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Kelompok 6

KARTATIAWARMAN ( 180403086 )
ANGELINA SITORUS ( 180403088 )
NADILAH SARY ( 180403110 )


1. Solutions for Number 1(a)
The forecast of monthly demand for the products at Lavare is given below:
Month Demand
January 10.000
February 11.000
March 15.000
April 18.000
May 25.000
June 26.000
July 30.000
August 29.000
September 21.000
October 18.000
November 14.000
December 11.000

The plant operates for 20 days a month, for 8 hours each day. The capacity of the
production operation is determined primarily by the number of people on
production line. Further, no employee can work for more than 20 hours of
overtime per month.
The various costs at Lavare are shown in the table below:

The total cost incurred during the planning horizon can be determined, as follows:
= 2.400∑12 12 12 12 12 12
t=1 Wt + 22∑t=1 Ot + 0∑t=1 Ht + 0∑t=1 Lt + 3∑t=1 It + 0∑t=1 St +

40∑12 12
t=1 Pt + 0∑t=1 Ct

With regular-time wage of $2.400 ($15/hour x 8 hours/day x 20 days/month) and

size of the workforce, the regular-time labor cost over 12 month planning horizon
is 2.400∑12
t=1 Wt

With overtime wage of $22 per units per month and hours of overtime, the

overtime cost over 12 month planning horizon is 22∑12

t=1 Ot

With hiring and training cost of $0 per employee and number of employees hired,

the hiring and training cost over 12 month planning horizon is 0∑12
t=1 Ht

With layoff cost of $0 per employee and number of employees laid-off , the layoff
cost over 12 month planning horizon is 0∑12
t=1 Lt

With inventory holding cost of $3 per unit and size of inventory at the end of each
month, the cost of inventory over 12 month planning horizon is 3∑12
t=1 It

With stockout cost of $0 per unit and units stocked out at the end of each month,

the stockout cost over 12 month planning horizon is 0∑12

t=1 St

With material cost of $40 per unit and number of units produced in a month, the

material cost over 12 month planning horizon is 40∑12

t=1 Pt

With the cost of subcontracting of $0 per unit and number of units subcontracted

in a month, the cost of subcontracting over 12 month planninghorizon is 0∑12

t=1 Ct
The aggregate plan decision variables at Lavare are shown in the figure below:
The constraints for the 12 months planning horizon are listed in the excel sheet

The formula summary for determining constraints is as follows:

Constraint Cell Cell Formula Copied to
Workforce M5 = (D5-D4-B5+C5) M6:M16
Capacity N5 = (80*D5+E5/2-I5) N6:N16
Inventory O5 = (F4-G4+I5+H5-J5-F5+G5) O6:O16
Overtime P5 = (-E5+20*D5) P6:P16

The costs for the 12 months planning horizon are listed in the excel sheet below:
The formula summary for determining costs is as follows:
Costs Cell Cell Formula Copied to
Hiring B21 =B5*$O$26 B22:B32
Lay-off C21 =C5*$O$27 C22:C32
Regular Time D21 =D5*$O$24*$O$31*$O$32 D22:D32
Overtime E21 =E5*$O$25 E22:E32
Inventory F21 =F5*$O$22 F22:F32
Stockout G21 =G5*$O$28 G22:G32
Subcontract H21 =H5*$O$29 H22:H32
Component I21 =I5*$O$21 I22:I32
Total Cost B34 =SUM(B21:I32) -
Total Revenue B35 =SUMPRODUCT(J5:J16;K5:K16) -
Profit B36 =B35-B34 -

The results are shown in the figure below:

So, the total cost of the optimal production plan for the year if there’s no
promotions is $20.454.000 and the total revenue is $28.500.000. It can be
concluded that the annual profit is $8.046.000.
Solutions for Number 1(b)

Promotion in April
If Lavare choose to promote, by dropping its price by 1% ($1,25) in April, its
sales will increase by 20% and bring forward 10% from each of the following two
The new demand forecast for April (DFApr) can be obtained as
DFApr = (18.000 x 1,2) + (25.000 x 0,1) + (26.000 x 0,1)
= 21.600 + 2.500 + 2.600
= 26.700
The new demand forecast for May (DFMay) can be obtained as
DFMay = 25.000 x 0,9
= 22.500

The new demand forecast for Jun (DFJun) can be obtained as

DFJun = 26.000 x 0,9
= 23.400

The aggregate plan decision variables at Lavare’s promotion plan in April are
shown in the figure below:

The costs for the 12 months planning horizon are listed in the excel sheet below:
The results are shown in the figure below:

So, the total cost of the optimal production plan for the year if there are
promotions in April is $20.454.000 and the total revenue is $28.916.625. It can
be concluded that the annual profit is $8.462.625.

Promotion in July
If Lavare choose to promote, by dropping its price by 1% ($1,25) in July, its sales
will increase by 20% and bring forward 10% from each of the following two

The new demand forecast for July (DFJul) can be obtained as

DFJul = (30.000 x 1,2) + (29.000 x 0,1) + (21.000 x 0,1)
= 36.000 + 2.900 + 2.100
= 41.000
The new demand forecast for August (DFAug) can be obtained as
DFAug = 29.000 x 0,9
= 26.100
The new demand forecast for September (DFSep) can be obtained as
DFSep = 21.000 x 0,9
= 18.900

The aggregate plan decision variables at Lavare’s promotion plan in July are
shown in the figure below:

The costs for the 12 months planning horizon are listed in the excel sheet below:

The results are shown in the figure below:

So, the total cost of the optimal production plan for the year if there are
promotions in July is $20.454.000 and the total revenue is $29.198.750. It can be
concluded that the annual profit is $8.744.750.

Depends on the annual profit, it can be concluded it’s better to promote in July
because the annual profit in July ($8.744.750) is higher than in April

Solutions for Number 1(c)

No Promotion
The aggregate plan decision variables at Lavare are shown in the figure below:

The results are shown in the figure below:

So, the total cost of the optimal production plan for the year if there are
promotions in July is $20.454.000 and the total revenue is $57.000.000. It can be
concluded that the annual profit is $36.546.000.

Promotion in April
The aggregate plan decision variables at Lavare’s promotion plan in April are
shown in the figure below:

The results are shown in the figure below:

So, the total cost of the optimal production plan for the year if there are
promotions in July is $20.454.000 and the total revenue is $57.833.250. It can be
concluded that the annual profit is $37.379.250.

Promotion in July
The aggregate plan decision variables at Lavare’s promotion plan in July are
shown in the figure below:
The results are shown in the figure below:

So, the total cost of the optimal production plan for the year if there are
promotions in July is $20.454.000 and the total revenue is $58.397.500. It can be
concluded that the annual profit is $37.943.500.

Depends on the annual profit, it can be concluded there’s no changes in the

decision about the timing of the promotion because the annual profit in July
($37.943.500) is the highest.

