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TEM-986; No.

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Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and papillary

thyroid cancer: are they
immunologically linked?
Margret Ehlers and Matthias Schott
Division for Specific Endocrinology, Medical Faculty, University of Duesseldorf, Duesseldorf, Germany

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) is the most common auto- [5]. In fact, a relation between papillary thyroid cancer (PTC)
immune disease in humans frequently leading to hypo- and serum TSH levels has been shown. Treatment with L-
thyroidism. HT is characterized by a cellular immune thyroxine reduces TSH levels and decreases the occurrence of
response with lymphatic infiltration of the thyroid gland clinically detectable PTC [5].
by T and B cells, as well as by a humoral immune
response leading to specific antibody production. The Glossary
synchronous appearance of HT and papillary thyroid
Antigen-presenting cell (APC): displays antigens (peptide fragments) com-
cancer (PTC) indicates an immunological link between plexed with MHC molecules on their surfaces for T cell activation.
the two entities. Three different pathomechanisms may Autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT): an autoimmune thyroid disease. It is usually
be postulated, including preexisting autoimmunity lead- used as a synonym for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Graves’ disease, another
autoimmune thyroid disease leading to hyperthyroidism, is occasionally also
ing to malignancy due to inflammation, immunity to- classified as AIT.
wards preexisiting tumor cells leading to specific B7 homolog 1 (B7H1): also known as CD274, programmed cell death-1 (PD-1)
autoimmunity, and immune tolerance leading to malig- ligand. Binding to its receptor (PD-1, CD279), results in apoptosis of target cells
(e.g., immune cells).
nancy despite (auto)immunity. In this article we review Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL): usually expresses CD8 and recognizes peptides
data describing these potential mechanisms that might displayed by MHC molecules. Following, altered cells (infected host cells,
lead to the synchronous appearance of HT and PTC. cancer cells) are killed by CTLs.
Dendritic cell (DC): an antigen-presenting cell that induces adaptive immune
responses by activating naı̈ve T lymphocytes.
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and papillary thyroid cancer: Fas ligand (FasL): a member of the TNF family that upon binding to its receptor,
two immunological opposites? triggers apoptosis. It plays a role in the regulation of the immune system and
the progression of cancer.
The thyroid gland is affected by autoimmune attacks more Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT): one type of autoimmune thyroiditis. HT is
than any other organ, with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT, see characterized by thyroidal lymphatic infiltration leading to tissue destruction
Glossary) being the most common thyroidal autoimmune and frequently hypothyroidism.
High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1): a key chromatin protein. In the nucleus,
disease [1]. The annual incidence of HT worldwide is estimat- HMGB1 interacts with histones, nucleosomes, and transcription factors. In
ed to be 0.3–1.5 cases per 1000 persons [1,2]. The key factor in necrotic cells it is released passively and behaves as a trigger of inflammation.
the pathogenesis of HT is the breakdown of immune tolerance Histocompatibility antigen, class I, G (HLA-G): a non-classical HLA class I
molecule that exerts an overall negative immune function by inhibiting the
towards the thyroid gland. Following an initial stimulus, such activity of NK cells, CTLs, and APCs.
as environmental factors including iodine intake, among Immunosubversion and immunoediting: immunosubversion is a mechanism
others (reviewed in [3]), formerly thyroid-tolerant immune by which the tumor is not recognized as being immunologically conspicuous;
immunoediting is initiated by immunosurveillance, a mechanism by which
cells become activated and lose their thyroid tolerance. As a resistant tumor cells are selected potentially due to T cell tolerance.
consequence, leukocytes infiltrate the tissue thus promoting Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule: a membrane protein that
displays peptides for recognition by T lymphocytes. MHC class I molecules are
the development of an autoimmune response [4]. In fact, HT is
recognized by CD8+ T cells and MHC class II molecules by CD4+ T cells.
defined as a destructive tissue-specific autoimmune disease Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC): a common (75–85% of all thyroid cancer
with detectable anti-thyroglobulin (Tg) and anti-thyroid per- cases) well-differentiated thyroid cancer. It originates from epithelial cells and
is mainly characterized by slow growth and lymphatic spread with rarely
oxidase (TPO) antibodies. As a result, HT frequently leads to occurring distant metastasis.
hypothyroidism, which is characterized by a deficit of thyroid Papillary thyroid microcarcinomas (PTMC): a subset of PTC that is less than
hormones [triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4)] and 10 mm in diameter.
Regulatory T cell (Treg): a subpopulation of T cells that modulate the immune
elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. The ele- system. Tregs maintain tolerance to self-antigens and can help abolish
vated TSH might potentially increase the risk of thyroid autoimmune disease.
cancer owing to TSH-induced proliferation of thyroid cells T helper 1 (Th1): a type of T cell that plays an important role in the adaptive
immune system. Th1 cells release cytokines that activate other immune cells.
Thyroglobulin (Tg): the most-abundant protein of the thyroid gland. Tg is
Corresponding authors: Ehlers, M. (; Schott, M. composed of two polypeptide chains that give rise to triiodothyronine (T3) and
( thyroxine (T4).
Keywords: thyroid gland; Hashimoto’s thyroiditis; papillary thyroid carcinoma; Thyroid peroxidase (TPO): the major enzyme involved in thyroid hormone
cellular immunity. synthesis. It assists the chemical reaction that adds iodine to Tg for the
production of T4 or T3.
1043-2760/ Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH): a hormone secreted by the pituitary
ß 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. gland. TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to produce T4 and T3.

