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CU 6 Goals - broad statements of general and

long-term organizational purposes often
Law Enforcement Administration
used to define the role of the members of the
The process involved in ensuring strict organization.
compliance, proper obedience of laws and
– For the Police Organization,
related statutes. Focuses on the policing
the goals for instance is to:
process or how law enforcement agencies
are organized and managed in order to ■ Prevent crime
achieve the goals of law enforcement most
■ Maintain order or
effectively, efficiently and productively.
■ Help solve
Law – the system of rules that a country or
community problems.
community recognizes as regulating the
action of its members and may enforce by Objectives - are specific short-term
the imposition of penalties statements consistent with an organizations
Enforcement – means to compel obedience
to laws, regulations or command. Organization can be distinguished by their
degree of formality and structure:
Administration – an organizational process
concerned with the implementation of 1. Formal Organization-is defined as
objectives and plans and internal operating those organizations that are formally
efficiency. established for explicit purpose of
achieving certain goals. (Stable
- Connotes bureaucratic structure and
social institutions.)
behavior, relative routine decision-
making and maintenance of the 2. Informal Organization- are those
internal order. sharing the basic characteristic of all
organizations arise through the social
interactions of individuals or through
A social unit of people that is structured and family grouping.
managed to meet a need or to pursue
collective goals and objectives.
■ A group of trained personnel in the
It is the process of identifying and grouping
field of public safety administration
the work to be performed, defining and
engaged in the achievement of goals
delegating responsibility and authority, and
and objectives that promotes the
establishing relationships for the propose of
prevention and maintenance of
enabling people work effectively.
- Guides members in its operation of
■ Administration of Police
the assigned duties.
Organization - It is the systematic
- It enhances better administration of structure of management of a police
the department. organization. Focuses on:
– Ensuring quality of work ■ Often called as the “individual”,
being provided to the public “military” or “departmental type of
– Adherence to the department
rules, regulations and SOPs ■ The simplest and perhaps the oldest
– To do the duties and
responsibilities more ■ The channel of authority and
efficiently, effective, and responsibility extends in a DIRECT
productive. LINE from top to bottom.
Nature of Police Organization ■ Authority is definite and absolute.
■ The police department is truly a ■ Strength/Advantage: Utterly
complex bureaucracy. It is mostly a Simple
multi-level organization, organized
– The person in charge has
in the form of a pyramid with the
complete control and is held
top-level administrator being the
directly responsible or
chief of police.
accountable for results or
■ At the bottom level of the lack of them.
organization, one finds the patrolman
■ Weakness/Disadvantage:
or line officer.
– The patrol office or
Quick decisions can be made in the line
patrolman is the backbone
organization because of the direct lines of
of the police department.
■ The lowest level worker found in
Discipline is administered in this type of the
many, if not most, complex
organizations who usually performs
the routine, repetitive kind of work Responsibility for making decisions is well
necessary to keep the organization identified. Singleness of purpose is fostered.
Coordination of effort is relatively easy to
Types of Police Organizational Structures achieve because there is no functional
overlapping in between units, a prime cause
An organizational structure is a
of friction in any organization can be
mechanical means of depicting, by an
arrangement of symbols, the relationships
that exist between individuals, groups, and Functional Organization
functional relationships between groups and
individuals clearly defined to ensure ■ In its pure form is rarely found in
accountability and compliance. present day organization except at or
near the top of a very large
Line Organization organization
■ The straight line organization
■ It violates the prime rule that people so that service of knowledge
perform best when they have one can be provided to line
superior personnel by the specialist n
■ The functional responsibility of each ■ Weakness/Disadvantage:
functional manager is limited to the
– Failure to recognize the line
activity over which he has control,
and staff relationship can be
regardless of who performs the
the most frequent source of
friction and barrier to
■ Strength/Advantage: effective coordination
– Divides responsibility and All police function and activities can be
authority categorized as their line or staff.