2. Solutions for Number 2(a)

The various costs at Lavare are shown in the table below:

The aggregate plan decision variables at Lavare are shown in the figure below:
The costs for the 12 months planning horizon are listed in the excel sheet below:

The results are shown in the figure below:

So, the total cost of the optimal production plan for the year if there’s no
promotions is $23.564.600 and the total revenue is $28.500.000. It can be
concluded that the annual profit is $4.935.400.
Solutions for Number 2(b)
Promotion in April
If Lavare choose to promote, by dropping its price by 1% ($1,25) in April, its
sales will increase by 20% and bring forward 10% from each of the following two

The new demand forecast for April (DFApr) can be obtained as

DFApr = (18.000 x 1,2) + (25.000 x 0,1) + (26.000 x 0,1)
= 21.600 + 2.500 + 2.600
= 26.700
The new demand forecast for May (DFMay) can be obtained as
DFMay = 25.000 x 0,9
= 22.500
The new demand forecast for Jun (DFJun) can be obtained as
DFJun = 26.000 x 0,9
= 23.400

The aggregate plan decision variables at Lavare’s promotion plan in April are
shown in the figure below:

The costs for the 12 months planning horizon are listed in the excel sheet below:
The results are shown in the figure below:

So, the total cost of the optimal production plan for the year if there are
promotions in April is $23.564.600 and the total revenue is $28.916.625. It can
be concluded that the annual profit is $5.352.025.

Promotion in July
If Lavare choose to promote, by dropping its price by 1% ($1,25) in July, its sales
will increase by 20% and bring forward 10% from each of the following two

The new demand forecast for July (DFJul) can be obtained as

DFJul = (30.000 x 1,2) + (29.000 x 0,1) + (21.000 x 0,1)
= 36.000 + 2.900 + 2.100
= 41.000
The new demand forecast for August (DFAug) can be obtained as
DFAug = 29.000 x 0,9
= 26.100
The new demand forecast for September (DFSep) can be obtained as
DFSep = 21.000 x 0,9
= 18.900

The aggregate plan decision variables at Lavare’s promotion plan in July are
shown in the figure below:

The costs for the 12 months planning horizon are listed in the excel sheet below:

The results are shown in the figure below:

So, the total cost of the optimal production plan for the year if there are
promotions in July is $23.564.600 and the total revenue is $29.198.750. It can be
concluded that the annual profit is $5.634.150.
Depends on the annual profit, it can be concluded it’s better to promote in July
because the annual profit in July ($5.634.150) is higher than in April

Solutions for Number 2(c)

No Promotion
The various costs at Lavare are shown in the table below:

The costs for the 12 months planning horizon are listed in the excel sheet below:
So, the total cost of the optimal production plan for the year if there’s no
promotions is $24.705.800 and the total revenue is $28.500.000. It can be
concluded that the annual profit is $3.794.200.
Promotion in April
The aggregate plan decision variables at Lavare’s promotion plan in April are
shown in the figure below:

The results are shown in the figure below:

So, the total cost of the optimal production plan for the year if there are
promotions in July is $24.705.800 and the total revenue is $28.916.625. It can be
concluded that the annual profit is $4.210.825.
Promotion in July
The aggregate plan decision variables at Lavare’s promotion plan in July are
shown in the figure below:
The results are shown in the figure below:

So, the total cost of the optimal production plan for the year if there are
promotions in July is $24.705.800 and the total revenue is $29.198.750. It can be
concluded that the annual profit is $4.492.950.

Depends on the annual profit, it can be concluded there’s no changes in the

decision about the timing of the promotion because the annual profit in July
($4.492.950) is the highest.
Rencana Produksi yang Optimal tanpa Promosi

Laid Work Stock Sub

Period Hired Overtime Inventory Production Demand Price
Off Force Out Contract
0 0 0 250 0 5.000 0 0 0
1 0 0 250 5.000 17.500 0 0 22.500 10.000 74
2 0 0 250 5.000 29.000 0 0 22.500 11.000 74
3 0 0 250 5.000 36.500 0 0 22.500 15.000 74
4 0 0 250 5.000 41.000 0 0 22.500 18.000 74
5 0 0 250 5.000 38.500 0 0 22.500 25.000 74
6 0 0 250 5.000 35.000 0 0 22.500 26.000 74
7 0 0 250 5.000 27.500 0 0 22.500 30.000 74
8 0 0 250 5.000 21.000 0 0 22.500 29.000 74
9 0 0 250 5.000 22.500 0 0 22.500 21.000 74
10 0 0 250 5.000 27.000 0 0 22.500 18.000 74
11 0 0 250 5.000 35.500 0 0 22.500 14.000 74
12 0 0 250 5.000 47.000 0 0 22.500 11.000 74
Total 0 0 3250 60000 383000 0 0 270000 228000 888

• Total Cost = 20.454.000

• Total Revanue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $16.872.000
• Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost = -$3.582.000
Rencana Produksi yang Optimal dengan Promosi Bulan April

Laid Work Stock Sub

Period Hired Overtime Inventory Production Demand Price
Off Force Out Contract
0 0 0 250 0 5.000 0 0 0
1 0 0 250 5.000 17.500 0 0 22.500 10.000 74
2 0 0 250 5.000 29.000 0 0 22.500 11.000 74
3 0 0 250 5.000 36.500 0 0 22.500 15.000 74
4 0 0 250 5.000 41.000 8.700 0 22.500 26.700 73,26
5 0 0 250 5.000 38.500 6.200 0 22.500 22.500 74
6 0 0 250 5.000 35.000 3.600 0 22.500 23.400 74
7 0 0 250 5.000 27.500 3.600 0 22.500 30.000 74
8 0 0 250 5.000 21.000 3.600 0 22.500 29.000 74
9 0 0 250 5.000 22.500 3.600 0 22.500 21.000 74
10 0 0 250 5.000 27.000 3.600 0 22.500 18.000 74
11 0 0 250 5.000 35.500 3.600 0 22.500 14.000 74
12 0 0 250 5.000 47.000 3.600 0 22.500 11.000 74
Total 0 0 3250 60000 383000 40100 0 270000 231600 887,26
• Total Cost = 20.454.000
• Total Revanue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $17.118.642
• Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost = -$3.335.358
Rencana Produksi yang Optimal dengan Promosi Bulan July

Laid Work Stock Sub

Period Hired Overtime Inventory Production Demand Price
Off Force Out Contract
0 0 0 250 0 5.000 0 0 0
1 0 0 250 5.000 17.500 0 0 22.500 10.000 74
2 0 0 250 5.000 29.000 0 0 22.500 11.000 74
3 0 0 250 5.000 36.500 0 0 22.500 15.000 74
4 0 0 250 5.000 41.000 0 0 22.500 18.000 73,26
5 0 0 250 5.000 38.500 0 0 22.500 25.000 74
6 0 0 250 5.000 35.000 0 0 22.500 26.000 74
7 0 0 250 5.000 27.500 11.000 0 22.500 41.000 74
8 0 0 250 5.000 21.000 8.100 0 22.500 26.100 74
9 0 0 250 5.000 22.500 6.000 0 22.500 18.900 74
10 0 0 250 5.000 27.000 6.000 0 22.500 18.000 74
11 0 0 250 5.000 35.500 6.000 0 22.500 14.000 74
12 0 0 250 5.000 47.000 6.000 0 22.500 11.000 74
Total 0 0 3250 60000 383000 43100 0 270000 234000 887,26

• Total Cost = 20.454.000

• Total Revanue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $17.302.680
• Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost = -$3.151.320

Maka, dari hasil perhitungan di atas dapat disimpulkan jika pihak ketiga
memberikan harga $74 per unitnya maka profit menjadi minus baik dengan
promosi maupun tanpa promosi dan perusahanpun dapat mengalami kerugian
yang cukup besar.

