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You have read in a recent edition of Family Life magazine an article regarding fatherhood which
seemed to say that ‘modern fathers’ do not set a good example to their children.
Write a letter to the editor disagreeing with this statement. Include the following points in your letter:
● examples set by parents to their children
● the importance of learning from your parents
● is your life influenced by your childhood/upbringing?
● any personal examples that you have experienced or and important lesson that you have learned

Write a letter of about 200 words.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have read your article about fatherhood and I want to share with you my opinion about your writing
thoughts. I am not agreeing with (statikus ige: I don’t agree totally with) everything you said about the
modern fathers influence to their children and I want to express my point of view.
I think that ‘modern father’ is someone, who is not following the traditional father role in the family, but
who adopts the typical mother role too, for example stays home with the baby and able to change its diaper.
In the first place First of all I think it is set he shows a pretty good example to for their children, it is
important them to see seeing (egy időben zajlanak) how a modern family works. We learn a lot of things
from our parents and in my opinion, it does not matter from which one, the aim is that the children grow up
surrounded with love and caring. (jobb: the aim is creating a loving and caring atmosphere)
Our life is affected by our upbringing and by the environment in which we grow up. I am an adult now, but I
experience both the good and bad side effects of my childhood to this day, nowadays it is a very determining

Thank you for reading my thoughts on the topic.

Yours faithfully,
Eszter Liktor

FELADATMEGOLDÁS: 4/ 3 - jól érintetted a témát, de a pontokra részletesebben is kitérhetsz (főleg a

fontosssága hiányzott)
SZERKEZET: 4/2 - szöveg felépítése és a kifejtett gondolatok elrendezése logikus, de a felépítésben
figyelni kell, hogy visszafele utalás is legyen, kérdések és kötőszavak
NYELVHELYESSÉG: 4/2 - gerund és infinitive szerkezet hibás, több műveltetés, függőbeszéddel kellene
SZÓKINCS: 4/2 - tetszik a fiatalos nyelvhasználat, de nincs benne phrasel verbs, se idióma. Figyelj rá,
hogy a kifejezéseket amiket tanultunk, használd itt is. Pl. it won’t be a bed of roses - nem less leányálom, it
runs in the family stb.
You are going to hear two people talking about travelling to Paris.
First, look at the table below and read the statements. As you listen, decide if the statements are true, false or not stated. Put an X
in the appropriate column (1-10). The first (0) has been completed as an example. You have 30 seconds to read the statements
below. You will hear the discussion twice.
EX. The reason for the trip was to find the fastest way to travel to Paris. x
The race stated off from number 10 Downing Street. x

St Pancras is a new station easily reached by tube. x x

Fran missed the first plane, as she found it difficult getting out to x
The flight to Paris only took 1 hour 15 minutes. x

You do not get the feeling of speed on the Eurostar. x

Charlie thought that as the plane travels a lot faster than a train that x x
Fran would get to Paris first.
Fran managed to get a motorbike taxi at the airport x

Charlie crossed Paris by bicycle. x

Fran was confident she would win: fast plane - fast journey - fast x
Fran won the London-Paris race. x