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Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism xxx xxxx, Vol. xxx, No. x

In fact, the thyroid gland is affected by one of the most Both TPO and Tg also seem to represent target antigens
common endocrine tumors such as differentiated thyroid for autoreactive T cells because T cells recognizing these
cancer, with PTC being the most common. Differentiated molecules have been found in sera and thyroid infiltrates of
thyroid cancer comprises 90% of all cases of thyroid carci- HT patients [20]. Recent evidence indicates a balanced
noma, is generally indolent, and shows an excellent prog- TPO- and Tg-specific cellular immune response in HT
nosis (10 year survival of more than 90%) unless it is [20]. The cells were also able to lyse TPO- and Tg-epi-
metastasized and is not treatable with radioactive iodine tope-presenting target cells [20]. Furthermore, in thyroid-
therapy or surgery [6]. The incidence of differentiated itis mouse models, TPO and Tg represented the targets for
thyroid cancer has been increasing over the past 30 years the immune reaction towards the thyroid, including direct
from 3.6/100000 persons in 1973 to 12.2/100000 persons in cellular toxicity by CD8+ T cells and a humoral immune
2010 [7]. The reason for this increase is likely multifacto- response by production of specific antibodies [21,22].
rial and not entirely understood. One explanation is the
increase of coincidentally identified microcarcinomas ow- Cellular immune response
ing to more sensitive diagnostic procedures. The etiology of HT is yet unknown. Certainly, intrathyr-
An association between HT and PTC has been a topic of oidal accumulation of leukocytes and the secretion of cyto-
discussion for a considerable time because contradictory kines and chemokines that commonly belong to the T
data have been obtained [8–12]. PTC commonly develops helper 1 (Th1) immune response are consistently observed
in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis [5,13,14], raising [23,24] (Figure 1). This process is believed to start with the
the question of how thyroid malignancies develop despite infiltration of antigen-presenting cells (APC), for example
immune responses. Or, does autoimmune thyroiditis de- dendritic cells (DCs). Already in 1988 Kabel et al. described
velop because of an antitumor immune response? In this a higher number of DCs in the thyroid of HT patients
article we review the current research advances in our versus healthy thyroid tissue [25]. In addition, these DCs
understanding of cellular and humoral immune mecha- were often seen in contact with intrathyroidal lympho-
nisms of HT, with a particular emphasis on the immuno- cytes, probably leading to their stimulation.
logical correlation between autoimmune diseases and Th17 cells, a proinflammatory cell type that is charac-
thyroid cancer. terized by the secretion of interleukin 17 (IL-17), seem to
participate in the context of cell mediated cytotoxicity in
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis murine and human HT because a higher frequency of IL-
Target antigens 17-positive T cells was found in HT [26].
The idea of specific thyroid molecules that are recognized In addition, regulatory T (Treg) cells that are important
