Sordish ground forces. One hundred Valgslandian Rusnalt M1 dive bombers will be
ordered into production. These Dive bombers will be equipped with two 12.5mm cannons with
a singular 450kg ordinance for anti-tank use, and a 300kg torpedo.
3c. Bombers [-0.3 Budget]
The existing ninety Benfi Delivery BD-34 bombers will be upgraded to a new model, the Benfi
Prime Delivery BPD-36 bomber, with expanded armor and armament capabilities, longer flight
times and heavier payloads. In addition, Sordland will contract into production one hundred ten
Benfi Prime Delivery BPD-36 bombers. The new bombers have increased range, speed, bomb
payloads along with more sophisticated radar and radio guidance assisted targeting systems
allowing for more precise bombing day or night. The BPD-36 will be able to carry eight 225kg
explosive ordinances.
3d. New Air Bases [-0.1 Budget]
Two new air bases will be built in Agnland and Nargis, with road connections being paved and
other measures being taken to maximize its effectiveness. Air bases closer to the front will save
fueling costs, prevent overreliance on the Mark Air Force Base in Erlory, allow for more sorties
and allow for more extensive bomber penetration for strategic bombing deep into Rummish

4. Naval Modernization [-1.1 Budget]

In war, control of the seas can mean strangling economic resources of adversaries and drying
them out of vital trade and imports to keep their production afloat. Our current naval condition
is not near sufficient to even rival our enemies in the seas, and for that reason it must be
4a. Destroyers [-0.5 Budget]
In order to properly defend our shores from enemy advances in our waters, Sordland will
upgrade its existing Destroyers with heavier and modernized armament. Destroyers will be
refitted with eight 76mm 50 caliber guns, sixteen 20mm Anti-Air guns and four 535 mm
torpedo launchers. The engines will also be refitted to achieve a maximum speed of sixty
kilometers per hour. Fifteen new Destroyers will also be commissioned in the Conriat Naval
Base. and all the models that the aforementioned port does not have capacity for will be sent
to dock in the Wilbern Military Port of Valgsland.
4b. Light Cruisers [-0.2 Budget]
Current Sordish Light Cruisers will be upgraded to have heavier armament and stronger armor.
They will be refitted with twelve 150mm 47 caliber gun turrets and eleven 76mm 50 caliber
turrets. Armor will be increased to have 165mm thick at its strongest and at least 80mm thick at
its weakest.
4c. Battleships [-0.2 Budget]
The Sordish Navy will refit its existing Battleships, with the goal of making them more capable
when facing enemy vessels in battle. The Battleships will be equipped with twelve 400mm guns,
twenty 125mm cannons and twelve 20mm Anti-Air guns. The engines will be refitted to achieve
a maximum speed of fifty five kilometers per hour.
4d. Submarines [-0.3 Budget]
To clash head-to-head against the Rummish threat on the seas, we need adequate submarines.
That is why Sordland shall invest in creating and improving submarine technologies. The newly
produced submarines will have 59.75m of length, a 7.5m beam and a 4.4m draft. The range of
these submarines will be of 17.000km. They will also be fitted with eight 20mm Anti-Air guns
and twelve 535cm torpedo launchers. Ten new submarines will be constructed in the Conriat
Naval Base.
4e. Allied Ports
New ships that are unable to be stored in the Conriat Naval Base will be temporarily stored in
the Wilbern Military Port of Valgsland. They will be brought back when a new port is
established or old ships are phased out.
4f. Decommissioning [+0.1 Budget]
The Sordish Navy will begin a review of our most outdated ships and select the dozen oldest
and least effective ships for decommissioning. The Sordish Navy can determine whether these
ships will simply be scrapped, repurposed, or sold.

5. Sordish Mountaineers [-0.1 Budget]

In order to properly defend the border between Sordland and Rumburg, specially in the Nargis
region, it is necessary to approve the creation of a new form of divisions. The Sordish Mountain
Ranger Auxiliary Force (SMRAF) will provide support to normal divisions and engage the enemy
in hilly or mountainous terrain, where they will have clear advantage.
5a. Division Structure
The Mountain Rangers will be a type of special forces unit that will be able to roam the
mountains with expert precision and lay traps and ambushes effectively. The Sordish Armed
Forces will select top performing units in the Second Army and individual soldiers to be selected
for the SMRAF. Selected soldiers will undergo a six months mountain training and will learn to
understand the terrain and the advantages it can give to the SAF.
5b. Division equipment
Mountain Rangers will require camouflaged clothing, advanced weaponry and explosives. They
will be equipped with top of the line rifles, and be given grenades and dynamite for use in the
mountains. They will also be provided with modified transports that will be more amicable
towards mountain conditions. These transports will be steep inclines and rough terrain to
provide supplies for the Rangers.

7. Equipment Modernization and Troop Diversification [-0.2 Budget]

In order to fully obtain a truly modern ground force, that can stand as one of the best in the
entire Merkopa, the last steps towards the expansion of equipment must be undertaken.
7a. Allied designs
Sordland will request the latest anti-tank gun design from Valgsland, the Hegel M3 100mm. We
will request and purchase one thousand Hegel M3 anti tank guns. In addition, we will request
advanced Valgslandian radar systems to increase intelligence gathering capabilities for our
armed forces.
7b. Reconnaissance Teams
Small reconnaissance platoons will be developed to help guide Sordish strategy and tactics on
the ground. These will consist of radio operators and if requested can have reconnaissance
aircraft overhead. These teams will help direct the Sordish officers and spot enemy forces.
7c. Sordish Corp of Engineers
The military will produce an Army Corp of Engineers in every division, entering below the
Support Brigade, and in charge of building temporary infrastructure, strategic demolition, and
assisting in the development of communications. College graduates will be recruited and
soldiers who sign up for the Sordish Corp of Engineers will undergo a year-long training
program in engineering, demolitions, and radio communications.
7d. Sniper Platoons
In order to master the mountains and harass enemies troops, twenty independent Sniper
Platoons will be created. These platoons will work with the Mountain Rangers to secure our
front line, especially in western Nargis and Agnland. The snipers will be equipped with ghillie
suits, modern bolt action rifles with scopes, and other necessary equipment, alongside survival
gear and food. The program will give already trained volunteers six months of extra training,
that will be focused in aiming, survival tactics, hiding, indentifying enemy targets and other
necessary instruction. Sniper Platoons can be attached to Brigades or Divisions, or stay
autonomous while following specific or general instructions.

8. Military Refurbishment and Homeland Restructuring [+0.1 Interior Spending]

8a. Department of Homeland Review
The Department of Homeland Review will be established as a subdivision of the Department of
the Military Inspectorate, reporting its results to the DMI and the Ministry of Justice. The
investigations of the DHR will primarily focus on dereliction of duty to the nation and its people,
embezzlement or misappropriation of financial resources, and conflict of interest stemming
from financial or material contributions. Those found guilty under investigation, depending on
severity, will be punishable by fines, jail time, removal of awards and dishonorable discharge
from service.
8b. Gendarmerie [+0.1 Interior Spending]
The Gendarmerie will undergo a restructuring of training and modernization of equipment due
to provably poor results and significant casualties resulting from a lack of both. New training
standards will require eight months of education. Firstly, Four months of psychology,
communications, emergency response and medical aid. Two months of firearms and explosive
training, including disarmament and priming, with a certification exam and a re-certification
exam every six months. A month of urban and rural environmental tactics, including
orienteering and survival fundamentals. Lastly, a month of physical conditioning and hand to
hand training.

9. Taxation for the Greater Good [+2.4 Income Tax, +0.2 Corporate Tax]
9a. Tax Rate Increases [+2.4 Income Tax, +0.2 Corporate Tax]
In order to fund these bold modernization program for the Sordish Armed Forces, capital is
required. While tax increases are often unwelcomed by the broader population, it is necessary
to adjust our taxation levels to counter the costs of defending our territorial integrity. With this
goal in mind, the upper tax rate will be increased from 28% to 30,5%, the Corporate Tax rate
from 32% to 32,5% and the middle tax rate from 25% to 25,5%.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 04/17/2021
“Sordish Constitutional Reform Proposal of 1956” by the Grand National Assembly.
A truly democratic constitution grants power to the people, guarantees that the popular will is
respected and enforced by the government. What Sordland has now is essentially an elected
dictatorship, with little to no balance of power. If Sordland is to enact and further the
implementation of the popular will, the Grand National Assembly, a body representative of the
people, must be given the legislative powers to do such representation.

1. Reduction of Presidential Veto Powers

The Presidential Veto will be limited, to allow a three fifths override by the Assembly. The
Presidency, in its current state, is allowed to veto any bills from the Assembly regardless of
popular support or margin, therefore being able to completely gridlock national policy if the
executive desired so, even if these pieces of legislation were vital for the development of
Sordland. It has in the past prevented necessary measures from passing and allowing the work
of the people to be done.

2. Impeachment
The Impeachment will from now on be also carried out by the Assembly, and requires a two
thirds supermajority in both the Supreme Court and the Grand National Assembly. It is crucial
to allow the removal of the president in the instance that such president commits high crimes
and other misdemeanors, through the representatives of the people.

3. Supreme Court Power Balance

The right of the Supreme Court to veto laws will be removed. The Supreme Court must be
balanced in its power in the government, and that is why this point is vital to be carried
forwards. The power of judicial review is imperative, but it is an overstep to allow a total
unilateral veto. Allowing a veto can let the political wills and leanings of justices to be imparted
on the law. With only judicial review, the Supreme Court will fulfill its role by seeing if the law
matches with the constitution.

4. Term Limits
The presidential term limit will be set to, at maximum, three terms. In our current electoral
system, a President does not need a majority of the nation to become President. This could
allow for a minority of the nation to control the highest office in the land for multiple terms,
and essentially become a dictator for a political minority. In order to balance the power of the
Presidency, a three term limit will be established. Furthermore, mayors will be subject to a five
term limit, and governors to a three term limit.

5. Election Threshold
The election threshold will be lowered to 5% to qualify for seats in the Grand National
Assembly. The current election threshold is undemocratic and only allows for a few large
parties to enter the assembly, silencing the vote and will of thousands. In order to allow for a
stronger representation of the people, the election threshold will be lowered to 5%.

6. Constitutional Reforms
Amendments to the constitution will be solely handled by the Grand National Assembly. New
amendments will require a two thirds vote to change the constitution. The constitution can only
be changed by the people who respond directly to the will of the nation. While the Supreme
Court is vital in shaping our nation and balancing our government, they are lifetime presidential
appointments and cannot respond to the current needs of the population. This will allow
constitutional reform to happen when necessary, but not in excess.

7. Ministerial Appointments
Ministerial positions will be, unless otherwise stated, appointed by the President and will
require a vote of confidence from the Grand National Assembly. Ministers must be properly
vetted by the Grand National Assembly to ensure they are qualified candidates, and to prevent
nepotism in the higher posts as much as possible. This will ensure against corrupt
appointments, and help find the most qualified candidates for Sordland’s government.

8. Presidential Decrees
The President will not be able to issue decrees that carry the force of law without an Enabling
Act from the Grand National Assembly. The current status of presidential decrees affords the
executive too much power and allows the President to circumnavigate the Grand National
Assembly on most issues. In order to balance our government, weakening the capabilities of
decrees can still afford power to the executive, while balancing the power between the
Assembly and the President. The executive will also not be able to take any type of loans
without the approval of the legislative.

9. Budget Control
Yearly budgets will require the approval of the GNA and the President. This allows for the
People’s house to have a say in where taxation of the citizens go, and for the President to have
a check on spending priorities. The President and his ministries will be allowed to spend 2% of
the national budget in funding that is not earmarked for specific initiatives or policies.
Additional discretionary funds may be requested by the President and his ministries, up to 3,5%
yearly, requiring an approval vote of one half of the Assembly.

10. The Central Bank of Sordland

It is imperative that the Central Bank remains independent, to avoid political meddling and for
the organization to be used as a campaigning tool. However, members of the Board will be
required to be first nominated by the President and then confirmed by the Grand National
Assembly. In addition, Board Members accused of crimes and other wrongdoings can be
impeached by the Grand National Assembly with a two thirds supermajority. The Central Bank
Charter will define the targets and goals of the Central Bank and will be as follows: first, the
stability of the currency of Sordland. Second, the strive towards and the maintenance of full
employment. Third, the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of Sordland. The Central
Bank must publish transcripts of all meetings, and their balance sheets may be subject to
review if requested by the Grand National Assembly. The Reserve Bank Board comprises nine
members: three executive members with two nominated by the president, who must be
confirmed by the same process as other ministry positions. These are the Governor (Chair), the
Deputy Governor (Deputy Chair), and one ex officio member, the Minister of Economy, and six
non-executive members, who are appointed by the Minister of Economy and the Chairman,
with each appointing three non executive members. Governor and Deputy Governor positions
are appointed for terms of up to five years, and are eligible for reappointment with a simple
confirmation vote by the Assembly. The non-executive members are appointed for terms of up
to three years, but do not need a confirmation vote.

11. Supreme Court Justice Immunity

Supreme Court Justices are currently immune from prosecution and serve lifetime
appointments. While the immunity is meant to keep them from political influence, the
existence of it actually gives them political impunity. Justice immunity will be removed, allowing
them to be impeached by a two thirds supermajority vote in the Grand National Assembly.

12. Member of Honor Immunity

The position of the Member of Honor will remain. However, the full immunity and impunity
from the law that is provided, even after retiring from public office, will be removed.

13. Age Threshold Reform

While it is undeniable that high positions in the government require a certain knowledge that
comes with age, it is also a fact that our younger generations are ever brighter and more
capable. That is the reason why the thresholds for five key positions in the government will be
lowered by five years. From now on, a citizen will only require twenty five years of age to
become a Member of the Assembly, thirty to achieve a ministerial position and thirty five to
become president. Furthermore, mayor and governor positions will now be available for all
citizens over twenty five years of age.

14. Appointment of Supreme Justices

The executive having total and absolute power over the appointment of the Supreme Court
harms the separation of power and festers corruption and nepotism. Therefore, from now on,
the Grand National Assembly will vote on the new candidates to the Supreme Court, and then
the Justices would decide if the candidate is allowed to become a Justice or not.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 04/20/2021
“Entertainment Expansion and Cultural Tourism Bill” (EECT) by Representative Sursov. [0.4
Budget Spent, 0.1 Other Taxes Income]
Sordland’s economy is continuing to spiral lower, and while we have made many investments
to our infrastructure and production, these are not the only revenue sources we have available
to us. The EECT intends to enrich Sordish culture, and increase entertainment resources for
locals and tourists. Taurus Holding will be given the contract for the construction of all the
buildings ordered in this bill.

1. Standardizing Gambling and Economic Expansions [0.1 Other Taxes Income]

1a. Establishment of The Sordland Gambling Fairness Commission
In response to unregulated gambling being legalized and promoted under the Alphonso
administration, the Sordish Gambling Fairness Commission will be created under the Ministry of
Economy to properly regulate the activity. The SGFC will create unified and comprehensive
rules for gambling across the country, as well as creating the Sordish National Lottery.
1b. Fairness in Gambling
Under the new rules for gambling, all participants who enter a physical location such as a race
track or casino must be of twenty years of age or older. Participation in state or regional
lotteries is permissible at eighteen years or older. Casinos are allowed to serve alcohol and
food, though their bars and restaurants must be in a distinct area separate from the gambling
floor. Casinos will be required to use chips or tokens as a substitute for money in use of
gambling, with exchange counters protected by guards and enclosed from the main floor. No
casino will be allowed to furnish more chips than over 150% of the money they currently have
physically in reserve for payout. For games which use cards, a new pack must be opened per
switching of table dealers to prevent house advantage by marking or tampering with the cards.
For all lottery systems, each ticket must have the same chance to win, there cannot be a tier
system for priority of tickets, though customers may opt to purchase multiple.
1c. Sordish National Lottery
The SGFC will establish the Sordish National Lottery, which will sell tickets all across the nation.
The Lottery will be run once a month, with an initial prize of 200.000 Sordish Ren. 40% of the
proceeds from tickets will be added to the jackpot. On the day of the drawing, five balls will be
pulled from a spinning cage each with a double digit number from 00 to 99, establishing the
sequential 10 digit winning code. If there is no winner, the lottery will draw again the following
day until a winner is declared. Regions will be allowed to create their own lotteries, following
this system, with an initial prize starting at 50.000 SR. The drawings will be publicly live
broadcast on the Sordish State Broadcast.
1d. Gambling Excess Earnings Tax
For cash prizes earned of over 500 SR, the participant will be required to state the winning on
their tax form and pay 15% of the earnings as a Gambling Tax. This tax is universal for Casinos
and Regional or National lotteries.

2. Entertainment Expansions [0.3 Budget Spent]

2a. State Casino Construction [0.2 Budget Spent]
To help generate revenue from tourism and the entertainment industry, a casino will be built in
Benfi, Lachaven, Holsord, and Arvory. These casinos will be state owned, though up to 10%
shares in the building can be sold to finance construction and subsidize running costs. These
casinos will all be identical in form, with a card room, roulette and slot room, entertainment
lounge, and dining area. Each building will be constructed to fit two thousand guests at
maximum capacity, and will have an attached hotel with a capacity of five hundred.
2b. Entertainment Parks [0.1 Budget Spent]
Additional revenue sources will be created through the construction and opening of three
National Thrill Parks with rides and other entertainment. One park will be funded in Gruni,
Holsord, and Lorren. These parks will be constructed with a mix of mechanical rides, such as a
ferries wheel, roller-coasters, and log flumes. They will also feature fairground games, such as a
ring toss, and food stalls. Like the casino resorts, up to 10% shares in these locations can be sold
to finance the construction.

