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Earth and Planetary Science Letters 335-336 (2012) 180–194

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A variably enriched mantle wedge and contrasting melt types during arc
stages following subduction initiation in Fiji and Tonga, southwest Pacific
Erin Todd a,b,n, James B. Gill a, Julian A. Pearce c
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Institut für Mineralogie, WWU—University of Münster, Germany
School of Earth, Ocean and Planetary Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF10 3YE, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The earliest subaerially exposed magmatic products of the Fiji–Tonga–Kermadec (FTK) arc are preserved
Received 29 December 2011 in the Yavuna Group of Viti Levu, Fiji, and cobbles from ‘Eua, Tonga. They are similar in age and magma
Received in revised form types to the earliest rocks of the Izu–Bonin–Mariana (IBM) arc. In Fiji they include typical island arc
4 May 2012
tholeiitic (IAT), boninitic (BON), and MORB-like early arc tholeiitic (EAT) pillow lavas that are interpreted
Accepted 6 May 2012
as products of flux- and decompression-melting which occurred simultaneously during subduction
Editor: T.M. Harrison
Available online 15 June 2012 initiation. Although the oldest rocks in the southwest Pacific (FTK) and the northwest Pacific (IBM) arcs
are generally similar, they differ in two important respects. First, all magma types erupted simulta-
Keywords: neously in the SW Pacific whereas a similar assemblage may have erupted sequentially in IBM. Second,
subduction initiation
the primary mantle wedge was ‘‘Pacific’’ in isotopic character in the SW Pacific, but ‘‘Indian’’ in the NW
hafnium isotopes & 2012 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
tholeiitic magma
boninitic magma

1. Introduction 2. Regional setting and geological history

Studies of Fijian volcanic rocks have contributed to the under- The modern Fiji–Tonga–Kermadec (FTK) arc extends for
standing of subduction-zone petrology and the evolution of  2500 km from New Zealand to Tonga due to westward sub-
oceanic arc stages, including infancy (Gill, 1970, 1987; Wharton duction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Australian Plate (Fig. 1).
et al., 1995), break-up (Gill and Whelan, 1989b; Gill, 1976a; This paper focuses on its initial arc volcanism, with special
Hathway, 1993; Rodda et al., 1984), and post-arc (Gill, 1976b, attention to rocks from southwest Viti Levu that have the most
1984; Gill and Whelan, 1989a). These studies have additional extensive stratigraphic record in the SW Pacific. We assume that
significance because subduction initiation may have happened Fiji and Tonga were part of the same arc at its inception that this
simultaneously throughout the western Pacific (e.g., Koppers early arc extended from north of Australia to south of Tonga, and
et al., 2004; Whittaker et al., 2007). New high-resolution geo- that it developed on intra-oceanic crust due to inception of west-
chemical and geochronological evidence for the Izu–Bonin–Mari- dipping subduction of the Pacific Plate. These assumptions are
ana (IBM) arcs has led to a detailed model of magmatism during shared by most regional tectonic syntheses (Hall, 2002; Sdrolias
and following subduction initiation (Ishizuka et al., 2006; Reagan et al., 2003; Crawford et al., 2003; Schellart et al., 2006), but there
et al., 2008, 2010). This study focuses on the initial arc volcanism are relatively few constraints. It is clear, however, that no pre-
in Fiji and Tonga and compares it to IBM. Similarities and Cenozoic continental crust underlies Fiji (Drewes et al., 2009) and
contrasts between the two arcs, formed at the same plate margin that Eocene arc basement extends to at least 241S (ODP Site 841),
at around the same time, provide new insights into the associa- so Fiji and Tonga share the same history prior to opening of the
tions of lava types produced during subduction initiation and arc Lau Basin. This initial arc, prior to breaking into western (New
infancy. Britain to Vanuatu) and eastern (FTK) arms, is called the Vitiaz Arc
(Gill and Gorton, 1973). The crust on which it was constructed is
sometimes inferred to be the North Loyalty Basin (e.g., Crawford
et al., 2003). However, we consider that inference unlikely
Corresponding author. Now at: U.S. Geological Survey, 4210 University Drive,
because mantle from which the Vitiaz Arc was drawn is isotopi-
Anchorage, Alaska 99508, USA. cally ‘Pacific’ (see below) whereas the one available sample
E-mail address: (E. Todd). of North Loyalty Basin crust is ‘Indian’ (Pearce et al., 2007).

0012-821X/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
E. Todd et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 335-336 (2012) 180–194 181

Fig. 1. Regional map showing Fiji, the Kermadec (KA) and Tonga (TA) arcs, the Havre Trough (HT), Lau Basin (LB), and South Fiji Basin backarcs, and the Colville (CR) and
Lau (LR) remnant arcs. Also shown are New Caledonia (NC), Vanuatu (VA), Norfolk Ridge (NR), Three Kings Rise (TKR), and North Loyalty Basin (NLB). The location of ‘Eua,
Tonga is indicated by the red triangle. The locations of samples from Viti Levu, Fiji are shown in greater detail in Fig. 2, within the region indicated by the dashed white box.
Locations of South Fiji Basin and Havre Trough backarc samples discussed in this study are shown by pink symbols (squares, BABB-like; circles, OIB-like) (Todd et al., 2011).
The solid black lines indicate spreading axes, whereas dashed black indicate backarc rifting. Also shown are the locations of Lau Basin ODP holes 834 and 839 and locations
of sediments sampled by drilling at DSDP 204 (black circles). DSDP holes 595/596 are located east of this field of view (  1651310 W). Figure was modified from Todd et al.
(2010). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure caption, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Therefore, although the pre-arc plate configuration is unknown, east side of ‘Eua island, Tonga, has the oldest exposed igneous
subduction may have initiated along an intra-Pacific fracture zone. rocks of the Tonga Ridge (Ewart and Bryan, 1972). They include
Subduction in both the northwestern and southwestern Pacific cobbles of gabbro and volcanic rocks in a basal conglomerate,
has long been thought to have begun around the same time plus overlying altered lavas and tuffs cut by dikes. The clasts are
because the oldest volcanic rocks in the IBM and Vitiaz arcs have embedded in a Middle Eocene shallow water limestone (Letter
Middle to Upper Eocene Ar–Ar ages (Ewart et al., 1977; Cosca Stage Ta3; Plankton Zone P.14; Tappin and Ballance, 1994) that is
et al., 1998) and are associated with limestones that have similar overlain by Upper Eocene limestone (Letter Stage Tb) similar
Middle to Upper Eocene fauna (e.g., Cole, 1960; Milner, 1992). The to that described below from Fiji and lacking igneous clasts.
182 E. Todd et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 335-336 (2012) 180–194

