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Mexican Style Names

MEX.1 | First Name, Father’s Surname de

Mother’s Maiden Name.
z John Friesen de Klassen
| Somalian names involve your given
name, Father’s Name, Grandfather’s
Independence Movement Name, Great-Grandfather’s name, etc.
Purity of the Catholic Faith z John Marlyn John (John John)
Blood of National Heroes z Sher Rodney August (Sher August)
Aztec symbolism in the center – legend tells that an z John & Sher are married but may not have similar
eagle devouring a serpent on a cactus was to be the names.
location of the capitol city
z John & Sher’s son is Evan John Marlyn (Evan Marlyn)
z Many Somalis in the US “Ellis Island” their name
because it’s easier

Independence Porfiriato (1876-1911)

| Miguel Hidalgo | Porfirio Diaz

z Parish Priest issued a call for the end of Spanish misrule z Popular general who was elected President
in 1810
z Began a series of wars of independence that lasted for z Imposed a highly centralized & authoritarian
the next 11 years. system
| Independence gained in 1821, but Mexico z Relied upon a small clique of cientificos who
struggled to create a stable and legitimate wanted to adopt European technologies and
values to modernize Mexico
government for decades
z The people became increasingly sensitive to
z Disagreements between liberals and conservatives;
federalists and centralists; power of the church & anti- the greed of the Profirians and their own lack
clerical factions of opportunities
z Between 1833 and 1855 there were 36 presidential z Diaz pledged himself to open elections in 1910
administrations but reneged when the opposition looked to
z Lost half of their territory to the “Colossus of the North” strong…it was and he fled into exile.

Revolution of 1910

| Francisco Madero elected President and

was soon assassinated – political order in
Mexico collapsed
| Peasant Revolts
z Emiliano Zapata
z Francisco (Pancho) Villa
z Demanded agrarian reform
| Some modicum of stability re-established
after the 1917 Constitution but violence
continued to be a political tool in Mexico
z Zapata, Villla, and Presidents Carranza and Obregon all

Five results of the 1910
Sornoran Dynasty
| Power consolidated in the hands of a 1. Power of the traditional rural landowners was
group in the North and Plutarco Calles
2. Power of the Catholic Church in the national
emerged as the jefe maximo political debate was curtailed (anticlericism)
| Committed to a capitalist model of 3. Power of foreign investors was severely limited
development 4. New political elite consolidated power and
agreed to resolve conflicts through
| Calles brought together many of the accommodation and bargaining rather than
most powerful contenders for through violence
leadership to create a political party 5. New Constitution and new party laid the basis
First called Partido z Contenders for power would accommodate each for strong central government that could
other’ interests in the expectation that without assert its power over the agricultural,
industrial, an social development of the
Revolucionario then
Partido de la political violence, the country would prosper and
Revolución Mexicana
then Partido they would be able to reap the benefits of even country
Revolucionario greater power and economic spoils

Lázaro Cárdenas Clientelism

| Cárdenas was handpicked as | Cardenas’ successors were able to use the

institutions he created to counterat his reforms
Calles successor – Cardenas | PRI provided union and ejido leaders with jobs,
quickly exiled his former opportunities for corrucption, land, and other
benefits in return for delivering their followers’
patron political support
| Mobilized peasants and | The cement that built loyalty to the PRI and the
political system
workers in pursuit of the more | Post-Cardenas presidents were able to reorient
radical goals of the 1910 the country’s develop away from egalitarian
Revolution social goals towards a development strategy
that stressed industrialization.
z Ejidos and ejiditarios
z Encouraged workers to form unions

¡Ya Basta! ¡Ya Basta!

| EZLN – aka the Zapatistas | Government Action

| Claim to the be the current-day heirs of Zapata’s z Army was called into the suppress the armed
land-reform revolution in the early 20th century peasants (some with fake wooden guns) and retake
the 4 captured towns.
| Chiapas state – Many indigenous Maya
z Increased military presence
| Subcomandante Marcos is the spokesperson of z Significant effect on the 1994 election as parties
the EZLN competed to identify with the spirit of the rebels
| Rebellion began on 1/1/94 – the day NAFTA went z PRI spent $200 million on social programs and
into effect infrastructure in Chiapas in the months leading up to
the election
| Demanded “jobs, land, housing, food, health,
education, independence, freedom, democracy, | EZLN continues to communicate their
justice, peace, and a repeal of NAFTA” demands with the Sixth Declaration of
| Movement of indigenous people and part of the the Lacandonian Jungle
wider anti-globalization movement

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