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Personal Development 01 Knowing Oneself: 01

Journal Writing
Write as many positive things about each stage of your life, and take in all the
love and happiness that each positive memory brings.

Positive Experience:
- The day that I was born -Having a peaceful life
- Receiving blessings -Meeting new person
- Being intimacy with God -Having a good relationship with
-Having a complete family

How you think these positive experiences have shaped you as a person?
“Be thankful for everything that happens in your life; it’s all an experience.”

Those positive things I encounter to shape my identity and individuality were my

experiences in my life. Those memories, good and bad have permanently altered my
outlook towards my lives and future. Thus, what I chose to do with my experiences
plays a major factor in my development, understanding, response, opinions, and future
behaviors, it indeed helped me grow more as an individual with confidence and learning
in each step to gain more positivity towards my lifestyle and in each person, that
surrounds me.

List down your negative experiences:

Negative experience:
- Being Rebellious
- Having a quarrel between my love ones
- Lying about something to cover up the truth
-Thinking or talking something isn't appropriate to other people
How have these negative experiences influenced your life?

“Turn Your Wounds into Wisdom” - OPRAH WINFREY

We have all had various experiences that have had a significant effect on who
we are. What I’ve noticed over time is that it’s not so much the experience itself that is
important, but the meaning we assign to the experience. My memories and experiences
have a profound effect on me. I've learned so much from good and bad experiences
and the ups and downs of life. On the other hand, my worst experiences matter if they
change me the way I feel and live me completely normal. I can put in so much effort to
create good memories, good experiences even confidence. And as an individual, I can
have a more optimistic outlook naturally that I figured out that the meaning of my
negativity. Creating my own experiences shapes me for being who am I and from it, I
get to create the meaning I'm seeking for. Therefore, I create my own lives and it helps
me gain perspective on where am I and where I'm going too.

Have you overcome them and become a stronger and better person? Or are there
experiences that have left scars on you as a person?

  “Go within every day and find the inner strength so that the world will not blow your
candle out.” ―Katherine Dunham

Being strong is not just about being physically strong. The challenges that come along
from time to time is a test of my willingness to stretch and change. It takes wisdom to
know when to stand up for myself, my values, and when to walk away. It takes me the
strength to refuse to be manipulated or drawn into a pointless argument. When I
encounter struggle, I seek inspiration through knowledge that it's not a dead-end but a
path to deeper knowledge and understanding. A strong people never lose it, even when
life falls apart, it’s natural to have an overwhelming rush of emotions. I'll go ahead and
complain, but at the end of the day, I accept it for what it is and move on.

Do you have attitudes, tendencies, or insecurities right now that have resulted
from a negative experience?

Almost all painful feelings have their source in an incorrect way of looking at reality.
When you uproot erroneous views, suffering ceases."
— The Buddha, as written by Thich Nhat Hanh

Attitude is everything, for better or worse. Sometimes, we encounter situations in which

we are helpless to enact change. Even though these times I'm trying and still can be in
control because no matter what, I can always control my attitude towards life. However,
the doubt and the negative feelings I experienced may have a significant effect on my
life. A negative attitude is almost a guarantee that life will be more difficult and less
fulfilling than it should be. Regardless of what is happening, I need to  be
positive because this is where I internalize my point of view. Keeping positive attitudes
alive by believing in my insecurities that even though it’s negative, it can be an
inspiration for me to grow better as long as I take this negative attitude in a good way of

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