The widely quoted 46–47 Ma Ar–Ar ages of Ewart et al. (1977) for western Pacific at about the same time, just prior to the bend in
these rocks are from unpublished, and now-unavailable, total Hawaii-Emperor Seamount Chain (Sharp and Clague, 2006).
fusion results for a basalt and a gabbro cobble from Lokupo (Liku) The Upper Eocene rocks exposed on Viti Levu are part
Beach (A. Ewart, personal communication, 2009). The ages are of the Yavuna Group (Hathway, 1992; Hathway and Colley,
from the UC Berkeley lab in 1973 before the era of plateau and 1994; Rodda, 1994) (Fig. 2), which includes pillow and massive
isochrons, and are heuristic at best. However, a U/Pb zircon age basalts, volcaniclastic rudites, mafic dikes, and a tonalitic stock.
of 43.67 0.6 Ma has been obtained for the same gabbro clast Extrusive rocks are largely aphyric basalts to andesites with
(K. Tani, personal communication, 2011). In addition, Duncan some acicular plagioclase7pyroxene microphenocrysts in a fine-
et al. (1985) reported a 40–43 Ma Ar–Ar result for another basalt grained altered matrix of plagioclaseþmagnetiteþpyroxenes7
cobble, and McDougall (1994) reported a 44 72 Ma result for chlorite, epidote, quartz, and calcite. There are no consistent
glass from ODP Site 841 in the Tonga Ridge basement that is petrographic differences between the four rock types discussed
overlain by the same Upper Eocene fauna (Letter Stage Tb), noted in this study. All have been metamorphosed under zeolite to
above (Chaproniere, 1994). Two samples from the basal conglom- greenschist conditions. Near the Yavuna pluton, in upper Namosi
erate in this study (T08-10 and -22; Table A1) yielded 35.270.5 Creek, they are pervasively intruded by mafic to felsic dikes,
and 30.671.4 Ma Ar–Ar plateaux for plagioclase and bulk comprising up to 60% of the crustal section (Wharton, 1993;
groundmass, respectively (O. Ishizuka, personal communication, Wharton et al., 1995). Yavuna Group volcanic rocks have late
2010), but we consider them to be minimum ages for the same Eocene minimum ages based on interbedded shallow water
reasons. Consequently, the best estimate of the age of volcanic limestones that contain Letter Stage Tb foraminifera similar
and gabbroic rocks of the Tongan basement exposed on land is to the upper limestone unit on ’Eua, Tonga described above
 44 Ma. Tani (in preparation) reports a cluster of 52 Ma Lower (Bartholomew, 1960; Cole, 1960; Colley et al., 1986; Hathway,
Eocene gabbros from the Tonga forearc, and Ishizuka et al. (2011) 1993; C.G. Adam, in Hathway and Colley, 1994). Ar–Ar and K–Ar
report the same for IBM, so subduction of the Pacific Plate may ages of Yavuna Group volcanic rocks are younger (25–34 Ma:
have nucleated beneath at least two different upper plates in the Whelan et al., 1985; Wharton, 1993; O. Ishizuka, personal

Fig. 2. Map of southwestern Viti Levu, Fiji. The early arc basement comprises the Yavuna Group (dashed ellipse) and encloses the Yavuna tonalite stock. Sample locations
are shown by black symbols—those in this study are shown with diamonds and those in previous studies (Wharton, 1993) by X’s. Inset shows the localized Yavuna Group
stratigraphic section exposed in Namosi Creek, modified from Wharton (1993) and supplemented with our new samples. Y -axis is elevation above sea level. Symbols
indicate melt types, as discussed in Section 4.1 and Fig. 3 caption.
E. Todd et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 335-336 (2012) 180–194 183

communication, 2010), but heating and alteration associated with 4. Major and trace element geochemistry
the pluton has likely reset Ar chronometers.
Silicic volcanic rocks are not known from the Yavuna Group, 4.1. Chemical classification of the Yavuna group, Fiji
though high-Si dacite dikes intrude its western exposures
(Wharton, 1993; Hathway, 1995) and, in at least one instance, cut Few early FTK arc samples reflect primary mantle melts (i.e.,
through Tertiary Letter Stage Tc (early Oligocene, 37–34 Ma) lime- Mg# 4 0:70, Cr 4 500 ppm, and Ni 4250 ppm). However, high
stone. These intrusives may be related to the 40 km2 trondhjemitic MgO ( 4 10:0 wt:%) in some samples indicate minimal fractiona-
Yavuna Pluton (Wharton, 1993; Hathway, 1995) that has been tion because olivine phenocrysts are absent or minor. Our new
dated by K–Ar and Ar–Ar (hornblende) (31.5–34.9 Ma; McDougall, samples were the freshest available in the field, and were
1963; Whelan et al., 1985) and U–Pb (zircon) (36.670.63 Ma, collected with the advantage of knowing what others had found
Williams, 1991, in Wharton et al., 1995; confirmed by K. Tani and previously at about the same location. Nevertheless, they are
C. Allen, personal communication, 2010). altered and lack the fresh glass that is found occasionally in some
Details of the early arc volcanic stratigraphy in Fiji and Tonga other early arcs. This alteration is evident in their groundmass
remain sparse because subaerial exposures are limited. However, mineralogy, high LOI (predominantly 4 2 wt:%), and scatter on
recent submarine studies of the IBM arc have contributed to a conventional major element classification diagrams (not shown).
well-developed model of its earliest magmatic history. This However, predicted melt compositions calculated using average
sequence, from subduction initiation to the mature-arc phase, is clinopyroxene trace-element concentrations and Dcpx=melt values
similar to the record of some ophiolite sequences (Whattam and agree with whole-rock host compositions in the least-differen-
Stern, 2011) and provides a testable hypothesis for early stages of tiated rocks (Fig. A1), providing independent evidence that the
the Vitiaz Arc too. Volcanism associated with subduction initia- high-MgO lavas approximate liquid compositions. Because iden-
tion in the IBM arc began with MORB-like basalts (52–51 Ma) tifying primary magmatic traits presents inherent challenges for
(Reagan et al., 2010; Ishizuka et al., 2011) and was characterized these rocks, we used proxy diagrams based on immobile elements
by melt production rates much higher than in mature arcs. These for classification (Fig. 3).
are termed ‘‘fore-arc basalts’’ (FAB) because that is where they As proxy for the IUGS-recommended total alkali-silica (TAS)
were found in the IBM arc. They are depleted in light rare earth diagram, we use the Zr/Ti–Nb/Y figure of Winchester and Floyd
elements (LREE), consistent with fluid-poor decompression melt- (1977), as updated and extended to all magma types by Pearce
ing of lherzolite as mantle rises to fill space voided by the sinking (1996), in which Zr/Ti monitors the degree of differentiation
of Pacific Plate lithosphere (Gurnis et al., 2004; Reagan et al., ( C SiO2 ) and Nb/Y tracks enrichment ( C Salkalis ) (Fig. 3A). All
2010). Later boninitic volcanism (48–44 Ma) (Cosca et al., 1998; of our samples plot in the low Nb/Y (sub-alkaline) field (i.e.,
Ishizuka et al., 2006) is characterized by high MgO and SiO2, low Nb=Y o 0:9) with a spread of Zr/Ti that places them within the
high field-strength element (HFSE) concentrations, variable BADR (Basalt–Andesite–Dacite–Rhyolite) spectrum, with basalts
enrichments in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), and flat to dominant (  2=3 of samples).
U-shaped REE patterns. Until recently, these were considered the The tectonic affinity of basalts in Fig. 3A is then examined
initial IBM lavas formed during ‘‘forearc spreading’’ across a zone using the Ti-V plot (Fig. 3B). Because V crystal-melt partitioning
at least 300 km wide along the entire length of the IBM arc (Stern during mantle melting varies as a function of f O2 , Shervais (1982)
and Bloomer, 1992; Bloomer et al., 1995). These features are notes that Ti/V can be used to distinguish between boninites
consistent with flux melting of harzburgitic mantle that was (BON), island arc tholeiites (IAT), MORB, and OIB tectonic settings.
depleted by the generation of earlier FAB volcanism. More typical Our samples range from nearly BON to MORB-like. Those in the
low- to medium-K arc tholeiitic to calcalkaline magmas appear by MORB field are bimodal, with one group extending to high-Ti
45 Ma, continue to  27 Ma, and represent establishment of the concentrations. The MORB-like group is accordingly subdivided
mature arc (Ishizuka et al., 2006; Reagan et al., 2008). This phase into low-Ti and high-Ti subgroups (1.29 wt.% and 2.11 wt.%
was followed by arc quiescence and backarc spreading primarily average TiO2, respectively).
during  15225 Ma (Taylor, 1992; Ishizuka et al., 2009). Those near the lower edge of the IAT field (Ti/V¼10) may be
boninitic, a key category in the subduction initiation setting. This
designation is ambiguous using the main criterion of Si8 4 52
(Crawford, 1989; adapted by Pearce and Robinson, 2010 to
3. Samples, methods, and data incorporate fractionation) because of the potential mobility of Si
and Mg in altered rocks. However, the second criterion (Ti8 o 0:5)
We present new major-element, trace-element, and/or isotope can be made alteration-insensitive by substituting Cr¼300 ppm
data for 43 early arc samples from western Viti Levu, Fiji, and for MgO¼8 wt.%. The inset diagram shows the boninite–IAT
‘Eua, Tonga. Most of them were collected in 2006 and 2008. boundary for samples with 4 300 ppm Cr and Ti=V o20. A subset
Others come from previous investigations (Wharton et al., 1995; clearly plots within the boninite field (Ti8 o 0:5); they are termed
Gill, 1987). The Fijian rocks come from the Yavuna Group and ‘boninites’ or ‘BON’ in the remainder of this paper.
include both pillow and massive lavas from northern Masi, Another important question is whether the samples plotting as
Namosi, Nawaka, and Kawa Creeks (west to east; Fig. 2). Special MORB on the Ti–Cr and Ti–V plots are true MORB or whether they
care was taken in the field to sample only the least altered clearly also contain a subduction component. This can be assessed using
extrusive lavas. We also present data for a new suite of cobbles a Th/Yb–Nb/Yb plot of Pearce (2008) in which about half of the
from ‘Eua, Tonga, collected at South Liku beach. In addition, fresh High-Ti group basalts lie within the field of MORB (Fig. 3C). All the
clinopyroxene micro-phenocrysts from Fiji, plus one FAB from rest have some Th enrichment. IAT, as defined on the Ti–V
Mariana, were analyzed from representative samples in order to diagram, have as little Th enrichment as the active Tonga arc.
evaluate similarities between arcs and the degree to which Fiji More formally, these samples are tholeiitic rather than calcalka-
whole rock analyses were affected by low-grade metamorphism. line on a Th–Co proxy for the K2O–SiO2 diagram (Hastie et al.,
Sample preparation and analytical methods are presented in 2007; inset of Fig. 3C), an inference supported by the incompatible
Supplement A. Data are presented in supplemental Tables A1 behavior of Ti and V in the Ti–V diagram. We accordingly refer to
(bulk rock) and A2 (clinopyroxene). All oxides (wt.%) are given an these as IAT. We did not use Fe-enrichment as a criterion for
anhydrous basis. tholeiitic versus calcalkaline magmas because of their potential
184 E. Todd et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 335-336 (2012) 180–194