Month Demand Month Demand
January 12000 July 24000
February 11000 August 20000
March 14000 September 15000
April 20000 October 10000
May 25000 November 11000
June 27000 December 10000
• Biaya Regular per Jam : $10
• Biaya Overtime per Jam : $15
• Biaya Inventory per bulan : $4
• Biaya Material per Bicycle : $35
• Biaya penjualan per Bicycle : $80
• Jam kerja/hari : 250/Orang
• Hari kerja/bulan : 8/Jam
• Lama produksi bicycle (Jam/TK) : 2/Jam
• OT maksimal (Jam/bulan/TK) : 20/Jam
• Inventory Awal : 4000/ Unit
• Inventory Akhir : 4000/Unit
• Total produksi per orang/bulan : 80/ Unit

a. Aggregate Plan Decision Variables

Laid Work
Period Hired Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
off force
0 0 0 250 0 4000 0 0
1 0 0 250 0 12000 0 0 20000 12000 $ 80
2 0 0 250 0 21000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
3 0 0 250 0 27000 0 0 20000 14000 $ 80
4 0 0 250 0 27000 0 0 20000 20000 $ 80
5 0 0 250 0 22000 0 0 20000 25000 $ 80
6 0 0 250 0 15000 0 0 20000 27000 $ 80
7 0 0 250 0 11000 0 0 20000 24000 $ 80
8 0 0 250 0 11000 0 0 20000 20000 $ 80
9 0 0 250 0 16000 0 0 20000 15000 $ 80
10 0 0 250 0 26000 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
11 0 0 250 0 35000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
12 0 0 250 0 45000 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
Total 0 0 3250 0 272000 0 0 240000 199000 $ 960

• Total Cost = $15.920.000

• Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $14.272.000

• Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost = $1.648.000

Maka, dari hasil perhitungan yang atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa annual
profit tanpa adanya promotion pada Jumbo adalah sebesar $1.648.000.

b. Diketahui apabila harga diskon:

• Harga diturunkan $3

• Konsumsi meningkat 40%

• Forward buying meningkat 10% untuk 2 bulan kedepan Pesaing diskon, maka
konsumsi menurun 40% .Apabila Jumbo diskon pada bulan April
Month Demand Price
January 12000 80
February 11000 80
March 14000 80
April 33200 77
May 22500 80
June 24300 80
July 24000 80
August 20000 80
September 15000 80
October 10000 80
November 11000 80
December 10000 80
Bulan April, demand meningkat 40% ditambahkan dengan demand pada 2 bulan
kedepan sebanyak 10% sehingga demand menjadi 33.200 unit, dengan total harga
menjadi $77 pada bulan April.
Laid Work
Period Hired off force Overtime Inventory Stockout Sub Production Demand Price
0 0 0 250 0 4000 0 0
1 0 0 250 0 12000 0 0 20000 12000 $ 80
2 0 0 250 0 21000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
3 0 0 250 0 27000 0 0 20000 14000 $ 80
4 0 0 250 0 13800 0 0 20000 33200 $ 77
5 0 0 250 0 11300 0 0 20000 22500 $ 80
6 0 0 250 0 7000 0 0 20000 24300 $ 80
7 0 0 250 0 3000 0 0 20000 24000 $ 80
8 0 0 250 0 3000 0 0 20000 20000 $ 80
9 0 0 250 0 8000 0 0 20000 15000 $ 80
10 0 0 250 0 18000 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
11 0 0 250 0 27000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
12 0 0 250 0 37000 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
Total 0 0 3250 0 192100 0 0 240000 207000 $ 957
• Total Cost = $13.952.400
• Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $16.460.400
• Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost =$2.508.000

Apabila Jumbo tidak diskon pada bulan April, tetapi Shrimpy melakukan
diskon pada bulan april
Month Demand Price
January 12000 80
February 11000 80
March 14000 80
April 12000 80
May 25000 80
June 27000 80
July 24000 80
August 20000 80
September 15000 80
October 10000 80
November 11000 80
December 10000 80

Bulan April, demand menurun 40% sehingga demand menjadi 12.000 unitpada
bulan April.

Laid Work Overti Invento Stock SubContra Producti

Period Hired off force Demand Price
me ry out ct on
0 0 0 250 0 4000 0 0
1 0 0 250 0 12000 0 0 20000 12000 $ 80
2 0 0 250 0 21000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
3 0 0 250 0 27000 0 0 20000 14000 $ 80
4 0 0 250 0 35000 0 0 20000 12000 $ 80
5 0 0 250 0 30000 0 0 20000 25000 $ 80
6 0 0 250 0 23000 0 0 20000 27000 $ 80
7 0 0 250 0 19000 0 0 20000 24000 $ 80
8 0 0 250 0 19000 0 0 20000 20000 $ 80
9 0 0 250 0 24000 0 0 20000 15000 $ 80
10 0 0 250 0 34000 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
11 0 0 250 0 43000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
12 0 0 250 0 53000 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
Total 0 0 3250 0 344000 0 0 240000 191000 $ 960

• Total Cost = $14.560.400

• Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $15.280.000
• Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost = $720.000
Maka, keuntungan Jumbo jika melakukan diskon pada bulan April
sedangkan Shrimpy tidak melakukan diskon adalah sebesar $2.508.000.
Sedangkan keuntungan Jumbo jika tidak melakukan diskon pada bulan April
sedangkan Shrimpy melakukan diskon adalah sebesar $720.000.

c. Diketahui apabila Jumbo dan Shrimpy melakukan diskon bersama – sama,

maka forward buying meningkat 15% untuk 2 bulan kedepan.
Apabila Jumbo dan Shrimpy mengadakan diskon bersama pada bulan April.
Month Demand Price
January 12000 80
February 11000 80
March 14000 80
April 27800 77
May 21250 80
June 22950 80
July 24000 80
August 20000 80
September 15000 80
October 10000 80
November 11000 80
December 10000 80

Bulan April, ditambahkan dengan demand pada 2 bulan kedepan sebanyak 15%
sehingga demand menjadi 27.800 unit, dengan total harga menjadi $77 pada bulan