3. Cultural Unity and Education [0.1 Budget Spent]

3a. Establishment of the Leaders of Sordland Museum
To help unify the culture of Sordland and expand on cultural traditions, the Leaders of Sordland
Museum will be established in Erlory. This museum will feature exhibits on past, present, and
future leaders. The first wing will be dedicated to the founding of the Republic, and President
Wisci, elaborating on his personal history and the fall of the Republic. The second wing will
cover President Soll, expanding on the path of Sordland after the civil war, into becoming the
new constitutional republic. Space will be reserved for the original constitution and any future
drafts, as well as mention of future presidents with land being prepared for expansions as
necessary. Children below the age of 7, and any personnel who serve in the military or have
achieved rank through service, will be given free admission.
3b. The Sordish Cultural History Museum
A museum will be constructed in Conriat, devoted to Sordland’s cultural history and the arts,
including an exhibit of the sunken ship found off of the coast of Duru. It will follow the
admission standards established with the Leaders of Sordland Museum.
3c. The Sordish Museum of Military, Industry, and Technology
The last museum funded under the bill will be the Sordish Museum of Military, Industry, and
Technology. It will be constructed in Morna, and will exhibit models and prototypes of military
vehicles and weaponry along with innovative Sordish technologies and industrial highlights. It
will likewise follow the previous admission standards.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 04/20/2021
“Sordish Strategic Intelligence Act” (SSIA) by Representatives Rusvolt, Sursov and Naro. [0.5
Budget Spent, 0.1 Administration Spending]
Foreign threats loom large against our nation. Our current armed forces will guard our borders
when attacks inevitably come, but Sordland must look to preventative measures to ensure our
national defense is upheld. The Sordish Intelligence Agency, being necessary for the defense of
Sordland, shall be established to analyze, observe, and deal with foreign threats before they
arrive at Sordland’s shores.

1 . Establishment of the Sordish Intelligence Agency [0.2 Budget Spent, 0.1 Administration
1a. Charter of the SIA
The Assembly finds that, due to the increased threat by the Kingdom of Rumburg and the
danger of potential influence from the superpowers and their sphere, it is necessary and proper
to establish a foreign intelligence directorate to counter foreign spies and influence. A foreign
intelligence directorate can coordinate with our armed forces in times of conflict to provide key
intelligence to assist in our war planning and decision making process. The foreign intelligence
directorate can forward acts of espionage against adversaries of Sordland and her people. The
directorate would be a preventative and active measure against our adversaries abroad. This
intelligence directorate shall be known as the Sordish Intelligence Agency.
1b. Position of the SIA
The Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Foreign Affairs will cooperate in recruiting the men
and women necessary for the agency. The Sordish Intelligence Agency will become an
independent organization from any ministry, and the Director of the SIA must report directly to
both the President and the Grand National Assembly. The Ministry of Defense alongside the
Ministry of the Interior will coordinate with the SIA during times of war.
1c. Structure of the SIA
The Sordish Intelligence Agency shall have seven divisions that operate to ensure the safety of
Sordland. Each division will be headed by a Division Chief, who will be appointed by the
Director of Sordish Intelligence. The Director shall be appointed by the President and require
approval of the Grand National Assembly and the Select Committee on Intelligence.
1d. SIA Divisions
The Sordish Intelligence Divisions will be as follows:
- Operational Division: the OD shall conduct foreign ventures and be in charge of planning and
executing missions of the SIA. They will also be granted an extra thirty million Sordish Ren
yearly as operational funding, to allow them to properly exercise their duties in the field and
protect Sordland.
- Analysis Division: the AN will review and vet collected intelligence and prepare briefings for
the President and Select Committee on Intelligence.
- Research and Development Division: the R&DD will work to establish technologies that will
advance Sordland’s abilities to properly develop, improve and expand all the other divisions.
- Counter-Espionage Division: the CED will work to root out foreign agents in Sordland and to
prevent enemy espionage.
- General-Inspectorate Division: the GID will work to maintain a transparent and responsible
intelligence agency so that unwanted elements do not corrupt the SIA itself.
- Cryptography Division: the CD will be tasked with decrypting enemy messages while
protecting and encrypting our own, especially during times of armed conflict. They will develop
cryptographic ciphers and decryption algorithms to use against encoded enemy transmissions.
- Homeland Protection Division: the HPD will work to maintain stability within Sordland and
fight terrorism and illegal arms trafficking. It will also work to detect threats to the safety of
Sordland and its citizens, working independently to flag citizens who may work counter to these
goals. It will primarily watch for citizens suspected of terrorist activities or plotted terrorist
1e. Select Committee on Intelligence
In conjunction with the formation of the Sordish Intelligence Agency, a Select Committee on
Intelligence will be formed by eleven members of the GNA. This Committee will be granted
closed intelligence briefings and be able to provide oversight to the Agency. If corruption is
proven to the Assembly by the Director or Division chiefs, the SCI has the sole authority to
impeach and remove the guilty parties.

2. On the Structure of SIA Divisions

2a. Personnel Hiring
Each Division of the Sordish Intelligence Agency will be allowed to hire personnel from the
military, foreign service, police, and general public. All applicants will have to pass an entrance
exam and must have an extensive background check run and further investigation ran on them.
They must also be over the age of eighteen.
2b. Recruitment
If deemed fit and able, new intelligence officers will undergo a period of training and
development, overseen by the SIA. Training will be different depending on the division placed.
However, a basic course on spy craft and intelligence gathering will be mandated for all new
2d. Training
The SIA will require its fresh recruits, without any relevant background, to complete a year of
training. This is broken down as six months of linguistics, psychology, a foreign language, and
foreign history. After that, three months of communications and data analytics. Then an
additional two months of chemistry, biology, and basic medical studies. Lastly, one month of
physical training and self-defense. Additionally, the SIA will have open recruitment for college
graduates, where relevant degrees and already studied course hours will be allowed to bypass
the appropriate training requirements up to a minimum of nine months of training. Advanced
positions in the Agency will require university degrees and previous experience. Military,
weapons and sniper training will be provided to DO Officers instead of chemistry, biology and
medical classes.

3. SIA Special Operations

3a. Diplomatic Envoys
SIA communicators may request diplomatic attachments to Sordish Embassies on foreign soil,
receiving equipment and government designated shelter areas for their own protection in the
line of duty.
3b. Embassy Screening
Embassies will be screened for foreign agents to ensure that missions have as little exposure as
possible to foreign adversaries.

4. Mobilization of the SIA During War

4a. SIA and Military Cooperation
If war was to be declared upon Sordland, the SIA will mobilize with the Sordish Armed Forces to
create an effective and efficient war effort. SIA Officers will work with military units, and Army
Commanders will have SIA advisors that will receive reports from DO Officers. This will help the
coordination of information on the ground and prevent foreign spies to learn about the military
tactics and strategy of the SAF.
4b. SIA Director & High Command
The Director of Sordish Intelligence will work with the Generals and Field Marshals of Sordland,
and will be granted a seat on the war room council in times of war to ensure efficient
intelligence delivery and analysis.

5. Communication Expansion Efforts [0.3 Budget Spent]

5a. Sordland State Radio Communications [0.3 Budget Spent]
The Sordish government will fund the creation of Sordish State Radio and Television
Communications (SSRTC), a state owned company that will produce radios and televisions for
both consumer and military use. Radios used by military personnel will require a coded card to
access restricted frequencies, while civilian electronics will be mechanically barred from
accessing them. The Valgish Construction Union will be tasked with the building of these
5b. Sordish State Broadcast
The SSRTC will be funded in order to begin the construction of a studio and network, the
Sordish State Broadcast (SSB). The SSB will broadcast, at all hours of the day on both television
and radio, state funded weather and news reports, as well as documentaries and other
educational content without privatized commercial breaks.
5c. Sordish Electronic Communications Committee
To ensure the safe and accurate transmission of information, the SSRC will also be in charge of
creating the Sordish Electronic Communications Committee (SECC), which will be responsible
for licensing and management of frequencies for commercial, military, and public bands.
Corporations will now be required to purchase transmission licenses and rent frequencies from
the SECC for radio and television services.

6. Sordish Armed Forces Communication Improvements

6a. Radios
All infantry platoons will now outfit two radio men, with electronics provided by the SSRC, for
quick and accurate transmission or reception of reports. Commissioned officers will also be
given private radios for their quarters to receive or transmit secure information.
6b. Encryption
The Cryptography Division will oversee the production of rotor machinery for polyalphabetic
encryption of medium and high level military transmissions and writings. A different cipher will
be made for radio and written messages. Twice a week, once on Saturday evening and again
Thursday morning, the Cryptography Division will use private military frequencies to deliver an
encoded update of the cipher keys and protocols to relevant officers and generals.
6c. Decryption Department
The Cryptography Division will have a dedicated decryption department studying transmissions
and intercepted letters from foreign powers in order to crack encryptions used by enemy
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 04/30/2021
“Judicial Impeachment Articles Against Chief Justice Orso Hawker” by the Grand National
These Articles of Impeachment hereby find Chief Justice Orso Hawker unfit for the office of the
Supreme Court, due to his assistance in the unconstitutional actions of the executive branch of
government, his partaking in corruption and criminal wrongdoing, his gross abuses of power,
his attack on the honor of the position of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Sordland, his
assistance in the compromisation of national security, his indirect collusion with foreign
powers, his conspiracy against the national defense of Sordland and, above all, his dereliction of
duty to the upholding of the great Constitution of Sordland. Let it be resolved, at Chief Justice
Orso Hawker be henceforth, removed from the office of the Supreme Court. Let it be resolved
that Orso Hawker, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Sordland, is impeached for high crimes
and misdemeanors and that the following article of impeachment be exhibited to the Grand
National Assembly.

1. Unconstitutional Emergency Decree Approval

In response to protests President Rayne issued an unjustified emergency decree. This was an
unjustifiable response as cities and the Ministry of the Interior were prepared to handle the
situation and calm tensions. Mass protests have happened before and have been quelled
without the use of the Emergency Decree. The emergency decree made matters worse, as
many conservative protesters were shot and killed outside of the Assembly, for peacefully
demonstrating. Thus, Chief Justice Orso Hawker not only approved a clearly unconstitutional
emergency decree, but violated the constitutional right to protest, a dual violation of his duty to
uphold the Sordish Constitution.

2. Unconstitutional Appointment of Ministers

By denying the Supreme Court a vote, Chief Justice Hawker spearheaded the wholly
unconstitutional appointment of Kesaro Kiberner to the Ministry of Justice. The vote for the
confirmation of Kesaro Kiberner to the Ministry of Justice failed in the Assembly. Amendment 7
of the approved constitutional reform states that “ministerial positions will be, unless otherwise
stated, appointed by the President and will require a vote of confidence from the Grand
National Assembly.” Chief Justice Hawker took part in the unconstitutional action of naming
Kesaro Kiberner to the Ministry of Justice, a clear violation of a Supreme Court Justice’s
responsibility to uphold the Constitution of Sordland.

3. Unconstitutional Use of the Emergency Decree for Tax Reform

The Chief Justice, by allowing the use of the emergency decree to decrease taxes on the
wealthy, has allowed an unjustified use of the emergency decree power. The reduction of taxes
made Sordish citizens no safer and did not increase the security of the Republic of Sordland.
This act was in fact an act of corruption of the top echelons of our society. This unjustifiable act
was approved by Chief Justice Hawker when he unconstitutionally denied the Supreme Court a

4. Unconstitutional Approval of Extra-Governmental Decision Making Body

By assisting in the actions of the executive branch over the wholly unconstitutional, illegal act of
allowing the Business Council to become an extra-governmental body that has decision-making
power over Sordland, Chief Justice Orso Hawker partook in a gross dereliction of the duty of the
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to uphold the Constitution of Sordland, an action unbefitting
of a Chief Justice, and gravely endangering and compromising the national security of the
Sordish nation, allowing unsanctioned criminals into the decision making bodies of our country.

5. Unconstitutional Approval of Sales of Weapons

By allowing the unconstitutional sale of weapons crucial to the national defense by President
Anton Rayne, Chief Justice Orso Hawker partook in not only a gross violation of Sordish national
security and defense, but also compromising the national defense to benefit foreign powers. By
allowing aforementioned unconstitutional sale of weapons, Orso Hawker indirectly colluded
with foreign powers, indirectly conspiring to the absorption of Sordish sovereignty to foreign
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 05/10/2021
Sordish Diplomatic Realignment and Support Act (SDRSA) by Representatives Rusvolt, Kaiczek,
Faelc and Arven. [1.8 Budget Spent, 0.1 Economy Spending]
A collective threat in the form of Rummish expansionism brings the countries of the Tripartite
closer together. However, foreign threats not only manifest themselves militarily, but
economically as well. In this new age of globalization, the countries of the Tripartite must not
only stand together diplomatically, but economically, to ensure the Tripartite can stand in the
threat of global economic insecurity. Furthermore, free trade and the reduction of certain
tariffs would allow for increased economic growth for all countries involved. Thus, proposed is
the creation of the Eastern Merkopan Union, a collection of diplomatic initiatives aimed at the
development of productive forces through the reduction of trade barriers, closer economic
cooperation, and ensuring the collective access of strategic resources.

1. Eastern Merkopan Union (EMU) [1 Budget Spent, 0.1 Economy Spending]

1a. Formation of the EMU
To foster mutual economic cooperation between the countries of Southeastern Merkopa,
namely between the Tripartite Agreement nations of Agnolia, Valgsland, and Sordland, the
Eastern Merkopan Union (EMU) will be formed. This organization will strive to create an
economic and diplomatic system consisting of its member nations, ensuring the free movement
of capital and persons, and the reduction of trade barriers between the member nations of the
EMU. The EMU will foster growth, increase trade volume, and encourage trilateral investments
between the three nations. This is the next step in ensuring the economic security of Sordland
and its allies.
1b. Free Movement of Persons
Citizens without criminal record living within the countries of the EMU will be guaranteed visa-
free movement for travel and work for a maximum of one year within the countries of the
EMU. Border checks will still be in existence for the ensurance of national security, and to limit
the smuggling of harmful chemicals, materials, or unwanted persons.
1c. United Immigration Policy
The countries of the EMU will form a united immigration policy encompassing all of the EMU.
Immigrants will be separated into three categories of desirability listed here in descending
order: Economic Immigrants, being skilled workers, entrepreneurs, and business persons,
Protected Immigrants, being persons escaping torture, persecution, and other non-economic
refugees, and Familial Immigrants, being persons with familial relations with persons already
residing in the EMU. All countries within the EMU will independently form a yearly immigration
quota, which would include the number of immigrants that would be accepted in a year, and
the proportion of the categories of immigrants. Each country may also issue visas
independently, although persons residing in a country through such visa are not eligible to
partake in the Free Movement of Persons.
1d. Markian Bank [1 Budget Spent, 0.1 Economy Spending]
Free trade without economic consequences can be only achieved if all nations involved achieve
a similar level of efficiency in their industries. As such, the Markian Bank will be formed as a
part of the EMU, cooperating with the Central Banks of Sordland, Agnolia and Valgsland. This
bank would provide interest free loans to certain industries within the EMU to encourage the
increase of efficiency of the industry to a level equal to the average of the rest of the EMU,
eventually allowing the lessening of trade barriers without significant economic fallout. The
Bank will comprise of contributions of money from all countries within the EMU, based on GDP.
Sordland itself will give an initial sum of one billion Sordish Ren, and a permanent contribution
of two hundred million Sordish Ren yearly.
1e. EMU Invitations
A wide range of Merkopan nations will be invited to the Eastern Merkopan Union. The
surrounding nations with the exception of Rumburg and the Smolak government will be invited
to EMU. Nations to be invited will include Agnolia, Valgsland, Kervel, Darsovia, Arsavia, Rivenne,
Lespia, Asvorno, Kerjsgei and Leren.
1f. EMU Applications
It is be obvious that not all members of the EMU can simply make such a relaxed immigration
policy. That is why the Eastern Merkopan Union will allow different types of buy in. The United
Immigration Policy shall not be mandated to be accepted and member nations can simply take
part in the committees and other benefits. This will result in less representation with member
seats, but will still grant benefits to their nation.

2. Committees of the EMU

The Committees of the EMU are platforms of discussion for diplomacy, in which the nations of
the EMU partake in to dictate the transnational policy of the EMU. Here, nations will be able to
set both agreements and disagreements into paper, and together decide on the broader policy
of the international organization.
1a. Eastern Merkopan Union - Economic Committee
To ensure no country or company takes advantage of different tariff rates in the countries of
the EMU, the EMU-EC will convene to form a single foreign tariff policy for the entire EMU.
Individual tariffs set between the countries of the EMU are discouraged, although allowed. As
such, the EMU-EC will function as a platform for negotiating and resolving trade disputes, and
also work toward the reduction of trade barriers by cooperating in conjunction with the
Markian Bank.
1c. Eastern Merkopan Union - Cultural Committee
Each nation will take part in a cultural exchange, where cultural ministers or secretaries will in
turn tour each of the nations to foster stronger cultural understanding under the EMU, and
promote tourism in member nations. An Eastern Merkopa that understands each other will
develop stronger economic and diplomatic ties.
1d. Eastern Merkopan Union - Fuel Committee
In the wake of this devastating global oil crisis, it is crucial that the countries of Eastern
Merkopa unite to secure the survival of its industry through the securing of this vital resource.
The EMU-FC will function as a platform for the EMU to explore options to increase fuel
production by the sharing of technologies and techniques for oil refining and extraction, and
also serving as a platform for the mutual planning of transnational energy related infrastructure
projects. The EMU-FC would also be a committee for the dictation of a united EMU energy
policy, replacing the Eastern Merkopan Strategic Energy Committee, or EMSEC.

3. Authorities of the EMU [0.1 Budget Spent]

3a. Eastern Merkopan Union Customs Authority
A combined database of all persons with rejected visas or rejected immigration applications will
be kept for the reference of all border enforcing bodies in the EMU to ensure no rejected
persons may simply enter from another country in the EMU.
3b. Eastern Merkopan Union Hydrocarbons Authority [0.1 Budget Spent]
The EMU-HA will be a combined resource surveying group for the EMU to secure strategic oil
reserves through the surveying of land for new sources of fuel, including but not limited to, oil
sands, new oil fields, and offshore oil fields within the territories of the EMU.

