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Neumatic Notation

Symbols and
Do clef: Indicates where Do is on the
staff. In this example, the 4th line is your DO
Fa clef: Indicates where Fa is on the
staff. In this example, the 3rd line is your FA
Punctum: Single note with time
value of 1 beat.
value of 2 beat. Second beat sung
2 beats. Sung with slight crescendo.
followed by the top note which is
from left to right.
(a-u) or a voiced consonant (l, m, n,
etc.) on small note that ends
Scandicus: Ascending 3 notes
jagged line in the middle. Middle note
sung lightly, moving towards the top note.
note, then descends to last note.
Drawn simply with a line to connect
notes. All notes same value (1 beat
Custos: Indicates what the first note
will be on. the next line.
First note is FA
U- bi ca - ri - tas et a - mor

De - us i - bi est.

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