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Sesi 9

Most productive processes require power-power to transport goods and people, to separat
to shape them, and to perform many other functions.
The only sources of power used before the eighteenth century were human beings, anima
and wind. These had to be sufficient for all the tasks requiring power. Each had its serious limit
Human power not only was very limited in quantity, but was also fatiguing and unpleasant when
beyond a certain point.
Animal power was a welcome addition, but the feeding and care of animals required large
of labour, and the animals competed with human beings for food..
Wind furnished the power, or at least supplemented human power to propel ocean-going
was something used to drive windmills. It was however, a source of power that was not continu
was utilized only inefficiently by the crude wooden windmills of the period.
Water power also had its serious limitations; it was hindered by flood drought and frost, a
limited in quantity. The great waterfalls could not be used, for the strength of the falling water w
crushed the wooden water wheels then is use. Even the effective utilization of water power had
the development of the water turbine in 1825.
It was not until the eighteenth century that man succeeded in changing fuel into power. U
time productive processes were assisted by only a minimum amount of non-human power. Men
and children often had to pull ploughs.
The first steam engine of the modern type was that of James Watt in 1782. Steam engines have
become more powerful, more precise in their construction more durable and more efficient.
Electricity as a source of power came into use in the last quarter of the nineteenth century
be generated by the use of water, steam or explosive power, and it often great economies for m
purposes. It permits the transportation of water power, and it is used for communication, lightin
Steam and electric motors are great mechanical slaves and are a tremendous help to man’s prod
as well as relieving him of much of his work. Just imagine our condition id we had only human
wind to water power to transport qurselves and our goods, to do our heavy work, to pump our w
to produce our light.

Forum Diskusi Mahasiswa

To require - memerlukan to utilize - mempergunakan

To separate - memisah flood - banjir
To shape - membentuk drought -dryness
To perform - disini melakukan frost - air beku
Source (noun)- sumber to crush - menghancurkan
Limitation - batas development - disini perkembangan
Fatiguing - melelahkan turbine (noun) - turbin: mesin yang berputar
Sufficient - cukup to pull - menarik
To be carried- dilakukan steam engine - mesin uap
Beyond - melampaui durable - tahan lama
Addition - tambahan quarter - seperempat
To furnish - menyediakan to generate - membangkitkan
To supplement- melengkapi economies - disini kegunaan
at least - paling dikit lighting - penerangan
at last - pada akhirnya communication - perhubungan
vessel (noun)- kapal to pump - memompa


Answer the following questions basing your answer on the text (a).
1. What does man need power for? (lines 2-3)
2. Why is human power considered to be insufficient for the tasks man has to perform to
(lines 8-9)
3. What drawbacks does animal power have? (lines 10-12)
4. What words in line 15 show that wind power is intermittent? (intermittent= tidak tetap
5. What influence does drought have on water power?
6. What verb in lines 19-20 is used to show that the wooden water wheels used before th
eighteenth century would not have been strong enough to utilize great waterfalls as wa
7. What great event which took place in the eighteenth century revolutionized the use of
(lines 23-24)
8. What did James Watt invent in 1782? (lines 27-28)
9. What words in lines 28-29 show that 20th century steam engines are better than those
in use?
10.How do we produce electricity? (lines 31-32).

A. Change these conditional sentence. The form changes, but the meaning remains the same
Examples : you can learn something about English grammar if you study the basic textbo
(=by studying)
You can learn something about English grammar by studying the basic textbooks.

a. We shall increase our productivity if we make use of better tools and machinery.
b. You can satisfy your material wants if you sacrifice a great deal of your leisure.
c. You can become a rich man if you provide people with the things they need.
d. You can have better credit if you increase your assets.
e. People will be admitted at the swimming-pool if they show their entrance-ticket.
f. Much harm might have been avoided if we had chosen the right people to works fo
g. The patient will only recover if he stays in bed for a couple of weeks.

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