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Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad

EE212L Electric Circuit Analysis-II (3rd Semester)

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad

Electronics Lab

Electric Circuit Analysis II

EXPERIMENT NO 07: Study of Poly-phase Circuits using Multisim

Electronics Workbench

Name of Student: ……………………………………………………..

Roll No.: ……………………………………………………………….

Class Section: …………………………………………………………

Date of Experiment: ………………………………………………….

Report submitted on: …………………………………………………

Marks obtained: …………………………………

Instructor’s Signature: …………………………..

Experiment No.07: Study of Poly-phase Circuits (using Multisim Electronics Workbench)

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE212L Electric Circuit Analysis-II (3rd Semester)

EXPERIMENT NO 07: Study of Poly-phase Circuits using Multisim

Electronics Workbench

1. Objectives

1. To predict current and voltage magnitudes in three phase circuits.

2. To use Three Watt-meter Method for measuring power dissipated across Y or ∆
connected loads.

2. Background Information

Three-phase is the type of power transmission system that has three signals with a special
phase relationship with respect to each other. There are three AC sinusoidal steady-state
signals with the same frequency and peak magnitudes but different phases, usually 120º apart.
The “phase” in three-phase indicates that the signals have different phases. The instantaneous
power is constant in a three-phase system. This becomes a tremendous advantage with large
motors and industry machinery. The transmission of electrical energy over a three-phase
system requires only three lines as compared to three single-phase systems, which require six

2.1 The Three-Phase Generator

The three-phase generator has three induction coils placed 120º apart on the stator, as shown
symbolically by Fig. 2.1. Since the three coils have equal number of turns, the voltages induced
across coil have the same peak value, shape, and frequency as shown in Fig. 2.2. At any instant
of time, the algebraic sum of the three phase voltages of a three-phase generator is zero.


 

120 

Fig. 2.1

Experiment No.07: Study of Poly-phase Circuits (using Multisim Electronics Workbench)

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE212L Electric Circuit Analysis-II (3rd Semester)

Fig. 2.2

2.2 The Y-Connected Generator

The generator shown in Fig.3 is referred to as a Y-connected three-phase generator. The

common point where one end of each coil is connected is called the neutral point. The
generator is connected to the load as shown in Fig.3. Such a system is said to be a Y-
connected, three-phase, four-wire generator. If the neutral is not connected, the system is a Y-
connected, three-phase, three-wire generator.


EL Neutral L
- O
+ + IL


Fig. 3

The three conductors connected from A, B, and C to the load are called lines. For the Y-
connected system, it should be obvious from Fig. 3 that the line current equals the phase
current for each phase, that is,


Where Φ is used to denote a phase quantity.

Experiment No.07: Study of Poly-phase Circuits (using Multisim Electronics Workbench)

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE212L Electric Circuit Analysis-II (3rd Semester)
The voltage from one line to another called as the line voltage. In words, the magnitude of the
line voltage of a Y-connected generator is √ 3 times the phase voltage:

V LY =√ 3V ΦY

2.3 The Y-Connected Generator with Y-Connected Load

Loads connected to three-phase supplies are of two types: the Y and the ∆. If a Y-connected
load is connected to a Y-connected generator, the system is symbolically represented by Y-Y.
The physical setup of such system is shown in Fig. 4.

+ a

EL +
Neutral Z1 VΦ1
- N- -
- + 2
VΦ -
+ + IL Z
3 Z2
C B V +
EL -
b c

Fig. 4

If the load is balanced, the neutral connection can be removed without affecting the circuit in
any manner; that is, if Z1 =Z 2=Z 3 then IN will be zero. The current passing through each phase
of the generator is the same as its corresponding line current, and for a Y-connected load is
equal to the current in the phase of the load to which it is attached;

I Φg=I L =I Φload

2.4 The Y-Connected Generator with ∆-Connected Load

There is no neutral connection for the Y-∆ system of the Fig. 5. Any variation in the impedance
of the phase that produces an unbalanced system will simply vary the line phase currents of the

Experiment No.07: Study of Poly-phase Circuits (using Multisim Electronics Workbench)

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE212L Electric Circuit Analysis-II (3rd Semester)
+ a

+ +
- N- VΦ
V Φ1
EL - Z3
- Z1

+ + IL


c b

Fig. 5

For a balanced load:

Z1 =Z 2=Z 3

The voltage across each phase of the loads is equal to the line voltage of the generator for a
balanced or an unbalanced load:

V Φ =E L

The relationship between the line currents and phase currents of a balanced ∆ load is,

I L =√ 3 I Φ

2.5 Power measurement using Three Watt-meter Method

The power delivered to a balanced or an unbalanced four-wire, Y-connected load can be found
by the three-wattmeter method. Each wattmeter measures the power delivered to each phase.
The potential coil of each wattmeter is connected parallel with the load, while the current coil
is in series with the load. The total average power of the system can be found by summing the
three wattmeter’s readings; that is,

PT =P1+ P 2+ P3

For balanced load the total power is then just three times anyone wattmeter reading.