4. International Promotion and Support of Democracy [0.3 Budget Spent]

The current state of the Wehlen Civil War makes it clear that if the United Front is not
supported, then there is a strong risk that the Rummish Collaborators will take significant
control of Wehlen, threatening the survival of Sordland, with the Rummish menace encroaching
even closer to our nation. Military and financial support for these groups can provide them the
support they need to fight the war and be victorious in the long run.
4a. Financial Support
The Sordish government will provide one eighty million Sordish Ren in financial aid to benefit
the people of Wehlen and to provide humanitarian relief. This would make us the largest
contributor to the United Front and embolden the Wehzek people to be more friendly to us
after the war concludes. The United Front can use these funds to pay for food and medical
supplies that can help them reinforce their civilian populations. These funds will be distributed
equally among the three factions supporting freedom and democracy.
4b. Development Support
Given the large food surplus in Sordland, it would not hurt our people to donate food to the
United Front, with the goal of helping feed their civilians and make the citizens of Wehlen more
beholden and in favor of the United Front, to assist with a smoother transition of power. Well
fed soldiers and civilians can aid stability and future development. A range of foodstuffs will be
sent through the Sordish border and distributed based on need among the three factions.
Sordland will imperishable food worth twenty million Sordish Ren to the United Front for the
defiance of freedom and democracy.
4c. Military Support
The Sordish Government will also donate older weapons variants in our stockpiles to assist the
United Front in their war effort. While modern weapons can be bought with financial aid, the
more weapons we provide the more soldiers in total they can arm. Fifty thousand bolt action
rifles will be shipped through the border, in order to help the militias form and help each
faction get up to full armaments and have some sort of defense from the Smolakist onslaught.
4d. Equipment Support
In order to aid the modernization of Wehlen, radio equipment will be sent to the freedom
fighters of the country. These radios can be linked long range and can help send messages
between separated families and connected communities to build national unity for post-war
nation building. In addition, binoculars and forestry gear will be provided. The hunters of
Wehlen were devastated during the war, and in order to revive the vibrant hunting community,
Sordland will provide camouflage and binoculars to assist with the activity.
4e. Humanitarian Volunteers
Volunteers who would like to travel to Wehlen to assist in humanitarian aid may do so and will
be compensated by the Sordish government. People willing to travel to Wehlen will receive a
stipend of 2.500 Sordish Ren for traveling to assist the Wehzek people rebuild.

5. Sordish Weapons Acquisition [0.4 Budget Spent]

In order to be good neighbors and defend ourselves from foreign threats, Sordland needs to be
able to defend itself. Instability is not a neighborly quality, leading to the necessity of
replenishing our stockpiles as we send some of ours to help the people of Wehlen. Sordland will
buy arms and weaponry from the nation of Jorvatia to fill its stockpile and increase our defense.
5a. Half-Tracks [0.3 Budget Spent]
Sordland will seek to purchase twenty six thousand half-tracks from Jorvatia to replenish our
mobile forces and allow for stronger movement across our borders. In order to properly defend
our territorial integrity, we must have a mobile force and half-tracks will be able to make our
forces quicker and flexible. One thousand half-tracks will be sent to the United Front for
postwar economic development, to ensure sufficient public transportation for the Wehzek
people. One hundred of these half-tracks will be armed with anti-aircraft for the purposes of
assisting the hunting of birds for food.
5b. Anti-Air [0.1 Budget Spent]
In order to defend our cities and maintain stability, anti-air will be necessary during the war.
The Sordish government will seek to buy one thousand anti-air guns from Jorvatia to increase
our stockpile and maintain a strong defensive presence among our border and cities.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 05/10/2021
The “Universal Public Benefit Act” (UPBA) by the United Sordland Party, Coauthored by the
Communist Party of Sordland. [1.9 Budget Spent, 4.5 Spending, 3.1 Income]
Sordland is first among nations in natural prestige and its claims to prosperity and greatness.
However, while it has these potentials innate, all attempts to reach them have been stymied by
failures of the State to ensure the wellness of its people. It is the goal of the UPBA to address
these failures and propel Sordland into greatness.

1. Veteran Support [1.2 Welfare Spending, 0.4 Reduced Defense Spending]

1a. Sordish Veteran Assistance Program [0.1 Welfare Spending]
Sordland has a long and storied history, rife with unfortunate but often necessary conflict
against tyrants both within and outside. Generations of Sordish citizens have had to see the
horrors of war and expected to return home with only physical compensation, in some part due
to the underdevelopment of psychological treatments at that time. To this end, the Sordish
Government will establish the Sordish Veteran Assistance Program (SVAP) under the oversight
of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Affairs, and working alongside the Ministry of
1b. Veteran Status Reform [0.4 Welfare Spending, 0.4 Reduced Defense Spending]
The SVAP will be tasked with compiling a list of all veterans with the assistance of the Ministry
of Defense, and will take over the distribution of the pension in its stead, which will now be
distributed on a monthly basis. Additionally, veteran status will be granted to all who saw
conflict in the wars both international and civil, amending its current status to be more inclusive
of those who suffered on the wrong side of history, and for those who did not see conflict the
standard of twenty years or more of service still applies. Veterans will now be given an SVAP
validated “License of Service” for proof of their identity.
1c. Veteran Pension Expansion [0.7 Welfare Spending]
The pension of veterans will be increased from 5.000 to 7.800 Sordish Ren. The government will
also establish a 15% discount program on grocery and textile purchases for veterans who
present their License of Service before buying.

2. Mental Wellness [0.4 Budget Spent, 0.1 Welfare Spending]

1a. Mental Health Clinics [0.3 Budget Spent, 0.1 Welfare Spending]
The State will fund the construction mental health clinics in every region. One clinic will be
constructed per town or city of over 5.000 citizens, with an additional clinic for every 5.000
residents, with a total limit of five thousand being built. These clinics will have 10 private rooms
for use by psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists to schedule for subsidized treatment and
counseling for Sordish citizens by 75%.
2b. Psychiatric Shelters [0.1 Budget Spent]
The State will fund the construction of seventy five psychiatric institutions per region, for the
purpose of sheltering those who no longer can care for themselves or due to instability present
active danger to themselves or others in a non-criminal capacity. Those who believe themselves
to be at risk of this may also voluntarily request a temporary residence. These institutions will
have a minimum patient capacity of two hundred permanent residents, and will maintain a staff
of unarmed peacekeepers, nurses, counselors, and psychiatric practitioners.

3. Economic Welfare and Accessibility [0.7 Budget Spent, 3.2 Welfare Spending, 0.1
Administrative Spending, 0.1 Transportation Spending]
3a. Minimum Wage Adjustment [0.1 Administrative Spending]
The cost of living has continued to inflate while the income of the Sordish people has not risen
appreciably to compensate. As such, the minimum wage of the country will be raised from 3SR
an hour to 3.2SR an hour. The minimum wage will also be adjusted for living costs increase
yearly by the Council of Labor.
3b. Retirement Expansion [3.1 Welfare Spending]
The age of retirement will be lowered down to sixty-two, and the pension of retirees will be set
to 6.600 Sordish Ren, also to adjust with living costs yearly through the Council of Labor. The
government will establish a 5% universal discount for all non-luxury purchases of retirees and
provide those who apply for their pension with an identification card to present for this
3c. Education Accessibility [0.1 Budget Spent]
For those who cannot access schools due to infrastructure or health issues, the Ministry of
Education will establish the Sordish National Correspondence Academy. Sordish citizens can
mail in to apply for correspondence education to the SNCA. Applications are available for
programs in Sordish or Bludish languages, and will receive weekly packages containing
assignments covering math, linguistics, history, remedial science and other academic staples
that will then be sent back to the SNCA. After completing the four year correspondence
program, citizens will be mailed an SNCA degree asserting they have completed a state
equivalent to high school education.
3d. Communications Accessibility [0.1 Budget Spent]
Expansions will be made to the radio and television networks in rural regions to better provide
access to programs such as education and religious broadcasts. Additionally, the Sordish Youth
Broadcast (SYB) will be established as a sister program to the Sordish State Broadcast, providing
a channel for educational programs, entertainment for minors and age appropriate
3e. Transportation Accessibility [0.3 Budget Spent, 0.1 Transportation Spending]
The State will fund the overhauling of public transportation in municipalities, repairing current
vehicles and purchasing new shuttle buses. New bus lines and stops will be built, especially for
transporting children to their education centers. Public municipal transportation will be made
free for everyone, covered entirely by the central government.
3f. Free Meals [0.2 Budget Spent, 0.1 Welfare Spending]
Community Breakfast Halls will be built in every town with over 3.000 citizens, and a second
one will be established per every 5.000 citizens, to a total of ten thousand. They will be supplied
to provide with two free meals a day for two hundred people at the same time. The meals
provisioned for must consist of one meat or fish main course, stew or broth is an appropriate
substitute should it be requested, a side of vegetables, a non-alcoholic beverage, a serving of
bread, and a serving of fruit.

4. For the Welfare of Oppressed Citizenry [0.3 Budget Spent, 0.1 Welfare Spending]
4a. Reparations and Expansion of Political Freedoms [0.1 Welfare Spending]
All Bludish families who were impacted in previous eras, resulting in the loss of life for relatives,
will be entitled to 15.000 SR annually for 10 years. All prisoners arrested for political purposes
will be pardoned, and entitled to 7.500 SR annually for 10 years. The BFP will also have its ban
4b. Employment Opportunities [0.3 Budget Spent]
The State will purchase fertile land from Eastern Nargis, dividing it into one kilometer square
land plots, and offer it as housing and land for animal husbandry to 30.000 Bludish Bergians
who currently are unemployed. The government will also provide the necessary equipment and
materials for the cattle raising. They will also be encouraged to produce livestock in these lands,
and will be provided with significant subsidies to do so.

5. Funding of Social Programs

5a. Care For Our Veterans [1.4 Upper Income Tax]
Our veterans have sacrificed twenty years of their lives in service for Sordland, and must be
rewarded accordingly for accomplishing their duties so dutifully. To fund their continued care,
the state will increase taxation on the Upper Class by 2%, bringing their income tax from 30% to
32%. This will increase the yearly income from this bracket from forty two billion yearly to forty
four and eight hundred million yearly.
5b. Care For Our Elderly [0.7 Other Taxes, 1 Lower Income Tax]
With the goal of taking care of our eldest population, that have for decades dedicated
themselves to the betterment of our nation, the existing Wealth Tax will be increased from
affecting the 0.1% richest population to the 0.25%. The goal would be increasing the income
from the Wealth Tax from seven hundred million yearly to one billion and four hundred million
yearly. Furthermore, the lower bracket of the Income Tax will increase from 15% to 17.5%,
bringing the yearly income from twelve to fourteen billion yearly.

6. Nationalization of Wudlan Forestry [0.5 Budget Spent]

The Wudlan Forestry Corporation, mainly working in Lorren, is a corrupt, nepotist and wasteful
company which excesses in their malpractices and has polluted our beautiful forests near
Morna and Morbel. Their overwhelming control of the coal and wood supply is also concerning.
To solve this major issue, Wudlan Forestry shall be nationalized, but with the goal of not
disrupting the opinion of the Sordish people or the free market excessively, stockholders will be
paid 35% above market price for their shares.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 05/16/2021
Sordish Educational and Cultural Development Bill (SECDB) by Representatives Faelc and
Rusvolt. [0.9 Budget Spent, 0.3 Economy Spending Reduction, 0.4 Culture Spending, 0.2
Education Spending]
Due to the inexorable tide of time deteriorating the culture and arts of Sordland, along with the
lack of care by the last two administrations, Sordish education has been stagnating and even
lowering in quality. This dangerous trend can no longer be allowed to continue. The SEADB will
ensure that Sordish culture and arts will prosper and develop, and, in the future, thrive all
around the world.

1. Increased Funding for Universities [0.3 Budget Spent, 0.1 Education Spending]
1a. Deyr University of Culture and Nature
The Deyr University of Culture and Nature has become the ringleader of Sordish art and culture
development. Many famous painters, writers and celebrities were once students of this great
educational facility, and it must receive more funding and attention from the State to continue
to thrive and expand, so to open the doors to new painters, writers, and everyone else who
may be interested in studying, without any type of charge.
1b. League of the Trident
While Deyr is the main cultural and artistic emplacement of Sordland, we must also not leave
behind the dozens of other universities that coexist in Sordland, and are in dire need of
investment. In Holsord alone, several dozens of thousands of students reside every year, in the
“League of the Trident”, composed by the Holsord State University, the Kingshill University and
the Imperial Markian University. While the Holsord State University is completely free, the
other two require substantial fees to enter, which dissuades many from entering the course of
higher education. To counter this, the government will subsidize 25% of all fees, and fund all
three educational facilities for expansion and further development.
1c. Other Universities
The University of Social Studies takes care of all humanities-related professions, a very
important degree in modern times. The Isambard University of Lachaven and the Lachaven
Business School lean more towards business, economic and financial professions, and from
these two some of the best economists in the region have earned their degrees. In Gelsord, the
University of Technological Studies has fueled scientific and technological development in
Sordland for decades, and is the frontrunner when it comes to the smartest and most capable
individuals in the technology-related professions in Sordland. The University of Technical
Studies in Ribel has thus far been a lackluster and suffered from very low attendance, due to
the lack of proper investment and the lack of capabilities from the municipality. Therefore, the
university will now become federal property, paying the costs of construction to the local
government, and will be remodeled and expanded to become a proper modern educational
facility. The Morna University on its part has been well maintained by the municipality, but will
receive additional funding. The University of Valgen has suffered from funding cuts and lack of
attention, while the Gelsord School of Medicine has in fact received an abnormally high level of
funding for its student numbers. Finally, the Lachaven Technical University is the best of its type
in Sordland, but with the existence of the University of Technical Studies, it will instead be
centered around a more technological approach, while the one existing in Ribel will move
towards a traditional leaning education, and will also offer degrees in architecture. All the
aforementioned educational facilities, and all the other universities in Sordland, will receive
increased funding to reduce their cost of admission by 35%. Finally, they will be encouraged to
request funds for expansion and modernization if necessary.
2. Sordish Higher Education Scholarship [0.1 Education Spending]
In order to encourage the best to attend our schools and be able to stay in them, Sordland will
offer the Educational Achievement Scholarship to assist the next generation of intellectuals to
go to and attend university. For many in Sordland cost is an issue and we do not want bright
minds to be denied an educational experience because of wealth. With this in mind, the
scholarship initiative will be awarded to students across the country who apply and are deemed
eligible by the universities.
2a. Qualifications
Applications will be sent out to schools across the country to allow for the brightest students to
apply for the scholarship. The application will ask numerous questions and ask for a sample of
their work. Any caught cheating or found to have plagiarized on this application will be
excluded from any scholarship money and banned from applying in the future. Students who
are of lower incomes will be prioritized in the selection process.
2b. Scholarship Board
The Scholarship Board will be the national committee that accepts or rejects applications to the
Educational Achievement Scholarship. The Board will be composed of university
representatives and civil servants from the Ministry of Education.
2c. Educational Achievement Scholarship Grant
All those students who are able to reach over one quarter of the average result of applications
will be given the option to receive a grant that will cover the totality of their university
admissions and quotas for a year, and after this period the grant will be continued to be applied
depending on their academic results maintaining themselves at least a fifth above average.
2d. Education For All Grant
In order to expand university opportunities to all incomes, the Education For All Grant will be
established. Sords applying to universities in a state of poverty and that show average or over
results in the application, will be chosen to be given a grant to subsidize both the cost of the
university admission and quota and also the costs of living. In order to apply for such a grant,
the student in question must come from a family making less than 7.500 Sordish Ren a year,
and this number will be adjusted with inflation every twelve months. The student will receive
the entirety of the university costs as subsidy and also five hundred Sordish Ren subsidy every
month, to cover for their living costs while studying. The continuation of the subsidies will
depend on the student maintaining at least average academic results.
2e. Qualifications
Grants will be handed out in increasing levels based on net family income, the cost of the
school in question, and the cost of the living expenses of the city in question. From there the
grant will subsidize a minimum of 40% of the cost of living and the school combined and can go
up to full subsidization.

3. Sordish Museums [0.3 Budget Spent]

Museums preserve our history and expand the reach of our culture and arts towards the entire
population. Sordland will do its utmost to preserve and expand the arts, history, and our
culturally significant artifacts in museums.
3a. Maintaining and Expanding Our Museums [0.2 Budget Spent]
Museums will be expanded and included in the process of beautification. New gardens and
murals will be commissioned for our museums, and every city with over a hundred thousand
citizens will have a museum built and subsidized completely by the state, but taken care of by
the municipality. On top of that, new museum wings will be commissioned to encapsulate
recent history from the end of the Kingdom to Alphonso’s mandate as President. Museums will
also include new focuses on religion and its development in Sordland, giving a fair and
reasonable view to all political thoughts and beliefs that have touched our country. All
museums will have a 50% subsidized ticket entrance by the state that cannot go over three
Sordish Ren, and veterans will be able to enter them for free.
3b. Expanding Our Culture [0.1 Budget Spent]
Sordish artists have always been a contributor to our cultural understanding. With this goal in
mind, education must be expanded on this certain subject. A new subject, Culture & Arts, will
be mandated in every high school, incentivizing culture and arts to be taught and allowed to be
studied with a new focus, as new materials and subsidies for the arts will go to schools.
4. Public Spaces Beautification [0.3 Budget Spent]
In order to increase the happiness of our citizens and the beauty of our cities, Sordland will
embark on an effort of public beautification. This will involve planting trees, grass, flowers and
other shrubbery along roads and walkways. In addition, municipal trash and street cleaning
services will significant receive federal funding to clean cities and increase the standard of living
for many of our citizens.
4a. Public Parks and Statues [0.2 Budget Spent]
Sordland will assist in the beautification process by reinvigorating existing public parks and
creating new ones in cities without them. Current public parks will receive new benches, the
installation of fountains, and local artists will be commissioned for further beautification and
the injection of local cultures and art. New public parks will be created and furnished with the
same features. The design and location should encourage use and serve as a hub for culture,
beauty and community.
5b. Government Buildings [0.1 Budget Spent]
Government buildings are currently very bland, and lifeless buildings. Beautification can help
change local perspective on government and create a vibrant workspace for our governments,
both federal and municipal. Government buildings will commission artists to create murals on
significant events in Sordish history such as the First Republic. In addition buildings will be
renovated to have more windows in non-classified areas to increase natural light, patios and
gardens should be created for government employees to use on a break.

