MECH 321 December2006

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Mechanies of Deformable Solids Friday December 15, 2006 Mechanical Engineering MECH 321 14:00 -'17:00 Examiner: Professor Larry B. Lessard 398-6305 “ Lary. Lessurde@megilca <—_ Final Exam Associate Examiner: Professor Pascal Hubert 398-6303, Pascal, Hubert Pre} (1) (23%) Boundary Conditions/Airy Stress (2) (15%) Stresses, Strains and Boundary Conditions (3) (20%) Two-Dimensional Problem, Cylindrical Coordinates (4) (10%) Energy Methods (S) (20%) Two-Dimensional Problem, Rectangular Coordinates (6) (S%) Plane Stress and Plane Strain (7) (3%) Finite Element Analysis (8) (0%) Philosophy Make sure you haye 12 pages. Attempt all questions. Make sure your answers make sense, (1) (25%) Boundary Conditions/Airy Stress A thin skewed plate is subjected to a uniform distribution of stress along its sides as shown in the figure below. There are no out-of-plane applied loads, {a) Is this a 3D, 2D plane stress or 2D plane strain situation? (b) Set up the boundary condition equations for each of the boundaries. 70 MPa MBA 150 MPa (©) Choose suitable polynomial terms for an Airy Stress Function solution to this problem. With the ferms you have chosen, show that your Airy Stress Function matches all of the stress boundary conditions found in (b), thus showing the validity of your Airy Stress solution. December 15, 2006 Page I of 12 Mech 321 exam (2) (15%) Stresses, Strains and Boundary Conditions ‘The figure shown in (a) is relatively easy problem (done in class) involving extension in the x-direction ‘and Poisson contraction in the y- and z-direction due to a uniaxial loading in the x-direction, We would like to know if we can re-create the same strains (and thus deformations) by loading the same block of material with compressive stresses in the y- and 2-

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