Ge Listning

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Active listening will enhance on inclusivity in diversity.

Some external and internal

interference is often a major impediment to listening, so eliminating external and internal

interference is the most important way to improve listening skills. The ability of

concentrating well is beneficial to improve our listening skills.What’s more,in the process of

listening,it is helpful to find out the speaker’s focus and focus on the keywords.Do not focus

on too much details, so that it is easier to understand the whole problem from the other side's

point of view.

In listening, we can embrace more diverse perspectives.To be honest, listening

patiently gives us more information. As a famous saying goes, “There are a thousand Hamlets

in a thousand people's eyes.” Everyone has a different way of thinking and thinking about

things, so they have different ideas and opinions. Thus, listening can enhance the diversity

and inclusiveness of our own perspectives.In addition, Listening embodies our respect for

others. In the process of communication, patiently listen to others' opinions, let others say the

whole idea. It is also a manifestation of the ability to enhance one's own inclusiveness. If we

simply refuse to accept outside information and opinions different from our own, our minds

will become narrow. Therefore, learning to listen is crucial. Listening is the key to enhance

our thinking ability.

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