by autoimmune cells has been known for decades. In 1995, for the peripheral homeostatic immune suppression might
Sugihara and colleagues described thyroid epithelial cell play a role in the pathology of HT. In fact, in autoimmune
reactive CD8 T cells in autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT) thyroiditis mouse models, thyroiditis was induced after
patients, and delivered a proof of MHC-I restricted T cell overcoming the immunoregulatory effect of Treg cells
activation [15]. Regarding the specificity of these cells, TPO [27]. In humans, HT patients and healthy controls show
and Tg have been described to represent the key autoanti- an equal frequency of Treg cells but, interestingly, HT-
gens. derived Treg cells seem to be partly dysfunctional: they
TPO is the major enzyme involved in thyroid hormone were less capable of inhibiting the proliferation of effector
synthesis. Together with dual oxidase-1 (DUOX-1), T cells compared to controls, possibly explaining their
caveolin-1, and other proteins, it forms the thyroxisome, contribution to autoimmunity [28].
a multiprotein complex that is required for thyroid hor- A further imbalance in the amount of chemokines and
mone synthesis on the apical surface of the thyrocyte cytokines favoring the proinflammatory fraction [e.g., in-
[16]. Anti-TPO antibodies are high-affinity IgG-class terferon-g (IFN-g) in first line, IFN-a, tumor necrosis
antibodies with two immunodominant regions that are factor-alpha (TNF-a)] was found in thyroid tissue samples
recognized by sera from about 74% of HT patients and the peripheral blood of HT patients, with some leading
[17]. Immunity to TPO in humans does not appear to to thyroid tissue damage, thus directly accelerating the
develop in response to TPO released from damaged cells: ongoing inflammatory condition [24,29–34]. In line, lower
thyrocytes seem to present TPO epitopes, acting thereby amounts of the anti-inflammatory tumor growth factor-b1
as antigen-presenting cells for the induction of anti-TPO (TGF-b1) are described to contribute to disease progres-
antibodies as well as TPO-specific autoimmune T cells sion as a result of decreased immunosuppressive effect
[18]. [35].
Tg is the most abundant protein of the thyroid gland Remarkably, thyrocytes themselves (HT-derived or
giving rise to the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Tg is stored stimulated), as a source of cytokine and chemokines
in the thyroid follicules, leaks into the circulation, and is [36,37], are directly involved in the immunological process
exposed to the immune system. Existence of anti-Tg anti- as both target and immune influencing cells (Figure 1).
bodies is one of the clinical features for HT diagnosis that is
met in approximately 90% of HT patients. Anti-Tg anti- Humoral immune response
bodies are believed to reflect a more initial type of immune Humoral immunity in HT mainly consists of antibodies
response because HT patients with different thyroid func- recognizing TPO and Tg as specific antigens, as men-
tional status exhibit a different Tg epitope recognition tioned above (Figure 1). An age-depended increase of
pattern [19]. these antibodies has already been demonstrated in the
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Angen presentaon by leucocytes

