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TRACK IT DOWN, rastrearlo, e. g., " hope that helps track it down"
TAKE OVER, hacerse cargo, apoderarse, conquistar, dominar, apropiarse de,...
e. g. " French took over England in 1066 "
" You will take over in the morning "
COME UP WITH, ocurrir, pensar en, idear, inventar, llegar a,...
e. g. " He could've come up with a better lie "
" We got to come up with a another plan "
( se nos tiene que ocurrir otro plan)
" Something's come up" (Ha surgido un imprevisto)
DREAM UP, idear, inventar, soñar
" They dreamed up their greatest works while asleep"
BREAK DOWN, averiarse, romper /descomponer, desglosar, / derribar, derrumbarse,
e. g. " The car broke down"
" The gardener had to break down the door "
CATCH UP, ponerse al día, contar,
e. g. " Let's have a drink and catch up on our trip"
" Tell me when would be a good time to talk and we can catch up"

MAKE UP, componer, constituir, representar, / inventar / maquillarse

" Who make up one of the biggest success stories in modern Britain"
" These sentences are made up of two clauses"

THINK UP……idear, pensar, idear (fairly negative)

" What has he thought up now?"

THINK OUT… pensar con detalle, considerando todas las posibilidades, pensar realmente
" That plan has been really well thought out"

THINK OVER….. pensar acerca de una idea o sugerencia

" Let me think it over and then I'll let you know."

THINK AHEAD / THINK BACK….., pensar sobre el futuro / pasado

COME OUT, resultar, salir

e. g. " Nothing good can come out of this "
" My exams came out (was, went) alright "
TURN OUT, resultar que….
" As it turned out it was a cold"
RUN OUT, revisar, repasar, recorrer,.....
" Let's just run through them" ( vamos a revisarlos)
WORK OUT, averiguar, resolver, calcular, entrenarse,....
" There's something we need to work out"
HANG OUT…. pasar el tiempo, pasar el rato
" We just want to hang out "
STEP IN, intervenir
"I had to step in and help a brother out."
FIGURE OUT, darse cuenta, averiguar, resolver, saber, entender,...
" Let's go figure out what to do with you"
(Vayamos a averiguar qué hacer contigo)
MESS ABOUT….. pasar el rato, enredar….

HELP OUT…… echar una mano, ayudar,

PUSH THROUGH….empujar a través, impulsar, sacar adelante,...

TAKE OVER….. hacerse cargo, asumir,...

THINK THROUGH…. pensar en detalle, con profundidad.

" I need to think this through"

RUN THROUGH… recorrer, pasar por, repasar, revisar

COME ON = TURN ON = LIGHT UP…. encenderse

TURN ROUND… dar la vuelta, girar, voltearse

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