Laid Wor Sub

kfor Over Producti
Period Hired off Inventory Stockout Con Demand Price
ce time on
0 0 0 250 0 4000 0 0
1 0 0 250 0 12000 0 0 20000 12000 $ 80
2 0 0 250 0 21000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
3 0 0 250 0 27000 0 0 20000 14000 $ 80
4 0 0 250 0 19200 0 0 20000 27800 $ 77
5 0 0 250 0 17950 0 0 20000 21250 $ 80
6 0 0 250 0 15000 0 0 20000 22950 $ 80
7 0 0 250 0 11000 0 0 20000 24000 $ 80
8 0 0 250 0 11000 0 0 20000 20000 $ 80
9 0 0 250 0 16000 0 0 20000 15000 $ 80
10 0 0 250 0 26000 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
11 0 0 250 0 35000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
12 0 0 250 0 45000 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
Total 0 0 3250 0 260150 0 0 240000 199000 $ 957
• Total Cost = $14.224.600
• Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price)= $15.836.600
▪ Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost= $1.612.000
Apabila Jumbo dan Shrimpy mengadakan diskon bersama pada bulan Juni.
Month Demand Price
January 12000 80
February 11000 80
March 14000 80
April 20000 80
May 25000 80
June 33600 77
July 20400 80
August 17000 80
September 15000 80
October 10000 80
November 11000 80
December 10000 80

Bulan Juni, ditambahkan dengan demand pada 2 bulan kedepan sebanyak 15%
sehingga demand menjadi 33600 unit, dengan total harga menjadi $77 pada bulan

Laid Work-
Period Hired off force Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
0 0 0 250 0 4000 0 0
1 0 0 250 0 12000 0 0 20000 12000 $ 80
2 0 0 250 0 21000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
3 0 0 250 0 27000 0 0 20000 14000 $ 80
4 0 0 250 0 27000 0 0 20000 20000 $ 80
5 0 0 250 0 22000 0 0 20000 25000 $ 80
6 0 0 250 0 8400 0 0 20000 33600 $ 77
7 0 0 250 0 8000 0 0 20000 20400 $ 80
8 0 0 250 0 11000 0 0 20000 17000 $ 80
9 0 0 250 0 16000 0 0 20000 15000 $ 80
10 0 0 250 0 26000 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
11 0 0 250 0 35000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
12 0 0 250 0 45000 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
Total 0 0 3250 0 262400 0 0 240000 199000 $ 957
• Total Cost = $14.233.600
▪ Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $15.819.200
▪ Profit= Total Revenue – Total Cost = $1.585.600

Apabila Jumbo diskon dibulan April, tetapi Shrimpy diskon di bulan Juni, dan
Month Demand Price
January 12000 80
February 11000 80
March 14000 80
April 33200 77
May 22500 80
June 13770 80
July 24000 80
August 20000 80
September 15000 80
October 10000 80
November 11000 80
December 10000 80

Laid Work-
Period Hired Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
off force
0 0 0 250 0 4000 0 0
1 0 0 250 0 12000 0 0 20000 12000 $ 80
2 0 0 250 0 21000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
3 0 0 250 0 27000 0 0 20000 14000 $ 80
4 0 0 250 0 13800 0 0 20000 33200 $ 77
5 0 0 250 0 11300 0 0 20000 22500 $ 80
6 0 0 250 0 17530 0 0 20000 13770 $ 80
7 0 0 250 0 13530 0 0 20000 24000 $ 80
8 0 0 250 0 13530 0 0 20000 20000 $ 80
9 0 0 250 0 18530 0 0 20000 15000 $ 80
10 0 0 250 0 28530 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
11 0 0 250 0 37530 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
12 0 0 250 0 47530 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
Total 0 0 3250 0 265810 0 0 240000 196470 $ 957

• Total Cost = $14.247.240

• Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price)= $15.618.000

• Profit= Total Revenue – Total Cost = $1.370.760
Apabila Jumbo diskon dibulan Juni, tetapi Shrimpy diskon di bulan April, dan
Month Demand Price
January 12000 80
February 11000 80
March 14000 80
April 12000 80
May 22500 80
June 42200 77
July 21600 80
August 18000 80
September 15000 80
October 10000 80
November 11000 80
December 10000 80

Laid Work-
Period Hired off force Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
0 0 0 250 0 4000 0 0
1 0 0 250 0 12000 0 0 20000 12000 $ 80
2 0 0 250 0 21000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
3 0 0 250 0 27000 0 0 20000 14000 $ 80
4 0 0 250 0 35000 0 0 20000 12000 $ 80
5 0 0 250 0 32500 0 0 20000 22500 $ 80
6 0 0 250 0 10300 0 0 20000 42200 $ 77
7 0 0 250 0 8700 0 0 20000 21600 $ 80
8 0 0 250 0 10700 0 0 20000 18000 $ 80
9 0 0 250 0 15700 0 0 20000 15000 $ 80
10 0 0 250 0 25700 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
11 0 0 250 0 34700 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
12 0 0 250 0 44700 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
Total 0 0 3250 0 282000 0 0 240000 199300 $ 957

• Total Cost = $14.312.000

▪ Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $15.817.400
▪ Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost = $1.505.400

Maka, berdasarkan perhitungan diatas jika Jumbo dan Shrimpy melakukan

diskon bersamaan pada bulan April, maka profit yang didapatkan oleh kedua
perusahaan adalah $1.612.000. Sedangkan Jika Jumbo dan Shrimpy
melakukan diskon bersamaan pada bulan Juni, maka profit yang didapatkan
oleh kedua perusahaan adalah sebesar $1.585.600. Sedangkan jika Jumbo
melakukan diskon dibulan April sedangkan Shrimpy melakukan diskon
dibulan Juni, maka profit yang didapatkan Jumbo adalah sebesar $1.370.760,
sedangkan Shrimpy adalah sebesar $1.505.400.

Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa rencana produksi yang paling optimal adalah
dengan Jumbo dan Shrimpy melakukan diskon secara bersama pada bulan
April dimana memiliki profit yang paling besar.

d. Keuntungan yang terbaik untuk jumbo adalah sebagai berikut.

Shrimpy Jumbo Jumbo’s Profit
No discount April $ 2.508.000,00
No discount June $ 2.669.400,00
April April $ 1.612.000,00
April June $ 1.505.400,00
June April $ 1.370.760,00
June June $ 1.585.600,00

Berdasarkan tabel, dapat dilihat bahwa jika Shrimpy tidak melakukan

diskon, maka sebaiknya Jumbo melakukan diskon di bulan Juni. Sedangkan
jika Shrimpy melakukan diskon pada bulan April, maka sebaiknya Jumbo
memberikan diskon juga di bulan April. Jika Shrimpy melakukan diskon pada
bulan Juni, maka sebaiknya Jumbo memberika diskon juga pada bulan Juni.

e. Dengan tidak memperhitungkan apa yang dilakukan Shrimpy, maka

keuntungan dari Jumbo adalah sebagai berikut.

