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CGP GCSE Combined Science For AQA (Grade 9-1) Exam. Practice Answer Book Higher Level For the AQA Trilogy course Contents Topic BI — Cell Biology .... Topic B2 — Organisation ~ Topic B3 — Infection and Response ... Topic B4 — Bioenergetics nenweennennennnne Fee eee Seer ee 7 8 Topic BS — Homeostasis and Response n-nvnmuu tee secre : eee Topic 86 — Inheritance, Variation and Evolution ann ee ee ry Topic B7 — Ecolagy... a Topic C1 — Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table... Topic C2 — Bonding, Structure and Properties of Matter conen-urvnwonneon Topic C3 — Quantitative Chemistry eeeeenenenn paris : ie lB Topic C4 — Chemical Changes. EEE eee eee e eee Topic C5 — Energy Changes nce sinshaitabstistontststtt 20 Topic C6 — The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change ee poe Topic C7 — Organic Chemist cneeeverennenenr - Pree ee eee eee cee Cee eo Topic CB — Chemical Analysis... meee eZ s prec Topic CO — Chemistry of the Atmnospher@ enmnnw Eee s 24 Topic CIO — Using Resources even ee eee eee oy 2S Topic PI Energy ener 7 pee aeeeseeSeSree 26 “Toph PD lac Ay a pee ep — Topic P3 — Particle Model of Matter 7 scat m0 Topic P4 — Atomic Structute nnn ts Pearce Topic P5 — Forces Topic P& — Waves enn Topic P? — Magnetism and Electromagnetism Biology Mixed Questions nen Chemistry Mixed Questions Physics Mixed Questions ~ 7 Published by CGP Printed by Elanders Lid, Neweastle upon Tyne, Clipart from Corel® ‘Tent, design, layout and original itustritions © Coordination Group Publications Lid, (CGP) 2016 All rights reseeved. ‘Topic Bl — Cell Biolo: | ‘Nucleus — controls the activities ofthe cel / contains genetic bi ald | teil /Z mar Pages 1-2— Cells 13 Eg mitochon 7 mark where srobic respiration takes place ‘Wacm up ‘many, planvanimal, animal/plant, single, smallelsmmpler, 11 mark, lbosomes [1 mark] where protein synthesis occurs UL mark) eee 14 Therese cell walvcsoe. There aren chloroplasts. MW me [1 mark] , ; 24 bacterium f1 mark g cleus 22 -X—chromosame/DNA/genetic material [1 mark? “ eytoplasmn Yo eel wel mark snecbinss 2~ plasmid [mark ii merk foreach corect abe] | 13 Woortins genetic mei 1 mar 12 Call membrane —contos what sbstances goin and out ofthe | 24 TO times larger’ 1 order of magninde ager /7 mar ceil /f mar 25 1 mm 1000~ 1000 jm ytopasn where most ofthe chemi 1000 m1 jm 1000 els 2 mars forthe correct answer, Hh mark, Answers “otherwise 1 mark for correct working.) 26 23 24 Eg eukaryotic cells havea nucleus, prokaryote cells donot. |/DNSA is found inside the micleus oF eukaryotic cell, but is not enclosed in prokaryotic eels. / Prokaryotic cells contain plasmids, eukaryotic cells do not / Eukaryotic cells have mitochondria, prokaryotic cells donot. (1 mark 2000 [2 marks forthe correct answer, ihersise T mark for correct working] sizeof eal object~ size of image + magnification sctual length 10 mm * 1000 ~ 0.01 mama /2 marks for correct, answer, otherwise 1 mark for corret working.) ‘mm = 1000 ge (0.01 mmo * 1000= 10 um (2 mark) Electron microscopes havea higher magnification 1 mark and ‘higher resolution than light microscopes /1 mark) Eg more eal structures canbe seen under an electron microscope /1 mark] and they canbe seen wit greater detil i mark} Page 4— More on Microscopy La 12 ‘When the specimen is colourless /1 mark] 4 fl mark) Remember, you should always start with the lowestpowered objective lens = this makes it easier to get your specimen into view 3 14 Ls "They bring the sample into focus by moving the stage up and own {1 mary. She should select the x 40 or 10 objective lens [1 mark] snd use the adjustment knobs to bring th sample back into focus HL mark. ‘Any tvo fom: e.g, she shonld use a pencil witha sharp point. 1 She should make sure her drawing takes up at leat haf of the space available, / She should not eolou or shade he diagram. 7/She should ensue that che subcellular structures are drawn in properton, / She should include aie, / She should write down the magnifiction tht itwas observed under. She shoold label ‘he important features of her drawing using straight, wnerossed lines. 