■ Weakness/Disadvantage: Line functions - these are designed to meet
the basic police mission like patrol, traffic
– Coordination of effort
enforcement, or criminal investigation.
becomes difficult
Staff functions - those that exist to support
– Discipline is difficult to
line functions, either directly or indirectly
like planning and research unit
– Conflict may arise among
Line Function
functional administrators
■ Primary Line Function
Line and Staff Organization
– The primary line function is
■ Combination of the line and
police patrol; that is the patrol
functional types
activities of a police
■ It combines staff specialist such as organization are considered
the criminalists, the training officers, basic and the first priority.
the research and development
– The patrol division has the
specialists, etc. channels of
initial responsibility for crime
responsibility is to think and provide
prevention and dictation of
expertise for the line units.
the apprehension of
■ In normal operations, the staff offenders.
supervisor has line commands but
– It also assists in the
with recognized limitations such as
preparation in the facts for
coordination between line and staff
presentation in a court of law.
personnel can be achieved without
undue friction. – The patrol function is
accurately called the
■ Strength/Advantage:
backbone of the police
– It combines staff specialist or service.
units with line organization
Staff Functions (Non-line) ■ Polygraph examiner, photographer,
fingerprint and crime scene
■ Simply put, staff functions are those
technicians, and the police laboratory
services that support the line
are technical auxiliary services that
■ Non-line activities help the line to support the line activities.
accomplish its primary task
■ The jail and the communication
■ Traditionally non-line or support system are non-line (staff) activities.
activities consist of two major
■ Some activities are extremely
difficult to classify as either the staff
– Administrative Services or auxiliary.

– Auxiliary Support Services – In many instances they

perform a dual service.
Administrative Services
■ Police community
■ Those that provide services that are relation units,
of less immediate assistance and are although performing
supportive of the entire police secondary line
department like personnel and service, may be
training. designated as an
■ These activities that have the auxiliary or even a
responsibility and personal staff function
development and department CU 7
management are staff services.
Theories of Police Service
■ Personal development includes
recruitment, selection, training, and Continental Theory - police are servant of
supervision higher authorities and the people have little
or no share at all in their duties, nor any
■ Budget, planning and research, direct connection with them.
inspection, and similar activities fall
under the heading of managerial Home Rule Theory - policemen are
activities. considered as servants of the community
who defend for the effectiveness of their
Auxiliary Services function upon the express wishes of the
■ Those charged with the people.
responsibility of giving immediate Fundamental Concepts of Police Service
assistance to the operations of line
elements like communications and Old Concept -this old philosophy means
crime laboratory services. All non- throwing more people in jail rather than
line not regarded as staff service are keeping them out jail. Punishment is the sole
classified as auxiliary services. instrument of crime control. The yardstick of
efficiency of the police is more on arrests.
Modern Concept -police service today has – The power of the government
broadened its activities to include certain to impose what is considered
aspect of social service for the welfare of the reasonable restriction on the
people. Their yardstick of efficiency is the liberties of its citizens for the
absence of crime. maintenance of public order
and safety
■ Police Administration
■ Police Accountability
– An organizational process
concerned with the – The inherent responsibility of
implementation of the the police organization to be
objectives and plans, and answerable for the
internal operating efficiency misconducts committed by its
of the police organization members.
(Timpac, 2013).
– It is the legal responsibility of
– Otherwise known as police in the police officers to face any
action, the cooperative consequence that may arise
human effort to achieve the while exercising their
purposes of the Criminal powers, duties, and functions.
Justice System.
