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CLASS 5 (2020-21)




1) MICROPYLE - It is a minute opening in a seed through which water can enter.

2) HYLUM - It’s a scar on the seed (point of attachment).


* It is the outer protective covering of a seed. It is also called TESTA.

* The function of the seed coat is to protect the seed from fungi and mould.

* It also ensures that the seed remains dormant till it gets the ideal conditions for germination.

4) COTYLEDONS - These store food and provide it to the growing embryo till the seed is planted in the

5) EMBRYO - It is the baby plant inside the seed. It is made up of two parts: plumule (two leaves) and
radicle (a root).


* It is the root of the embryo which is the first part of a seedling to emerge from the seed during the
process of germination.

* It grows downwards in search of water and minerals.


*It is the shoot of the embryo which develops and bears the first true leaves of a plant that can make
their own food.

* It grows upwards in search of sunlight.

8) EPICOTYL - It is the region between the cotyledon and the plumule.

9) HYPOCOTYL - It is the region between the cotyledon and the radicle.

10) MONOCOT SEEDS - These have only one cotyledon. Eg: corn, banana, wheat.

11) DICOT SEEDS - These have two cotyledons. Eg: beans, tomato, mango.


* Most of the seeds become dry as they lose their ninety percent water. In this dry state, seeds are alive
but inactive. Such seeds are called dormant seeds.

* They become active on getting ideal conditions for germination: need air, water and warmth.


* The process of formation of a seedling from a seed is called germination.

* All seeds need air, water and warmth to germinate.


* Water provides dissolved oxygen for the growing embryo, softens the seed coat. It also helps in the
cracking of seed.

* Air – oxygen is found in the pores of sand particles and water, but if the seed is buried too deep it will
be deprived of oxygen. The embryo needs oxygen for respiration.

* Warmth is the optimum temperature required for seeds to germinate.


The young plant that grows out of a seed is called a seedling



It is the young plant that grows out of It is the baby plant inside the seed.
the seed.

It has green leaves to prepare food It derives its nutrition from the
through photosynthesis cotyledons.


1) When the seed settles in the wet soil, it absorbs water and when the weather is warm, it breaks open
and starts germinating.

2) First, the RADICLE emerges. It starts growing downwards in search of water and minerals.

3) Next, the PLUMULE (shoot) develops and starts growing upwards in search of SUNLIGHT. The shoot
bears FIRST TRUE LEAVES which start making food by the process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS.

4) The COTYLEDONS which provided food for the young embryo, now dries up anSd falls down.


The movement, spread or transport of seeds away from the parent plant to ensure better chances of
getting minerals, water and light for their survival is called the DISPERSAL OF SEEDS.



Seeds of certain plants are very light and have feathery bristles, silky hair or wing-like structures on
them. These structures act as parachutes and carry the seeds by wind from one place to another. This is
called dispersal by wind.

Eg:- milkweed, dandelion, maple, swan plants, cottonwood, orchids, poppy


Seeds of certain plants like lotus and coconut are spongy or have a fibrous or waxy waterproof covering,
which helps them to float on water for long periods. Such seeds are carried by water from one place to
another and germinate upon reaching the ground. This is called dispersal by water.

Eg:- cattail, coconut, lotus, waterlily,


Seeds of certain plants like peas and beans appear in pods. These pods burst open (explode) when they
are ripe and dry, scattering their seeds in all directions, away from the parent plant. This is called
dispersal by explosion.

Eg:- balsam, beans, jewelweed, peas, poisonous squirting cucumber, touch-me-not, violet, witch hazel,


i) Seeds of certain plants like cocklebur have spines or hooks. Such seeds stick to the bodies of animals
and birds and are thus carried away from the parent plant.
Eg:- beggar-ticks, blackberry, burdock, burr, castor, cocklebur, sandbur

ii) Seeds of certain plants appear in fleshy fruits. Birds and animals eat these fruits and excrete the
undigested seeds away from the parent plant. Hence dispersing the seeds.

Eg:- guava, orange, tomato etc.


i) Seeds of certain plants have spikes or furry hooks. Such seeds stick onto woollens, shoes or other
clothing and get carried away to far off places.

ii) Seeds of certain plants were carried across the globe by humans for trade.

Eg:-bean, cherry

From: WHAT To:

South America Green Chillies India

South America and Tomatoes India


Africa Coffee Beans, Ladies India

Finger (Okra)

Europe Cabbage, Peas India

Britain (Britishers) Tea India

Central asia Chinar Tree India

By Mughal Emperor Kashmir

Kashmir university


Q1) Explain the structure of a seed. Mention the functions of each part of the seed. Draw and label the
different parts of a seed.

A seed consists of the following parts:

Seed coat

* It is the outer protective covering of a seed. It is also called TESTA.