PT =3 P 1

Average Power:

The average power delivered to each phase can be determined by using equation below.

PΦ =3 I 2Φ R Φ

Experiment No.07: Study of Poly-phase Circuits (using Multisim Electronics Workbench)

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE212L Electric Circuit Analysis-II (3rd Semester)
The total power delivered to balanced load is

PT =3 P Φ

Reactive Power:

The reactive power delivered to each phase (in Volt-Ampere) can be determined by using
equation below.

Q Φ =3 I 2Φ X Φ

The total power delivered to balanced load is

QT =3 QΦ

Apparent Power:

The apparent power delivered to each phase can be determined by using equation below.


The total power delivered to balanced load is

ST =3 S Φ

Power Factor:

F P= =cos θ(leading∨lagging)

Experiment No.07: Study of Poly-phase Circuits (using Multisim Electronics Workbench)

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE212L Electric Circuit Analysis-II (3rd Semester)
3. Simulation Work

3.1 Software Required

Multisim Electronics Workbench

3.2 The Y-Connected Generator with Y-Connected Load

1. Place three-phase Y type source from source components menu, consisting three live wires
(A, B, C) and one neutral wire (N).

2. Connect Y-configured balanced load network having 1-kΩ resistors with Y-generator
source as shown in Fig. 6.

I kΩ

I kΩ I kΩ


Fig. 6

3. Measure voltage across each load using AC voltmeter.

V AN =⋯ ⋯ ⋯

V BN =⋯ ⋯ ⋯

V CN =⋯ ⋯ ⋯

4. Measure voltage between lines using voltmeter, the line voltages across V AB , V BC ∧V CA will
be the same. The line voltages will be √ 3 times the load voltage i.e. E L =√3 V load if load is
balanced. Otherwise different voltage drops occur.

V AB=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

V BC =⋯ ⋯ ⋯

V CA =⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Experiment No.07: Study of Poly-phase Circuits (using Multisim Electronics Workbench)
Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE212L Electric Circuit Analysis-II (3rd Semester)
5. Measure current through each line-using AC ammeter, the line currents will be the same as
load current.

I Aa=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

I Bb=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

I Cc =⋯ ⋯ ⋯

6. Measure current through neutral line-using ammeter, the current flowing will be
approximately zero.
I N =⋯ ⋯ ⋯

7. Measure current through neutral line by increasing any load of the network.

I N =⋯ ⋯ ⋯

3.3 The Y-Connected Generator with ∆-Connected Load

1. Connect ∆-configured balanced load network having 1-kΩ resistors with Y-generator
source as shown in Fig. 7.

1 kΩ 1 kΩ

c b
1 kΩ

Fig. 7

2. Measure voltage across each load using voltmeter, the load voltages will be same as the
line voltage.
V ab=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

V bc =⋯ ⋯ ⋯

V ca =⋯ ⋯ ⋯

3. Measure voltage between lines using voltmeter, the line voltages across E AB, EBC, and EAC
will be the same.
E AB =⋯ ⋯ ⋯

Experiment No.07: Study of Poly-phase Circuits (using Multisim Electronics Workbench)

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE212L Electric Circuit Analysis-II (3rd Semester)
E BC =⋯ ⋯ ⋯

ECA =⋯ ⋯ ⋯

4. Measure load current through each load-using ammeter.

I ab=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

I bc=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

I ca=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

5. Measure line currents I A , I B , I C.

I A=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

I B=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

I C =⋯ ⋯ ⋯

3.4 Power measurement

1. Measure powers delivered to each phase in Y-connected balanced load network by using
three watt meters and note the values below.
P1=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

P2=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

P3=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

2. Calculate power delivered to each phase in Y-connected balanced load network by using
PΦ =V Φ I Φ and compare results you obtained in step 1 above in sec. 3.4

P1=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

P2=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

P3=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

3. Measure powers delivered to each phase in ∆-connected balanced load network by using
Three watt meters and note the values below.

P1=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

P2=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

P3=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

4. Calculate power delivered to each phase in ∆-connected balanced load network by using
PΦ =V Φ I Φand compare results you obtained in step 3 above in sec. 3.4.