Police Organization Units
■ Police Management
■ The organization of the police force
– The art or manner of commonly requires the following
administering, controlling, or organizational units:
handling all the various
1. Functional Units:
aspects of the police
organization. a. Bureau - the largest
organic functional
– The skillful use of means to
unit within a large
accomplish the task, purpose
department. It
or objective of a police unit
comprises of numbers
or organization
of divisions:
■ Police Politics
b. Division - a primary
– The study of public subdivision of a
administration or affairs of bureau.
the government in relation to
c. Section -functional
police matters.
unit within a division
– Maneuvering for power that is necessary for
within the police specialization.
d. Unit -functional
■ Police Power group within a
section; or the
smallest functional 2. Special Order
group within an
3. Personal Order
Principles of Police Organization
2. Geographical/Territorial
Units: 1. Principle of Unity Objectives -
Every police officer should play a
a. Post - a fixed point or
part in the attainment of the
location to which an
objectives of the police organization.
officer is assigned for
duty, such as a 2. Principle of Organizational
designated desk or Efficiency - This principle requires
office that, in order that the PNP
organization is effective, it must be
■ e.g., a
structured in a certain manner to
specified street
accomplish the objectives with a
minimum cost.
site 3. Scalar Principle - This principle
requires a vertical hierarchy of an
b. Route - a length of
organization which defines the
streets designated for
unbroken chain of units and
patrol purposes. It is
command from top to bottom
also called LINE
describing explicitly the flow of
c. Beat - an area
– Unity of Command
assigned for patrol
purposes, whether – Span of Control
foot or motorized.
– Delegation of Responsibility
d. Sector/Section- an and Authority
area containing two or
more beats, routes, or Unity of command requires that an
post. individual be directly accountable to
only one superior. No person can
■ Report - usually a written effectively serve two superiors at a given
communication unless otherwise time. Different from:
specifies to be verbal reports; verbal
reports should be confirmed by – Chain of Command -
written communication. Primarily this principle
provides for the vertical
■ Order – an instruction given by a movement of authority up
ranking officer to a subordinate, and down established
either: channels in the
organizational hierarchy.
1. General Order
Span of Control or she must be given the authority to
carry out those responsibilities.
■ The area of activity and number of
functions, people, or things for which ■ It is important also that the
an individual or organization is responsibility and the authority be
responsible. clearly defined.
■ The number of officers or units 4. Functional Principle - This
reporting directly to the supervisor principle is otherwise known as
should not exceed the number that division of work according to type,
can be feasibly and effectively place, time, and specialization.
coordinated and directed.
5. Line and Staff Principle - It implies
■ Factors that limits the span of a system of varied functions arranged
control: into workable pattern.
– Distance 6. Principle of Balance - Application
of the principles of organization must
– Time
be balanced to ensure the
– Knowledge effectiveness of the patrol force in
accomplishing its objectives.
– Personality
7. Principle of Absoluteness of
– Complexity of the work Responsibility - It states that the
performed responsibility for performance of the
■ As the chain of command ascends deputy chief to the chief of police is
and the diversity of functions absolute (unconditional) and vice
increases, the number of individuals versa, and that the chief of police
that a police executive handles cannot escape his accountability on
decreases rapidly. the activities performed by his
Delegation of Responsibility and
Authority 8. Principle of Flexibility - It states
that there is higher tendency that the
■ There must be a clear line of normal PNP can fulfill its purpose if the
authority running from the top to organization receives more
bottom of every organization. provisions for flexibility
■ Ultimate authority and responsibility (adaptability).
for a police organization lies at the
top of the chain of command-with
the chief.
■ However, if a subordinate is to be
held responsible for the
accomplishment of a given task, he
9. Principle of Authority Level ■ Length of Service- the period of
(Hierarchy of Authority) - time that has elapsed since the oath
Decisions within the authority of the of office was administered. Previous
police station commanders should be active services may be included or
made by them and should not be added.
referred to their superiors, such as
■ On Duty - the period when an
the police district commander (or
officer is actively engaged in the
PNP provincial director).
performance of his duty.
10. Principle of Parity and
■ Off Duty - the nature of which the
Responsibility - The responsibility
police officer is free from specific
of the head of the Investigation
routine duty.
Section for the actions of his
detectives cannot be greater than that ■ Special Duty -the police service, its
implied by the authority he has nature, which requires that the
delegated, nor should it be less. officer be excused from the
performance of his active regular
Other Items and Terminologies
■ Sworn Officers-all personnel of the
■ Leave of Absence- period, which an
police department who have oath and
officer is excused from active duty
who posses the power to arrest
by any valid\acceptable reason,
■ Commanding Officer- an officer approved by higher authority.
who is in command of the
■ Sick leave -period which an officer
department, a bureau, a division, an
is excused from active duty by
area, or a district.
reason of illness or injury.