Month Demand Price

January 12000 80
February 11000 80
March 14000 80
April 33200 77
May 22500 80
June 24300 80
July 24000 80
August 20000 80
September 15000 80
October 10000 80
November 11000 80
December 10000 80
Laid Work-
Period Hired off force Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
0 0 0 250 0 4000 0 0
1 0 0 250 0 12000 0 0 20000 12000 $ 80
2 0 0 250 0 21000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
3 0 0 250 0 27000 0 0 20000 14000 $ 80
4 0 0 250 0 13800 0 0 20000 33200 $ 77
5 0 0 250 0 11300 0 0 20000 22500 $ 80
6 0 0 250 0 7000 0 0 20000 24300 $ 80
7 0 0 250 0 3000 0 0 20000 24000 $ 80
8 0 0 250 0 3000 0 0 20000 20000 $ 80
9 0 0 250 0 8000 0 0 20000 15000 $ 80
10 0 0 250 0 18000 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
11 0 0 250 0 27000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
12 0 0 250 0 37000 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
Total 0 0 3250 0 192100 0 0 240000 207000 $ 957

• Total Cost = $13.952.400

• Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price)= $16.460.400
• Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost= $2.508.000

Month Demand Price

January 12000 80
February 11000 80
March 14000 80
April 20000 80
May 25000 80
June 42200 77
July 21600 80
August 18000 80
September 15000 80
October 10000 80
November 11000 80
December 10000 80
Laid Work-
Period Hired off force Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
0 0 0 250 0 4000 0 0
1 0 0 250 0 12000 0 0 20000 12000 $ 80
2 0 0 250 0 21000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
3 0 0 250 0 27000 0 0 20000 14000 $ 80
4 0 0 250 0 27000 0 0 20000 20000 $ 80
5 0 0 250 0 22000 0 0 20000 25000 $ 80
6 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 20000 42200 $ 77
7 0 0 250 0 0 1800 0 20000 21600 $ 80
8 0 0 250 0 2000 0 0 20000 18000 $ 80
9 0 0 250 0 7000 0 0 20000 15000 $ 80
10 0 0 250 0 17000 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
11 0 0 250 0 26000 0 0 20000 11000 $ 80
12 0 0 250 0 36000 0 0 20000 10000 $ 80
Total 0 0 3250 0 201000 0 0 240000 209800 $ 957

• Total Cost = $13.988.000

• Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price)= $16.657.400
• Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost = $ 2.669.400

Maka dari perhitungan diatas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tanpa menghiraukan

apa yang akan dilakukan oleh Shrimpy, maka yang sebaiknya Jumbo melakukan
diskon pada bulan Juni yaitu dengan profit sebesar $2.669.400, dibandingkan
dengan bulanApril yaitu sebesar $2.508.000.

5. Month Demand
January 280
February 301
March 277
April 302
May 285
June 278
July 291
August 277
September 304
October 291
November 302
December 297
Biaya Regular / Jam $10
Biaya Overtime / Jam $15
Biaya Inventory / bulan $100
Biaya Material per Detergent $1000
Biaya penjualan per $2600
Total Employe 100 Orang
Jam kerja/hari 8 Jam
Hari kerja/bulan 20 Hari
Lama produksi Detergent
1 Jam
OT maksimal 20 Jam
Inventory Awal 150 Unit
Inventory Akhir 100 Unit
Total produksi per 160 Unit

a. Aggregate Plan Decision Variables

Laid Work-
Period Hired off force Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.600
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.600
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.600
4 0 0 100 0 62990 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.600
5 0 0 100 0 78705 0 0 16000 285 $ 2.600
6 0 0 100 0 94427 0 0 16000 278 $ 2.600
7 0 0 100 0 110136 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.600
8 0 0 100 0 125859 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.600
9 0 0 100 0 141555 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.600
10 0 0 100 0 157264 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.600
11 0 0 100 0 172962 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.600
12 0 0 100 0 188665 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.600
Total 0 0 1300 0 1227444 0 0 192000 3485 $ 31.200
Total Cost = $316.649.400
Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $9.061.000
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost = $(307.588.400)
Maka , annual profit tanpa adanya promosi pada Q&H adalah sebesar
b. Diketahui: Harga diturunkan sebesar $260 , Konsumsi meningkat 50% ,
Forward buying meningkat 20% untuk 2 bulan kedepan , Pesaing diskon, maka
konsumsi menurun 50% Apabila Q&H diskon pada bulan April sebagai berikut

Month Demand Price

January 280 2600
February 301 2600
March 277 2600
April 302 2600
May 285 2600
June 278 2600
July 291 2600
August 277 2600
September 304 2600
October 291 2600
November 302 2600
December 297 2600

Laid Work-
Period Hired Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
off force
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.600
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.600
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.600
4 0 0 100 0 62727 0 0 16000 565 $ 2.340
5 0 0 100 0 78499 0 0 16000 228 $ 2.600
6 0 0 100 0 94277 0 0 16000 222 $ 2.600
7 0 0 100 0 109986 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.600
8 0 0 100 0 125709 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.600
9 0 0 100 0 141405 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.600
10 0 0 100 0 157114 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.600
11 0 0 100 0 172812 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.600
12 0 0 100 0 188515 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.600
Total 0 0 1300 0 1225925 0 0 192000 3635
Total Cost = $316.497.500
Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $9.304.100
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost = $(307.193.400)
Apabila Q&H tidak diskon pada bulan April, akan tetapi Unilock melakukan
diskon pada bulan april
Month Demand Price
January 280 2600
February 301 2600
March 277 2600
April 302 2600
May 285 2600
June 278 2600
July 291 2600
August 277 2600
September 304 2600
October 291 2600
November 302 2600
December 297 2600

Laid Work-
Period Hired Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
off force
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.600
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.600
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.600
4 0 0 100 0 63141 0 0 16000 151 $ 2.600
5 0 0 100 0 78856 0 0 16000 285 $ 2.600
6 0 0 100 0 94578 0 0 16000 278 $ 2.600
7 0 0 100 0 110287 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.600
8 0 0 100 0 126010 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.600
9 0 0 100 0 141706 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.600
10 0 0 100 0 157415 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.600
11 0 0 100 0 173113 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.600
12 0 0 100 0 188816 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.600
Total 0 0 1300 0 1228803 0 0 192000 3334 $ 31.200

Total Cost = $316.785.300

Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $8.668.400 Profit
= Total Revenue – Total Cost = $(308.116.900)
Maka, keuntungan Q&H apabila melakukan diskon dibulan April sedangkan
Unilock tidak melakukan diskon adalah sebesar $(307.193.400),keuntungan Q&H
apabila tidak melakukan diskon pada bulan April sedangkan Unilock melakukan
diskon adalah sebesar $(308.116.900).
c. Diketahui : Q&H dan Unilock melakukan diskon bersama – sama, maka
forward buying meningkat 25% untuk 2 bulan kedepan. Apabila Q&H dan
Unilock mengadakan diskon bersama pada bulan April.
Month Demand Price
January 280 2600
February 301 2600
March 277 2600
April 442,75 2600
May 213,75 2600
June 208,5 2600
July 291 2600
August 277 2600
September 304 2600
October 291 2600
November 302 2600
December 297 2600