5. Expanding the Independent Arts and Media [0.3 Economy Spending Reduction, 0.4 Culture
5a. Supporting Our Artists [0.2 Culture Spending]
Free artistic expression has been curtailed during previous authoritarian governments, but we
must now embrace our proud independent artists and help them expand their capabilities and
resources. All artists with at least one published work or a work that has been finished and is
currently under the revising and editorializing process will receive four hundred monthly
Sordish Ren to cover for their basic needs. Art will also be made exempt from the Sales Tax.
5b. Supporting the Free Media [0.3 Economy Spending Reduction, 0.2 Culture Spending]
The “Support for Culture and the Arts Decree” signed by President Alphonso was meant to
support the free media and arts, but in reality powered the expansion of massive media and art
conglomerates that only serve to hinder the freedom and innovation of the two sectors.
Therefore, all tax cuts in the decree will be removed, and instead, all media, entertainment and
art companies that are worth under two million Sordish Ren will receive a 25% tax cut and a
removal of the Sales Tax, alongside a subsidy of one thousand yearly Sordish Ren for every
verified worker they employ.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 05/16/2021
The “Synthetic Fuels Act” (SFA) by the People’s Freedom and Justice Party. [0.2 Budget Spent]
In consideration of the increasingly volatile geopolitical landscape, the Grand National Assembly
of the Republic of Sordland henceforth establishes the need for Sordish oil independence as a
matter of national security. As such, the Synthetic Fuels Act seeks to develop the relevant
infrastructure required to convert coal into liquid fuels and petrochemicals.

1. Synthfuel Corporation
Establishes the Synthfuel Corporation as a State Owned Enterprise, tasked with the
development and construction of commercial fuel manufacturing facilities, that will produce
alternatives to imported fossil fuels.
1a. Synthfuel Research and Development Branch
Creates the Synthfuel Research and Development Branch, to undertake the development of
innovations in the production of synthetic fuels. In facilitation of this objective, a modern
laboratory will be constructed alongside the Synthfuel I Lorren Refinery, that will house a select
team of scientists from recruited from both the public and private Sectors to undertake the
desired goal.
1b. Board of Directors
Establishes a Board of Directors composed of three government representatives, three private
sector representatives, one Nedam Mining Group representative and one Sordish Petroleum
representative. These Directors will be vetted through the Ministry of the Interior and Ministry
of Justice and be confirmed to their position through vote in the Grand National Assembly once
accepted by the two ministries. Board Members will be constrained to a term limit of two
consecutive three-year terms, after which they can return to their position if agreed upon by
the GNA based upon individual performance, or be removed from their position. The Board of
Directors will implement company policy designed to ensure dynamicity and efficiency, as
stipulated under the DOOM Act.
1c. Sordish Auditing Office
Establishes the Sordish Auditing Office, to fulfill auditing services for the Synthfuel Corporation
and other State Owned Enterprises. The SAO will serve to ensure accountability and
transparency within the Sordish Government and its affiliated entities. The SAO will undertake
financial statements audits of government entities and State Owned Enterprises and their
subsidiaries, including the audit of government consolidated financial statements, also
conducting performance audits and audits of the performance measures of any companies in
Sordland that are mostly state owned. The SAO will be headed by an appointed Auditor-
General, who will require confirmation by the Grand National Assembly, and will serve for a
singular ten-year term. The SAO will share de-jure authority within both the Ministry of the
Interior and Ministry of Justice. Following the creation of the SAO, an auditing branch will be
established within every major State Owned Enterprise.
1d. Ownership
Synthfuel Corporation will be a majority state owned corporation, with 75% of the entity owned
by the public sector and 25% by private entities. This will assist in raising capital and minimizing
initial establishment and maintenance costs on behalf of the Sordish government, whilst also
invigorating the entity with a degree of competitiveness that will assist in its continued
1e. Control Over Shareholders
Private sector shareholders, whether as individuals or entities, will be constrained in their
investment, only able to purchase up to two million Sordish Ren worth of the available 25% in
shares. These shareholders will also be vetted by the Grand National Assembly and the Ministry
of Justice to ensure the prevention of share monopolization by any particular individual or
1f. Cooperation With Other SOEs
Establishes multilateral cooperation between the Synthfuel Corporation, the Nedam Mining
Group, Sordish Petroleum and Wudlan Forestry. The Nedam Mining Group and Wudlan
Forestry will be responsible for the delivery of coal to the Synthfuel I Lorren Refinery, and
Sordish Petroleum will provide the expertise required for the efficient production of petroleum
and petroleum byproducts.

2. Synthetic Fuel Facilities [0.2 Budget Spent]

2a. Specificities
An initial coal-to-liquid facility will be constructed in Lorren, near Morna, a region that
maintains large reserves of coal reserves. This facility will maintain an initial productive capacity
of 25.000 barrels of petroleum and have a series of successive “Phases of Expansion”, designed
to increase productive capacity to 125.000 barrels of petroleum daily if deemed necessary due
to rampant increases in petroleum demand.
2b. Construction
The Synthfuel I Lorren Refinery will be constructed through the use of the Sordish State
Corporation. The facility will also be connected to the railway connecting Morna and Morbel, to
ensure the efficient import of coal and export of petroleum and byproducts. Additionally,
several large storage drums will be constructed to ensure reserves of coal, and several roads
will be constructed to connect the facility with the Highway and Conriat directly.
2c. Initial Direction of Production
Initial production from the facility will be directed towards supplying the domestic market,
while the oil of the Sordish Petroleum corporation will instead be directed towards the
Strategic Oil Reserve.
2d. Headquarters
The Synthfuel Headquarters will be constructed in Morna and expanded synonymously with the
growth of the Synthfuel Corporation and expansion of its refineries.
2e. Regulation
The Synthfuel Corporation will abide by all government environmental regulations to ensure
the minimization of adverse consequences associated with the irresponsible dumping of waste
and toxic elements into natural environments.
2f. Expanding the Coal Supply
To cater for the production of synthetic fuels, Nedam Mining Group will be directed towards
the expansion of coal mining operations throughout Lorren, specifically to provide a greater
supply of low-commercial value, high fly-ash content coal to be used for the production of
synthetic fuels. These mining operations will be in-line with Sordish environmental regulations
to ensure the preservation of natural environments.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 05/22/2021
“Impeachment Articles Against President Anton Rayne” by the Grand National Assembly.
Following the unconstitutional declaration of the emergency decree, President Anton Rayne has
abused the powers of his office for personal gain. He has unconstitutionally declared multiple
decrees, abused his office to empower business allies, and has unconstitutionally denied the
rights and liberties of many Sordish citizens. The Grand National Assembly brings forwards the
charges of high crimes and misdemeanors, along with the charges of corruption and abuse of
power. The following charges will be brought forth for a vote by the Grand National Assembly
and potential conviction by the Supreme Court of Sordland.

1. Unconstitutional Declaration of an Emergency Decree

In response to protests President Rayne issued an unjustified emergency decree. This was an
unjustifiable response as cities and the Ministry of the Interior were prepared to handle the
situation and calm tensions. Mass protests have happened before and have been quelled
without the use of the emergency decree. The emergency decree made matters worse, as many
protesters were shot and killed, only making the situation worse. The emergency also justified
the use of other unconstitutional decrees, and was ruled an unconstitutional action by the
Supreme Court in a 8-3 supermajority vote.

2. Unconstitutional Appointment of Marko Staal

President Rayne directly circumnavigated the constitution by unconstitutionally appointing
Marko Staal to the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, after Mr. Staal was rejected
by the Assembly. Amendment 7 of the approved constitutional reform states that “ministerial
positions will be, unless otherwise stated, appointed by the President and will require a vote of
confidence from the Grand National Assembly.” By appointing Mr. Staal, President Rayne, was
in direct violation of the constitution. This decree was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme
Court in a 8-3 supermajority vote.

3. Illegal Censorship of the Media

President Rayne unconstitutionally restricted freedom of speech by decreeing the Sordish
Radio, Television, and Newspaper Supreme Council. This organization was used to restrict the
freedom of speech by unconstitutionally closing newspapers, radio stations, and television
channels. These channels were unconstitutionally and unjustifiably deemed a threat to national
security. Not only did this act unconstitutionally constrain freedom of speech, but also served
to further the interests of known business partners and oligarchs tied to President Rayne. This
decree was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme court in a 9-2 supermajority vote.

4. Unconstitutional Creation of the Secret State Police

President Rayne unconstitutionally established the Secret State Police to have an illegal force
which would carry out the President’s will, be it assaulting targets, illegally gathering
intelligence on select people or groups, denying civil liberties, or intimidating opponents.
President Rayne has created this Secret State Police to trample on our Constitution and turn the
country into an autocracy. By creating this highly illegal and unconstitutional agency, Anton
Rayne has committed high crimes against Sordland. This agency was ruled unconstitutional by
the Supreme Court in a 9-2 supermajority vote.
5. Illegal Embezzlement of Funds
President Rayne engaged in the illegal embezzlement of state funds from the budgetary
allocation to the Secret State Police. Evidence shows that dozens of millions of Sordish Ren
were siphoned from the State Secret Police under the guise of “administrative costs” and sent
to bank accounts outside of the nation. This illegal withdrawal of funds constitutes
embezzlement and undermined the security of Sordland.

6. Unconstitutional Creation of an Extra-Governmental Decision Making Body

By decreeing the wholly unconstitutional, illegal act of allowing the National Business Council to
become an extra-governmental body that has decision-making power over Sordland, President
Anton Rayne has gravely endangered and compromised the national security of the Sordish
nation, allowing unsanctioned criminals into the decision making bodies of our country. This
illegal act is both a dereliction of duty, and was an act meant to further the interests of the
known oligarchic business partners of President Rayne. This decree was ruled unconstitutional
by a 10-1 supermajority vote.

7. Unconstitutional Sale of Weapons

By supporting the sale of weapons through the Ministry of Defense crucial to the national
defense, President Rayne has not only engaged in an unconstitutional act and partook in a gross
violation of Sordish national security and defense, but also compromised the national defense
to benefit foreign powers. By engaging in the aforementioned unconstitutional sale of
weapons, President Rayne has indirectly colluded with foreign powers and undermined the
strength of Sordish sovereignty.

8. Unconstitutional Use of Decrees for Tax Reform

By using the power of the emergency decree to decrease taxes on the wealthy, President Rayne
has engaged in an unconstitutional and unjustified use of the emergency decree power. The
reduction of taxes made Sordish citizens no safer and did not increase the security of the
Republic of Sordland. This act was in fact an act of corruption of the top echelons of our society.
This decree was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in a 9-2 supermajority vote.

9. Illegal Executions Based on False Charges

President Rayne engaged in the unconstitutional and highly illegal execution of many Sordish
citizens. This was done without evidence and these executions were carried out under false
pretenses and falsified charges. The purpose of these executions was to eliminate any
organized attempt to oppose the Rayne Administration. Judges were forced to speed up the
judicial process for quick executions of innocent Sordish citizens. Evidence and testimony
provided to us by Judges who were forced to carry out these sentences corroborates the claims
and provides evidence of these crimes committed by President Rayne and his administration.
The falsification of crimes to use as a pretense to execute political opponents is an authoritarian
high crime and misdemeanor against the people of Sordland.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 05/30/2021
The “Sordish New Deal” (SND) by Representatives Rusvolt and Kaiczek. [13.5 Budget Spent, 25
Budget Earned, 3.5 Welfare Spending, 0.2 Economy Spending, 0.1 Defense Spending, 1 Middle
Income Tax, 0.6 Low Income Tax]
Our economy is in shambles. Our liberty, curbed. Our freedom, denied. However, today we
shall present a new deal to the Sordish people, for a new Sordland. As such, the People's
Freedom and Justice Party hereby presents the Sordish New Deal, to set forth a new age of
prosperity, liberty, and freedom for the Sordish people.

1. Regional Inbound Investment [0.1 Economy Spending]

1a. Regional Investment Promotion Board
In order to facilitate investment in outlying regions, Provincial Governors are able to establish a
“Regional Investment Promotion Board” which shall work with the Ministry of Economy. The
RIPB has a mandate only over a particular province or region as stipulated in its founding
charter. Members of the RIPB shall be nominated by the Provincial Council and selected by the
Provincial Governors.
1b. Regional Investment Tax Breaks [0.1 Economy Spending]
In order to facilitate investment in outlying regions, companies that invest in them are entitled
to a 10% deduction in taxable income. Outlying regions are defined as Bergia, Agnland, Lorren
and Nargis, excluding the city of Lachaven and its surrounding metropolitan area.

2. Small & Medium Business Subsidies [3 Budget Spent, 0.1 Economy Spending]
With the rise of massive corporations with the necessary funds to expand their own operations,
invest in technology and modernization, and expand their markets, it has become harder and
harder for small and medium businesses to compete. In order to give these businesses a
fighting chance and help them expand, modernize and increase their labor force, the
government of Sordland will distribute major subsidies.
2a. Target Industries & Funding [3 Budget Spent]
The subsidies will be eligible only for enterprises making under two hundred thousand Sordish
Ren of yearly income. The Ministry of Economy and the Central Bank will distribute the
subsidies to businesses that apply for them. The total number of subsidies given will be of three
billion Sordish Ren.
2b. Oversight
All subsidy decisions can be subject to review by the Grand National Assembly and the National
Anti-Corruption Agency. Subsidies should be dealt in a fair and equitable manner. They will be
distributed based on the needs of the company and companies may file requests for subsidies.
Businesses applying must provide information on their company, including the date it was
founded, management personnel data, and financial data. If a subsidy decision violates
regulations or was done with corrupt intent, those responsible can be held accountable for it
and the money must be returned with 5% interest.
2c. New Ventures Grants [0.1 Economy Spending]
In order to foster the creation and development of new ventures in promising industries, funds
will be allocated for the creation of a “New Ventures Grant”. The “New Ventures Grant”
provides low-cost credit up to the limit of a million Sordish Ren at an annual rate of payments
of 3,5% with no interest, to be paid over thirty years. Grants are awarded to newly formed
small enterprises who have no ultimate beneficial owners other than the original founders, own
or are awaiting approval of patents for their innovation, and plans to use the funds to develop
and subsequently commercialize new innovative projects by the end of the loan’s tenor.
Application of “New Ventures Grant” shall be assessed by the Ministry of Education and
Technology on the basis of technical feasibility, commercialization potential, and innovativeness
of the application.

3. Anti-Corruption Measures
3a. National Anti-Corruption Agency (NACA)
The Anti Corruption Police will be reformed and given oversight to investigate corruption and
financial crimes that occur within Sordland, and its name will be changed to National Anti-
Corruption Agency. The Agency will be independent from any ministry or committee. NACA will
report its findings to the Ministry of Justice, the Grand National Assembly and the President.
Members of the organization will be subject to financial reviews every three months. If
evidence of bribery, corruption or insider trading is found, the member in question is forced to
take unpaid leave. The NACA will be allowed to charge individuals with financial crimes, such as
tax evasion, and on corruption charges that will then be brought before the courts.
3b. National Anti-Trust Authority (NATA)
The Sordish Anti-Trust Authority will be a division of the National Anti-Corruption Agency and
Police. This force will be in charge of monitoring corrupt and monopolistic practices in any given
economic sector. It will work within financial institutions and give detailed assessments on the
current situation every four months. If a company is found to have a monopoly, NATA may
bring the issue or not to the Grand National Assembly, at their own discretion.
3c. Corruption Penalties
Those convicted of corruption will be penalized with a fine and up to ten years in prison. Any
stock owned by those convicted will be released to the market for trading, and the remaining
assets will be given to the inheritor. If there is no inheritor they will be subject to temporary
state ownership before an auction is held for the remaining assets.
3d. Antitrust Measures
In order to prevent the constriction of the Sordish economy by large monopolies, the acts of
market allocation, bid rigging and price fixing will be considered illegal and subject to review by
the NACA and NATA. In addition, large mergers that would consolidate over 50% of the market
share in a given sector and sub-sector must be approved by the Grand National Assembly and
the Minister of Economy.

4. Economic Regulation [0.2 Budget Spent]

These provisions will place regulations in order to prevent the Sordish market from falling
victim to market manipulation. The legislation will also require all investment funds in Sordland
to publicly disclose their financial health. Finally, it will regulate specific market activities such
as short selling.
4a. Sordish Secure and Regulated Exchange Commission (SSREC)
The SSREC will be in charge of monitoring the stock market, ensuring transparency among
publicly traded companies, and in charge of giving credit ratings. It will require the disclosure of
the balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and the names and compensations of corporate
officers for firms whose securities were traded.
4b. Sordish Housing Authority [0.2 Budget Spent]
The SHA will be in charge of setting a minimum standard for housing that companies must work
towards to increase quality of life for Sordish citizens. In addition, the SHA will begin to examine
potential slum clearance and urban expansion by partnering with local municipalities and
recommending beneficial action. The SHA will also hire Sordish city planners, architects, and
engineers to work with local municipalities on expansion projects. This authority will increase
housing quality and urban expansion.

