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Divine Word College of San Jose

San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

College Department

Module 6
Lesson 8

1. Title: The Life and Works of Jose Rizal

2. Scope: Works of Dr. Jose P. Rizal

3. Overview:
 This module aims to position the student with regard to Rizal’s works in their
specific contexts, along with the important concepts found in each one.
4. Objectives:
 Discuss the works of Rizal;
 Enumerate the significance of its works in their own context and
 Relate the significance of Rizal’s work to one's life

5. Discussion of the Topics

From childhood to adulthood, Rizal displayed his natural and multifaceted work skills. Very
few people during his time and even today can equal his dexterity and versatility. His works were
in the field of arts, literature, science, technology, education, history, politics and religion that
benefited a number of people – family, friends, relatives and compatriots. Being a dedicated and
hardworking person, he was an offspring of good-bred ancestors, coupled by his upbringing that
was jointly guided by multi-talented relatives.

The following are that work skills and work activities that Rizal had performed throughout
the years of his life.

Studied, Examined and Described Kinds of Plants

 He spent two days (May 8-9, 1882) visiting botanical gardens in Singapore.
 He called medicinal plants and utilized them in practicing his profession.
 He planted sundry plants and crops in his farms.

Engaged in Business

 He engaged in buy and sell business of hemp and other agricultural products in Dapitan.
 He entered into partnership with Ramon Carreon and Don Mariano Hamoy who ere
businessmen in Dapitan.
 He bought also hemp products in Dapitan and sold them to businessmen and traders to
Manila that earned him huge sums of money.
 He introduced a modern hemp-stripping machine which he imported from America.
 He also sold crops and other agricultural products from his farms.

Involved in Construction
 From 1892-1896 while exiled in Dapitan, he built a house, an elementary school, a medical
clinic to practice his profession and irrigation facilities out of bamboo, wood and hard
 He made repairs and improvements of his wooden house and clinic.
 In Calamba, from 1887 to 1888, he made a mini gymnasium where he taught young
children different sports.

Drawn and Compiled Maps

 He sketched maps in Mindanao and other places and these are now preserved at the national
Library in Padre Faura, Manila.
 He drew and compiled maps of the places he visited.

Fond of Collecting Arts, Books, Letters, Painting, etc.

 He gathered craftworks, compiled his sketch drawings and preserved insects which he
discovered in Dapitan.
 He kept numerous letters which he received from his friends and other senders.
 He stored canvass and oil paintings and took care of his pistols.
 He stocked several volumes of books which he used to read.

Among Rizal’s book collections were:

1. Anciety Poetry, Works of Thucydides

2. Compete Works of Horace(3 volumes)
3. Complete Works of Voltaire (9 volumes)
4. Complete Works of C. Bernard (16 volumes)
5. Hebrew Grammar
6. History of the French Revolution
7. Lives of the Presidents of the United States from Washington to Johnson
8. Louis XIV and his Court
9. The Byzantine Empire
10. The Characters of La Bruyere
11. The Holy Bible
12. The Renaissance
13. The Wondering Jew by Eugene Sue
14. Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Stowe
15. Works of Alexander Dumas

Contributed Articles in Different Newspaper

The articles which Rizal contributed to the La Solidaridad, a newspaper based in Madrid,
while in London (May 1888 to March 1889) and Paris (1889 to 1890), were:
(1) “The Truth For All” (May 31, 1899)
(2) “New Truths”(July 31, 1889)
(3) “A Profanation” (July 31, 1889)
(4) “Differences” (September 1889)
(5) “The Philippines a Century Hence” (September 30, October 31, Dec. 15, 1889 and Feb. 1,
(6) “Ingratitudes” (January 15, 1890)
(7) “Without Name” (February 28, 1890)
(8) “On the New Orthography of the Tagalog Language” (April 15, 1890)
(9) “Things About the Philippines” (April 30, 1890) and
(10) “On the Indolence of the Filipinos” (July 15 to Sept. 15, 1890).

Composed Songs
 Rizal composed songs as a “consolation of his soul.”
 The four poluar songs which Rizal composed were:
1. Leonor (before his departure for Spain)
2. El Canto del Prisionero (in Dapitan)
3. Alin Mang Lahi (a patriotic hymn), and
4. Kundiman (a poetic song).

Wrote Drama Scripts

 He wrote a drama a script which was played on stage during a town celebration. The town
Mayor of Paete, Calamba was emotionally touched by the drama: he then bought the script
for P2.00, which amount, that time, was already big enough. While enrolled in UST, he
wrote a melodrama entitled “Beside the Pasig” which was eventually staged in the Ateneo
Municipal on the occasion of the annual celebration of the Feast Day of the Immaculate
Concepcion on December 8,1880.
 In Hongkong in 1888, he studied drama for two weeks. Eventually, in the same year, Rizal
and his girlfriend, O-Sei-San, frequently watched a drama named “Kabuki”, 1.e,
Sendaihagi, Manjino, Nakahama, and Chushingura, in Japan.