2 marks} Page $— Cell Differentiation and Specialisation Warmup 22 +00 hair cell — Long finger-like projection increases surface sea for absorption of water. xylem — Cells that ae hollow in the ceatre and have no end cell ‘walls form a continuous tube for tansporting water from ots tolleaves. phloem — Very few subcellular structures and holes in the end ‘cll walls allow dissolved sugars to mave from one cello the iferemiation (1 marky To ferilisean egg, /To carry the male DNA tothe female DNA (inthe egg). (2 markp Eg. it asa til 1 enable ito svim tothe egg [1 mari. [tas lis of mitochondtia to give it energy /Z mark]. [thas a streamlined head to aid swimming (7 mar. The ead contains enzymes to help the sperm penetrate the egg [1 mark) Page 6 — Chromosomes and Mitosis ul chromosomes 1 mark DNA/ mark) ‘The numberof subcellular sracures i increasing [1 mar. The chromosomes are doubling /f mar. The cytoplasm is dividing [1 mart. ‘The cell membrane i dividing /2 marl. They are genetically identical /7 mark Pagos 7-8 — Stem Cells, 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 i 2 1 3 5 1 2 3 meristems [T mark Eg. plants can be produced quickly and cheaply /£ mark. Rare species ean be cloned to protect them from extinction 1H mark]. Large numbers of identical crop planis with desirable feaures, eg. disease resistee, can be grown for farmers Hi mark Stem cells ca differentiate into many types of bed cell 1 mark. To increase the numberof cells available for use) [2 mark] yg, because body cele that are already differentiated are not capable of changing into any other types of cell /T mark] Eg. human embryos /1 mark Eg diabetes / paralysis (1 mark] Eg the cells inthe culture medium may become infected with » virus that may then be tansferred tothe patient ff mark} ‘The production of an embryo with the same genes as 2 patient Ht mark]. ‘The stem cells produced by therapeutic cloning won't be rejected by the patent's body /7 mark] because they contain the same ‘2en08 as the patont [7 mark. low to grade your answer: Level 0: There isn relevant information. {No marks) Level: One or two ethical issues surrounding the use of embryonic stem cells ar briefly doseribed, but only one point of view is given. 11 t02 marks} Level2: A detsiled discussion of issues surrounding the tse of embryonic stm cells is given, inelading an account of both points of view. [tod marks} Here are some points your answer may include: Some people fee that embryonic stem eels from human embryos shouldat he use for experiments since each embryo is potential human life Same people may argue that there ar oer sourees of stem cells that scientists could use, so using embryos to create stem cells is justified. ‘Some people think that using embryonic stem ces to cure patients who already exist and who ave suffering is more [Important than the rights of embryos. ‘Some people argue that many embryonic stem cells ae sourced ‘rom unwanted embryos from fertility clinics, which would probably be destroyed anyway. Page 9 — Diffusion Warm up 2 4 protein (1 mark ‘The spreading out of particles ofa gas /1 mark esultng in net ‘movement J mark] from an are of higher concentration Wo a ‘ares of lower concentration (1 mark Increasing the concentration of arimonia ineresses the rte ‘of iffsion (1 mark). ‘Any two from: eg, the surface area ofthe cel. ‘The temperature. / The distance for diffusion. ( ‘The permeability ofthe membrane. (2 marks) [By repeating the experiment and caleulting a mes [J mark. Page 10— Osmosis “The movement of water molecules [7 mark] across a partially permeable membrane /1 mark] fom a region of higher water concentration 2 dilute solution) toa region of lower water concentration (a more concentrated solution) [1 mark. A plants absorbing water from the sil /2 marty. So thal the pieces of potato have the same water concentration. / Because cifferent potatoes will have different water concentrations. [1 mark} Answers 22 658-573) sa «100 14.8 %e 5.) [2 marks for the correct answer, othenuise L mark for correr working} 23 Big A%G/1 mark. Accept a percentage berwcen 2% and 5%) Page 11 — Active Transport 11 Themovement of substance from a more dilute solution to & ‘mare concentrated solution (against a conceatration gradient) 1 mark For energytespitation [J mark. needs energy ftom respiration /Z mark], For growth (1 mark} The concentration of minerals is higher inside the plant cells ‘han inte soil (outside the plant cells) [7 mark] so the minerals ‘would move out