English Connect 4 (몰몬)

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Developed and created by the Korea Seoul Mission

Sixth Edition

Lesson 1: Introductory Lesson 2

Lesson 2: Introductions 4

Lesson 3: Interests 6

Lesson 4: Family and Friends 8

Lesson 5: Family and Friends 10

Lesson 6: Feelings and Emotions 12

Lesson 7: Interests 14

Lesson 8: At Home 16

Lesson 9: At Home 18

Lesson 10: Daily Routines 20

Lesson 11: Daily and Weekly Routines 22

Lesson 12: Past Experiences, Part 1 24

Lesson 13: Past Experiences, Part 2 26

Lesson 14: Money, Shopping for Food 28

Lesson 15: Money and Shopping 30

Lesson 16: In the Community 32

Lesson 17: In the Community 34

Lesson 18: Holidays 36

Lesson 19: Going on Vacation 38

Lesson 20: Health and Sickness 40

Lesson 21: Health and Sickness 42

Lesson 22: Special Occasions 44

Lesson 23: Special Occasions 46

Lesson 24: Goals and Dreams 48

Lesson 25: Review 50



Welcome to EnglishConnect. Learning English can The EnglishConnect Learner‟s Manual

help you pursue educational opportunities, seek
This book will help you during your EnglishConnect
better employment, and expand your circle of
course. It contains activities for each lesson and other
friends. The EnglishConnect lessons will help you
helpful resources. However, you cannot learn English
build speaking and conversation skills. These les-
from this book alone. For this reason, it is important
sons do not teach English reading and writing. You
that you attend class each week.
can learn English reading and writing skills in other
○ Bring this book to class each week.
EnglishConnect courses.
○ Write in this book to take notes and to complete
Before you begin, decide why you are learning activities.
English, and write down your reasons. When you feel
○ Review the current lesson vocabulary, and learn the
discouraged, look at what you wrote. Remembering
homework vocabulary in the vocabulary appendix.
why you are learning English can help you stay
○ Preview the lesson for next week‟s class.
My English Practice Plan
I‟m learning English because

EnglishConnect courses come with a plan to help

. you practice English 10+ hours every week and keep

In order to successfully learn English, it is important track of your practice time. Use this plan to record the

that you: hours you spend practicing and to track your progress

○ Practice English every day. A little practice every day My English Practice Plan suggests several ways
is better than a lot of practice on only a few days. you can practice.

○ Make weekly English goals. These should be specific, ○ Practice and listen to spoken English by attending
class each week.
such as, “I will learn 20 new words.” Write down your
goals and record your progress. ○ Complete the Invitation to Act included at the end
of each EnglishConnect lesson. This gives you an
It is also important to decide what, when, where, and opportunity to apply what you have learned in class.
how you will study. ○ Review and practice the vocabulary from each
lesson. Practice writing the words as well as saying
○ Practice the conversation from the lesson with a WHEN, WHERE, AND HOW WILL
partner or by yourself. YOU STUDY?
○ Preview the vocabulary for the next class. This
prepares you for what you will be learning. Study Tips
○ There are many free apps available for your smart ○ Choose a place that works best for your study
phone. These can be a valuable resource to study
and review at any time.
○ Choose a consistent time of day to study and
○ Participate in Speaking Partners, a program that
practice English.
provides you with the opportunity to speak weekly
with a native English speaker through video chat ○ Find a native speaker or someone who is learning
such as Skype or Facetime. English to practice with outside of class.
○ Other English practice activities include watching ○ Speak English as much as possible, both in and
English movies, television, or podcasts or listening
outside of class. If you don‟t know how to say
to English radio or other audio. It also includes
something in English, try to describe it using words
practicing English with classmates or others.
you know.

○ Make a list of the new words you learn. Review this

My Foundation list often, perhaps by making flash cards or by using
a vocabulary notebook.
In many areas, My Foundation is a class taught as a
companion to EnglishConnect English classes. My ○ If you have access to the internet, you can review
Foundation helps individuals learn and live principles each week‟s lesson by watching the video from each
that lead to spiritual and temporal self-reliance. This Listening section online.
20-minute class is usually run by a class president, who
assigns group members to facilitate a discussion of a Learning a new language is a process that requires
principle from the My Foundation manual. time, patience, and persistence. It can also be exciting
and fun! Congratulations on your decision to learn
and practice English with EnglishConnect.



Example 1 hour .5 hours 1 hour 1 hour .5 hours

_____________ _____________ _____________

.5 hours 2 hours 1 hour 3 hours 10.5 hours



Why are you learning English?


1. I will learn how the EnglishConnect course 3. I will learn to respond to classroom requests.
can help me learn English.
2. I will learn how to use My English Practice 4. I will learn to make classroom requests.

Why are you studying English?

1. After you write why you are learning English on the Introduction page, explain to a partner why you want to
learn English. You may do this in your native language.
2. Write a specific goal that you will try to achieve while you are in this English course. For example, “I will learn
20 new vocabulary words each week.” You may do this in your native language.


What will you study?

Read about the EnglishConnect learner manual and My English Practice Plan in the Introduction, and look at
the My English Practice plan chart . Ask questions if you do not understand any part of My English Practice
Plan. You may do this in your native language.

Where, when, and how will you study?

Think about where, when, and how you study best. Write down your thoughts. Share your thoughts with a
partner. You may do this in your native language.





Nouns Verbs
1. White board 5. To participate
2. First Impression 6. To attend
3. Motivation
4. Opportunity

Common Phrases

1. “Does that make sense?” 5. “Do you get it?”

2. Okie-dokie 6. “See ya later alligator.”
3. To be on the same page 7. “In a while crocodile.”
4. Make sure to…

Conversation 1: The Activity

A: Alright! Let‟s move on! Did that activity
make sense?
B: Yeah! I think I get it.
A: Is everyone on the same page now?
B: I think so. We just need to make sure we
pay attention to the instructions next

Activity 1
Give commands to a partner:

A: Make sure to get here on time next

A: Don‟t forget to bring a pencil next time!
B: Okay, I won‟t be late I promise! B: Okay I won‟t.

Think of other commands you can give to a partner and practice them.


Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. say how the EnglishConnect course

can help me learn English.

◯ 2. tell someone how to use

“My English Practice Plan.”

◯ 3 respond to classroom requests.

◯ 4. make classroom requests.

Invitation to Act

Think about your hobbies and come to next class ready to explain the Pros and Cons of them.


What do you like to do?


1. I will learn to introduce myself.

2. I will learn to introduce other people.
you like
we don’t like
to (verb)
doesn’t like


1. To be genuine 4. Indifferent
2. Substantial 5. Encounter
3. Pastime 6. Redundant


Common Phrases

1. “I‟m down” 5. To be conscious of

2. To handle one‟s self well 6. To come off too strong
3. “That ship has sailed” 7. To sit shotgun
4. “There‟s more than what meets the eye” 8. On the same wave-length

Conversation 1: After Work

A: Hey what‟s up? B: It‟s all good! It wasn‟t redundant so don‟t worry
B: Nothing much, what about you? about it. Hey, do you want to go get some ice
A: I‟m doing great. I feel substantially better now cream? I‟m buying.
that that presentation is over with. A: Sure! I‟m down.
B: I genuinely thought you did a great job. You B: Okay! Do you want to sit shotgun?
seemed to handle yourself well. A: I‟m indifferent either way.
A: Thanks, but I need to be more conscious of
how much I speak. I think I went over the
time allotted.

Pronunciation Principle: Linking and Reducing Words

In English, people put stress on the important words in a phrase. This means they make parts of some words longer
and louder than the other words in the sentence. They say the other words very quickly and they sound shorter.
What about you? What do you like to do? = Whadabouchoo? Whadyooliketadoo?
What does she like to do? = Whadasheeliketadoo?


Set a language learning goal that is meaningful. Ask yourself, “What do I want to do with English?”
Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: Do you have a best friend? How did you meet them? What do you think the best way to
make and meet new friends is?

Activity 1
Create a small story involving the people shown in the picture. Who are they? What do they like to do? Why?

Raul Kota Lisa

Activity 2

Talk with your partner; introduce yourself and be able to introduce these things about your partner to the class:
1. Name
2. Age
3. Where they are from
4. Favorite food
5. Favorite pastime
6. Type of personality you think that your partner has.