(e.g., dendric cells) and

Regulatory TGF-β
CD4 T cell Dendric
IL-10 cell
Thyroid angens
IL-10 IL-10 IL-12
Th17 IL-21
Plasma Th1
cell immune response
CD4 Th2
CTL CTL helper T cell immune response
Th17 Th17
immune response
Thyrocytes CD4
cell helper T cell CD4
Cytotoxic helper T cell
CD8 T cell
TFN-γ Plasma B cell
IL-2 TNF-α (PBC)
T helper 17 cell
Inial destrucon of (Th17)
thyrocytes by auto- IL-4
reacve lymphocytes or
environmental factors
TRENDS in Endocrinology & Metabolism

Figure 1. Autoimmune response in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The immune response in autoimmune thyroiditis involves the participation of Th1, Th2, and Th17 immune
responses. Antigen-presenting cells and CD4+ T helper cells play a significant role in that phenomenon, leading to the activation of effector T cells: in response to thyroid-
specific antigens (e.g., TPO; Tg) CD8 + T cells are activated leading to the generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) that directly destroy thyroid cells on the one hand; on
the other hand, B cells might develop into plasma cells generating thyroid-restricted antibodies, followed by antibody or complement-restricted thyroid cell death. Th17
cells are also postulated to participate in the destruction process. Destroyed thyrocytes might increase the release of thyroid-specific antigens leading to the acceleration of
the immune process. Inhibition of regulatory T cells (Treg) as well as secretion of inflammatory molecules (CXCL8, CXCL10, IFNg) by the thyroid itself could further enhance
the autoimmune process (the main cytokines secreted by specific cells or within a specific immune response are indicated. Abbreviations: IFN-g, interferon-g; IL, interleukin;
TGF-b, tumor growth factor b; Th, T helper; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor-a).

