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FV = PV (1 + i)n
PV = FV / (1 + i)n
Where: FV = Future Value or the net cash flow at time “n”, PV = Present Value
i = interest rate also called rate of return; n = number of time periods or time of the cash flow

Net Present Value (NPV): NPV = PVbenefits – PVcosts or NPV = PVCash Inflows – PVCashOutflows
NPV>0 accept the project, NPV<0 reject the project, NPV=0 (neutrality)

Benefit Cost Ratio: Compares benefits (or revenue) to costs in a project.

 BCR > 1; benefits are greater than costs, BCR < 1; costs are greater than benefits
 BCR = 1; costs and benefits are the same

Payback Period: Shorter Payback Period: select project, Longer Payback Period: reject project

Total Slack (or Float) = LS – ES or Slack (or Float) = LF – EF

Total Slack is the length of time that the start of an activity can be delayed without delaying the finish date of the
project. Total slack may be positive or negative.

Free Slack: The amount of time an activity can be delayed before delaying the start of a successor activity.
Free Slack = ES of successor - EF of predecessor

Project Slack: The amount of time a project can be delayed without affecting the required due date of the project.

Three Point Estimates:

TE = (TP + 4TM + TO) Expected duration of the activity equals the sum of (pessimistic time + 4 times
6 the most likely time + optimistic time) divided by 6.
CE = (CP + 4CM + CO) Expected cost of the activity equals the sum of (pessimistic cost + 4 times the
6 most likely cost + optimistic cost) divided by 6.

Standard Deviation and Variance

Standard Deviation = (P – O) ÷ 6 , Variance = [(P – O) ÷ 6] 2

Earned Value Management:

 Earned Value (EV) or BCWP = %complete x PV or %complete x BAC
 Planned Value (PV) or BCWS
 Actual Cost (AC) or ACWP

EV = PV x %Complete Use when BAC is given
Use when the PV at the end of the project is given. Multiply
by the %Complete for the same time period; the resulting EV
will be for the same time period also

PV = Planned Value, BAC = Budget at Completion %Complete is the percentage of work complete as of the time
period in question. BAC = Total PV or BAC = Total BCWS

SV Formula: SV = EV – PV or SV = BCWP – BCWS

If SV is: This means:
Positive Work is on schedule or ahead of schedule
Negative Work is behind schedule
Equal to zero Project or activity is complete (even for late activities, SV will equal 0 when completed)

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CV Formula: CV = EV – AC or CV = BCWP – ACWP
*Note: EV is also referred to as BCWP and AC is also referred to as ACWP
If CV is: This means:
Positive Cost is less than budget - work is under budget
Negative Cost is more than budget - work is over budget
Zero Cost and budget are equal. Work is on budget

SPI Formula: SPI = EV ÷ PV or SPI = BCWP ÷ BCWS

If SPI is: This means:
Greater than 1 Project is ahead of schedule - good performance.
Less than 1 Project is behind schedule - bad performance.
Equal to 1 Project is on target

CPI Formula: CPI = EV ÷ AC or CPI = BCWP ÷ ACWP

If CPI is: This means:
Greater than 1 Cost is lower than budget - good performance.
Less than 1 Cost is higher than budget - bad performance.
Equal to 1 Project is on target

Estimate to Complete Formula: ETC = EAC - AC

ETC = BAC – EV Use when current variances are atypical
ETC = EAC – AC Use when EAC and AC values are available

Estimate at Completion (EAC) – Note where cumulative values (CPIc and SPIc are used)
EAC formula: Use when:
EAC = AC + ETC AC and ETC are available
EAC = AC + BAC – EV Current variances are not typical
EAC = AC + [ (BAC – EV) ÷ (CPI x SPI )] Current variances are typical; considering both CPIc and SPIc factors.
EAC = BAC ÷ CPIc Current CPIc is expected to remain the same in future

Variance at Completion (VAC) Formula: VAC = BAC – EAC

If VAC is This means:
Positive Project is under budget
Negative Project is over budget

To-Complete Performance Index (TCPI)

TCPI = Work Remaining = (BAC - EV) ÷ (BAC - AC) based on BAC or (BAC - EV) ÷ (EAC – AC) based on EAC
Funds Remaining

Communications Requirements Analysis : Number of communication channels = n (n-1)/2

Expected Monetary Value (EMV)

Formula:EMV = (P1 x I1) + (P2 x I2) + …. + (P n x I n)
Where: P = Probability (i.e., the probability that the risk will occur, P), I = Impact (i.e., the impact on the project if
the risk occurs), (P1 x I1) = probability x impact of 1st possible outcome for event
(P n x I n) = probability x impact of the nth possible outcome for event

Process Groups Mnemonic


Project Management Knowledge Areas Mnemonic


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