Aggregate Plan Decision Variables

Laid Work-
Period Hired Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
off force
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.600
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.600
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.600
4 0 0 100 0 62849,25 0 0 16000 442,75 $ 2.340
5 0 0 100 0 78635,5 0 0 16000 213,75 $ 2.600
6 0 0 100 0 94427 0 0 16000 208,5 $ 2.600
7 0 0 100 0 110136 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.600
8 0 0 100 0 125859 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.600
9 0 0 100 0 141555 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.600
10 0 0 100 0 157264 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.600
11 0 0 100 0 172962 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.600
12 0 0 100 0 188665 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.600
Total 0 0 1300 0 1227233,75 0 0 192000 3485 $ 30.940

Total Cost = $316.628.375

Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $8.945.885
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost = $(307.682.490)
Apabila Q&H dan Unilock mengadakan diskon bersama pada bulan Juni
Month Demand Price
January 280 2600
February 301 2600
March 277 2600
April 302 2600
May 285 2600
June 278 2600
July 291 2600
August 277 2600
September 304 2600
October 291 2600
November 302 2600
December 297 2600

Laid Work-
Period Hired off force Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.600
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.600
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.600
4 0 0 100 0 62990 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.600
5 0 0 100 0 78705 0 0 16000 285 $ 2.600
6 0 0 100 0 94285 0 0 16000 420 $ 2.340
7 0 0 100 0 110067 0 0 16000 218 $ 2.600
8 0 0 100 0 125860 0 0 16000 207 $ 2.600
9 0 0 100 0 141556 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.600
10 0 0 100 0 157265 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.600
11 0 0 100 0 172963 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.600
12 0 0 100 0 188666 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.600
Total 0 0 1300 0 1227238 0 0 192000 3484 $ 30.940

Total Cost = $316.628.800

Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $8.949.200
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost = $(307.679.600)
Apabila Q&H diskon dibulan April, tetapi Unilock diskon di bulan Juni, maka
Month Demand Price
January 280 2600
February 301 2600
March 277 2600
April 302 2600
May 285 2600
June 278 2600
July 291 2600
August 277 2600
September 304 2600
October 291 2600
November 302 2600
December 297 2600

Laid Work-
Period Hired Overtime Inventory Stockout SubCon Production Demand Price
off force
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.600
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.600
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.600
4 0 0 100 0 62727 0 0 16000 565 $ 2.340
5 0 0 100 0 78499 0 0 16000 228 $ 2.600
6 0 0 100 0 94395 0 0 16000 104 $ 2.600
7 0 0 100 0 110104 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.600
8 0 0 100 0 125827 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.600
9 0 0 100 0 141523 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.600
10 0 0 100 0 157232 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.600
11 0 0 100 0 172930 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.600
12 0 0 100 0 188633 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.600
$ 30.940
Total 0 0 1300 0 1226751 0 0 192000 3517

Total Cost = $316.580.100

Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $8.997.300
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost = $(307.582.800)
Jika Q&H diskon dibulan Juni, tetapi Unilock diskon di bulan April, dan
Month Demand Price
January 280 2600
February 301 2600
March 277 2600
April 151 2600
May 256,5 2600
June 530,6 2600
July 232,8 2600
August 221,6 2600
September 304 2600
October 291 2600
November 302 2600
December 297 2600

Laid Work-
Period Hired Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
off force
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.600
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.600
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.600
4 0 0 100 0 63141 0 0 16000 151 $ 2.600
5 0 0 100 0 78884,5 0 0 16000 256,5 $ 2.600
6 0 0 100 0 94353,9 0 0 16000 530,6 $ 2.340
7 0 0 100 0 110121,1 0 0 16000 232,8 $ 2.600
8 0 0 100 0 125899,5 0 0 16000 221,6 $ 2.600
9 0 0 100 0 141595,5 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.600
10 0 0 100 0 157304,5 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.600
11 0 0 100 0 173002,5 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.600
12 0 0 100 0 188705,5 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.600
Total 0 0 1300 0 1227889 0 0 192000 3444,5 $30.940

Total Cost = $316.693.900

Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $8.817.744
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost = $(307.876.156)
Berdasarkan perhitungan, diketahui bahwa jika Q&H dan Unilock diskon
bersamaan pada bulan April, profit yang didapatkan oleh kedua perusahaan adalah
sebesar $(307.682.490). jika Q&H dan Unilock diskon bersamaan pada bulan
Juni, maka profit yang didapatkan oleh kedua perusahaan adalah sebesar
$(307.679.600). jiks Q&H melakukan diskon dibulan April sedangkan Unilock
melakukan diskon dibulan Juni, profit yang didapatkan Q&H adalah sebesar
$(307.582.800), sedangkan Unilock adalah sebesar $(307.876.156), dan
sebaliknya. Sehingga, disimpulkan bahwa rencana produksi yang paling optimal
adalah Q&H melakukan diskon dibulan April sedangkan unilock melakukan
diskon dibulan Juni yang memiliki profit yang paling besar.
d. Keuntungan yang didapatkan Q&H
Unilock Q&H Q&H Profit
No April $ (307.193.400,00)
No June $ (307.250.756,00)
April April $ (307.682.490,00)
April June $ (307.876.156,00)
June April $ (307.582.800,00)
June June $ (307.679.600,00)

e. Dengan tidak memperhitungkan apa yang dilakukan Unilock, maka keuntungan

yang dapat diperoleh Q&H

Q&H melakukan diskon pada bulan April

Month Demand Price

January 280 2600
February 301 2600
March 277 2600
April 565,6 2600
May 228 2600
June 222,4 2600
July 291 2600
August 277 2600
September 304 2600
October 291 2600
November 302 2600
December 297 2600
Laid Work-
Period Hired off force Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.600
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.600
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.600
4 0 0 100 0 62726,4 0 0 16000 565,6 $ 2.340
5 0 0 100 0 78498,4 0 0 16000 228 $ 2.600
6 0 0 100 0 94276 0 0 16000 222,4 $ 2.600
7 0 0 100 0 109985 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.600
8 0 0 100 0 125708 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.600
9 0 0 100 0 141404 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.600
10 0 0 100 0 157113 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.600
11 0 0 100 0 172811 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.600
12 0 0 100 0 188514 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.600
Total 0 0 1300 0 1225916,8 0 0 192000 3636 $ 30.940

Total Cost = $316.496.680

Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $9.306.544
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost = $(307.190.136)
Q&H melakukan diskon pada bulan Juni

Month Demand Price

January 280 2600
February 301 2600
March 277 2600
April 302 2600
May 285 2600
June 530,6 2600
July 232,8 2600
August 221,6 2600
September 304 2600
October 291 2600
November 302 2600
December 297 2600
Laid Work-
Period Hired off force Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.600
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.600
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.600
4 0 0 100 0 62990 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.600
5 0 0 100 0 78705 0 0 16000 285 $ 2.600
6 0 0 100 0 94174,4 0 0 16000 530,6 $ 2.340
7 0 0 100 0 109941,6 0 0 16000 232,8 $ 2.600
8 0 0 100 0 125720 0 0 16000 221,6 $ 2.600
9 0 0 100 0 141416 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.600
10 0 0 100 0 157125 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.600
11 0 0 100 0 172823 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.600
12 0 0 100 0 188526 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.600
Total 0 0 1300 0 1226302 0 0 192000 3624 $ 30.940
Total Cost = $316.535.200
Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price) = $9.284.444
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost = $(307.250.756)
Berdasarkan perhitungan diatas , diketahui bahwa tanpa melihat apa yang
akan dilakukan oleh Unilock, maka Q&H melakukan diskon pada bulan Juni yaitu
dengan profit sebesar $(307.250.756), dibandingkan dengan bulan April yaitu
sebesar $(307.190.136).

