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S3 (PMHS13E16) MBA

MBA, 3rd
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
Section A

Answer to the following questions: (Any four) 4 x 5 = 20

1) a) State the importance of Brand Audit. 2

b) What do you see as the biggest challenges in conducting a brand audit? What steps would
you take to overcome them? 3
2) a) “Creating brand awareness towards target market / target audience is a crucial part of an
organization.” – Comment. 2
b) “Target market plays an important role in branding any products or services. Without
knowing the target audience properly, it is very difficult for an organization to highlight its
products or services.” – Justify the statement with relevant example. 3
3) Pick a brand that has done a great job with relationship marketing, permission marketing,
experiential marketing, or one-to-one marketing? What did the brand do? Why was it
effective? Could others learn from that? Justify your answer. 5
4) What are your favorite brand characters? Do you think they contribute to brand equity in any
way? How? Relate their effects with the customer-based brand equity model? 5
5) a) Define experiential marketing. 1
b) State the importance of brand name. 2
c) State the importance of URL. 2

Section B

Answer to the following questions: (Any three) 3 x 10 = 30

1) a) “Brand knowledge structure depends on the initial choices for the brand elements.” –
Comment. 3
b) “Marketing mix should be designed to enhance awareness and establish desired brand
image.” – Explain the statement by focussing product strategy, pricing strategy and channel
strategy. 7
2) a) Define Brand Mantra. Think one of your favourite brands and come up with a brand mantra
to capture its positioning. 6
b) “Packaging can influence taste, value, consumption and can influence how a person uses a
product.” – Explain the statement with relevant example. 4
3) Choose a brand of your choice and identify all its brand elements and assess their ability to
contribute to brand equity according to the choice criteria for choosing brand elements. 10

4) a) Pick a company of your own and characterise its brand portfolio and brand hierarchy. How
would you improve the company’s branding strategies? 5
b) Identify a fading brand. What strategies and suggestions can you offer to revitalize its brand
equity? 5

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