Cr (ppm)

dacite/rh 1,000

.05 ,

andesite 600

.03 it e IAT 300
ande s
boninite 20
Ti / V=

V (ppm)
Cent. MORB

.01 basalt 400 Tonga

.005 'Eua
200 Low-Ti EAT
High-Ti EAT
.002 'Eua
Fiji Early Arc BON
.001 0
.10 .02 .03 .05 .1 .2 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
Nb/Y Ti (ppm)

2 1

Th (ppm)
IAT .1
.3 Cent.



.1 OR .01


Co (ppm)
.1 .2 .3 .5 1 2 3 5 10 20


Fig. 3. Diagrams used for the classification of early arc lavas from Fiji and ‘Eua, Tonga. Panel A shows Zr/Ti versus Nb/Y for all samples in this study, with lines distinguishing
between rock types, after Pearce (1996). The different symbols distinguish between samples from Fiji and ‘Eua. Data from this study are supplemented with previously
published Fiji data from Wharton (1993) and ‘Eua data from Cunningham and Anscombe (1985), Wharton (1993), Hergt and Woodhead (2007), Pearce et al. (2007). Panel B
shows Ti versus V for only those samples plotting within the basaltic field in Panel A, with diagonal lines indicating constant Ti/V ratios (¼ 10 and 20) corresponding to
discrimination boundaries between different tectonic settings (boninite, IAT, and MORB), after Shervais (1982). Gray lozenge shows the range of compositions for central
Tonga basalts, from Ewart et al. (1994b), Turner et al. (1997), Ewart et al. (1998), Hergt and Woodhead (2007), and Pearce et al. (2007). Inset shows TiO2 versus Cr for the least
fractionated samples (Cr 4 300), with vertical red line distinguishing boninite-like samples with TiO2 o 0:5 wt:%. For classification of boninitic traits, Cr¼ 300 ppm is
substituted for MgO¼ 8.0 wt.% because a linear regression of global MORB data (PetDB, 2010) gives Cr¼ MgO  80 344 (at MgO¼ 8.0 wt.%, Cr¼ 296 ppm). Panel C shows
Th/Yb versus Nb/Yb for basaltic samples with Ti=V 410 and TiO2 4 0:5 wt:%. Diagonal band shows the range of MORB compositions using data compiled from PetDB. Field for
Tonga as in Panel B. Inset shows these Fiji samples on a plot of Th versus Co. The shallower line distinguishes between island arc tholeiite (IAT) and calcalkaline (CA) rocks, and
the steeper lines distinguish between basalt (B), basaltic andesite/andesite (BA/A), and dacite/rhyolite (D/R), after Hastie et al. (2007). Different symbols are used in Panel B
and Panel C to show magma type classifications based on the rationale presented in the text: blue crosses, boninitic (BON); green diamonds, IAT; colored circles, low-Ti EAT;
black circles, high-Ti EAT. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure caption, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