■ Superior Officer- one having
■ Suspension - a consequence of an
supervisory responsibilities, either
act which temporarily deprives an
temporarily or permanently, over
officer from the privilege of
officers of lower rank.
performing his duties as result of
■ Ranking Officer- the officer who violating directives or other
has the senior rank in a team or department regulations.
■ Department Rules- rules established
■ Commissioned Officer (PCO) - A by department directors\superiors to
police officer with a rank of Police control the conduct of the members
Lieutenant and higher. of the police force.
■ Non-Commissioned Officer ■ Duty Manual -describes the
(PNCO) - A police officer with a procedures and defines the duties of
rank of Police Executive Master officers assigned to specified post or
Sergeant and lower. position.
CU 8
Department of Interior and Local operational supervision over
Government the PNP.
■ Republic Act No. 6975 – Qualification to become a
(Department of Interior and Local PNP member was upgraded
Government Act of 1990)
■ Must possess a formal
– Re-organized the baccalaureate degree
Department of Interior and from a recognized
Local Government (Chapter institution of learning
I, Section 4-12)
■ RA 6975 – 72 units to
– Re-organized the National qualify – 2 years to
Police Commission (Chapter comply with
2, Section 13-22) educational
– Established the TRI-
BUREAU (Chapter 3, 4 and ■ WAIVERS:
– Age, Height, Weight,
■ Philippine National Education
Police (Section 23-52)
■ Republic Act No. 9708
■ Bureau of Fire
– Extended the period of
Protection (Section
attaining the educational
requirement for PNP
■ Bureau of Jail members:
Management and
– Effectivity of RA 8551 –
Penology (Section 60-
given 5 years
– Effectivity of 9708 – 2 years
– Established the Philippine
Public Safety College – Weight – 1 year
(Chapter 6, Section 66-68)
■ Republic Act No. 11200
Philippine National Police
– An Act Providing For The
■ Republic Act No. 8551 (Philippine Rank Classification In The
National Police Reform and Philippine National Police,
Reorganization Act of 1998) Amending For The Purpose
Section 28 Of Republic Act
– Relieved the DILG on the
No. 6975, As Amended,
primary responsibility of
Otherwise Known As The
suppressing insurgency
“Department Of The Interior
– NAPOLCOM exercise And Local Government Act
administrative control and Of 1990
– Approved: February 08, 2019 ■ Commonwealth Act No. 181 –
inception of the Division of
Department of Justice
■ The Department of Justice (DOJ)
■ During the Japanese Occupation, the
acts as the principal law agency and
DI was affiliated with the BIR and
legal counsel of the government. It
Philippine Constabulary and was
serves as the government’s
known as Bureau of Investigation
prosecution arm and administers the
government’s criminal justice system ■ Republic Act No. 157 – reorganized
by investigating crimes, prosecuting the Bureau of Investigation
offenders, and overseeing the
■ Executive Order No. 94 – renamed
correctional system.
the bureau to now what is known as
■ The following law enforcement and the National Bureau of Investigation
public safety agencies are attached to
National Prosecution Service
■ National Prosecution Service (NPS)
– Bureau of Corrections
is mandated to assist the Secretary of
– National Bureau of Justice in the performance of powers
Investigation (NBI) and functions of the Department
relative to its role as the prosecution
– National Prosecution Service
arm of the government, particularly
– Parole and Probation the investigation and prosecution of
Administration criminal offenses.

– Board of Pardons and Paroles ■ Presidential Decree No. 1275, s.