5. Welfare and Veteran Care Expansion [3.5 Welfare Spending, 0.1 Defense Spending]
5a. Unemployment Wage [3.3 Welfare Spending]
In order to support those who cannot find jobs in times of economic crisis, an unemployment
wage of 2.200 Sordish Ren a year will be established. This will help the economy as the
unemployed will still be able to afford food and other goods and contribute to the economy
while they work to find a job. The unemployment wage will be provided for up to two years to
encourage the recipient to search for work. Those who own assets above 50.000 SR will not be
eligible. In addition, if two or more members living in the same household of the potential
recipient are employed, they are not eligible for the stipend.
5b. Military Benefits & Honors [0.2 Welfare Spending, 0.1 Defense Spending]
Military families are a part of the backbone of our society. They raise soldiers and sacrifice
much as their loved ones serve our country. The standard pension of veterans will be increased
from 7.800 to 9.000 Sordish Ren to reflect the rightful service they have brought to this country.
Additionally, if the soldier in question dies, the pension will go to their immediate family or
whomever is designated as the inheritor/s in the soldier’s will for twenty years. In addition,
during their service, the money military families will receive will increase from 6.600 to 7.200
Sordish Ren a year while their family member is in active duty.
5c. Military Educational Attainment
Military veterans will be exempt from university tuition, and universities will be highly
encouraged to select more veterans to join their class ranks if they show average or slightly
below average test results. This will allow veterans to attain higher education and be given
stronger benefits for their years of service. In addition, the Sordish Government will pay for
vocational training for veterans to seamlessly reintegrate back into the workforce if they chose
to do so.
5d. Military Health Care
In order to properly assist our soldiers and veterans, soldiers with grievous injuries will be
compensated with compensations ranging from 500 to 2.500 Sordish Ren, and in addition be
given top treatment at state owned medical facilities. Military hospitals will be given more
modern medical equipment and given priority on the latest medical equipment Sordland has.
5e. Veteran’s Day
Sordland is a great nation, and we shall reaffirm that. From hereby on, 25th of May shall be
designated the National Veteran’s Day, a national holiday to celebrate our brave countrymen in
previous wars. This day will be one for honoring our fallen, thanking our current and former
Servicemen, and remembering the Battle of Selmec, the last significant battle of the Sordish
Civil War. State sponsored celebrations will occur around the country, funded by the

6. Regional Infrastructure Programs [0.1 Public Works Spending]

Forward, productive forces! Sordland has achieved many large scale projects such as the
military industries, or the railroads, but many smaller towns and villages have been left out of
the development of the Sordish economy. The regional worker’s programs will seek to employ
those in our poorest regions and develop the infrastructure and industry of our towns and
villages, for our country’s productive forces. New authorities and organizations will be formed
that will work with the SSC and local private construction companies while also employing and
purchasing construction equipment.
6a. Nargis Valley Infrastructure Authority (NVIA)
The Nargis Valley Infrastructure Authority will be in charge of developing regional construction
plans and finding areas that need employment and infrastructure the most. The NVA will have a
board and will coordinate with the Sordish State Corporation for construction materials and
equipment. The NVA board will be appointed by the Nargis Regional Assembly and be under
control of the state. The NVA will work with both private and public companies to develop
under-resourced regions in Nargis. Its board will be appointed by the Agnland Provincial Council
and will be subject to yearly review by the regional authorities.
6b. Agnland Regional Infrastructure Committee
The Agnland Regional Infrastructure Committee (ARIC) will be in charge of developing regional
construction plans and finding areas that need employment and infrastructure the most. The
ARC will have a board and will coordinate with the Sordish State Corporation for construction
materials and equipment. The ARC board will be appointed by the Agnland Provincial Council
and be under control of the region. The ARC will work with both private and public companies
to develop under-resourced regions in Nargis.
6c. Construction Resource Development
In order to become self-reliant and to relieve the burden of the SSC on minor projects, the ARC
and the NVA will purchase construction equipment from Valgsland and Agnolia to equip
themselves and to work towards operations. While they do not have equipment, they will work
with the SSC to begin operations and development in Nargis and Agnland.

7. United Sordish Agricultures (USA) [0.5 Budget Spent]

7a. Formation and Encouragement [0.2 Budget Spent]
Agriculture is one of Sordland’s most productive industries. Thus, we must pursue options to
further modernize our agricultural industry. Increased productivity for farms comes with larger
farm sizes, and therefore Sordish farmers will be encouraged to collaborate and consolidate
into agricultural cooperatives, known as United Sordish Agricultures, or USA. Farmers wishing
to form these USAs will be provided with a lump sum of 1.000 Sordish Ren, to manage the costs
of forming a corporation, and pursue further mechanization. This increased productivity from
the USAs will drive food prices down even further, for the benefit of our working class.
7b. Livestock Modernization [0.2 Budget Spent]
The Sordish Government will subsidize companies looking to purchase modern livestock
equipment in order to increase livestock production and efficiency. Farmers may apply for
subsidies or request loans for modernized equipment for up to 10.000 Sordish Ren in loans, to
be paid at no interest for up to five years.
7c. Livestock Loans [0.1 Budget Spent]
Low interest loans will be provided to farmers in USAs to diversify and develop a Sordish
livestock industry, capitalizing on the very low grain prices caused by food surpluses, which
would drive down livestock costs immensely, making it a profitable potential industry. No
interest loans of up to 10.000 Sordish Ren will be provided to entrepreneurs looking to develop
meatpacking plants to accommodate growing livestock development.

8. Rural Electrification [0.1 Budget Spent]

8a. Reasoning
Our Rural regions have suffered from the lack of electricity for decades. It hinders economic
development, and undermines the growth of regions that lack electricity. In order to provide
for a higher standard of living, and develop our rural economies, the Sordish Government will
establish a rural electrification program to expand electricity to our outer regions.
8b. Construction [0.1 Budget Spent]
The Sordish State Corporation will work with the newly formed ARIC and NVIA to expand
electricity to our rural areas. Power lines will be connected and generators established to
expand the Sordish Power Grid. Villages and Towns will be linked to their local grid and
construction will be complete on stores and local government buildings. If necessary, more
localized power plants will be constructed to have energy localized to a rural region. The
necessity of this will be determined by management of the SSC and the Regional Authorities.

9. Expansion of the Productive Forces

Forward, the gears of industrialization. Sordland must expand the productive forces to secure
our place at the top of the world, and that march to industrialism shall begin with this project.
9a. Morna Industrial Zone [8 Budget Spent]
Our march toward industrialism begins with the Morna Industrial Zone, a two thirds state and
one third private combined enterprise. Morna shall be transformed into a center of industry
and prosperity with this gargantuan thirty billion Sordish Ren project to be completed over
three years. For the first year, the Sordish government will invest eight billion into the project,
for the second it will invest seven billion, and for the third five billion Sordish Ren. This will
increase Sordish economic output and economic growth providing a stronger economy for all,
while also employing around seven hundred thousand Sordish citizens. The industries will be
divided into:
- 20% for heavy machinery directed towards the industrial sector. 15%-5% state and private
- 20% for light machinery directed towards the consumer sector. 12,5%-7,5% state and private
- 15% for the automobile industry directed towards the consumer sector. 11,2%-3,8% state and
private distribution.
- 5% for the electronics industry to help technological advancement. 3%-2% state and private
- 10% for small and minor components needed in other industries such as bolts and screws,
among other equipment. 5%-5% state and private distribution.
- 10% for textile industries geared towards the industrial sector. 7,5%-2,5% state and private
- 10% for textile industries geared towards the consumer sector. 5%-5% state and private
- 5% for canned goods geared towards the consumer sector. 2,5%-2,5% state and private
- 5% for explosives geared towards mining and military operations. All state production.
9b. Morna Port [1.7 Budget Spent]
In order to become a shipping hub and sell our new industrial goods, a port at Morna will start
construction immediately. The Sordish government would invest two billion and seven hundred
million Sordish Ren over two years, and one billion and seven hundred million Sordish Ren will
be injected into the first year to get the port up and running as quickly as possible, while the
other billion will be invested in the second year to finalize the operations. Three hundred
million will be covered by private Sordish individuals, and two billion by the Valgish
government, leaving the total distribution to 55%-5%-40% state, private and Valgish ownership.
The Port will provide new access to shipping and increase Sordish trade. Paired with the
industrial zone, it will boost economic growth, confidence and investment. The port is expected
to employ around sixty thousand people.
9c. Contracting
The Sordish government will contract three construction companies to assist on these major
projects. The Sordish State Corporation will take the lead on both projects, while the Valgish
Construction Union and Taurus Holding will all be contracted to aid in expediting the blueprints,
planning, work, and other required necessities for the initiatives.

10. Funding [1 Middle Income Tax, 0.6 Low Income Tax, 25 Budget Earned]
A balanced budget is a balanced nation, and Sordland is currently suffering from the worst of
ailments, a deficit. As such, taxes and bonds will be issued in order to cover some of the costs.
10a. Tax Increases For The Middle Class [1 Middle Income Tax]
and taxes on the middle class will be raised from 25,5% to 26,5%, bringing a total of one billion
extra income.
10b. Tax Increases For The Lower Class [0.6 Low Income Tax]
Taxes on the lower classes will be raised from 17,5% to 18,5%, bringing a total of six hundred
million extra income for the state.
10c. Bonds [25 Budget Earned]
The Sordish Government will issue bonds to the public in order to create more economic
liquidity for the Sordish state. This will be for ten billion SR worth of bonds that have a 7.5%
yield and mature in four years, to be sold exclusively to Valgsland, and fifteen billion SR worth
of bonds that have a 8.5% yield and mature in four years for the domestic market.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 06/16/2021
“Defensive Measures for Defending the Sordish National Integrity” (DMDSNI) by
Representatives Ryd I'Culous, Riossan, and Rusvolt. [0.5 Budget Spent]
With the rise in Rummish aggression and demands from Sordland, defensive measures and
further military measures must be undertaken in the defense of our motherland. Therefore, in
order to ensure Sordland maintains its national integrity and strength of arms, the following
acts are to be implemented as soon as humanly possible.

1. Further Border Defenses [0.1 Budget Spent]

The Rumburgian border defenses must be shored up as rapidly as possible in order to limit
damage to our nation and further assist our defense-in-depth strategies. The State Construction
Corporation will be contracted to build all these defenses.
1a. Agnolian Hedgehogs
Rapid deployment of Agnolian Hedgehogs will be commissioned along our borders in Nargis
and Bergia, in a fashion to funnel enemy tanks into zones of greater control by our forces. They
will be quickly arranged in three layers according to our defense-in-depth strategy, with an
emphasis on funneling. In this manner, we can create more effective strike-points by artificially
reducing the width of the enemy's tank force.
1b. Dragon's Teeth
Besides the deployment of the Agnolian Hedgehogs, dragon's teeth will be placed in positions
in order to slow enemy advance and soften them with our rear artillery. As enemy tank forces
slowly bulldoze past them we will have opportunities to strike them. Additionally, every twenty-
fifth placement will be packed with small explosives to damage tanks and accompaniment.
1c. Anti Infantry Traps
The Laren Forest provides the perfect terrain for the implementation of low-cost, high-damage
anti infantry traps. As such, hunters in the region will be paid to assist in the creation of low
technology traps designed to injure, maim, and kill enemy infantry. Such traps will include
deathly pitfalls, tripwire shrapnel bombs, tripwire mace traps, tripwire cartridge traps, and
barbed wire. Shrapnel bombs will also be used alongside radio traps, where we will broadcast
to a certain radio information that sounds important in the hopes of luring Rummish soldiers to
it, and once a pressure or tripwire trap is tripped, the shrapnel bomb will explode.
1d. Tank Mires
A line of ditches will be dug in certain locations around the border and bogged down with water
in order to produce a muddy, mired condition at the bottom. This will serve to slow the
Rummish advance and mire their heavier tanks in mud, making them both unusable and
stationary targets. These mire ditches will then be covered with tarps and leaves in order to
keep the enemy from detecting them until it is too late.

2. Expansion of Foreign Cooperation

In order to form a more unified defense against Rummish aggression, cooperation will be
expanded upon with all of our aligned neighbors in the following ways.
2a. Training and Advisement
Sordland will send both trainers and advisors to Bludia and Wehlen in order to further prepare
them for the eventuality of war and prolonged battle against Rummish invaders. Additionally a
small cadre of troops will be sent to train alongside our allies there in order to expand potential
operational cooperation. Additionally, Agnolia and Valgsland will both be requested to send
advisors and trainers, but that will be done at their discretion.
2b. Licensure of Sordish Military Equipment
Sordland will provide licensure of all Sordish designed and produced equipment to both Bludia
and Wehlen. The first year of licensure will be provided without cost and any additional years of
licensure will be leased at the discretion of both nations.
2c. Tripartite Joint Command
In order to facilitate operational cohesion and streamline general logistics and allocation of
supplies, as well as to formulate joint strategies, a Tripartite Joint Command will be formed,
with a cooperative leadership, to carry out a more effective command of all allied forces for the
duration of war. All nations will have command staff involved in the Tripartite Joint Command.
Individual operations not including multiple members will be communicated to them in order to
keep the joint staff informed of all ongoing operations.

3. Domestic Military Readiness [0.3 Budget Spent]

Further preparations for the imminent Rummish invasion of Sordland will be undertaken, so to
ensure the maximum capabilities of our defenses when tested by the enemy.
3a. Presidential Guard Restructuring
The Presidential Guard will be reabsorbed into the general Sordish Armed Forces, under the
Command Staff and restructured in such a way as is seen appropriate by the current Minister of
3b. Purchase of Jorvatian Arms [0.3 Budget Spent]
An order will be placed to the People’s Republic of Jorvatia for the purchase of one hundred
thousand modern handguns with two clips of ammunition each, five hundred anti tank
weapons, fifty anti-armor tanks, two thousand light machine guns with two million rounds of
ammunition, and finally five hundred heavy machine guns with a million rounds of ammunition.

4. Civilian Preparations for War [0.1 Budget Spent]

4a. Mobilization of the Conservation Corps
The war will have a great toll on the cities, villages, and infrastructure of Sordland. In order to
help mitigate damages and repair any damages, the Conservation Corps will be mobilized to
border regions to help with rapid repair and construction. The CC will partner with local
municipalities to maintain infrastructure during the war. They will also be mandated to help
repair medical infrastructure or set up emergency medical stations where needed.
4b. Civilian Shipping Fleet
There are many cities and towns on the coast that could be at risk for invasion or destruction. In
either case, evacuations would be necessary for civilians and possibly soldiers. While railways
will be mostly operated by the military, the government of Sordland will commission local
vessels such as merchant ships or fishing vessels to act as an emergency ferrying force to bring
civilians and others from regions such as Agnland to other ports in Sordland.
4c. Civilian Truck Fleet
Civilian cars and transportation vehicles will be needed during the war to maintain civilian
supply chains. Sordish drivers will be commissioned to transport goods such as medical
supplies, food, and in emergency cases military supplies.
4d. Organization and Compensation
The two civilian fleets will be organized under the Ministry of Defense, and coordinate with the
Sordish Army and Navy. Civilians operating boats and cars under this program will receive three
Sordish Ren for every kilometer traveled. This will encourage participation, and may provide
jobs while the war is raging.

5. Wartime Communications
During the war, civilian morale will be imperative to the success of Sordland. In order to
maintain a consistent stream of information, the government will promote content on radios,
televisions and newspapers. Every day, the government of Sordland will have a three hour
block of airwaves to speak directly to the Sordish people on the war effort. This will include
hearing directly from members of the Assembly so that the representatives may speak to their
citizens in time of war. The promotion of content that furthers the aim of Rumburg or degrades
the Sordish Military can be grounds for censorship. A media organization may challenge
censorship, but while the challenge is heard, the censorship will remain. After the conclusion of
the war, this clause will cease to be in effect.

6. Wartime Production Committee

In order to maintain a balance of production needs while meeting the needs of our workers and
businesses, the Wartime Production Committee will be formed to balance the jobs of
production, set schedules, and address the needs of the parties involved. The WPC will consist
of seven members. These will be two high ranking logistics officials from the military, two
leaders of the factories, two leaders from the workers and a representative from the

7. Autonomous Militia Bureau

An autonomous sister organization to the Gendarmerie, under the general overview of the
Ministry of Defense for the purposes of training and general objective-setting, the Autonomous
Militia Bureau will be formed. Its objective will be to form militias who are ready to fight for
Sordish independence while remaining apolitical. Militias will be recruited in cities and towns
under risk of Rummish occupation and will accept men and women who are of fighting age and
have not volunteered for the Sordish Armed Forces.
7a. Organization
These militias will be organized into a semi-military unit for each cell, trained in basic squad
tactics and guerilla warfare, and basic use, care, and marksmanship of bolt-action rifles, which
will be taken from stocks of unneeded bolt action rifles from the army. If possible, they should
be trained in basic use of potential captured Rummish battle rifles. They are to be funded
independently of the SAF and Gendarmerie, to prevent taking funds from our precious military.
7b. Training and Maintenance
These militias will be trained to act autonomously, as part of being trained in guerilla warfare.
For larger concentrations and those who would be stationed in and around important strategic
areas, provisions can be made for communications. Otherwise, they will be expected to act as
autonomous partisans behind enemy lines, supplying themselves off the land, sympathetic
Sords, and the enemy.
7c. Finalization of the War
When the war ends, the remaining units will be ordered to disband fully. If they are found to
have been exceptionally useful, provisions can be made to integrate sine if them as part of the
Gendarmerie. All weapons issued to these units by the government of Sordland will be returned
to the government post-war. For exceptional service, the unit may be awarded military honors.
If they commit war crimes or other banditry, they will be brought to justice and tried in military
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 06/20/2021
“Military Enhancement and Preparation Act” (MEP) by Representatives Von-Char, Wesley, and
Evren. [1.6 Budget Spent]
War with Rumburg is on the horizon, and now with news of their amassing of troops on our
borders, Sordland and its citizens must prepare for an inevitable military conflict with Rumburg
that will decide the fate of Sordland and the sovereignty of our nation.

1. Observation and Patrols

1a. Observation Posts
Observation posts that are capable of housing at minimum thirty personnel, between normal
employees and soldiers, and are to be constructed at every twenty five kilometers along the
border with Rumburg. These observation posts are to be linked via radio.
1b. Reconnaissance Camps
Small temporary camps are to be established along the border, with new locations selected
every two weeks. These camps are to be established for close reconnaissance and are required
to send a weekly report on their findings.

2. Securing the Supply of Petroleum [0.2 Budget Spent]

2a. Tariffs
All tariffs applied to the importation of foreign oil are to be eliminated for a year, to facilitate
further imports and purchases for the inevitable conflict.
2b. Sordish Petroleum [0.2 Budget Spent]
A new set of subsidies is to be rolled out for the Sordish Petroleum corporation, so to direct
them to invest further in Estord, via the purchasing of new equipment, hire more employees,
and generally ramp up domestic production before the beginning of the conflict.

3. Securing Education [0.1 Budget Spent]

3a. Provisional Schools
Makeshift schools are to be immediately established in Lorren and Gruni to facilitate a
continued education for evacuated children. These schools must be able to facilitate a
minimum of thirty students per class and must be in operation within a month of the initial
construction timeline.
3b. Homeschooling
The Sordish Government will begin an information and promotion campaign of homeschooling,
as preparation and anticipation for the potential destruction and targeting of education
facilities by the enemy forces. The Sordish National Correspondence Academy will aid schools
with the transition towards this new system, and ensure a minimum of quality is maintained
through the war period.

4. Securing Healthcare [0.5 Budget Spent]

4a. Funding the Ministry of Health [0.5 Budget Spent]
An emergency appropriation of funds of half a billion Sordish Ren is to be given to the Ministry
of Health to help sustain the current healthcare system in Sordland. The main goal is to protect
and maintain doctor, nursing, and hospital and clinic activities in the case of Rummish
aggression, to reduce civilian and military casualties.
4b. Field Infirmaries
Field infirmaries and hospitals are to be immediately prepared behind military frontlines to help
attend to and mitigate casualties. These field clinics have to be staffed by professional civilian or
military medical personnel and must be capable of being stripped and evacuated fully in less
than two days.

