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Praxis Core Analysis !

Praxis Core Analysis

Celeste Carreon-Hall

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 220: Principles of Educational Psychology

Dr. Rochelle Hooks

December 12, 2021

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Exam Requirements

In order to take any education courses at UNLV, NSC or UNR to continue studying for

my Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education I need to pass the Praxis Core Exam. In Nevada,

the passing scores for the Praxis Core are as followed; Math: 150, Writing:162, and Reading:


Exam Preparation

Since I have not taken any of the actual Praxis Core exams I completed the Practice

Praxis Core tests on the Teachers Test Prep website. To prepare to for the exams I read through

some study guides that the Teachers Test Prep website provided. I did study some but I would

like to have prepared more for the praxis. For the practice Reading

and Writing exams I didn’t really prepare that much to be honest. The opposite can be said for

the practice Math exam. I read through the study guide because I struggle in math. Since exams I

didn’t want to study to hard. Previously I have taken Praxis practice test and scored around the

same but I wanted to see how I would score at this point in my education.

Exam Results

In Math, I scored in the 81% range, which means that I’m very likely to

pass the Math section when I take the official Praxis Core Exam. In Reading I scored 54%,

meaning I need significant improvement. Lastly, in Writing I scored 43% which also means I

need improvement. I wasn’t that surprised to have low reading and writing scored because those

are not my strongest subjects but I will continue to study to improve my scores.
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Future Exam Preparation

When it is time for me to take the official Praxis Core Exam, I will be seeking out a tutor

to help me prep for all three sections of the Praxis. Especially the reading and writing exam

where I think I struggle the most. Then I might enroll in a Praxis Core Analysis course if CSN

offers any. I’ll also make sure that I’m focused on the exams only, which I think is what also

affected my scores. Since I was doing in it the comfort of my own home I wasn’t that aware of

how unfocused I was, but that will change when the official Praxis Core Exam is in

front of me.

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