modification by alteration. The low-Ti and high-Ti MORB-like these categories. They have higher Ti than IAT (Fig. 3B) and their
basalts from the Ti–V diagram are even less Th enriched and lie LREE/HREE, Th (Fig. 3C), and Sr (see Discussion in Supplemental
between the IAT and the MORB array, in the same field as backarc Fig. A2) are close to MORB values. However, they differ from IBM
basin basalts (BABB) (Fig. 5). Therefore, the early Fijian tholeiites FAB in having higher HFSE concentrations and differently shaped
could be termed ‘BABB’ geochemically. The ‘Eua samples that are REE patterns (Fig. 4), both of which are more like MORB, and
transitional between IAT and low-Ti MORB on the Ti–V diagram they have negative Nb anomalies that are more like IAT than
plot within or slightly above the MORB field. Although different MORB or IBM FAB. Using ‘‘FAB’’ also implies (falsely) that they
from Fiji, they are again transitional between MORB and IAT and were erupted in a forearc setting (see Section 6) during the
could be called ‘BABB’ using these criteria despite their more earliest phase of arc initiation. Therefore, any of the possible
differentiated major element compositions. names (IAT, MORB, BABB, or FAB) has drawbacks. Because they
However, the recent discovery of basalts from the IBM forearc are found near the FTK arc axis, rather than its forearc, are
with MORB geochemical affinity and a small subduction influ- associated with shallow-water limestones, and extend from the
ence has led to the term Forearc Basalts, or FAB by Reagan et al. Middle to Upper Eocene, we call these lavas ’’early arc tholeiites’’
(2010) and Ishizuka et al. (2011). They are MORB from a REE- (EAT). On the basis of Fig. 3, we subdivide our samples into four
HFSE perspective (Fig. 4) but not in Ti–V (Ishizuka et al., 2011; groups: boninites (BON), island arc tholeiites (IAT), low-Ti EAT,
Fig. 8) are intermediate between MORB and IAT in alteration- and high-Ti EAT. Their comparative trace element systematics
resistant subduction characteristics (e.g., Th) occur in a fore-arc are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. A more detailed comparison between
rather than backarc setting, and are the earliest arc-related FTK EAT and IBM FAB will be made in a subsequent section. One
rocks. Because no arc preceded our samples, we could refer to sample (T08-13) plots with low-Ti EAT in Fig. 3B, but is classified
the MORB-like group as low-Ti and high-Ti FAB rather than IAT, as IAT because REE and Th enrichments suggest affinity with this
MORB, or BABB even though they share some traits with all of group (e.g., Figs. 4 and 3B).
E. Todd et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 335-336 (2012) 180–194 185

IAT 20

BON 10









40 EAT (High-Ti)
100 Low-Ti EAT 20

High-Ti EAT 10
IBM EAT (Low-Ti)














Fig. 4. Normalized trace element patterns for selected early arc Viti Levu rocks. Panels are divided into emphasize distinctions between more LREE-enriched and LREE-
depleted samples. Panel A shows boninitic and IAT Yavuna samples. Panel B shows EAT Yavuna samples (orange is high-Ti; black is low-Ti). The magnitude of positive Ba,
U, and Pb spikes, when present, could reflect metasomatism, but the differences between rock types seems independent of the degree of metamorphism. Black outlines in
insets of panels A and B show ranges of IBM-BON and IBM-FAB, respectively, from Pearce et al. (1999), Reagan et al. (2010), Ishizuka et al. (2011). Only Yavuna Group
samples with Cr 4100 ppm are shown to more clearly emphasize differences between least differentiated magmas. No ‘Eua samples meet this criterion, but generally they
have normalized trace element patterns similar to Viti Levu low-Ti EAT. Normalization values for N-MORB from Sun and McDonough (1989) and for CI chondrite from
Palme and O’Neill (2003). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure caption, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

4.2. Clinopyroxene geochemistry high-Ti EAT basalts have Mg# 0.80–0.70. Clinopyroxene trace-
element systematics differ between rock types. Mg#’s correlate
In order to evaluate whether the differences between rock types with Cr, Y, and TiO2, with the lowest Ti and Y concentrations in
discussed above are primary or related to alteration, we compare clinopyroxenes from BON and the highest concentrations in high-
lavas with melts calculated from coexisting clinopyroxene micro- Ti EAT, just as in whole rocks. Bimodal Sr contents (  10 ppm and
phenocryst compositions for the Yavuna Group basement of Fiji  30 ppm) are not correlated with melt type or degree of differ-
(see Supplement A). Most of their augites lie just below the entiation, but correlate positively with whole rock Sr contents
diopside–hedenbergite join on the pyroxene quadrilateral. Their which, therefore, seem to be a magmatic feature despite the
degree of Fe-enrichment varies with rock type. Fiji BON clinopyr- alteration. In general, variability in whole rock major and trace-
oxenes have Mg# 0.90–0.80, similar to clinopyroxene from IBM – element compositions is reflected in the mean composition of
FAB, though they extend to slightly lower Wo values. Clinopyrox- hosted clinopyroxenes (Fig. A1), confirming that compositional
enes from mafic low-Ti EAT and IAT samples have Mg# 0.85–0.75, variability among magma types (BON, IAT, high- and low-Ti EAT)
extending to 0.65 in more evolved rocks. Clinopyroxenes from reflects magmatic rather than diagenetic processes.
186 E. Todd et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 335-336 (2012) 180–194

10 50%
6 “early” Lau BABB
5 tle A
Low-Ti EAT
2 High-Ti EAT

2 90% 80%
1 50%

.3 rray
Tonga le A

.2 nt

.03 BON
.02 “early” Lau BABB IBM:

90% 80%
200 50%
” La u BAB
100 “early








Fig. 5. Ratios of variably fluid-mobile incompatible elements (X) as X/Yb ratios plotted versus Nb/Yb. (A) Nd/Yb, (B) Th/Yb, and (C) Sr/Yb. Dark-red lines delineate the approximate
center of the ‘mantle array’ of MORB, shown in pink, using data from PetDB (2010). Deviations above that array are attributed to slab-derived components; black lines indicate the
percent added by subduction, after Pearce et al. (1995). The differences between rock types in Sr/Yb in panel C are considered to be minimally affected by metasomatism because
Sr/Yb and Zr/Yb ratios in whole rocks approximate those calculated from clinopyroxene microphenocrysts (Fig. A2). Symbols and data sources for central Tonga as in Fig. 3, plus
Escrig et al. (2009). Field for ‘‘early’’ Lau BABB represents the MORB-like samples erupted early during Lau Basin extension at ODP Site 834 (Hergt and Farley, 1994; Ewart et al.,
1994a). Modern Lau Basin basalts plot mostly within the EPR N-MORB field. Dashed fields show the range of typical IBM FAB (black) and boninites (blue), from Reagan et al. (2010)
and Ishizuka et al. (2011). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure caption, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

4.3. ‘Eua, Tonga lavas. They are quite evolved (Cro 100 ppm, Ni r 10 ppm), so
classification based on the same criteria as for Fiji is more
Most of this paper deals with the Yavuna Group in Fiji. speculative. However, they most resemble evolved Yavuna low-Ti
However, the classification applies equally to the basement of EAT, with even greater LREE-depletion. They have intermediate
Eua, Tonga, that is transitional between IAT and low-Ti EAT. Our LILE enrichment (e.g., Ba, Pb) relative to Yavuna EAT (more than in
data supplement and agree with other studies of ‘Eua by Ewart and high-Ti but less than in low-Ti). All three studies (Hergt and
Bryan (1972), Hergt and Woodhead (2007), and Pearce et al. Woodhead, 2007; Pearce et al., 2007; this study) found bimodal
(2007). Samples from all sources are basalt to andesite and gabbro. Th/La ratios in ‘Eua; even the higher ratios (  0:08) are lower than
All samples with o15 ppm Y from Ewart’s collection and ours are in the modern Tonga arc, and the lower ratios (  0:03) are similar
gabbros, not BON, and are not discussed further because of effects to N-MORB (Fig. 3C). Compared to modern Tonga, ‘Eua rocks are
of crystal accumulation and uralitization. Despite being clasts in more LREE-depleted and have lower LILE contents (Rb, Sr, Ba, Pb,
conglomerate, the ‘Eua volcanics are more uniform than Yavuna Th, U) at any MgO despite minor alteration. Their HFSE and HREE
E. Todd et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 335-336 (2012) 180–194 187

