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7 Techniques to Tame Monkey Mind

Επτα τροποι να εξημερώσεις το Monkey Mind )

by Heidi Hanna, PhD

Executive Director for The American Institute of Stress, NY Times best selling
author, Founder of Beyond Funny

1) Minimize multitasking — we are hardwired to pay close attention to potential

threats in our environment, which historically have been determined by cues such as
noise, movement, and changes in lighting. Today, our homes and offices often trigger
sensitivity with these same cues, and although we work hard to stay focused on the
task at hand, our brains fatigue and our attention starts to wander. What’s more, the
content of noise that appears to be in the background can make its way into our
awareness, even shifting our perception of our day. One study showed that people
who watched just 3 minutes of negative news were 27% more likely to rate their day
as being negative as well. Tame the monkey mind by turning off unnecessary noise
and stimulation whenever possible.

2) Movement — when we worry, our brain wants to help guide us to mobilize to take

control of the situation. Instead of fighting or running away, however, we tend to sit
and wallow in our worries, which can make us feel stuck, overwhelmed, and out of
control. One of the quickest ways to tame the monkey mind and reduce anxiety is to
get physical activity. This allows us to utilize stress hormones in a more positive and
productive way, triggers the release of endorphins that help us to feel good and boosts
our sense of accomplishment. Even when we can’t solve the problem, taking some
sort of personal action like a short burst of exercise or just taking a quick walk can
tame the monkey mind, reduce stress, and help us think more clearly.

3) Meditation — although it’s challenging at first, slowing down our breathing and

quieting the mind is one of the best ways to train the brain to be still. When the
monkey mind is active, it can feel impossible to calm it down. You can reduce the
chaos by first focusing on how it feels to breathe in and out. Keeping your attention
on the physical sensations in your body as your chest expands and contracts. Then,
shift your focus to something or someone you feel grateful for. If you mind starts to
wander, just notice it and bring it back to your object of gratitude. Like training
muscles in the gym and resisting the pull of gravity, notice that it’s challenge and just
continue to bring your awareness back over and over again to gratitude, strengthening
your ability to stay in the present moment.

4) Mirth  (γέλιο/ευθυμία) — finding something funny is a quick way to shift a busy

brain into a more relaxed and creative state. Mirth is the emotional experience of
humor; the feeling you get when you notice that something is funny. It could be
curious, peculiar, or ironic. And it doesn’t have to make you laugh out loud, although
if you do you’ll benefit even more. Humor research has shown that finding something
funny decreases stress hormones, improves immune function, strengthens memory,
builds resilience, and like meditation is a skill that can be developed over time. The
more you intentionally go find something funny, the more likely notice funny things
throughout the day. And humor not only calms the monkey mind, it also helps
channel that energy in a more productive way by nourishing creativity, collaboration,
and innovation through cognitive flexibility. (I have a few of my favorite humor
videos at the free Recharge Tool Kit here.)

5) Music — it seems that music has a way of bypassing the human part of the brain to
nudge (σπρώξει/σκουντήξει) the monkey mind in a new and improved direction. You
can use music to trigger excitement and passion to harness energy towards
performance goals, or you can use music to quiet, calm, and soothe the nervous
system by providing a slower, softer, more rhythmic tone to balance brainwaves. Set
aside time to create a playlist to quiet your monkey mind so that when you need to
calm down you’ll have them close by. Like any other mental muscle, the more you
use the cue of specific songs to recharge, the quicker you’ll shift to this state over

6) Massage — healing touch is a great way to soothe the nervous system, and there are
several options that can help reduce anxiety. Setting up a regular massage routine
weekly or as often as you can make it work will help you take big steps towards
calming the monkey mind. If regular massage appointment isn’t possible, you can
also find many locations that offer a short chair massage (common at malls and
airports), use a massage chair, or do some self-massage just by rubbing your neck,
shoulders, or arms. Using a hot-tub or even taking a warm bath can mimic some of the
benefits of massage by providing a soothing environment for the body. Considering
the fact that anxiety resides in the body and then triggers the monkey mind based on
our senses, it’s critical to find ways to self-soothe and calm the nervous system
through whole-body interventions.

7) Meaning — although it may be the toughest to incorporate at times, the most

impactful anti-anxiety strategy is likely our ability to find meaning in the challenges
we face. The human system is wildly adaptable and resilient, but can also be quiet
sensitive and reactive when we don’t feel like we have the resources we need to
survive. That’s why self-care, self-soothing, and personal recharge strategies are so
important to keep our energy levels as consistent as possible, especially in the midst
of challenging circumstances. But even when things are at their worst, people who are
able to find a lesson in the difficulties and see potential areas for growth as a result are
much more likely to put one foot in front of the other until life takes a turn for the
better. Building a curiosity mindset by asking the important questions such as “what
matters most to me”, “what is the lesson in this”, and “how can I serve others in this
time” actually keep the brain in a more flexible and resilient state, allowing us to
better problem solve and find solutions that enhance our experience of life rather than
leading us to burn out and break down because of it.

It’s important to remember that we all slip into our monkey minds from time to time.
And there is a good reason for it. These survival instincts that keep us sensitive to
stress and reactive to our emotions help get us out of danger when necessary. But
when our monkey mind starts to become more common than not, it’s important to
nudge our neurons into a more positive and productive state by shifting our senses and
calming down. Taking care of your monkey mind will not only help to reduce anxiety
and the fatigue that often turns to depression as a result of over-activity, but it will
also optimize your health and performance each day. Take time to prime your brain to
be in its peak state, and be the boss of your brain by aligning your mind regularly with
the energy you want to bring to the time that you have


Βά λτες (τις μαϊμού δες) να κά νουν κά τι! Ν΄ακού σουν μουσική /ρά διο, να
περπατή σουν, να ξεσκονίσουν, να κατασκευά σουν κά τι, να αρχειοθετή σουν, και
γενικά κά τι διαφορετικό απο ό τι κά νεις κά θε μέρα και σε φέρνει στο ίδιο
από τέλεσμα. Δεν βοηθά ει ιδιαίτερα να δεις τηλεό ραση, αλλά να βά λεις μουσική
και να κά νεις κά τι στο σπίτι.

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