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“Personality Disorder”


Dr. Dina Sukma, S.Psi., S.Pd., M.Pd







A. Understanding
Personality is an atmosphere of dynamic behavior of a person's psychophysis and
is shaped by the processes of development of his soul, body and social life.
Personality disorder is a developmental process that occurs in childhood,
adolescence, and continues into adulthood.
It is a deeply ingrained and lasting pattern of behavior that emerges as a rigid
response to a wide range of personal and social situations.
According to Luluk Farida regarding disorders as follows: Personality disorders
are feelings of depression, understanding, insecurity and inferiority. This
individual hopes to be liked and accepted by others and his environment.
However, what is obtained is experiencing hypersensitivity to rejection and
criticism. They believe that they are socially incapable and personally
unattractive. As a result, they become insecure, easily anxious, suspicious and
afraid when they are in a new environment or meet strangers.
Another opinion expressed by Lazarus is that disturbed personalities tend to have
unstable emotions, often get angry, have feelings of envy, envy, anxiety, guilt,
shame, sadness, and hope. With the influence of unstable emotions it is strong.
Often this can trigger physiological diseases, for example: coronary heart
disease, the disease can occur due to someone who has a habit of always being in
a hurry, wanting to do all activities in the shortest time, hostility, and a desire to
compete. In this case, research states that it occurs due to work stress, and a
person's inability to manage anger.

B. Forms and Characteristics of Behavior

In a study from the journal Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Metal Disorders,
the fourth edition stated that personality disorders themselves have groupings, in
the journal personality disorders are grouped into three groups, namely:
a. Group A, consisting of paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal personality
disorders. People who are experiencing this personality disorder will often
look strange and eccentric.
b. Group B, consisting of antisocial, borderline, historical, and narcissistic
personality disorders. People who are experiencing this personality disorder
will often be dramatic, emotional, and unstable.
c. Group C consists of avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive
personality disorders, and a category called undetermined personality
disorders, examples of which are passive-aggressive personality disorders and
depressive personality disorders. People who are experiencing this personality
disorder will often appear anxious and afraid
Personality disorders have traits that we can recognize. So that someone can be
identified whether he belongs to the category of someone who has a personality
disorder or not. As for explaining the characteristics of these personality
disorders, the researchers explain them as follows:
a. At least they are in the age range of 18 years.
b. Have a pattern of behavior like truancy, run away, likes to fight both
physically and verbally, likes to lie.
c. Sometimes he is too caring, sometimes not at all.
d. Less obedient to the applicable rules, preferring to violate these regulations.
e. Easily offended by the words of others, does not like to be criticized and
prefers to be given praise.
f. Personal inconsistency between words and actions.
g. Empowering others for personal satisfaction.
h. Too much hate for others, too carried away by feelings.
i. Enjoys doing self-injurious activities.
j. There is a strong desire to take revenge on others.
k. Lack of remorse for mistakes that have been made.
l. Stubborn, rigid, desire perfectionist.
In another sense regarding the characteristics of personality disorders in the
opinion of Lailatul Fithriyah and Muhammad Jauhar as follows:
a. Has unusual behavior.
b. Having behavior that is not socially acceptable or violates social norms.
c. Having a wrong perception or behavior towards reality.
d. These people are under significant personal stress.
e. Having maladaptive behavior, behavior that causes us to feel unhappy and
limits us from functioning in the expected roles.
f. Dangerous behavior, behavior that threatens self or others

C. Ways of handling personality disorders personality

Forward Chaining is a reasoning that starts from the facts to get a conclusion
from these facts (Giarratano and Riley, 2005). Forward chaining can be said as
an inference strategy that starts from a number of known facts. The search is
carried out using rules whose premises match the known facts to obtain new facts
and continue the process until the goal is achieved or until there are no more
rules whose premise matches the known facts and the facts obtained. Forward
chaining is also known as forward chaining or data driven search. So the search
starts from the premises or input information (if) first and then goes to the
conclusion or derived information (then). Forward Chaining means using the
condition-action rule set. In this method, data is used to determine which rules to
execute or by adding data to working memory for processing to find a result.

Baroroh, N., & Rosdiyanti, N. (2019). Status Pertanggungjawaban Pelaku Tindak

Pidana Bagi Penderita Gangguan Mental Kategori Kepribadian Antisosial Perspektif
Hukum Positif dan Hukum Islam. Al-Mazahib: Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum, 7(2), 167-

Alfaris, A. A. (2019). Bimbingan Konseling Islam dengan Terapi Realitas dalam

Mengurangi Gangguan Kepribadian Mahasiswi di Fakultas Dakwah dan
Komunikasi Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya (Doctoral dissertation,
UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya).


(Studi Kasus: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung). JURNAL ISTEK, 8(2).

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