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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester : IX
Tahun Pelajaran : 2021/2022
1. Your friend has memorized 30 Juzz Al-quran, what would you say?
a. Congratulation on your achievement
b. Congratulation on your graduation
c. Congratulation on your failure
d. Happy memorization
2. How you congratulate your friend when on their graduation?
a. Happy wedding
b. Happy graduation
c. Happy birthday
d. Congratulation
3. How would you congratulate someone on their birthday?
a. Happy wedding
b. Happy graduation
c. Happy anniversary
d. Happy birthday
4. How would you congratulate your school birthday?
a. Happy birthday to school
b. Congratulation
c. Happy anniversary to Darul Fikri
d. Congratulation to Darul fikri
5. The following are the expressions of congratulating, except…
a. Please accept my warm congratulation
b. I’m sorry to hear that
c. I congratulate you on your success
d. Congratulations!
6. Rio : Farel, Alhamdulillah I won the English speech competition
Farel :………………………..
a. Thank you
b. I am proud of you
c. It’s usual thing
d. You must be better next time
7. How you respond when someone congratulates you…………
a. Welcome
b. Thank you
c. No way
d. Are you jealous?
8. How to congratulate someone on their wedding day!
a. Happy wedding
b. Happy anniversary
c. Happy birthday
d. Happy married
9. Your (1) – congratulation (2) – exam (3) – (4) on – (5) passing
a. 2-3-5-1-4
b. 2-4-3-1-5
c. 2-4-1-5-3
d. 2-4-5-1-3
10. Nur Riski : ”Happy birthday, Tengku.”
Tengku : ”Thank you Nur. You are the first who congratulate me.”
Nur Riski :”Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.”
Tengku : ”Thank you very much. You are really my best friend.”
Why does Nur Riski give Tengku a present?
a. Because Tengku likes present.
b. Because today is Nur’s birthday.
c. Because Nur has a lot of money.
d. Because Tengku is celebrating her birthday today.
11. Risna : Happy birthday to you, Sikim. May ALLAH bless you.
Sikim : ____________.
Risna : You’re welcome.

a. I’m sorry b. I hope so c. Well done! d. Thanks

12. Dinda : Conratulation on your achievement, Syikin
Syikin :………………..
a. Excellent
b. Thank you so much Dinda
c. Nice job
d. Good
13. Look at the picture and choose the best answer!
a. have a great school day
b. Have nice graduation
c. Congratulation on your graduation
d. What a wonderful graduation

14. Dina : I hope I can study in Egypt. How about you?

Deswita : I …………I studied in Japan
a. Hope
b. Wish
c. Will
d. Did
15. Febri : I wish I was a superman.
Naufal : I…….i will be the president of Indonesia
a. Wish
b. Hope
c. Will
d. Do
16. Look at the picture and choose the best answer!
a. congratulations on your sickness
b. I wish you get well soon
c. Is it nice?
d. How poor you are!

Complete the following dialogue to answer questions 17 and 18!

Rifki : Hi, Hambali. How are you doing?
Hambali : Bad.
Rifki : What's wrong?
Hambali : My father got sick. He has to stay in the hospital for a few days to get medical
Rifki : What happened to him?
Hambali : He got cancer.
Rifki : I'm sorry to hear that. But you still go to school?
Hambali : Yea, my mom told me that I have to go to school. She is in the hospital to
accompany my dad.
Gina : I (14)______________ your dad will get better soon.
Jean : Yea, (15) _______________.
17. A. Congratulate B. Talk C. Hope D. try
18. A. I doubt B. I hope so C. I don't think so D. No comment
19. Atan : Adul, wish me luck. I will take part in the English Competition.
Adul : ____________________, Atan.
The suitable expression to express hope is …
a. Really, that’s amazing
b. You have to work hard for your dream
c. I wish you will win the competition
d. I will support you
20. Raziq : Wonderful. Your voice like Syekh Assudais. I am sure you will win the
Iqbal : ______________.
The suitable expression to show wishes is …
a. InshaALlah, I hope so, thanks.
b. Thanks God, thank you Raziq.
c. Thanks a lot Raziq, I am not sure
d. Good work, I am proud of you Raziq
21. The following are the expression of hope, except ….
a. I hope your father will be okay soon
b. I have to go to the seaport
c. Let’s hope we will pass the National Examination
d. I hope you will success
22. Firas: Rizki, wish me luck. I will take part in MTQ competition.
Rizki : ____________________. I hope you will win the competition.

