Chủ Đề 01: Study: Q1: Are you a student or are you working?

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Q1: Are you a student or are you working?

I'm currently a senior at Foreign Trade University, which is one of the top schools in the
nation. Admission is incredibly competitive so l'm very proud of being a student here.

Q2: What are you studying?

Well, I'm majoring in Accountancy, so as you can guess, I deal a lot with numbers and
figures day in, day out. It can be overwhelming at times, but I think that I have a knack
for mathematics and calculations so it's okay.

Q3. What's the most difficult part of your study?

Well, for the most part, I'd say it's the workload. I mean there are so many assignments
and students are always under a lot of pressure from deadlines. But on the other hand,
exams are a piece of cake. They are quite predictable, and I can pretty much* breeze
through them with a bit of revision.

*pretty much = almost

Q4: What do you like most about your school?

I guess the aspect I find most enjoyable is the environment. I mean, I get to study in
English-speaking classrooms and the facilities are the top-notch; I mean, all the
classrooms are air-conditioned and equipped with projectors. My friends and teachers
are all very nice as well, so all in all it's a great place to study.


senior (n): sinh viên năm cuối

admission is ... competitive: đầu vào rất khó/ cạnh tranh

I major in (v): tôi học ngành gì

day in; day out (idiom): ngày qua ngày

overwhelming: quá sức

have a knack for (idiom): có năng khiếu

a piece of cake (n): dễ như ăn bánh

breeze through sth (idiom): vượt qua cái gì dễ dàng

English - speaking classrooms (n): lớp học nói tiếng Anh

With flying colors (idiom): đậu điểm cao

top-notch (idiom): tuyệt vời, đỉnh

Bài tập
Exercise 1 - Upgrade the following words
1. fourth-year student
2. everyday
3. too difficult/too much to handle
4. have a natural talent for
5. excellent
6. study something

Exercise 2 - Match the following phrases to an appropriate description

1. of the top schools in VN... “> a) ... all the rooms are well-furnished and
equipped with the most cutting-edge
2. ...overwhelming workload... -> b) ... I am always up to my ears in deadlines
and assignments. I mean, I barely have time to
3. ...exams are a piece of cake...->
c) ... You need to score really high on the
placement test in order to be accepted
4. ...facilities are top-notched... d) ... I didn't attend my tutorials and
I still managed to pass all of them
Exercise 3 - How do you explain the following names
1. Phở bò , which is ...
2. FPT, which is...
3. Harvard, which is...
4. Danang, which is...

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