1. What is one of Sarah‟s pastimes?

2. Why does Sarah walk a lot?


Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. introduce myself.

◯ 2. introduce other people.

Invitation to Act

Teach someone how to introduce a friend in English.


What do you like doing?

1. I will learn to talk about my likes and dislikes. 3. I will learn to talk about other‟s likes and dislikes.
2. I will learn to ask others what they like doing.
you like you like
we don’t like we don’t like
to (verb) (verb) + ing
they they
likes likes
he/she/it he/she/it
doesn’t like


Verbs Adjectives
1. To accomplish 3. Time consuming
2. To Fancy 4. Worthless
5. Fascinating
6. Tedious


Common Phrases
1. To goof off 5. To hit the books
2. “You can say that again” 6. To be into something
3. To do one‟s own thing 7. “Couch potato”
4. “I‟m pooped” 8. “Piece of cake”

Conversation 1: Free Time Conversation 2: Getting in Shape

A: So how are you spending your free A: What have you been up to lately? We
time these days? haven‟t talked in quite a while!
B: Recently I‟ve been getting into the B: Nothing much. I‟ve just been trying to get in
ukulele. What about you? shape.
A: I‟m pooped. Lately work has been too A: Good! You‟ve always been kind of a couch
time consuming for hobbies. potato.
B: Ah that‟s too bad. You should find a B: Yeah. It‟s pretty tedious. I‟ve been trying to
way to relax somehow! eat right and hit the gym 3 days a week.

Pronunciation Principle: Syllables

Write the number of syllables in each word next to it in the box.

swimming exciting games writing

challenging jogging piano sports


Set a language learning goal that is specific, such as “I want to learn 20 new words weekly.”
Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: What is a hobby that you enjoy? What are some benefits of having that hobby? Is there a
hobby that you want to pick up? Why?

Activity 1
Create a small story involving the people shown in the picture. Who are they? What do they like to do? Why?

Ahmad Cho David

Activity 2

Talk with your partner about the “pro‟s and con‟s” of having hobbies. What are the best kind of hobbies?
the worst?



1. What are some things that Jarem likes to do?

2. Why is Jarem grateful to be an amputee?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. talk about my likes and dislikes.

◯ 2. ask others what they like doing.

◯ 3. talk about others’ likes and dislikes.

Invitation to Act
Think about your hobbies and come to next class ready to explain the Pro‟s and Con‟s about them.



Who is in your extended family?

1. I will learn to talk about my family.
2. I will learn to ask questions about other‟s families.


1. To be blunt 4. To be overwhelmed
2. To inherit 5. To influence
3. To intervene 6. To prevent


Common Phrases

1. “Act your age” 5. To lean on someone

2. “Touchy situation” 6. To run in the family
3. To keep on a short leash 7. “Sibling rivalry”
4. To confide in 8. “Stay at home mom”

Conversation: Family

A: So, tell me what your family is like. B: Not as much as I‟d like to. We‟re all pretty busy.
B: Well it‟s just me, my parents, and my Most of the time work prevents us from getting
older sister. together.
A: Yeah you all seem really ambitious. Is that
A: And you‟re pretty close with them, something that runs in the family?
B: Definitely. We are all really competitive. It led
B: Yeah. They‟ve definitely had a huge to a lot of pretty heated sibling rivalries when
influence on my life. They‟ve always we were younger.
been there for me to lean on.
A: Are you able to see them a lot?

Pronunciation Principle: Question Intonation

Yes/No Questions “Wh” Questions
Example: Does your uncle work? Example: Where does he work?
Do you like swimming? How old is your brother? What about you? Do you have any cousins?
What do you like to do? Does he like his job? Is your mother tall? Where do you work?


Start a vocabulary notebook. Write down the words and phrases you learned today. Use them during the


Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: Do you know anyone who is a role model to you? Why? What is a fun memory you have with
your family?

Activity 1
What kind of activities do you enjoy doing with your family? Plan with your partner what activities you can do at a
family reunion, then share it with the class.

Activity 2
Part 1: Ask questions and describe James and Mary’s Part 2: Draw your own family tree.
James Mary

Steven Karen Samuel Jill Cindy

Nate Sarah Ty Matthew Stacy Adam

Jonathan Megan Mindy Molly



1. Where did Javier‟s father work?

2. What does Javier think helps the community?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. talk about my extended family.

◯ 2. ask questions about others’ extended family.

Invitation to Act

Ask a friend about his or her extended family. Practice describing your family in English.



What is your family like?

1. I will learn to describe and compare myself to you. 3. I will learn to compare myself, my family, and my
2. I will learn to describe my family and friends. friends.

Grammar (pattern only for 1-syllable adjectives)

I am you
we are (adjective) +er than them
my sister
my uncle
he/she is my mother

1. Pale 5. Gorgeous
2. Husky 6. Buff
3. Humongous 7. Ripped
4. Tiny 8. Jacked


Common Phrases

1. “I‟m just saying that…” 5. “Get on someone‟s nerves”

2. “To get under someone‟s skin” 6. “A pain in the neck”
3. “Down-to-earth” 7. “Heavy build”
4. “To get a kick out of” 8. “To stand out in a crowd”
Conversation: Your Dad
A: I think I saw your uncle outside B: Pffft no. My Uncle is short and chubby. I think you‟re
of your house last week. mistaken. You must be thinking of my dad.
B: Really? What did he look like? A: Really? My bad. Well he was a little bit of a pain in the
neck. He kind of got on my nerves.
A: Humongous. He was really tall
and pretty buff too. B: Ha-ha yep that‟s him. He really knows how to get
under people‟s skin. He gets a kick out of that kind of

Pronunciation Principle: Sentence Stress

Repeat with the instructor: “My dad is short.”
“My dad has a beard.”
“My mom is taller than my dad.” “He’s really funny.”
“He’s bald and he wears glasses.”

10 Make flash cards for new vocabulary so you can practice new words during the day.
Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: Do you think you look anything like your family members? Who do you resemble the most?

Activity 1
Talk about the people in the pictures. Compare them to each other.

Susan and her mom Sam and Helen Anaya and Yash

Activity 2
Describe yourself and your partner.
Put adjectives in the boxes (for example, “I am tall,” “We are both quiet,” “My partner is short”).

I am . . .
We are both . . . My partner is . . .

Now talk to another group. Talk about how your partner compares to you.

1. How does Luis Vance describe his two daughters?
2. How does Luis’s wife describe him?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. describe and compare myself to you.

◯ 2. describe my family and friends.

◯ 3. compare myself, my family, and my friends.

Invitation to Act

Teach someone how to compare two people in English.



How are you?


1. I will learn to talk about my feelings and why I feel them. 3. I will learn to show empathy.
2. I will learn to ask you how you feel

Target Phrases
Are you all right? Is something wrong? Showing Empathy
Is everything OK? How are you feeling?
Why are you feeling ? What happened? I’m sorry that you feel .
I’m sad because . Sorry about _________________.
I feel nervous when ____________________.


1. Exhausted 4. Suspicious
2. Anxious 5. Puzzled
3. Ashamed


Common Phrases
1. To lose one‟s cool 5. Down in the dumps
2. To feel blue 6. Stiff necked
3. “What‟s the matter?” 7. Hard headed
4. On cloud nine 8. “No hard feelings”

Conversation 1: Math Test Conversation 2: Apologies

A: Wow you really look down in A: Hey I wanted to apologize for the other day. I really
the dumps. What‟s the matter? regret it.
B: I‟m really anxious. I think I just B: Don‟t worry about it. No hard feelings.
flunked my math test. A: I can‟t believe I lost my cool like that. Usually I‟m
A: Ah tough luck. Don‟t take it too not like that.
hard. You‟ll do fine. B: It‟s alright; you‟ll be back on cloud nine in no time.
B: Thanks. I think I just need to
go rest. I‟m exhausted.
Pronunciation Principle: Sounds of the Letter a
1. Listen to and repeat these words with your instructor.
mad sad can am had
hat, hot an, on last, lost

2. Listen to the difference between these two sentences. Then practice the words below.
The child is lost. The child is last.
and dance soccer had shop at not ask hot dad black


A useful phrase to use in class is “How to do you say in English?”

Instructor-Guided Practice

Class Discussion: Are you an emotional person? Have you ever lost your cool? When are you the happiest?
How can we make others happy?