6. Dik : Biaya Penjualan = $2300

a. Aggregate Plan Decision Variables
Laid Work-
Period Hired Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
off force
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.300
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.300
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.300
4 0 0 100 0 62990 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.300
5 0 0 100 0 78705 0 0 16000 285 $ 2.300
6 0 0 100 0 94427 0 0 16000 278 $ 2.300
7 0 0 100 0 110136 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.300
8 0 0 100 0 125859 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.300
9 0 0 100 0 141555 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.300
10 0 0 100 0 157264 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.300
11 0 0 100 0 172962 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.300
12 0 0 100 0 188665 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.300
Total 0 0 1300 0 1227444 0 0 192000 3485 $ 27.600
Total Cost = $316.649.400
Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price)
= $8.015.500

Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost

= $(308.633.900)

Sehingga, annual profit tanpa adanya promotion pada Q&H adalah sebesar

b. Diketahu apabila harga diskon:

- Harga diturunkan $260

- Konsumsi meningkat 50%
- Forward buying meningkat 20% untuk 2 bulan kedepan
- Pesaing diskon, maka konsumsi menurun 50%

Apabila Q&H diskon pada bulan April

Month Demand Price
January 280 2300
February 301 2300
March 277 2300
April 565 2040
May 228 2300
June 222 2300
July 291 2300
August 277 2300
September 304 2300
October 291 2300
November 302 2300
December 297 2300
Aggregate Plan Decision Variables
Laid Work-
Period Hired off force Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.300
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.300
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.300
4 0 0 100 0 62727 0 0 16000 565 $ 2.040
5 0 0 100 0 78499 0 0 16000 228 $ 2.300
6 0 0 100 0 94277 0 0 16000 222 $ 2.300
7 0 0 100 0 109986 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.300
8 0 0 100 0 125709 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.300
9 0 0 100 0 141405 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.300
10 0 0 100 0 157114 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.300
11 0 0 100 0 172812 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.300
12 0 0 100 0 188515 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.300
Total 0 0 1300 0 1225925 0 0 192000 3635 $ 27.340

Total Cost = $316.497.500

Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price)
= $8.213.600
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost
= $(308.283.900)

Apabila Q&H tidak diskon pada bulan April, tetapi Unilock melakukan diskonpada
bulan april
Month Demand Price
January 280 2300
February 301 2300
March 277 2300
April 151 2300
May 285 2300
June 278 2300
July 291 2300
August 277 2300
September 304 2300
October 291 2300
November 302 2300
December 297 2300
Aggregate Plan Decision Variables

Laid Work-
Period Hired Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
off force
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.300
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.300
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.300
4 0 0 100 0 63141 0 0 16000 151 $ 2.300
5 0 0 100 0 78856 0 0 16000 285 $ 2.300
6 0 0 100 0 94578 0 0 16000 278 $ 2.300
7 0 0 100 0 110287 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.300
8 0 0 100 0 126010 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.300
9 0 0 100 0 141706 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.300
10 0 0 100 0 157415 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.300
11 0 0 100 0 173113 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.300
12 0 0 100 0 188816 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.300
Total 0 0 1300 0 1228803 0 0 192000 3334 $ 27.600

Total Cost = $316.785.300

Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price)
= $7.668.200
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost
= $(309.117.100)
Dapat diketahui keuntungan Q&H jika melakukan diskon pada bulan April
sedangkan Unilock tidak melakukan diskon adalah sebesar $(308.283.900).
Sedangkan keuntungan Q&H jika tidak melakukan diskon pada bulan April
sedangkan Unilock melakukan diskon adalah sebesar $(309.117.100).

c. Diketahui: apabila Q&H dan Unilock melakukan diskon bersama – sama, maka
forward buying meningkat 25% untuk 2 bulan kedepan.

Apabila Q&H dan Unilock mengadakan diskon bersama pada bulan April
Month Demand Price
January 280 2300
February 301 2300
March 277 2300
April 442,75 2040
May 213,75 2300
June 208,5 2300
July 291 2300
August 277 2300
September 304 2300
October 291 2300
November 302 2300
December 297 2300

Aggregate Plan Decision Variables

Laid Work-
Period Hired off force Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.300
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.300
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.300
4 0 0 100 0 62849,25 0 0 16000 442,75 $ 2.040
5 0 0 100 0 78635,5 0 0 16000 213,75 $ 2.300
6 0 0 100 0 94427 0 0 16000 208,5 $ 2.300
7 0 0 100 0 110136 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.300
8 0 0 100 0 125859 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.300
9 0 0 100 0 141555 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.300
10 0 0 100 0 157264 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.300
11 0 0 100 0 172962 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.300
12 0 0 100 0 188665 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.300
Total 0 0 1300 0 1227233,75 0 0 192000 3485 $ 27.340
Total Cost = $316.628.375
Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price)
= $7.900.385
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost
= $(308.727.990)
Apabila Q&H dan Unilock mengadakan diskon bersama pada bulan Juni.

Month Demand Price

January 280 2600
February 301 2600
March 277 2600
April 302 2600
May 285 2600
June 420 2340
July 218 2600
August 207 2600
September 304 2600
October 291 2600
November 302 2600
December 297 2600

Aggregate Plan Decision Variables

Laid Work-
Period Hired off force Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.300
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.300
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.300
4 0 0 100 0 62990 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.040
5 0 0 100 0 78705 0 0 16000 285 $ 2.300
6 0 0 100 0 94285 0 0 16000 420 $ 2.300
7 0 0 100 0 110067 0 0 16000 218 $ 2.300
8 0 0 100 0 125860 0 0 16000 207 $ 2.300
9 0 0 100 0 141556 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.300
10 0 0 100 0 157265 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.300
11 0 0 100 0 172963 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.300
12 0 0 100 0 188666 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.300
Total 0 0 1300 0 1227238 0 0 192000 3484 $ 27.340
Total Cost = $316.628.275
Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price)
= $7.906.300
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost
= $(308.721.975)
Apabila Q&H diskon dibulan April, tetapi Unilock diskon di bulan Juni, dan
Month Demand Price
January 280 2600
February 301 2600
March 277 2600
April 302 2600
May 285 2600
June 420 2340
July 218 2600
August 207 2600
September 304 2600
October 291 2600
November 302 2600
December 297 2600