ofthe plant cells by diffusion (2 mark) ‘Active transport occurs against a concentration gradient tt (04.99 + 0.754425 +001) 3209.29 ~ 100 = 32,0929 = 32.1 2 marks for correct answer, otherwise one mark for using correct equation] 23 Xand Zare isotopes /7 mark). They hve the same stone number’ same aumber of protons /F mark] bu different mass numbers / numberof neutrons f1 mar Page 93 — Compounds iM 12 contains two eloments chemically combined [7 mark. 41 mark) ‘Arrooecule of ammenia contains 1 ritregen atam and 3 bydragen atoms making a totl of 4 atoms altogether 21” sodium chloride 1 mark? 22 Any one of B.NaCl/C. CH! H,0 [1 mark I contains two oF more elements chemically combined (in fixed proportions) [1 marly. 23 6/1 mark} GH, contains 2 carbon atoms and 4 hydragen atoms 2.4 "Yes, anew compound has been made asthe atoms in Cyl, are in Afferent proportions othe atoms in C or / there are & diferent numberof hydrogen atoms inthe molecule [I mark. Tre False Tae True sodium + chlorine ~> sodium chloride /7 mark 1 2 2Na+ Cl, 2NECI/F mark) 1 SNH, +80, 5 4NO+61,0/ 2NH, +280, -> 2NO~311,0 [2 mark) Eg. there are 7 oxygen atoms on the left hand side ofthe ‘equation and only 6 an the right hand side 1 mark. | Pago 95 — Mixtures and Chromatography Mixture 1 mark). Air consists of two or more elements or compounds /2 mark] that aren't chemically combined together H mark 1.2 No/1 mart as argon isan element ina mixture, Chemical properties ae nt affected by being in a mixture [1 marly. 2 How to grade your answer Level: Nothing written werthy of ered No marks) Level I: Some explanation or deseription given but lite detail and key information missing 2 marks). Level2: Clear description of method and some explanation of| results hut some detail missing (2-4 marks). Level 3: Aclearand detailed desription of method and a fall explanation of results /5-6 marks). Here are some points your answer may include: ‘Setting up the experiment «line in penil near the bottom of apiece of chromatography paper. Place a small sample ofeach ink on the penil ine. Poura shallow layer of water / solvent nto beaker Pac the chromatography paper in the container. ‘The water should be below the pencil ine and the ink spots Place a Tid on the container and wait forthe solvent to rise to near the top ofthe pape. [Remove the paper fom the container whea the solvent has risen close to the top ofthe paper ‘Explanation of results A shows one spot, 50 only contains ane dye B shows two spots that have separated, so contains two dyes. CC shows three spots that have separated so contains three dyes. B and Care mintures as they contain more than one element or ‘compound not chemically combined together. B and contain at least ane ofthe same dyes Page 96 — More Separation Techniques Ll ‘Add water tothe mixture to dissolve the potassium chloride {mark}. Filer the mitre. The chalk will tay on he fier paper, (T marhf the dissolved potassium chloride will pass Troughs £7 mark. 12 _Eog. evaporate the potassium chloride solution toa much smaller ‘volume and then leave itt cool (2 mark ‘Add the mixture to methyTbenzene. The sulfur will dissolve (de inom wil not dissolve) /1 mark). Filter the solution to obtain the insoluble ion /1 mark]. Evaporate the methylbeazene to obtain crystals of sulfur /1 mark. 1No, the student is incorrect /1 mark). The iron and sulfur are ‘chemically combined in ion() sulfide / iron sulfide isa ‘compound /1 mark) so chemicel methods would be needed to separate ther out /J mark 22 Page 97 — Distillation 1 Simple distillation /1 mark) 2.1 Place a stepper’ stopper with thermometer in the top ofthe Aistlation Mask 71 mark. ‘The solution is hestodboiled snd the cctane evaporate fist as ‘thas a lower boiling point han the impurity {1 mark. There is cold water flowing through the (Liebig) condenser [2 mark}. This condenses the gaseous octane back into aliquid which is then collected /7 mar ‘The octane has.a boiling point ereater thn 100°C / greater than the boiling point of water mark]. So it would aot eveporate H mark. 22 23 Pages 98-99 — The History of The Atom Warm-up [New experimental evidence ean disprove models — True ‘Scieatific models can be based on existing theories and new experimental evidence — True (Older scientific theories must be ignored when new ones are adopted — False “Tiny