past, indicating a high prevalence of HT in elderly example, obese strain chickens and non-obese diabetic
humans [38]. The National Health and Nutrition Exami- [NOD] H-2h4 mice [41,42]; (ii) induced AIT through the
nation Survey (NHANES) III revealed similar results and immunization with TPO and Tg or thyroid gland suspen-
indicated a significant correlation between overt hypo- sions [43,44]; (iii) xenograft transplantation of human
thyroidism and the presence of anti-TPO antibodies thyroid tissue or human peripheral blood mononuclear
[39]. This observation is in accordance with results from cells (PBMCs) [45]; and (iv) transgenic models [21]. Inves-
the Whickham Survey which in a 20 year follow-up tigating the immunologic mechanisms of thyroid autoim-
showed a higher risk for developing overt hypothyroidism munity in these animals several significant findings have
in females with normal TSH level but with the presence of been made. These include the important role of the genetic
anti-TPO antibodies [40]. background [46], the immunogenic effect of TPO and Tg
Of note, in defining the clinical parameters for HT [21,43], the kinetic of thyroidal infiltration [47], the par-
diagnosis, one has to keep in mind that 20% of subjects ticipation of cytokines and chemokines (e.g., TGFb, IFNg,
showing symptoms of HT (mild TSH elevation together IL-12) [42,47–49], the participation of thyroidal adhesion
with histologically proven leukocytic infiltration) have no molecules [50], and the interplay between immune cells
thyroid antibodies detectable (so-called seronegative (e.g., T cells, Treg cells, B cells) [51]. Furthermore, these
patients), indicating the pivotal role for the cellular im- animal models have offered additional basic insights, such
mune response that seems to occur before the humoral as the effect of T cells in autoimmunity and the important
immune response, at least in some cases. role of Treg cells in the regulation of immune cells
Animal models of AIT
Animal models of AIT have helped elucidate many of the Immunological link between autoimmunity and
molecular mechanisms underlying thyroid autoimmunity. malignancy
These models can principally be divided into four groups: As mentioned above, PTC is mainly characterized by a
(i) spontaneous development of AIT that is observed in, for rather slow growth and lymphatic spread with rarely
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occurring distant metastasis, leading to an overall excel- manipulating the phenotype of immune cells [56,57]. IL-4
lent prognosis (10 year survival of more than 90%) [6]. PTCs was shown to decrease the proliferation and impair the
show a low mortality of 1–2% at 20 years after diagnosis, in function of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells by downregulating
contrast to follicular thyroid cancer (10–20% at 20 years) CD127 expression [56].
[54]. These clinical features might be caused by the fre- Furthermore, the frequency of tumor-associated Treg
quent appearance of lymphatic infiltration into the tumor cells is described to increase with PTC aggressiveness
site. Whether these leukocytes are attracted by an anti- and lymph node metastasis [9,12,58]. This potential tu-
cancer immune response, or by a preexisting autoimmune mor-escape mechanism might be favored by PTC-derived
process (HT), or by both phenomena, remains unclear. At plasmacytoid DCs that possibly induce the differentiation
least, an immunological association between these two of naı̈ve CD4+ T cells into Treg cells [12]. Double-negative T
entities cannot be excluded because both disorders are cells might further contribute to tumor tolerance and
described to coexist [13,14] and show leukocytic infiltra- active avoidance of tumor immunity because they have
tion. As mentioned above, the pathologic process in HT is been described to exist within the leukocytic infiltration in
believed to start with infiltration of DCs followed by fur- thyroid cancer where they might regulate the proliferation
ther leucocytes, leading to the thyroid-specific immune and effector function of T cells [59].
response. In fact, DCs were also reported to exist in In addition, the frequency of cytotoxic and regulatory
PTC, isolated in the background and/or in association with natural killer (NK) cells seems to inversely correlate with
tumor cells [55], potentially facilitating a further immune PTC disease stage [58,60]. This observation might be a
cell infiltration. The impact of leukocytes on PTC tumor result of the ability of Treg cell to suppress NK cell effector