1978 - created the National
■ Executive Order No. 292 Prosecution Service
(Administrative Code of 1987)
■ Republic Act No. 10071
– Book IV/Title III/Chapter 1- (Prosecution Service Act of 2010)’
General Provisions – strengthened and rationalized the
– DOJ was named as the National Prosecution Service
principal law agency of the Department of National Defense
Republic of the Philippines
serving as its legal counsel ■ Under the Executive Department of
and prosecution arm. the Philippines and is tasked for
ensuring external and internal peace
■ Today, the DOJ continues to pursue and security by guarding the country
its primary mission: “To Uphold against threats.
the Rule of Law"
■ Commonwealth Act № 1 -
■ Motto: "Justice for All” National Defense Act of 1935
National Bureau of Investigation
■ Executive Order No. 230, s. 1939 – Metropolitan Manila Development
organized the Department of Authority
National Defense
■ Metro-wide services under the
Office of the President jurisdiction of the MMDA are those
services which have metro-wide
■ Administrative Order No. 322, s.
impact and transcend local political
1997 – Created the Office of the
boundaries or entail huge
expenditures such that it would not
■ The mandate of the OP Proper is to be viable for said services to be
respond to the specific needs and provided by the individual Local
requirements of the President to Government Units (LGUs)
achieve the purposes and objectives comprising Metropolitan Manila.
of the Office.
■ Presidential Decree 824 – Created
■ Under this office are: Metro Manila and the Metropolitan
Manila Commission (MMC)
– Presidential Security Group
(PSG) ■ Executive Order No. 392 (in
accordance to Article 18, Section 8
– Metropolitan Manila of the 1987 Philippine Constitution)
Development Authority - – Replaced MMC with Metropolitan
Traffic Enforcement Division Manila Authority (MMA)
■ Republic Act No. 7924 – created the
Presidential Security Group Metropolitan Manila Development
■ The agency responsible in providing Authority (MMDA) on March 1,
security and escort to the President 1995
and Vice-President of the Philippines CU 9
and their immediate family.
Department of Interior and Local
■ former Presidents and Vice Government
Presidents of the Philippines as well
as visiting heads of state. ■ Republic Act No. 6975
(Department of Interior and Local
■ The protection of the head of the Government Act of 1990)
state and his/her family has been the
responsibility of the AFP since 1897. – Re-organized the
Department of Interior and
■ PSG was established in 1987 (it Local Government (Chapter
replaced the Presidential Security I, Section 4-12)
Command) during the administration
of Corazon Aquino – Re-organized the National
Police Commission (Chapter
■ June 23, 1998 - Presidential Security 2, Section 13-22)
Group Centennial Year.
– Established the TRI- – Provided the prohibited acts
BUREAU (Chapter 3, 4 and related to fire safety and
5) penalties
■ Philippine National – Repealed by Republic Act
Police (Section 23-52) 9514
■ Bureau of Fire ■ Republic Act No. 9514 (Fire Code
Protection (Section of the Philippines 0f 2008)
– An Act Establishing A
■ Bureau of Jail Comprehensive Fire Code Of
Management and The Philippines, Repealing
Penology (Section Presidential Decree No. 1185
60-65) And For Other Purposes
– Established the Philippine – Repealed Presidential Decree
Public Safety College 1185
(Chapter 6, Section 66-68)
– Mandates that the BFP shall
administer and enforce RA
Bureau of Fire Protection
– Provided the violations,
■ Presidential Decree 1185
penalties and abatements of
– Known as the “Fire Code of fire hazard
the Philippines.”
■ Republic Act No. 9263 ("Bureau of
– Approved: August 26, 1977 Fire Protection and Bureau of Jail
during the time of President Management and Penology
Ferdinand E. Marcos Professionalization Act of 2004)

– Includes fire prevention and – Upgraded the qualifications

suppression requiring of applicants of the BFP in
adoption of uniform fire terms of educational
safety standards requirement and the
completion of personnel
– Development of national during the time of RA 6975.
consciousness and
involvement of all persons in – Professionalization and
the prevention and Upgrading of Qualification
suppression of fires Standards in the Designation
of Uniformed Personnel of
– Reorganized the Fire Service the BFP and the BJMP to
of the Integrated National Key Positions.