5. Securing Agriculture [0.5 Budget Spent]

5a. Food Reserves [0.1 Budget Spent]
The government is to immediately begin amassing food and food products via direct purchasing
from farmers to prepare for the Sordish-Rummish Conflict. These are to be stored in stockpiles
at least fifty kilometers into the Sordish border.
5b. Evacuation of Farmers [0.4 Budget Spent]
Subsidies and incentives for farmers are to be provided to encourage immediate evacuation of
food stores agricultural assets to safer central and eastern states. This is to avoid a potential
loss of food stores and assets to Rummish plundering. Up to five thousand Sordish Ren will be
given to at most one hundred thousand farmers, with the mandated use of moving their assets
and belongings to a suitable place in Greater Holsord, Lorren and Gruni.
5c. Food Rationing
Due to the probability that various parts of the countryside will be taken, and food production
will be slashed during the conflict, a mandatory food ration will be implemented. This food
rationing will not be immediately put into place, the Grand National Assembly will decide to
implement the following plan or not depending on the available food resources. Every citizen
will be given a ration card which will have various amounts of certain food products that they
can collect from a food distribution center every week. Businesses that use food products will
also be issued ration cards, in order to continue operation. Sords from sixteen to sixty will be
given food ration worth twelve thousand calories per week, including sugar, bread, dairy, and
meat products depending on available supply. Children or adults of over sixty years of age will
be given rations of ten thousand calories per week. Exceptions can only be made with a
physician's recommendation. Should a need arrive from businesses to up their rations on
certain products, an official request to the Ministry for Agriculture can be sent in order to alter
their ration cards. The government of Sordland retains the power to alter rations for certain
groups at any time should they deem fit via a vote in the legislative.

6. Code of Treatment for Prisoners of War [0.1 Budget Spent]

6a. Appliance
The newly implemented Prisoner of War Code of Treatment will be applied to the Sordish
military whenever Sordland has entered a state of war, even if the state of war is not
recognized by one of the nations involved.
6b. Establishing Terms
Prisoners of War are in the hands of the enemy power, not only in the hands of individuals or
military units who have captured and are taking care of them, regardless of the individual
responsibilities that are assigned. The nation detaining the men is directly responsible for the
treatment given to PoWs.
6c. Basic Rights to Prisoners of War
Prisoners of War are to be provided basic necessities such as at minimum two meals a day,
containing adequate vitamins, minerals, and enough nutrients for them to sustain themselves
properly. They are also to be provided adequate housing, which shields them from the harsh
elements of the weather and nature. Finally, prisoners are to be given a minimum of two
showers per week, to maintain sanitary conditions. This is mainly applied to prevent the spread
of potential diseases that could spell disaster for both PoWs and personnel assigned to guard
6d. Ensuring Proper Treatment
A commission will be established for the evaluation of the treatment of PoWs. Anybody found
in violation of the Prisoner of War Code of Treatment will be court-martialed, and reports are to
be given from the commission as to the treatment of PoWs via a letter grade and additional
comments. Any camp or facility housing prisoners found with below the minimum required
conditions will be ordered to immediately improve conditions, lest those found in violation be

7. Discipline for Prisoners of War

Prisoners are mandated to follow orders from their superiors and be on acceptable behavior,
also showing little resistance. If these statutes are not met, then facility administrators are
authorized to conduct suitable punishment based on the following guidelines onto their PoWs.
7a. Minor Disobedience
Small showings of disobedience, such as failure to follow schedule, verbal abuse of guards or
conflict with other prisoners, are to be punished via verbal abuse or solitary confinement not
exceeding twelve hours. Some forms of living condition degradation are also mandated.
7b. Moderate Disobedience
Mild showings of disobedience, such as a serial inability to follow schedule, repeated
disobedience of guard orders and physical confrontations, are to be punished via light beatings,
further verbal degradation, and the withholding of further living conditions such as food, proper
sleeping quarters, and the mandating of solitary confinement for between eighteen and forty
eight hours.
7c. Extreme Disobedience
Extreme showings of disobedience, such as a refusal to take any orders from authority, and
attempted murder of any staff or other prisoners, are to be punished with severe beatings. In
addition, food and proper sleeping quarters are to be withheld for a time not exceeding a week,
and solitary confinement is mandated for between one and three days.
7d. Repeated Offenses
Should a prisoner undergo the previous punishments and continue showing repeated disregard
for authority, or somehow surpass them, by for example committing murder, facilities are
authorized to take drastic measures to discipline the said PoW. These include extreme
degradation of living conditions, solitary confinement for more over ninety six hours or extreme
7e. Limits on Punishment
Under no circumstances is capital punishment of any kind tolerated against PoWs. Any such
instances of capital punishment reported among facility administrators will result in an
immediate court-martial on any parties involved.

8. Civilian Safety Measures [0.2 Budget Spent]

8a. Measures Against Air Bombings [0.1 Budget Spent]
Air raid shelters and air raid sirens are to be constructed or designated on public areas for
civilian use, in the case of an air attack from the enemy air force. They are to be built in every
8b. War-Time Civilian Safety Council (WTCSC) [0.1 Budget Spent]
The Purpose of the War-Time Civilian Safety Council is to lower the number of civilian casualties
as much as possible via direct coordination with the Ministry of Defense, to guarantee safe
civilian evacuations during a state of war, as well as increasing morale and war support on the
home-front via the commissioning and spread of propaganda. The WTCSC will receive the tasks
of assisting in coordinating the mass evacuation of major or minor civilian population centers,
organize and coordinate the spreading of pro-Sordish propaganda and information, among
others. These various measures shall be conducted with the aid of personnel from the Ministry
of Defense, should they show that they are able. Funding for the WTCSC will consist of one
hundred million Sordish Ren to begin and maintain operations. The WTCSC will be temporarily
dismantled during peacetime and will only be rendered fully operational when Sordland is
plunged into a state of war regardless of if one of the powers involved refuses to acknowledge
or recognize the state of war.

9. Key Material Rationing

Due to the high demand of war, citizens of Sordland will be asked to ration specific goods in
order to contribute to the war effort. Goods such as rubber and fuel will be needed to fund the
continued conflict.
9a. Fuel Rationing
Sordland's military will be bound to use much petrol, and so, it has been seen fit to implement a
nation-wide fuel usage reduction program in order to save the much-needed petrol for the
inevitable war effort. Citizens who continue to use personal automobiles will be encouraged to
carpool and minimize or eliminate unnecessary trips using their cars. An encouragement to use
public transport or vehicles that do not require gasoline to function will also occur through
propaganda. Third, businesses will be mandated to limit slightly the use of petrol and gasoline
in non-essential goods. Finally, a nationwide fuel ration for all citizens of Sordland will be
implemented in order to conserve supply, cutting about 5% of all consumption.
9b. Rubber Rationing
In order to maintain a constant stream of production for our trucks and half tracks, rubber will
be collected by the government. Citizens may donate tires or other rubber products and receive
a 5 Sordish Ren compensation per kilogram.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 06/27/2021
“Sordish Civilian Mobilization Act” (SCMA) by Representative Rusvolt. [1 Budget Spent]
The Sordish Nation is at war. In order to properly defend our nation and prevent unrest and
collapse, civilian measures must be enacted. The home front will be crucial in this time of war,
and if Sordland is to outlast its enemy, we must be prepared to accommodate the needs of our

1. Emergency Housing [0.5 Budget Spent]

With the massive influx of refugees coming from western Sordland, the need for emergency
housing will be abundant. In order to accommodate these citizens, emergency housing will be
constructed for refugees fleeing to the east.
1a. Acquisition [0.3 Budget Spent]
Warehouses, apartments, and tenements will be rented as a form of temporary housing for
refugees from the west. Warehouses will be fitted with beds, temporary walls, restrooms, and
temporary kitchens in order to house large numbers of refugees. Empty apartments and
tenements will be subsidized by the government to allow families to rent them for low costs.
During the transition and fitting of these new houses, tents and camps will be established while
warehouses are refitted to house large numbers of people. These measures will be taken on top
of the work the Ministry of Interior is currently engaging in, in order to be able to evacuate and
take care of as many citizens as possible.
1b. Construction [0.1 Budget Spent]
Refitting and construction of camps will be done by the Sordish State Corporation and
Conservation Corps in order to quickly and readily prepare homes and shelters for occupation
by western refugees.
1c. Expansion of Homeless Shelters [0.1 Budget Spent]
Funds will be given to local municipalities to expand existing homeless shelters to account for
an influx of refugees, as well as increased homelessness due to the war. These funds will go
towards living space expansions, and the purchase of additional food, medical supplies and

2. Good Neighbor Policy [0.3 Budget Spent]

Sordland is a community and a people, and it takes care of its own. Those who are willing to
house refugees from the west will be given a government stipend of two hundred and fifty
Sordish Ren a month per person, for a total of six months. This is to incentivize collective good
will and ease the burden on emergency housing and existing homeless shelters.
2a. Registration
Families hosting refugees must go to their local government office to register for the stipend.
This will require a signature from both families, the address of the host family, and the previous
address of the refugee family in order to prevent fraud.

3. Food Banks [0.1 Budget Spent]

Local municipalities are encouraged to set up food banks across their cities and towns in order
to host those who need food. They will be subsidized by the government to establish these
food banks and create vouchers to properly ration to those who need, but cannot afford food
during the war. This will be to help provide for those in need, and those fleeing from the
western parts of the country.

4. Prisoner of War Treatment [0.1 Budget Spent]

Current guidelines fail to meet a strong standard of human rights and international norms. In
order to improve the conditions of our prisoners of war, Sordland will adjust the existing
guidelines on prisoner of war treatment.
4a. Rights of Prisoners
Prisoners must be treated within the guidelines of the AN Humanitarian Charter on the
Treatment of Prisoners of War. Prisoners have the rights to food, clothing, housing, and medical
attention. Meals will be increased from two a day to three a day, and showers from two a week
to three a week.
4b.Punishment for PoWs
Current policy for PoWs fails to meet the standards of international guidelines and resembles
that of our adversaries. POWs will not be denied food or stable living conditions, and new
regulations will also remove harsh and extreme beatings, solitary confinement and any
degradation of living conditions. Solitary confinement may be allowed for prisoners who are
guilty of violent crimes while a POW. This may last for no more than forty eight hours. During
solitary confinement, treatment and living conditions are not allowed to be degraded or
4c. International Inspection
Sordland will allow international inspectors into Sordish PoW camps, should the Alliance of
Nations ever request access. The Sordish government is committed to maintaining transparency
and good relations with the international community and ensuring that Sordish treatment is up
to standard.

5. Industrial Security
Due to the recent increase in industrial attacks on Sordish territory, there is a necessity to
increase the security around our military production. Military factories will have police
stationed at entrances, and workers will be searched for illicit goods before entering their place
of work. Background checks will be done on guards stationed at industrial centers and
stockpiles, and security will be increased. Highly trained officers will be placed on this duty, and
be paid overtime for their work as security for industrial centers and stockpiles.

6. Refugee Registry
In order to maintain proper care and account of the millions fleeing from Western Sordland, the
Sordish Refugee Authority will be formed to keep track of current and existing refugees. While
it will be an imperfect process, accounting for those without homes and jobs will make
distributing aid easier, and allow the Sordish government to target those in need with higher
precision. Once the war comes to a close, the SRA can help give information to those who have
displaced and may wish to return to their former residences and towns.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 07/05/2021
"Wartime Operational Measures Act" (WOMA), presented by Representatives L'Culous and
Riossan. [0.4 Budget Spent]
Sordland's current state of war is an affront to all lovers of peace and liberty in the world, and
as such the following measures are to be implemented as speedily as possible to ensure the
victory of Sordland and its vindication as a nation of honorable and just men and women.

1. Sordish Foreign Legion [0.1 Budget Spent]

In an attempt to broaden Sordland's access to manpower, a foreign legion will be established as
a separate military branch with a fully Sordish leadership. This branch will accept applicants
from across the world, except for Rumburg and Kervel for the time being, and in exchange for a
five year tour of duty with combat roles or a seven year tour of duty with noncombat roles,
citizenship and a new Sordish identity will be conferred onto the recruit. They will receive full
military benefits both during and after service unless they are released from their contract due
to dishonorable behavior.
1a. Office of the Commissar
The Sordish Foreign Legion Commissariat will be established as the leadership and admittance
cadre of the SFL. This will be made up of veteran members of the Sordish Armed Forces with a
meritorious and honorable service record. They will be in charge of battlefield command,
training, and logistics of all potential SFL recruits. The admittance phase will be structured in a
way to complete the intense and rigorous training and admittance process within two months.
1b. Admittance
Foreign born individuals must apply and subject themselves to a background, fitness, and
health check. Once all three are passed to the satisfaction of the Commissariat, cadets will be
trained in extreme conditions and be expected to be battle ready in two months time. Cadets
who fail battle readiness training will be relegated to a supply cadre and the increased service
period and receive non-combat pay grades.
1c. Operational Parameters
The Sordish Foreign Legion will be considered to be a unit that can be engaged in combat in the
most extreme circumstances due to the nature of their training. The unit will be made up of
primarily infantry, but be issued equipment and supplies as well as the training to use them at
the discretion of central command. The maximum number of troops in the SFL at any given
time cannot exceed eight thousand, not counting officers and Commissars.
1d. Code of Conduct
As they are not Sordish regular infantry, the SFL will be subject to an honor code beyond that of
the standard SAF. This will include an absolutely zero tolerance for fraternization with occupied
peoples or enemy prisoners. There will be absolutely zero personal looting and any items
captured by the Legionnaires will be given up to the Commissars who will then decide what
should be done with them. A zero tolerance policy for criminal behavior will be instituted as

2. Camouflage Handbook and Patterning

In an attempt to increase operational effectiveness in all zones of conflict and reduce overall
rates of casualty, a camouflage handbook is to be created and distributed to all troops including
cadets in training.
2a. Handbook
The handbook presented will be edited as seen fit by the Ministry of Defense, printed, and
given out to all forces on the frontlines and in training. The handbook will include instructions
for use of netting, face and skin paints, uniforms colored and tailored to the environment being
operated in, and any additional techniques soldiers can use to blend into their surroundings
more efficiently.
2b. Creation and Issuance of Camouflaged Uniforms
Various textile and clothing industries of Sordland will be consulted alongside the Ministry of
Defense in the design and creation of three separate camouflage uniforms. Those being Urban,
Foliage and Forest, and mountainous. Issuance will be based on a matter of necessity at first,
ramping up to an eventual rollout across the entirety of all ground forces.
2c. Separate Supply Rigs
In addition to the creation of camouflage uniforms, tactical vests and rigs will be designed and
created with the purpose of holding more conveniently all supplies any ground infantryman
could need. It will include basic first aid supplies, magazines for applicable weapons, and small
portable radios. This gives our GIs the benefit of a higher center of gravity for their supplies,
meaning less hindrance when moving about the battlefield and ease of access due to their
position in the front of the torso. Additionally, such rigs would allow more range of movement
in crouching, going prone, and walking uphill. Bergia Steel will be consulted on the possibility of
high-grade steel plates being stitched into the lining of such rigs with the aim of reducing
casualties by spalling any incoming small grade projectiles.

3. Military and Conflict Miscellany [0.1 Budget Spent]

In order to increase the effectiveness of Sordland’s Armed Forces, several steps will be made to
further improve the capability of our troops’ methodology and operational status. Additionally,
some domestic, civilian matters must be updated to reflect the current state of war as well.
3a. Hiring of Foreign Experts For Military Academies
The hundred of officer academies created in the SMMA bill are to be staffed with both the
existing domestic instructors as well as any foreign instructors, maintaining a very high
competency level with a proven track record. To this end, a sign-on bonus of five thousand
Sordish Ren will be offered to any experts who fit the aforementioned criteria to assist in the
training of the Sordish Officer Corps.
3b. Industrial Security Campaign
A series of industrial security propaganda posters will be made and required to be hung up in
any and all industries currently supplying the SAF and all associated entities. These are meant to
discourage information and access breaches within our critical industries. Additionally, security
meetings are to take place, stressing the necessity of being tight-lipped in matters of
information. Those individuals working in such industries will receive a 5% yearly pay increase if
they are employed in an SOE in exchange for their assistance in keeping domestic matters
secure. Private companies involved in aforementioned industries will also be given a stipend of
a commiserate amount to provide an additional incentive for security matters. Any and all
individuals found to be in breach of these security measures will be subject to arrest for the
duration of the conflict.
3c. Military Code of Conduct Update
In order to be more in line with Alliance of Nations charters on war crimes, any and all
applicable actions by any of our ground infantry that are in violation of AN charters will be
subject to punitive actions ranging from the docking of pay up to and including arrest. To this
end, a corps of auditors will be commissioned and deployed by the Ministry of Defense to
observe infantry actions and ensure no such offenses occur.
3d. Battalion Chaplains
Dastrunist and Wruhecist priests will be admitted into Sordish divisions to administer final rites,
bless troops, and increase overall morale of the SAF, as well as take confessions and administer
absolution. By having men of the cloth administer to our troops, we can allay their fears and
ensure more honorable and righteous action to be undertaken.
3e. Grenade Procurement
A purchase order will be made to Jorvatia for the acquiring of fifty thousand anti-infantry
grenades, and double that amount if that many are available.

4. Memorial Honoring Victims of Tyranny

A memorial wall will be commissioned and erected in the plaza Capitol Park of Holsord, listing
all victims of former president Anton Rayne's reign of terror, their age, and their profession. An
official tally and accounting will be taken to ensure the accuracy of the memorial which will
include the names of assemblymen, journalists, political opponents, protestors and all others
who fell victim to tyranny. The wall will rest at the feet of a statue of Artor Wisci carrying aloft
the Sordish Constitution in one hand, and the Sordish flag billowing in the wind in the other
symbolizing the values upon which the republic was founded.

