Lab and Diagnostic Test (Liver Cancer) Manuscript

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Biochemical Test

Actual Findings Normal range Interpretations

Fasting Blood Sugar 93 mg/dl <100 mg/dl Normal
Urea 31mg/dl 15-40mg/dl Normal
Creatinine 1.3 mg/dl <1.5mg/dl Normal
Na+ 138mEq/L 135-150 mEq/L Normal
K+ 3.9 mEq/L 3.5-5 mEq/L Normal
Ca++ 8.5 mg/ dl 8.5-10.4 mg/dl Normal
PO4 3.9 mg/dl 2.7-4.5 mg/dl Normal
Total Bilirubin 0.8 mg/dl <1 mg/dl Normal
Direct Bilirubin 0.3 mg/dl <0.3 mg/dl Normal
Indirect Bilirubin 0.5 mg/dl <0.7 mg/dl Normal
AST 63 U/L <40 U/L High level of AST in
the blood may
indicate hepatitis,
mononucleosis, or
other liver disease.
ALT 58U/L <40 U/L High level of ALT
may indicate liver
damage from
hepatitis, infection,
cirrhosis, liver
cancer, or other liver
Alp 66 U/L <195 U/L Normal
γ-GT 63 U/L <50 U/L High level of y-GT in
the blood may be a
sign of liver disease
of damage to the bile
Total Protein 6.3 g/dl 6-8 g/dl Normal
Albumin 2.7g/dl 3.2-5.5 g/dl Low albumin level
may be a malnutrition
and it can also mean
you have liver
disease or
inflammatory disease.
Globulin 3.6 mg/dl 2.5-3 mg/dl High levels may
indicate infection,
inflammatory disease
or immune disorder.
AG Ratio 0.75 1.2-2:1 Low AG ratio might
be the sign of
autoimmune disorder.
Total Cholesterol 95 mg/dl <200 mg/dl Normal
HDL-C 42 mg/dl 30-60 mg/dl Normal

LDL-C 118 mg/dl 70-130 mg/dl Normal

VLDL 35mg/dl 10-50 mg/dl Normal
TG 65 mg/dl 40-1700 mg/dl Normal
Uric Acid 4.5 mg/ dl 3.5-7.2 mg/dl Normal

Actual Findings Normal Range Interpretation
Hb 15 mg/dl >13 mg/dl Normal
WBC 8300 4000-11000 Normal
Neutrophils 70% 40-60% High neutrophils
indicate infection
Lymphocytes 25% 20-40% Normal
Monocytes 4% 2-8% Normal
Eosinophil 1% 0.0-6.0% Normal
NLR 2.8 1-3 Normal
ESR 21mm/hr <10mm/hr High ESR may be
related to an
α-feto protein (AFP) 32 U/L 10-20 U/L High level of AFP
measurement may indicate other
cancer including
lymphoma and renal
cell carcinoma

Actual Findings Interpretation
Hepatitis B & C Non-Reactive No Hepatitis B and C surface
antigen was found.
Actual Finding Interpretation
NECT CECT Scan  Enlarged liver (18.9 cm)  Suggestive of necrosis
 Lobulated outline
hypodense lesion
 Seen involving right lobe
of liver
 No evidence of
calcification within. Post
contrast scan shows
enhancement of the mass
lesion with no-enhancing
hypodense areas

Post contrast show:

 Heterogeneous  Hypodense filling
enhancement of the mass defect suggestive of
lesion with no-enhancing thrombus is seen
hypodense areas within intrahepatic
suggestive of necrosis. and extrahepatic
 It measures inferior vena cava
approximately 12.8X9.4 above renal hilum.
cm in size.
 Inferomedially, fat
plane with adrenal gland
and upper pole of kidney
is lost.

Actual Findings
Portal and Hepatic veins Normal
No Dilation of IHBR

Actual Findings Interpretation

Gallbladder Not visualized Indicates congenital
absence of gallbladder.
CBD Normal
Pancreas, spleen, bilateral Visualized soft tissue Normal
kidney, adrenal glands,
abdominal viscera, major
vessels, urinary bladder,
prostate glands
Chest Visualized section appears Normal

Actual Finding
Ultrasound and CT Scan Suggestive of hepatocellular carcinoma

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