defense and tumor progression is still unclear. Naturally, functions (e.g., homeostatic proliferation, cytotoxicity) by
the health of an individual is defended by a process named selectively expressing membrane-bound TGF-b, which
cancer immunosurveillance in which cells of the immune downregulates NKG2D expression on NK cells in vitro
system detect and eliminate malignant cells. Several stud- and in vivo [61].
ies have been published describing cancer immunosurveil- As mentioned above, specific surface molecules might
lance in the context of the thyroid gland: the presence of contribute to tumor development and growth despite the
leukocyte infiltration with T cells, B cells, macrophages, and immune response. Expression of histocompatibility anti-
Th17 cells was related with a better prognosis in patients gen, class I, G (HLA-G), Fas ligand (FasL), and B7 homolog
with differentiated thyroid carcinoma [8]. In addition, the 1 (B7H1) was described to be associated with the aggres-
absence of key cells for immunostimulation, for example, siveness and unfavorable clinical presentation of PTC [62–
CD83-positive mature and activated DCs, in cancer nodules 64], and is known to be increased by tumor-microenviron-
of PTC patients might contribute to the pathogenesis of PTC ment factors such as indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, IFN-g,
and seems to correlate with poor prognosis [11]. TNF-a, and IL-1 [65–67].
By contrast, some publications discuss the opposite ef- Furthermore, an antigen-specific humoral immune re-
fect: a positive correlation between leukocyte infiltration sponse also seems to be of importance. Elevated anti-TPO
and tumor progression. Existence of tumor-associated T antibodies appear to protect against thyroid cancer in
cells and macrophages, plasmacytoid DCs, as well as Treg patients with HT [68]. This tumor-protecting feature of
cells in thyroid tumor sites and tumor-involved lymph nodes TPO might be explained by (i) complement-mediated cell
has been described to be associated with tumor progression death, that is anti-TPO antibody-dependent because anti-
and invasion, a higher risk for lymph node metastasis, and Tg antibodies do not fix complement [69], and (ii) anti-TPO
decreased cancer-related survival [9,10,12]. antibody-dependent cell toxicity due to the exclusive bind-
These facts lead to the question of whether thyroid ing of anti-TPO antibodies to their effector cells via Fc-g
malignancies develop despite, or due to, immune receptor I (CD64) that is known to be expressed on mono-
responses. Or, does an autoimmune thyroid disease devel- cytes [70]. By contrast, anti-Tg antibodies seem to repre-
op because of an existing antitumor immune response? sent a risk factor for PTC [71,72]. One reason for this effect
could be the fact that anti-Tg antibodies from PTC patients
Malignancy despite an (auto)immune response recognize different Tg epitopes than do anti-Tg antibodies
The immune system is able to discriminate between self from patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases (HT and
and non-self antigens, preventing immune reaction to self, Graves’ disease) and from PTC patients with associated
and approving recognition of and reaction to foreign sig- thyroiditis [73].
nals. Dysfunction of these mechanisms of central and
peripheral tolerance may result in autoimmunity or can- Malignancy due to autoimmunity
cer, respectively. Malignancy despite an immune response The relationship between cancer and inflammation is well
might occur because of immune tolerance or because of known from other disease mechanisms, for example Heli-
tumor immune-escape mechanisms. cobacter pylori-induced gastritis and gastric cancer. Be-
Several immune-escape mechanisms, correlating with cause HT and PTC commonly appear synchronously, the
PTC aggressiveness, are known for PTCs, including secre- concept of ‘inflammation-induced carcinoma’ has emerged
tion of specific immune-regulatory cytokines, changed fre- (Figure 3) [74]. Two interrelated pathways have been
quency of immune cells, and the expression of specific described to link both diseases: the intrinsic pathway
surface molecules (Figure 2). (oncogenic events, e.g., RET oncogene); and the extrinsic
Thyroid tumor cells are known to upregulate cytokines pathway (inflammatory condition: tumor-infiltrating in-
such as IL-4 and IL-10 to edit the immune response by flammatory cells) [75]. Here environmental factors, such
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HLA-G thyroid carcinoma
Tumor-derived Natural killer
plasmacytoid cell FasL
dendric cell
CD8 T cell