– Amendments in the ■ The PPSC is one of the bureaus
appointment, promotion and under the DILG.
attrition system
Republic Act 11279
■ Republic Act 9592
■ An Act Transferring The Philippine
– An Act Extending For Five National Police Academy (PNPA)
(5) Years The Reglementary And The National Police Training
Period For Complying With Institute (NPTI) From The Philippine
The Minimum Educational Public Safety College (PPSC) To
Qualification And The Philippine National Police
Appropriate Eligibility In (PNP), Amending For The Purpose
The Bureau Of Fire Sections 24, 35, 66, 67 And 68 Of
Protection (BFP) And The Republic Act No. 6975, Otherwise
Bureau Of Jail Management Known As The “Department Of The
And Penology (BJMP), Interior And Local Government Act
Amending For The Purpose Of 1990”, As Amended,
Certain Provision Of Appropriating Funds Therefor And
Republic Act No. 9263, For Other Purposes
Otherwise Known As The
■ Approved on April 12, 2019
"Bureau Of Fire Protection
And Bureau Of Jail ■ This law mandated that the
Management And Penology Philippine National Police have
Professionalization Act Of administrative and operational
2004" And For Other supervision and control over the
Purposes Philippine National Police Academy
and the National Police Training
Philippine Public Safety College
■ The implementation of Republic Act
■ Philippine National Police
6975 brought to fore the significance
Academy (PNPA) – The premiere
of the establishment of the Philippine
institution for police education, and
Public Safety College.
the primary source for
■ Section 66 of RA 6975 established commissionship of police
and constituted the Philippine Public lieutenants. The PNPA shall be
Safety College (PPSC) as the under the direct administrative and
premier educational institution for operational supervision and control
the training, human resource of the Chief of the PNP.
development and continuing
■ PNPA is still allowed to
education of all personnel of the
accommodate BFP and
Philippine National Police (PNP),
BJMP cadets during the 5-
the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)
year transition period.
and the Bureau of Jail Management
and Penology (BJMP).
■ Headed by a PNPA Director – DOJ was named as the
with the rank of Police Major principal law agency of the
General Republic of the Philippines
serving as its legal counsel
■ National Police Training Institute
and prosecution arm.
(NPTI) – Shall be responsible for the
mandatory and leadership trainings ■ Today, the DOJ continues to pursue
of all police non-commissioned its primary mission: “To Uphold
officers (PNCOs). the Rule of Law"
■ Headed by a Director with ■ Motto: "Justice for All”
the rank of Police Major
Bureau of Corrections
■ Reorganization Act 1407 –
Department of Justice
established Bureau of Prisons in
■ The Department of Justice (DOJ) November 01, 1905 under the
acts as the principal law agency and Department of Public Instruction
legal counsel of the government. It
■ Administrative Code of 1907 – the
serves as the government’s
Prison Law can be found under
prosecution arm and administers the
chapter 45
government’s criminal justice system
by investigating crimes, prosecuting ■ Executive Order No. 292
offenders, and overseeing the (Administrative Code of 1987) –
correctional system. issued on November 23, 1989,
changed the name of Bureau of
■ The following law enforcement and
Prisons to Bureau of Corrections.
public safety agencies are attached to
DOJ: ■ Republic Act No. 10575 (The
Bureau of Corrections Act of 2013)
– Bureau of Corrections
- which provides for the
– National Bureau of modernization, professionalization
Investigation (NBI) and restructuring of the Bureau.
– National Prosecution Service Seven Penal Institutions in the Philippines
– Parole and Probation 1. New Bilibid Prisons - Muntinlupa
Administration City, National Capital Region
– Board of Pardons and 2. Correctional Institution for
Paroles Women - Mandaluyong, National
Capital Region
■ Executive Order No. 292
(Administrative Code of 1987) 3. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm -
Puerto Prinsesa City, Palawan
– Book IV/Title III/Chapter 1-
General Provisions
4. Davao Prison and Penal Farm – ■ The Board of Pardons and Parole
Panabo and Tagum, Davao Del (BPP) shall uplift and redeem
Norte valuable human material to
economic usefulness and to prevent
5. San Ramon Prison and Penal
unnecessary and excessive
Farm – Bongiao, Zamboanga
deprivation of personal liberty by
6. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm – way of parole or through executive
Occidental Mindoro clemency.