Aggregate Plan Decision Variables

Laid Work-
Period Hired Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
off force
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.300
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.300
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.300
4 0 0 100 0 62727 0 0 16000 565 $ 2.040
5 0 0 100 0 78499 0 0 16000 228 $ 2.300
6 0 0 100 0 94395 0 0 16000 104 $ 2.300
7 0 0 100 0 110104 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.300
8 0 0 100 0 125827 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.300
9 0 0 100 0 141523 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.300
10 0 0 100 0 157232 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.300
11 0 0 100 0 172930 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.300
12 0 0 100 0 188633 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.300
Total 0 0 1300 0 1226751 0 0 192000 3517 $ 27.340

Total Cost = $316.579.385

Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price)
= $7.943.999
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost
= $(308.635.386)
Apabila Q&H diskon dibulan Juni, tetapi Unilock diskon di bulan April, dan

Month Demand Price

January 280 2600
February 301 2600
March 277 2600
April 151 2600
May 256,5 2600
June 530,6 2340
July 232,8 2600
August 221,6 2600
September 304 2600
October 291 2600
November 302 2600
December 297 2600

Aggregate Plan Decision Variables

Laid Work-
Period Hired Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
off force
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.300
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.300
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.300
4 0 0 100 0 63141 0 0 16000 151 $ 2.040
5 0 0 100 0 78884,5 0 0 16000 256,5 $ 2.300
6 0 0 100 0 94353,9 0 0 16000 530,6 $ 2.300
7 0 0 100 0 110121,1 0 0 16000 232,8 $ 2.300
8 0 0 100 0 125899,5 0 0 16000 221,6 $ 2.300
9 0 0 100 0 141595,5 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.300
10 0 0 100 0 157304,5 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.300
11 0 0 100 0 173002,5 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.300
12 0 0 100 0 188705,5 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.300
Total 0 0 1300 0 1227889 0 0 192000 3444,5 $ 27.340

Total Cost = $316.693.900

Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price)
= $7.784.394
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost
= $(308.909.506)
Berdasarkan perhitungan tersebut, didapatkan hasil yaitu jika Q&H dan Unilock
melakukan diskon bersamaan pada bulan April, maka profit yang didapatkan
oleh kedua perusahaan adalah sebesar $(308.727.990).

Apabila Q&H dan Unilock melakukan diskon bersamaan pada bulan Juni, maka
profit yang didapatkan oleh kedua perusahaan adalah sebesar $(308.21.975).

Apabila Q&H melakukan diskon dibulan April sedangkan Unilock melakukan

diskon dibulan Juni, maka profit yang didapatkan Q&H adalah sebesar
$(308.635.386), sedangkan Unilock adalah sebesar $(308.909.506), dan

Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan bahwa rencana produksi yang paling optimal adalah Q&H
melakukan diskon dibulan April sedangkan Unilock melakukan diskon dibulan Juni
dimana memiliki profit yang paling besar.

d. Keuntungan yang didapatkan Q&H adalah sebagai berikut

Unilock Q&H Q&H’s Profit

No discount April $ (308.283.900,00)
No discount June $ (308.337.956,00)
April April $ (308.727.990,00)
April June $ (308.909.506,00)
June April $ (308.635.386,00)
June June $ (308.721.975,00)

Berdasarkan tabel, didapatkan hasil bahwa jika Unilock tidak melakukan diskon, maka
sebaiknya Q&H melakukan diskon pada bulan Juni. Jika Unilock melakukan diskon
pada bulan April, maka sebaiknya Q&H memberikan diskon pada bulan Juni. Sedangkan
apabila Unilock melakukan diskon pada bulan Juni, maka sebaiknya Q&H memberika
diskon juga pada bulan Juni.
e. Dengan tidak memperhitungkan apa yang dilakukan
Unilock, makakeuntungan dari Q&H adalah sebagai berikut.

Q&H melakukan diskon pada bulan April

Month Demand Price

January 280 2600
February 301 2600
March 277 2600
April 565,6 2340
May 228 2600
June 222,4 2600
July 291 2600
August 277 2600
September 304 2600
October 291 2600
November 302 2600
December 297 2600

Aggregate Plan Decision Variables

Laid Work-
Period Hired off force Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.300
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.300
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.300
4 0 0 100 0 62726,4 0 0 16000 565,6 $ 2.040
5 0 0 100 0 78498,4 0 0 16000 228 $ 2.300
6 0 0 100 0 94276 0 0 16000 222,4 $ 2.300
7 0 0 100 0 109985 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.300
8 0 0 100 0 125708 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.300
9 0 0 100 0 141404 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.300
10 0 0 100 0 157113 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.300
11 0 0 100 0 172811 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.300
12 0 0 100 0 188514 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.300
Total 0 0 1300 0 1225916,8 0 0 192000 3636 $ 27.340
Total Cost = $316.496.680
Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price)
= $8.215.744
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost
= $(308.280.936)
Q&H melakukan diskon pada bulan Juni

Month Demand Price

January 280 2600
February 301 2600
March 277 2600
April 302 2600
May 285 2600
June 530,6 2340
July 232,8 2600
August 221,6 2600
September 304 2600
October 291 2600
November 302 2600
December 297 2600

Aggregate Plan Decision Variables

Laid Work-
Period Hired off force Overtime Inventory Stockout SubContract Production Demand Price
0 0 0 100 0 150 0 0
1 0 0 100 0 15870 0 0 16000 280 $ 2.300
2 0 0 100 0 31569 0 0 16000 301 $ 2.300
3 0 0 100 0 47292 0 0 16000 277 $ 2.300
4 0 0 100 0 62990 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.040
5 0 0 100 0 78705 0 0 16000 285 $ 2.300
6 0 0 100 0 94174,4 0 0 16000 530,6 $ 2.300
7 0 0 100 0 109941,6 0 0 16000 232,8 $ 2.300
8 0 0 100 0 125720 0 0 16000 221,6 $ 2.300
9 0 0 100 0 141416 0 0 16000 304 $ 2.300
10 0 0 100 0 157125 0 0 16000 291 $ 2.300
11 0 0 100 0 172823 0 0 16000 302 $ 2.300
12 0 0 100 0 188526 0 0 16000 297 $ 2.300
Total 0 0 1300 0 1226302 0 0 192000 3624 $ 27.340
Total Cost = $316.535.200
Total Revenue = Σ(Demand x Price)
= $8.197.244
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost
= $(308.337.956)
Berdasarkan perhitungan, diketahui bahwa tanpa menghiraukan apa yang akan
dilakukan oleh Unilock, maka yang sebaiknya Q&H melakukan diskon pada
bulan Juni yaitu dengan profit sebesar $(308.337.956), dibandingkan dengan
bulan April yaitu sebesar $(308.280.936).

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