Naïve Regulatory
CD4 T cell CD4 T cell
Plasma B cell
Regulatory Thyroid (cancer)
CD4 T cell Regulatory angens
CD4 T cell
T helper 17 cell
IL-10 CD4 Dendric
helper T cell cell

Angen presentaon by
leucocytes (e.g., dendric cells)
TRENDS in Endocrinology & Metabolism

Figure 2. Malignancy despite an immune response. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTCs) are known to have the ability to escape the immune system. Enhanced levels of anti-
inflammatory cytokines (IL-4, IL-10) as well as the expression of several immune-regulatory molecules (HLA-G, B7H1, FasL) on tumor cells leads to the downregulation of
the immune process at several levels: antigen-presenting cells, CD4+ T helper cells, CD8+ T cells, and B cells have been described to be affected by immune-escape
mechanisms, resulting in a decreased immune response. In addition, inhibition of the cytolytic function of natural killer cells and increased presence of regulatory T cells
can amplify the escape mechanisms.

as hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, seem to be associated Furthermore, molecular targets and signaling pathways
with thyroid autoimmunity and malignancy. As shown by participating with apoptosis, increased proliferation rate,
Antonelli et al., HCV-infected patients show a high preva- and angiogenesis, as well as the duration of inflammation,
lence of autoimmune thyroiditis (characterized by TSH might represent important points [80]. Proinflammatory
levels, anti-Tg and anti-TPO antibodies, and hypothyroid- cytokines with growth factor activity (e.g., IL-17, IFN-g,
ism) as well as PTC (separate and synchronous appear- and TNF-a [81,82]) have been described in higher amounts
ance) [76]. Further studies supported the impact of HCV in HT patients, as mentioned above. Angiogenesis, an im-
infection on thyroid inflammation: HCV RNA has been portant point in tumor development, is also described to be
found in thyroid tissue from patients with chronic HCV enhanced by TNF-a, vascular endothelial growth factor
[77], HCV can infect human thyroid cells in vitro [78], and (VEGF), the macrophage attractants nitric oxide and high
HCV induces the production of the proinflammatory cyto- mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1), all of which are
kine IL-8 by thyrocytes [79]. found in thyroiditis and PTC patients [83–85]. In addition,
Investigating the extrinsic pathway, the localization of nitric oxide and HMGB1 are known to promote matrix
infiltrated lymphocytes seems to be important: tumor-in- remodeling, suppress immune responses, and inhibit indi-
filtrating lymphocytes need to be distinguished from ‘back- rectly cell cycle regulators, potentially increasing the risk of
ground’ thyroiditis. As recently shown, patients with PTC in the inflammatory scenario [86].
tumor-associated lymphocytes exhibited higher disease A further point is the participation of reactive oxygen
stage and increased incidence of invasion and lymph node species (ROS) in tumor development, molecules that are
metastasis compared to patients without lymphocytes, or known to induce DNA damage and promote the epithelial
with background thyroiditis [9]. Higher frequencies of Treg to mesenchymal transition [87]. One naturally existing
cells within the tumor and in tumor-involved lymph nodes thyroidal ROS candidate is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) that
were associated with more aggressive disease [9]. In addi- is essential for thyroid hormone formation. An imbalance
tion, tumor-associated macrophages seem also to be linked in the relation of un- and neutralized H2O2 towards un-
to advanced thyroid cancer [10], with their density being neutralized H2O2 during inflammation, and the mem-
positively associated with lymph node metastasis [10]. brane-permeable nature of H2O2, support a scenario of
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Immune response (Auto-)immune response

towards thyroid towards healthy
cancer thyroid

Thyroid Thyroid
angens angens

Angen Micro- Healthy Angen

presentaon carcinoma thyrocytes presentaon

reacvity ?

helper T cell helper T cell

Plasma CTL
CTL Plasma
cell Treg
Th17 Th17

TRENDS in Endocrinology & Metabolism

Figure 3. Cross-reactivity between thyroidal anticancer immunity and autoimmunity. Target-specific immunity taking place as an antitumor immune response to
inconspicuous papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (left side) might be misguided, potentially leading to immune cross-reactivity and to target-specific destruction of healthy
thyroid cells, resulting in the development of autoimmune thyroiditis (right side). Current data do not clarify whether autoimmune thyroiditis develops owing to a pure
autoimmune reaction or perhaps in consequence of lymphocyte infiltration in the course of an anticancer immune response. Furthermore, the development of thyroid
cancer may be facilitated by a preexisting autoimmune reaction (inflammation). This immune reaction potentially influences several crucial points that are known to play a
role in cancer: signaling pathways participating with apoptosis, increased proliferation rate of thyroid cells, and angiogenesis, as well as the duration of inflammation.
Abbreviations: CTL, cytotoxic CD8 T lymphocyte; Th17, T helper 17 cells.

