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Name: Peer correction:

I. Complete the following passage with ONE suitable word.
The smoke that comes from a lit cigarette contains many different poisonous chemicals. In the past, scientists
didn’t think that these (1)............ could harm a non-smoker’s health. Recently, though, scientists changed their
opinion after they (2).............. a large group of non-smokers. They discovered that even (3)............had
unhealthy amount of these toxic chemicals in their bodies. As a (4)............. of fact, almost all of us, breath
tobacco smoke at times, (5).............we realize it or not. For example, we can’t avoid smoke in restaurants,
hotels, and other public places even though many (6)..............places have “no smoking is permitted. It is even
harder for children to (7)................. secondhand smoke. In the United States, nine million children under the
age of five live in (8).............with at least one smoker. Research shows that these children are sick more
(9)............ than children who live in homes where non-smokers live. The damaging effects of
(10).............smoke on children also continue as they grow up. The children of smokers are more than twice as
likely to develop lung cancer when they are adults as children of non-smokers. The risk is even higher among
children who live in homes where both parents smoke.
1. chemicals 2. studied 3. non-smokers 4. result 5. whether
6. public 7. avoid 8. families 9. regularly 10.
II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each
At sixteen Henry Vincent was separated from his family as a result of the war. He wandered aimlessly
from (66) ................ country to another (67) ................ finally setting down in Australia, where he trained
(68) ................ an electronics engineer. He established his own business but it called for so much work that
marriage was out of the (69) ................ .
His retirement suddenly (70) ................ him realize (71) ................ lonely he was and he decided to
(72) ................ up a hobby. With his interest in electronics, amateur radio seemed a natural choice. He installed
his own equipment and obtained a licence and his call sign, which is the set of letters and numbers used to
announce oneself when making radio contact with other radio amateurs all over the world.
Soon Henry had a great many contacts in far-off places. One in particular was a man in
California with whom he had much in common. One night the man in California (73) ................
to mention the village in Europe he had come from. Suddenly, Henry realised that this man was
in fact his younger brother, Peter. At first, the two brothers were at a (74) ................ for words
but then little by little they filled in the details of their past lives and not (75) ................
afterwards Henry Vincent flew to California to be reunited with his brother.
1. one 2. 3. as 4. question 5. made
6. how 7. take 8. happened 9. loss 10.
III. Complete the following passage with ONE suitable word
A Success Story
At 19, Ben Way is already a millionaireand one of a growing number of teenagers _________ (1) have
made their fortune through the Internet. __________ (2) makes Ben's story all the more remarkable is that he is
dyslexic, and was told by teachers ___________ (3) his junior school that he would never be able to read or
write properly. "I wanted to prove them wrong", says Ben, creator and director of Way search, a net search
engine which can be used to find goods __________ (4) online shopping malls.
When he was eight, his local authorities provided him ___________ (5) a PC to help with schoolwork.
Although he was unable to read the manuals, he had a natural ___________ (6) with the computer, and
encouraged by his father, he soon began charging people E10 an hour for his knowledge and skills. At the age
of 15 he set up his own computer consultancy, Quad Computer, which he ran from his bedroom, two years later
he left school __________ (7) devote all his time to business.
"By this time the company had grown and I needed to take __________ (8) a couple of employees to help
me," says Ben. “That enabled me to start doing business with bigger companies.” It was his ability to
consistently ___________ (9) difficult challenges that led him to win the You Entrepreneur of the Year award
in the same year that he formed Way search, and he has recently signed a deal worth £25 million with a private
investment company, which will finance _________ (10) search engine.