contents are similar to, or slightly higher than, in modern Tonga. with an average  18:85. Notably, Yavuna Pb isotopes overlie
Taken together, these features suggest lower degree melts of flux regional BABB and OIB-like South Fiji Basin basalts (SFB-OIB)
melting early in Tonga history than now. Hergt and Woodhead (Todd et al., 2011), with little evidence of subducted pelagic or
(2007) report large negative Hf (7Zr) concentration anomalies for terrigenous sediment or continental crust. On the plot of Nd
‘Eua whereas they are absent in data from Pearce et al. (2007) and versus Hf isotopes (Fig. 7), most Yavuna Group samples lie below
this study and may be analytical artifacts. the Pacific–Indian discrimination boundary of Pearce et al. (2007).
They define an array between depleted BABB-like and enriched
OIB-like magmas from SW Pacific backarc basins (Todd et al.,
5. Isotopes 2011). As in 206Pb/204Pb isotope space, their relative isotopic
enrichment is positively correlated with Ti and incompatible
5.1. Viti Levu, Fiji element enrichment. Fiji BON and IAT samples lie at the more
enriched end of the array whereas EAT samples are isotopically
Pb isotopes for most Yavuna Group samples plot on or near the more depleted. Overall, therefore, EHf in Fiji early arc samples
NHRL at higher 206Pb/204Pb than most IBM FAB (Fig. 6). Fiji EAT correlates negatively with LREE/HREE ratios. 87Sr/86Sr ratios were
are the most depleted; all others extend to 206Pb/204Pb  19:0 not measured in most samples because of alteration might
complicate interpretation. Nevertheless, 87Sr/86Sr extends down
15.68 Hikurangi to  0.7030 at high 206Pb/204Pb.
Sed gic

5.2. ‘Eua, Tonga

15.60 Cent. Tonga

icl t There are now three separate sample collections with isotope
l c an imen
15.56 Vo Sed
u data from the same conglomerate in ‘Eua. All agree for EHf but
ern La there is about 1ENd unit difference between Hergt and Woodhead
15.52 Mod
(2007) and Pearce et al. (2007) (higher in the former), even after
15.48 normalization to 0.511860 for La Jolla. Our results lie in between,
MORB “early”
Lau BABB and we replicated Pearce et al.’s ENd for two samples from Yavuna

7.6 8.0 8.4 8.8 9.2 9.6

39.0 14
18 Lau
dim gic

Se ela


38.5 Low-Ti EAT
Cent. Tonga
High-Ti EAT (EPR)
ern L IAT 14
38.0 Mod L BON 11
NH 'Eua “early”
“Pacific” SFB/HT - BABB 10 Lau BABB
10 Sediment

Modern Lau Cent. Tonga
+”early” Lau




(EPR) Volcaniclastic
12 Sediment



tea ig

Low-Ti EAT


High-Ti EAT

4 2 IAT


Sediment Hikurangi BON

0 Plateau 'Eua
-4 SFB - OIB







-6 -2 2 6 10
206Pb/204Pb Nd
Fig. 6. 206Pb/204Pb versus (A) 207Pb/204Pb, (B) 208Pb/204Pb, and (C) 176Hf/177Hf. Also Fig. 7. 143Nd/144Nd versus 176Hf/177Hf. The presumed range of early FTK arc
shown are previously published ‘Eua data from Pearce et al. (2007), Ewart and magmas least modified by slab-derived Hf and Nd is shown by tan field. Symbols
Bryan (1972), and Hergt and Woodhead (2007). South Fiji Basin and Havre Trough and data sources as in Fig. 6, plus Turner et al. (1997). Red line is the mantle array
backarc samples discussed in this study are shown by pink squares (BABB-like) of Pearce et al. (2007), which discriminates between isotopically ‘‘Indian’’ and
and circles (OIB-like) (Todd et al., 2011). Fields for central Tonga lavas and Pacific ‘‘Pacific’’ regimes. Black line is the trend of time-integrated recycled MORB
crust (igneous and sediment components) from Ewart et al. (1998), Pearce et al. compositions with tick-marks for 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 Ga, from Geldmacher et al.
(1999), Hauff et al. (2003), Hergt and Woodhead (2007), Pearce et al. (2007), (2011). Inset shows detail of early arc samples within the range indicated by the
Castillo et al. (2009), Chauvel et al. (2009) and Escrig et al. (2009). Symbols and dashed box, highlighting the contrasting ranges of more LREE-depleted EAT (red
sources for average Louisville and Hikurangi seamount basalt are as in Fig. 5. NHRL field) and more LREE-enriched IAT and BON (blue field) samples. (For interpreta-
in A and B is from Hart (1984). (For interpretation of the references to color in this tion of the references to color in this figure caption, the reader is referred to the
figure caption, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) web version of this article.)
188 E. Todd et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 335-336 (2012) 180–194

