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 Property consists of 10 office suites, 4 on the first floor and 6 on the second.
 Contract rents: 2 suites at $1,500 per month, 2 at $3,600 per month, and 6 at
$1,560 per month.
 Vacancy and collection losses: 10% per year
 Operating expenses: 40% of effective gross income each year;
 Capital expenditures: 5% of effective gross income each year;
 Expected holding period: 5 years;
 PGI increasing 3 percent per year. Selling expenses are forecasted to be 4
percent of the expected sale price.
Using DCF approach to estimate the value of the property.

Comparable Sale Price NOI1

A $500,000 $55,000

B $420,000 $50,400

C $475,000 $53,400

Year 1 2 3 4 5

Debt Service 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000

Mortgage balance 1,250,000

Cost of Sale 4% of Sale price

1. Using the information provided, calculate the overall capitalization rate by direct
market extraction assuming each property is equally comparable to the subject.
2. Using cap rate in Question 1, compute a value for the property using direct
3. Using cap rate in Question 1, the property will be held by a buyer for five years,
compute the value of the property based on discounting unlevered cash flows.
4. Using cap rate in Question 1, the property will be held by a buyer for five years,
what is the present value of the levered cash flows?

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