1. who 2. What 3. at 4. in 5. with
6. 7. to 8. on 9. 10. his
IV. Complete the following passage with ONE suitable word
The T-shirt, or at least the T-shirt as we know it, was born in the theatre. When Tennessee William's
play A Streetcar Named Oesire opened in New York in December 1947, a young actor (1)________
Marlon Brando went (2)________ stage wearing a (3)________ of blue jeans and a bright, white, capped-
sleeve T-shirt. It was the first time the T-shirt had been seen publicly as anything (4)________ an item of
underwear and it set a fashion trend that was to last through (5)________ the end of the century. The
idea for the T-shirt came (6)________ Brando himself. He had worn one at rehearsals for the play. The
director was so impressed by the look that was created that he asked Brando to wear the shirt in the play
itself. Brando may have seen the shirt being advertised by the American company Sears Roebuck. They
had decided to market the shirt (7)________ a fashionable garment in its (8)________ right, rather than
just something to be worn (9)________ warmth beneath a denim workshirt (10)________ an army
uniform. It was Brando, however, who popularized it, especially with the release of the film version of
Streetcar in 1951. A short leather jacket completed the look that was to be adopted by teenage rebels in
many countries for decades afterwards.
1. named 2. on 3. pair 4. like 5. until
6. from 7. as 8. own 9. for 10. like
V. Read the passage and find ONE suitable word to fill in each blank to finish the passage.
If there is just one single thing more astonishing than the ability of the adult human being to talk,
it is the process by which someone learns to do this. Some parts of the process are still (1)________ much a
closed book, but it is for the (2)_________ part possible to describe what the child is doing at various stages in
its development, even if we cannot account (3)________ how exactly it learns to do these things.
In fact, research carried out by various linguists has (4)_________ rise to as many theories as there are
differences in the rate of development. A baby actually makes sounds from the moment it is born, but for some
time these are rather far removed (5)_________ articulate speech. In something like a year, a baby will
probably be at a stage where one or two syllables represent the peak of its achievement as a speaker; one more
year and it will be (6)_______ out with short phrases, and after this it seems (7)________ time at all before the
child is capable of uttering complete sentences.
Despite being a truly remarkable feat of learning, this is one that is performed by the vast
(8)_________ of human beings. Complex operations are brought (9)________ play in these
dealing with speech and language; the key (10)_______ in brain work, though tongue – work
and ear – work play a part in the whole process.
1. now 2. most 3. for 4. given 5. from
6. coming 7. no 8. 9. into 10. is
VI. Read the passage and find ONE suitable word to fill in each blank to finish the passage.
Is Photography Dead?
For a long time in the past photography was not regarded as an art. It was simply a skill and it was
criticized for being too mechanical and not creative enough. At last, however, photography is now accepted as a
unique and very important (1)_______ of art.
The photograph's claim to be an objective record of reality is now seriously challenged, and the
important function of photography in modern-day society is consequently (2)_______ threat. The threat has
suddenly become all the more serious as more and more photographers are (3)_______ to the new technology
which computers offer. Moreover, a (n) (4)_______ number of colleges have now begun to offer (5)_______ in
computer imaging. All these developments (6)_______ a disturbing question. Is photography, as we know
(7)_______ dead?
In spite of its complete transformation by new technological developments, however, photography will
continue to play a (8)_______ role in our culture. Although it may no longer (9)_______ to be realistic, modern
photography can continue to provide us with fresh visual (10)_______ about ourselves and the world in which we live.
1. form 2. under 3. turning 4. large 5. courses
6. raise 7. 8. crucial 9. believed 10.
VII. Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word to complete the following paragraph.
The world of dreams
Most people feel that when they dream, they (0) are carried off to another world. (1) ________ the
contrary, dreams are often connected to our daily lives.
(2) ________ our whole mind is filled with something, when we are either very upset or when we are in
good spirit, a dream will represent (3) ________ reality in symbols. It is often said that we benefit from dreams
because they help the spirit to heal itself when things (4) ________ wrong. Dreams are therefore a kind of
escape, almost a holiday from (5) ________ life, with its fears and responsibilities . It is, (6) ________, a
strange (7) ________ of holiday because whether we have a wonderful time or whether it turns (8) ________ to
be a nightmare, we quickly forget it. Most dreams disappear forever, (9) ________ you are one of those people
disciplined enough to write (10) ________ down as soon as you wake up.