Activity 1
Pictionary: Take turns drawing pictures of emotions on the board. Have the class guess which emotion you are
thinking of. (Do not write words or speak, use only pictures and actions)

Activity 2

Is it good to have self-control? Why? Is being emotional a good or bad thing? Write your response and be
ready to share with the class.


1. What makes Shawni feel better when she is mad?

2. What days are her blogs the best?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. talk about my feelings and why I feel them.

◯ 2. ask you how you feel.

◯ 3. show empathy.

Invitation to Act

Learn 5 new words for emotions and write a sentence with each word. Bring them back next time to
show your instructor. (See the homework vocabulary in the back of the manual.)


Will you help me?

1. I will learn to ask for help.
2. I will learn to understand commands.

Target Phrases
Polite Requests More Direct Requests Some Possible Answers
Will you _______________? I need you __________________. Yes, I will/can ___________ .
Would you ______________ ? I want you __________________ . No, I won’t/can’t ___________ ,
Can you ________________ ? because _____________ .
Could you _______________?

Verbs Nouns
1. To nag 3. Allowance
2. To run errands 4. Chores
5. Obligation
6. Favor


Common Phrases

1. “Give me a break” 5. To lose your marbles

2. Marching orders 6. To get chewed out
3. Caught red handed 7. “Smart aleck”
4. To tell someone off 8. To need/give a ride
Conversation 1: A Favor Conversation 2: Detention
A: Hey, can you do me a favor real A: I can‟t believe Mrs. Johnson gave me detention. It‟s
quick? not fair.
B: Yeah sure, what‟s up? B: What do you expect? She caught you red handed
A: My little brother needs a ride, but I and you responded like a smart aleck.
have another obligation. Could you A: I know but she didn‟t have to chew me out like
pick him up for me? that.
B: Sure! I need to run errands B: Just stop complaining about it – it‟s all in the past.
anyways. I‟ll pick him up on the way A: I wish she would just give me a break sometimes.

Pronunciation Principle: Sounds of the Letter a

Listen to and repeat these words after your instructor:
say may hay a-ble A-my Da-vid
hay, had may, mad pay, pad
Practice saying these words with a partner:
a-gent hap-py play pa-per cap-tain gram-mar
na-tion tray ap-ple

Don’t be afraid to ask someone to repeat something. For example, “Could you repeat that, please?”
Instructor-Guided Practice

Class Discussion: What is the nicest way to ask people to do something? Do we always have to repay favors?
Why or why not?

Activity 1
What are the differences between these phrases? (Try making sentences with each one and notice the

1. Will you? 1. May I? 1. Could you?

2. Can you? 2. Can I? 2. Would you?

Activity 2
Act it out! What questions would you use in these situations? What vocabulary would you use? Act out the
situation with a partner.
Situation 1 Situation 4
A parent asks a child to clean her room. A boy wants help on schoolwork from a parent.
Situation 2 Situation 5
A boy wants to borrow a toy from a friend. A boss wants a worker to send an email.
Situation 3 Situation 6
A businesswoman needs to set a meeting with A woman wants help from a friend.
her boss.


1. What happened to Erick?

2. Why did the other soldiers tease Erick?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. ask for help.

◯ 2. understand commands.

Invitation to Act

Ask questions this week using the polite forms (will you, would you, can you, and could you).


Where do you live?

1. I will learn to describe where I live. 3. I will learn to talk about why I like or don’t like living
2. I will learn to ask where you live. where I live.

Where do you live? I live on ________________ street.
Do you like living there? It’s in a _____ part of _______________.
Why do you like living there? My home is ________.
I like/don’t like living there because it’s _____.


Nouns Verbs
1. Landfill 1. To forbid
2. Reservoir 2. To notify
3. To commute
4. To be congested


Common Phrases

1. In the first place 5. “Home is where the heart is”

2. Home sweet home 6. Brand-new
3. To get a move on 7. For next to nothing
4. “Home-body” 8. To get to the bottom of something

Conversation: The New House

A: Hey! Long time no see. How‟s A: Are the neighbors friendly as well?
the new house? B: The neighbors aren‟t a problem, but the regulations for
B: Well my commute is a lot shorter, that area are really strict. It‟s forbidden to change the
but it still takes ages to get to property at all without notifying the local office.
work because of the congestion. A: Ouch. That must‟ve been a hard choice then.
Every morning trucks from the B: Yeah. It made us rethink if we really needed to move in
landfill block the traffic. the first place.
A: Well how is the house itself? B: The house is perfect. It‟s brand new and we bought it for
B: The house is perfect. It‟s brand next to nothing.
new and we it for next to nothing.

Pronunciation Principle: the letter o

The letter o in English can have two sounds:
no – not go – got so – sock
doc-tor hel-lo of-fice o-kay off soc-cer Mex-i-co jog shop o’-clock con-tact his-to-ric jog-ging


Take small opportunities to practice English. Write lists in English, or if you use a computer or cell phone, switch
16 the language to English. Watch English TV.
Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: What is your dream house like? What style is it? Discuss with the class what your ideal
house would be.

Activity 1
Describe to your partner the type of house you think would be the most comfortable in the following climates and

1. Beach 5. City
2. Jungle 6. Rural area
3. Desert 7. Suburbs of a big city
4. Tundra 8. The moon

Activity 2
Draw a map of where you live. What is close to your home?

1. Where does Kristy live?
2. What does she love about her city?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. describe where I live.

◯ 2. ask where you live.

◯ 3. talk about why I like or don’t like living where I live.

Invitation to Act

Draw a map of where a friend or family member lives. Bring it next time and be ready to explain to the class what
is close to where the friend or family member lives.


Where did you grow up?

1. I will learn to talk about my relationships with others.
2. I will learn to talk about what I was like when I was younger.
To Be (Past) To Have (Past)
I was Adjective I
you you Noun
athletic a dog
we were we
had a lot of friends
they Prepositional Phrase they a big house
in front of the house
a small car
he/she/it was near the park he/she/it

1. Considerate 4. Glad
2. Wacky 5. Mild-mannered
3. Timid 6. Troublemaker


Common Phrases

1. “To throw a fit” 5. “To wake up on the wrong side of the bed”
2. “You‟ve got to be kidding (me)” 6. “To put up with something”
3. “To take after someone” 7. “To do the trick”
4. “To blurt out” 8. “Between you and me”
Conversation: Childhood
A: Where did you grow up? A: I think I was the opposite! When I was little I was wild
B: I grew up in Michigan, but I don‟t and full of energy. But as I got older I stopped being
remember much of it. It‟s been such a troublemaker.
a long time. B: I‟m glad my parents put up with me. I was really sassy
when I hit my teens. It seemed like every morning I woke
A: What were you like as a child
up on the wrong side of the bed.
B: I used to be very mild-mannered A: I think everyone goes through some changes as they
and well-behaved, but once I age. It‟s all just a part of life.
got older I became a lot less B: Yeah, you‟re probably right. And now that I‟m raising
timid. kids of my own, it‟s important to remember that when
they start throwing fits.
Pronunciation Principle: the letters i and y

Chi-na lit-tle Fri-day in-ter-est pri-vate mis-ter sis-ter ty-ping win-dow si-lent


Write in a journal every day in English. his will help you learn to express your thoughts in English.
Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: Is there anyone you know that has changed a lot through the years? How so? Why do you
think those changes occurred?

Activity 1
In each of the columns, write down what qualities you had when you were a child, and what characteristics
you have now. Share with a partner what has changed.

Child Now

Activity 2

Write down four family members or friends you have a good relationship with. Tell your partner what
personalities they have and why you are close to them.

1. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________


1. Where did Frank hang out as a kid?

2. Describe his grandmother‟s house.
3. What did his grandparents call him when he was young?


Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. talk about my relationships with others.

◯ 2. talk about what I was like when I was younger.

Invitation to Act

Ask a friend about where he or she grew up. Write about your friend in English. Next time you come to class,
share some things about your friend to a partner.



What do you do every day?

1. I will learn to talk about my daily routines. 2. I will learn to ask about the daily routines of others.

subject frequency verb subject verb frequency
word phrase

I always go shopping on Thursdays. I go shopping once a month.