solid speres that ean't be divided (1 mi Pham pudding model — A positively charged negatively charged electrons in it [1 mark). ‘Bohr's model —Electonsin fixed orbits surrounding a small positively charged nucleus [1 mark] Rutherford’ nslear model —A small positively charged nucleus surrounded bya ‘cloud’ of negative electrons [mark neuron 2 mark ‘Most ofthe atom is “empty"space (1 mark ‘Niels Boh (1 marky ‘Atoms are neutal /have no overall charge 1 mark. Therefore there must have been positive charge to balance the negative charge of the electrons [2 marly. How to grade your answer: writen worthy of credit (No marks) 0 wih Level : A brief desripion of either the nuclear or the “plurn ‘pudding’ model s given [I to 2 marks). Level2: A description of both the nuclear model and the plum ‘pudling model is given and some comperisons made B04 marks) Level 3: A fll comparison ofthe models is given and similarities and éifferences are clearly explained 15106 marks), ere are some points your answer may include: Similarities “They both have areas of positive charge They both have electrons. ‘They are both neutral overall Differences Positive charge isn't divided into protons in plum pudding model Plum pudding mode! doesnot have a nucleus but has a ‘ball of posiive charge instead. Pham pudding mode! doesnot have neutrons or protons, itenly has electrons surrounded by a postive charge Plum pudding model doesnot have shells of electrons (surrounding miclens), he electrons are arranged randomly within a sphere of postive charge ‘Modera nuclear model has most ofthe mass concentrated inthe ‘ueleus but the plum pudding model has the mass spread evenly ‘throughout the entire atom. 18 Page 100 — Electronic Structure [1d 2882 1 markt 12 The electrons in an atom occupy the lowest energy levels! ‘nnermost shell fits [7 mark. The innermost sbelllowest nergy level ean hold 2 elections /1 mark) Chlorine: 2.8.7 1 marh] 11 mark for correct sumber of electrons, I mark for correct arrangement) You dont have to have the electrons pred up on the diagram. As long as there isthe same number f electrons on the some shel you get the marks 23° Phosphorus? /1 mark Page 101 — Development of The Periodic Table 11 Holeft gaps so that cloments with similar properties were in the same group /for elements that had not yet been discovered A mark, 12D, Between 24 and 72 glen? [2 mark). E.EkO, [2 mark] B. EEKCI, {I mark] G, Very slow [Z mar. 2.1 Protons (neutrons and electrons) Lad not ben discovered / stomic numbers weren't known [7 mark 2 ArandK/Te and I [J mark) 3 Isotopes ofan element have different mumbers of neutrons! diferent atomic masses [1 mark], but the same chemical properties 1 mark. Page 102 — The Modern Periodic Table LL Byatomie number / proton number [7 mark. 12 Similar properties cur at regular intervals / there are repeating | patterns inthe properties ofthe elements [1 mari | 13 ‘They have the same numberof outer shell electrons /1 mark [21 Group 2/1 mark). The stom has 2 outer shell electrons. | marks, | 22 Period 3/1 mnt. The stom has 3 shel ofelecwons (1 mark 23° MagnesiumMg [1 mark] 24 Choose one fiom: beryllium / calcium / strontium / barium / rau (1 mark Pago 103 — Metals and Non-Metals LE At: metal x? non-metal mark both correct) 12 Any thre ftom, e.g: dall/ brite / poor conductor of electricity / low density / lower melting peint/boiling point than metals [1 mari fr each. 2.1 Metals: Towards the Left and bottom, NNon-metals: Towards the right and top [1 mark. 22 Elements that react to form postive ions ae metals /1 mark 23 Any one from: eg. good electrical conductor! good thermal conductor strong / high boiling poit/ high melting point / malleable /T mark. 24 Both are meals that lose their @2 or 3) outer shel electrons, {mark ta form positive ions [1 mark. Page 104— Group 1 Elements LL ¥f1 mar. s element ¥ basa higher melting pin itmust be higher up th group tan Xf mar The higher up the group am dent ix the ewe ts toc number. 12 BXig#2H,Op) > 2XOH gy + Hay [1 ark for comet reacts and product and 1 mark for Balanced equation. Half the aos acepae} ‘Anything between 814 [2 mark. Boiling Polat) 678 6108 ‘ceept lamer than 08 TE mak foreach correct answer] ‘Radius of atom / pm 248 265 “Accept greater than 265 Rb cs Te Answers

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