Importance of Managerial Communication

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Gujarat Maritime University

Gandhinagar, Gujarat (India)

Subject Title: - Managerial Communication

Course Code: SMM4113


Communication Skill, English: With respect to Logistics and


For MBA Shipping and Logistics

Sem – 1 : Batch 2021 – 2023

Submitted by:
Karamveer Singh

Submitted to:

Ms. Pratima Dube

Assistant Professor of English
Gujarat National Law university
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
“The role and significance of written and verbal communication skills
in English, for management professionals: with specific reference to
management in shipping and logistics”.


What is a communication? The exchange of ideas, information, signals

or message through appropriate media, enabling individuals or group
to persuade, seek information, give information or express emotions.

When people communicate they exchange various forms of meaning

like ideas and information, through a common understandable system
of symbols. A typical communication includes writing, watching movie,
talking and speaking over telecommunication device. It has been
assessed that people spend more time in communicating the ideas than
on any other intricate activity.

Communication is not limited to just exchange of words or the verbal.

Now, the act of conveying information without the use of words like
facial expressions, gesture, body language, tone of voice and other
physical indications is known to be non verbal communication, and it
helps us to express ourselves better.

Globalization has brought everything together but the English language

made globalization possible and effective. Due to globalization English
language has emerged as a global force. “English rules” is an old phrase
“English language rules” is the new phrase emerged out of
globalization. Man has been using English as a medium of
communication for ages, today due to globalization English language
has become the most well liked language.
Developing communication skills can help many aspects of your life,
from your professional career, to social gatherings, to your family life.
In today’s fast pacing world we rely heavily on sharing information that
to in common code easily understandable by everyone i.e. in English,
resulting in greater emphasis being placed on having good
communication (verbal and written) skills. A poor communicated
message may lead to misunderstanding, frustration and in some cases
disaster. To communicate well is to understand and be understood.
This can be achieved as –

1) Verbally – your voice.

2) Visually – images, graphs, maps.

3) Non verbally – body language, eye contact, gestures.

4) Written – emails, letters.

Why is communication important for Logistics?

Information interchange plays an important role in creating a cost

effective and energetic logistic management process. It ensures that
tasks are completed and transferred from one point to another
smoothly and without any delay. In this era of globalization where a
person sitting in other nation can order anything from another nation
by looking into its positives & negatives and can track the delivery
schedule easily, only possible under a common language English. Now
consider if delivery schedule is written in Chinese language, is it
possible for a Japanese individual to understand it! Answer is no. For
example, the sales department needs logistics data to analyze orders
that have been shipped; customer service needs information to update
shipment status, and the accounts section requires the data to cross
check transporter invoices. The procurement team needs information
from logistics when new vendors are too hired or old contracts are due
renewal. The other functions of the supply chain also have to
collaborate or communicate with the logistics team to get their work

The effective feature for processing in logistics is writing. Written

communication is important as it minimizes the scope of misinterpret
or forget the message. Today written communication is the most
common form of business communication. Since, emails, letters and all
forms of written messages across multiple platforms can be sent to
multiple recipients in different parts of the world. It has now become
indispensable for all professional to develop effective written
communication skills and not just to professionals but employees also.

Why is communication important in Maritime?

Communication plays a crucial role in maritime industry, whether it is

between crew members, officers or between two ships. Unclear and
confusing messages are the primary cause of accidents and adverse
incidents that happen onboard or between ships. In this globalization
times when crew members are from different backgrounds speaks
different language, there can be a confusing in the meaning of phrases
that they wish to say. Ships and seafarers travel all over the world,
flying under the flag of one country having captain of different country
and crew of different nationality. Without the common language there
can be a difficulty in passing the message/instructions among officers
and crew members.

English is considered to be common language while at sea, it primarily
serves 3 functions –

1) ship to ship communication.

2) ship to shore communication.

3) onboard communication among crew members.

It was studied that over 50% incidents were due some form of
miscommunication. Here the communication plays vital role, it not only
prevents the incidents but also reduces wasted time in understanding a
improper communication.

In random survey conducted –

1) When asked does English language as a skill bring confidence in you

87% agrees to it, as it is globally spoken language and only 13%
disagrees to it as they believe that not just English but some knowledge
of local language should be there. Results are as -

Q) Does your English language skills brings confidence in you ?
yes no



But when asked English communication skill can give you upper hand
when assigned a foreign assignment the priority changes to 80%
favoring in yes, 13% say may or may not and rest says no.

Q) Does your English communication skills can give your priority

over other employees for a foreign work assignment ?
7% no
may be

Q) What do you think does English language is beneficial
when you are out on official tour ?


Q) Does English communication can help you to

communicate well with colleagues & work well as team
player ?


Does your promotion chances increases if you have command
over English language ?

cannot say


Out of the total people surveyed 73% males and 27% females.





A clear, concise and consistent message is hallmark of effective

communication. A clear message makes sure that there is no
uncertainty in the message and only important things are conveyed.
Conciseness ensures that message is brief and clear contains all
necessary information which is required at that very moment. Lastly,
the language should be consistent and in proper format and ensure the
time is not wasted in reading it.


1) Blue grace.

2) Marine insight.

3) Persuasive communication in logistics- University Valahia of


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