Bioethics Midterm Quiz 4

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1. In your own word, define stewardship?

 Taking care of a huge family, a group's arrangements, or a community's
resources is what stewardship entails.
2. As a student of UIC how would you apply the principles of stewardship in the school?
 Recognizing that the folks who do congregate on campus are excellent
stewards of our school is essential. A group of persons has gone missing.
As a result, I believe we are at a critical juncture in terms of inviting and
equipping those who do gather to scatter.
3. To your family, to the community.
 For family instilling a motto, a term, or a saying that can help guide the
family through difficult times is one component of being a good Steward of
your family. Please spend some time thinking about this and discussing it
with your family, as we only have one life to share. A good steward gives
whether they are at home with their family or out in the community.
Volunteer to do a job that no one else wants to do at work (this is a good
way to get a raise or job promotion anyway).

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