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Which of the following scales is using interpretations like “strongly

agree”, “agree”, “undecided”, “disagree” and “strongly disagree”? *

A. Semantic Differential Scale

B. Guttman Scale
C. Likert Scale
D. Thurstone Scale

2. The following are characteristics of authentic assessment EXCEPT *

A. Requires students to use a range of HOTS

B. Norm – referenced
C. Criterion – referenced
D. Emphasizes performance

3. Process-oriented performance-based assessment is concerned

with *

A. output of the activity

B. actual task performance
C. the student assigned in the task
D. objectives of the task

4. Which of the following records students’ typical or unusual

behavior? *

A. Anecdotal record
B. Attitude record
C. Narrative report
D. Aptitude record

5. Which attribute belongs more to traditional assessment? *

A. Real-life
B. Contrived incident
C. Direct evidence
D. Application

6. Which statement about performance-based assessment is


A. It stresses what can students know and do.

B. It accentuates process only.
C. It emphasizes application of knowledge.
D. It assesses both process and product tasks.

7. Which refers to when the counselor shows that he feels what his
client feels? *

A. Empathy
B. Acceptance
C. Warmth
D. Assimilation

8. What guidance principle is upheld when a counselor refuses to

divulge the results of the standardized test to another person? *

A. Confidentiality
B. Counseling
C. Objectivity
D. Mutuality

9. Authentic assessments are said to be more student – structured

than teacher – structured. What does this mean? Authentic
assessment: *
A. is limited to the presentation of evidence of learning that is designed
by the teacher.
B. allows more student choice in determining what is presented as
evidence of proficiency.
C. limits presentation of evidence of learning to that which is
acceptable to the teacher.
D. allows students to choose the topic/s to learn over which to show
proof of learning.

10.Why are traditional assessments said to be more teacher-structured

than student – structured? *

A. In traditional assessment, teachers limit tests to low-level test items.

B. Traditional assessment is not as challenging as authentic
C. What students will show as proof of learning is dependent on what
teacher asks.
D. Students can show evidence of learning much more than what
teacher asks.

11.What does it mean when one says, “Punish the act, not the child?” *

A. The act must be condemned for all its negative effects

B. The child must be advised not to repeat the offense
C. Punishment imposed depending on the gravity of the act or offense
D. Identify first the causes of the offense

12.Which is the LEAST authentic method of assessment? *

A. Collection of outputs and experiments in Science

B. Paper-and-pencil test in Physical Education
C. Photofolio in Educational Technology class
D. Research output in History class
13.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of the basic
principles of guidance? *

A. None of the statements is not true

B. Guidance workers should observe a code of ethics
C. Guidance is concerned with prevention
D. Guidance should be a continuing process

14.Carlos continuously creates trouble in and out of classroom. You

have received complaints about him feeling being a bully but he is one of
the poorest students in your class. What seems to be his problem? *

A. He is one of the students who parents don’t care.

B. It found to be wanting in attention, Carlos should be helped by
recognizing his potentials, be it in academics or sports or service.
C. Carlos is an attention-getter. If given the chance, he can beat his
own record.
D. He is lazy, good for nothing boy although he can beat his records if
he tries.

15. A child develops self confidence if: *

A. he is allowed to do whatever he wants

B. he is ignored when he commits mistakes
C. he is treated justly and fairly
D. he is praised and acknowledged of his good deed

16. What is the first step in the organization of an effective guidance

program? *

A. Formulation of the goals and objectives of the program

B. Allocation of duties and responsibilities
C. Structuring of the organizational plans
D. Evaluation of the guidance program

17. Which of the following statement is TRUE being a sound principle

of guidance? *

A. It is prescriptive rather than suggestive

B. It is curative rather than preventive
C. It is preventive rather than curative
D. Problem-focused rather than person-centered

18. Which affective ability represents the highest level? *

A. Valuing
B. Characterization
C. Organization
D. Responding

19. Which one shows that authentic assessment encourages

integration of teaching, learning and assessing? *

A. Teacher presents a word problem in Physics, gives formula to solve

the problem and asks students to check on their answers.
B. Students learn when they solve real-world problem, assess their
own solutions to the problem with a teacher facilitating.
C. Students are asked to give back information they were taught.
D. Students are asked to apply what they were taught.

20. It is appropriate to choose the holistic rubric when *

A. Articulating levels of performance for each criterion

B. A gross judgment needs to be made
C. Assessing criterion separately
D. None of these

21. He is considered as the “Father of Counseling” in the Philippines. *

A. Dean Rose Clemencia

B. Sinforoso Padilla
C. Ramon Tuason
D. Father Bulatao

22. Expressing freely your opinion about an issue, whether generally

acceptable or not is a democratic process. In your class, Student X always
negatively opines that the class fails to insightfully think through the issue.
How will you handle this behavior? *

A. Recognize his differing view but encourage the class to share their
thoughts about the negative response
B. Let go of is thinking, after all, this is a democratic country.
C. Embarrass him so he will keep quite
D. Stop his negativism soonest. The attitude might contaminate his

23. Between a driver who passed the written test but failed the driving
test and who passed the driving test but failed the written test, the latter is
generally preferred. What does this imply about assessment practice? *

A. Traditional assessment supplements authentic assessment.

B. Traditional and authentic assessments cannot adequately measure
what is intended to be measured.
C. Authentic assessment is preferred to traditional assessment.
D. Traditional assessment is more reliable than authentic assessment.

24. Jonas has been disturbing the class by his unruly. As a teacher,
what should you do first? *
A. Scold him in front of his classmates
B. Bring him to the Principal’s office
C. Call for his parents to a dialogue
D. Explain to him the bad effects of his behavior

25. Carla is constantly reading books because she feels that through
reading she will learn a lot. We can say that Carla is ___________. *

A. Extrinsically conditioned
B. Intrinsically motivated
C. not motivated
D. Extrinsically motivated

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