FRAN: The thinking behind the London - Paris trip, was that it was the first day the Eurostar going from St. Pancras to Paris.
CHARLIE: And we wanted to compare that - compare the speed, the comfort, the efficiency to the plane - the traditional favourite of
most holiday makers.
FRAN: So Charlie basically took the train and I went to Heathrow and flew to Charles-de-Gaulle. And we wanted to see who’d get there
CHARLIE: We both started off at Big Ben. Fran started off in a hurry; I relaxed, took it easy. Leisurely got on the tube all the way to St
Pancras and then saw the new station which was absolutely fantastic. And the light coming through the glass ceiling. The train looking
gleaming on the track. I waited around, had a glass of champagne or two and waited for my departure.
FRAN: In terms of how the journey actually went, it was the usual hassle of getting to an airport. It was a Wednesday morning so I
didn’t think it would be very busy but the tube was completely packed. I managed to miss my first Heathrow Express train which was
very annoying. Got to Heathrow, the train was a bit delayed as well so I got there and had to race through. I checked in on-line because I
wanted to save a bit of time but then you get to security and there’s always a big queue and you always end up standing around for ages.
I literally had to run to my gate not to miss my plane so that whole thing was really stressful. And once you get on the plane, it’s fine and
it’s so short, I mean, it’s advertised as one hour and fifteen minutes - but it was a forty minutes flight. So literally up, have a sandwich
and a quick drink and you’re landing again.
CHARLIE: Went through security - took all of about a minute - through customs - there was just one person in front of me - and ten
straight onto the train. You don’t really get a sense of the speed; it’s 186 miles an hour. But on the board, it’s smooth as silk on the rails.
I was sitting back enjoying a leisurely lunch as we crossed through the tunnel then into France.
FRAN: We had very bad luck on Wednesday because they had a huge transport strike so there’s no public transport at all. Of course,
most people who get to Charles-de-Gaulle jump on the RER gets you straight into the centre of Paris - lovely. I couldn’t do that. I knew
this in advance and I tried to book a taxi but there weren’t any taxis; they basically refused to come to the airport.
CHARLIE: I have to say, on the train I was getting more and more confident as the moments went past. I knew Fran was on only and
600 mph plane; my train was just under 200 mph but it was going direct into the heart of Paris. Of course, what I didn’t realise at the
time, we knew there was strikes but we didn’t realize how bad. And as soon as I hit the station I realized that my plan to do a Lance
Amstrong across Paris was really going to be a bad idea.
FRAN: I decided where 4-wheels failed I’d try 2-wheels. Which is basically getting a motorbike taxi. In Paris they have this system of
motorbike taxis you call up and a guy turns up with a helmet and a big jacket and gloves and everything. So I jumped on the back of his
motorbike - we went roaring off. Amazing traffic actually getting into Paris. I was so glad I didn’t get a taxi - it would have taken me
about two hours to get in. And I was on the back of this motorbike which was quite scary because the French obviously drive like
complete nutters - was whizzing between cars and lories - it’s all very exciting. That meants I got into the centre in about 35 minutes -
which was brilliant.
CHARLIE: I arrived at the bike racks, of course there were none; it was the strike and everybody had the same idea as me. So it was
plan B - a motorbike. Jumped on the back and by they I was beginning to sweat. I knew Fran was already on route - I thought she might
have beaten me. I arrived, looked around and wasn’t there.
FRAN: So when I was on the back of the bike going towards the Eiffel, just about to reach eastern point I was so confident. I thought,
god you know, the flight was really quick, got through the airport the other end really quickly, the motorbike just cut, you know, through
the traffic. I really thought I’d win the race. And when I got there, he was already standing there. It was very infuriating. He beat me by
about a quarter of and hour I think.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TRUE X X X X X You’ll read an article about
FALSE X X X X X diets. Choose the right extracts
Travelling to
NOT STATED X (A-I) for the
Paris.mp3 (1-6) to
create a complete text. There
are 2 extracts you don’t need. There is an example (0) for you.  14p

The Weight Loss Trap

Like most people, Kevin Hall used to think the reason people get fat is simple. 0. …C… “I saw these folks
stepping on scales, and they lost 20 lb. in a week,” he says. On the one hand, it tracked widespread beliefs
about weight loss: the workouts were punishing and the diets restrictive, so it stood to reason the men and
women on the show would slim down. …1… To understand how they were doing it, he decided to study 14
of the contestants for a scientific paper.
Hall quickly learned that in reality-TV-land, a week doesn’t always translate into a precise seven days, but
no matter: the weight being lost was real, speedy and huge …2… If his study could uncover what was
happening in their bodies on a physiological level, he thought, maybe he’d be able to help the staggering
71% of American adults who are overweight.
What he didn’t expect to learn was that even when the conditions for weight loss are TV perfect–with a
tough but motivating trainer, telegenic doctors, strict meal plans and killer workouts–the body will, in the
long run, fight like hell to get that fat back. …3….
That may be depressing enough to make even the most motivated dieter give up. “There’s this notion of why
bother trying,” says Hall. But finding answers to the weight-loss puzzle has never been more critical. …4…
And doctors now know that excess body fat dramatically increases the risk of serious health problems,
including Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, respiratory problems, major cancers and even fertility
problems. A 2017 study found that obesity now drives more early preventable deaths in the U.S. than
smoking. …5…
It’s also fueled a rise in research. What scientists are uncovering should bring fresh hope to the 155 million
Americans who are overweight, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. …6…
And the overly simplistic arithmetic of calories in vs. calories out has given way to the more nuanced
understanding that it’s the composition of a person’s diet–rather than how much of it they can burn off
working out–that sustains weight loss.

A. Over time, 13 of the 14 contestants Hall studied gained, on average, 66% of the weight they’d lost on the show.
B. The more you pay attention to your diet, the more difficult it is to lose weight.
C. Hall, a scientist at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), started watching The Biggest Loser a few
years ago on the recommendation of a friend.
D. Over the course of the season, the contestants lost an average of 127 lb. each and about 64% of their body fat .
E. Leading researchers finally agree, for instance, that exercise, while critical to good health,
is not an especially reliable way to keep off body fat over the long term.
F. Hall firmly believes that the contestants on the show should try and lose weight using other methods.
G. The vast majority of American adults are overweight; nearly 40% are clinically obese.
H. Still, 20 lb. in a week was a lot.
I. This has fueled a weight-loss industry worth $66.3 billion, selling everything from diet pills to meal plans
to fancy gym memberships.