5. Expansion of Armed Forces Benefits [0.2 Budget Spent]

The Sordish Armed forces bear a great burden of responsibility in keeping the Sordish people
and national integrity intact. As such, the burden of ensuring a safe, comfortable, and decent
life of our active-duty and veteran soldiers should rest upon our shoulders. As such, the
following additions to Armed Forces benefits will be made.
5a. Combat Pay Initiative [0.1 Budget Spent]
All members of the Sordish Armed Forces are henceforth to be given, in exchange for their
service in areas defined as combat zones, a 10% increase in their monthly pay to be
apportioned into the same place their existing pay is meant to go, whether it be a bank
account, their spouse, their family et cetera.
5b. Meritorious Service Award [0.1 Budget Spent]
At the end of a soldier’s service, if they were found to have served honorably, with no
complaint lodged against them and having been accused of nothing Sordland or the Alliance of
Nations would have considered as a war crime, a crime against humanity, or any crime in
general, they are to be presented with the Meritorious Service Award signifying their status as
an upright, honorable, and moral person. In addition to the award, they will be given a cashout
bonus of 5% of their yearly pay based on their rate of pay in their final year of service.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 07/05/2021
“Defense of Domestic Life and Stability Act” (DDLSA) by Representatives Rusvolt and
Ozymandias. [0.6 Budget Spent, 0.4 Welfare Spending, 0.2 Justice Spending, 1 Low Income Tax
Reduction, 1 Middle Income Tax Reduction, 0.5 Upper Income Tax Reduction, 0.4 Business Tax
Reduction, 0.4 Corporate Tax Reduction]
As the war rages, domestic life has been thrown into turmoil. In order to help relieve the civilian
front, the DDLSA will seek to bring relief to domestic life in numerous ways. Help to raise
people out of poverty, and bring stability to home life and the home front. Civilian morale will
be necessary to winning the war, if we are to succeed, we must defend our civilians and
promote a stable way of living in the long term.

1. Criminalizing Domestic Violence

Stability on the domestic front means stability within families. As a result of the legalization of
domestic violence by President Rayne, the rate of abuse and death toll for women in Sordland
has exponentially increased. Spousal abuse and the family disruption it causes is morally
abhorrent and requires regulation. Therefore, the legislative must take collective action in
ensuring the equality and safety of women within a marital relationship or partnership, through
the illegalization of assault of one spouse against another.

2. Department of Social Services [0.4 Welfare Spending]

The Department of Social Services will be established under the authority of the Ministry of
Health, Social Affairs and Labor, responsible for national programs that assist in the delivery of a
strong and fair society for all Sordish citizens. The department will assist in the development
and implementation of social policy, through providing financial assistance and services for low-
income families, pre-school and educational services for low-income families, community
initiatives, prevention of child abuse and domestic violence, substance abuse treatment and
prevention, social services for retired Sords, services for disabled Sords, the provision of careers
and assistance in finding employment, child support, and minor rights enforcement. The
Director Department of Social Services will be confirmed through appointment by the Minister
of Health.
2a. Office of Child Protection and Families (OCPF)
The Office of Child Protection and Families will be established as a sub-department of the
Department of Social Services, tasked with undertaking the prevention of domestic and child
abuse. The OCPF will be headed by a President nominated by the Department of Social Services
and confirmed by the Minister of Health, Social Affairs and Labor. Officers of the OCPF will
frequently engage with their designated community and undertake training in capacities as law
enforcement officials and social workers, in their protection of families and detainment of

3. Veteran Facilities [0.2 Budget Spent]

Veteran care is essential, and many facilities require stronger funding for medical care, mainly
to hire more staff for underfunded regions. Our veterans must be taken care of, as many
families have veterans in them, and if we are to truly provide for the people, we must also
provide for our veterans. Funding will be provided for extra medical equipment, food, staffing
and transportation in the event veterans and their families need to be evacuated to other
regions of the country. Veterans care facilities in the east will be given funds to prepare them to
house more people than they currently do, as families and veterans move east because of the

4. Tarquin Soll Memorial

The Founder of our Republic, Tarquin Soll, was murdered by Rummish agents at the beginning
of the war. The Sordish people have mourned in different ways, but the government of
Sordland should take it upon itself to honor the Founder of our Republic. A grand statue
dedicated to Tarquin Soll will be placed in Holsord in honor of the late Tarquin Soll, alongside
the Hill of Pride.

5. Increased Justice Funding [0.2 Justice Spending, 0.3 Budget Spent]

In order to properly staff our court system, help decrease the court backlog, and allow for the
ability to process more cases, funding to the Ministry of Justice and our courts will be increased.
As cases are likely to increase with new laws and clauses allowing for the prosecution of crimes
that were previously untouched, the courts will need to be running properly in order to
maintain a stable home front. The Grand National Assembly will work with the Minister of
Justice to establish the requisite funding amount, and the areas that most require funds and
manpower in our justice system. If our domestic capabilities to enact justice fall to the wayside,
our government can become compromised in the midst of war.
5a. Justice Department Salary Increases [0.1 Justice Spending]
Many of our Justice and Court employees are paid very little and live below the poverty line.
This encourages corruption and prevents an efficient justice system from forming. In order to
prevent this from occurring, salary increases will be placed into effect, placing a minimum wage
of four hourly Sordish Ren. Those that are not affected by the increase will instead receive a
half a Sordish Ren hourly salary increase. Current Ministry of Justice employees will be screened
for tax evasion and bribery, and any found guilty must pay back what was taken.
5b. Increased Staffing [0.1 Justice Spending]
Hiring more staffers will allow for more court cases to be processed, including corruption cases
and domestic abuse cases. This will help our Justice system stabilize, especially during an
unstable time. Our justice system is badly in need of reform, these measures would be a stop
gap while other reforms can be pursued after the war.
5c. Court Construction [0.3 Budget Spent]
Court buildings are in short supply. In order to expand the capacity in which the Ministry of
Justice can conduct its business, new court buildings and Ministry of Justice installations will be
constructed. This will help the Ministry of Justice process cases faster and improve the speed of
our justice system.

6. Emergency Alcohol Provisions

In order to increase the morale of civilians currently living as refugees, getting needs from food
shelters or hosting refugee families, provisions of alcohol will be distributed. This will help boost
morale and allow Sords to enjoy a proud Sordish tradition at the same time. Sordish vineyards
and distilleries will be compensated and these rations will be sent to those registered as
refugees, families a part of the good neighbor program, and to food banks across Sordland.
Alcohol distributors must make safe and reputable products and must be in line with Sordish
health codes.

7. Luxury Items for the Armed Forces

As with the civilians in need, our armed forces will similarly be given alcohol rations, cigarettes,
and cigars for the soldiers to relax during the war. This is not an invitation for inefficiency,
dereliction of duty is still an offense that is prosecutable. This would include excessive drinking
and undermining the capacity of the Sordish Armed Forces. These rations are meant to increase
soldier’s morale and help the war effort.
7a. Military Mailing System
Mail being sent between families and soldiers will be given increased funding and staffing so
that our soldiers on the frontlines may communicate with their loved ones more efficiently.
These letters will also be delivered by secure courier and will be screened for Sordish Armed
Forces secrets so that mail does not include sensitive military information such as troop
movements, locations or plans.

8. Support for Sordish Humanitarian Groups [0.1 Budget Spent]

Sordish humanitarian groups operating to ease the pain of civilian pain will receive subsidies
from the Sordish government, in order to expand operations and provide more support to
those fleeing and currently residing in war torn territories. The Ministry of the Interior will
identify these groups and provide funds. Humanitarian groups may request funding and specific
areas that require additional funding for their operations, and will receive funds with the
Ministry of Interior’s approval.

9. Tax Cuts [1 Low Income Tax Reduction, 1 Middle Income Tax Reduction, 0.5 Upper Income
Tax Reduction, 0.4 Business Tax Reduction, 0.4 Corporate Tax Reduction]
The War has adversely affected the finances of many of our citizens. In order to ease the
burden on our citizens and companies, both the lower, medium and upper classes and the
small, medium and big businesses will receive a 1% tax cut. This should help alleviate some of
the burdens of war on our people and businesses so that they may weather the economic
impacts of wartime more effectively.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 07/12/2021
“Prison Modernization and Reform Act” (PMRA) by Representatives Rusvolt, Carter, and Von-
Char. [0.7 Budget Spent, 0.1 Interior Spending]
The current state of our prisons is brutal and archaic, the treatment of prisoners is barbaric, and
our staff is demoralized and unqualified. In order to change the state of Sordish prisons, an
immediate and strong reform is needed to boost the capacity and capability of our vital justice

1. Prison Conditions [0.5 Budget Spent]

The current conditions of our prisons are close to medieval. The treatment of prisoners goes
against multiple codes of the Alliance of Nations, and violates the human rights of many of our
prisoners. In order to bring our code up to standard with the modern world, the prisons will
reform the treatment of prisoners by removing harsh and extreme beatings and floggings of
prisoners, while also granting basic rights such as clothing, three meals a day, and showers for
the prisoners. Prisoners are not to be denied basic living conditions within prisons.
1a. Prison Cell Conditions
Prison cells will be renovated and cleaned to create sanitary conditions for each prison to live
in. Fresh beds and running water are to be provided to every prisoner to ensure the safety of
them and the guards, by protecting against unsanitary conditions and possible disease
1b. Prison Infrastructure and Repairs
The state of prisons will be inspected and reviewed by the Sordish State Corporation. After
finding prisons that need repairs the most, work will be done by both the Sordish State
Corporation and Taurus Holding to repair the infrastructure of these, the cells and the
amenities, such as running water.
1c. Solitary Confinement and Torture
To keep in line with our Prisoner of War policy, solitary confinement will be removed as
punishment for prisoners with one exception. Extremely violent and at risk prisoners may be
placed in solitary confinement for no more than forty eight hours, and during that time may not
be denied food or water. Torture will be banned as a method of interrogation for Sordish
prisons and for national agencies as a whole.
1d. Nourishment Regime
Prisoners' meals will be provided at breakfast right after the prisoners awaken for roll call at
seven hours, and then any day labor will be stopped at thirteen hours so that the prisoners may
eat lunch. Afterwards, dinner will be served at nineteen hours. All prisoner meals are required
to be varied and nutritious, as to not malnourish them. Additionally, war time prisoners must
meet all rationing standards, but will also be first up to have rations lowered if needed.
1e. Recreation Facilities
In accordance with guidance from the Alliance of Nations, Taurus Holding will look into cost-
effective measures to add recreational facilities to existing Sordish prisons, while also
constructing new facilities onto the new prisons yards to ensure that each prison and prisoner
is treated equally and fairly.

2. Staffing Issues and Employment [0.1 Interior Spending, 0.1 Budget Spent]
Currently, our guards are underfunded, our prisons are understaffed, and there are many
allegations of corruption within our prison system. To improve the conditions of our guards we
will implement pay raises, improve retirement plans, and fight internal corruption. [0.1 Budget
2a. Pay Increases and Pension Plans [0.1 Interior Spending]
The pay for all guards in Sordish prisons will rise to five Sordish Ren an hour, to ensure that they
are making a meaningful amount of money to provide for themselves and their family. Guards
have a high risk job, and are doing Sordland a service by protecting our prisons. This pay raise
will also help attract more job applicants as we reform our institutions. Sordish prison guards
will also receive a two thousand Sordish Ren monthly pension after working for ten years. The
pension increases by five hundred Sordish Ren for every additional five years worked.
2b. Emergency Recruitment Program [0.1 Budget Spent]
Due to the lack of staff, emergency recruitment and training centers will be established across
Sordland in order to recruit and rapidly train for a new influx of guards, medical personnel, and
janitorial staff. Training will be rushed due to the dire need of staff. Two hundred emergency
Training Centers, with capacity for fifty guards in training each, will be established across the
entire country, but until the war ends, they will be focused only in the center and east of the
country. The goal is for newly recruited guards to be rushly trained and assigned to their prison.
Fifty Janitorial Recruitment Centers, housing fifty janitors in training first, will be established in
order to fill the need of Janitorial staff, under the same parameters, to recruit maintenance
staff and increase employment. Medical Personnel will be recruited by establishing a volunteer
program among medical schools and local hospitals.

3. Prison Healthcare and Infirmary Reform [0.1 Budget Spent]

Current prisons have a strong lack of healthcare goods and services. In order to rectify this, new
medical equipment will be purchased for prisons, and infirmaries cleaned and brought up to
modern standards for healthcare practice. Doctors who work at prisons will have their salaries
raised to six Sordish Ren per hour and have access to the additional pensions given to prison
3a. Emergency Care
Prisoners in dire conditions will be escorted to the nearest hospital for treatment, under the
supervision of guards to ensure the safety of the healthcare workers, who will be paid at a
twenty Sordish Ren premium. After recovery, the prisoner will be escorted back to the prison in
which they are staying.
3b. Infirmaries [0.1 Budget Spent]
All current infirmaries will undergo refurbishment and repairs, as well as have on staff medical
workers to assist with on site medical emergencies. A review of the infirmaries of our current
prisons will be conducted in conjunction with their repair so that we may address the problems
currently facing our prison’s health care system. If prisons lack infirmaries, then they will be
built and equipped with modern medical equipment. These infirmaries will be kept clean and
sanitized to create a healthy and safe environment for medical procedures. The healthcare
facilities will be used by both guards and prisoners, and guards may not deny prisoners access
to healthcare.
3d. Additional Medical Staff
Each prison with over a hundred inmates will hire a medical staff, led by a doctor, that will run
the infirmary and provide medical services to prisoners and guards. The medical staff will be
paid six Sordish Ren and hour and get access to pensions already established for prison guards.

4. Ban on Forced Labor and Work Programs

Non-violent prisoners will be allowed to do work for the Sordish minimum wage while in prison.
Local businesses may sponsor these programs to have selected prisoners come and work with
them under guard supervision. These prisoners must be imprisoned on non-violent charges and
selected to go by a specially formed subcommittee of the Prison Management and Review
Board. In accordance with the amendments suggested by the AN, this clause will only be
available to medium and small business, while additionally finally bringing an end to forced
prison labor in all Sordish prisons. Any and all prisoner labor must be done through the work

5. Prison Management Review Board

5a. Composition
A review board will be established to oversee Sordish prisons and the maintenance of their
quality and treatment of both guards and prisoners. The review board will be an independent
agency consisting of seven members of which lawyer backgrounds will be preferred.
5b. Duties
This board will conduct regular inspections of the prisons and will oversee the implementation
of the changes. The review board has the power to fine or recommend charges against
Wardens who fail to implement changes or disobey procedure. The organization will be under
the Ministry of the Interior and have positions appointed by the Grand National Assembly.
5c. Charges Review
Many of our prisoners have been in prison for a long time, and as time has gone on crimes have
changed, but their sentences have not. There will be a review, prison by prison, of those being
held under any crimes to ensure that none are in their for crimes that have been excused
already in the past.

6. New Prison Construction [0.3 Budget Spent]

Current prisons are severely overcrowded. To solve this issue, one hundred new prisons will be
constructed to house prisoners. Construction on these prisons will begin in central and eastern
Sordland, and after the war concludes construction will also start in West. The Sordish State
Corporation will be given the contract for this project, that will be built based on necessity first,
with the regions in the most necessity be given priority for construction. The prisons will be
equipped to hold a maximum of two hundred and fifty inmates.

7. Prison Guard Training

Currently, many of our prison guards and staff are not properly trained for the job and how to
deal with prisoners and crisis situations. A training course on proper behavior, guidelines and
crisis solving will be given to each new set of guards that become employees. Current guards
will undergo training and evaluation as well to ensure that our prison staff is properly trained to
handle the rigorous aspects of the job.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 07/20/2021
"Healthcare and Judicial Modernization Act" (HJMA) by Representatives Rusvolt and Carter. [0.7
Budget Spent, 0.2 Education Spending, 0.1 Interior Spending, 0.3 Health Spending]
The current state of our judicial and healthcare systems leaves much to be desired. Many of our
nurses, medics, and police are not paid a fair wage, and the systems as a whole has problems
and lack the resources necessary to be efficient. This bill will work to improve our medical
sector and judicial system to benefit all citizens of Sordland.

1. Care for our Workers [0.2 Education Spending, 0.1 Interior Spending, 0.1 Health Spending]
Many of our police officers, nurses, and medics are not paid a living wage, this is a strong
detriment to sectors that help our nation survive. This issue needs to be fixed as soon as
possible in order to maintain our people as safe and healthy as we are able to.
1a. Wage Increases
The minimum hourly wage for police officers will be raised to four Sordish Ren, all covered by
the state, but with the government also paying for an extra half a Sordish Ren per hour to the
municipalities that employ said officers. TARU officers will also receive the same salary bonus
and benefits, with their wage being raised to four and a half hourly SR. Nurses and teachers will
enjoy an increase to four and a half Sordish Ren an hour as well. Finally, doctors will have an
increase of their minimum to five SR. Furthermore, all employees of these types that have
salaries high enough so to not be affected by this increase will instead be given a one SR extra
per hour boost to their current wage. This will help keep highly qualified people in their
respective fields and work to strengthen our police and healthcare systems. Overtime will also
be maintained at twice the hourly wage, per hour of overtime. In addition, there will be a
general minimum wage increase to three and three tenths Sordish Ren for all workers in the
1b. Worker Protections for Unions
To protect the right to unionize, employers cannot fire employees because they have joined a
union. The right to unionize, join, and create unions will be protected. Unions are allowed to
sue businesses on behalf of workers who have been fired for joining a union. Businesses are not
allowed to interfere with union practices, intimidate workers who want to join, or discriminate
against members in a union.

2. National Endowment for Science [0.1 Budget Spent]

The Sordish government will create and sponsor a new scientific research laboratory that will
work to develop and perfect the latest scientific knowledge and medical practices. This will
involve testing out equipment, sharing ideas, and generating a body of scientific knowledge
that Sordland can use to better its system. The National Endowment for Science will work with
scientists from across the country, and involve both foreign advisors and private investment to
help spread the wealth of knowledge and its benefits.
2a. Private Investment in the NES
Private sponsors may invest money into projects for medical equipment and laboratory
research. Doing so will allow these investors to claim patents and sell these items for profit. If
the item is deemed essential by the Ministry of Health, they will get a percentage of the profits,
and use and production will be allowed on a wide scale.
2b. Foreign Advisors
Working with our allies, we can develop a strong and connected scientific community that
would benefit all involved as we develop the body of scientific knowledge. Working with the
Eastern Merkopan Union and the tripartite nations, the National Endowment for Science will
host scientific conventions, where the scientific community of our allied nations can work
together and develop stronger technology.
2c. Scientific Convention
The National Endowment for Science shall hold a biannual science convention, where scientists,
both domestic and foreign, can meet at an exhibit to display their latest scientific invention and
developments. Private investors, foreign advisors, and public officials are all invited to the
scientific convention. The NES shall facilitate proper channels for those interested in the
scientist’s projects on display and intend to sponsor or work with them further on their
2d. Government Interest [0.1 Budget Spent]
In case either the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Education found any of the shown
projects to be of significant importance for their respective objectives as a part of the
government, they will be allowed each ten million Sordish Ren yearly to buy the license and
fund further research in the respective subject.

