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Chinese Government Scholarship Students

Preparatory Education 2021-2022 —Student Rules

The Rules is made to ensure the preparatory education of Chinese

Government Scholarship students 2021-2022 (hereinafter referred to as

“preparatory education”).

Comprehensive Evaluation

Students will undergo two comprehensive evaluations in January and June

2022, from 4 aspects (100 points in total) including academic performance

(20% for homework and 20% for test scores), attendance (20%), learning

attitude (20%) and moral qualities (20%).

Students whose average score of the two comprehensive evaluations is less

than 60 points shall not be eligible to participate in Graduation Test for the

preparatory education students, with their results of graduation tests

recorded as “Fail” and their scholarships terminated.

Attendance Requirement

Students must submit a written request and finish class video watching or

the homework within 48 hours, if they are not able to attend classes due to

sickness or other decent reasons, or they will be marked as absence.

Attendance record is reported on a monthly basis. Students who have been

absent without approval for 30 credit hours shall be reported by the

preparatory education college to the China Scholarship Council, and

students who have been absent without approval for 60 credit hours shall be
dismissed as per the college rules after the approval of the China Scholarship


Suspension and Resumption

Students without online learning conditions or those who have been absent

from classes for 60 consecutive hours or for 90 or more accumulated hours

due to illness or business reasons should apply for suspension. The cases of

suspension shall be reported to the China scholarship Council in time.

Suspended students shall apply to resume their study in the autumn

semester of 2022. Their scholarship will be cancelled if they do not apply for

resumption when their suspension ends. Students in suspension should

submit an application with supporting documents to the preparatory

education college within one month ahead of the resumption. And their

preparatory education college, if agreeing students’ resumption, should

apply on student’s behalf to the China Scholarship Council for the

scholarship resumption.

Graduation Assessment

The Graduation Assessment consists of two parts, namely Comprehensive

Evaluation and Graduation Test for preparatory education students. Those

who do not take the Graduation Test without permission will be disqualified

from the scholarship.

Criterion for Graduation Assessment

The Comprehensive Evaluation score must reach 60 points, and the

Graduation Test must reach the pass line: 90 out of 150 for Comprehensive
Chinese, and 60 out of 100 for Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. The

certificate of graduation will be awarded by their preparatory education

college if students pass the Graduation Assessment so that they can register

for undergraduate study with the certificate and their archives.

Time for Graduation Test

The Graduation Test 2022 will be held on July 2nd to 8th.

Cheating in Graduation Test

Students will be informed of the test disciplines and measures for violations

by preparatory education colleges before the Graduation Test, and sign for

agreement. Any violations of the disciplines will be recorded and reported to

China scholarship Council by Institute on Educational Policy and Evaluation

of International Students.

Students with serious cheating behaviors such as hiring others to take the

test, using electronic equipment, plagiarism and organizing others to cheat

shall be given zero score in the test, and their scholarship cancelled.

Switching to New Majors

Students may switch to new majors if they fail one or two test(s) of

Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry (less than 60 points).

Students who fail the Mathematics test are advised to switch to arts majors.

Medical students who fail the Chemistry test are advised to switch to non-

medical majors.

Non-medical students who fail the Physics or Chemistry test are advised to

switch to majors with lower requirements for physics or chemistry.

It should be noted that scholarship students of University Programs cannot

switch to new majors.

Retaking Preparatory Courses

Students can retake another year of preparatory course in the original

preparatory education college if their Comprehensive Chinese score is no

less than 75 points and their Comprehensive Evaluation score reaches 60


Students who want to retake the one-year preparatory course, though

qualified to switch to a new major, should have a score of over 45 in any of

the Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry test.

Scholarship Cancellation

Students’ scholarship shall be cancelled if their Comprehensive Chinese

score in the Graduation Test is less than 75 points or students who retake

the preparatory course does not pass all graduation tests.

China Scholarship Council

September 1, 2021

(official seal):

I have already read and fully understand the Chinese Government

Scholarship Students Preparatory Education 2021-2022 — Student

Rules. I shall hold responsible for any of my violations of the rules.



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