* The function of the seed coat is to protect the seed from fungi and mould.

* It also ensures that the seed remains dormant till it gets the ideal conditions for germination.


It is the baby plant inside the seed. It is made up of two parts: plumule (two leaves) and radicle (a root).


These store food and provide it to the growing embryo till the seed is planted in the soil.

Q2) Differentiate between radicle and plumule.


1. It is an embryonic root. 1. It is an embryonic shoot.

2. The radicle grows 2. The plumule grows upwards

downwards in search of water in search of sunlight.
and minerals.

Q3) Look at the given picture and answer the questions that follow:

a) Identify the seed.

b) Name the method by which it will be dispersed.

c) Mention the features of the seed that are suited to its method of dispersal.

a) This is a Dandelion seed.

b) It is dispersed by wind.

c) Seeds that are dispersed by wind are light in weight, small in size and have fur, hair or wings to be
carried easily by wind.

Q4) Why is dispersal of seeds important?

a) If all the seeds fall below the same tree, they would be very close to the parent plant and would
be overcrowded.

b) As a result, there would be too many plants fighting for a small quantity of nutrients in the soil.

c) It is therefore important that seeds are dispersed over a wider area.

d) In this way, they will stand a better chance of getting minerals, water and light to grow well.

Q5) Name the person who discovered Velcro. What gave him the idea?

George Mestral was fascinated by the way, the seeds with furry hooks, stuck to his furry clothes.

Hence, he prepared a material similar in structure, known as Velcro, which is used in shoes, sandals and
bags etc.

Q6) Name the five methods of seed dispersal and give examples.

Five methods of seed dispersal are:

1.Wind-Poppy, Maple

2.Water-Coconut, Water Lily

3.Animals-Guava, Sandbur

4.Explosion-Peas, Beans

5.Humans-Cocklebur, Green Chilly

Q7) While sowing seeds in the field, a farmer keeps some distance between the seeds. Why?

What will happen if all these mature seeds that survive, fall at one place just under the parent plant?

If all the seeds fall under the parent plant, there would be overcrowding at one place. As a result, when
the seeds germinate, they will compete with each other for enough sunlight, food, water and space to

*Hence a farmer keeps some distance between the seeds while sowing.

*Hence all the seeds may not germinate and grow into healthy seedlings.

*Thus, the seeds need to be scattered away from the parent plant.

Q8) A papaya has many seeds. Each papaya seed can grow into a new tree. However, that does not
happen. Why?


Why do plants produce so many seeds?

Plants like papaya produce many seeds as all the seeds do not grow into new plants. Some reasons are –

i) Some seeds are not healthy and do not germinate.

ii) Some seeds by winds or heavy rains.

iii) Some seeds are eaten by animals, birds and insects.

iv) Some seeds do not get right conditions to germinate.

*Hence the need to produce a large number of seeds, so that at least some of them are able to produce
new plants.

Q9) Seeds kept in the refrigerator do not germinate. Why?


Seeds kept in an air-tight container do not sprout. Why?

Seeds need proper sunlight, water and air to germinate.

*Due to the absence of sunlight in refrigerator they don’t germinate.

*Due to the absence of air in an airtight container they don’t germinate

Q10) Plants are fixed to the ground and can’t move from one place to another. So how do they scatter
their seeds?

Plants have various agents and ways of dispersing their seeds. The natural agents of dispersal are wind,
water, animals, and humans. They also disperse by explosion.

Q11) Correct the incorrect statements by changing the wrong words: -

1) The process by which seeds are scattered away from the parent plant is called agriculture.

2) Seeds of burdock have wings that easily get stuck to the fur of animals.

3) Dandelion seeds have wing like attachments on them.

4) Mango fruits burst open when ripe to scatter their seeds.


a) Coconut trees are mostly found in coastal areas.

Plants like coconut that live near water have seeds that can float and are carried by water. They have
woody, waterproof coverings which enable them to float in the salty water for long periods. Sometimes
they fall into the sea and travel thousands of kilometres before landing on another beach and start

b) In the last stage of seed germination, the cotyledons dry up and fall down from the young plant.

Cotyledons store food and provide it to the growing embryo till the seed is planted in the soil. Once, the
seedling develops the first true leaves, they start to prepare food during the process of photosynthesis.
Hence, the cotyledons dry up and fall down, as they are no more required by the growing plant.

c) We don’t see plants growing in the containers of pulses.

Seeds need proper sunlight, water and air to germinate. Due to the absence of air in an airtight
container they don’t germinate

d) All seeds do not germinate.