3. The Sordish Fair Compensation Committee

In an effort to resolve many of the discrepancies that exist between employment in the private
sector as opposed to the Sordish state, the government will establish a new committee that is
designed to analyze and single out compensation inequalities in sectors that utilize both state
and private employees. These include but are not limited to the medical, educational, and
manufacturing sectors. This committee will be established and worked into the existing
hierarchy under the Fair Trade and Competition Committee. The Committee shall have ten
seats in total. Three from industry leaders in the previously described sectors, four being
composed of economists that are appointed by the Minister of Welfare and Labor, and finally
three members of the Grand National Assembly, to ensure that the representative members of
our government are fully aware of these issues.
3a. Quarterly Wage Reports
All private companies that work in the same field as government employees are required to
submit quarterly wage reporting to the committee for both full-time and part-time employees.
This will include demographic data such as ethnicity, gender and nationality, if the employee
decides to formally reveal these characteristics.
3b. Authority
The Sordish Fair Compensation Committee exists solely to analyze potential discrepancies that
could cause unrest or turnover in public sector positions, the SFCC does not have the ability or
right to otherwise fine or enforce its findings. It merely exists to provide data to the Minister of
Welfare and Labor for them to make decisions accordingly, and then communicate it to the
Grand National Assembly, if appropriate.
3c. Public Facilities Survey
The committee shall use its gathered data of public facilities and assess and rank those facilities
on a descending list of best performing to worst performing public facilities. The methodology
of assessment shall be based on comparing each hospital, school, or manufacturing site to
existing national set standards. Assessment results are to be handed to the respective

4. Healthcare Modernization [0.5 Budget Spent]

Many of our healthcare facilities are in need of upgraded medical equipment, especially in rural
areas. Resources will be allocated to buy and equip hospitals, clinics, and field hospitals with
more advanced medical equipment, medicine, and other provisions needed to bring Sordish
healthcare into the modern era. The Ministry of Health, Social Affairs, and Labour will be given
the task of determining the most important equipment and the places with the strongest need.

5. Advanced Medical School [0.1 Budget Spent]

Sordland desperately needs a medical school that can train and equip the next generation of
Sordish doctors. Plans will be developed to begin construction on three Advanced Medical
Schools after the war is over. This will allow time for a proper location to be selected, faculty to
be lined up from Sordland and abroad, and funding and equipment secured for the school.
5a. Board of Directors
The Ministry of Education, Technology and Research will select the eleven person board of
directors which will handle the choosing of the school’s location, the acquisition of private
funding, the hiring of employees, the election of a school President, and set up of governing
5b. Funding [0.1 Budget Spent]
The new Advanced Medical School will be partially funded by the state and partially funded by
private donors. Donations are allowed and private funding will comprise a third of the initial
funding before tuition, grants, and donations get up and running. Two thirds of the funding will
come from the government.

6. Expanded Medical Field Funding [0.2 Health Spending]

The state of other medical fields, such as eye care and dentistry, are low quality. In order to see
them revitalized and expanded, funding will be provided to them to ensure that our citizens are
getting a holistic health system that can address their needs as they arise. Our medical system
does not provide the standard needs for our citizens, by implementing these changes we can
begin to raise our citizens’ health and well being.
6a. Dentistry Funding
Dentistry equipment, funding for salary raises, and the establishment of cleaner and larger
buildings is needed to get Sordish dentistry to a place where it can provide a reliable and
consistent service for Sords. This necessities will be purchased and funded in order to bring
Sordish dentistry to the modern standard.
6b. Eye care Funding
Eye tests and eye doctors are not as prolific as necessary to have a reliable healthcare system.
The government will provide funding to boost salaries, purchase equipment and expand
facilities to allow for more Sords to have access to medical procedures and checkups.
6c. Government Subsidies
The government will subsidize half of the cost of these procedures for low income groups and a
third of the cost for middle income groups. Veterans and soldiers will have the total of their
costs subsidized by the government. This will allow the government to provide subsidies for
those who need it most and allow for all Sords to have reliable access to important treatments.

7. Political Prisoners
Previous laws instructing the release of political prisoners from Sordish prisons were so vague in
definition that many political prisoners remain incarcerated to this day. In order to rectify the
situation, political prisoners will be redefined to fully include the political prisoners left
incarcerated by the previous bill. Political crimes subject to review and pardon include
protesting, insulting or looking down at police officers, breaking segregation rules in unlawfully
segregated towns before 1953, and those charged with fake crimes used against political
dissidents. Those guilty of these fake crimes will be released after their charges are reviewed by
the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry is given a year to fully complete the review and pardon
those who were convicted of political crimes. If necessary, the Ministry of Justice may request
an extension to the review, pending approval by the Grand National Assembly.

8. Office of Civil Rights

The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) will be established under the Ministry of Justice in order to take
up legal cases and ensure the equality of all Sordish citizens, regardless of race, gender, religion
or ethnicity. This office will represent cases in which civil rights are being threatened. This will
include discrimination cases, freedom of speech cases, and other cases related to the civil rights
of Sordish citizens. The OCR will be provided with funding to get operations running and pay for
lawyers to take cases.The OCR will also be given the authority to manage the review and
release political prisoners by the Minister of Justice.

9. New Tax Bracket [0.1 High Upper Tax]

The current wealth gap in Sordland continues to expand, and the wealthy have become
wealthier while our poorest citizens suffer. In order to help combat the wealth gap and our
economy, a new tax bracket will be created for people making over 50 million yearly. All funds
over fifty million will be taxed at a 35% rate.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 08/02/2021
“Sordish Reconstruction and Recovery Act” (SRRA) by The People’s Freedom and Justice Party.
[6.8 Budget Spent, 0.6 State Corporation Spending]
With Sordland victorious in the war against Rumburg, we turn now to win the peace. We must
rebuild communities and reach out to our citizens who need the most help. This bill will begin
the process of lifting ourselves out of the tragedy of this war, help relocate families, reform
communities, rejuvenate businesses, and revitalize the land that was damaged.

1. Repatriation of Western Sordland [1.3 Budget Spent]

Sordland’s western regions were ravaged by war, and thus created a large influx of refugees to
many different regions of our country. Hundreds of thousands had to leave their homes and
lives behind. With the war over, we can begin the process of repatriating the lands that were
abandoned and start to revive our communities and local economies.
1a. Refugee Tax Cut [1 Budget Spent]
Those on the refugee registry of lower and middle class are entitled to a 10% tax cut for a six-
month period on their income tax. The more that the refugee families have to spend on their
own financial recovery, the stronger Sordland’s economy will become. This is meant to help
refugee families financially start up again as we rebuild their homes and economic status so
that we can begin to fight off the potential for mass poverty.
1b. Regional Business Tax Cut [0.3 Budget Spent]
The regions of Bergia, Nargis, and Agnland shall enjoy a small and medium business tax cut of
5%, to help local businesses rebuild as the west undergoes reconstruction. This tax cut will
affect previously existing small and medium businesses and also new startup businesses that
remain in the small and medium business classification threshold. This tax cut will expire after
six months.

2. Refugee Resettlement
The resettling of refugees will be a massive effort, and will require the coordination of our
government to ensure that people are returned to their homes. The entire resettlement
process will have an overlap of almost all of the ministries of our government. With that said, it
will be imperative to have an office established to coordinate the resettlement efforts, and for
an individual to be placed at the head to make sure the resettlement process is efficient.
2a. Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)
The Office of Refugee Resettlement will be created as a nexus for the different efforts that will
involve many of the ministries, including Justice, Interior, Agriculture, Health and Social Affairs,
and Education, with the goal of preventing inefficient bureaucracy resulting from
miscommunication. The Office of Refugee Resettlement will provide a hub for resettlement
efforts from each Ministry as they manage that and their day-to-day affairs. The Director of the
ORR will be appointed and approved by the Grand National Assembly.
2b. Resettlement Guidelines
The resettlement process can be chaotic if not regulated properly. In order to prevent chaos,
guidelines must be established to help the process go smoothly. Using the Refugee Registry
established in the Civilian Mobilization Act, the ORR will coordinate the return of refugees
based on location, rebuilding efforts, and schedule. Refugee resettlement will be a rolling
process that will advance faster as reconstruction efforts pick up. Refugees may not resettle to
towns they did not live in previously. If the town they are returning to is different from that of
the one listed in the registry, then they must go through the standard practice of buying a
house. Any disputes will be mediated by the Ministry of Justice.

3. Reconstruction of Sordland [2 Budget Spent]

Sordland’s western region has seen the horrors of war to the fullest extent. Many buildings,
homes, and communities have been shattered. The Sordish State Corporation and Taurus
Holding will be contracted to lead the reconstruction efforts, with one third of the companies’
capacity being directed to this effort. In addition, the regional corporations established in Nargis
and Agnland, as well as the Conservation Corps, will be mobilized to help with local
construction efforts and refurbishment of homes and infrastructure.
3a. Infrastructure Reconstruction [0.8 Budget Spent]
The roads, bridges, railways and general infrastructure have been torn apart by the invaders. In
order to restore them to their full capacity, work must be done to improve infrastructure. This
will help provide aid faster and allow the whole process of reconstruction to increase in
efficiency. The Sordish State Corporation and Taurus Holdings will prioritize the most damaged
infrastructure, and work from worst to best in terms of damage. City infrastructure and
economic infrastructure will also be prioritized.
3b. Reconstruction of Homes [0.5 Budget Spent]
The reconstruction effort for homes will be done in conjunction with the Sordish Housing
Authority. The SHA and construction teams will rebuild homes and modernize the standard of
living for as many citizens as possible during the reconstruction efforts. This will help rebuild
communities and improve the standard of living for those moving back to homes they were
forced to leave.
3c. Expanded Rural Electrification Efforts [0.1 Budget Spent]
The war cut short many of the efforts to provide electricity to our rural regions. With the war
over, the rural electrification efforts will be combined with reconstruction efforts. This will help
provide a higher standard of living to our rural citizens, and continue to expand our economic
growth and potential.
3d. Agricultural Reconstruction Efforts [0.4 Budget Spent]
Many farms and crops have been decimated in our rural regions. Loans and subsidies will be
given to the agricultural sector to help them rebuild their farms, replenish crops and livestock
and reconstruct their facilities. Our farmers are a core of our economic foundation, ensuring
the safety and success of our farming industry will ensure the success of Sordland in the future.
3e. Healthcare and Educational Reconstruction [0.2 Budget Spent]
As the reconstruction of essential services such as hospitals and schools begin, they shall also
receive funding for expanded medical equipment and school supplies to help modernize our
health and educational sectors while the reconstruction efforts are underway.
3e. End of Wartime Rationing
With the conclusion of the war, the rationing system in place will be phased out over the course
of a week and measures of rationing food, oil, and rubber will cease.

4. Economic Development [3.4 Budget Spent, 0.6 State Corporation Spending]

The economy of Sordland took a significant hit during the war, and this affects the average
citizen of Sordland the most. Everyone in Sordland was affected by the economic downturn,
and if we wish to ensure economic growth and potential will continue in the future, multiple
measures will be implemented to help the people and businesses that make up the backbone
of the Sordish economy.
4a. Minimum Wage Increase [0.6 State Corporation Spending]
Due to the high inflation rates caused by the war, the workers of Sordland have requested a
minimum wage increase to three and a three fifths Sordish ren per hour. The minimum wage
will be raised to meet with this demand, which will increase the purchasing power of our
average citizens and allow them to maintain the increased cost of living due to inflation.
4b. Business Subsidies [3 Budget Spent]
Our businesses have been forced to make cuts, fire workers and downsize in the face of the
war. In order to help the development of our business community, three billion Sordish Ren in
subsidies will be provided to our businesses. Two and a quarter billion will be given for small
and medium businesses and three quarters of a billion for large corporations. This government
expenditure will help build our economy and pay off for the lost economic growth and
recuperate the damage done during the war.
4c. Business Subsidy Distribution
Business Subsidies will be distributed based on need. All subsidy decisions can be subject to
review by the Grand National Assembly and the National Anti-Corruption Agency. Subsidies
should be dealt in a fair and equitable manner. They will be distributed by the Ministry of
Economy according to requests from business owners, based on the needs of the company and
losses taken during the economic crisis that precipitated during the war. Small businesses may
request up to forty thousand Sordish Ren, medium businesses up to two hundred thousand SR,
and large corporations up to seven hundred and fifty thousand SR. Businesses applying must
provide information on their company, including the date it was founded, management
personnel data, and financial data. If a subsidy decision violates regulations or was done with
corrupt intent, those responsible can be held accountable for it and the money must be
returned with five percent interest.
4d. Developing New Industries [0.2 Budget Spent]
New industries that are up and coming can help propel Sordland economically. Industries such
as electronics will help bring Sordland into a new era of growth and prosperity. Two hundred
million Sordish Ren in subsidies will be granted to developing electronic industries.
4e. Development of Agricultural Lands [0.2 Budget Spent]
One hundred million Sordish Ren in subsidies will be given directly to the Bergian Regional
Assembly to provide relief efforts to farms, towns, and cities in our agricultural center. Subsidy
distribution is subject to review by the Ministry of Economy and National Anti-Corruption
Authority. Subsidies deemed to be distributed with corrupt intent will result in charges, and the
repayment of the subsidy with five percent interest. In addition, the Sordish government will
buy Rummish farming equipment at a twenty percent discount and sell it at a fifty percent
discount, in order to make the farming equipment and livestock purchases more affordable for
farmers. A total of half a billion Sordish Ren will be bought in livestock and equipment from the
Holy Rumburgian Empire.

5. Emergency Housing Conversion [0.1 Budget Spent]

Housing was erected for refugees as many poured into different regions of Sordland. While this
housing was temporary, with the proper investments these houses can be converted into
homeless shelters and subsidized housing for the homeless. Investment will be put into the
temporary housing constructed to allow for homeless citizens to occupy them. This will help
combat homelessness and poverty by converting a previous investment into a new opportunity.

6. Honoring the Soldiers and Fallen of War

Those who have defended our borders and won the war are the ones who deserve our
sincerest thanks. The government of Sordland will honor them in many ways, but we know that
what matters most is being able to provide for their families.
6a. Memorials to the Fallen
The Sordish government will provide funding to regions and municipalities to construct
memorials to the men and women lost during this war. Special sections will be set aside for
those who have served, but all who died during the conflict will be honored. Families who lost
loved ones may submit the names of those that died so that they may be honored on the
memorials across the country. The government will also construct a national monument in
Holsord to honor those who fought and died for our nation in its hour of greatest need.
6b. Honoring the Dead
With a staggering rate of deaths, it is hard for many communities, local morgues and
graveyards to take in the number of dead coming through their doors. Funds will be
appropriated to expand graveyards, morgues and cremation centers so that all who wish to
honor their dead may do so in safe and respectful manners.
Naro (GM-Speaker) — 08/05/2021
"Civil Rights Act of 1957" (CRA) by Representatives Rusvolt, Dorvena and Carter.
Sordland is at a turning point. We can either choose to return to a darker era of discrimination,
harassment and turmoil, or move into the next era united as a people regardless of ethnicity or
race. The scourge of racism and discrimination have made it back to the forefront of politics,
and with segregation on the rise, it is time to do as President Soll once did and outlaw it

1. Outlawing Segregation
The practice of segregation will be outlawed on the municipal level. Segregation is the
discriminatory practice of separating services based on race and ethnicity. Cities that have
currently segregated must desegregate, and no cities may implement segregation further.
Municipalities that disobey will be given a week to change their practices and handed a fine
between thirty thousand to one hundred thousand Sordish Ren, depending on the assessment
of the violations and the severity of them. After the week expires, the Ministry of Justice is
authorized to bring criminal charges against the implementing municipal administration. Cities
currently implementing segregation policies will be given an initial month to come within
compliance before penalties are administered.

2. Expansion of the Office of Civil Rights

The Office of Civil Rights was established to protect the civil rights and liberties of citizens of
Sordland. This office will receive additional funding, to expand its staff, pay and operations. The
office is also to be granted the oversight authority for the removal of segregationist practices
from municipalities that have implemented them.
2a. Office of Civil Rights Mandate
The Office of Civil Rights is to have the following mandate: provide legal counsel and
representation to the government of Sordland and the people of Sordland on the matters of
civil rights. This includes cases of discrimination by municipalities, companies and other
organizations. It also includes the protection and representation of cases having to do with the
violation of religious rights, rights to freedom of speech, and rights to freedom of assembly.
2b. Minority Rights Commission
The Minority Rights Commission will be established under the Ministry of Justice to support
equity measures for minorities across Sordland. The Commission can give recommendations on
policy and advocate for measures to improve equality among all citizens of Sordland.

3. Protections for Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly

The right to free speech and free assembly is something Sordland idealizes, and yet does not
always live up the standard it sets for itself. The right to freedom of speech will be guaranteed
by Sordish law. Discrimination based on political views will henceforth be illegal. Exceptions to
freedom of speech protections are content and speeches that incite violence and can endanger
the citizens of Sordland. In addition, the right to peaceful protest will be a protected right of
Sordish citizens. The police may not arrest or fire upon peaceful protestors. Should an incident
occur, a court case may determine who initiated potential violence. Police officers found guilty
of inciting violence on peaceful protestors can be fined up to one thousand Sordish Ren.
3a. Aschraf Anniversary
Within the region of Bergia, the Aschraf Anniversary will become a protected holiday. This will
allow the people of Bergia to honor the incident and take the day to remember and reflect. This
holiday will exist within the region of Bergia, but other regions may adopt the holiday by a vote
in their regional assembly.

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