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1. Identify errors and choose the correct option: (1 point)

Q # The girl which won the lottery was on T.V.
◯ The girl who she won the lottery was on T.V.
⚫ The girl who won the lottery was on T.V.
◯ The girl whom won the lottery was on T.V.
◯ The girl whose won the lottery was on T.V.
2. Identify errors and choose the correct option: (1 point)
Q # I do not like your’s car. Do you like mine’s?
◯ I do not like their’s car. Do you like mine?
◯ I do not like yours car. Do you like her’s
◯ I do not like his car. Do you like it’s?
⚫ I do not like your car. Do you like mine?
3. Choose the correct sentence: (1 point)
⚫ She and I are going out for a walk.
◯ She and me are going out for a walk.
◯ She and myself are going out and for a walk.
◯ She and you are going out for a walk.
4. Pick the correct option: (1 point)
◯ Ali is a doctor. We like to help are people.
⚫ Ali is a doctor. He likes to help cure people.
◯ Ali is a doctor. You like to help cure people.
◯ Ali is a doctor. I like to help cure people.
5. Find the error: (1 point)
Q # Is there anything which it we can do for you.
⚫ Which it
◯ You
◯ Is
◯ We
6. The student seems confused but ______ will pass the test. (1 point)
◯ Himself
◯ Which
◯ That
⚫ He
7. Choose the correct spelling: (1 point)
◯ Biwelderment
◯ Bewildirment
⚫ Bewilderment
◯ Bewildermant
8. Choose the correct spelling: (1 point)
⚫ Bashful
◯ Bashfull
◯ Beshful
◯ Basheful
9. Choose the right synonym of the word “brimming”: (1 point)
◯ Spray

◯ Flow

⚫ Filled

◯ Run

10. Choose the right synonym of the word “baffling”: (1 point)

◯ Biased

◯ Buried

◯ Purposeful

⚫ Perplexing

11. Cartilage is made up of: (1 point)
⚫ Chondrocytes
◯ Osteocytes
◯ Calcium phosphates
◯ All of these
12. The coccyx is: (1 point)
◯ Man’s vestige of a chest
◯ Man’s vestige of a ribs
⚫ Man’s vestige of a tail
◯ Man’s vestige of a head
13. What is the number of bones in adult human? (1 point)
◯ 260 bones
⚫ 206 bones
◯ 210 bones
◯ 300 bones
14. Axial skeleton consists of which of the following components? (1 point)
I) Vertebrae II) Ribs III) Skull
◯ II only
⚫ I, II and III
◯ III only
◯ I only
15. Human skeleton in the beginning is: (1 point)
◯ Made up of cartilage
◯ Made up of fibrous membrane
⚫ Both of these
◯ None of these
16. What is/are the function(s) of joints? (1 point)
◯ To give mobility
◯ To hold the skeleton
⚫ Both of these
◯ None of these
17. Ribs: (1 point)
◯ Help to protect heart
◯ Help to protect lungs
⚫ Both of these
◯ None of these
18. Find the odd one out regarding the pelvic bone. (1 point)
I) Pubis II) Ileum III) Ischium
◯ I, II and III are related to pelvic bone
◯ III only
◯ I only
⚫ II only
19. Synovial joints are toughened by: (1 point)
◯ Number of bands like tendons
⚫ Number of bands like ligaments
◯ Number of bands like blood vessels
◯ A and B
20. Human skeleton may suffer from some deformities, like: (1 point)
◯ Congenital
◯ Hormonal deficiency
◯ Malnutrition
⚫ All of these
21. In medical terminology, the fractured bone is also called as: (1 point)
⚫ Broken bone
◯ Narrow bone
◯ Immature bone
◯ Normal bone
22. Which of the following components are regarded as shock absorbers? (1 point)
◯ Vertebrae
◯ Hinge joint at elbow
◯ Fixed joints
⚫ None of these
23. The type of joint found in ankle is: (1 point)
◯ Hinge joint
⚫ Sliding joint
◯ Gliding joint
◯ Ball and socket joint
24. Hydrostatic skeleton is observed in: (1 point)
◯ Starfish
◯ Sponges
⚫ Octopus
◯ All of these
25. The central wood of trees is called as: (1 point)
◯ Sapwood
◯ Pith
◯ Bark
⚫ Heartwood
26. Two, long parallel bones are: (1 point)
◯ Humerus and femur
◯ Tarsal and metatarsal
⚫ Tibia and fibula
◯ Phalanges of toe
27. The youngest layer of secondary phloem: (1 point)
⚫ Lies just outside the vascular cambium
◯ Lies just outside the primary phloem
◯ Lies just inside the vascular cambium
◯ None of these
28. The outer ring of annual ring is known as: (1 point)
◯ Sapwood
◯ Spring wood
⚫ Late wood
◯ Early wood
29. Venus flytrap plant captures insects; this is an example of which type of plant movement? (1 point)
◯ Insectivory
◯ Carnivory
◯ Thigmotropism
⚫ None of these
30. Which plant hormone is responsible for phototropism? (1 point)
◯ Abscisic acid
◯ Cytokinin
◯ Gibberellins
⚫ Auxin
31. The type(s) of muscles that do(es) not become fatigue is/are: (1 point)
◯ Skeletal muscle
◯ Cardiac muscle
◯ Smooth muscle
⚫ Both B and C
32. The sarcolemma goes through deep into the cell to form tube known as: (1 point)
⚫ T tubule
◯ Sarcomere
◯ Myofibril
◯ G protein

