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1 I think the crown signify as the power to rule our country before, in the American
1.2 The juxtaposition of U.S. democracy and imperial rule over a subject people was
sufficiently jarring to most Americans that, from the beginning, the training of Filipinos
for self-government and ultimate independence—the Malolos Republic was
conveniently ignored—was an essential rationalization for U.S. hegemony in the
islands. Policy differences between the two main political parties in the United
States focused on the speed with which self-government should be extended and the
date on which independence should be granted.
1.3 If we compare the society does the Americans impose to our country before to the
society now is Philippine society now is a unique blend of diversity and homogeneity.
Forces of assimilation have constantly worked to overcome cultural differences between
the various ethnic groups that are scattered—sometimes in relative isolation—
throughout the archipelago.

2.1 The Filipino child in the cartoon symbolizes as one of the things that a Filipino can
do because of the poor treatment of Americans.
2.2 During that period, however, American policing was characterized by corruption,
inefficiency, political interference, and discriminatory law enforcement.
2.3 Yes because today I can see a lot of news and evidences regarding these issues of
Manila Police.

2.1 I think yes because it was so inappropriate to do that things in public and it was not
accustomed to us.
2.2 it says that our culture before was liberated because Filipinos do that things in
3. it implies us that many Filipinos were really tortured and Americans really made
Filipinos as their slaves.
In general, the status of the Philippine society:
One of the major economic policies promoted during the American period was on strong
commercial relations between the U.S. and the Philippines. The free trade relation with
the U.S. resulted in the significant rise in Philippine foreign trade as well as in domestic
The U.S. Congress approved the Philippines Act on July 1, 1902, which provided the
Philippines with limited self-government. The U.S. government replaced the military
government in the Philippines with a civilian government headed by William Howard
Taft on July 4, 1902.
Spain was the first to colonize the Philippines all the way back in 1565. Because Spain
controlled the Philippines so early and for so long, they were a massive influence to the
modern Filipino culture. The biggest influence still seen to this day is religion. The
majority of religion practiced in the Philippines is still Roman Catholic, at 79.5%. Another
Spanish influence is seen in the arts, as most forms of Filipino art is heavily Spanish.
The paintings and architecture are reminiscent of classic Spanish pieces and can be
attributed to artists that came from Spain to create art and construct buildings with
Spanish influence.

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