1. To hustle 4. Chaotic
2. Coincidence 5. To stabilize
3. Mandatory 6. Hectic


Common Phrases

1. “To have a lot on your plate” 5. “To call it a day”

2. “To jump to conclusions” 6. “Know something backwards and forwards”
3. “Every hour on the hour” 7. “To cram for a test”
4. “To catch up on sleep” 8. “To bite off more than you can chew”
Conversation: The Daily Grind
A: Tell me how your day went! A: Wow, sounds like you have a lot on your plate.
B: It was the usual daily grind. I woke up B: Yeah, now I‟ll go eat dinner, cram for a test, and
at 6 exhausted, then hustled off to hopefully catch up on some sleep.
school. A: Would it help if I made your dinner for you?
A: That sounds pretty hectic. Did you B: That would be great. Thanks so much for helping
show up late? me out.
B: No, but after a long dull day at school I
had to go home and juggle
homework, soccer, and piano

Pronunciation Principle: the letter e

me–met be–bet we–wet
Write the words you hear Practice
bed, be, best, help, he, hen, let, ten, we, rest


Find a partner! Having a partner will motivate you both to try harder and not give up.

Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: Do you ever feel like you have too much on your plate? How do you cope with stress?
Activity 1

Activity 1
Ask 5 of your classmates to respond to this request: “Tell me what you do every day.” Write the answers and
report them to a partner.
Person Answer to “Tell me what you do every day.”

Activity 2

Write down activities you do during a typical day (weekday or weekend). Write down at least 8 activities.
(Example: On weekdays I get up at 7 o’clock.).
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.

1. What time does Kirk get up every day?
2. What does he do every day?
3. Why does he do this every day?
4. What is an Ironman?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. talk about my daily routines.

◯ 2. ask about the daily routines of others.

Invitation to Act

Pay attention to what you do every evening before you go to bed. Come next class prepared to tell someone
what you usually do before you go to bed.



What did you do over the weekend?

1. I will learn to talk about what I did over the weekend. 2. I will learn to ask about what others did yesterday.

Target Phrases Grammar: Past Tense Verbs
What did you do over the weekend? For regular past tense verbs, add -d or -ed to the end of the verb:
How was your weekend? wanted liked exercised worked
It was ______! watched TV stayed home shopped studied
________ I watched TV, exercised,
For irregular past tense verbs, you need to memorize their forms:
and read a book.
go ► went sleep ► slept have ► had buy ► bought
I went out with some friends
_________. read ► read see ► saw eat ► ate come ► came

1. To prioritize 4. To be packed
2. Chaotic 5. Laid back
3. To be reserved 6. To defer
Common Phrases

1. To go out 5. To find time

2. You can say that again” 6. Time is money
3. It seems like just yesterday 7. “Early bird gets the worm”
4. Once in a blue moon 8. Take it easy

Conversation 1: Weekend Planning Conversation 2: Work

A: What do you say we go out this A: Work has been really chaotic this week. I really need
weekend? to take it easy over the weekend.
B: I would love to if I could find the time B: You can say that again. It feels like I can only relax
for it. Lately my schedule is packed. every once in a blue moon.
A: I think you are just too disorganized. A: I wish our boss would give us some time off. It‟s really
Try to prioritize your time. annoying having to be there at 6am every morning.
B: Yeah I probably should. You know B: I guess he really believes the early bird gets the worm.
what they say right – time is money.

Pronunciation Principle: Pronouncing Regular Past Tense -ed Endings

Try to say these words with regular past tense -ed endings.
1. The letter e in the -ed endings of these words is not pronounced (example: cleaned sounds like [cleend]):
worked shopped hiked watched liked cooked helped picked dressed
played studied cleaned exercised happened prayed planned learned
2. The -ed endings of these words are pronounced with an [id] sound, because they end in t or d
(example: wanted sounds like [want-id]):
wanted needed painted visited extended adopted decided


22 Don’t be afraid to speak the language. Making mistakes is normal and OK. You will learn better by using
the language as much as you can
Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: Does time seem to speed up as we get older? What is the most important use of our time?

Activity 1
Think about how you use time. Are you someone who wastes time? What are some benefits of planning? What is
the biggest waste of your time?

Activity 2
With a partner, create a conversation about something you did last week. Prepare to perform your conversation
in front of your classmates.
A: A:
B: B:
A: A:
B: B:

1. What job did Devin have?
2. What happened to change his life?
3. What happened as a result of this?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. talk about what I did over the weekend.

◯ 2. ask about what others did yesterday.

Invitation to Act

After this coming weekend, write in your journal about what you did over the weekend. Bring your journal to
class next time to share what you wrote with your classmates.



What did you do?

1. I will learn to ask questions about the past. 3. I will learn to talk about where you were in the past.
2. I will learn to talk about what I did and where I was
in the past.

Common Past Tense How was . . . the party?
Questions: the movie?
Why did . . . she go home early?
you go to the store?
What did . . . you do over the weekend?
she do last night?


1. To ponder 4. Ambition
2. To be fond of 5. Demanding
3. Momentous 6. Severe


Common Phrases
1. To get credit for 5. “I don‟t buy that excuse”
2. To not add up 6. To cry over spilt milk
3. To teach someone a lesson 7. Iffy
4. To have it coming 8. All along
Conversation: Broken Plans
A: What happened to you last week? A: You‟ve been like this all along. You always make
Why did you ditch me? plans but you‟re so iffy on following through.
B: Sorry, I just really didn‟t feel like B: I‟m sorry that I‟m not fond of closing off my options.
going to the party. A: Man you really have it coming. You should give me
A: Nah I don‟t buy that. The whole credit for not teaching you a lesson right now.
week you were saying you wanted B: Don‟t act like it was some momentous occasion. It‟s
to go. It just doesn‟t add up. just a party. We can find something else to do next
B: Why are you being so demanding weekend.
about it? You seem like you‟re
crying over spilt milk.
Pronunciation Principle: the letters i and y
Read these words with a partner, practicing the pronunciation (some of them are review words):

u-su-al-ly dur-ing rain-y win-dy driz-zle fif-teen win-dow

will din-ner sing snow-y Chi-na mo-vie si-lent


Consistent practice is better than studying a lot for one day. Find time each day to practice.
Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: Tell the class about a time when something scary happened to you. What did you do?

Activity 1
Think back to what you did exactly 1 week ago. Draw a picture of what you did, and have the class guess what
happened. Then explain your picture to the class.

Activity 2

A: Suspect. Tell the detective why you are not guilty. What did you do at 10 p.m. last night?

At 10 p.m. last night, I

B: Detective. Write the name of the suspect and what he or she did last night.

1. Suspect Suspect’s story

2. Suspect Suspect’s story

3. Suspect Suspect’s story


1. What happened when Tim kicked one of his students?

2. How did Tim lose his leg?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. ask questions about the past.

◯ 2. talk about what I did and where I was in the past.

◯ 3. talk about where you were in the past.

Invitation to Act

Write down 4 or 5 questions that you can use to ask a partner about what he or she did during the week. For
the next class, come prepared to ask a partner the questions you created.



What happened?

1. I will learn to describe a past experience. 2. I will learn to ask about others’ past experiences.

Time Phrase What Happened (Options) Example Sentences
When I was 18 years old, I went to New York City. 1. When I was 18 years old, my family and
My family and I went on a trip. I went on a trip.
When I graduated, I was so happy to be done with school. 2. When I graduated, I was so happy to be
My friends and I went to a concert. done with school!
When I finished my last I moved out of my parents’ house. 3. When I finished my last year of univer-
year of university, sity, I moved out of my parents’ house.

1. To recollect 4. To be troubled
2. To be grueling 5. Victory
3. To be distressed 6. To be ecstatic


Common Phrases

1. Go in one ear and out the other 5. To give it to someone straight

2. To draw a blank” 6. The last thing I want to do is…
3. “Where was I?” 7. To throw in the towel
4. “Things are looking up.” 8. “Whatever floats your boat.“

Conversation: Forgetting
A: Where was I? B: No! I was listening I promise! I‟m just drawing a
B: I think you were talking about your blank on what we were talking about.
plans for the future. A: If you think it‟s boring don‟t be afraid to give it to me
A: Nah I doubt it. That sounds like the straight. I‟m not one to be troubled by that kind of
last thing I would be talking about. It thing.
seems like what I was saying is just B: Maybe I wasn‟t listening as intently as I
going in one ear and out the other should‟ve been. I really don‟t have any
with you. recollection of the conversation.