7. Leyte Regional Prisons – Abuyog, ■ Executive Order No. 292 [BOOK

Leyte IV/Title III/Chapter 6-Board of
Pardons and Parole]
Parole and Probation Administration
■ Act No. 4103 (Indeterminate
■ Parole and Probation Administration Sentence Law) - An Act To Provide
(PPA) is an attached agency of the For An Indeterminate Sentence And
Department of Justice which Parole For All Persons Convicted Of
provides a less costly alternative to Certain Crimes By The Courts Of
imprisonment of offenders who are The Philippine Islands; To Create A
likely to respond to individualized Board Of Indeterminate Sentence
community-based treatment And To Provide Funds Therefor;
programs. And For Other Purposes
■ Act No. 4221 - created the Probation Department of Transportation (DOTr)
Office under the Department of
Justice ■ The Department of Transportation
(DOTr) is the primary policy,
– Two years after its planning, programming,
implementation, on coordinating, implementing and
November 16, 1937, the administrative entity of the executive
Supreme Court declared it branch of the government on the
unconstitutional. promotion, development and
■ Presidential Decree No. 968 (Adult regulation of a dependable and
Probation Law of 1976) – Created coordinated network of
the Probation Administration transportation systems, as well as in
the fast, safe, efficient and reliable
– Teodulo C. Natividad – transportation services
Father of Probation in the
Philippines ■ Reorganization Act 2666 (As
amended by Act No. 2803) gave
■ Executive Order No. 292 birth to the Department of
(Administrative Code of 1987) - Commerce and Communications,
Probation Administration became consisting of the Bureau of
Parole and Probation Administration Commerce and Industry, Bureau of
Board of Pardons and Parole Supply, Bureau of Public Works,
Bureau of Posts, Bureau of Labor Philippine Islands and to provide for
and Bureau of Coast and Geodetic the regulation and licensing of
Survey. operators. 
■ Act No. 4007, renamed the ■ Act No. 3045 - passed into law
Department of Commerce and compiling and incorporating all laws
Communications into the governing motor vehicles.
Department of Public Works and
■ The Automobile Section was
upgraded to the Automobile Division
■ Executive Order 546 - divided the under the Bureau of Public Works.
Ministry of Public Works,
■ Act No. 3992- otherwise known as
Transportation and Communications
“The Revised Motor Vehicle Law”
(MPWTC) into two agencies, the
was enacted amending Act No. 3045.
Ministry of Public Works and
Highways (MPWH) and the Ministry ■ Executive Order No. 94 -
of Transportation and promulgated reorganizing the
Communications (MOTC). different executive departments,
bureaus and offices. Under Section
■  Executive Order No. 125 and 125-
82 of this E.O., the Division of
A - MOTC was transformed into a
Motor Vehicles was upgraded into
the Motor Vehicles Office (MVO) 
■ Executive Order No. 269 -
■ R.A. 4136 (Land Transportation
Communications sector was placed
and Traffic Code)– abolished the
under the newly formed Commission
Motor Vehicle Office and creating
on Information and Communications
the Land Transportation Commission
Technology (CICT) in 2002, a
transitory measure to the creation of ■ Executive Order Number 546 -
a Department of Information and Promulgated creating the Ministry of
Communications Technology Transportation and Communications
(DICT) (MOTC).This marked
■ Republic Act No. 10844 (An Act
Creating the Department of ■ The Land Transportation
Information and Communications Commission was renamed
Technology) – caused the DOTC to Bureau of Land
become DOTr Transportation and was
absorbed by MOTC.
■ Agencies under DOTr:
■ Land Transportation Office
Land Transportation Office
■ Legislative Act No. 2159 - enacted
to regulate motor vehicles in the

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