a. Thank you very much

b. I hope so
c. I’m sorry
d. Sure, Good luck

Read the following text to answer questions number 23-26

250 gr green cendol
700 cc coconut milk
100 gr jackfruit, cut into dice shape
500 gr coconut sugar, grate it
150 ml water
1 piece of screw pine leaf
Boil coconut sugar with 150 ml water and screwpine leaf, cook it until all of palm sugar
is melted.
After that, filter the sauce and put it in a pitcher.
Put all of the ingredient into a cup, pour the palm sugar sauce on it and then add some
coconut milk into it.
add some ice
Es Cendol is ready to serve

23. What is the first step to make cendol ice?

a. Put some ice
b. Cut jackfruit
c. Boil coconut sugar
d. Filter the sauce
24. How much water do we need to make cendol ice?
a. 500 gr
b. 150 ml
c. 700 cc
d. 100 ml
25. What are the ingredients for Cendol ‘s sauce?
a. Coconut sugar, screw pine leaf, and water
b. Water, green cendol, and jackfruit
c. Coconut milk, water, and screw pine leaf
d. Ice, coconut sugar, and water
26. What is the last step to make cendol ice?
a. Pour coconut water
b. Boil coconut sugar
c. Filter the sauce
d. Add some ice

Look at the following picture to answer questions number 27-28

27. The picture tell us about………
a. How to make Pizza
b. How to serve the pizza
c. To know the nutrition of the pizza
d. To reduce the calories of the pizza
28. How many calories of the pizza?
a. 330 calories per serving
b. 140 calories per serving
c. 700 calories per serving
d. 42 calories per serving

Read the following text to answer questions number 29-31


Before turning on the computer, there are several things to be aware of to make sure
devices such as keyboard, mouse, monitor and a power cable in a state of connected to
the power supply and make sure the PC is installed the Operating System. Here are the
steps to turn on the computer:
• Press the power button on the CPU
• Push of a power button on the monitor
• Wait a few moments until the loading process window pops up windows and computer /
PC is ready for use.
29. What should you consider before turning on the computer?
a. The hardware and the operating system are ready to used
b. The power cable connected
c. Press the power button
d. Installed operating system
30. What is the first step to turn on the computer?
a. Push the power button
b. Press the power button
c. Load the windows pop up
d. Wait few moments
31. What are the hardware devices for computer?
a. Operating systems
b. keyboard, mouse, monitor and a power cable
c. windows
d. power button
32. We ……..breakfast every morning
a. Eat
b. Ate
c. Will
d. Eating
33. Yudha…….Alquran every afternoon
a. Memorizing
b. Memorized
c. Memorizes
d. Will memorize
34. Risma and Riris …….from selatpanjang
a. Is
b. do
c. Are
d. Does

Complete the following dialogue to answer questions 35 and 37!

Sofia (35)… Jakarta two years ago. She (36)…… a student at the elementary school
there. Her house (37)…. Near Monas Tower
35. a. lived b. lives c. was live d. will live
36. a. is b. were c. was d. are
37. a. was b. is c. are d. were
38. The students of Darul Fikri Boarding school……go Rihlah next month
a. Are
b. Was
c. Do
d. Will
39. She ……..have breakfast tomorrow morning
a. Will
b. Are
c. Was
d. Do
40. ……….you go Rihlah with us next month?
a. Are
b. Will
c. Was
d. Do

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