Experiment No.07: Study of Poly-phase Circuits (using Multisim Electronics Workbench)

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE212L Electric Circuit Analysis-II (3rd Semester)

P1=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

P2=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

P3=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

5. Is the power delivered in Y and ∆-connected network is same or not?

4. Questions

1. The phase sequence of the Y-connected generator in Fig. 8 is ,

3 Ohm

120 V 60 Hz L1
V1 10mH

L2 L3
R2 10mH 10mH R1

3 Ohm 3 Ohm

Fig. 8

a) Find the phase angles.

θ1=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

θ2=⋯ ⋯ ⋯

θ3 =⋯ ⋯ ⋯

Experiment No.07: Study of Poly-phase Circuits (using Multisim Electronics Workbench)

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE212L Electric Circuit Analysis-II (3rd Semester)

b) Find the magnitudes of line voltages.

E L =√ 3 V Φ =⋯ ⋯

The voltage across each phase will be the same as line voltage.

c) Find line currents.

I Φ=

EΦ 1
I Φ1=
Z Φ1

EΦ 2
I Φ2=
Z Φ2

EΦ 3
I Φ3=
Z Φ3

d) Verify that, since the load is balanced, I N = zero.

I N =I Φ1 + I Φ 2+ I Φ 3

I N =⋯ ⋯

Experiment No.07: Study of Poly-phase Circuits (using Multisim Electronics Workbench)

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE212L Electric Circuit Analysis-II (3rd Semester)

Lab #07 Marks Details:

# Qualities & Criteria 0 < Poor <=40 40< Satisfactory <= 70 70 < Good <= 90 90< Excellent <=100
ER1 Task Completion No Tasks were completed/ Some tasks were Few tasks were left to All tasks completed in
minimal effort shown completed. Could not be completed. due time. All goals
justify the reasons for Provided acceptable achieved.
uncompleted tasks and justification for the
goals. uncompleted tasks and
ER2 Neat and Clean Components are wired but Most of the wires are Few but not all All components are
circuit didn’t ensure neatness and untidy with jumbled up components are wired wired in a neat, clean
constructions cleanliness at all /minimal connections in a neat, clean and and safe manner
effort shown safe manner
ER6 Troubleshooting Unable to identify the Able to identify the Able to identify the Is able to identify the
fault / minimal effort fault but unable to fault but partially fault and able to make
shown remove it removes it necessary steps and
actions to correct it
ER9 Results and Plots Unable to produce any Inaccurate plots and Correct plots without Good presentation of
plots or results /minimal results any necessary the correct plots with
efforts shown identifying features proper labels, captions
such as labels, captions & visibility
& visibility
RR1 Format/Layout & Follows poorly the Follows, for some part, Follows, for most part, Closely follows all the
Organization requirement related to all the requirements all the requirements requirements related to
format and layout. The related to format and related to format and format and layout.
report is disorganized to layout. The layout. The Written work is well
the extent that it prevents organization is unclear organization is organized and easy to
understanding of he generally good, but understand
content some parts seem out of

RR2 Content/Informati The report is not objective The report is objective The report is objective The report is objective
on based and addresses the based and for some part based and for most based and addresses
issues referred in the addresses the issues part addresses the the issues referred in
proposed topic poorly. referred in the proposed issues referred in the the proposed topic with
The provided information topic with an acceptable proposed topic with an in depth analysis and
& results is not coherent engineering/theoretical acceptable reasoning. The
rather irrelevant. Little analysis. The provided engineering/theoretical provided information
engineering/theoretical information & results analysis and reasoning. & results is necessary,
analysis is presented for some parts is The provided relevant and sufficient
necessary and sufficient information & results to discuss these issues.
to discuss these issues for most part is The details are easily
necessary and understood at peer
sufficient to discuss level.
these issues
TR1 Effort & Attitude Little or no evidence of Minimal effort if any. Completed all agreed Extraordinary effort
effort shown. Negative, Some interest shown in tasks; competent, but demonstrated.
absent minded, withdrawn the project not extraordinary. Exceptionally positive
Positive and /or and/ or constructive
constructive attitude attitude

Experiment No.07: Study of Poly-phase Circuits (using Multisim Electronics Workbench)

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE212L Electric Circuit Analysis-II (3rd Semester)

Lab #07: Marks distribution:


Task 20 Points 10 Points 10 Points 20 Points 20 Points 10 points 10 Points

Lab #07: Marks obtained:



Marks obtained: …………………………………

Instructor’s Signature: …………………………..

Experiment No.07: Study of Poly-phase Circuits (using Multisim Electronics Workbench)


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