Notre Dame University Bangladesh: Total Quality Management

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Notre Dame University Bangladesh

Term paper on
Total Quality Management

Submitted To
Prof. Dr. Shyamsundar Karmaker

Submitted By

Lamia Tabassum Mim

Id- 213980010

Date of Submission: 1st October, 2021

1. What is Total Quality Management?

Total Quality Management is an enhancement to the traditional way of doing business, where it
is a continuous process. Ensuring overall quality of any product and service.
A core definition of Total Quality Management can be described, enhancing the business process
through approaching long term success or customer satisfaction.
In TQM system effort of all members of an organization participate in improving process,
product and services and the culture in which they work.

After analyzing the three words TQM, we get

 Total– Made up of the whole
 Quality– Degree of excellence a product or service provides
 Management– Act, art, or manner of handling, directing, controlling, etc.

Summation of (Total + Quality + Management) implies:

 Complete 100% NOT EVEN 99.99%
 In all areas and functions
 Encompassing all activities
 All employees
 All times

Therefore, TQM is the skill of overseeing the entire process in order to attain excellence. TQM is
concerned with both the quality of management and the management of quality.
TQM is defined as a concept as well as a collection of guiding principles that serve as the
foundation of a company that is always improving. It is the application of quantitative methods
and human resources to improve all the processes within an organization and exceed customer
needs now and in the future. TQM integrates fundamental management techniques, existing
improvement efforts, and technical tools under a disciplined approach.

2. Basic Concepts of Total quality Management

TQM requires six basic concepts:

1. Fundamental of Total Quality system is improving the quality of the products and
services, so that, the entire management must participate in the quality program.
2. Satisfying the customer is the key process of Total Quality Management program. The
management must listen to their customer and emphasize their (customer) expectations.
3. The entire TQM team must be trained in TQM statistical process control and other
quality improvement skills. It’ll help to participate on project effectively.
4. TQM is a continuous improvement process. Quality improvement projects can be, on-
time-delivery, order complexity, billing errors etc.
5. Maintain a partnering relationship with suppliers can increase 40% sales dollars. When
suppliers are treating as partner they would provide a quality products or services.
6. Measuring the overall performance od entire TQM team. These measures should post for
everyone to see and improve themselves.

3. difference between Traditional & Total Quality Management

The main difference between traditional and Total Quality Management occurs in philosophy,
measurement and implementation. The differences are given below:

1. Quality defined by Company vs. Customer: In traditional quality management the

company determines its product, quality standards, on the other side in Total Quality
Management, customers determine the product quality.
2. Emphasizing on Short-Term vs Long-term success: Traditional Management
Emphasize on short-term objective, but on the other part Total Quality management focus
for the long-term improvement.
3. Managing with Fear vs. Motivating with Rewards: In traditional Management
Employees wait for authority’s instructions. Sometimes employees may even fear to
motivate and threaten to discipline or even fire them. But in TQM employees given
opportunity to improve themselves.
4. Accountability of the few vs. Responsibility of the many: With Traditional
management, only employees are directly involving in producing, who are responsible
for product quality. When in Total Quality Management the entire team including top
level executive to bottom level employee is responsible for final quality of product.
5. Acting on Instinct vs. Deciding by facts: In Traditional management supervisors and
employees solve problems and act based on individual knowledge and skills. When in

Total Quality Management, several employee or team or departments solve problems
together and take decisions.
6. Isolation vs. Cooperation: In Traditional management each employee has a distinct duty
that is strictly defined by supervisors, but in TQM implies managers and employees
collaborating in an integrated capacity that covers multiple role and responsibilities
7. Correcting Errors vs Getting it Right First Time: With Traditional Management,
quality control requires the reproduction of any defective product. When in Total Quality
Management, the management focus on reducing waste and increasing productivity, so
that the product produces perfectly at the first time.
8. Fighting fires vs. Continuously Improving: When issues arise in Traditional
Management, the resolve them one by one. But in Total Quality Management focus on
continual process improvement and proactive difficulties.

4. Principles of Total quality management

1. Customer orientation: The prime principle of Total quality management is to focus on

the both internal and external customer need and through regular feedback.
2. Vision: Enhancing perspective and raising expectations are the main vision on an
3. Leadership Commitment: Maintaining unity among employees can achieve
interdependent goals, and top-down commitment and bottom-up initiative welcomed,
similarly bureaucracy should be reduced.
4. Continuous Improvement: This is an essential step for TQM, where there is no end to
improvement and this assist the organization to achieve excellence performance.
5. Restructuring the Organization: By recognizing vertical process into merge horigontal
process, each process should have a clear idea of customers need. This is anew approach
to change the work culture of teamwork and making everyone accountable for the quality
of process.
6. Training and development: Total Quality Management believes that people are the core
of the organizations process. Under TQM people drive the whole thing as a result
individual should be trained and develop order to understand the TQM process.
7. Empowerment and Teamwork: This allows people the chance to improve their skills,
creativity and knowledge by learning, applying and participating them. The goal of this
approach is to remove bureaucracy and delay in decision.
8. Measurement and Audit: At the end the management closely monitor the entire plan
and periodic system to ensure the excellence output.

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