Produced and Conserved Agricultural Products

 He helped the townfolks in Dapitan improve their livelihood byorganizing cooperatives.
 He taught the fishermen the modern way of fishing and productive marketing of their catch.
 He also produced and harvested vegetables, fruits and other agricultural products.

Studied, Examined and Discovered a Lot of Insects

 He loved to visit various museums in several countries to see the preserved insects
discovered and experimented by foreign entomologiests.
 In Dapitan, he discovered the following insects, namely:
1. Draco rizali – a flying dragon
2. Apogomia rizali – a small bettle
3. Rhaephorus rizali – a rare frog
He sent these insects to his scientist-friends in Europe and the latter scientifically
examined them as cordially requested by Dr. Jose Rizal. Later, the foreigner-
entomologists sent their findings to him together with the insects’ scientific names
which were named after him. These insects were archived in the country’s museum
and, with pride, they were already included in international science books and

Conducted Ethological Studies

 In Dapitan, he conducted ethological studies and discusses them with hisscientist-friends
in Europe by correspondence.
 On October 29, 1886 in Dresden, Germany, he exchanged views with Dr. Adolf B. Meyer,
director of Germany Ethological Museum. He also exchanged insights and ideas on
ethology with Austrian-ethonologist Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt, his favorite friend-
 In 1887, he became a member of Ethological Society in Berlin.

Studied, Examined and Described Origins and applications of Various Words

 He studied the origins and application of various words used in many languages and
 In 1887, he read before the Anthropological Society of berlin a ‘scholarly paper’ entitled
“Tagalische Verskunst (Tagalog Metrical Art) in which he discussed uncommon ‘Tagalog”
words derived form Filipino dialects. This paper had impressed many foreign scientist,
writers and correspondents and expressed their interest to learn Tagalog.

Titled Lands and Planted Different Varieties of Plants and Crops

 He knew the art of farming because he was influenced by his father who was a farmer by
 He knew how to distinguish varieties of crops and how to determine the soil fertility.
 While traveling abroad, he observed how foreigner-farmers tilled and developed their
fertile lands.
 During his four-year stay in Dapitan, he was able to own a total of 70 hectares of
landholdings or agricultural lands (Zaide 1981:196). Because of his vast farms, he imported
agricultural machine from United States of America. Moreover, he influenced the Dapitan
farmers to organize themselves into a “farmers’ group” to uplift their living condition.

Drawn, Painted, Sketched Pictures

 Rizal was believed to have sketched more than a hundred pictures of men, animals, objects
and other places.
 When he was a child, he drew pictures of animals, birds, flowers, fruits, mountains and
persons on his books and his sisters.
 While in Calamba, he painted a perfectly colored banner which was displayed in Calamba
during a town fiesta. He painted several beautiful landscapes and sketched the pictures of
his relatives and friends.
 While in Ateneo Municipal, he studied painting lessons under Agustin Saez, famous
Spanish painter.
 While in Madrid in 1885, he learned painting techniques from two Filipino Fine Artists
Juan Luna and Felix Resurrection Hidalgo. He also sketched the picture of Don Miguel
Morayta and a series of the Monkeys and the Turtle.
 While in Heidelberg in 1886, he sketched the caricature of two German boys playing near
a pond.
 While in Berlin, also in 1886, he sketched a lot of interesting things that inspired him. He
also sketched his own picture and sent it to Ferdinand Blumentritt who used it in identifying
him at the Austria train station.
 In Dresden, Germany as well as in Vienna (capital of Austria-Hungary), Rizal and Viola
visited art galleries, churches, museums, theaters and public parks to learn their actual
 While in Macao in 1888, Rizal and Basa visited bazaars, cathedrals, churches, pagodas,
and theaters, and the famous Grotto of Camoens, Portugal’s national poet.
 While in Tokyo, Japan, he studied arts and visited galleries, shrines and old temples. He
was taught by O-Sei-San (the Japanese sweetheart of Rizal), the art of Japanese painting.
He painted a portrait where he depicted his heroic death to save the life of the Lord.

Studied Geography, Climate and Environment

 He became a member of the Geographical Society in Berlin, Germany in 1887.
 In Dapitan, he studied the folks livelihood and made geographical studies which he
discussed by correspondence with his professional friends in Europe.

