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Grade: 7- Science Rubric Scoring)
Topic: Microscopy

Performance Task
 The teacher will evaluate every student in manipulating compound microscope by dictating the procedure and student will follow. The
teacher will observe how the student sets up the compound microscope, observe neatness of work area, provides safety and
equipment care. In addition, teacher provides time clock or stopwatch in order to record the ability of the student to bring specimen into
focus quickly. When the student completes focusing the specimen, the teacher will ask questions to test their knowledge of terms and
functions of components of microscope. The student will ought to answer these following questions:
1. What is compound microscope?
2. What are the parts of compound microscope?
3. Identify at least 3 parts of compound microscope and define its function.
4. Define a compound microscopes magnification.
5. Define a compound microscopes resolution.
6. How important is microscope in medical field?
Learning Competencies

 The learners should be able to employ techniques, focus specimen using compound microscope and display knowledge about its

By: Joyce Lorraine A. Osim

BSED- Science/ 2nd year
(4) (3) (2) (1)

Student sets everything up Student sets everything Student shows recognition Student needs
accurately and up with little assistance. of setup process when constant direction with _____ x 6
SETTING UP THE independently. reminded. setup.
Student brought object into Student brought object Student brought object Student has shown
ABILITY TO BRING focus quickly, and using the into focus but struggled into focus after being told little effort and cannot
SPECIMEN INTO correct procedure taught in with a few steps. the procedure by the bring object in to focus. _____ x 3
FOCUS class. teacher or another
Student has a basic Student has no
Student has excellent Student has a good understanding of what understanding of any
KNOWLEDGE OF understanding of all the understanding of the some of the parts do but vocabulary and
TERMS AND _____ x 3
parts and their functions. parts and knows most does not know all their functions.
FUNCTIONS OF of the functions. correct names.

Student always follows rules Student needs few Student needs frequent Student has lack of
for safety and equipment reminders and will take reminders about safety respect for safety and
SAFETY AND use and doesn’t need to be steps to correct and equipment. equipment. _____ x 2
EQUIPMENT reminded. something that is not
CARE right.
Student produces work that Student usually Student produces work Student produces work
is neat and keeps produces work that is that needs some that needs organization
NEATNESS OF everything neat and clean at generally neat and organization or or improvement with
RECORDS AND all times in his/her usually keeps his/her improvement with legibility. _____ x 2
WORK AREA workspace. workspace clean. legibility. Student needs
Student needs occasional reminding to keep work
reminding to keep work area neat and clean.
area neat and clean.
TOTAL ______/60


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