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Lesson 1.1.

What’s in a name
1. given name - first name (American English)
2. maiden name - a woman’s family name before she got married and started using her
husband’s family name
3. name after - give someone or something the same name as another person or thing
4. live up to your name - if someone lives up to their name, they do as well as they were
expected to because of what their name or title is
5. make a name for yourself - to become famous for something
6. household name - someone who is famous
7. put your name forward - to suggest formally that you should be considered for a
particular job, membership of an organization etc
8. clear your name - to prove that you are not guilty of something
9. by name - using a person’s name
10. in name only - if a situation exists in name only, it does not really exist even though
officially people say it does
11. surname - the name that you share with your parents, or often with your husband if
you are a married woman, and which in English comes at the end of your full name
12. middle name - the name that is between your first name and your family name
13. married name - a woman’s last name, when she has changed it to her husband’s name
14. take your pick – to choose
15. outlandish – sounding bizarre or unfamiliar
16. cite – to quote
17. emeritus – having retired but allowed to retain their title as an honor
18. diversity - the state of having people who are different races or who have different
cultures in a group or organization
19. eager to – wanting to do or have something
20. convince – cause somebody to believe firmly in the truth of something
21. submit – accept or yield to a superior force
22. spawn – produce
23. going in for – choosing
24. increasingly outlandish – becoming stranger and more unusual
25. reach the top of the tree – reach the position of power or top position (professionally)
26. career-wise – referring to your career
27. cut and dried – settled, decided with little debate
28. call-backs – when a company calls potential employees for an interview after looking
at their CV
29. for the likes of – for people or things such as
30. extensively – widely
31. hit the road – go to somewhere
32. wheezing – крихкий
33. spandex – синтетична еластична тканина
34. condense – стисло висловлюватись
35. boast – хвалитися
36. exaggerate – перебільшувати
Lesson 1.2. What are you like?
1. Analytical – relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning
2. To be accurate – to be correct in all details
3. To be inclined – to have a tendency to to something
4. To be prone to (+ing) – likely to or liable to suffer from
5. Get frustrated – feeling or expressing distress and annoyance, especially because of
inability to achieve something
6. Embarrassed – бути збентеженим
7. Confidence – feeling or belief that one can rely on somebody or something
8. perceptive - someone who is perceptive notices things quickly and understands
situations, people’s feelings etc well – used to show approval
9. inspirational - providing encouragement or new ideas for what you should do
10. over-ambitious - too determined to be successful, rich, powerful etc
11. conscientious - careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do
12. obstinate - determined not to change your ideas, behaviour, opinions etc, even when
other people think you are being unreasonable
13. neurotic - unreasonably anxious or afraid
14. open-minded - willing to consider and accept other people’s ideas and opinions
15. prejudiced - having an unreasonable dislike of someone or something, especially a
dislike of a group of people who belong to a different race, sex, or religion – used to
show disapproval
16. apathetic - not interested in something, and not willing to make any effort to change or
improve things
17. insensitive - not noticing, or not taking the care to notice, other people’s feelings, and not
realising when they are upset or when something that you do will upset them
18. solitary - spending a lot of time alone, usually because you like being alone
19. rebellious - deliberately not obeying people in authority or rules of behaviour
20. mature - sensible – someone, especially a child or young person, who is mature behaves
in a sensible and reasonable way, as you would expect an adult to behave
21. inquisitive - interested in a lot of different things and wanting to find out more about
22. considerate - always thinking of what other people need or want and being careful not to
upset them
23. circumspect - thinking carefully about something before doing it, in order to avoid risk
24. conservative - not liking changes or new ideas
25. temperamental - likely to suddenly become upset, excited, or angry – used to show
26. impetuous - tending to do things very quickly, without thinking carefully first, or
showing this quality
27. easy-going - relaxed not easily upset, annoyed, or worried
28. gregarious - friendly and preferring to be with other people
29. selfish - caring only about yourself and not about other people – used to show
30. liberal - willing to understand and respect other people’s ideas, opinions, and feelings
31. introverted - someone who is introverted is quiet and shy and does not enjoy being with
other people
32. Brigg – Scottish variant from word “bridge”
33. Conquer – завоювати
34. ENTP – extraversion, intuition, thinking, perception
35. ISTJ – introversion, sensing, thinking, judgment
36. Meticulous nit-picker – скурпульозний педант
37. Sweeping generalisers – people who male statements that are too general and do not
consider all the facts
38. Detail-obsessed nitpicker – people who argue about small and unimportant things
39. Last minute deadline junkies – people who leave doing their work until the lat minute
before it needs to be finished
40. obsessive planners – people who worry exclusively about plans
41. recharge tour batteries – regain your energy / strength
42. flat-pack furniture – furniture that you can buy in warehouses which you unpack and
assemble yourself at home
43. perceive – come to realize or understand
44. infuriating – making somebody extremely angry and impatient
45. random – made, done, happening without method or conscious decision
46. nurturing – виховання
47. introspective – самоспостережливий
48. acute – гострий
49. thrive - процвітати
50. yes-man - someone who always agrees with and obeys their employer, leader etc in
order to gain some advantage – used to show disapproval
51. whizzkid - a young person who is very skilled or successful at something
52. busybody - someone who is too interested in other people’s private activities – used to
show disapproval
53. chatterbox - someone, especially a child, who talks too much
54. pain in the neck - someone who is very annoying
55. dark horse - someone who does not tell people much about themselves, but who has
surprising qualities or abilities
56. old hand - someone who has a lot of experience of something
57. set in one’s ways - having particular habits
58. black sheep - someone who is regarded by other members of their family or group as a
failure or embarrassment
59. life and soul of the party - someone who enjoys social occasions and is fun and
exciting to be with
60. rotten apple - one person who has a bad effect on all others in a group
61. loose cannon - someone who cannot be trusted because they say or do things you do
not what them to
62. couch potato - someone who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television
63. wet blanket - someone who seems to want to spoil other people’s fun, for example by
refusing to join them in something enjoyable that they are doing
64. big cheese - an important and powerful person in an organisation – used humorously
65. tough cookie - someone who is very determined to do what they want and not what
other people want
Lesson 1.3. Picture Perfect
1. capture the beauty of something - to succeed in recording, showing, or describing the
beauty in a situation or feeling, using words or pictures
2. evocative - making people remember something by producing a feeling or memory in
3. iconic - admired by many people and thought to represent an important idea
4. revealing - something that is revealing shows you something interesting or surprising
about a situation or someone’s character
5. chart – follow
6. notoriety – the state of being famous or well known
7. striking - attractive in an unusual way that is easy to notice
8. provocative - provocative behaviour, remarks etc are intended to make people angry or
upset, or to cause a lot of discussion
9. reckon – to think, вважати
10. apron – фартух
11. serene – calm and peaceful
12. get on with – вжитись
13. and stuff – і подібні речі, і таке інше
14. posh deli – шикарний гастроном
15. dignified – having or showing a composed or serious manner that is worthy of respect
16. outfit – a set of clothes worn together
17. snazzy – stylish and attractive
18. heyday – the period of person’s greatest success, popularity
19. no way – у жодному разі
Lesson 1.4. Francesco’s Venice
1. ancestor – предок
2. merchant – купець
3. warehouse – склад
4. bequeathed – записаний
5. showroom – виставковий зал
6. inherit – receive (money, property) as an heir at the death of the previous holder
7. frayed – обшарпаний, потертий
8. weaving - плетіння

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