1. On 2. If 3. this 4. go 5. real
6. however 7. kind 8. out 9. unless 10. them
VIII. Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word to complete the following paragraph.
Cell Phones
Cell phones have been popular in Japan (0. since) the early 1990s, but it was (1) ________ until 1999
that their use really took off. The age of cell phones has emerged, but with it come problems.
Cell phones are used on buses and trains, in restaurants, and in all areas of (2) ________. They cause
problems when they (3)________ during meetings, concerts, weddings, or even funerals. What's more, people
speak loudly in public, and students read and text messages during lessons. (4) ________ seriously, when a cell
phone is used near a person (5) ________ a pacemaker to fegulate his heartbeat, its radio waves may interfere
with the functioning of the pacemaker.
Now, something is being done to solve these (6) ________ In many places, new technology is being
used to block cell phone calls. Airline (7) ________ are requested to stop using cell phones while on
board. Concert halls ask their audience to switch their phones to the (8) ________ mode. However,
phone users fear that if they do not (9) ________ their phones, they will lose valuable business
opportunities. That's why many do not (10) ________ off their phones even when they are asked to.
1. not 2. life 3. ring 4. More 5. using
6. problems 7. passengers 8. airplane 9. answer 10. turn
IX. Read the text and fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word. (20 points)
Sleep deprivation can make us very angry, which is why snoring – the human equivalent of
a car alarm being set off at night – can be so irritating. Most people snore occasionally, but in
middle age about 40 per cent of men and 20 per cent of women (1)…………… so regularly.
Snoring can ruin relationships and be intensely embarrassing. Snorers who go into hospital, for
example, may worry that they‘ll keep the whole ward awake. But snoring doesn’t (2)
…………… afflict the unafflicted; snorers may also disturb (3)……………. and feel sleepy
during the day. Snoring can sometimes be a symptom of a more serious condition. Up to six per
cent of men and two per cent of women suffer from sleep apnoea, a (4)……………. in which
breathing is significantly disrupted during sleep. Some people may start off (5)……………
uncomplicated snorers, but develop sleep apnoea as they get older. The word apnoea is derived
from the Greek and means ‘no breathing’. People with sleep apnoea have airways that become
obstructed during sleep. Typically, they snore loudly, stop breathing, struggle (6)……………
air, partly wake up (although often unaware of it), gulp a bit, and then recommence snoring.
The cycle may (7)…………… repeated over 100 times an hour. (8)…………… surprisingly,
people with sleep apnoea feel unrefreshed in the morning. They may have problems
concentrating during the day, feel depressed and fall asleep (9)…………… socially
unacceptable times. At worst, they can fall asleep (10)…………… driving or operating
dangerous machinery.
1. do 2. only 3. everyone 4. 5. as
6. with 7. be 8. Not 9. at 10. while
X. Fill in each blank with one suitable word. (10 points)
As the twentieth century began, the importance of formal education in the United States increased. The
frontier had mostly disappeared and by 1910 most Americans lived in towns and cities. Industrialization and the
bureaucratization of economic life (1) _______ with a new emphasis upon credentials and expertise to (2)
_______ schooling increasingly important for economic and social mobility. Increasingly, too, schools were
(3) _______ as the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society.
The arrival of a great wave of southern and eastern European (4) _______ at the turn of the century coincided
with and (5) _______ to an enormous expansion of formal schooling. By 1920 schooling to (6) _______
fourteen or beyond was compulsory in most states, and the school year was greatly lengthened. Kindergartens,
vacation schools, extracurricular (7) _______, and vocational education and counseling extended the influence
of public schools (8) _______ the lives of students, many of (9) _______ in the larger industrial cities were
the children of immigrants. Classes for adult immigrants were sponsored by public schools, corporations,
unions, churches, settlement houses, and (10) _______ agencies.
1. 2. make 3. regarded 4. 5.
6. age 7. activities 8. to 9. whom 10. other

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