Pronunciation Principle: the letter a + silent e

at–ate Sam–same can–came plan–plane
make late face game save made
Read these words with a partner, practicing the pronunciation (some of them are review words):
take gave mad place fat
cat date state had an


Listen to English audio while you do other activities such as walking, jogging, cooking, shopping, or household chores.

Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: Tell the class about a favorite moment you‟ve had in your life. Where was it? Who was

Activity 1
What did you do on New Year’s Eve? Write down 4 different things you did on New Year’s Eve.

Activity 2
Tell your partner about an important event in your life. Write some notes below
to help you be prepared to talk about it.

When I was

1. What happened when Clark was 14 years old?
2. What happened on New Year’s Eve that year?
3. Who helped him when this happened?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. describe a past experience.

◯ 2. ask about others’ past experiences.

Invitation to Act

Write about a past experience in your journal. Use things you learned from this lesson and the previous lesson.
Come prepared to share it with a partner during the next class.



How much is this?

1. I will learn to talk about shopping for food. 3. I will learn to understand how much something
2. I will learn to ask how much something costs. costs.

Target Phrases Grammar: Count and Non-Count Nouns
How much does this __________ cost? Count egg, banana, tomato, apple, carrot, potato
How much do these __________ cost? Nouns: These nouns can be made plural by adding -s or -es:
How much is a __________? egg ► eggs tomato ► tomatoes
It’s _________ a _________. Use these or those: These eggs are delicious!
These _______ are ________ a ________.
Noncount lettuce, milk, meat, fish, flour, sugar, cereal, bread, cheese
Nouns: These nouns usually cannot be plural.
Use this or that: That bread smells good!


1. Bulk 4. To snag
2. Stock 5. Cash register
3. Expiration date 6. Perishable/Non-perishable


Common Phrases

1. A hole in the wall restaurant 5. To be loaded

2. To be up for grabs 6. To break even
3. To keep one‟s eyes peeled/out 7. To look all over
4. To make dough 8. to be fed up with

Conversation: Watermelon
A: The next item on the list is watermelon. A: Maybe they will be back there by the butcher.
We will have to keep our eyes peeled B: I‟m fed up with looking around. I‟m going to go ask
because I don‟t think they are in season. the lady at the cash register where they are.
B: I was looking all over the other day, but I A: Alright. See if you can snag some of the free
couldn‟t find them. Maybe we can ask if samples on your way too!
they have any in stock. B: I‟ll get some if they have any up for grabs.

Pronunciation Principle: The Letters ou and ow

1. not/now, pot/pow, hot/how, moth/mouth, shot/shout
2. ground, pound, mouth, house, how, now, allow, down, flour

Practice: flour, cost, house, down, noun, hello, from, about, now, lost, long, pound

hink to yourself in English. Practice describing or naming things you have learned.

Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: If you shop for food, what do you normally buy? Are you good at cooking anything?

Activity 1
Make a shopping list with a partner! Plan for a delicious homemade meal with all the ingredients you will need.

Activity 2
Write a price for each item on the line. You will sell things and shop at the same time. Buy things from your class-
mates. You have _____. Buy as much as you can for _____ and sell as much as you can. Try to make a profit.

_______ a kilo _______ a dozen _______ a loaf What did you sell? To whom? For how much?
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.
_______ a head _______ a bag _______ a liter What did you buy? From whom? How much was it?
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.

1. What is the couple making?
2. Name 3 of the ingredients.

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. talk about shopping for food.

◯ 2. ask how much something costs.

◯ 3. understand how much something costs.

Invitation to Act

Write down a shopping list in English and estimate (guess) how much each thing will cost. Be prepared for next
class to talk about your shopping list with a partner.



Do you have anything cheaper?


1. I will learn to describe and compare items and prices.

Using Adjectives to Compare

1-Syllable good ► better This phone is better than that one.

Adjectives: cheap ► cheaper This TV is cheaper than the black one.
big ► bigger That chair is bigger that this one.

Longer expensive ► more / less expensive This smartphone is less expensive.

Adjectives: affordable ► more / less affordable The rent is more affordable here than it was at our old apartment.
compact ► more / less compact This microwave is more compact. It fits on the counter better.
high-tech ► more / less high-tech The new TV is more high-tech than the old one.
Note: 2-syllable adjectives that end in y follow the rule for 1-syllable adjectives; healthy ► healthier (the y
changes to an i).


Verbs Adjectives
1. To rip off 5. Sophisticated/Unsophisticated
2. To wear away 6. Innovative
3. To smuggle
4. To negotiate

Common Phrases
1. To get one‟s money‟s worth 5. To cut back on
2. To have cash on hand 6. To have money lying around
3. To split the bill 7. To strike a deal
4. To be broke 8. Shoplift

Conversation 1: Shopping for a Tuxedo Conversation 2: Two Friends at a Store

A: Hey, I‟m looking for a tuxedo. A: This couch is the definition of luxury. Are you
B: You‟ve come to the right place, how do sure you can afford this?
you like this one? B: Yeah I have to buy a couch that won‟t wear
A: This one is a little too sophisticated, but away, or my wife will kill me.
this one looks stylish. How much is it? A: Well it‟s definitely durable. I hope you get your
B: 300 dollars, a steal for the quality. money‟s worth.
B: I hope so too. Every time I sit on this thing I‟ll
A: I don‟t have that much cash on hand. Do remember how broke it made me.
you take visa!?
B: Of course!

Pronunciation Principle: The Letter i in Words with Silent e

1. fin/fine, Tim/time, bit/bite 2. fine, like, five, nine, wife, drive, write, white
Practice: five, six, this, write, it, is, drive, side, big, size, with, life


30 Review vocabulary whenever you find yourself waiting (for the doctor, at the store, on the phone, and so on).
Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: Do you have any purchases that you regret? Why? When is a time that you got a really good
deal on something?

Activity 1
Each person takes a turn drawing an object on the board (car, jewelry, shirt, etc.) and role-play selling the item to
the class, using vocabulary words previously learned in the lesson.

Activity 2

Pretend you are the richest person in the world. What would your house look like? What kind of outfits would
you wear? Draw these things in the space below and explain them to your partner.


1. How did Jeff first start making money?

2. How did that change?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. describe and compare items and prices.

Invitation to Act

Next time you go shopping, compare 2 items at the store (for example, 2 shirts). Write down some comparisons.
Be prepared to talk about the comparison in the next class.



Do you know where the museum is?

1. I will learn to talk about where places are.
preposition Prepositions (Review)

across from far from

Do you know where the _____ is? Yes. It’s _______ the ____________ . behind in front of
*between next to
* The preposition between is a little different. Use it like this: It’s close to
between the grocery store and the movie theater. down the street from
Verbs Adjectives Nouns
1. To be located 3. Adjacent 5. Vicinity
2. To neighbor (the neighboring 4. Opposed to 6. Destination


Common Phrases
1. Just down the block 5. Like the back of my hand
2. A stone‟s throw from 6. My neck of the woods
3. Within walking distance 7. Bird‟s eye view
4. Right next to

Conversation 1: The White House Conversation 1: The Johnson’s

A: Excuse me, is this the Johnson residence
A: Hey could you tell me how to get to the
B: No, Sorry, They moved recently. They‟re located
White House?
B: Yeah it‟s just down the block - within in the neighboring city now.
walking distance. Just head to the stop A: Ah too bad. Do you know where exactly?
light and turn left. B: They moved to the area surrounding city hall, right
A: Thanks – sorry I‟m from the west coast. next to a big office building.
DC is not really my neck of the woods.
B: That‟s alright. Live here for a while and
before you know it you‟ll know the area
like the back of your hand.
Pronunciation Principle: The Letter u
1. [you] or [oo] su-per, mu-sic, huge
2. [uh] fun, run, cut, up
3. [you] mu-sic, huge, com-pu-ter, use, mu-seum
4. [oo] su-per, stu-dent, pro-duce, tu-na, blue
5. [uh] fun, much, hus-band, sta-di-um, but-ter
Practice: just, sup-per, su-per, u-su-al, but-ter, u-nit, un-der, sun-ny, mu-se-um, huge, stu-dent, mu-sic,
com-pu-ter, ex-cuse, pro-duce, u-ni-ver-si-ty, run

32 Don’t be afraid to speak the language. Making mistakes is normal and OK. You will learn better by using the
language as much as you can.
Instructor-Guided Practice

Have you ever given directions to a foreigner? Have you ever asked someone for directions? Are you
someone who has a good sense of direction?

