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12/29/2019 Krishikosh: Utilization of Ghee Residue in the Diet of Broiler Chicken

KrishiKosh (कृ षकोश)

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/ Ar cles (1.Journal) (/handle/1/56706)

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DC Field Value Language Loganathan, R. - Shamsudeen, P. - Mani, K. - Edwin, S.C. - Rajendran, K. - TANUVAS - 2017-03-24T09:55:26Z - 2017-03-24T09:55:26Z - 2015 -

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12/29/2019 Krishikosh: Utilization of Ghee Residue in the Diet of Broiler Chicken

dc.descrip on.abstract Ghee residue (GR) is a by-product of dairy-industry involving in manufacture of ghee. An experiment en_US
was conducted to assess u liza on of ghee residue in broiler chicken. Ghee residue was included in
broiler diet at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 per cent concentra on and fed to 210 broiler chickens
divided into seven dietary groups (each containing three replicates of 10 chicks) from 0 to 42 d of
age. The diets for all the groups were isocaloric and isonitrogenous and contained similar levels of
lysine and methionine. The moisture, CP, EE, lysine and methionine content of GR were 9.81, 25.71,
51.35, 0.98 and 0.51%, respec vely, with no crude fibre. The TME value was 5839 kcal/kg. Dietary
inclusion of GR at 5% significantly increased the BW gain when compared to other groups including
control, while inclusion of GR at 10, 15, 20 and 25% resulted in similar BW gain as that of the
control. However, dietary inclusion of GR at 30% lowered the BW gain compared to the control.
Feed consump on was not affected by inclusion of GR. The FCR of the birds was not affected with
dietary inclusion of GR up to 25%. However, dietary inclusion of GR at 30% induced significantly
(P<0.01) lower FCR than control. There was no effect of GR inclusion on the livability or carcass
quality of broiler. Supplementa on of GR at all the levels resulted in higher return over feed cost
when compared to the control and the highest return over feed cost was recorded with 25% GR
diet. It is concluded that ghee residue could be included in the diet of broiler chicken as an energy
as well as protein source up to 25% level.

dc.language.iso en_US en_US

dc.subject Veterinary Science en_US

dc.subject Poultry Science en_US

dc. tle U liza on of Ghee Residue in the Diet of Broiler Chicken en_US

dc. tle.alterna ve TNV_ANFT_2015_15_121-128 en_US

dc.type Ar cle en_US

dc.pages 8 en_US

dc.keywords Veterinary Science, Poultry Science, Broiler, Carcass quality, Ghee residue, Performance, U liza on en_US

Appears in Collec ons: Ar cles (1.Journal) (/handle/1/56706)

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