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Gerunds and Infinitives

Exercise 10
f t p

Your score is 70%.

Some of your answers are incorrect. Incorrect

answers have been left in place for you to

1. After his insulting comments, I thought Jack

deserved to be fired.

2. Max avoided using his cell phone when

other people were in the room.

3. We arranged to have a taxi pick us up and

take us to the airport.

4. I resent being treated like a servant in my

own home!

5. Frank completed to build the new barn

last week. Next, he is going to paint it red.

6. Don't worry, I don't mind making dinner. I

think I'll make fish with steamed vegetables,

and a big salad on the side!

7. Crying, the mother looked into the television

camera and said, "Society will no longer

tolerate drinking and driving."

Your score is 70%.

8. Karen and Neil would like to try that new

dance club Some of your

downtown. It'sanswers
supposed areto have
incorrect. Incorrect answers
one of the largest
have beendance
left in floors
place in

9. I can't see buying a car when you don't

even have a driver's license. That doesn't

make any sense!

10. When do you wish to begin, now or later?


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