Activity 1

A: Label your neighborhood however you want. Use B: Cover the map on the left and listen carefully to
the places your instructor writes on the board. your partner. Try to draw your partner’s map
Explain it to your partner so he or she can draw a accurately as you listen, but do not look at your
map, but do not show your map to your partner. partner’s map.

3rd Street
3rd Street
Park Park

Main Street Main Street

1st Street

2nd Street
2nd Street
1st Street

Activity 2

Describe the location of a place in town. See if your partner can guess what you are talking about.
For example:
A: “This place is across from the movie theater and down the street from the police station.”
B: “Is this the Grocery Store?”


1. What city does Mark love?
2. Why does he love it?
3. Why does he love the Millennium Bridge?
4. What is Mark’s job?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. talk about where places are.

Invitation to Act

Write about your favorite place in the city where you live. Describe where it is. Be prepared to share what you
have written during the next class.



When is the party?

1. I will learn to talk about future events.
How to speak about the future Present ►Future

will + base form of verb There is . . . ► There will be a play next Saturday night.
It is . . . ► It will be at the theater.
I will study after school. It’s . . . ► It’s going to be great!
be going to + base form of verb Sometimes we use time phrases (like next week) to talk about the
future, but we use a present tense verb:
I am going to study after school. The festival is today. ► The festival is next week.
Ways to invite someone
Do you want to come to ________? Would you like to come to _________ (with me)?

Nouns Time phrases
1. Reception 3. Appetizer 5. in [1/2/3] [days/weeks/months]
2. Refreshments 4. Banquet 6. in a few [days/weeks/months]
7. next [week/month/year]


Common Phrases
1. “Can you make it?” 5. “Pot luck”
2. “AKA” 6. “Uninvited guest”
3. “One step ahead” 7. “To crash a party”
4. “Bright future” 8. “Cliché”
Conversation 1: Graduation Party Conversation 2: Throwing a Party
A: Hey do you think you‟ll be able to A: I‟m thinking about throwing a party next week.
make it to my wedding reception? Would you bring an appetizer?
B: I‟m one step ahead of you. I B: What? Why me?
already signed up to serve A: It‟s a potluck – everyone is going to bring
refreshments. something. But the time and place are still
A: And I here I was thinking you would TBD.
just crash the party unannounced.
B: Yeah for sure I‟ll try and make it. But I‟ve got a
B: You should‟ve known better! I hate
being the uninvited guest. graduation ceremony next week; if they don‟t
conflict I‟ll be there.
Pronunciation Principle: The Letters er, ir, and ur
1. her, birthday, nurse
2. (words with er) her, person, per, clerk, dessert, teacher, computer
3. (words with ir) birthday, circus, bird, third, shirt, skirt, birth
4. (words with ur) nurse, hurt, turn, further, purse, sure, burnt
Practice: teacher, person, nurse, circus, dessert, Saturday, clerk, shirt, turn


Read short news articles in English. Look up words you don’t know. This will increase your vocabulary.
Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: If you could have an ideal birthday party, what would it look like? Have you ever thrown a
surprise party for someone?

Activity 1
Event: Concert Event: Event:
Time: 5:00 pm Time: Time:
Day: Sunday Day: Day:
Date: September 14 Date: Date:
Cost: $15 Cost: Cost:
Location: South Park Location: Location:
Details: A folk band will Details: Details:
perform. Their music is
influenced by jazz. There
will be refreshments.

Activity 2
Surprise Birthday Party Plans—Make plans for a surprise birthday party for a friend. What will you do to cele-
brate your friend’s birthday? Write down some plans and then invite your classmates to come to the party.


1. What did Jeremy tell his parents?

2. What effect did parties have on Jeremy?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. talk about future events.

Invitation to Act

Write about what you are going to do next week. Write down at least 6 different things that you are going to do.
Be prepared to share what you wrote in the next class.



What are you going to do on New Year’s?

1. I will learn to talk about what I usually do on holidays.
2. I will learn to talk about what I plan to do on a holiday.

Using will probably Review of how to speak about the future

Dave: “I will probably go to a dance.” will + base form of verb

(This means that Dave thinks he will go to a dance, but he is not
completely sure.) I will be out of town.

Other Examples:
be going to + base form of verb
I will probably travel to Europe next year.
There will probably be a parade on New Year’s Day.
I am going to have a party!

Verbs Nouns
1. To procrastinate 3. Relatives
2. To delay 4. Extended family
5. Tradition
6. Reunion


Common Phrases

1. To go on holiday 5. The opportunity of a lifetime

2. Scrooge 6. All-expense paid trip
3. Jet lag 7. To rain on someone‟s parade
4. Hold down the fort 8. I‟m heading to…
Conversation 1: Hawaii Conversation 2: The Trip
A: Are you going out of town during A: I just won an all-expense paid trip to the
the holidays? Bahamas!
B: Of course! I‟ve got the week off so B: No way! How’d you manage that one?
I‟m heading to Hawaii. What A: It was the chance of a lifetime! I clicked
about you? an ad on the internet!
A: All my family is going to see B: Sorry to rain on your parade, but most
relatives but I‟ve got to stay back of those aren’t real.
and hold down the fort.
B: Aw man that stinks. Better luck
next year!

Pronunciation Principle: The Letter a

1. (al) call, also, salt, all, small, tall, walk, talk
2. (ar) party, park, far, smart, hard, part, large
3. (other [ah] sound words) wash, water, father, squash, taco, pasta
Practice: salt, agent, happy, party, what, small, paper, captain, large, walk, call, daddy, hard

Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: What holidays from other countries do you know? Have you ever traveled in another country
during a special holiday? How do people from other cultures celebrate holidays differently from you?

Activity 1
Interview 2 classmates and find out what each of them usually does on their favorite holiday. Be prepared to
report to the class.
Classmate 1: Classmate 2:

Activity 2
Think of the next holiday that will happen. With a partner, create a conversation about your plans. Talk about
what each of you will probably do on the holiday. You will share your conversation with the class.
A: B:

B: A:

A: B:

1. How does Dave describe the feeling at a holiday party?
2. Who comes to holiday parties?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. talk about what I usually do on holidays.

◯ 2. talk about what I plan to do on a holiday.

Invitation to Act

Write about some things that you will probably do on the next important holiday. Be prepared to share what you
wrote with a partner in the next class.



Where are you going on vacation?


1. I will learn to describe where I am going on vacation.

Where are you going on vacation? How to talk about the future:
I’m going camping. I am
We’re going to Hawaii. you / we / they are going to
We go on vacation every year. travel.
he / she / it is
We will travel by bus.
We will take a vacation. I / you / we / they / he / she / it will

Nouns 4. Itinerary
1. Turbulence 5. Layover
2. Reservation (Reserved seating)
3. Terminal


Common Phrases
1. Pit stop
5. “For the time being.”
2. To take a red eye”
6. “Take your pick.”
3. To go out of town
7. “Round trip
4. To get out of town
8. “(5:30) sharp”
Conversation 1: Out of Town Conversation 2: The Red-Eye
A: Hey do you know where Paul is? A: Here‟s the itinerary for your trip.
B: No. He‟s out of town for the time B: I see I‟m taking the red-eye.
being. You probably won‟t see him
for a while. A: It was either that or a 5 hour layover. Take your
A: That‟s too bad. I really wanted to pick.
get a hold of him. B: I guess it‟s okay. What time do I need to be at the
B: Give him a call! He‟ll probably love terminal?
to hear from you. A: 5:30 sharp!

Pronunciation Principle: The Letters ea and ee

1. please, each, beach, leave, deal, cheap 3. great, break, steak
2. bread, head, dead, read (past tense verb) 4. street, tree, need, three, see, week
Practice: please, great, each, bread, three, teach, dead, break, feel, read (past), deal, week, cheap, meat, easy, need

Memorize short poems, sayings, or speeches in English. his can help you practice pronuncation, learn
new vocabulary, and become used to English grammar.

Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: What is your dream vacation? Where would you go? What would you do? Who would you go

Activity 1
Out of these pictures, which is your ideal vacation? Why? Share with a partner.