33. From Z-lines: (1 point)
⚫ Thin myofilaments extend in both directions
◯ Thick myofilaments extend in both directions
◯ Both thick and thin myofilaments extend in both directions
◯ Sarcoplasm extends in both directions
34. The midline of I band is known as: (1 point)
◯ H-zone
◯ M-line
⚫ Z-line
◯ None of these
35. During muscle contractions, which structures are formed and broken several times? (1 point)
◯ Z-lines
◯ I-bands
⚫ Cross-bridges
◯ All of these
36. The protein(s) component(s) of thin filament is/are: (1 point)
I. Tropomyosin II. Actin III. Troponin
◯ II only
◯ I only
⚫ I, II and III
◯ III only
37. Muscle is divided into discrete bundles of muscle cells known as: (1 point)
⚫ Muscle fascicle
◯ Myofibril
◯ Myofilament
◯ Muscle fibre
38. The sliding filament theory of contraction states that during contraction: (1 point)
◯ M-line slides past the thin and thick filament
⚫ Thin myofilaments slide past the thick ones
◯ Z-line slides over A band
◯ None of these
39. In sarcomere, H-zone is bisected by: (1 point)
⚫ Dark line, M line
◯ Dark band, A band
◯ Light line, M line
◯ Light band, I band
40. In relaxed muscle fibre, thick and thin myofilaments overlap at the: (1 point)
◯ Ends of I band
◯ Centre of I band
⚫ Ends of A band
◯ Centre of A band
41. Identify the protein with following features. (1 point)
I) Beaded II) Form core of thin filament III) Intertwined
◯ Tropomyosin
◯ Thin filament
⚫ Actin
◯ Troponin
42. During muscle contraction, nerve impulse is carried through the sarcolemma to: (1 point)
◯ SR and then to T tubule
⚫ T tubule and then to SR
◯ Mitochondria and then to T tubule
◯ None of these
43. Calcium ions bind to: (1 point)
◯ Tropomyosin
◯ Bulbous heads of thick filament
⚫ Troponin
◯ Actin

44. When muscle fibres are stimulated by nervous system: (1 point)
◯ The myosin heads are attached on to actin binding sites on myosin.
⚫ The myosin heads are attached on to myosin binding sites on actin.
◯ The actin heads are attached on to myosin binding sites on actin.
◯ None of these
45. Which component blocks myosin binding sites on actin molecules, preventing cross-bridge (1 point)
formation and preventing contraction in a muscle without nervous input?
◯ Troponin
◯ G protein
◯ Actin
⚫ Tropomyosin
46. During the mechanism of muscle contraction, power stroke occurs. (1 point)
Which event(s) is/are not related to power stroke?
I) ATP attaches with myosin
II) Sarcomere contracts
III) ADP and Pi dissociate from actin
◯ II only
⚫ I and III
◯ I only
◯ III only
47. M line links: (1 point)
◯ Adjacent Z-lines together
◯ Adjacent actin filaments together
⚫ Adjacent myosin filaments together
◯ None of these
48. Which among the following components help(s) to control the myosin-actin interaction involved in (1 point)
muscle contraction?
◯ Tropomyosin
◯ Troponin
◯ Actin
⚫ Both A and B
49. Movement of substances through hollow organs is regulated by: (1 point)
◯ Skeletal muscle
◯ Cardiac muscle
⚫ Smooth muscle
◯ Both B and C
50. Muscle fibre is covered by: (1 point)
◯ Perimycium
◯ Epimycium
◯ Peritoneum
⚫ Endomycium
51. Markownikoff’s rule is not applicable when HBr is added to: (1 point)
◯ Propene
◯ Bromoethene
⚫ 2-butene
◯ 1-butene
52. Baeyer’s reagent is: (1 point)
◯ H2NH2
⚫ Dil. Alkaline KMnO4
◯ Br2 in CCl4
◯ HCl + ZnCl2
53. Which one of the following would you suggest to locate the position of the double bond between carbon (1 point)
atoms in an organic compound?
◯ Addition of bromine water
◯ Addition of HI
⚫ Oxidation with ozone
◯ All of these