0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. H 2. D 3. A 4. G 5. I 6. E
You are looking at some online forum comments about four people’s problems. Which situation (A-D)
matches with which text (1-8)? Mark the right situation (A, B, C or D). You can use a situation more
than once. There is an example (0) for you.  8 p

My manager recently told me that he thinks I'm underperforming and doesn't think I'm a right fit
for the role. He said "off the record" that it might be a good idea to look for a job elsewhere,
otherwise he'll have to go down the HR route. I'm in the job just over a year, and would just like
to get other people's thoughts on this.
My boss took my keys to the studio and said I wouldn't be getting a reference. I'm assuming this
B means I'm fired but I've had zero notice. I'm hesitant to contact her since the whole situation has
shaken me quite badly. Any advice would be very much appreciated.
I have just started my work recently and I have noticed that the environment in my workplace is
not healthy. I can feel a certain tension between some of my co-workers. It was never hard to
C figure out since day one. I know it’s not my thing to get into, it’s just kind of disturbing most of
the time. I love my work, however, it’s very tempting to leave sometimes and go somewhere else
because of the negative environment.
Hi, my wife just noticed that her employer has advertised her very role in her office. She then got
a meeting invite out of the blue from someone in the States but no info on what the meeting is
about. She's been there for one and a half years and I know typically you need two for
redundancy but I'm pretty sure you can't make someone redundant only to hire someone else.

0. Just sit down with an expert and talk about your wife’s situation. I’m sure you’ll be able to
come up with something. It’s better to confront management with some hard facts than walking
up to them without a master plan. It might as well be the case that they are about to hire a
second worker for the same position
1. 'Increasing worker insecurity' at its finest! I completely understand where you're coming
from, you sound very deflated, I'd imagine you're doing the best you can in all circumstances. Is A
your manager approachable, are they reasonable?
2. Is there a member of management there who you could discuss it with? Maybe see if they can
move you to a different desk, even just something so you're not in the "sphere" of their C
3. While you might have done something wrong, you still have a statutory right to be brought
through some form of process before being dismissed (i.e. investigation, right to be told of the
complaint, disciplinary meeting with an opportunity to put forward your side of the story, B
appeal etc. etc.). I recommend you get yourself to a good solicitor or go to the Workplace
Relations Commission website for more info
4. Regardless of how informal it is, she still has certain statutory obligations towards her
employees. You should have been given a disciplinary policy on commencement on DB
employment and that policy should have been followed in effecting your dismissal
5. You need to learn coping mechanisms to deal with conflict in the workplace and get to a
place in your head where the mood and behaviour of others has a limited impact on you. As for
your current place of employment if there is an issue between co-workers and you try to resolve
it you likely will only get drawn into the drama
6. I wouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions here; they might have a good reason for
needing an additional worker in that department. It could be they're expanding the workload and D
know they'll need an extra set of hands to handle new responsibilities
7. There's no harm in looking at your options outside of this business, but don't be pushed over
either, it doesn't particularly sound like the nicest working environment though.
8. I think you should move on. It is very demoralising working for someone who won’t give you
a chance. If you aren't hurting your career by leaving, then I would go.

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. A
You’ll hear the following presentation about the dangers of the internet. Listen to the recording and
complete the notes by using a maximum of three words. There is an example (0) for you. You can
listen to the recording twice.

EXAMPLE: A person on the internet who pretends to be someone else is called a (0) …… catfish ……
The Phenomenon
 The term was first used in a (1) documentary
 Each episode on MTV ends with a surprise or a(n) (2) shocking revelation
 Michael Morgan was a typical example of a(n) (3) catfish victim
 Romance with a catfish can end in (4) disappointment
Ways to Avoid being Catfished
 If you’re chatting to someone make sure you (5) google the person. ELFOGADHATÓ?
 Inform the people close to you about your (6) ?
 Remember to trust (7) your gut

1. film | documentary | TV show
2. shock | surprise | shocking revelation
3. victim | victim of catfishing | catfishing victim
4. disappointment | a disappointment | no meeting
5. fact-check | know
6. friend | online relationship
7. your gut | your feelings | how you feel | your gut feelings | your instincts
A weekly magazine about the environment has invited readers to write to the editor, giving their views
about how government and individuals can cooperate to protect the global environment.
Include the following points:
● how to raise awareness of the choices available
● giving encouragement to individuals
● objectives of local groups
● reasons for government involvement
● possible energy saving measures

Write a letter of about 180 words.

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