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Partial Derivatives of a Function of Two Variables

If = , , then the first partial derivatives of f with respect to x and y are the functions fx and fy defined by
∆ , ,
, = lim (partial derivative with respect to x)
∆ → ∆

, ∆ ,
and , = lim (partial derivative with respect to x) provided that the limit exist.
∆ → ∆


1. Find , and , for , =3 − +2

To find , , we have to treat the variable y as constant and differentiate the function with respect to x.
, = 3 − +2
, = 3−2 +2 3 = − +
To find , , we have to treat the variable x as constant and differentiate the function with respect to y.
, = 3 − +2 (derivative of a constant is 0)
, =0− 2 +2 1 =− +
2. Find , and , for , = ln [sin ]
To find , , we have to treat the variable y as constant and differentiate the function with respect to x.
, = ln [sin ]
, = ln sin + sin ln
, = ln cos + sin
* , = +, [-./ ] + /1,
To find , , we have to treat the variable x as constant and differentiate the function with respect to y.
, = ln sin
, = ln sin + sin ln
, = ln [cos ] + sin 0
, = ln [cos ]

Notation for First Partial Derivatives

For = , , the partial derivatives and are denoted by

2 23
, = , = = and
2 2

2 23
, = , = =
2 2

The first partials evaluated at the point (a, b) are denoted by


1. For . = 5 , find and and evaluate each at point (1, ln 2)
Answer: * 0, +, = 7 +, +
* 0, +, =
2. Find the slopes in the x – direction and in y – direction of the surface
* , =− − + at the point (½ ,1, 2)
) )
Answer: : , 1; = −
* : , 0; = −
3. Find the slopes of the surface
, =1− −1 − −2 at the point (1, 2, 1) in the x – direction and in y – direction.

Answer: 1,2 = 0, 1,2 = 0

Partial Derivatives of a Function of Three or More Variables

2< ∆ , ,3 , ,3
= , , = lim
2 ∆ → ∆

2< , ∆ ,3 , ,3
= , , = lim
2 ∆ → ∆

2< , ,3 ∆3 , ,3
= , , = lim
23 ∆3→ ∆3

To find partial derivative with respect to one of the variables, hold the other variables constant and differentiate with
respect to the given variable.


1. Find the partial derivative of , , = + + with respect to z.

Answer: = +
2. Find the partial derivative of , , = >?@ +2 with respect to z
Answer: = -./ + = + /1, + =
3. Find the partial derivative of , , ,A = with respect to w.
Answer: −

Higher – Order Partial Derivatives

Consider the function = = * ,

1. Differentiate twice with respect to x

2 2 26
: ;= = ,
2 2 2 6
2. Differentiate twice with respect to y
2 2 26
: ;= =
2 2 2 6
3. Differentiate first with respect to x and then with respect to y
2 2 26
: ;= =
2 2 2 2
4. Differentiate first with respect to y and then with respect to x
2 2 26
: ;= =
2 2 2 2

1. Find the second partial derivatives of , =3 −2 +5 and determine the value of
−1,2 . Answer: - 28

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