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Name: Shiela Mae S.


The Global Media and ICT


Select an internationally- acclaimed music that highly influenced you.
Then fill-out the column with important details.

Title of the Music Love Magic

Artist/Singer: Bii
Nationality of the artist?

In which countries did Taiwan

the song become
It became famous because of the movie series “ Prince Of Wolf”. Aside from that,
Why do you think it it has a very unique kind of tone and the harmony and rhythm is quite exquisite.
became famous? (write in And it focuses on how to deal with love in different situations.
2-3 sentences)

It affects me big time because, first, I am intrigued and interested in thei culture
How does it influence and language which is Mandarin. Secondly, it has the most wonderful tone and
you personally? (write in rhythm for me. And it makes me feel relax while listening to it.
2-3 sentences)
Time to Connect

Reflection Sheet

Directions: In 30-50 words, write a reflection expressing your personal insights

on significant key points by writing your personal insights in 30-50 words for
each number.

(1) Globalization is about the interconnectedness of people and business across the World that
eventually leads to global cultural, political and economic integration. It is the ability to move
and communicate easily with others all over the world in order to conduct business

(2) Globality is the consciousness of the world as a single place. It sounds more less than the
world globalization. It hides the growing interdependence of the different countries who rely
to others. It is a more useful term for me and I agree with that.

(3)Social media helps build your brand because it enables sharing. You can share, retweet, and
re-pin content here.  It is a useful tool for businesses, bringing  advantages  such as engaging
with your audience and boosting website traffic. However there can also be   disadvantages,
including the resources required and negative feedback.
Activity 1
“Weave them yourselves”
Directions: Using a graphic organizer, show the relationship of Globalization, Media
and Communication Technology in the creation of a global village. Use the space
provided below.
Global Village

Activity 2
“Defend your point!”

Directions: In 250-300 words, write an argumentative essay on the

implications of media on the advancement of technology in the global setting.
You may choose one from among the seven (7) predetermined implications
given by Dixon then state your agreement and disagreement. Use an extra
sheet if necessary. See to it that your write up must contain the basic parts of
an essay; Introduction, Body and Conclusion.

The Importance of Cultural Understanding in the "Global Village"

Title of Essay

In today’s world of globalization, where advances in transport and communication have created what many
refer to as a "global village," understanding and appreciating cultural differences in business has become of
vital importance to all organizations.
Companies are increasingly operating cross-border teams, and international trade is vital in today's business
world. Rapid growth of emerging markets in Asia and South America means an increase for many in contact
with business partners in areas that are possibly alien to them. Sensitivity and maintaining a good relationship
is vital when managing a business deal – understanding differences between your own cultural and an
unfamiliar partner’s can make or break a business deal. Understanding and appreciating cultural differences is
not just ensuring you avoid causing offense however. Attitudes towards business, the way they are run and
views on management styles can vary greatly in different cultures. One of the most important was "power
distance", or “the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a
country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally.”
Internally, effective communication is key to any organization’s success, and so an appreciation of different
cultures is also of great importance in maintaining a professional and harmonious environment in the
workplace. Organizations in the 21st century are a mix of people from different cultural backgrounds who have
to understand each other, interact on a daily base and often work in more than one country. Above all, it is
important to ensure that the increasing diversity of workplaces and the global nature of modern business is
not seen as a hindrance, and is turned into the positive that it can and should be. Diversity brings a wider
variety of viewpoints and can bring about solutions to problems that may not previously have been seen, as
well as bringing individual talents and experiences to provide an increased adaptability.
Activity 3

Directions: Portray how you are influenced (manner of dressing, getting-up,

motion and others by other nationality or culture by posting your personal 5x3
picture. Then explain the picture in 2-3 sentences.

Briefly explain here:

I actually less influenced on the types of dressing of a normal Taiwan girl. So I can’t
really portray how they are really dressed up. That picture of mine was a half influenced only
for I am mostly into American, Korean and Chinese dressing.

Mastery Test
Matching Type
Directions: Match the definition in column A with the word being defined in column B. Write
the letter of your choice in the space provided.

Column A Column B

c. 1. Globalization a. homogenized culture

d. 2. Media b. eye-catching
e. 3. Communication Technology c. a physical process of
b. 4. Spectacles interconnectedness and awareness
a. 5. Global Village d. medium is the message
e. arbitrating variable between Media and

Multiple Choice:
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. How do media, globalization, and ICT interact in the creation of a global village?

a. Through interconnectedness and global awareness.

b. Via broadcasting global vents in the social media.
c. By using advance technology at home and work.

2. What scenario that shows the impact of media in the daily lives of humanity?

a. A women’s organization fighting for their rights.

b. A young person imitating manner of motion and grooming of a K-pop star.
c. A technomania who is always into latest models

3. Which among the pictures clearly portray the evidence of global village?
a. b. c.

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