Amusement Park Shopping Museum Theater Beach

Activity 2

The Plans for Your 4-Day Vacation—In this activity you will first write out plans for your 4-day dream vacation.
Then, you will share your plans with a partner. Try to think of details that you can talk about.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

1. What is Stan‟s occupation?

2. What does he build?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. describe where I am going on vacation.

Invitation to Act

Using the plan that you created in class for a 4-day vacation, write a paragraph describing this vacation. Be
prepared to share this with the class.



How often do you visit the doctor?


1. I will learn to talk about healthy habits. 2. I will learn to give health advice.

Giving advice
Using should: Different ways to give advice: Example sentences:
“You should go to the doctor.” You should . . . You should go to the doctor.
The verb that comes after should will You shouldn’t . . . You shouldn’t eat so much junk food.
always be in the base form. This You need to . . . You need to sleep more often.
sentence means “I think it will be
I think you should . . . I think you should ice your foot.
good for you to go to the doctor.”
Adjectives Nouns
1. Trivial 6. Antiseptic
2. Terminal 7. Migraine
3. Ominous
4. Chronic
5. Susceptible


Common Phrases

1. To lose sleep over something 5. “Without a scratch”

2. “I‟ve come down with a cold.” 6. “You don‟t look too hot.”
3. “My head is killing me.” 7. To ease the pain
4. “My foot fell asleep.” 8. To work like a charm

Conversation 1: Caring for a Friend Conversation 2: Helping out a Pal

A: Hey Josh, you‟re not looking too hot, A: How did your appointment go last week?
are you okay? B: Well the doctor told me my foot should be
B: Nah I‟m fine. My head just hurts better by now, but it‟s still killing me!
that‟s all. A: I learned these new stretches that work like a
A: You took some medicine, right? charm. Give them a try and it might ease the
B: I didn‟t want to take anything pain a little.
because of a trivial little headache.
A: It doesn‟t have to be a chronic
migraine for you to need to take
some medicine. Here I‟ll get you
Pronunciation Principle: -tion and -sion
1. [shun] comprehension, education, location, vacation, discussion, permission
2. [zhun] confusion, decision, vision, persuasion, revision
Practice: comprehension, prescription, vision, prevention, decision, education, vacation


40 After you listen to English radio or TV, try to summarize what you heard. This can help you pay attention while you
listen. It will also help you practice speaking.
Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: Talk about a time when you or someone you know was sick and needed help. What did
you do? How did you help them?

Activity 1
Tell your partner what you think each person should do. You can use should, shouldn’t, need to, and I think
he or she should. (For example, “I think she should put some ice on it.) Use the phrases at the right to help.
1. John sprained his 2. Carlos fell down the 3. Paul is exhausted. He • put some ice on it
• take some medicine
ankle. It is swollen and stairs. His knee hurts keeps falling asleep
• sleep more often
he can’t walk. very badly. at work. • stay home from work
4. Stephanie woke up 5. Lisa eats a lot of 6. Becca has a stomach • go to a doctor
with a headache. She sweets. She is starting ache. She doesn’t • avoid playing sports
• eat more vegetables
feels awful. to gain weight. want to eat.
• exercise regularly

Activity 2
Each person has a problem and needs help. You will work with a partner. One of you will be the person in the
picture and the other will try to give the person advice. Role-play a conversation for each person.
Brittany started Juan was playing Beth is pregnant.
feeling sick a soccer yester- She feels sick
month ago. She day with some to her stomach
can’t sleep at friends. He hurt every day and
night and feels his leg. Now he has lost a lot of
sad all the time. can’t walk. It is weight. She feels
She also doesn’t very swollen. light-headed at
feel like eating. work.


1. What does Ryan do for a living?

2. Why did he want to do that?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. talk about healthy habits.

◯ 2. give health advice.

Invitation to Act

Write down a list of things that you think a person should do in order to live a healthy life (for example, “You
should . . .”). Come prepared to share your list with a partner in the next class.



How are you feeling?

1. I will learn to describe how I feel to a doctor.

Imperatives (commands) Doctors’ questions and instructions Review: Giving advice
The imperative is the base form of How long have you felt sick? Use these phrases to give
the verb used to give commands. Where does it hurt? advice:
You usually don’t use pronouns You should . . .
Take two pills once a day.
with imperatives.
Take this medication with food. You shouldn’t . . .
Come back and see me next week. I think you should . . .
“Take this medication every day.”
Don’t take this pill on an empty stomach. You need to . . .
“Don’t exercise for two weeks.”


Verbs Nouns
1. To be clammy 5. Stitches
2. To swell 6. Sprain
3. To be infected
4. To be pale


Common Phrases

1. “Say aahhhh.” 5. A check-up

2. To get some shut eye 6. Junk food
3. “A sure-fire way to…” 7. To break out
4. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” 8. To get banged up

Conversation: Bike Accident

A: How did your doctor‟s appointment go? A: Wow you‟re lucky you didn‟t break anything.
B: I got four stitches in my arm and they One time my brother got in a bike accident
gave me some antibiotics it wouldn‟t get and sprained his wrist. It swelled up like a
infected. balloon.
A: Oh what? I thought you were just going in B: Yeah I‟m lucky I didn‟t get too banged up, I think
for a checkup. now I just need to try and get some shut eye.
B: No. I had a biking accident. I took a turn
too fast and completely ate it. That‟s a
sure fire way to get yourself sent to the

Pronunciation Principle: The Letters oa

1. [o] throat, soap, loaf, boat, goal
Practice: coat, stop, cold, soap, throat, home, box, long, sore, loaf, rose, boat, older, toad


Read out loud to yourself in English. his is a great way to practice pronunciation.
Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: Have you ever seen someone get injured? How did you help them?

Activity 1
Your partner will be the doctor. Pick a situation and tell the doctor (your partner) about the problem that you
have. Describe how you feel. Tell the doctor when the problem started and what happened.

1. You ate some bad food. 5. You fell down the stairs.
2. You got in a car crash. 6. You were attacked by an animal.
3. You got hurt playing soccer. 7. You got in a fight.
4.. ou started feeling sick at work. 8. You hurt yourself while cooking.

Activity 2
Think of a past injury or problem that you had. If you had to talk to a doctor, how would you describe what hap-
pened? Write down some notes. You will be the patient and your partner will be the doctor. Practice describing
the experience to the doctor (your partner) and he or she will give you some advice.
Notes about your problem or injury: What did the doctor tell you to do?

1. How did Athelia feel when she started to get sick?
2. How did her illness change her life?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. describe how I feel to a doctor.

Invitation to Act

Ask a friend to tell you about a time he or she was injured or sick. Write down some notes and come to the next
class prepared to describe your friend’s experience to a partner.



When is the celebration?

1. I will learn to ask for information about future celebrations.
2. I will learn to answer questions about future celebrations.
3. I will learn to invite others to future celebrations.
Ways to invite someone Present tense for future time
Would you like to . . . If you are talking about a planned event or the schedule for an
Do you want to . . . event, you can use present tense to mean the future.
Examples: There is a party on Friday. = There will be a party on Friday.
“Would you like to go to the _______ with me?” The wedding is at the church. = The wedding will be at the
“Do you want to come to church.
with me?”


Nouns Time Phrases (review)

1. Occasion in a few days/weeks/months
2. Security next week
3. Admittance tomorrow night


Common Phrases
1. A black tie event 5. In advance
2. Bouncer 6. VIP
3. To be formal 7. To have two left feet
4. Back stage pass 8. To have a ball

Conversation 1: The Banquet Conversation 2: Bouncer

A: Hey you‟re coming to the banquet A: Wow that guy is huge.
Saturday, right? B: Well duh. He‟s Probably a bouncer for that concert.
B: Yeah but I don‟t have the wardrobe A: Ah that makes sense. He‟s the one who lets
for that kind of an occasion. people back stage right?
A: I know right? They specified black B: Yeah. If they didn‟t buy a back stage pass in
tie, but I don‟t know where I can to advance, he doesn‟t let them in.
find a tux in two days.
B: We better start looking. ASAP!