(Table A1). There is also a difference in Pb isotopes with, in right isotopic ratios was universally subducted beneath the Vitiaz
general, Pearce et al. (2007) o Hergt and Woodhead (2007) o this Arc from inception to the present day and became well mixed
study for 206Pb/204Pb. TIMS data in Pearce et al. (2007) have lower throughout the mantle wedge, it is simpler to infer that the mantle
Pb/204Pb than the other two that are by Tl-spiked MC-ICMPS. wedge contains a persistent indigenous enriched component. We
Our ‘Eua data have 206Pb/204Pb similar to Yavuna but with slightly will return to the tectonic significance of this inference later.
higher 208Pb/204Pb. ‘Eua has higher ENd and EHf than even Yavuna One of us has argued before for an old enriched mantle
Hi–Ti EAT, consistent with ‘Eua being more depleted with greater component in the origin of Fijian magma on the basis of isotope
LREE-depletion. Pb in ‘Eua rocks is more radiogenic than in the systematics (Gill, 1984), as have others elsewhere (e.g., Morris
modern central Tongan arc, and is more like the Pb in the and Hart, 1983; Reagan and Gill, 1989). This idea has not gained
northernmost Tongan arc. Specifically, it is similar to the recent traction because the arc rocks with isotopic enrichments usually
spiked analyses of Niuatoputapu (Regelous et al., 2010) and older have HFSE depletions. For example, the early arc rocks considered
unspiked ones of Tafahi (Turner et al., 1997; Ewart et al., 1998; here have Nb/Yb ratios within the range of N-MORB and less than
Pearce et al., 2007). In Pb–Nd–Hf isotope space, ‘Eua is more in SFB-OIB (Fig. 5). Resolution of this topic is beyond the scope of
‘‘Pacific’’ than modern central Tonga, and resembles the oldest this paper, but we emphasize the long-lived character of this
Lau Basin BABB (see Discussion in Todd et al., 2011). isotopic feature in Fiji–Tonga and its presence in rocks with
minimal evidence of a slab melt component.
The specific combination of Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotopes in the
6. Discussion enriched Fijian component does not yet match any known OIB
signature in either the eastern Australian or western Pacific
6.1. Nature of slab-derived subduction components Plates. The closest analogues are the Louisville Seamount Chain
(i.e., its volcaniclastic sediments; Pearce et al., 2007) or Ravaivai
Identifying slab-derived contributions in these rocks is com- Island in the Cook-Austral Seamount Chain (e.g., Lassiter et al.,
plicated by alteration and the diversity of magma types. However, 2003), both of which can be related to the South Pacific Super-
we have tried to apply the principles of Pearce et al. (1995). swell and to the large Cretaceous oceanic plateaux on the Pacific
Specifically, the background mantle is presumed to lie some- Plate (e.g., Koppers et al., 2003; Hoernle et al., 2010). If similar
where along the array of MORB and OIB in Fig. 5. If little Nb is enrichments also have been present in the mantle wedge beneath
added from the slab, than the relative slab contributions of other the arcs and backarc basins of the easternmost Indian Plate for the
trace elements can be estimated from displacement above the last 50 Myr, then (a) subduction may have initiated along an
mantle arrays. Our clinopyroxene data show that whole rock Sr intra-Pacific fracture zone thereby explaining similar mantle on
concentrations are little affected by alteration and enriched only both sides of the new plate boundary, and (b) seemingly ‘‘anom-
in IAT and BON (Figs. 5, A1, and A2). Ba seems most enriched in alous’’ isotopic enrichments in the FTK regime, such as in the
low-Ti EAT (Fig. 4). Nd is not enriched in Fiji BON or ‘Eua, and Th modern Quaternary North Tongan arc, may reflect old indigenous
is only modestly enriched in EAT and ‘Eua (Fig. 5A and B). Because mantle rather than recently subducted volcaniclastic sediment
Sr and Th7Nd are most enriched in IAT whereas Ba is most (cf. Turner et al., 1997; Regelous et al., 2010).
enriched in EAT, the former are most likely to reflect addition of a
more melt-like slab component versus the latter with a more
fluid-like component. Neither component seems to have carried 6.3. Comparison of IBM and FTK early arc rock suites
Hf. Therefore, slab surface temperatures during early arc history
were rarely high enough to melt subducted sediment beneath the Early IBM and FTK magmas have similar relative Hf–Nd
site of magmatism. Dilute fluids were the norm. isotope, Ti/V, and Th/Nb ratio systematics (e.g., Fig. 8). Boninitic
magmas in both systems have the lowest Nd and Hf isotope ratios
6.2. Nature of mantle components and lowest Ti and HREE contents, whereas EAT/FAB have the
opposite. The differences in enrichment and depletion between
Because there is little evidence of added Hf or, in most cases, tholeiitic and boninitic rocks in the early IBM arc stages have been
even Nd from slab components (Fig. 5A), and because early FTK interpreted as reflecting initial decompression-dominated melt-
Hf–Nd isotope ratios completely overlap the ratios for regional ing of a source with higher HFSE and HREE contents to form
backarc basins (Fig. 7), we infer that the isotopic character of the EAT/FAB, followed by flux-dominated melting of an isotopically
Hf and Nd in the early arc is enriched relative to MORB and is a more enriched source with lower HFSE and HREE contents to
primary feature of the ambient mantle wedge. The enriched form the boninites (Reagan et al., 2010).
mantle is most prominent in Fiji BON and IAT rocks in which Although Fijian early arc rocks lack the fresh glass found by
LREE-enrichment also is greatest. Therefore, we believe that the diving on the IBM trench wall, we can compare the clinopyroxene
mantle source early in arc history included old enrichments. The and whole rock compositions of the two early arcs. The simila-
same may even be true for Pb and Sr because Ce/Pb and Sr/Nd rities between them are greater than the differences. Fijian-EAT
ratios in some EAT approach values for MORB. The average and IBM-FAB clinopyroxenes have similar Sr concentrations. The
Pb/204Pb is  18:9, and the lowest 87Sr/86Sr is  0:7030. Fijian clinopyroxenes have more MORB-like Ti and Y contents
Indeed, the samples with the most enriched Nd and Hf isotopes relative to Mg# and Cr contents, as do bulk compositions. Sr in
have Pb isotopes below the NHRL at high 206Pb/204Pb (Fig. 6). Fijian BON and IAT clinopyroxene is bimodal, with the low-Sr
This general kind of isotopic enrichment has been found before group overlapping EAT/FAB (Fig. A2). All rock types have bulk-
in Fiji and Tonga, especially in northernmost Tonga where it has rock Nb/Yb ratios within the range of N-MORB and, in both arcs,
been attributed to subducted volcaniclastic sediment shed from the EAT/FAB are similarly depleted in LREE and more depleted in
the Louisville Seamount Chain (e.g., Turner et al., 1997; Regelous Nb than the boninites (Fig. 4). For bulk compositions, Fijian EAT
et al., 2010). However, we show here that isotopically similar have higher Ti/V and MREE/HREE ratios, similarly low Ba, and
enriched mantle was present in the mantle wedge throughout the negative Nb anomalies. Boninitic rocks from both arcs have flat
early arc stage and is present in the regional backarc basins far REE patterns, high Mg and Cr contents, and similarly low Ti and
removed from current subduction (Todd et al., 2010, 2011). REE relative to Mg# or Cr. However, IBM boninites have positive
Although it is possible that volcaniclastic sediment with just the Zr–Hf anomalies whereas the Fijian ones do not (Fig. 4). Fewer
E. Todd et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 335-336 (2012) 180–194 189