All the seeds do not grow into new plants as–

i) Some seeds are not healthy and do not germinate.

ii) Some seeds are destroyed by harsh winds or heavy rains.

iii) Some seeds are eaten by animals, birds and insects.

iv) Some seeds do not get right conditions to germinate.

e) Seeds need to be dispersed over a wider area. OR

Seeds when dispersed over a wider area have a better chance of survival. OR

Dispersal of seeds is extremely important.

i) If all the seeds fall below the same tree, they would be very close to the parent plant and
would be overcrowded.

ii) As a result, there would be too many plants fighting for a small quantity of nutrients in the

iii) It is therefore important that seeds are dispersed over a wider area.

iv) In this way, they will stand a better chance of getting minerals, water and light to grow well.

h) Velcro was inspired by spiky seeds.

i) GEORGE MESTRAL observed that spiky seeds had lots of furry hooks that stuck to furry clothes
and many other things.

ii) This gave him an idea to prepare a useful material similar in structure, known as VELCRO.

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1) The seeds of Dandelion are:-

i. heavy with spines

ii. in pods

iii. light and feathery

iv. hard and fibrous

2) Which feature helps a coconut fruit to disperse: -

i. a fibrous outer covering

ii. a spongy cover

iii. presence of hooks

iv. presence of spines

3) Seeds of Papaya are dispersed by:-

i. wind

ii. water

iii. animals

iv. explosion of fruit

4) Which one of the following does not act as an agent for dispersal?

i. wind

ii. sunlight

iii. water

iv. human beings

5) This plant part forms the fruit

i. seed

ii. flower

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iii. bud

iv. stem

6) This fruit has many seeds in it.

i. banana

ii. apple

iii. apricot

iv. a cob of maize

7) Seeds must get ____________ besides enough space to grow into new healthy plants.

i. air

ii. water

iii. warmth

iv. all of these

8) Ryan kept a few kidney-bean seeds on moist cotton, on the window sill. After a couple of days, he
observed a white, elongated thing emerging out of the seed and growing in the downward direction. It is
most likely the:

i. Plumule

ii. Epicotyl

iii. Radicle

iv. Stem

9) The pea seeds are dispersed by the following method:

i. Wind

ii. Water

iii. Animals

iv. Explosion

10) It provides food to the growing embryo:

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i. Soil

ii. Cotyledon

iii. Leaf

iv. Seed coat

11) This is NOT the necessary condition for seed germination:

i. Air

ii. Soil

iii. Water

iv. Warmth

12) Seeds stored in containers do not germinate as they are:

i. edible

ii. dead

iii. dormant

iv. poisonous

13) Hypocotyl develops into

i. plumule

ii. seedling

iii. radicle

iv. first leaves

14) Cotyledons are formed from:

i. embryo

ii. seed

iii. ovary

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iv. ovule

15) Seed dormancy may be due to:

i. immature embryo

ii. hard seed coat

iii. presence of germination inhibitors

iv. all of these

16) The leaf-like part of the embryo is:

i. radicle

ii. plumule

iii. micropyle

iv. cotyledon

17) As the seedling grows, the cotyledon

i. increases in size

ii. decreases in size

iii. remains same in size

(iv) first increases and then decreases in size

18) Condition not required for germination of seed is:

(i) water

(ii) sunlight

(iii) oxygen

(iv) optimum temperature

19) Seeds should not be planted too deep inside the soil as:

(i) they are not able to get sunlight.

(ii) it causes them to use all of their stored energy before reaching the soil surface.

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(iii) water will not be available to them.

(iv) The plumule has to cover a long distance to reach the surface of the soil.

20) Apple seeds will not germinate unless they are:

(i) held at cold temperature for a period of time.

(ii) buried in the soil for some time.

(iii) Kept at very warm temperature.

(iv) Kept at a freezing temperature for a short time.

21) Water is essential for germination as:

(i) it softens the testa and allows radicle to grow and push its way out.

(ii) Water activates the enzymes, which convert the starch stored in the cotyledon

into soluble sugars.

(iii) It is required to prepare food.

(iv) Both (i) and (ii)

22) Acorn seeds are dispersed by:

(i) humans

(ii) wind

(iii) explosion

(iv) animals like squirrel

23) A scientist discovered a new plant recently. He observed its fruit and found that it was tiny and light.
It was also inedible and did not have hooks or stiff hairs. How do you think this new seed was dispersed?

24) The _____________seeds are dispersed by birds that consume the fruit.

(i) Dandelion

(ii) Balsam

(iii) Apple

(iv) banana
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25) Why do plants need to disperse their seeds?

(i) To make a variety of species

(ii) To maintain their species

(iii) To protect their seeds from being eaten by animals

(iv) To make the species survive in a new place.

26) Plants such as the _____________ have evolved along with birds, where their seeds require passing

through a bird's digestive system to help them prepare for germination.