54. Which of the following would you consider to be comparatively more reactivity? (1 point)
◯ C3H8
◯ C2H6
⚫ C2H4
◯ C2H2
55. The ease of dehydration of alcohols to produce alkenes is of the order: (1 point)
◯ Tertiary < secondary < primary
◯ Secondary < primary < tertiary
◯ Primary > secondary > tertiary
⚫ Tertiary > secondary > primary
56. Dehydration of alcohols with conc. H2SO4 at 180oC gives: (1 point)
◯ Esters
◯ Ethers
⚫ Alkenes
◯ Alkyl halides
57. Dehydrohalogenation of RX occurs in the presence of: (1 point)
◯ An alcoholic salt
⚫ An alcoholic base
◯ An alcoholic acid
◯ An alcoholic Grignard reagent
58. Which of the following is not used for the dehydration of alcohols? (1 point)
◯ P4O10
◯ Al2O3
⚫ HNO3
◯ H3PO4
◯ H2SO4
59. (1 point)

60. In addition of HCl to CH3CH = CH2, which one will be added first: (1 point)
◯ Cl
◯ Cl–1
⚫ H+
◯ H•
61. (1 point)

◯ 2H2
⚫ 3H2
◯ H2
◯ 4H2

62. Which of the following is conjugated diene? (1 point)
◯ CH2 = CH – CH2 – CH = CH2
⚫ CH = CH – CH = CH – CH3
◯ CH = C = CH – CH3
◯ CH3 – HC = C = CH – CH3
63. (1 point)

◯ Cis alkene, trans alkene

◯ Cis alkene, cis alkene
⚫ Trans alkene, cis alkene
◯ Trans alkene, trans alkene
64. Hydrogenation of 3-methyl-1-butene produce. (1 point)
◯ 2-methyl pentane
⚫ 2-methyl butane
◯ 2-3-methyl butane
◯ Pentane
65. Which is main product when HBr react with 2-methyl-1-propene? (1 point)
⚫ 2-bromo-2-methyl propane
◯ 2-bromo propane
◯ 1-bromo-2-methyl butane
◯ 1-bromo-2-methyl propane
66. Markownikov’s rule is applied in addition of: (1 point)
◯ Symmetrical reagent to unsymmetrical alkene
◯ An unsymmetrical regent to symmetrical alkene
⚫ An unsymmetrical reagent to unsymmetrical alkene
◯ An unsymmetrical reagent to an unsymmetrical alkane
67. (1 point)

◯ II only
◯ I and III
⚫ I and II
◯ I only
68. (1 point)


69. Which pair shows cis-trans isomerism? (1 point)
◯ Lactic-tartaric acid
⚫ Maleic-fumaric acid
◯ Malonic-succinic acid
◯ Crotonic-acrylic acid
70. Reason for geometrical isomerism shown by 2-butene is: (1 point)
◯ Chiral carbon
◯ Free rotation about double bond
◯ Free rotation about single bond
⚫ Restricted rotation about double bond
71. Which of the following can exhibit cis-trans isomerism? (1 point)
◯ HC ≡ CH
⚫ ClCH = CHCl
◯ ClCH2 – CH2Cl
72. (1 point)

73. The monomer for polystyrene is: (1 point)
◯ Methyl methacrylate
◯ Benzene-1, 2-dicarboxylic acid
⚫ Phenyl ethene
◯ Phenyl ethane
74. All are natural polymer except: (1 point)
◯ Starch
◯ Cellulose
75. (1 point)





76. (1 point)

◯ 3-propyl-3-hexene
◯ 3-propyl-2-hexene
◯ 4-ethyl-4-hexene
⚫ 3-ethyl-2-hexene
77. Ethene reacts with per acid to give: (1 point)

78. The reaction of propene with HOCl(Cl2 + H2O) proceeds through the intermediate: (1 point)
◯ CH3–CHCl – CH 2
◯ CH3–CH(OH) – CH+2
⚫ CH3–CH+–CH2–Cl
◯ CH3–CH+–CH2–OH
79. The correct statement regarding electrophile is: (1 point)
◯ Electrophile is a negatively charged species and can forma bond by accepting a pair of electrons from
another electrophile
◯ Electrophiles are generally neutral species and can form a bond by accepting a pair of electrons from a
⚫ Electrophile can be either neutral or positively charged species and can form a bond by accepting a pair
of electrons from a nucleophile
◯ Electrophile is a negatively charged species and can form a bond by accepting pair of electrons from a
80. (1 point)