Studied Historical Records

 In Ateneo Municipal, he read Cesar Cantu’s Universal book which his father bought for
 In Singapore, he visited historic places.
 In Germany, he read history books and attended some lectures in History.
 He annotated Dr. Morga’s history book, Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas (Historical Events
of the Philippines which was published in Mexico in 1609.

Cultured Plants, Flowers, Orchids, etc

 In Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Austria, Switzerland and other countries, he
visited plant and flower gardens.
 In Dapitan, he had collections of medical plants. He wrote the poems, My retreat and Hymn
to the Talisay Tree which showed his interest in Fascinating plants, flowers and gardens.

Invented New materials and Things

 In Ateneo Municipal, he invented an invisible or magic ink made up of salt and other
 In Calamba in 1887, he invented a “Sulpukan”, an improved lighter made up of wood,
operated through air compression.
 In Dapitan, he invented the following:
1. A lighting system consisted of coconut oil lamps placed in the dark places at his
2. A brick-making apparatus made up of wood which can make an average of 6,000 bricks
daily and a practical irrigation dam and facilities.
Did Altruistic and Generous Acts
 He donated valuable carvings to the Atenean professors and to his friend Blumentritt and
to Beckett in London
 He donated some copies of his two novels to his friends and readers\
 He built a mini-gymnasium in Calamba where the young folks may use it for sports
 He spent a lot of money in carrying in and negotiating for his noble projects of Filipino
colonies in Hongkong
 When he won in a lottery draw while in Dapitan, he gave some of his prozed amount to his
parents, brother and sisters in Calamba.
 He built a school house in Dapitan where he taught and trained 16 pupils of various
subjects, free of charge.
 He built a valuable irrigation reservoir for the Dapitan folks, especially to the farmers
 He installed a lighting system in the Dapitan town plaza
 He shared his harvest from crops to the poor people in Dapitan
 He rendered livelihood services, free of charge, to the fisherman and people in Dapitan
 In Berlin, he posed as a model in the painting of fine artist Juan Luna for free
 In Brussels, he gave his share of food to Jose Alejandrinoo, his boardmate from Pampanga.

Carved Many Sculptures

 He attended sculpturing and made many sculptures
 He carved “Sacred Heart of Jesus” which he subsequently gave to Fr. Viza
 He carved the image of “Our Virgin Mary” on a piece of batikuling with his pocket knife
 He carved four (4) sculptural works before leaving London in 1889:
(1) “Prometheus Bound”
(2) “Heads of the Three Beckett Sisters”,
(3) “Triumph of Death over Life”
(4) “The Triumph of Science over Death.”
 He made two statuettes = “The Beggar” and “The Maid with a Basket” which he sent to
Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt.
 In Dapitan, he curved three(3) statuettes:
1. “The Mother’s Revenge (mother-dog killing a crocodile)
2. “The Dapitan Girl (semblance of Josephine Bracken)
3. A Bust of St. Paul given t Fr. Pastells
 He carved a piece “New Calamba”, a wooden representation of British-owned island
where he planned to provide settlement for the oppressed Calamba tenants.

Played a Lot of Sports and Games

 He made sports workouts during his leisure time

 He had fencing matches with M.H. del Pilar and Graciano Lopez Jaena.
 He had occasions to play matches with law students
 He attended fencing lessons at Juan Luna’s studio
 He demonstrated to passengers his skill in playing yoyo.
 He played cricket, a popular English game.

Studied and practiced Surveying of Lands

 He used surveying skills in measuring the 60-hectare agricultural lands which he allegedly
acquired in Dapitan
 He practiced surveying of lands

Taught and Lectured Young folks, relatives and Fellow Filipinos

 He taught less than 30 pupils in Dapitan in reading, writing, geography, languages, sciences
and sports “free of tuition”
 He motivated his relatives to preserve the value of love, cooperation and unity.
 He lectured his fellow Filipinos in exile to spend their time or use their opportunities wisely
and productivity.
 He taught the Katipunan members to be cautious in their plans of launching an armed

Led a Model Life to Filipinos and Friends

 As a model student, he led his classmates and friends in the Ateneo Municipal in striving
for academic excellence.
 In Ateneo Municipal, he headed at least three (3) organizations
 In the Universidad de Santo Tomas (University of Santo Tomas), he led his classmates to
demand equal enjoyment of rights and privileges in the school.
 In Paris (1899-1890), he organized Kidlat Club and Indios Bravos, composed of Filipinos,
for intellectual and physical prowers, to show to the Spaniards that the Filipinos are worthy
of respect and home. As a secretary of the :International Association of Filipinologists”, he
wrote its guidelines aimed to study the Philippines in the scientific and historical context.
 Organized La Liga Filipinavon July 3, 1892, at the house of Doroteo Onjuaco in Tondo.
This civic organization was composed of Ambrosio Salvador, as president; Agustin de la
Rosa, fiscal; Bonifacio Arevalo, treasurer and Doroteo Arellano as secretary.