(i) bird cherry

(ii) mistletoe

(iii) orchid

(iv) sunflower


I. Differentiate between:

1) Animal seed dispersal and Wind seed dispersal

2) Water seed dispersal and Wind seed dispersal

3) Dispersal of Orchid Seeds and Poppy Seeds

4) Seed and Seedling

5) Embryo and Seedling

II. Define the following:

1) Seedling

2) Germination

3) Seed dispersal (definition + methods)

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4) Dormant seeds

III. Give reasons: (TWO reasons & ONE example)

1) We don’t see plants growing in the containers of pulses.

2) All seeds do not germinate.

3) Seeds need to be dispersed over a wider area.

4) Dispersal of seeds is extremely important.

5) Seeds when dispersed over a wider area have a better chance of survival.

6) Velcro was inspired by spiky seeds.

IV. Complete the following sentences with the correct words: -

1) The process by which a seed produces a seedling is known as __________.

2) __________ makes the seed coat soft.

3) When the seed begins to germinate, the baby plant gets the nutrition from the __________.

4) The seeds won’t germinate when kept in the freezer as they do not get any __________.

5) The tiny shoot emerging out of the seed will always grow towards the __________.

6) We need a mango _______________ to grow a new mango plant.

7) The seed coat is the _____________, ____________ covering of the seed for ______________ of the
baby plant inside.

8) ______________ is an example of a monocot seed.

9) The _____________ marks the point of attachment of the seed to its fruit.

10) The method of seed dispersal in the pea plant is _________.

11) Cocklebur seeds have spines on its cover for dispersal by __________.

12) A plant growing in the pond whose fruits are dispersed by water ___________.

13) Transfer of seeds from one place to another is called ____________.

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V. Complete the following paragraph to understand the need for scattering of seeds: -

(Use the words provided below.)

food, away, scatter, dispersal, seeds,

parent, animals, conditions, growth, fight,

insects, wind, few, survive, water

Not all _________ grow into new plants. Some seeds are damaged by ____________, ___________,
_____________ or _______________. Some do not get right ____________ of _____________. Some
seeds grow very close to each other and to the parent plant. Such seeds _____________ with each other
for the available _______________. As a result, only a ___________ of them _____________ while the
rest starve and die. To avoid growing very close to each other, plants take help of agents, like wind,
water or animals to ___________ their seeds. These agents carry the seeds and scatter them _________
from the ____________ plant. This process by which the seeds are scattered away from the parent plant
is called _____________of seeds.

VI. Write true (T) or false (F) for the following statements: -

1) We all depend upon plants for many useful plant products besides oxygen and food.

2) Whole Moong Dal seeds are examples of monocot seeds.

3) The seed leaves protect the seed.

4) The baby plant uses the food stored in the cotyledons to sprout and grow.

5) Soaked seeds are smaller, hard and shrunken as compared to dry seeds.

6) The process of growing a seed into a seedling is called reproduction.

7) A seed germinates in the presence of air, warmth, water and good soil.

8) The seeds and fruits of plants growing on the riverbanks are dispersed by water.

9) The mechanism of dispersal of seeds in which the ripe fruit bursts open is called budding.

10) Seeds having hooks, stiff hair or spines are dispersed by water.

11) All seeds cannot grow into new plants.

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12) The seeds of maple can easily be dispersed by wind as they are very light in weight.

VII. Think and Answer: -

1) Nature has devised various agents to scatter the seeds. Discuss.

2) Different fruits and seeds have certain special structures that help in their dispersal. Discuss.

3) What helps a coconut fruit to float easily in water though it’s quite heavy? What kind of fruits do you
find in water lily and lotus plants? How do these help them to float in water?

4) Animals too play an important role in scattering away the seeds to far off places. How?

VIII. Correct the incorrect statements by changing the wrong words: -

1) The process by which seeds are scattered away from the parent plant is called agriculture.

2) Seeds of burdock have wings that easily get stuck to the fur of animals.

3) Dandelion seeds have wing like attachments on them.

4) Mango fruits burst open when ripe to scatter their seeds.

IX. Give one word for the following:-

a) The formation of a seedling from a seed.

b) The baby plant inside a seed.

c) The process by which seeds get scattered away from the parent plant.

d) The young plant that grows out of a seed.

e) The hard covering on a seed that protects it from fungi and mould.

X. Look at the picture given below and identify the test tube in which the seeds are most likely to

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XI. Raina sowed some seeds in the soil and kept the pot inside the house. The seeds did not germinate.

i. State the necessary conditions for seed germination.

ii. Why is dispersal of seeds important?

iii. Name the person who discovered Velcro. What gave him the idea?

iv. Name the five methods of seed dispersal and give examples.

v. Label the diagram given below:

XII. Raghav carried out an experiment using the four set-ups as shown below. The cork on top has holes
through which air can enter. In which set up did the seeds germinate? Why?

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