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Learn & Talk I

Chapter 6 Education
Lesson 46 At the Library
at the bottom of the following pages: TI=teaching instructions; T=teacher; S=student

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A. Let ’s Learn (11 mins)
B. Let ’s Talk (11 mins)

Learning Objectives
Part 学习目标:
Review (1 min) 5 words/phrases about “at the library ”
Expressions for “at the library ”
How to talk about “at the library ”

A. Let’s Learn

Vocabulary (3 mins)

procedure /prəˈsiːdʒər/
a way of doing something, especially the usual or correct
e.g. What’s the procedure for opening a bank account?

librarian /laɪˈbreriən/
a person who is in charge of or works in a library
e.g. The librarian saved some rare books from the fire.

TI: Teach the pronunciations, definitions and example sentences of these words, then ask S to make sentences with them.
A. Let’s Learn

Vocabulary (3 mins)

check out /tʃek//aʊt/

to borrow something from an official place, for example a
book from a library
e.g. The book has been checked out in your name.

wing /wɪŋ/
one of the parts of a large building that sticks out from the
main part
e.g. I live in the west wing of the house.

TI: Teach the pronunciations, definitions and example sentences of these words, then ask S to make sentences with them.
A. Let’s Learn

Vocabulary (1 mins)

hand in /hæ nd//ɪn/

to give something to a person in authority, especially
a piece of work or something that is lost
e.g. You must all hand in your homework by the
end of next week.

TI: Teach the pronunciations, definitions and example sentences of these words, then ask S to make sentences with them.
A. Let’s Learn

Dialog (4 mins)
Role-play the dialog with your teacher twice, and learn the highlighted expressions by heart.
Tom: I want to borrow a book. Could you please tell me the procedure, please?
Albert: Take the book to the librarian. She'll check it out for you.
Tom: Where can I find the librarian?
Albert: There's a desk on the extreme left of this wing. You'll find her there.
Tom: Do I need to hand in anything to get the book checked out?
Albert: Yes. You'll have to show your library card.
Tom: Alright. Thank you.
TI: Take turns to play both characters. Emphasize and repeat the highlighted expressions.
B. Let’s Talk

Conversation (3 mins)
Suppose you’re talking with one of your friends. Use the vocabulary and expressions you’ve learned in
Part A to complete the following conversation.
A: Hi, I just got my library card. Do you know the _______ for borrowing books?
B: Sure. It’s very simple. Take the book you want to the ______, and he’ll _____
it ____ for you.
A: But where is the ______? Hints:
B: Well, usually you can find him in the east _____ of the library.
• procedure
• librarian
A: Got it. Thanks! • wing
B: Oh, and don’t forget to show him your library card! • check out

TI: Let S practice situational conversation with what he/she has learned in Part A. Answers are on the next page.
B. Let’s Talk

Discussion (2 mins)
Talk with your teacher about the following questions. Refer to the hints if necessary.

1. How often do you go to a library? Why?

• usually / quite often / sometimes / once a week / seldom ...
• far from home / takes a long time to go there ...
• always crowded with people ... Keys to exercises on
last page:
• procedure
• librarian
• check; out
• librarian
• wing
TI: Let S practice speaking by answering the questions. Correct S as necessary.
B. Let’s Talk

Talk with your teacher about the following questions. Refer to the hints if necessary.
(3 mins)


2. What’s the procedure for borrowing a book from the library

in your city, town or university?

• apply for (申请) a library card
• scan (扫描) your card and the book with a machine
• keep the book for ... (one month, etc.)

TI: Let S practice speaking by answering the questions. Correct S as necessary.

B. Let’s Talk

Discussion (3 mins)
Talk with your teacher about the following questions. Refer to the hints if necessary.

3. Do you prefer reading/studying in the library, or at home?

• read/study together with others → more motivated
• more focused in a silent place without distractions
• enjoy air-conditioning (空调) for free

TI: Let S practice speaking by answering the questions. Correct S as necessary.

C. Let’s Review

Review (1 min)
In this lesson, you’ve learned
✓ 5 words/phrases about “at the library”
procedure librarian check out
wing hand in
✓ commonly used expressions for “at the library”
• Could you please tell me the procedure (for something)?
• Do I need to hand in anything to get the book checked out?

✓ how to talk about “at the library”

TI: Review the learning objectives in this lesson briefly. © 2018 Acadsoc Limited
Learn & Talk I
See you next time!


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Further Study

Listen and Learn


Tianjin Binhai Library

Tianjin Binhai Library is nicknamed The Eye of Binhai,
because there is a luminous (发光的) sphere that
serves as an auditorium (礼堂、会堂) in the center
of the library, which appears like an iris (虹膜) and
can be seen from the park outside through an eye-
shaped opening.

It features floor-to-ceiling, terraced (台阶的)

bookshelves able to hold 1.2 million books.
However, the rooms providing access to the upper
tiers of shelving were not built and book spines
were printed onto the backs of the shelf space.

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