Took Private Lessons in Learning Various Dialects and Languages

 He first learned his mother how to read and write and speak Spanish. In Ateneo Municipal,
University of Santo Tomas and in Universidad Central de Madrid, he learned and spoke
Spanish, Latin. French, Greek, Arabic and German languages.
 He took private lessons in Spanish in Santa Isabel College and in Ateneo. In Madrid, he
learned French, German and English in Berlin, German, French and Italian languages.
 In Hongkong, he studied Chinese; in Japan he learned to speak the Japanese language from
 In the University of Paris, he attended lectures on oriental languages.
 Rizal learned and spoke at least 17 languages and 5 dialects:
1. Arabic 9. German 17. Russian
2. Bisayan 10. Greek 18. Portuguese
3. Subanon 11. Hebrew 19. Sanskrit
4. Catalan 12. Iloko 20. Spanish
5. Chinese 13. Italian 21. Swedish
6. Hebrew 14. Japanese 22. Tagalog
7. English 15. Latin
8. French 16. Malayan

Performed Magical Tricks

 He entertained fellow children and townfolks in Calamba of his magic tricks; hence, he
called the Magician Boy.
 He used magic ink in his letter to Leonor Valenzuela when he was courting her.

Played Musical Instruments

 He studied music lessons and voice culture in the Ateneo Municipal.
 He learned playing flute through self-study and played his flute in Madrid and in Paris

Loved and Studied the Bounties of Nature

 In Dapitan, he wrote two poems (Mi Retiro and Himno a Talisay) which reflected his love
of nature.
 He portrayed his concern to nature 9in his poem To the Flowers of Heidelberg)

Contributed Articles in Newspaper

 He contributed numerous articles in various newspapers and gave good advice to editors
and publishers
 He submitted an article to Corominas for publication in the Carolines Question.

Wrote Two famous Novels and Six Unfinished Novels

 He wrote controversial but famous novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibuterismo

 He also wrote six(6) other untitled and unfinished novels.
Treated Diseases and Abnormalities

 With his knowledge and training in ophthalmology, he successfully operated his mother’s
ailing eyes three(3) times in Calamba in 1887, in Hongkong in 1891 and in Dapitan in
 He examines the eyed of Mr. George Taufer in Dapitan
 He operated a cross-eyed married man on bound the steamer Espania bound for Manila
 He treated eye diseases and abnormalities of many patients abroad and in the Philippines

Studied and Examined Various Types of Animals

 In Dapitan, he examined the forest and observed the elusive wild animals.
 He studied the movements habits, and other characteristics of many animals

Translated Foreign Books

 He translated Schiller’s Willian Tell from German to Tagalog to enable the Filipinos
understand further how Swiss independence was won
 He translated Anderson’s Fairy Tales in Tagalog for his nephew and nieces
 He translated the book of Dr. Antonio Morga entitled Sucessos de las Islas Filipinas which
was published in Paris in January 1890.
 In Calamba, after his returned to Europe, he translated the German poems of Von
Wildermath in Tagalog
 In Hongkong in 1891, he translated 1789 Spanish Proclamation “The Rights of Men” in
 There were still many other translation works of dr. Jose Rizal archived in the National

6. Self- Assessment and Evaluation of the Activities

Answer these questions in two to three sentences.

1. When did Rizal begin to take interest in reading?

2. What do you mean by the statement the tragic fate of the young moth left a deep impression
of Rizal’s mind? Reason Out.
3. Cite three(3) instances in which Rizal was very much involved in extracurricular activities
in Ateneo?
4. Likewise, Rizal impresses his Ateneo Jesuit professors with his scriptural works. Cite two
(2) instances of scriptural works that pleased his professors.
5. What were the pen names of Rizal when he became an active contributor of La Solidaridad?
6. While in Paris, Rizal also carried on his artistic work. What were the two statues that he
carved which he sent to Blumentritt?

Grading System

Output =50%
Mid-Term/Final Examination =25%
Quizzes =15%
Attendance =10%

*Final Rating = Midterm (50%) + Final Term (50%)

7. References
Ariola, M. M. (2013). Life, Works and Writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal. Manila: Purely
Books Trading and Publishing Corp
Crudo, E. R. P, et (2019). The Life, Works, and Writings of Jose Rizal. Manila: Rex
Book store

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