Pronunciation Principle: The Letters w and v

1. [w] we, wedding, weeks, wish, way, will, water, wind, watch, tower, subway, shower, blowing
2. [v] vocabulary, verb, very, vacation, violin, volleyball, vegetables, fever, cover, severe, invitation, invite, every,
travel, seven
Practice: will, vocabulary, would, invite, work, evening, five, weak, very, shower, growing


Don’t try to memorize every new English word you hear. his can be overwhelming. Choose words and phrases
to learn that are most important for your English learning.
Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: What is the fanciest event you have ever attended? What did you dress like? How was the
food? Where was it? Do you like attending fancy events or simple events?

Activity 1

Plan out the supplies you might need to throw a surprise party for someone in your family. Where would you do
it? What would you need to buy? Who would you invite? How would you make it a secret? Be ready to share
your plan with the class.

Activity 2
Create two special events (wedding, reception, graduation, and so on) and write down information about them.

Event: Wedding Reception Event: Event:

Time: 7:00 p.m. Time: Time:
Day: Saturday Day: Day:
Date: May 22 Date: Date:
Location: Golf Club Location: Location:
Details: There will be dinner, Details: Details:
dancing, and fun!

1. What did Jason‟s wife dream of when she was a little girl?
2. What was the one problem with how her dream happened?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. ask for information about future celebrations.

◯ 2. answer questions about future celebrations.

◯ 3. invite others to future celebrations.

Invitation to Act

Write down what you think you will do for your next birthday party. Next class, come prepared to share your
plans with a partner



How was the wedding?

1. I will learn to talk about and describe a past event.
2. I will learn to talk about what I did at an event.


How did the wedding go? What did you do?

How was the wedding? We ate a wonderful meal and danced.
It was ________. I saw my _______ .
We had a good time! We gave some gifts to _______ .


Verbs Nouns
1. To elope 3. Bouquet
2. To be engaged 4. Bridal shower
5. Best man
6. Maid of honor


Common Phrases

1. Shotgun wedding 5. To get cold feet

2. To stay on your toes 6. At all costs
3. To turn down an offer 7. “Now or never”
4. To tie the knot”
Conversation 1: Best Man Conversation 2: Cold Feet
A: Trevor asked me to be his best man at A: You‟ll never believe what just happened!
the wedding, but I had to turn him down. B: What?
B: What? Why? A: Edward tried to have a shotgun wedding, but his
A: I‟m going to be out of town on business. fiancé got cold feet and ran off.
So, I won‟t be able to make it. B: Ah that‟s too bad. He sounds like the “now or
B: Are you kidding me? You need to be never” type.
there at all costs! Your best friend is
tying the knot!

Pronunciation Principle: -ight, -ind, and -ild

1. right, light, might, night, high
2. find, kind, mind, wild, child
Practice: Say these words with your partner. Notice that not all of the words have the same vowel sound for the
letter i. Circle the words that are pronounced with the vowel like the word hi.

kind little right will night during

dinner might sing light visit child
in high drizzle China sight find

When you are listening to English radio or TV, try to repeat out loud what you hear. Imitate the sound of the
speaker. This can help you practice English pronunciation.
Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: Have you ever attended a wedding? What was it like? Is it good to get married younger or
wait until you are older? What are the pros and cons of each?

Activity 1
What would be your ideal wedding? Where would it be? What kind of ceremony would you have? Who would
you invite? Make a plan and be ready to share with the class.

Activity 2
Scene: When you walk into the church, you see:
1. The bride is sitting on the floor, and she is crying.
2. The groom is lying on the floor and has a black eye.
3. The police are taking the father of the bride away.
4. There is a frying pan on the floor in the middle of
the room.
What do you think happened? With your group, write
a short news article. Talk about what happened at the

1. What happened 3 days before Patrice was supposed to get married?
2. How did this affect her wedding?
3. Why was it an “amazing way to start a relationship”?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. talk about and describe a past event.

◯ 2. talk about what I did at an event.

Invitation to Act

Write down a detailed description of what you did at the last birthday celebration you attended. Come to the
next class prepared to talk about it with a partner.



What do you want to do in the future?

1. I will learn to talk about my goals and plans for the future.

Talking about future plans I’ll, you’ll, he’ll, she’ll, we’ll
I want to . . . be married | a father/mother | a businessman/woman I’ll = I will
I hope to . . . get married | a degree | a job | a house | a raise | a new car you’ll = you will
I plan to . . . + study business | education | chemistry | English he’ll = he will
I would like go to school | another country she’ll = she will
to . . . we’ll = we will

1. To aspire 4. To be recognized
2. To be ambitious 5. To be inevitable
3. To put off
Common Phrases
1. “To shoot for the stars” 5. “All or nothing”
2. “Have one‟s heart set on” 6. “He is going places”
3. “Make it to the top” 7. “To make it big”
4. “The sky is the limit” 8. “To have a change of heart”

Conversation: Life Goals

A: So now that you‟re back home, what are A: Well you know what they say, the
you planning to do? sky is the limit. That‟s awesome. It
B: I‟ve always aspired to study medicine really sounds like you are going
and become a doctor. places.
A: Wow that‟s an ambitious goal! Have you B: It should be an adventure. Inevitably
always had your heart set on medicine? it‟s going to be hard, but hopefully it
B: Honestly no, I just wanted to make it big will be worth it.
in something. If I was to study medicine, A: That‟s really admirable. I‟ve never been one to
I know it would be tough, but I want to shoot for the stars like that. I have always just put
give it my all and make a difference in off those decisions. Good luck!
the world.
Pronunciation Principle: The Letters th
1. They will come soon. 2. Day will come soon.

Practice: Repeat these pairs of words with a partner: there/dare, those/dose, then/den, these/Dee’s, other/udder.
What will you be able to do when you learn English? Imagine what you will do, say, and feel. When you feel
discouraged, imagine this again. his can help you stay motivated!
Instructor-Guided Practice

Class discussion: What do you plan on doing next in your life? What are some challenges you might face in
achieving your goals?

Activity 1
Choose 2 people in the pictures below. With a partner, act out a conversation between them. Each person talks
about what their future plans are. After finishing, choose 2 different people. Have a new conversation.

Activity 2
Write about what you would like to do 1 year from now, 5 years from now, and 10 years from now. Use phrases
like I want to, I hope to, I plan to, and I would like to to talk about your future plans.
1 year from now . . . 5 years from now . . . 10 years from now . . .



1. Why didn‟t Gabe want to give up playing football?

2. What similar experience did his kids have?

Now I can . . . Now I know . . .

◯ 1. talk about my goals and plans for the future.

Invitation to Act

Go home and write in your journal about your future plans. Set some goals and write down some things that you
will do in order to accomplish your goals.



Vocabulary Review Activity

1. Hobbies 7. Past tense verbs 13. Vacations
2. Family 8. Measurements for food 14. Holidays
3. Describing people 9. Comparing words 15. Medical advice
4. Feelings and emotions 10. Places in town 16. Health problems
5. Describing a neighborhood 11. Describing a place 17. Celebrations
6. Past time phrases 12. Future time phrases 18. Goals and dreams

Review Activity 1
Choose a picture to describe to your partner. Describe the family in your picture, mentioning their relationships
to each other. Invent information to describe 2 people in detail (name, hobbies, and so on). After both you and
your partner describe a family, make 10 comparisons between the people in the pictures.

Review Activity 2
With your partner, plan an event that could be held somewhere in the community. Think of 5 things that you will
do (for example, eat dinner, dance). Invite another partnership to come to your event. Give them directions to the
event and describe what you will be doing. You can write notes while you plan the event.

Review Activity 3
Imagine that you attended one of these events. Describe to your partner what you did using past tense verbs.

Reflect on the previous English lessons you have participated in during this program.
Name 3 things you learned that were the most helpful to you.
How will you continue improving your English?
What could be better about the program?
Prepare to briefly share your thoughts with the class.

Now I can . . .
◯ make introductions. ◯ talk about prices.
◯ talk about likes and dislikes. ◯ describe items and compare their prices.
◯ talk about extended families. ◯ talk about the location of places.
◯ describe and compare people. ◯ talk about future events.
◯ describe feelings. ◯ talk about typical holiday activities.
◯ ask for help. ◯ talk about vacation plans.
◯ describe where I live. ◯ talk about healthy habits.
◯ describe where I used to live. ◯ give health advice.
◯ talk about daily routines. ◯ describe health problems.
◯ talk about past events. ◯ invite someone to a celebration.
◯ describe past experiences. ◯ talk about my future goals.


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