81. Electric field intensity and electric flux density have: (1 point)
◯ Same formula
◯ Different units
◯ Opposite direction
⚫ Same units
82. Direction of electric force and electric field intensity is: (1 point)
◯ Always perpendicular to each other
⚫ Always parallel to each other
◯ Can not be predicted
◯ Always opposite to each other
83. Choose the correct statement concerning electric field lines: (1 point)
◯ Any charged particle released from rest always moves in the direction of field line
⚫ Field lines are close together where the field is strong
◯ Field lines point away from a negatively charged particle
◯ Field lines may cross each other
84. An isolated charged particle produces an electric field with magnitude “E” at a point 3m away from (1 point)
the charge, a point at which the field magnitude is E/4 is:
◯ 2m away from the particle
◯ 0.5m away from the particle
◯ 3m away from the particle
⚫ 6m away from the particle
85. The electrostatic force between two point charges kept at a distance “d” apart in a medium of εr =3 (1 point)
is 0.3N, the force between them at the same separation in vacuum is:
◯ 20N
⚫ 0.9N
◯ 1.8N
◯ 0.5N
86. The force between two charges placed at 0.04m apart is 5N, if each charge is moved towards each (1 point)
other by 0.01m, then the force between them will become:
◯ 22.50 N
◯ 7.20 N
⚫ 20.0 N
◯ 45.0 N
87. Two point charges “+4q” and “–q” are placed 30cm apart, at what point on the line joining them (1 point)
the electric field is zero?
◯ 15 cm from the charge –q
◯ 30 cm from the charge 4q
⚫ 60cm from eh charge 4q
◯ 60 cm from the charge –q
88. (1 point)

⚫ Along the diagonal BD

◯ Perpendicular to side AB
◯ Along the diagonal AC
◯ Zero

89. (1 point)

◯ Is greatest for situation 1

⚫ Is greatest for situation 3
◯ Is upward for situation 2
◯ Is zero for situations 4
90. Two point particles, one with charge +4x10–9C and the other with charge (1 point)
–8x10–9C, are separated by 4m, the electric field midway between them is:
◯ 18N/C directed towards negative charge
◯ 9.0N/C directed towards positive charge
⚫ 27N/C directed towards negative charge
◯ 27N/C directed towards positive charge
91. (1 point)

◯ Perpendicular to the right side of the triangle

◯ Perpendicular to the bottom side of the triangle
◯ Parallel to the bottom side of the triangle
⚫ Perpendicular to the left side of the triangle
92. In a uniform electric field, which statement is correct? (1 point)
⚫ All electric field lines are parallel
◯ All electric field lines are radial
◯ All charged particles move with the same velocity if set free
◯ All charged particles experience the same force
93. What is electric intensity at a distance of 3m from isolated point charge having the magnitude (1 point)
1nC, if it is placed in a medium of dielectric constant (εr) = 2?
◯ 1N/C
◯ 1.7N/C
⚫ 0.5N/C
◯ 0.8N/C
94. When a positive charge "q" is placed midway in the field created by two other charges Q 1 and Q2, (1 point)
each at distance “r” away from "q", if "q" is free to move then the acceleration of "q" is in the
direction of:
◯ Charge Q1 or Q2 of smaller magnitude
◯ Charge Q1 or Q2 of greater magnitude
⚫ Negative charge if Q1 and Q2 are of opposite sign
◯ All of these

95. (1 point)





96. If plates of finite length are oppositely charged the field at edges is: (1 point)

◯ Straight and called fringing field

◯ Circular and called fringing field

⚫ Curved and called fringing field

◯ Curved and tangential field

97. Which of the following phenomena of electric field explains attraction between charges? (1 point)

◯ Electric field lines cross each other

⚫ Electric field lines contract

◯ Electric field lines exert pressure

◯ None of these

98. What is the magnitude of the force of attraction between a nucleus bearing charge q = 16e and its (1 point)
electron in the first orbit, if radius of its innermost orbit is 3x10–12m?

⚫ 16e2x1033 N

◯ 32e2x1033 N

◯ 48e2x1033 N

◯ 64e2x1033 N

99. In a static situation, if there is excess charge on a conductor then: (1 point)

⚫ The charge lies only on the surface of the conductor

◯ The charge is distributed throughout volume of conductor

◯ The charge lies at the geometric center of the conductor

◯ All of these

100. A positive and negative charge are held near each other, if they are released and move freely (1 point)
under action of electrostatic force then the force on each particle will:

⚫ Increase with time

◯ Decrease with time

◯ Remain same

◯ None of these


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