Fig. 8. (A) Tectonic reconstruction of the Pacific region at  40 Ma (Middle Eocene), after Hall (2002), and (B) age-corrected E Hf(t) versus E Nd(t) for early arc lavas from
IBM (red) and FTK (black), assuming a 45 Ma age for Fijian and Tongan rocks. For both arcs, EAT/FAB lavas are shown with squares and BON (and IAT) lavas with diamonds.
Large arrows in A indicate the isotopic character (‘‘Indian’’ versus ‘‘Pacific’’) of the mantle wedge beneath the early Izu–Bonin and Vitiaz Arcs. The dashed gray line shows
our inferred boundary between ‘‘Indian’’ and ‘‘Pacific’’ mantle domains. Its location is poorly constrained due to few available samples from this time, though it was likely
at, or just east of, the NW Pacific plate margin because IBM lavas plot in ‘‘Indian’’ space in B. Its location in the SW Pacific is loosely constrained by \ 55 Ma isotopically
depleted ‘‘Indian’’ lavas from Cape Vogel, Papua New Guinea (‘‘PNG’’) (König et al., 2010) and North Loyalty Basin (Pearce et al., 2007), and ‘‘Pacific’’ magmas in the Solomon
Sea (thought to be Oligocene; see Woodhead et al., 1998, 2001) and Vitiaz Arc (this study). FTK data shown in B are from the same sources as in Fig. 7. IBM data are from
Pearce et al. (1999) and Reagan et al. (2010). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure caption, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fijian boninitic rocks have SiO2 455 wt:%. Both have Nd/Yb near (Reagan et al., 2010; Ishizuka et al., 2011). In both settings, they
the mantle array but are enriched in Th (Fig. 5). are associated with sediments that have the same Middle Eocene
The chief difference between the arcs is that everything in FTK fauna that are associated with our samples from ‘Eua and that
is isotopically ‘‘Pacific’’ whereas, apart from a few FAB, the IBM is overlie the rhyolite in Site 841 in Tonga (Tappin and Ballance,
‘‘Indian’’ (Fig. 8). Therefore, the mantle wedge of the two subduc- 1994; Chaproniere, 1994). Therefore, our ‘‘early arc’’ may extend
tion zones differed even though the timing of subduction initia- from the Upper to Middle Eocene and represent the end of
tion is similar, and the depleted and enriched components within boninitic magmatism rather than the beginning (Fig. 9). Although
the two embryo mantle wedges also differed. That is, the modern future discoveries from the Tonga Trench wall may show that our
isotopic differences between northwestern and southwestern EAT rock type extends even earlier, this paper demonstrates that
Pacific arcs (Hickey-Vargas et al., 1995) reflect differences in all magma types can be contemporaneous and, therefore, that
pre-existing mantle domains that were inherited at subduction millions of years between them are not necessary.
initiation (Fig. 8).
The other major difference between the two arcs is strati- 6.4. Implications of Fijian early arc stratigraphy
graphic. In Fiji, where one can sample the units on land, the
different rock types are inter-bedded (Fig. 2). Fig. 9 shows the Samples from the Fiji early arc figured in the original definition
relative proportion of the four rock types in a 375-m-thick of the somewhat MORB-like ‘‘Island Arc Tholeiitic Series’’ of Jakes̆
composite section. The pattern demonstrates their contempor- and Gill (1970). Gill (1970) argued that this low-K, Fe-enriched,
aneity and cyclicity. We also interpret the presence of both LREE-depleted group was succeeded in Fiji by medium-K, LREE-
boninitic (high-Sr,Cr) and EAT (low-Sr,Cr) clinopyroxenes in one enriched Upper Miocene calcalkaline rocks lacking Fe enrichment.
sample as evidence of mixing between these two magma types This interpretation contributed to the long-held idea that tholeii-
and, therefore, their contemporaneity (Fig. A2). However, because tic rocks make up the majority of arc basements and are followed
none of the lavas reported here could be reliably dated by Ar–Ar by calcalkaline volcanism (e.g., Jakes̆ and White, 1972; Gill, 1981).
or U–Pb (zircon) methods, we cannot determine when during Subsequent discovery of boninites below arc tholeiites in the IBM
‘‘early arc’’ history they were erupted. Tholeiites both pre-date arc and some ophiolites, and more recently of even more MORB-
and post-date boninites in IBM and distinguishing between the like ‘‘Forearc Arc [tholeiitic] Basalts’’ below the boninites (Reagan
tholeiites on purely geochemical grounds hinges on the magni- et al., 2010; Ishizuka et al., 2011) underscores the complexity of
tude of Nb and LILE anomalies (Reagan et al., 2010) the latter of temporal patterns, especially early in arc history.
which can be modified by low grade metamorphism. Likewise, Thus far, the Middle Eocene basement of Tonga is known only
both boninitic and tholeiitic rocks occur at 41–43 Ma in the IBM from cobbles in the conglomerate on ‘Eua and basal rhyolite at
and Mariana forearcs at ODP sites and on Saipan and Guam ODP Site 841. All are depleted and tholeiitic but none are as free
190 E. Todd et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 335-336 (2012) 180–194

Fiji IBM
IAT (n = 11)
(Ti/V 10 - 20)

BON 300-325
(Ti/V < 10) (n = 10)
arc tholeiites
Low-Ti EAT
(Ti/V > 10)
? and calc-
alkaline rocks
37-44 Ma

Hi-Ti EAT 225-300

(Ti/V > 10) (n = 9)


175-225 andesite 44-45 Ma
(n = 7)

boninite andesite,
(n = 18)
differentiates 44-48 Ma
(n = 20)

Namosi Ck.
(n = 19)

(n = 15)
basalt (FAB) 50-52 Ma
(n = 17)

0% 50% 100%
% of strat. horizon

Fig. 9. (A) Stratigraphic distribution of different lava types for all early arc samples in this and previous studies and (B) generalized stratigraphic sequence for IBM forearc,
after Ishizuka et al. (2011). Note different units for Y axes in A and B, showing elevation and time, respectively. Column A shows proportions of magma types (IAT, BON,
high- and low-Ti EAT) within a given stratigraphic horizon, using 126 samples from this study plus Wharton (1993). The proportions are shown as normalized percentages
of samples ð ¼ nÞ. Stratigraphic arrangement of samples is after Wharton (1993) with the Y -axis representing column thickness in meters after removal of the effects of
faulting and later intrusion. Bracket shows range within the Namosi Creek sequence shown in inset of Fig. 2. Not all samples have high-resolution trace element data, so
samples with XRF data are classified using the Ti/V discriminant described in the text and Fig. 3 caption. Dashed lines show possible stratigraphic correlations between the
Fiji and IBM sequences. Our favored interpretation is that the base of the Fiji sequence is analogous to the late FAB stage of the IBM subduction initiation volcanic sequence
(lower arrow). The Fijian case implies contemporaneity of BON and EAT rather than a sequential change from one to another. We predict an older age for the Fiji section
because it is easier to imagine complicated mixing of flux- and decompression-melting regimes early, but the presence of shallow water forums in the Fiji section supports
thicker crust and a more mature arc.

of subduction components as IBM FAB. However, what we call great. In principle, ubiquitous mixing of high-Ti EAT and BON
EAT and BON pillow lavas are interleaved in outcrop in the magmas could explain the more common rock types between them,
Yavuna Group. Lacking reliable radiometric dates, we cannot say but most rocks are nearly aphyric and, anyway, this leaves the need
when these magma types erupted or how much time is repre- to produce the two extremes throughout the time period involved.
sented by the sequence. Therefore, we follow others including Reagan et al. (2010) and
Fig. 9 shows that EAT lavas are the most widely distributed Pearce and Robinson (2010) in attributing the differences between
Yavuna Group lava type and comprise the majority of the exposed early arc rock types to variations in mantle sources and melting
Fijian basement. However, IAT and BON are present together, early circumstances. For example, popular models for the formation of
and late. The inset of Fig. 2 shows the stratigraphic relationships of boninite predict melting shallower than 50 km under high P–H2O and
different Yavuna Group magma types within the most densely temperature conditions of harzburgite that was depleted by prior
sampled area, along Namosi Creek where a  53 m-thick vertical melting (Kushiro, 1974; Green, 1976; Kuroda et al., 1978). Although
section is exposed. All rock types are represented by pillow lavas few high-Mg,Cr Yavuna boninitic and transitional lavas have SiO2
and associated volcaniclastic sediments, and are inter-bedded. 4 55%, they have the other traits that support such inferences.
Therefore, all erupted at the same place within a short time interval Conversely, it is commonly inferred that arc tholeiites with minimal
early in arc history. There is no systematic shift over time from one evidence of slab components reflect the same kind of decompression
rock type to another. This pattern is present throughout the Yavuna melting as at mid-ocean ridges, and a similar range of mantle
Group (Fig. 9), with all types present in most stratigraphic horizons, potential temperatures and Mg#’s. More typical IAT with various
and low-Ti EAT and IAT alternatively dominant. Thus, while early kinds of slab signatures reflect conditions between these extremes.
arc volcanism was primarily tholeiitic, there was rapid and repeated Our discovery that all magma types erupted at the same time
alternation of magma types. and place requires that these different conditions of magma
genesis coincided early in arc history. It is easy to imagine but
6.5. Significance of variable, yet closely associated magma types difficult to illustrate such a coincidence that might vary across-
strike, along-strike, and temporally during subduction initiation.
The most MORB-like tholeiites (high-Ti EAT) in the Yavuna Fig. 10 is one heuristic example. By stressing close juxtaposition
Group cannot be pre-existing oceanic crust because there is no of decompression and flux-melting, we consciously evoke a
evidence of thrusting or intrusion between the rock types. Nor can model created to explain magma genesis during the initiation of
the differences between rock types be attributed to open system a backarc basin (Langmuir et al., 2006, Fig. 47). Its key features are
differentiation because the differences in high-Mg,Cr rocks are so shallow flux melting closer to the trench, deeper decompression
E. Todd et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 335-336 (2012) 180–194 191