ROS-dependent ‘inflammation-induced carcinoma’ in the In PTC, oncogenes that are responsible for cell neoplastic
thyroid [88,89]. transformation, such as RET/PTC and BRAFV600E, may
Of note, in line with the data presented here, the potentially elicit an inflammatory protumorigenic microen-
pathology of HT (destructive, clinically evident hypothy- vironment [90]. RET/PTC appears to be more represented in
roid form vs a less-destructive, nonclinically evident form) PTCs associated with autoimmunity, and BRAFV600E in
might play a role in differentiated thyroid cancer risk. patients with PTC alone [91]. PTC progression in RET/
Patients with less destructive HT (euthyroid, or not fully PTC oncoprotein-expressing patients might be maintained
hypothyroid) were described to show a higher risk for by the secretion of proinflammatory molecules (e.g., CXCL10,
differentiated thyroid cancer than were patients with a MCP-1) that influence immune responses, or the delivery of
clear destructive HT [68]. These observations provide fur- autocrine growth and survival factors for thyroid tumor cells
ther support for the hypothesis that the duration of inflam- [74]. These observations point to a crucial role of the onco-
mation could be the determining point. Patients with protein RET/PTC in the modulation of the autoimmune
prolonged exposure to inflammation (e.g., chronic inflam- response [74,91].
mation) might have a higher risk for cancer than patients
with recent onset of HT [68]. Autoimmunity due to antitumor immune response
In addition, genetic predisposition could also be responsi- Finally, a mechanism known as ‘tumor defense-induced
ble for ‘inflammation-induced carcinoma’ (intrinsic pathway). autoimmunity’ might play a role in the synchronous
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existence of PTC and HT. Autoimmunity due to therapeu- Box 1. Outstanding questions
tic modulation has been described for several immune  Do thyroid malignancies develop despite immune responses?
interventions in the field of tumor therapy. Both arms of  Does autoimmune thyroiditis develop because of an antitumor
immune response are involved: adoptive immunotherapy immune response?
as well as antibody therapy (reviewed in [92,93]). This  Does autoimmune thyroid disease develop because of an existing
mechanism has been proposed in the therapy-independent antitumor immune response?
 Thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin: do they represent target
and synchronous appearance of vitiligo, a condition that antigens for the immune response (humoral and cell mediated) in
results in loss of skin pigmentation, in melanoma patients, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis as well as in papillary thyroid cancer?
owing to the presence of target-specific cytotoxic T cells.
This has led to the conclusion that vitiligo may be a visible
effect of a spontaneous antitumoral immune response in
melanoma patients [94]. In fact, melanoma patients with increased amount of proinflammatory cells and cytokines,
vitiligo often have a better outcome than melanoma partly dysfunctional Treg cells, and a decreased level of
patients without vitiligo [95]. anti-inflammatory cytokines. Tg and TPO represent the
The mechanism of ‘tumor defense-induced autoimmu- main target antigens for cellular cytotoxic as well as
nity’ might also occur in the thyroid gland during autoim- humoral immune reactions, and are presented by APCs
mune disease (Figure 3). Genetic predisposition to thyroid and thyrocytes. The consequence of this immune dysfunc-
autoimmune disease could enhance autoimmunity during tion is target-specific thyroid destruction resulting in hy-
therapeutic induction of tumor immunity, as shown for pothyroidism.
thyroiditis-susceptible mice [96]. Recently, a meta-analy- By analogy to HT, TPO and Tg also seem to represent
sis by Lee et al. investigated the correlation between PTC the specific target antigens for the immune response in
and histologically proven HT [97]. HT was found in 17% of PTC (at least for the humoral part). This phenomenon
patients with PTC and was significantly associated with a indicates an immunological link between these opportu-
longer duration of recurrence-free survival. This observa- nistic diseases. Whether PTC develop despite (auto)immu-
tion is supported by a study in which immune cell infiltra- nity (tumor immune-escape mechanism), or due to a
tion was related to a better prognosis for patients with PTC target-specific immune response (inflammation, preexist-
[8], demonstrating an ongoing antitumor immune re- ing autoimmunity), or whether HT develops because of
sponse. cross-reacting antitumor immunity, is a matter of debate.
Furthermore, in about 20% of thyroid cancer patients, Determination of specific target antigens (epitopes) in both
anti-Tg antibodies can be found in the peripheral blood, diseases might help to further identify the immunological
with the incidence of both anti-Tg and anti-TPO antibodies link between PTC and HT (outstanding questions are
being approximately twofold higher in PTC patients com- listed in Box 1). The detailed understanding of the patho-
pared to the general population [98]. This clearly indicates genetic link between the two entities might also help to
a humoral immune response in PTC to target antigens that establish specific (immuno)therapies, such as immuniza-
were initially described for HT. Taking into account that tions/cell transfer therapies in PTC, as well as immune
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