Lithospheric weakness


Zone of “forearc extension”

producing FAB lava

fertile mantle

Future volcanic front Future forearc Legend:

active volcano slab-derived flux
extinct volcano melting regime
More depleted mantle;
interacting with FAB/EAT crust dry melts
slab-derived fluids
BON crust
hydrous melts

Fig. 10. Depiction of the generation of different magma types during subduction initiation and nascent arc phases, adapted from the subduction-zone infancy model of
Stern and Bloomer (1992). Panels to the left show the progression from (A) presubduction, to (B) early fore-arc extension, producing EAT/FAB lavas, and (C) the later
boninitic stage. See Section 2 for a description of the petrogenetic sequence proposed by Reagan et al. (2010) and Ishizuka et al. (2011) to explain these stages at Izu–
Bonin–Mariana. Note that we have drawn the range of boninitic volcanism to be smaller than that of earlier EAT/FAB, since BON was not found trenchward of FAB (Reagan
et al., 2010; Ishizuka et al., 2011). Panel D shows a schematic of our interpretation of the petrogenesis of Fijian magmas in this study, formed during the stage represented
in panel C (i.e., the BON stage) in the area within the dashed box. Contemporaneous decompression-melting (to the left) and flux-melting (to the right) indicated by the
wavy blue lines. Both types of melt are focused to a narrow eruption site by the structure of overlying lithosphere, indicated by the dashed brown triangle. The focusing
resembles the trench-perpendicular juxtaposition of ‘‘drier’’ and ‘‘wetter’’ magmas that was proposed to explain the range of melt types in near-arc backarc-basin settings
(Langmuir et al., 2006). These authors interpret transitional basalts as resulting from focusing of drier and wetter melts, consistent with our observation that at least one
sample has bimodal clinopyroxene populations, with high- and low-Sr contents (Fig. A2). The occurrence of both decompression- and flux-melt types in the same place and
time at Fiji, but not in the IBM fore-arc, may be explained by Fiji’s position farther from the trench. The simultaneous eruption of different types at this time might not
occur closer to the trench because the forearc zone is dominated by magmas produced by flux melting (i.e., BON). The proximity of flux melting to the trench is limited by a
critical threshold of slab dehydration (i.e., the crust is composed of predominantly older FAB closest to the trench because there is not enough slab-derived fluid released
there to produce BON). Therefore, the contrasts observed at IBM by Reagan et al. (2010) and Ishizuka et al. (2011) reflect the progression in time (earlier FAB to later BON)
and space (within the bracket labeled ‘‘Future forearc’’ in panel (C), whereas the contrasts we observe at Fiji occur at the same time and place (i.e., within the bracket
labeled ‘‘Future volcanic front’’ in panel (C).

melting farther away, advection of increasingly depleted mantle same slab component as in IBM cannot account for FTK composi-
through the melting zone, and focusing and mixing of melts tions because their EHf lie below such a mixing array.
beneath young lithosphere under tension. Such a dynamical The Louisville Seamount Chain, the potential source of OIB-like
system during subduction initiation was suggested by Hall and volcaniclastic sediment added to the mantle wedge of the modern
Spakman (2003). It is more consistent with what we describe here FTK arc by subduction, is a possible source of unradiogenic Nd
than a more gradual evolution of magma types over millions of and Hf (and radiogenic Pb) that could explain SW Pacific basalt
years (Reagan et al., 2010; Ishizuka et al., 2011), but the two need arrays. However, a similar enriched component is variably pre-
not be mutually exclusive. Indeed, the two may differ more in sent in arc rocks from 4 40 Ma, and in subduction unmodified
tectonic setting than age, with Fiji and Eua lying closer to the backarc basin rocks from 33 to o1:0 Ma beneath which the
eventual mature volcanic arc versus the IBM sites lying closer to Louisville Chain cannot have subducted (Todd et al., 2010, 2011).
the plate boundary (Fig. 10). In addition, each subduction initia- Therefore, it is difficult to imagine a scenario whereby this source
tion might be different (e.g., Whattam and Stern, 2011). of volcaniclastic sediment can contribute a continual supply of
volcanogenic sediment to the entire arc and backarc from the
6.6. Isotopic components of the early arc mantle Eocene to present. In addition, the wide range of EHf at relatively
constant ENd does not correlate with the magnitude of Hf
In this section we focus on Hf and Nd because they show little concentration anomalies in FTK early arc rocks, as it should if
or no evidence of slab-derived enrichments. IBM and FTK magmas explained by recent the addition of sediment or melt thereof.
of similar arc stages occupy similar relative positions along Hf–Nd Therefore, we contend that the similarity in Hf–Nd isotopes
isotope arrays (Fig. 7; Reagan et al., 2010, Fig. 6). Boninitic magmas between Neogene SW Pacific backarc samples without slab-derived
in both systems tend to have the lowest isotopic compositions. The material on the one hand (Todd et al., 2010, 2011), and the FTK
IBM array was explained by Pearce et al. (1999) as due to adding basement samples of this paper on the other, reflects the composi-
a slab-derived component from volcaniclastic sediment and/or tional diversity of the ambient mantle wedge throughout this 50 Myr.
Pacific Plate altered oceanic crust to depleted ‘‘Indian’’ mantle. period. One implication of this idea is that the anomalous isotopes of
The most isotopically depleted arc and backarc rocks in the SW the modern northern Tonga arc reflect the presence of trapped old
Pacific lie below the Mantle Array, so FTK mantle source is more mantle lithosphere rather than delayed melting of recently subducted
‘‘Pacific’’ than in IBM. Mixing depleted Pacific mantle with the Louisville sediment.
192 E. Todd et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 335-336 (2012) 180–194

Because the more boninitic rocks in both the IBM and FTK arcs (NIGL). One IBM FAB sample (1093R6) was donated by M. Reagan
have lower Hf and Nd isotope ratios, they may be derived from for clinopyroxene analysis. We thank two anonymous reviewers
old mantle enrichments present at the initiation of subduction for comments that helped to improve the paper. This work greatly
(Reagan et al., 2010). Based on our experience studying how benefitted from the technical assistance of C. Harris, D. Sampson,
similar enriched components melt in the adjacent backarc basins R. Franks, D. Tollstrup, and E. Peterman at UCSC, and F. Tepley,
(Todd et al., 2011), we infer that FTK mantle enrichments are D. Burns, and A. Koleszar at OSU. It also celebrates JBG’s return to
pyroxenitic veins with lower solidi than their peridotitic hosts. the topic 44 yr after beginning work on it.
The difference between the two environments is that enrich-
ments in the backarc occur in HFSE-rich basalts (OIB) whereas in
the early arc they occur in HFSE-poor boninitic rocks and IAT. If Appendix A. Supplementary materials
decompression-dominated melting of enriched mantle compo-
nents leaves harzburgite residues that retain their original iso- Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in
topic composition (as proposed for boninites in the NE Lau Basin the online version at
by Falloon et al., 2007), then subsequent melting of that residue
fluxed by shallow slab-derived fluid poor in Hf and Nd might
produce the contrasts observed. References

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